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Warning shots fired at Christie/ Spencer UAH Building?

News just coming in suggests someone took some pot shots at the building the UAH satellite data is analyzed in.

Shots Fired into the Christy/Spencer Building at UAH

April 24th, 2017 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D.

A total of seven shots were fired into our National Space Science and Technology Center (NSSTC) building here at UAH over the weekend.

All bullets hit the 4th floor, which is where John Christy’s office is (my office is in another part of the building).

Given that this was Earth Day weekend, with a March for Science passing right past our building on Saturday afternoon, I think this is more than coincidence. When some people cannot argue facts, they resort to violence to get their way.

Maybe the “March For Science” should have been called the “March To Silence”.

More discussion at Roy Spencers Blog and also at WUWT.

Roy Spencer adds in an email:

I doubt any media have covered it yet. I doubt the police have even written a report yet. From what I’ve heard, it sounds like the police believe the shots were fired from a passing car, and some shell casings were recovered, as well as fragments of bullets inside the building. You can quote me.
Things that feed mindless hate: Namecalling, poor science education  and mangled English. When the old accurate meanings are destroyed, there is almost no chance of a proper conversation. How can two views be reconciled when people don’t speak the same language?
Best wishes to Roy, John and the whole team. If this suspicious event happened to a believer it would be front page hyperbole, “Death Threats to Climate Scientists.”
h/t Marc Morano, Climate Depot.
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