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Al Gore says climate change is like slavery

Al Gore’s new move is to wrap the global warming religion in with a bucket-list of “moral movements”, evidently targeting the naive souls who seek an Instant Life’s Mission, and / or  approval from sorority girls:

Al Gore: battle against climate change is like fight against slavery

The fight against global warming is one of humanity’s great moral movements, alongside the abolition of slavery, the defeat of apartheid, votes for women and gay rights, according to the former US vice-president and climate campaigner, Al Gore.

He forgets to add the defeat of Hitler and eradication of small pox. Though he gets points for finding a way to quote Martin Luther King Jnr: “No lie can live forever”.

Gore piles on the “industrial revolution” — apparently confusing actual working steam engines that move twenty thousand tons with solar cars whose weight is measured in kilograms and whose load bearing capacity is not even mentioned:

The battle to halt climate change can be won, he said, because the green revolution delivering clean energy is both bigger than the industrial revolution and happening faster than the digital revolution.

But he mixes up the exponential theoretical prospects of renewables with the exponential rising price of electricity.

He appears to be launching a new advertising theme for the climate change movement now that “the science” meme is wearing out:

“The climate movement should be seen in the context of the great moral causes that have transformed and improved the outlook for humanity,” he told the Ashden green energy awards ceremony.

Prophet Gore speaks to disciples:

“When the central issue was thus framed in stark relief because of who we are as human beings, the outcome became foreordained,” Gore said.

And Thus and Verily did the people come forth to hold back tides, stop storms and generally felt Very Self Important, fulfilled, and full of Global Smugness.

h/t Climate Depot

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