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Trump nearly, really, almost, about to pull out of Paris Agreement

Two days ago unidentified confidants suggested he would really pull out. Now more unnamed sources have more details about the announcement that is apparently imminent. Headlines are telling us that Trump Withdraws from Paris Climate Change, but Trump hasn’t (yet).

Are you excited?

Scoop: Trump is pulling U.S. out of Paris climate deal

President Trump has made his decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, according to two sources with direct knowledge of the decision. Details on how the withdrawal will be executed are being worked out by a small team including EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt. They’re deciding on whether to initiate a full, formal withdrawal — which could take 3 years — or exit the underlying United Nations climate change treaty, which would be faster but more extreme.

Thanks to ClimateDepot, The Hill tells us:

 CBS News also reported that Trump is telling allies about his decision. The move marks a dramatic departure from the Obama administration, which was instrumental in crafting the deal. It also makes the U.S. an outlier among the world’s nations, nearly all of whom support the climate change accord. But Trump’s decision fulfills an original campaign promise he made just over a year ago to “cancel” the accord.

And Twitter is troppo:#ParisAgreement (as James Delingpole notes).

Trump was elected on this promise, and now people are shocked that he might keep it.

Donald Trump  = Death Star:

Paris Agreement Tweet


Big Energy companies put profits aside to become planet saving charity groups:

Paris Agreement Tweet



Friends of Earth attacks them anyway:

Paris Agreement Tweet


Fan of The Science uses best reasoning:

Paris Agreement Tweet


LA secedes from the United States:

Paris Agreement Tweet



Hours of fun!

 Dear Donald, send one of your tweets,
That the U.S. won’t take up their seats,
At the Paris accord,
Which the skeptics abhorred,
But adored by the warmist elites.

— Ruairi.

Don’t miss Delingpole: Climate Mob Threatens Trump – ‘Quit Paris and You’re Toast!’

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