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Greens, the baseload deniers, want $2.2b for bandaid batteries to keep junk renewables alive

The Greens are now asking for another $2.2billion to pay for the battery bandaid to fix a problem they and the leeching renewables industry created.

Adam Bandt is out today with the big new plan, apparently confused about what “load” means:

We don’t have a baseload problem, we have a peak load problem,” Mr Bandt said.

No matter how you look at this, it’s not a “load” problem. It’s an issue of supply.

We can count on the Greens to pour confusion on any problem:

“We need flexible generation and energy storage to manage the transition, not more coal.”

Four mistakes in one sentence. We have flexible generation – more than enough to cope with the current load curve. What we need is affordable electricity, which we used to have, and which coal supplies. What we don’t  need is energy storage to manage an irrelevant transition that we never had to have in the first place. Let me say it again, electricity generators are for generating electricity, not for magical attempts to control the climate.

What Adam Bandt  was trying to say:

We The freeloading renewables industry needs flexible generation and energy storage to make up for its unreliable supply, to manage keep the frivolous and expensive transition to renewables from collapsing, not more coal.

Baseload scares the renewables industry and their lobbyists

It’s the great weakness of intermittent renewables. Solar and wind are in dire need of government funded batteries to stop their inefficient, unreliable, subsidy-dependent industry from evaporating. It’s only by paying more billions to “shift the load curve” that the normal load can be adapted to fit the new intermittent supply.

How much?

Such a system could  deliver between 400 and 450-gigawatt hours of storage, which has the potential to power more than 100,000 homes for eight hours.

Or we could save $2b, get the government out of the electricity market, and let someone else spend $2b of their own money building an efficient coal plant that would supply more homes for fifty years at rates much cheaper.


h/t Dave B

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