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Trump landmark Davos speech “unleashes hell” on vampire squid, crony, self serving globalists

Trump — speaking Truth to power. Creating 2.4million jobs. The networking parasites will hate it.

The full text of his speech at Davos.

UPDATE: Worth watching. He is quite the statesman. He could have used the economic success to laud himself, to scorn those who mocked him, but instead he is saying — This is what we’re doing. It’s working brilliantly. You can do it too. He’s talking about how tax cuts and lower regulation have created a flood of investment to the US.  In the audience are a group of people who may well mock him, but they are quietly thinking, “how do we catch up”. Trump has created a race, and all the investment that flows into the US is coming from all the nations sitting in the audience.

h/t Martin Clarke

James Delingpole marks the Trump appearance as historic, inspirational:

Apocalypse Trump Is Unleashed on Davos

We knew something apocalyptic was coming in Davos today. Those tactically released photographs of President Trump arriving by helicopter with his entourage were the giveaway: the silhouetted choppers strung out in extended line in the orange-yellow light above the mountains.

Why, if you’d listened carefully, you might almost have heard the strains of Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyrie…

The enemy on this occasion, of course, was Davos Man. Or – if you prefer – the globalist elite which has spent the last several decades stitching up the world in its own interests: the Vampire-Squid-trained central banksters; the EU technocrats; the corporatist crony capitalists; the rent-seeking sustainability experts; the priggish, politically correct, sermonising NGOs; the controlling one world government freaks; the woke Hollywood groupies; George Soros; pretty much all the reasons that made us vote for Donald Trump or Brexit, all gathered in one very expensive Swiss ski resort.

 Trump’s speech in Davos today establishes him as – by some margin – the most significant and inspirational and ideologically robust leader of the free world since the era of Ronald Reagan.

Trump’s vision is not – as his enemies mischaracterise it – one of insularity and narrow self interest. It’s about Making America Great Again in order to help the world follow by example and become great too.

Like all nations represented at this great forum, America hopes for a future which everyone can prosper and every child can grow up free from violence, poverty, and fear. Over the past year, we have made extraordinary strides in the U.S. We’re lifting up forgotten communities, creating exciting new opportunities, and helping every American find their path to the American dream. The dream of a great job, a safe home and a better life for their children.

Trump is restating here truths which ought to be obvious…

Remember how Trump is an idiot and will achieve nothing, a disaster in the making:

  1. I mean, he’s so blatantly stupid. He’s a punk, he’s a dog, he’s a pig, he’s a con, he’s a bullshit artist, he’s a mutt who doesn’t know what he is talking about, doesn’t do his homework, doesn’t care. Robert De Niro.
  2. “If he becomes president, it will be a disaster.” Former Danish foreign minister Martin Lidegaard.
  3. “A person who thinks only about building walls — wherever they may be — and not building bridges, is not Christian.” Pope Francis. [Bridges good: Walls bad, says a man who lives in a 40ft high walled enclave. – Jo]
  4. This nation [the U.S.] is going to fail if it goes into the hands of a crazy guy.” Former Mexican president Vicente Fox.
  5. “Mr Trump is so stupid, my God!” Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo

Donald Trump:

Since my election we’ve created 2.4 million jobs….  We lowered our corporate tax rate from 35 percent all the way down to 21 percent. As a result, millions of workers have received tax cut bonuses from their employers in amounts as large as $3,000. The tax cut bill is expected to raise the average American’s household income by more than $4,000. The world’s largest company, Apple, announced it plans to bring $245 billion in overseas profits home to America. Their total investment into the United States economy will be more than $350 billion over the next five years. Now is the perfect time to bring your business, your jobs, and your investments to the United States.

He is winding back the clock on the growth of big-gov, and the self-serving green blob after decades of non-stop growth. Here’s hoping the message will spread.

UPDATE: Thus did the crony climatista capitalists speak

The Sydney Morning Herald advertises the money-pile of green blob

Businesses should seize a $US6 trillion ($7.45 trillion) opportunity to invest in tackling climate change over the next two decades, the head of an Indian multinational said at Davos on Thursday.

“Climate change is the next century’s biggest financial and business opportunity,” Anand Mahindra, chairman of the Mahindra Group, a $US19 billion conglomerate, told the World Economic Forum (WEF), an annual meeting of global business and political leaders held in the Swiss Alps resort of Davos.

Mahindra likened the transformation to when cars were first introduced and the industry that developed around them. Climate change will also bring new appliances, technologies and retrofitting of old ones, he said.

– h/t -Dave B

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