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AEMC wants input on how to save Australia’s Electricity Grid — Due Monday Feb 6th

AMEC logo, Review, Australian Electricity Grid.AEMC is the Australian Energy Market Commission. It’s “the rule maker for Australian Electricity and gas markets”. They make the National Electricity, Gas, and Energy Retail rules. There are a lot of government bureacracies. AEMC sound more influential than most, and they are asking for consultation, but by Monday. There will be a chance to comment in March, but I know some readers have material already written that is relevant. Sorry about the short notice.

AEMC invites consultation on ways to deliver a reliable supply of energy at the lowest cost

Stakeholders are encouraged to provide input on the Interim report.

 AEMC invites consultation on ways to deliver a reliable supply of energy at the lowest cost

Submissions are due by 6 February 2018. Stakeholders are also welcome to meet with the project team (please contact Sarah-Jane Derby on 02 8296 7823 or sarah.derby@aemc.gov.au).

There will be further opportunity to provide input when we publish a directions paper in March 2018.

The final report, including recommended actions, will be published in mid 2018 for consideration by the COAG Energy Council.

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