- JoNova - -

EarthHour: largest global movement for environment. “Millions participate” and like every carbon scheme, nothing happens

Earthhour is “The Largest Global Movement for the Environment”*

SBS tells us that it started in Australia (sorry), is observed by millions, and now occurs in 187 countries. (Since only one person has to turn off one light to qualify, I want to know which seven countries didn’t?)

To mark Earth Hour this year, WWF asked the public to make a “promise for the planet” – a small step in their own lives to help reduce their environmental footprint – such as refusing plastic cutlery or carrying a reusable coffee cup.  While these promises are small individually, WWF stated that “millions of people taking these actions together will have a massive, powerful impact”.

Which day was EarthHour Day in Australia —  Spot the difference:

Was this EarthDay?

The Australian National Electricity Grid last weekend.


Or this?

Electricity use, Australia, Earth Hour.

The Australian National Electricity Grid last weekend (the other day).

Source: Aneroid 24th March and Aneroid 25th March.

Notice the Earth-saving electricity dip at 8:30pm when millions turn off their lights!

Megagrams of carbon was saved. (Maybe.)

Take it from WWF  — this is the sum total effect of all the voters that care about climate change.

There were similar successes in California (WUWT) and in the UK (Paul Homewood).

The word you are looking for is “noise”.

Like every carbon scheme…

PS: The top graph was Earth Hour Day in Australia.


*It must be true, the website says so.

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