Climate change is one quarter of the EU’s reason for being (a wild 25% of total spending?)

There are 741 million people in the EU.  For years, their supranational government has been spending one fifth of their entire budget (!) on attempts to change the weather. Since that didn’t work, they are going to spend more. What was 20% is rising to 25%.

It says a lot about how irrelevant the EU is that they have nothing more important to do than wave sticks at future storms and promise to hold back the tide with low powered hairdryers.

No other big pressing issues?

EU Logo


The European Union’s executive is poised to propose spending 25 percent of funds available in next EU multiannual budget on activities related to climate protection, making sure new economic and political challenges don’t weaken the bloc’s resolve to fight pollution.

While Europe’s political priorities are changing, the EU wants to continue leading global efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, which scientists blame for heating up the planet, and seeks to cut dependence on fossil fuels, shifting to cleaner renewable energy sources. The bloc aims to lower carbon emissions by at least 40 percent by 2030 compared with 1990 levels and to boost the share of renewables to at least 27 percent of energy consumption.

— Bloomberg

In the past, this kind of ludicrous total has appeared to be mere accounting hocus — where money that was going to be spent on something just gets rebadged as “climate action”. But back in 2013 this still equated to €180 billion on climate stuff between then and 2020. Even if most of it is “rebadged”, the mere breadcrumb trail it leaves would feed ten thousand activists.

A billion here, a billion there — pretty soon we’ll be talking about money for jam for the Green Blob.

The only real surprise is that the EU thinks this is something worth bragging about. Historians will have a field day with this.

Meanwhile the EU is starting to Brexit-up and the witchdoctors are concerned that without the UK, Poland and other coal using countries will have a more skeptical influence. Go Poland. 🙂

The E.U.’s most profligate plan,
Is to spend every cent that it can,
Not on social welfare,
Or more medical care,
But to try and change climate by man.



9.6 out of 10 based on 81 ratings

121 comments to Climate change is one quarter of the EU’s reason for being (a wild 25% of total spending?)

  • #

    The EU is what the UN strive to become, a totalitarian power posing as a co-decision making collective, if the EU is openly pushing to throw money at a failed hypothesis for zero benefit for its people imagine what it will do with a complete majority of nations?

    Where Orwell warned of total control equals total oppression the EU is an example of governmental and the UN of business models, either way it NEVER ends well for the people.


    • #

      Yes, but at what point does the EU (and UN) run out of other people’s money? What then?


    • #
      Sceptical Sam

      The irony is beautiful. Coal and steel.

      The European Parliament first met on 10 September 1952. It began as the Common Assembly of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). It was a consultative assembly of 78 appointed parliamentarians drawn from the national parliaments of member states, having no legislative powers. It still has no power to initiate legislation. Yes. You read that correctly. Bureaucrats rule. OK?

      I leave it to you to pick the pun.


    • #
      Roy Hogue

      The EU is what the UN strive to become, a totalitarian power posing as a co-decision making collective…

      Oh come now Yoni, they only want to save the world from terrible catastrophe. I’m surprised that such a dedicated group can’t manage to spend 50% or even 60% on climate change.


      • #
        Roy Hogue

        And if you believe that I have some stock in a beautiful old historical bridge in New York City that I’m being forced to sell cheap. You can have the whole 100 plus year old bridge for just $$250,000,000 USD.

        Just look at her. From any angle at any time of day, she’s an unrivaled beauty and can be yours cheap — the Brooklyn Bridge, nothing but the best in the world from yours truly.

        And the best part is that this bridge is too old and too wise to worry about climate change.

        I accept personal checks, credit cards, money orders, PayPal, bitcoin, gold bullion… If you’ve got it I’ll take it.


  • #

    More sacrifice on the economic alter is obviously required as a demonstration of the power of those in charge.


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    Gary H

    Jo – “on-fifth” (20%) or 25%?


    • #

      They are currently spending one fifth but are increasing it to one quarter.

      For years, their supranational government has been spending one fifth of their entire budget … The European Union’s executive is poised to propose spending 25 percent of funds available in next EU multiannual budget


      • #

        Yes, that puzzled me briefly and then I read the next bit!


        • #
          Gary H

          Well goodness . .the next bit says, “The European Union’s executive is poised to propose spending 25 percent of funds available in next EU multiannual budget on activities related to climate protection.”

          So – it was 20% and is increasing to 25%. Jo – this is not a big deal – but, how about correcting it, OK. Thanks much.


          • #

            Gary — I’ve added “What was 20% is rising to 25%.” at the top so to avoid confusion. Does that clarify it enough?


            • #

              We are OK with decimals and percentages, but are a bit shaky when it comes to fractions.
              Although in Australia at present, the fractions are a lot better than the factions.


            • #
              Phillip Bratby

              25% of what is the question. The EU’s accounts have never been audited, because audits would reveal the corruption and the cast amount of money that is taken from the people and disappears into the hands of the corrupt.

              Have you ever seen any poor Commissar in the EU?


              • #

                they are audited annually. Your final sentence is very funny. Who writes your stuff?


              • #

                Auditors actually refused to sign off the EU Accounts

                And this is for the 20th successive year in a row!

                The Court of Auditors report said the European Commission and EU governments

                ‘must manage spending better’

                Just a Gravy Train of Parasites sipping the latte $ of Europe!


              • #
                robert rosicka

                Argee says “they are audited annually ” but so was the banks what’s your point ?


              • #
                Sceptical Sam


                Just a Gravy Train of Parasites sipping the latte $ of Europe!

                Just a Gravy Train of socialist enviro-fascist Parasites sipping the latte $ of Europe!

                There. Fixed it for you.

                Do they do latte in Europe?


            • #
              Gary H

              Indeed – thanks. Didn’t mean to sound so picky.


    • #

      Gary, read it again. Jo made it quite clear that 20% was one fifth (correct) but that was about to rise to 25% (which is one quarter.) She is correct.


  • #

    Meanwhile, European scientists are dealing with the puzzling correlation of increasing renewable energy supply leading to an increase in fossil fuel based energy supply:

    And other European scientists have also found that as market penetration of renewable energy has increased, the cost of electricity to consumers has increased, despite significant reductions in the wholesale price of electricity. The bottom line: “based on existing market designs, 100 percent renewables penetration cannot be achieved”.

    The law of unintended consequences apparently also doesn’t support “free energy”.


    • #
      Greg Cavanagh

      It’s sad that the people have paid for the green energy to be built, then they pay for the green energy to be delivered. At no point does it ever get cheaper.

      As for “scientists say”, these words have become an offence to free thinking people.


      • #
        el gordo

        When they think of the greater good, cost is not a problem.

        Portugal apparently got all its energy from renewables in March, while in Scotland…

        ‘It is estimated that the equivalent of 68.1 per cent of gross electricity consumption in Scotland came from renewable sources, up year-on-year by 14.1 percentage points.

        ‘Scottish government officials said it was 45 percentage points higher than the equivalent figure for the rest of the UK.

        ‘Wind generation increased by 34 per cent and hydro by 9 per cent last year.’

        The Independent



        • #
          Sceptical Sam

          ‘Scottish government officials said it was 45 percentage points higher than the equivalent figure for the rest of the UK.

          What those “Scottish government officials” didn’t tell anybody is that for the year ending the 4th quarter 2017, GDP growth in the UK as a whole increased 120% more than Scottish GDP growth. Perhaps there’s a lesson there?

          You can’t grow industry on wind and solar anywhere and remain internationally competitive – but to try to do so in Scotland is pure stupidity. Perhaps all the sensible Scots emigrated years ago?


      • #

        Greg, I immediately and cynically think “which ‘scientists’?” I have the same reaction to “experts say”!


        • #
          Greg Cavanagh

          That is one of the things that most bother me. They never tell you which scientist said it.

          The other one is “percentage increase”; from what? They never say.


  • #

    Ha! In the quest to reduce “The Carbon Footprint” German car manufacturers are building CO2 heat pumps as airconditioner units. All well and good, instant heat availability and all that. However, the manifold pressures of 8.5MPa to 11MPa means each car is a potential bomb.


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    Geoffrey Williams

    25% of funds on global warming crap . . ‘the mere breadcrumb trail it leaves would feed 10,000 activists’- this phrase is so true of the EU government in Brussels. It is and always has been about the money and the self serving beurocracies full of unproductive, safe (high paying) jobs for the boys. These people just care about their themselves, never mind the workers who have to pay for it all. Sounds familiar?! You bet.
    And we have it here in Aus . .


    • #
      Kinky Keith

      Sounds like Australia doesn’t need to join the EU, Australia’s politicians already have it all.

      The money and jet set lifestyle now.

      The pension later.

      The total control.


      • #

        I think it will be interesting to watch.

        At some point the general population will realize they have been had, then you wont want to be in the way.

        The powers that be, to try and head off being lynched, at that point will either create a :

        (a) A false pandemic
        (b) A false banking crisis
        (c) A false flag “terrorist” act

        …to bring the plebs back in line.

        Patriotism is a unifying ( & coercive ) force, and as Australians have been dumb enough to fall for it many times in the hands of the pollies when things get uncomfortable for them, so I suspect a false flag “attack” might be the preferred approach.

        However, the dust always settles, and after the same cycle repeats a few times, the powers that be will then have to either implement complete martial law with authority to shoot to kill, or bail out and run off to South America like other similar minded miscreants of times past.


        • #

          “…The powers that be, to try and head off being lynched, at that point will either…”

          You missed one.
          “Toss the climate scientists under the bus”. This will be the first line of defense – “We were only doing what the scientists said we should. If they got it wrong, it’s them you need to put against the wall, not us!” etc.
          Of course, it really IS the politicians job to investigate and assure themselves the proposals are not going to wreck the place, but since they never do that…


          • #

            That would be a very short term play…..they could say that, but as people sit in their cold homes with sick kids from lack of heating, they wont care who said what and when.

            Once the anger starts, it will be very hard to stop…they wont be able to shoot everyone.

            At that point, I could see foreign troops ( under UN command , as per Kissingers comments ) being brought in with orders to shoot to kill – that would be the final step in the engineered global power take-down by the UN, and you would finally see it for what it is.

            Mind you, never forget that whichever pollies were/are the biggest UN cheerleaders/Collaborators, are the ones who likely willingly share its goals, likely including use of foreign troops to shoot Australians. Keep that in mind….


        • #

          Who counts the votes in OZ?


      • #

        The indexed for life defined benefit pension.

        Pity about the taxpayers who pay for the politicians lifestyle who suffer market fluctuations in their accumulation pension superannuation scheme while suffering (see Royal Commission) at the hands of the fee parasites.


  • #
    el gordo

    In Australia they want to take money from the Super Fund to build a renewable paradise, they must be stopped at all costs.


    • #

      Thanks for the warning….if I see my Super fund doing this, I will change.

      No point in backing a completely dead & decaying horse….

      The rent seekers are utterly desperate….


    • #
      Sceptical Sam

      Get your funds into a Self Managed Super Fund. Control your own future. Manage it yourself.The only fees you pay are to your tax accountant to ensure you comply with the Tax Office’s rules (enforced by its lazy, money grabbing bureaucrats) and the annual fee to ASIC provides the government’s take on no-service.


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    David Maddison

    Unfortunately I don’t think the Elites of the United Kingdomstan are going to allow Brexit.


    • #
      Kinky Keith

      You can appreciate that they would be fearful of the loss of lifestyle associated with Brexit.

      It’s just Slavery with a modern face and the masters will push their art of manipulation to the max.

      Europe is in total chaos but can’t escape.

      Britain and the USA have a greater sense of freedom and the signs are good, but Britain still isn’t out of the woods yet.


      • #

        Neither is the US by a long shot.

        Until some of the creatures from the DC sewer start going to jail for their malfeasance things will not change for the better for the long run. Yea, that’s right, it’s a sewer not a swamp as the WHCD just proved beyond any doubt.

        And the UK? Ruling to take basic parental rights away from a couple with a sick child? The police threatening those discussing the subject on social media? They have a very very long way to go and I have serious doubts that they will be able to climb out of the hole.


        • #

          I think about the paedo rings that seem to operate at high levels within the UK Establishment, and resonate with other stuff I’d heard but couldn’t reasonably substantiate until all the high level entertainers scandal broke.

          Then you see this , and it re-inforces what a Godless and souless entitity the UK Establishment truly is.

          It reminds me of this scripture:

          “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites!

          You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean.”
          ( Matt 23:27 )


  • #

    “on activities related to climate protection, making sure new economic and political challenges don’t weaken the bloc’s resolve to fight pollution.”

    The word carbon is completely missing. Why? Admirable aim, fighting pollution. Fighting carbon dioxide just sounds silly considering it is the output of every living thing from bacteria to grasses to humans. The very idea that mankind controls Carbon Dioxide levels is itself nonsense appealing only to the idea of ‘obvious’.

    Also fossil fuels, rotted plant matter is now pollution. Not Chernobyl. Not heavy metals. Not exotic dumped chemicals. Carbon.
    Then “greenhouse gases, which scientists blame for heating up the planet”. All that’s lacking is any evidence at all. All the evidence contradicts this now absurd and disproven wild hypothesis.

    It’s all about funding the EU and the UN and their friends. Like sin, nothing will actually banned. Everything will be taxed. EU Carbon indulgences.


    • #

      The last few times Germany and France tried to save the planet, we called it something different. Tens of millions died and whole countries were laid waste. This time they are being more subtle. Poland, Russia and the UK are finally being a bit more suspicious, except the usual naysayers of Ireland and Scotland.

      Of course Labor wants the UK to capitulate to Germany and France, like Malcolm Turnbull’s great Uncle, George Lansbury who campaigned for disarmament and peace with Hitler, a man he assured everyone was unambitious and a good Christian.

      This has nothing to do with controlling Carbon Dioxide and protecting the Climate. Both are ridiculous concepts except no one is laughing.

      The Common Market morphed into the European Union morphed into the European Council and there are now three parliaments, three organizations and 10,000 public servants who earn more than the British PM and write all the laws for what were sovereign states. These people all need to be paid. Now they want a European Army. Comprised of the Germans, the French, the British and everyone else, to fight whom exactly?

      You can only hope this monstrous creation of politicians goes back to what really made sense, the Common Market, the Hanseatic League, not the Fourth Reich or the Sixth Republic.


      • #
        Greg Cavanagh

        Here is a very good description of the new European Union.

        Daniel 2:40And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron: forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and subdueth all things: and as iron that breaketh all these, shall it break in pieces and bruise. 2:41And whereas thou sawest the feet and toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay. 2:42And as the toes of the feet were part of iron, and part of clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong, and partly broken. 2:43And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.


        • #

          And have a look at the Louise Weiss building of the EU Parliament in Strasbourg that is basically a replica of the Tower of Babel….

          There are no such things as coincidence, IMHO, not something so blatant…


          • #
            Greg Cavanagh

            I always assumed it was based on the painting of Pieter Bruegel. It’s features are too similar to be coincidence. Here’s a nice little write up about the original painting.


            The Tower of Babel is a painting produced in 1563 by Flemish artist Pieter Bruegel The Elder. One of the most memorable paintings with a biblical motif, and has been made in three version, of which the second is the largest and most famous.

            The story of the Tower of Babel is from the Book of Genesis, but similar version of the story can also be found in Babylonian book of creation, Enuma Elish. Unified and monolingual humanity has decided to build a tower that would reach the sky. God decided to punish them with Confusion of Tongues, because of their vanity. Since that moment humanity has lost its unique language. The painting was probably commissioned by Nicholas Jonghelinck, Antwerp merchant. The artist presented the Tower of Babel as reminiscence of the Roman Coliseum. Although the tower reaches heaven, it is visibly cracking down since it is built on poor foundations – human vanity. Landscape on the painting is not biblical, but it reminds of Dutch landscapes. The artist suggests that the metaphorical meaning of the tower of Babel refers to the humanity, regardless of time and space.


    • #

      I shake my head at those who promote so called green energy, claiming it reduces pollution all the while wilfully ignoring the chronic pollution and environmental degradation caused by the manufacturing of batteries, wind turbines and solar panels, as well as the environmental damage when and where they are installed. Not forgetting the visual pollution inflicted on us by windfarms.

      Add to all of that the looming crisis when this green *cough* technology needs to be decommissioned – how can even the most loony alarmist not see current renewables for what they are? But if you want the answer to that question, just go to any environmental article at Fairfax and read the blog comments from the collective – facts, logic and basic common sense have no home there.


      • #

        They are called renewables for a good reason. Replaceables. The industrial lifespan of a gnat. While the Greens talk about coal power stations being ‘old’, like factories they are never old. Maintenance of windmills and solar farms is a joke.

        So all these billions, trillions are just being wasted to build a future for no one. It’s the program of shutting, decommissioning and dynamiting of coal power stations which is the real crime. Tasmania even shut down their gas turbine for export. That’s insane, willful destruction in the name of replaceables.


        • #

          I would heartily recommend the replacement of the word renewables with replaceables in every conversation. It will stick.


    • #

      It’s going to cost tens of trillions € to wash the carbon out of EU soil profiles. It’s a real mess, carbon gets everywhere.


      • #
        Sceptical Sam

        Especially all that brown Carbon in Germany and all the black Carbon in the UK. Trillions.

        And where’s the water going to come from to do the washing?

        Go long Perrier.

        Oops. No. On second thoughts Perrier is full of it too.


  • #

    the EU wants to continue leading global efforts to reduce greenhouse gases, which scientists blame for heating up the planet, and seeks to cut dependence on fossil fuels, shifting to cleaner renewable energy sources.

    The EU Commissioners haven’t paid any attention to the memos: more and more Unreliables causing more and more Grid Instability.™ It seems to be the usual bureaucratic thinking that if it doesn’t work, you have to do more and more of it, or as Will Rogers said:

    If stupidity got us into this, how come it won’t get us out?

    Although you do have to wonder if:

    “… the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on or by imbeciles who really mean it.”

    [― Laurence J. Peter, The Peter Principle ]

    Way back in 2012, the LA Times wrote under the headline “Rise of renewable energy will require more use of fossil fuels.” The article’s author opined:

    One of the hidden costs of solar and wind power—and a problem the state [California] is not yet prepared to meet— is that wind and solar power energy must be backed up by other sources, typically gas-fired generators. As more solar and wind energy generators come online, …, the demand will rise for more backup power from fossil fuel plants.

    Oh wow! It’s a requirement to increase emissions, not reduce them, through the introduction of a vicious non-virtuous circle—namely: more Unreliables require more Reliables. Bye bye Paris! A Paradox! A veritable Green’s Paradox!

    And so it is named by Blazquez, Fuentes-Bracamontes, Bollino & Nezamuddin in their paper The Renewable energy policy Paradox [2018; Elsevier].

    They make what I consider an extraordinary claim:”This paradox applies only to liberalized markets and not to centrally planned systems.” They seem to assume it’s a feature of “liberalised markets,” SA’s experience not withstanding, and centrally planned systems won’t install Unreliables. Not so.

    I won’t apologize for sounding gleeful, because I am! Yet another Unintended Consequence® of the Green’s Bright Ideas.™ has been uncovered. All the symptoms have been hiding in full view.

    This is a paper deserving of circulation to all Melon-Heads on both sides of the Tasman.


  • #

    We should not laugh at the bureaucracy and huge numbers of public serpents which make up the EU.
    We are just as bad and I ain’t talking about nurses and policemen.


    • #

      as the great George Carlin once said…Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups…


  • #

    The EU should take notice of the address by President Donald Trump to the UN …


    • #

      If anyone in the EU was to take any notice of anything said by Trump, they would be shot on the spot.
      It’s an old East German custom.
      You can take the girl out of East Germany, but you cant take East Germany out of the girl.


  • #

    Dear all, please understand the basics of EU communist financial management —

    There is no independent or accurate method of verifying whether the EU will spend this much or that much of their budget on any project as —

    The EU is a massive Ponzi and money laundering scheme that keeps the crony capitalist elites rich and in power. Don’t think so, just look at their actions on Greece, Cyprus, Italy, and so many other nations where pensions and savings where diverted (stolen) from many to fund the superstate supremos and cronies.
    Only one nation has stood-up to the EU bullies and won, that was Iceland.


    • #

      except last year. Hey there is a guy somewhere on this blog saying they don’t get audited.


      • #
        robert rosicka

        Hey here is a troll that has a job to distract and disrupt ,always asking never answering and if you look up the word hypocrite you’ll find his photo .


      • #

        Good one Gee Aye, hahahah not a chance —

        From 22 February 2018 —
        “The European Central Bank lacks the investigative powers to combat money laundering, Danièle Nouy, chair of the supervisory board of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM) at the ECB, said in a statement published today (February 22).

        The central bank decided to temporarily shut down Latvia’s third-largest ABLV Bank on February 19, arguing its financial position had suffered a “sharp deterioration”. The previous week, the US Treasury had accused the bank of having “institutionalised money laundering”.

        So how can the anyone believe that their audit passes muster when they admit that the ECB (European Central Bank), or any agency in the EU, can not ensure that Banking rules are being correctly applied and observe across all member states.


        • #
          Sceptical Sam

          Audits? Money laundering?


          No financial institution can be trusted with your money.

          Why, even in Australia, the land of the free, the honest and the unsullied we see that the banksters are crooks.

          The Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis Centre (Austrac), the financial intelligence agency, announced on Thursday it is suing Commonwealth bank for 53,700 breaches of money laundering and counter-terrorism-financing laws.

          The case relates to the use of intelligent deposit machines, a type of ATM launched in 2012, which allows customers to anonymously deposit and transfer cash, even when banks are closed.

          Commonwealth Bank is accused of failing to report properly on $77m worth of suspicious transactions to Austrac.

          This is a bank that was once owned by the Government of Australia.

          Australia’s current Royal Commission Into the Banking and Financial Services demonstrates that audits are part of the problem, not part of the solution. Like Financial Advisers auditors have a vested interest in keeping their high paying clients.

          PS: I rarely give credence to anything the rabid left-wing Guardian says. However, as if to prove the integrity of my view, this is the exception.


      • #

        Gee Aye,

        The only reason the last audit APPEARS to balance is because the ECB has changed some rules some 18 moths ago. Effectively cancelled lots of debt. Not ordinary peoples debt but BIG BANK and individual EU state government debt, or “non-performing loans”

        Also the ECB found that they had ‘lost’ €10 BILLION, oops where did that go?
        From March 2018 —
        “In a report out late yesterday the European Central Bank announced it had found ‘shortcomings and miscalculations’ worth over €10 billion following inspections at Eurozone banks through 2017.”

        Clever accounting eh? Write-off all the obvious big debts, then only find the billions in ‘black holes’ after the audit.
        That the way to do it! Balance the books with smoke and mirrors.

        THEY DID NOT BALANCE THE EU BUDGET, they just legalized some methods to write-off embarrassing debt, and hid the financial errors till after the audit.


        • #

          Tom0maason, you’re quite correct with your comment of That the way to do it! Balance the books with smoke and mirrors.

          Last year, I predicted a minor land-based economic crash. It didn’t happen, at least not publicly, and those links you provide are some of the reasons. Another reason was because the Reserve (or Central) Bankers (some of those meeting at Davos in January this year) had jiggered all lending on land—basically throttling the market by requiring 20% or higher depositis—in an attempt to prevent one. There was no land-market based crash but there are still many (poorly performing) “banks with non-perfoming loans” everywhere. Some of those loans are a hangover from 2008! Instead of a crash, they turned it into a slow-motion train wreck that just keeps happening.

          We would, in normal circumstances, have another major disruption, like 2008, in 2026. Instead, it looks as though things are going to keep crashing in slow motion, with longer and longer recessions, which no-one will call a recession. They don’t dare.


          • #


            Yes and last year, in a fantastic call from ECB head, Mme Danièle Nouy, said Banks should charge customers higher fees. She wants this because it will help businesses across the EU?

            But for the first time, the ECB looked last year into the business models of the eurozone’s banks.

            In the first quarter of 2017, the ECB collected data on banks’ forecasted profits and losses. “In aggregate, over the next two years, banks expect a gradual improvement in profitability on the back of solid loan growth and lower impairments, while net interest margins will remain under pressure,” the report said.


            So it’s good for banks to charge more because it will improve the banking industry and help the ECB, but to hell with everyone else and their business needs.

            It’s just more flim-flam to cover over the cracks of a broken EU financial model, a model where checks and balances need not apply to the well connected few, where markets are manipulated via ECB interventions, where national governments are not in charge of their own finances, and where the lowly citizen’s saving and pensions can be taken by the unelected superstate elites by mere act of decree.


  • #

    This is the EU greenhouse gas emissions trend to 2015 with projections.
    The enthusiasts claim the reductions so far, partly due to the collapse of the Eastern Bloc, have been due to renewables and reduced consumption by increased efficiency etc. but that’s a half-truth, it’s also been due to increasing energy poverty.
    According to the European Parliamentary Research Service via the UN already 10% – 25% of EU (pop. ~500m) people in households: “… struggle every day to ensure adequate heating, light, and cooking power in their dwelling at an affordable price …”.
    If the EU elites continue on the ‘ambitious’ path set out society will bifurcate.
    When asked by Nixon what he thought of the effect of the French Revolution Zhou Enlai replied ‘too early to say’.


  • #

    ABC news radio this morning had extensive interview with Peter Castellas/Carbon Market Institute (CMI_ all about the great Climate Leader China but, as often happens with theirABC, I cannot find it online. check some of CMI’s twitter feed:

    Twitter: Carbon Market Institute: Tweet 30 Apr 2018: And so it begins! The 5th Australasian Emissions Reduction Summit is now underway. Looking forward to an awesome couple of days!

    1 May: Yahoo7: AAP: Business seeks insight into emissions cuts
    by Karen Sweeney
    Australian businesses are looking at how they can cut carbon emissions despite the federal government not finalising its policy.
    Up to 550 people are expected to attend a two-day summit, starting on Tuesday and hosted by the Carbon Market Institute, with almost two-thirds representing the business community…

    Labor foreign affairs spokeswoman Penny Wong will speak at the opening in Melbourne on Tuesday morning.
    Federal Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg is a keynote speaker at the event and is expected to provide an update on energy policy, including the National Energy Guarantee, on Wednesday…

    A senior Chinese official will offer some insight into how the country is preparing to reduce its reliance on coal and oil and cut air pollution.–spt.html


  • #

    ***Guardian does not name CMI, and provides no link to the Melbourne “climate conference”. after all, it is just for the “stakeholders”:

    1 May: Guardian: Penny Wong says Labor will try and undo Abbott’s legacy on climate policy
    Shadow foreign affairs minister says Labor will reinstitute climate change ambassador and broaden work in Pacific
    by Katharine Murphy
    Wong will use a speech to ***a climate conference in Melbourne on Tuesday to commit Labor to reinstituting the position of climate change ambassador, and broadening Australia’s work in the Pacific through the Council of Regional Organisations of the Pacific, the Pacific Islands Forum, the Pacific Community (formerly the South Pacific Commission) and the secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Program.
    The shadow foreign minister will argue Australia, if it wants to be a serious international player on global warming, needs to demonstrate constructive internationalism…

    Wong will argue the Abbott government’s decision to repeal the carbon price after the 2013 election damaged Australia’s international reputation as a country willing to pursue positive action to mitigate the risks of climate change.
    “Before prime minister Abbott was elected, Australia had been building a growing reputation as a forward-thinking and serious contributor to global climate change policy, due principally to the excellent work done by senior Australian officials and our diplomats,” she will say.

    “We need to restore Australia’s credibility and reputation as a creative, collaborative and energetic member of the community of nations that actually want to get on with reducing carbon pollution, designing and implementing global targets, and staying within the two degree limit – as we can and must if we are to meet our international obligations.”


    • #

      ” …. as we can and must if we are to meet our international obligations.”


      Yup, that’s why Australians voted them into the Parliament, to serve international interests first and foremost, because we all so care about our glabalism reputation at parasitic UN and useless bloviating CAGW meetings. That’s so very, important to all Australians, because we’re so insecure, and we care so much, and we like to be seen offering exorbitant tithes of the prole tax payer, in the Temples of men. We’re so much better than all of you, we’re full of virtue and clearly morally superior, so must therefore be taken seriously, as a player, in all stupid CAGW-worry ‘n waste fora.

      That doesn’t parallel reality too well.


    • #
      Geoffrey Williams

      I don’t like Penny Wong . .
      I can say that if I wish to, it’s just how I feel.


  • #

    The E.U.’s most profligate plan,
    Is to spend every cent that it can,
    Not on social welfare,
    Or more medical care,
    But to try and change climate by man.


  • #

    to coincide with Bonn climate “talks”(?), Aljazeera was running 3 “climate/weather” news tickers across the screen last nite, including hottest Sydney in 160 years. note however:

    ***for Peter Hannam/SMH/Weatherzone the 160 year record relates to HEAT!

    30 Apr: SMH: Peter Hannam: Sydney smashes April records with a month of summer-like heat
    Even before the final temperatures for the month settle on Monday, readings for the first 29 days are far enough ahead of previous records to make it certain that April will be ***Sydney’s hottest in almost 160 years of records, Weatherzone says.
    “It was a really, really hot month,” Kim Westcott, a meteorologist with Weatherzone, said…
    Up until Monday, average daytime temperatures were running at 26.27 degrees, well ahead of the previous high of 25.6 degrees set almost a century ago in April 1922, Weatherzone said…

    The Bureau of Meteorology declined to comment on the records, pending the release of the monthly reported expected on Tuesday…
    Background warming of about 1 degree over the past century caused by climate change – in Australia and globally – makes it much more likely that records for warm days will fall compared with cool ones, the bureau says.

    Weatherzone is owned by Fairfax Media, publisher of this website.

    while for 9News/Weatherzone, the 160 year record relates to “rain between the start of April and 9am on ANZAC Day”:

    30 Apr: 9News: Sydney weather: Hottest April on record
    By Weatherzone
    It may not feel like it today, but Sydney has just experienced its hottest ever April.
    Despite a mild and showery end to the month, an extended period of unseasonably hot and dry weather during the first three weeks of April broke numerous records in the city.
    Sydney’s Observatory Hill rain gauge registered zero millimetres of rain between the start of April and 9am on ANZAC Day, which has never happened before in 160 years of records…
    LINK: RELATED: What’s causing this record April heat?

    ***the “RELATED” link refers to an article on 10 April, which tells a different 160 year record story:

    10 Apr: 9News: What’s causing this record April heat?
    By Weatherzone
    Sydney registered its highest April temperature in 160 years of records on Monday afternoon, reaching 35.4 degrees at Observatory Hill. This beat the city’s previous April record from 2016 by more than a degree…


    • #

      the other 2 Aljazeera news tickers.

      one gave the impression CAGW was melting ice in Canada and causing floods.

      30 Apr: CBC: Spring flooding in B.C., Alberta, Ont., Que., N.B. prompts evacuation orders
      ‘We really never had a spring. We went from winter to summer in 48 hours’
      Rivers swollen with spring runoff and choked with ice are causing floods in several parts of Canada, as a long winter in some areas gives way to warmer spring temperatures.
      (director of Fredericton’s Emergency Measures Organization Wayne) Tallon said he thinks the quick change in weather as well as heavy rains contributed to the rapid flooding.
      “We really never had a spring,” he said. “We went from winter to summer in 48 hours.”…

      VIDEO: 42secs: Watch as giant chunks of ice churn their way down the Peace River…

      Warm weather is melting the ***unusually high snowpack across most of B.C., causing rivers and lakes to rise quickly…

      the other ticker concerned a heatwave in Hungary:

      30 Apr: Aljazeera: Hot in Hungary
      Spring warmth spreads record breaking heat across central and Eastern Europe.
      by ***Everton Fox
      Europe has been split in two over the past few days. Not politically, but meteorologically.
      Western parts have felt the brunt of some very wet and, at times, windy weather.
      Just over a week ago, temperatures were into the upper 20s Celsius. We are now seeing highs struggling to reach double figures.

      It begs the question of where the heat has gone. The answer is that it has drifted over Central and Eastern Europe…
      It has dragged warm southerly winds from the Mediterranean to the Baltic states…
      None more so than in Hungary where records have been broken.
      They had their warmest April night on record.
      The temperature in Sandorfalva, in the southeast of the country, did not fall below 18.7C. The previous low was 17.4C in Budapest set in 1966…

      This warm start to the day led to a new daytime high.
      The Hungarian Meteorological Service measured 31.4C in Kelebia and Satorhely (in the south of the country, near the Serbian and Croatian border).
      This April will be the warmest since 1800. It sets up a warm start to May and there is no real end in sight to the current heatwave with temperatures remaining in the upper 20s well into next week.

      ***Wikipedia: Everton Fox
      Everton Fox is a British weather presenter, currently working for Al Jazeera English.
      After working for the Met Office and the BBC Weather Centre, he moved to the Al Jazeera English channel in 2007…


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        el gordo

        “We went from winter to summer in 48 hours.”…

        Clearly the weather is out of whack, its a sign of global cooling.


        • #
          John F. Hultquist

          Our weekend weather was in fine whack.
          Maybe that should be top whack.
          In any case, I’ve a fine wine handy, and I’ll take a whack at that.


        • #

          i.e. meandering jetstream.


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      el gordo

      ‘Sydney’s Observatory Hill rain gauge registered zero millimetres of rain between the start of April and 9am on ANZAC Day, which has never happened before in 160 years of records…’

      That was a clever trick, they were only talking about precipitation and not temperatures.


      • #

        Must has been the weather in Sydney. My own rain gauge recorded 53mm for the same period. I live just south of Newcastle (Lake Macquarie) a mere 160-odd km’s north of Sydney.

        BTW, 47mm of that fell in one day (the 19th).


      • #

        Call me cynical, but why would they cut off a monthly rainfall “record” at 9am on Anzac Day with 5 days still to go to the end of the month if they were reporting it at the end of that month?

        Oh I know, because Sydney had 23.2mm rain over the following 5 days of the month, with rain each day. 25 dry days doesn’t sound as scary after 5 days of rain. Another trumped-up meaningless record.


        • #
          el gordo

          They are masters at distorting reality, we need a Royal Commission urgently.


        • #

          A ‘weather day’ is 9:00am to 9:00am. According to Ob Hill they received no rain from 9:00am 1st April till 9:00am 25th April (ANZAC Day) …. it rained after 9:00am on the 25th.


          • #

            The salient point is not when a weather day starts or finishes. It is that when reporting rainfall at the END of the month with complete monthly data, the BOM made a big song and dance about the first 25 days then completely covered up the fact in their press releases that there were 5 subsequent rain days that month, as if April had somehow ended at Anzac Day.


      • #

        Will it help to mention that 1868 was Sydney’s driest April in the record, followed by 1896? And that 1888 was the driest year?

        Holocene deniers are swarming. I’ve got one objecting to the term now. Good!


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    Mark M

    Turns out emitting a trace gas (CO2) is a truly lousy way of causing undiscovered spices to become extinct …

    New beetle species named after Leonardo DiCaprio.

    “A new species of water beetle found clinging to a sandstone rock in a fast-flowing stream that leads to a waterfall in Malaysian Borneo has been named after the actor Leonardo DiCaprio.

    The DiCaprio beetle is only the latest new species to be named after a prominent figure.
    Earlier this year, a particularly beefy fly from the Brazilian Amazon was named after Arnold Schwarzenegger, while last year the discovery of a moth with yellowish-white scales on its head was named after Donald Trump.
    Kate Winslet, who starred alongside DiCaprio in Titanic, already has a beetle named after her, as do George W Bush, Bill Clinton and Adolf Hitler.”

    > Who knew an undiscovered spices of Malaysian water beetle could have a carbon (sic) footprint of a small country?


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    30 Apr: ClimateChangeNews: Poland appoints deputy minister to run biggest climate talks since Paris
    Naming of Michał Kurtyka as COP president breaks tradition of political heavy hitters taking top
    climate role, but Polish non-intervention may boost ambition
    By Karl Mathiesen and Soila Apparicio
    Sign up (LINK)) for our Bonn morning briefing, all the news, tips and rumours from inside the first talks of a critical year…

    He was educated at a Parisian polytechnique and a Washington DC laboratory, studied in Belgium and started his government career working on the team negotiating Poland’s accession to the EU.
    Michał Kurtyka, who has been named president of this year’s COP24 climate talks, is a cosmopolitan anomaly in Poland’s nationalist government…READ ON


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    Geoffrey Williams

    And notice how they talk about the EU’s resolve to end pollution. Pollution?! This continual play on words is deceptive and is meant to be. What they are really attempting to do is to reduce CO2 emmissions in order to control the climate. But they deliberately confuse the issue of true pollution such as waste plastics, household, commercial and idustrial waste, etc with their global warming,ice is melting, end of the world green mantra. People continually fall for this and so real pollution never gets addressed, especially by a bunch of beaurocrats on highly paid salaries just jaunting around the world pushing renewbles crap!


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    while thousands in Bonn discuss how they’ll stop global warming –

    30 Apr: Weather Channel: Montana’s Glacier National Park Still Digging Out Buildings Buried in Snow
    By Jon Erdman, senior meteorologist
    PHOTO: A restroom is almost buried by snow drifts at the Two Medicine Campground in Glacier National Park on Apr. 23, 2018
    Snow-removal crews at Montana’s Glacier National Park are finding the annual spring plowing of roads tougher after an impressive winter snowpack that remains well above average by late April standards.
    The National Park Service posted a series of photos (LINK) over the past week showing drifts piled over roofs of buildings closed for the season at the national park in northwest Montana about 100 miles northwest of Great Falls…

    Snow removal crews encountered average depths of 7 to 10 feet, with a few drifts up to 20 feet in Two Medicine, according to an NPS press release (LINK).
    Think about that the next time you have to plow out your driveway.

    At Many Glacier, north of the Two Medicine Campground, large piles of snow blocked the view of the front of a ranger station housing area, and one snowbank topped the height of a standard pickup truck.
    Snow removal has also been ongoing on the Going-to-the-Sun Road, the primary route through Glacier National Park, utilizing giant snowthrowers and front-end loaders.
    In one case where snowpack was especially deep, crews had to dump snow into Upper McDonald Creek…

    Last year, heavy snowpack kept at least part of the Going-to-the-Sun Road closed until June 28, the Great Falls Tribune reported.
    In a typical spring, most other roads in the park are open by mid to late May, according to the NPS…
    In late February, a yearly manual snow survey taken near Logan Creek found more snow on the ground than any such survey in 30 years.
    The snowpack remains well above average over much of the northern Rockies, including northwest Montana, as measured by the snow-water equivalent, or estimated water content of the snowpack…

    Through April 29, the weather station at East Glacier Park Village measured 284 inches of snow since fall 2017, their second snowiest season-to-date, topped only by 1971-72 (316 inches), though there is a number of missing snowfall observations each year at this location (44 such days in 2017-2018, to date)…

    30 Apr: KTVU: AP: Snow expected in Sierra, frost in northwestern California
    The calendar says spring but California will begin the week with a winter weather advisory for upper elevations of the Sierra Nevada and a frost advisory for the northwest corner of the state.
    The National Weather Service says snow is expected in the Eastern Sierra Monday afternoon through Wednesday evening at elevations above 7,000 feet. Snow is also expected in the White Mountains of Inyo County.
    The frost advisory will be in effect early Tuesday in parts of Del Norte, Humboldt and Trinity counties, where temperatures will fall close to freezing…


    • #

      30 Apr: TheLocalFrance: Snow in France and it’s almost May? Mais oui, in Normandy!
      The weather in France has been very varied in recent weeks, but nobody could have expected snow on April 30th.
      Many residents of the northern French region of Normandy woke up on Monday to find a considerable layer of snowfall on their rooftops and cars.
      The mercury dropped to around zero in many parts of the historical region, with the departments of Eure and Seine-Maritime registering the lowest temperatures.
      In the city of Rouen, the wind chill made it feel like a frosty -5C degrees in the early hours of the morning…

      30 Apr: TheLocalNorway: Snow forecast in Oslo for May 1st
      People attending Labour Day events in Oslo on May 1st are advised to wrap up warm…
      “There is not good news for May 1st here in the south. In the early part of the day in Oslo it will hover around 0 degrees, before climbing to around 4-5 degrees during the course of the day,” NMI duty meteorologist Magny Svanevik told news agency NTB.

      Traditional events in Oslo on May 1st, which is International Workers’ Day, include speeches by Labour Party figures.
      Last year, opposition leader Jonas Gahr Støre spoke to crowds under a sunny spring sky.
      But such pleasant conditions will not be repeated in 2018.
      “Tuesday will be the coldest day this week, before [the temperature] increases a little again towards the weekend, but with a lot of grey and rain there will not be very fine weather in the east this week,” Svanevik said…

      30 Apr: KRQE: The Latest: 4 climbers die in Swiss Alps during snowstorm
      Police in southwestern Switzerland say four Alpine climbers have died and another five others were in critical condition after becoming trapped overnight by an unexpected snowstorm and high winds.
      Authorities in the Valais canton deployed seven helicopters as part of efforts early Monday to rescue a total of 14 hikers from France, Germany and Italy in the Pigne d’Arolla region.
      Valais police spokesman Markus Rieder said they were caught off-guard by high winds, snows and cold and were forced to spend the night outdoors.
      Several of those rescued were suffering from hypothermia, and were rushed to area hospitals. Police said three people died in hospital, and another apparently was killed in a fall…


      • #

        keep a note!

        1 May: NorthernStar: Jasmine Burke: ICE AGE: Forecaster predicts ‘coldest winter on record’
        MINI Ice Ages, horrific thunderstorm and cyclone seasons, and a lot more floods – the future of Australia’s weather looks grim according to amateur weather forecaster David Taylor.
        Mr Taylor – who runs East Coast Weather Facebook page – has correctly predicted major weather events in the past, and his latest terrifying prediction was that Australia could experience its coldest winter on record.
        Temperatures and snowfall could reach shocking levels compared to previous years, and icy conditions could impact huge areas of the country in periods…

        He uses sunspots and interprets them with models to get readings of upcoming weather events, but the majority of weather sources, including The Bureau of Meteorology, don’t use this method…READ ON


  • #

    I’m not sure who is more stupid, Australia or the EU. At least in the EU they do have nuclear power stations. We have nothing to crow about. It’s now a race to which region will crash and burn first. Meanwhile China, who are building many hundreds of coal fired power stations all over the rest of the world must be laughing at us.


    • #

      Laughing all the way to the bank. They make all the windmills and solar panels.


    • #

      No contest.
      We are more stupid.
      The EU is more cunning.
      and let’s not talk about any stunts.


    • #
      el gordo

      Beijing thinks we are stupid, but they don’t want to tramp all over us.

      They will make their money on renewables and build our coal fired power stations at a later date.


      • #

        Chinese are very patient people. They are in no hurry. They can leave it all to ourselves to stuff things up for them. Then they can step in and “help us”. I just wish voters were not so asleep as to what’s happening here and overseas. If they were aware both LNP and ALP would collapse and disappear off the political landscape in quick order. The Greens of course would by then be a forgotten cancer.


  • #


    Remember Christopher Monckton’s warnings about PM Abbott and the Canadian PM not long before the Paris Conference in 2015?

    Here is another warning on UN meddling …


    • #

      Thanks Dennis,
      I’d not seen it before, even though it was produced in 2012. Runs for 51 minutes, has good sound and picture quality, and a rather frightening message.
      I think it qualifies as a must watch.
      Dave B


  • #

    You mention witchdoctors, Jo. While its climate policy profligacy mightn’t change the climate one iota, the EU’s open border policy on “migrants” from Africa seems certain to successfully boost its stock of witchdoctors.


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    behind paywall:

    ABC’s Andrew Probyn report on Tony Abbott judgmental, ACMA finds
    The Australian-2 hours ago
    The broadcast regulator has hit the ABC with a breach over a scathing piece-to-camera by Andrew Probyn, who replaced esteemed political veteran Chris Uhlmann after his move to Nine last year, and stunned viewers when he described Mr Abbott as “the most destructive politician of his generation”.

    1 May: SMH: ABC censured for calling Tony Abbott ‘most destructive politician’
    Watchdog finds Aunty breached its impartiality obligations.
    By Michael Lallo
    The Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) found the ABC breached its impartiality obligations by using this “pejorative” term…
    In an ABC News report – broadcast nationally on October 10 last year – political editor Andrew Probyn analysed a speech Abbott gave to the conservative Global Warming Policy Foundation.

    During the speech, Abbott said climate change was “probably doing good; or at least, more good than harm”, and suggested policies to combat it were akin to “primitive people once killing goats to appease the volcano gods”.
    That evening, Probyn told ABC viewers: “Tony Abbott – already the most destructive politician of his generation – now intends waging war on what he calls ‘environmental theology’.”
    The broadcasting watchdog deemed this statement to be “judgmental” and “declarative”.

    But there were no problems with the rest of the segment.
    “The report generally demonstrated fair treatment and open-mindedness in the way it presented Mr Abbott’s views on climate change over time,” an ACMA statement said.
    In Australia, viewers must attempt to resolve their grievances with a broadcaster directly. If they are unsatisfied with the response (or do not receive a reply) they may complain to ACMA…

    In its response, the ABC said Abbott’s stance on climate change “appeared to be out of step not only with his own government, but with most governments around the world and with mainstream peer reviewed science”.
    The national broadcaster added that the term “destructive” – according to the Macquarie Dictionary – means “tending to overthrow, disprove, or discredit”.

    “It is the case that Mr Abbott over his long political career has succeeded in overthrowing his political and ideological opponents, and in his speech to the [Global Warming Policy Foundation] he sought to discredit or disprove the consensus on climate science. In the highly competitive context of federal politics, ‘destructive’ is not necessarily a pejorative descriptor … We have concluded that Mr Probyn’s analysis was duly impartial and in keeping with the ABC’s editorial standards.”…READ ON


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    30 Apr: Tim Blair blog: IT’S THEIR ONLY STRATEGY
    (scroll down to UPDATE – “Kill Climate Deniers” billboard)
    A: Here is where the play was advertised on the NSW Government’s website (now removed, so link to cached site is provided): LINK


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    More than 1 in 5 children go hungry each year in Australia. Don’t let their hunger go unheard. @foodbankaus provides over 200,000 school breakfasts a week to over 1,750 schools and regularly supports Australian families in need, but they need your help to reach more rumbling tummies. I’m showing my support by wearing my No Rumbling Tummies pin, you can show yours by visiting the Rumbling Tummies website ( #NoRumblingTummies #EndChildHunger #Foodbank


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    frederik wisse

    Not one remark about the real problem : The socalled globalists ! The billionaires lining their own pockets , whilst in the meantime hiding behind a smoke-screen of phony care for our planet . Decarbonisation is their fashiontwist of reality . Last week Bill Gates gave a speech about a carbonfree society , the Gatesian ideal , where he underlined his theories with a pseudo-scientific hocus-pocus making a joke of the work of serious hardworking scientists and this highway-robber is adored in our western world ? Well as long as we make money the measure of all matter , including the moral side of the coin , we are doomed to follow the idiots that are using the misery of others to justify their deeds . Sounds familiar ?


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    Writer Garett Garet (or Garet Garett) after being shot in a diner in the 1920s spent much of the 1930s warning Americans against European duplicity. He warned that the war loans the Allies took from Associated America would never be repaid, and that Germans and their fellow Europeans would use reparations as a lever for welshing on commercial and political debts. Neutrality advocates remembered this treachery when Europe’s bombs again rained down on each other. This climate hustle is the new War Reparations gambit, as important to Europe’s new Soviet as Altrurian Socialism, and evidently as popular among chumps.
