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Turn off the tap: World Bank uses US funds to push Paris and renewables

All gravy taps flow to Paris

World Bank, Money. Trump got the US out of Paris, but US taxpayers are still funding pointless climate-control deals.

The World Bank is supposed to be sorting out poverty. Instead it’s enriching the renewables industry, and keeping the poor stuck on unreliable low grade energy.

Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate Accords, but the US is spending billions to implement it

Tim Pearce, Daily Caller

The World Bank is spending millions in government funding from various countries, including the U.S., to implement climate mitigation strategies in line with an international agreement to fight climate change — the Paris climate accords.

No other country could sort out the World Bank as quickly as the US:

The U.S. is the World Bank’s largest supporter and shareholder owning 17 percent of organization’s shares. The next largest owner, Japan, owns just under 8 percent. Several bills moving through Congress would grant the World Bank, along with other Multilateral Development Banks, roughly $1.8 billion.

“Climate change is a threat to the core mission of the World Bank Group,” the World Bank’s 83 page Climate Change Action Plan for 2016-2020 states.

Leapfrog the poor into Neverland:

World Bank, Africa, Map

The World Bank’s strategy, generally, is to leapfrog the fossil fuel rung of the “energy ladder” and construct grids powered by zero-emission renewable energy sources in countries with wide-spread systemic poverty. Wind and solar energy is intermittent power reliant on the weather and energy is produced at a higher cost relative to fossil fuels.

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The US could distribute that aid direct to the countries that need it. Imagine what a difference a few reliable coal plants could make in Africa. Last time TonyFromOz looked, 15 million people in Mali used the same electricity as the 40,000 pop. town of Dubbo did. See those African energy use statistics.

Save the poor, stop feeding The World Bank.

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