- JoNova - -

ABC Fake News Bubble needs conspiracy theories about Murdoch and Stokes

It’s Projection — the ABC fantasize about Murdoch and Stokes because the ABC wants that power themselves

Media Bias, voting behaviour of journalists.Turnbull was the ABC’s pick for least-worst Conservative PM. They didn’t predict nor craft his demise, 45 elected representatives did. The People foiled the ABC, but instead of admitting that conservative voters matter, the ABC staff project their own desire to pick PM’s onto Murdoch and Stokes — which feeds the self serving fantasy that Australians need to pay for a national broadcaster to oppose big nasty corporates and their fake power.

While the ABC has no conservative commentators, as in zero, some other media outlets allow both sides of politics to speak — which clearly threatens the ABC bubble. Therefore it serves the ABC entirely to delegitimize the competition and to paint them as mindless corporate sock puppets.

The whole fake news conspiracy theory is bizarre beyond analysis. Rupert Murdoch supposedly picked PM’s by demanding his national masthead paper run no editorials calling for Turnbull’s demise, and silence no commentator that defended him. Meanwhile the ABC runs editorials disguised as news every night at 7pm. One time ABC management effectively called Tony Abbott “the most destructive politician of his generation.” ACMA eventually censured them. The ABC called it a “slap”. The fake journalist-cum-opinionator, Andrew Probyn, continues his job. Smart voices that support Abbott or Dutton go unheard. There is no accountability inside the ABC bubble.

Foreigners wonder how a rich country with more resources per capita, no land borders, and brilliant weather can screw things up in Oscar Winning Style. Look no further than the billion dollar gift with no strings attached for a neo-marxist collective to masquerade as the nation’s most trusted news source.

All the other news providers have to compete for audience and advertisers. They can’t afford to ignore half the nation — R.I.P. Fairfax.

 The ABC audience lives in a bubble on a deserted island

Chris Kenny, The Australian

Imagine if you had been stranded on an island for the past few years with nothing to watch, listen to or read from but Australia’s public broadcaster.

You would be under the false apprehension that our navy tortured asylum-seekers who were then raped on Nauru. You would think the people-smuggling trade was impossible to stop and that if boats were turned back there would be a conflict with Indonesia. You would think climate change was the greatest threat to the country, region and the world, and that it was already making our lives worse; on the bright side you would have faith that a carbon tax, emissions trading scheme or national energy guarantee would put an end to droughts, floods and bushfires while saving the Great Barrier Reef. You might be under the impression that our dams were dry and $12 billion of desalination plants were supplying us with water.

For a moment, you would have believed that the Donald Trump “nightmare” ended on the day he lost the election…

There is no reforming the ABC. It takes a billion dollars but costs the nation countless billions more as it hides the failure of the most stupid and expensive policies.

The media IS the problem.



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