Last week we exposed absurd errors, brutal adjustments and an almost complete lack of quality control (was there any at all?) in the key HadCRUT4 data. The IPCC’s favorite set is maintained (I’m feeling generous) by the Met Office Hadley Centre and the Uni of East Anglia’s CRU in the UK.
Finally the Hadley Met Centre team have replied to Graham Lloyd regarding John McLean’s audit. They don’t confirm or discount any of his new claims specifically. But they acknowledge his previous notifications were useful in 2016, and promise “any errors will be fixed in the next update.” That’s nice to know, but begs the question of why a PhD student working from home can find mistakes that the £226 million institute with 2,100 employees could not.
They don’t mention the killer issue of the adjustments for site-moves at all — that’s the cumulative cooling of the oldest records to compensate for buildings that probably weren’t built there ’til decades later.
Otherwise this is the usual PR fog — a few outliers don’t change the trend, the world is warming, and other datasets show “similar trends“. The elephant in the kitchen is the site move adjustments which do change the trend which they didn’t mention.
And while the absurd outliers may not change the trend (we don’t know yet) the message from frozen tropical islands is terrible. These bizarre mistakes are like glowing hazard signs that the dataset is neglected, decaying, essentially junk. What else might be wrong? How do we reconcile the experts urgent insistence that climate change is the greatest threat to life on Earth but it’s not important enough to bother checking the data? We must pay trillions, turn vegetarian, and live in cold rooms, but the actual historic measurements are irrelevant. Were some numbers left in Fahrenheit for 40 years? Nevermind.
They claim that automated quality control checks are done, as are manual checks, but we are still wondering what that means when they haven’t even done a spelling check and nor bothered to filter out the freak outliers which are hotter than the hottest day on Earth. These kinds of checks are something that a 12 year old geek could write the code for.
The Met Office protests that the database includes “7 million points”, but then, they do have a supercomputer that can do 16,000 trillion calculations every second. The ten-nanosecond-test for the new World Record Temperature would have fished out the silliest mistakes, some of which have been there for decades.
They claim they are backed up by other datasets. but all the worlds temperature sets are juggling the same pool of measurements. If the shonky site-move adjustments start with national met bureaus, then get sent out around the world, all the global datasets combine the same mistakes and make similar overestimations.
Britain’s Met Office welcomes audit by Australian researcher about HadCRUT errors
Graham Lloyd, The Australian
Britain’s Met Office has welcomed an audit from Australian researcher John McLean that claims to have identified serious errors in its HadCRUT global temperature record.
“Any actual errors identified will be dealt with in the next major update.’’
The Met Office said automated quality checks were performed on the ocean data and monthly updates to the land data were subjected to a computer assisted manual quality control process.
“The HadCRUT dataset includes comprehensive uncertainty estimates in its estimates of global temperature,” the Met Office spokesman said.
“We previously acknowledged receipt of Dr John McLean’s 2016 report to us which dealt with the format of some ocean data files.
“We corrected the errors he then identified to us,” the Met Office spokesman said.
[…] Evasion and obfuscation over climate data at the Hadley Centre. Finally the Hadley Met Centre team have replied to Graham Lloyd regarding John McLean’s audit. Without specifically admitting he has found serious errors, they acknowledge his previous notifications were useful in 2016, and promise “errors will be fixed in the next update.” That’s nice to know, but begs the question of why a PhD student working from home can find mistakes that the £226 million institute with 2,100 employees could not. Significantly, they do not disagree with any of his claims. Share this:TwitterFacebookGoogleRedditLinkedIn This entry was posted in Global warming and climate change policy, Rafe. Bookmark the permalink. ← Tony Thomas is on fire! […]
It’s easy to understand why errors go unchecked when science it established by narrative. Once researchers see the institutional results demanded of them, they stop looking any deeper. Whether it’s a data or an analysis issue, this effect of confirmation bias is so widespread, I’d be more surprised it the data wasn’t full of errors, especially since the analysis is so flawed to begin with.
CO2 in not Evil:
The confuser models have the answers.
Data ?
Data ??
They don’t need no stinkin’ data !
Data are a waste of time,
with all that infilling and
all those adjustments
… and one of the
goobermint bureaucrats
could get a paper cut too
( which would require a six month
medical leave for healing and
counseling ).
If there were 6 billion Hadley Centre “team” members the data would have the same problems. However, there would be a lot more excuses.
More work is done on what the data should show than what the data does show. This is a summary of much “science” today. There is no longer an imperative to solve a real problem. Its now important to increase and extend a perceived problem. A perceived problem can NEVER be resolved but can be “modeled”. A perceived problem can change over time. It will always be scarier than a real problem.
I still remember that egregious excuse Phil Jones gave for refusing Steve McIntyre’s FOI request for the CRU’s data:
“ … you only want it to find something wrong with it.”
Says it all, doesn’t it?
Snowflake science.
The EU and nth Amerika will be getting plenty of snow flakes too this winter!!
in the not too distant future I think someone will produce a television series entitled “Yes Climate Minister”, along the same vein as the popular British comedy.
It will be hilarious!
Trouble is, I’m not laughing now.
You must have missed it. They have.
That would be as a result of the “treacherous Cabinet”.
I thought the UK did their bit to reduce their CO2 emissions a long time ago when they moved from coal to nuclear (as well as some renewables but hardly anything to rave about). That sort of proves they are smarter than we are to avoid the CAGW issue. Also how come they can have nuclear but we can’t given we have a much better environment (vast uninhabitable areas to store the waste and plenty of Uranium) and they also have the equivalent of our ALP and Greens parties? There must be a lot of nations around the world wondering if we are the full quid.
If they do, it needs to start with the opening scene being the Cabinet meeting of the Australian Liberal/National Government when it collectively decided (by one vote) to not have an audit of the Australian Bureau of Meteorology’s (BoM) dataset and processing methodology undertaken.
Where’s the Commonwealth Auditor-General? That so-called bastion of independence? No fear. No favour.
The cost of that decision to the Australian economy is likely to be massive, as we continue down the CAGW route with expensive subsidies for unreliable and uneconomic renewables.
Adam Bandt in full power overdrive Oscar winning, batcrap crazy, catastropharian, evangelical,hellfire and dammnation tabernacle,chicken little,the sky is falling,we are all doomed ,IPCC fuelled , this is our last chance to save the planet,performance in, Question Time today.
Yes Minister part 2
Thanks John…
I reckon the mob actually used this as their blueprint….
Thanks very much for those 2 links John.
Funny and depressing at the same time because as Just Thinkin wrote…
This is off topic here, but relates to the fraud of Climate Change.
Another letter to my Federal Member, Andrew Wallace.
I’m not sure if I will get an intelligent reply.
Good morning Andrew,
As you are my local member I would like to draw your attention to the article that I have attached.
There are lots of very disturbing things spoken about here. And seeing the way things have been going in Australia over many years I can see, now, what has been happening.
And it is not very nice. We are under the control of the UN and there is nobody in parliament that appears to be doing anything about it.
This notice was brought to my attention while I was at Michael Smith News. You might be wondering, “Who is Michael Smith?”
You would not be the first politician to ask that very question. The person who first asked that question will very shortly find out. My first question, at this time is, how much do you know about the subversion that has been going on?
You will note, on page 5, that Ron Boswell wrote a paper called “The Greenmailing of Primary Producers”. I shall be reading this paper tomorrow.
Also the comments of Mr Downer, which shows that he knew what was going on and was probably complicit in it. This is on page 3. I took the opportunity to enlarge the writing to make it easier for me to read. You will also notice that some letters are missing from words, but you should be able to get the gist of the writings.
My will is that you institute a referendum to ask the people if we should continue on the paths that successive governments have continually drawn us towards with the UN having more and more control of our country.
My will is that Australia take steps to remove itself from the United Nations.
As always, I will be posting this on a popular social media site for all to see.
Hear from you soon,
A constituent of your electorate,
[Adding a link to your source will be helpful.] AZ
Sorry about that, AZ
Here it is.
I am going to do a list up of all the things I can think of
that has happened that has been against the best interests
of the Australian people. This has been gong on for a long,
long time.
There’s a lot of rot out there…
Of course our politicians have been ignoring Constitutional Law in favour of imposing UN Treaties without asking voters for approval via referendums.
And they are now worried and planning to quarantine themselves from prosecution.
I cannot understand how they could achieve this legally?
CONCIT believe that this article prompted the panic move to quarantine politicians from prosecution;
I do admire all of the work and time that has gone into this expose on the temperature records.
Problem is that there is no arbiter or quality control to enforce the use of correct procedure and the whole global temperatures record system is a farce.
Which seems to fit nicely with the climate science version of creative accounting….
Of course there is no standard of quality – or of version control. That’s no omission. It is deliberate. Otherwise the house of cards would fall.
Cool the past. Homogenize the present. Fictionalize the future.
That’s climate “science” methodology.
Nicely stated, KK.
I agree with you K. Keith,
and not only because my
middle name is Keith:
Concerning the errors coming in from
the national meteorological offices
listed in the summary of McClean’s report
( I was too cheap to pay $8 for the actual report
— maybe that was a mistake ), …
… I don’t know how many of these “local errors”,
if any, were caught and fixed before compilation
of the HADcrut4 average global temperature.
I assumed John McLean
didn’t know that either
— simply because
government bureaucrats with
science degrees
traditionally tend to guard
their “final” infilled,
adjusted, readjusted,
and re-re-adjusted “data”,
like a pack of junkyard dogs
( such as Michael “Fido” Mann,
in the US ),
The fact that such
obvious “garbage data”
was submitted
in the first place
concerns me.
The fact that
weather satellite data
and weather balloon data
are similar to each other,
but both show less warming than
surface data, concerns me too.
The fact that most of the planet
is not populated, and has no weather
stations, makes the surface data into a
an infilled / wild guessed laughingstock
— infilled numbers can never be verified
before 1979, or falsified.
After 1979, surface data can be compared
to the two other measurement methodologies,
satellites and balloons — and they are different
= not verified at all.
Maybe contradicting what I’ve written
so far:
I doubt if data quality matters for
this political “game” — this is not
real climate science, and never was.
The junk science is too easy to spot !
I believe the average global temperature
is a “political number” for the surface data
— I believe the conclusion
( more global warming almost every year )
would stay the same
whether the underlying data were
accurate, or not (in my opinion).
As evidence, I point to
all of the obvious
junk science elements
of modern climate science,
documented here, at WUWT,
and in my climate science
blog, so easily discovered
by skeptics.
My BS degree
was not needed
to wonder why
there are three
– surface,
weather satellite and
weather balloon …
… yet the politicians
and their team of
government bureaucrat
“scientist” lapdogs,
completely ignore
the two methodologies
that correlate well,
and only use the outlier —
— the surface “data”
that show more warming
than the other two.
My climate science blog,
with over 25,000 page views, so far:
Richard, I believe it is totally meaningless to even ‘average’ the planets surface temperature. One has to average between the order of 130C variation. At least -70 coldest to at least +50 at any one time.
But when will the BOM be fully audited? Methinks it’s as untouchable as Their ABC.
I’m not particularly scientifically literate. I just get stuck on the fact that the records, accurate or not, only go back 150 years.
There are records going back further, almost 200 years in the case of the CET (Central England Temperature) but they too have some problems although not on this scale.
Then there is the assumption that the Little Ice Age ended in 1850 as shown by rapid melting of glaciers in Europe in the 1860’s. Mont Blanc glacier started retreating (again) in 1836. And for another series try
William Dawes was Australia’s first weather man, came with the First Fleet, very studious. His effort and all those who came after him up to 1901 go unrecognised because they lacked state of the art equipment.
This is a great injustice, yet to be remedied.
Probably the biggest reason that the 2000 staff could not find a problem with their data is that if they did they would find themselves without a job.
“Any actual errors identified will be dealt with in the next major update.”
Are they going to “Rutherglen” the data then?
Can someone please take a copy of the data *now*, so we have a reference …..
So there’s nothing to see here but we’ll fix it all on the next update ! Yeah right .
I know the trolls at WUWT were claiming that all errors were taken into account at Hadley and the IPCC and after the admission above from Hadley it sort of throws the trolls under a bus but I’ll bet they’re looking at the wording and working on spin right now to deny there is a problem.
“Any actual errors” means that they might not find any errors. It was all kosher all along. Then quietly 6 months later the data changes magically. NZ bom did exactly this when they were taken to court.
Thus do they dodge the issue and it’s important question. Why did they allow their data to get into such a state that a graduate student could show how unreliable it is?
Boo. Hiss. Some heads need to roll but I’ve no doubt the failure will be whitewashed instead. The past is a good predictor of the future and that’s what happened in the past and will happen again absent any real incentive to change anything.
They’ll be audited and exonerated of all claimed faults. Then an institute you’ve never heard of will give them a prestigious award for “Data Integrity” (and probably “honesty”). We live on a merry-go-round.
East Anglia University’s CRU all over again.
They never were honest and some of the leaked email from Phil Jones proved it way back then. It’s always been a political problem, not a matter of science and as important as getting out the correct science is, it doesn’t counteract the statements from places and people who work under the shroud of officialdom. The public in general has no idea how to judge things like climate change. They have no idea how to judge anything from the UN or any organ of that unaccountable group of power mad miscreants. Consequently officialdom has won out over correct science.
Tonight there was an absolutely abysmal program on the ABC program MEDIA WATCH. Character assassinations of John McLean and by association, Peter Ridd and Bob Carter and Jo and the greatest pile of BS I have heard in a long time. Is it possible to sue this idiot?
Then to top it off Q&A was unwatchable. So much misinformation, ignorance and lies.
Your three descriptors at the end are accurate.
Two out of three saying their actions are Deliberate and the Ignorance points to their inability or unwillingness to face up to reality.
Media Watch has become extreme propaganda, but its to our advantage. Any discussion on the subject of climate change opens the window for debate.
Here is abc link.
You could just change the news organisations names to the ABC and then it would be factually correct except the attack on Maclean .
I notice one of the “scientists” that commented on Macleans work says that even if there was fault with Hadley it makes no difference .
It’s ok to be a scientist
Only if they are not part of the Klimatariat.
Do you think the show was fair and balanced?
It is ok to be a Scientist if you follow the scientific method but to attack someone for revealing fault in the Scientific method shows it’s not so great to be a Scientist if your on the wrong side of ideological belief.
scientist lives matter
The method is All.
Blending two sets of temperature records made using two very different measuring systems is just plain wrong science, and equally wrong from the point of view of Statistical Treatment.
This has always only ever been about the Politics.
You’re not trying to use your powers of distraction are you ah gee ?
“I have had so many requests from my legions of fans to post more blogs. No really, there are a surprising number of people out there that read and re read my pastes… I mean posts … and check in to see if I have added anything new.
So today’s, and possibly this year’s, new post should satisfy those fans. Basically it is this link about scientific theories.
Yep, this is another placeholder in case I need to move someone on from their argument by distraction. You know the one where they write, “it is only a theory”. Amazingly, people still try to slip that one into an argument. They are often the same people who distract with, “it is only a model”, without understanding that their lives would soon come to an end without models.”
I also notice you have exactly 97% more followers on your blog than you did last time I was there in search of enlightenment.
“I notice one of the “scientists” that commented on Macleans work says that even if there was fault with Hadley it makes no difference .”
Yep! Garbage in, gospel out
Noticed that and commented at 8.3.1 , you would think any objective reporter would have noticed that comment as well but alas it is the scaremongering ABC we are talking about .
I posted above but in two posts.
Yes Minister Global Warming. Part 1 & Part 2.
Oh what a find ,brilliant just brilliant thank you John.
Can anyone explain why having an online market place for the most expensive energy on the market, miraculously lowers your power bills?
Feel the quality, Guv…..genuine duck fur that is….
“Australia will look to replicate US success by creating an online marketplace for businesses to buy renewable energy, helping to them to reduce high power bills.
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) will help build the nation’s first Business Renewables Centre, designed to encourage corporations and councils to buy more sustainable energy.”
ARENA will provide $500,000 in funding, supported by an additional $300,000 in funds from the NSW and Victorian state governments, for Climate-KIC Australia, the World Wildlife Fund Australia (WWF) and the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Institute for Sustainable Future to lead the project.
They aim to sell one gigawatt of renewable power by 2022 and five gigawatts by 2030.
The centre is based on the work of the Rocky Mountain Institute in the US and will act as an online marketplace to help businesses arrange or procure renewable energy through power purchase agreements (PPA), which is the forward purchasing of renewable generation through contracts.”
Contracts for burning bird shredders…..I wonder how many contracts will actually be filled?
Sorry Guv…no wind you know…
Er….Can I interest you in some wind farms…low usage…..
This is like propagating a new cancer through a population and crowing about it.
This is an appalling, incestuous, political intrusion into the Proper Function of our National Life and Progress.
Politicians did this.
What are their names.
What, we need another government run PONZI SCHEME?
You can see all the councils signing on to perpetuate
the idiocy.
The UN’s tentacles run wide and deep.
The AEMO is a great source for how good wind power
really ISN’T….Yesterday for Western Australia was a classic.
You wouldn’t want to be relying on it to make anything..
I shakes me ‘ed….
We here in Oakbank, South Australia—where the government blew up the power station—have an intermittent, incomplete and unreliable electricity supply for some hours. Ergo, little light, no hot water.
I see red.
Malcolm Turnbull
Josh Freidenberg
Greg Hunt
Simon Birmingham
So the next step?
If only there was some way of making them accountable to the electricity users who have been ripped off.
Accountable for the uncompetitive Australian businesses that have been closed down because of outrageous power costs.
This damage is not seen by most people because the media is not presenting it to them.
They get away with inflicting millions of dollars of damage to our nation and nobody says anything?
29th November, 2004 – Turnbull lures a swarm of cheerleaders to fill the gallery for his maiden parliamentary speech, using free canapés & cocktails, and a convoy of coaches from Sydney. Total cost = $20,000+
One woman confessed she had never caught a bus before, but made the exception for Turnbull, reassured that the person sitting next to her would be “clean”. Another female member of the cheer squad was even reported to have “fainted” upon Turnbull’s mere arrival, and this apparent ‘rock star’ moment conveniently made its way into the media.33,34
Interestingly, among Turnbull’s merry band, was one Scott Morrison.35
Yep; privatising Telstra and opening up that market did the same thing. Doubled the price within 12 months.
Same with the Electricity market. They took the retail out of the energy provider’s hand and added a middle-man retailer. Price went up by 50% immediately.
Yup, and we pay top dollar for a phone network that is base level standard elsewhere in the world …. mind you, we have a very small market.
Australia is still run by under-educated middle class bogans, who love the “Ive got it first and pay a fortune to look better than you” show-off 10 year old childish mindset.
Agree with the electricity and Telstra but my current mobile plan is $10 per month unlimited calls and texts with one gig data , not with Telstra of course but the free market in telecommunications at least has made an impact and reduced prices if you shop around .
Sticking with Telstra they prey on those who are loyal or only have a Telstra service where they live but as other networks invade their turf they will eventually have to match the opposition.
You’ve inspired me to go look.
Okay, duck fur spotted, but where are the Wombat feathers, then?
Climate is the new cigarettes.
We are about to have an election in the US.
I know this because my television has become unwatchable due to blocks of
politicians assassinating each others character every ten minutes.
Most polls show climate change at or near the bottom of voters concerns.
It is, however, high on the wish list of progressives.
There are few ares on American life where the government can still justify large new extractions of cash,
general raising of taxes not being too popular with the masses.
We can’t even manage user fees for obvious needs like infrastructure, such is the mistrust of government stewardship of a large cash flow.
We have 1.5 trillion dollars in student debt, assigned mostly to kids who attended “tax-supported” institutions, where
we somehow spent 10,000 per year per student yet fell woefully short of what these public servants managed to spend. There seems
to be a general sense that the result does not justify the expenditure.
If you look at your phone bill (in the US) you may find a third eaten up by taxes and fees, your service being nibbled at by a dozen little govt needs. Look at your hotel bill in a destination area; you’re paying so the local don’t need to be taxed as much.
There aren’t many areas left for the government to, leech-like, attach itself to large cash flows. Out regulated utilities have long resisted taxation because “regulation”; it’s hard to claim excess profiteering when the government has forced rates low for a long time.
“Climate Change” is how government can tap into that cash flow from our pockets to energy producers, without the political annoying problem of raising taxes directly on consumers.
I know you Aussies have been there, done that. UK and Deutschland residents too.
And here we are in the US, with better competitive advantage due to still moderate energy prices and ample supplies. Something good in an economy? Progressives are against it.
And so we have “Climate Change” high on every liberal wish list and legislative plan. They have forecast disaster in ten years, And they seem bound and determined to make it happen.
R. Ilfeld:
Many people have realized
that socialism
and slow / slower
economic growth
are a “team”.
Those people can’t be
“sold” on socialism
because they don’t want
a permanent
slow growth economy.
So the socialists
have figured out
how to “sell”
slow economic growth
as good news:
— throttle down growth
in the private sector,
and you reduce
“carbon pollution”,
to save the planet
for our children.
Everyone wants
to save the planet
from the dreaded
global warming.
We don’t want
our children to have
to move to another planet.
So slower growth
= less fossil fuel burning
= less “carbon pollution”
is all good news
— not the bad news
claimed by those
That’s how leftists think,
when they think at all
— I’m surrounded by them
here in Michigan, USA !
There was a time when Religion, imperfect as it was, helped many around the world find a path through life.
This new religion is just a Gigantic Turnover Tax Collection System.
Doesn’t make Anything, just Taxes Turnover.
Those who blindly and willingly accept this new religion and its head Tabernacle on the East River New York City should take strength from the knowledge that every dollar that makes its way to Julie, Julia and Kevin and Christiana is helping bring our Planet just that little bit closer to being saved.
Fun fact – the UN isnt in America- it has soveriegnty on its own land, like the Vatocan. It even has its own passports.
May i have diplomtic immunity and evil for 200 please?
A good overview of the situation Richard.
Especially liked the imagery of the “leech”.
Too little of our tax money is put to good use.
Lubos Motl does not mince words.
No one listens to the IPCC fearmongering anymore
The boys have cried wolf too many times
Tedious as it is, refuting “settled politics” is impossible, except at the end of piano wire strung from lamp posts. The ballot box is no longer an option, at least anywhere in the British
CommonwealthGlobowealth.On the other hand, the atmospheric and green scientivism is constantly shown-up, refuted, open to challenge and dismissal on the basis of definition, data, methodology, modelling, and the whole edifice of corrupted circularity, policy-based evidence. Further, it is exposed and refuted by other branches and disciplines of science, including but not limited to paleoclimatology, geology, physics, and the astronomical sciences.
If the deeply culpable Fourth Estate returned to the Canons of Journalism for a single month, this krapitudinous collectivist klap trap would be stone dead …
… so would the damned globalist political cabal that drives it and so would be the teetering monstrosity in the room, the useless, betraying, incumbent UN Transformational 2030 focused governments of the West.
I have your answer – using academically incapable people to produce more dumb students. Mind you, the NWO appears to want to produce unthinking worker drones, obedient to its dictates, so this makes a lot of sense in that context…..
“Report reveals teaching students had scores as low as zero
A SECRET report has revealed that students with near-zero ATAR scores have been offered teaching degrees by universities across Australia.
A SHOCKING report has revealed students with near-zero ATAR scores have been offered teaching degrees by universities across the country.
According to a confidential report obtained by the ABC, some aspiring teachers had an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) that was often as low as zero to 19.
The publication reported that university vice chancellors refused to publish the report, but its author, retired professor John Mack, took the extraordinary decision to release the figures to the ABC — despite the University of Sydney demanding it be destroyed.
“It was clearly not in the interest of the universities to make this data available,” Professor Mack told the ABC.
“What it shows is that overall, the general quality of applicants has gone down.
“In some cases it was worrying that offers were being made to some students that I would have thought would have had exceptional difficulty coping with first-year university.”
Across the country, there were 28 offers made to students scoring an ATAR of 0-19, 29 offers to those scoring 20-29, and 73 offers to students with an ATAR of 30-39.”
Don’t be silly, it never was about “climate”! Even if we are wrong, everything we do is right.
That is indeed what they said. “Even if we’re wrong, we’re doing the right thing”.
And a broader way of saying the same thing would be “whatever we do (and believe), we’re right”.
There are two airports serving Toronto Ontario. Pearson International hosts 50 jets an hour all day long. Billy Bishop handles more provincial traffic by turboprops at about 7-8 flights an hour. Both are subject to a curfew at night.
I assume Environment and Climate Change Canada feeds both temperature records into the international collective. Obviously, Pearson data is hotter than Billy Bishop. How many more of these corrupt numbers are still in the database and will remain in the database after ‘correction’.
My apologies – I am not strong on statistics : the International airport “max” is 2 degrees higher than that of Provincial but why the “min” is 2 degrees lower ?
Apologies again – should have looked at the map first – the International airport is in the middle of heat island while Provincial is on the ocean.
The city airport at Toronto is on a small island in Lake Ontario adjacent to Toronto CBD. I’ve flown out of it – you catch a ferry across 100m to the airport. Naturally the climate on the lake is very different to Pearson, which is inland.
OT, but still pertinent:
The video clips from Monday’s Q&A on the ABC are head-shaking. This is what skeptics are up against.
Just keep speaing the truth…if they detonate, enjoy the show. It will show them for what they are….
I just keep stating that the engineering community has come out and said plainly renewables cant keep our country running. So choose whether you want a climate fairy tale, or a working country. If you want a broken country, please emigrate to North Korea….
I assume that when they say “Any actual errors identified will be dealt with in the next major update.” what they will not do is change the way they homogenized the data, which is where the bulk of the real issue lies, because those are not “actual errors”
The first step with global temperature anomalies is to label them as estimated average temperature trends. Then the compilers might try better to approximate better to how trends would look free of the statistical biases. Currently there is a strong institutionalized bias towards the theory, so it is not surprising that, with complex processing the data appears to approximate more and more to the CO2 curve.
And the theory is broken beyond belief. The idea that the next W/m^2 of forcing can increase net surface emissions by 4.3 W/m^2 in order to manifest the claimed 0.8C increase is absolutely absurd considering that each of the 239 W/m^2 of total accumulated forcing results in only 1.6 W/m^2 of net surface emissions. All W/m^2 of forcing, including the next one arrive concurrently, so how can the climate system distinguish the next Joule as being more than 3 times as powerful at warming the surface than any other incident Joule?
CO2 is not evil
You are wrong
— anything can happen
in modern climate “science”,
because its junk science,
not real science !
The people who make the global warming
predictions own the actuals (historical
temperature wild guesses infilling and adjusted
raw data), so they can make sure that
their predictions turn out pretty good !
A huge conflict of interest !
No human would notice a few tenths of a degree
warming or cooling of the “average temperature”,
because no one actually lives in the average temperature.
So the average temperature number
is quite “flexible” — the supporting
data are irrelevant.
The politicians
want to see perpetual warming
( not necessarily every year,
but almost every year,
so it doesn’t look like
the “fix” was in ).
Their government bureaucrat
lapdog “scientists” will do whatever
they have to to keep their high paying jobs,
where they play computer games all day,
and virtue signal
to everyone they know:
( “I’m a big shot
government scientist
trying to save the Earth
for the children” )
The problem is that many alarmist scientists are seriously deluded into believing that they are saving the world in which case, the ends justifies their means of sloppy science. They think that they must be right so they don’t need to be rigorous, but can’t see that their means is ending the science. It seems more a case of minimum diligence reinforced by political conformance, rather than abject evil.
The only real malfeasance is at the political levels of the UNFCCC/IPCC which took advantage of the broken science as an excuse to implement wealth redistribution without sovereignty getting in the way. Whether or not they knew the science was broken is irrelevant given the evil nature of their agenda which is to equalize the developed world and the developing world by dragging the developed world down via wasting its wealth.
This is absolutely true, and a clear violation of the law of conservation of energy.
Having written to a number of these “researchers” I know how they get there. Lets say you are researching West Antarctica ice melt – you note from the mass balance that on average 300 cubic km of ice is being lost P/A, you report this in your paper saying that it must be global warming and you need more money.
Another looked at rainfall trends and forecast a 21% increase in rainfall due to a doubling of CO2
It’s just empiricism that leads them there though, one researcher noted that there is snow accumulation of X linked it to increased evaporation from global warming and that was it.
These are earth science graduates, not physicists or engineers, they joined because they like scuba diving (marine biologists) or skiing or hiking, or animals. On the whole earth scientists don’t like or do math, they are drawn from the lowest 50% of ATAR ranks.
None of these authors I wrote to ever checked that the effect that they describe could be caused by the energy source they claim caused it. Can 300 cubic km of ice be melted over a surface area of 2 million square km by 0.6W of extra forcing – No that takes about 50W per square metre. Can metres of sea ice be melted and evaporated over 10 million square km of ocean be raised to 10km, moved laterally hundreds of km to be snowed out over the poles by 0.6W per square meter of warming – No sorry it takes much more energy than that. Can 270mm of water be evaporated over the entire oceans, raised to 10km and them rained out causing a 210mm (21%) increase in average rainfall by 3.7 Watts per square meter (forcing for a doubling), OOPs well no it can’t it takes around 50 Watts per square meter to do that.
Much less the possibility that these could happen simultaneously.
Earth scientists observe and try to explain (Much like the reef bleaching) without the math, they almost never check that the energy added by their global warming is actually able to cause the effects they ascribe to it, they also routinely ignore the fact that the energy can’t be in the atmosphere – and their effect and other effects simultaneously. Global Warming is the “Excuse” they use to avoid doing the math.
The average energy from the sun = 340 Watt per square metre, the supposed current CO2 warming forcing = 0.6Watts per square meter that is the “Global warming” amounts to 0.6/340=.0017 or 0.17% its not a lot of energy and a 0.17% change in received energy isn’t going to change climate parameters by more than 0.17%. For example a 980 millibar storm if deepened 0.17% would be a 979.95 millibar storm (980 -(1013-980)*0.0017) ie insignificant.
OK mr Red Thumb, where am I wrong – include your working ?
Don’t think they gave you red thumb for being wrong , it was for attacking the priests of CAGW by using facts and numbers and stuff , oh and the vibe they don’t like a negative vibe .
“One cannot be handcuffed by data on a fundamental moral issue of this kind…”
Source: Leaked Obama era climate propaganda strategy email.
The same sentiment permeates the entire climate change industry.
“One cannot be handcuffed by data on a fundamental moral issue of this kind…”
Translation –
“We dont care what the data says, we have an agenda and will proescute it regardless…..”
Labelling it as a moral issue moves it into the emotional/values realm. It also forcibly redefines the climate religion as the dominant values system as dictated by govt, also effectively removing freedom of religion.
Nasty stuff…..
Although the smoking gun has yet to emerge, the Obama administration almost certainly sent the order out to cook the temperature data in time for Paris – there had been no warming for years, then hey presto, the Karl et al ‘pausebuster’ appeared just in time for Paris.
This thread gets a mention at WUWT
Mention of a data comparison between years at this comment
Also from comments there
“And I have to laugh when climate is blamed for the Syria crisis. Did the climate cause the American Revolution, the Napoleonic wars, WW1 or WW2, Vietnam or the Korean war? If so then it must be the force that has brought about a more peaceful world since then.”
So a potential for new academic endeavour – as Eureka Stockade caused by climate? (/s)
The reaction of the weather and climate data responsible Hadley bureaucrats to John McLean’s revelations on the disgraceful state of the weather and climate records they are responsible for maintaining does make one wonder just how in the hell the British eventually won WW2 .
I can only guess that the British just made trhe usual mess of thngs they are use too and kept on muddling through, never stopping to try and figure out if something could be done a lot better. .
The far more efficient Germans knew they were making serious mistakes but were too damn obstinate to ever change.
The Russians shot their mistakes.
The Americans sold their mistakes to the highest bidder which was usually the British or the Russians or sometimes the Australians.
And so like the Hadley records, WW2 was rather messily won despite the best efforts of the bureacrats of all the aforesaid countries.
Dont forget the communists on the waterfronts in the unions, who used to refuse to load ships sending supplies to troops in WW2…..
Excuse me, during the war years 1941-45 the Communist Party of Australia dampened down industrial action and was fully supportive of the war effort.
There may have been some hot headed renegades closer to war’s end, but I don’t have any names.
The Molotov- von Ribbentrop pact, the Nazi – Soviet non agression neutrality treaty good for a ten year period was signed in Moscow on the 23 August 1939.
The Australian communist run water side unions refused to load cargoes and army equipment destined for the British and Australian army troops in the Middle east after Britian had declared war on Germany following the Germans and Soviet invasions of Poland which both the French and British had guaranteed by treaty to come to aid of Poland if it was invaded by the Nazis.
Russia then an ally of the germans through the above Molotov -von Ribbentrop neutrality treaty which also divided Europe into spheres of influence through a secret protocol which was only unearthed after the surrender of Germany in 1945 , were formally allies so the various communist run unions did their damndest to prevent help reaching the British who had declared war on Germany after Germany and the Soviets had invaded Poland from both the east and the west and defeated and divided Poland between them.
Nazi Germany unilaterally terminated the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact at 03:15 on 22 June 1941 by launching a massive attack on the Soviet positions in eastern Poland which marked the beginning of the invasion of the Soviet Union known as Operation Barbarossa.
The interesting Australian component of this was that the communists had organised a huge march through Melbourne aimed against the British and Australia’s participation in the War in support of the British who as the local communists believed were fighting against the Soviet communist’s allies.
As the anti british march was about to begin, the word came through the teleprinter network that the Nazis had just begun a huge invasion [ 3 million men ] of the Soviet Union and had destroyed most of the Soviets forward border positions within hours .
In its total consternation on that day in June 1941, the Australian communist party had its work cut out to stop the march beginning and to try and round up all the organisers and publicity banners and etc and then send everybody home before they finished up with an enormous black mark within the global Soviet controlled communist movement for supporting the invaders of the central controller and and financier of global communism, the USSR.
Part of your answer re England:-
In R.V. Jones “Most Secret War”
“T.C. Keeley was my tutor and in addition to physics he offered wisdom. He warned that if another war broke out there would be a disastrous period for six months while those who had reached high positions on inadequate results in peacetime would have to be replaced”.
(And IMO aren’t we overstocked with just that!)
Also IMO – excellent reading if you haven’t already
From Climategate:
Will Prof Jones accept this recent analysis of the ‘data’ and release his?
Here is the detailed story about Phil Jones and missing data.
It is worth reading again in the context of John McLean’s report. Geoff.
That was very interesting to read GS…I must have missed it at the time…probably travelling iirc. There were some quite prickly comments there and people we don’t see now, or only rarely.
Ironic this story on Hadley turns up again on the 100 year anniversary of Norman Lindsay’s book “The Magic Pudding”, our ABC have provided this excerpt which seems to sum up the Subject perfectly .
‘You’ll enjoy this Puddin’,’ said Bill, handing him a large slice. ‘This is a very rare Puddin’.’
‘It’s a cut-an’-come-again Puddin’,’ said Sam.
‘It’s a Christmas, steak, and apple-dumpling Puddin’,’ said Bill.
‘It’s a — Shall I tell him?’ he asked, looking at Bill. Bill nodded, and the Penguin leaned across to Bunyip Bluegum and said in a low voice, ‘It’s a Magic Puddin’.’
It was Maurice Newman who advised Tony Abbott to have BoM audited.
Surely now, with this new bombshell, the duo of Abbott and Kelly could mount an attack?
Following on from that ….
‘The BoM strongly rejected assertions it was altering climate records to exaggerate estimates of global warming.
‘Nevertheless, documents obtained by the ABC under Freedom of Information show just weeks after the articles were published, Mr Abbott’s own department canvassed using a taskforce to carry out “due diligence” on the BoM’s climate records.’ ABC
I would urge some caution about jumping on this, as we don’t know whether the erroneous data was used in the final temperature calculations. Some of these errors may have been detected and the erroneous data omitted. And if some erroneous data was included in the calculations, we don’t know the impact of those inclusions. It seems to me that there are far too many unknowns at this stage to make any judgements.
OT the CAGW crowd almost had this Aussie about to jump ship , is there nothing sacred or won’t be affected by Co2 ?
Copy that …
Have the CAGW crowd blamed to world wide panic on the olive oil prices yet?
Imported olive oil prices rise as fire devastates European crops
OT but ABC confusing weather and climate again .
Two points.
1/ I understand McLean identified the 70 absurdities only because that’s precisely what they were – absurdities.
2/ An even greater absurdity is the Hadley Centre’s apparent claim that they are only 70 out of 7 million and all the rest are accurate to within a poofteenth of a degree. Really!!
silly me. I thought Paul Barry/ABC Media Watch would cover the FAILURE of ABC/Fairfax/Guardian to cover the John McLean data audit! (my searches still fail to show any coverage by them).
instead Barry brought on the smear machine to attack McLean – Lewandowsky, Karoly, Sherwood. Crikey, Nerilie Abram.
we can all play that game, Paul Barry. Lewandowsky & Karoly – too many critiques to note.
23 Jul 2016: JoNova: Backflip: Antarctic peninsula, posterchild of Polar disaster, has been cooling not warming
Now they tell us.
Indeed, apparently researchers can’t say that human-caused climate change was doing anything to the Antarctic:
Prof Nerilie Abram, at the Australian National University, said: “For a remote place like Antarctica, where climate measurements are especially short and those year-to-year swings in climate are very large, our records really aren’t long enough yet to see the full picture of human-caused climate change.”
Shame they didn’t mention that twenty years ago…
16 Dec 2012: JoNova: Alec Rawls responds to Steven Sherwood: “The professor is inverting the scientific method”
as for ABC Q&A – no transcript as yet, but you have to ask why does Australia media have to give this man so much time and space:
ABC Q&A: Panellists includes:
Jeffrey Sachs
Professor Jeffrey Sachs is a world-renowned professor of economics, leader in sustainable development, senior UN adviser, New York Times bestselling author and syndicated columnist…
Jeffrey is the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Development at Columbia University and, from 2002 to 2016, served as Director of the Earth Institute. He is currently Director of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) and chair and founder of a non-governmental initiative to promote the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) concepts in the United States, SDG USA. He is Special SDG Adviser to UN Secretary-General António Guterres…
Jo…another one to add to the list…..climate change causes slavery…..apparently…
” ‘Blood bricks’: How climate change is trapping Cambodians in modern slavery
Climate change is forcing Cambodian farmers off their lands and into the clutches of a predatory brickmaking industry where a lifetime of debt bondage awaits them and their children, according to a study released today.
Researchers from Royal Holloway at the University of London have for the first time drawn a clear link between climate change and modern slavery in Cambodia’s brickmaking industry, where indebted former-farmers are putting their families’ lives on the line to make so-called “blood bricks” that feed the country’s construction boom.
“The impact of climate inducing [people] to migrate is something that we see across a lot of industries, but the debt bondage is something unique to the brick industry,” researcher Laurie Parsons told the ABC.
Cambodia is one of the countries most vulnerable to climate change, with unseasonable drought and unpredictable rainfall increasingly forcing farmers to search for jobs in cities.
Dr Parsons said that transplanting — a cost-effective, traditional farming method of moving rice between fields — relied on rain falling predictably during two peaks of the year, which used to occur with regularity.”
ABC couldn’t report on John McLean’s data audit, but they have space for this SERIOUS take on what was simply a moment in a BBC comedy show!
15 Oct: ABC: Should vegans stop eating almonds and avocados?
The Conversation By Dominic Wilkinson
(Dominic Wilkinson is a consultant neonatologist and professor of ethics at the University of Oxford)
A video recently doing the rounds on Facebook included a segment from the BBC comedy quiz show QI…
Commercial farming of those vegetables, at least in some parts of the world, often involves migratory beekeeping. In places such as California, there are not enough local bees or other pollinating insects to pollinate the massive almond orchards…
none of the following mentions it was a COMEDY SHOW:
Are Avocados Really Vegan? We Asked People What They Thought Of This QI Definition
“It’s so hard to never have your food impact on animals.”
By Sophie Gallagher
HuffPost UK – 11 Oct. 2018
This TV host says avocados aren’t actually vegan
British TV host is claiming that avocados aren’t vegan, and it’s turned the world on its head – because honestly, what?…
San Diego Union Tribune – 15 Oct 2018 by Lily Rose
Avocados are not vegan – according to British quiz show – 13 Oct. 2018
British Quiz show Qi has made the shocking claim that avocados almonds, and other fruit and vege are not vegan.
Toksvig went on the say that other fruits and vegetables such as broccoli, cherries, cucumbers, and even lettuce are good examples of this and are “actually not strictly vegan.”
The British’s host revelation has actually broken the internet. Vegans are crying. Non-vegans are celebrating. We’re all craving avocado toast. It’s a nightmare for all involved.
no idea if Ben Webster mentions the Wilkinson response is to a COMEDY SHOW, because it’s behind a paywall:
Why avocados are off the menu for vegans
UK Times – 16 Oct 2018 by Ben Webster
Dominic Wilkinson, 45, said that 31 billion bees were transported to Californian almond farms each year and research showed that the journeys affected their health and shortened their lives. He said that vegans who were motivated by a desire to minimise animal suffering should consider the impact of these journeys…
Daily Mail also carries the Wilkinson stuff, but does mention it’s a response to a COMEDY SHOW.
the COMEDY piece:
10 Oct: Youtube: 1min26sec: Avocados aren’t vegan?? – BBC
Sandi Toksvig has some rather startling news for vegans everywhere as she delves into the public and the private with Alan Davies, Victoria Coren Mitchell, Phill Jupitus and Bridget Christie.
Not everything on QI has been researched thoroughly but they do come up with some interesting stuff .
15 Oct: Washington Times: Why U.N. climate report cannot be trusted
by Tim Ball and Tom Harris
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change climate forecasts were wrong from their earliest reports in 1990. They were so inaccurate that they stopped calling them forecasts and made three “projections”: low, medium, and high. Since then, even their “low” scenario projections were wrong.
Writing in 2002 about the SPM of Working Group I of the IPCC Third Assessment Report, IPCC Reviewer and independent analyst David Wojick explained the sort of problems typical of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change summary reports:
What is systematically omitted from the Summary for Policymakers are precisely the uncertainties and positive counter evidence that might negate the human interference theory. Instead of assessing these objections, the Summary confidently asserts just those findings that support its case. In short, this is advocacy, not assessment.
Having tracked the evolution of SR15 for the past six months, Mr. Wojick says that this is exactly what has happened on this latest report as well…READ ON
All hell is breaking lose with poor old Morrison. First it’s the the anger by the left over Hanson’s “it’s OK to be white” comment and now it’s Indonesia threatening to break our trade agreements because of talk of a relocation of our embassy in Israel to Jerusalem. Clearly friction is increasing between the left and conservatives (who are considered by the lunatic left as extreme right wing, in which case that would make the left extreme left wing to be fair). It’s time for Morrison to go “all-in”. He is either a fake and hence will likely lose the next election anyway, or he is committed to his talk on various policy issues and if he shows it with actions he will give it his best shot. He really has nothing to lose given the LNP have effectively already lost the election. Besides, who is running Australia? Indonesia? Or is it China? I don’t think we really know for sure anymore.
Who is that person who dares to brief media?
It’s more newsworthy because the left seem to hate zionists and don’t forget Plibersek has said some anti Israel rants before .
Wall Street Journal (Rupert Murdoch editorial) goes in for the kill.
What about all those chunks of ice falling into the sea, Donald is being advised by Happer.
“You don’t know whether or not that would have happened with or without man. You don’t know,” Trump said.
Stahl, who conducted a great interview in spite of the interviewee, tried one more time to inject facts into the mix by asking him about all the scientists who say that climate change is worse than ever.
“You’d have to show me the scientists, because they have a very big political agenda, Lesley,” Trump said.
Will Happer is not a member of the Denialati, but under the circumstances he is the perfect choice.
The backstory here is that grandson Edward created his youtube account at age 5 without significant help from anyone around. He read it all off the Net and followed directions.
Here is his latest effort, posted yesterday. He is 7 now.
You and I know that it is his take on the importance of the latest IPCC report. Geoff.
why a PhD student working from home can find mistakes that the £226 million institute with 2,100 employees could not.
1: He is just a nit-picker.
2: you can’t find something you are not looking for.
I an trying to get my head around where the teaching of science and the Scientific Method went so wrong. Obviously the post modern / Cultural Marxist view that truth or reality is whatever you believe it to be is something to do with it.
I imagine the every year about six scientists graduate from each Australian university.
The rest get degrees in Science Studies.
They are qualified to Talk about Science but they can’t actually Do Science.
Sometimes they get confused and think they understand science.
200 million cost blow out on our diesel gensets, all up 610 million welcome to third world SA
They may well include “comprehensive uncertainty estimates” but somehow that uncertainty us never in the conclusions. How the IpcC can be 95% certain about anything when the data is so uncertain is unclear.
16 Oct: UK Express: UK weather forecast: Britain braces for ‘SEVERE snow’ – FREAK SOLAR STORM warning
by Nathan Rao
Freak changes in the composition of space around the sun are about to drive a chian of meteorological events locking the UK into a savage early Arctic freeze, it has been claimed…
Several of these events are expected to plunge Britain into freezing conditions through the coming months, Mr. (Piers) Corbyn added…READ ON
OT but was shown a great iPhone app today called Pocket NEM. Real time tracker for power generation, cost, and where it’s going.
will ABC’s Paul Barry attack Justin Trudeau next week for ignoring the UN report?
will ABC in general even note this?
15 Oct: HuffPo Canada: Trudeau Needs To End His Silence On IPCC’s Climate Change Report
Everyone who is anyone on climate change has had something to say about it, everyone that is, except Justin Trudeau.
by Cameron Fenton, Writer and climate organizer with
Since it came out on October 8, stories about the paper…have blanketed the media, from the New York Times and the Guardian to the Kenora Daily Miner and your local morning CBC radio show…
Al Gore released a statement supporting the report’s conclusion that the world needs to go further than the Paris Climate Agreement. CNN tweeted about “what you can do” to help stop climate change. And, Mark Ruffalo — the Hulk — shared an article about the key takeaways from the report. Catherine McKenna, Canada’s environment minister weighed in, telling the Canadian Press that “we all know we need to do more.” Everyone who is anyone on climate change has had something to say about it, everyone that is, except Justin Trudeau…
Since the report was released, the prime minister, who famously stormed into the Paris climate talks in 2015 to champion a 1.5ºC climate target and declare that “Canada is back”, has said absolutely nothing. Justin Trudeau, who in 2015 said that “climate change is an immediate and significant threat to our communities and our economy” has responded to the single most important scientific report on climate change since his election with the equivalent of a tumbleweed blowing across an empty desert.
Of course, the prime minister is a busy man. He’s the recent owner of a $4.5 billion-dollar tar sands pipeline, his carbon price and climate plan are under siege from a growing right-wing political alliance, and his government has a massive LNG facility in B.C., offshore drilling in Nova Scotia and the Teck Frontier Mine, the largest tar sands mine ever proposed, to try and figure out how to sell as part of their carbon reduction strategy…
With Canada still on track to drastically miss the targets we agreed to in the Paris Climate Agreement, a text the IPCC just said doesn’t go far enough, we need an answer to how Canada is actually going to do it’s part on climate change…
Obviously another “budget that is going to balance itself”
Great work this last week Jo.
more opinions not welcome at theirABC:
10 Oct: HuffPo: If We’re Going To Save The Planet, We’ve Got To Use The Nuclear Option
By Joshua S. Goldstein and Staffan A. Qvist
(Joshua S. Goldstein, a professor of international relations, and Staffan A. Qvist, a clean energy engineer, are the authors of the forthcoming book A Bright Future: How Some Countries Have Solved Climate Change and the Rest Can Follow)
Nuclear power needn’t be too expensive either. Existing U.S. nuclear plants, which generate one-fifth of the nation’s electricity, produce less expensive power than either coal or gas. In South Korea, electricity from nuclear power costs less than 4 cents/kWh, which is cheaper than that from any other source. The key to replicating South Korea’s low costs is to focus on repeatedly building a standardized design, which brings costs down to $2 billion per gigawatt. That’s about double the capital cost of a U.S. natural gas power plant, but half that of a U.S. coal plant and less than half of wind and solar power facilities with equivalent production.
The problem in North America and Europe is that older nuclear plants cost much less than new ones, even though we have better technologies today. The latest U.S. attempts to build nuclear power escalated to $12 billion per gigawatt. But then unlike South Korea, the United States has gone decades without practice.
Both Sweden and France have powered growing economies for decades on cheap nuclear power. Both transitioned off fossil electricity in less than 20 years. There is no reason the world can’t do the same now…
The IPCC has told us how urgently the world needs to decarbonize to prevent a climate catastrophe. We need a realistic plan. It will include huge increases in renewable power, greater energy efficiency and shifts in agriculture. It must also include building 100 to 200 new nuclear reactors worldwide each year for the next few decades…
nuclear advocate Shellenberger doesn’t hype this too much – only talking of “hundreds” to rally, but it will be interesting to see how this develops:
15 Oct: Forbes: Michael Shellenberger: In Wake Of Terrifying Climate Report, German Environmentalists Will, In A Twist, Rally For Nuclear
In the wake of a “terrifying” new report on climate change, environmentalists will rally in Munich, Germany this Sunday to — in a twist — demand a halt to nuclear plant closures, which they say are increasing air pollution and locking-in fossil fuels.
Over the last year, environmentalists have faulted Germany for abandoning its 2020 climate goals, bulldozing an ancient forest to mine for coal, and exporting deadly air pollution to its neighbors.
“I hope people see that what motivates nuclear supporters is the wish to leave a better world to our children,” said Iida Ruishalme of Mothers for Nuclear. “We want to let friends of nuclear know that they are not alone.”
Organizers from over a dozen grassroots environmental groups expect hundreds of pro-nuclear “atomic humanists” to come from across Europe to Sunday’s “Nuclear Pride Fest” in Munich’s Marienplatz from 10 am to 4 pm.
The environmentalists point to evidence that every time nuclear plants are closed they are replaced mostly by fossil fuels because solar and wind are so unreliable…
Organizers say the Nuclear Pride Fest will be the first time environmentalists have rallied in favor of nuclear. Their goal is both to urge the continued operation of nuclear plants and to confront what they say is an irrational stigma.
“At the very least,” said Amardeo Sarma, co-founder of the Ecomodernist Society, “Germany should stop trying to intimidate other European countries to close their nuclear plants.”
Despite having spent $580 billion on renewables like solar and wind, German emissions have remained unchanged since 2009, thanks its abandonment of nuclear power, which does not produce greenhouse gas emissions.
Had Germany spent that $580 billion on nuclear instead of renewables and the fossil plant upgrades and grid expansions they require, it could have replaced all of the fossil fuels it uses for both electricity and transportation.
And now, energy experts predict, German emissions will rise in 2018, given the closure of a nuclear reactor in the final hours of 2017.
“Pro-nuclear people are motivated by their love of nature and humankind,” said Fest co-sponsor, Rebecca Lohfert, from Denmark. “The scientific evidence for nuclear is overwhelming and yet it is still taboo to be pro-nuclear.”
Climate isn’t the only motivation for the protesters. Bjorn Peters, the head of energy policy and analysis at the German Employers Association (DAV) warned, “Bavaria cannot afford the phase-out of its remaining two nuclear power plants (Gundremmingen C and Isar 2) without severe risks of power cuts.”
“The cards will be reshuffled when we experience blackouts,” said Rainer Klute of Nuklearia, a pro-nuclear German group. “Gas-fired power stations will increase costs, emissions, and dependance on Russian natural gas.”
While a massive electrical grid expansion to support solar and wind is “catastrophically behind schedule,” according to its energy minister, Germany’s construction of a new, $11 billion pipeline to bring more natural gas from Russia is on-schedule.
Germany is struggling in other ways. Electricity prices have increased 50% over the last decade and, despite a 9% increase in solar panels since 2015, Germany produced less electricity from solar in 2017 than in 2015 for the simple reason that it was less sunny…
Not all European nations are backing away from nuclear. Last November, French president Emmanuel Macron faulted German nuclear closures. “They worsened their CO2 footprint, it wasn’t good for the planet. So I won’t do that,” said Macron…
behind paywall:
16 Oct: UK Times: Usio is latest energy firm to burn out
by Emma Yeomans
About 7,000 customers of Usio Energy have been left in the lurch after the energy supplier ceased trading yesterday.
They will be assigned a supplier by Ofgem, the regulator, after the third collapse of a small energy company in recent months. Customers will have their credit balances protected under Ofgem’s safety net.
Usio used artificial intelligence to supply customers with green energy at low prices. Customers had smart meters installed and Usio’s software used data from the meters to calculate the energy they needed to buy.
The company said yesterday that it had been “threatened with a substantial damages claim by one of its former service providers”. Usio “strongly disputed the claim and considered it did not have merit”, but could not accept more funding…
16 Oct: UK Sun: LIGHTS OUT Small energy firm Usio goes bust leaving 7,000 customers in bill limbo
Regulator Ofgem has reassured customers their supply won’t be cut off, while any outstanding credit balances will also be protected
By Alice Grahns
Regulator Ofgem announced today that the London-based company, which promised to use its artificial intelligence platform to supply customers with green energy at low prices, has ceased trading…
Usio Energy is not the first small energy firm to go bust – earlier this summer Iresa did the same, affecting 100,000 customers.
In the beginning of this year, Future Energy also collapsed, affecting more than 10,000 customers.
Back in 2016, small energy firm GP Energy also went bust, leaving around 160,000 customers in limbo.
Then Co-operate Energy was picked to take on GB Energy Supply – around three days after it had gone out of business.
Heres a great article from F. William Engdahl, his comments on Asia, economics and politics are excellent, he had a political graduate from Princeton.
“The UN IPCC and its Global Warming agenda is a political and not a scientific project. Their latest report is, like the previous ones, based on fake science and outright fr@ud “
The link to the above didnt work
But heres another good one from Windowsontheworld
New word .. catastrophobia I love it!
SAS software, created by a statistical analysis unit of a university, and used worldwide for 40 odd years would pick these anomalies and outliers even in the 1980s and 1990s. It would also handle very large data sets even when a large mainframe disc was just 5GB. It does all this using correct statistical analysis methods. One of the problems here seems to be that they cut their own code, rather than using quality statistical analysis systems, apparently to get the results that they want.
It’s not the code it’s the Data.
BoE gets cold feet!
16 Oct: Guardian: Banks will not be forced to reveal climate change risks they face
Critics demand tougher action as Bank of England stops short of call for mandatory reports
by Richard Partington
The Bank of England has stopped short of forcing financial companies to disclose the potential risks they face from climate change, despite growing calls from campaigners for such action.
In a warning to finance firms to vastly improve their planning to safeguard against the financial risks posed by global warming, Threadneedle Street asked companies to “consider the relevance” of disclosing their climate-related risks.
The central bank’s prudential regulation authority (PRA), which is tasked with ensuring UK financial sector stability, launched the guidelines for consultation (LINK) on Monday, in a package of measures designed to coax banks to prepare for the low-carbon economy of the future…
Frank van Lerven, of the New Economics Foundation, said: “We need to do much more than simply tinker around the edges with incremental adjustments to finance.
“We will need radical disruptive reforms that help reshape finance, so that it can actively help deliver a rapid, sustainable and fair green transition.”
NYT’s Paul Smug-man has his followers – comments are almost all full of praise for his insults:
15 Oct: NYT: Donald and the Deadly Deniers
Climate policy is the ultimate example of Trumpian corruption
by Paul Krugman
(Paul Krugman has been an Opinion columnist since 2000 and is also a Distinguished Professor at the City University of New York Graduate Center. He won the 2008 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences for his work on international trade and economic geography)
Climate change is a hoax.
Climate change is happening, but it’s not man-made.
Climate change is man-made, but doing anything about it would destroy jobs and kill economic growth.
These are the stages of climate denial. Or maybe it’s wrong to call them stages, since the deniers never really give up an argument, no matter how thoroughly it has been refuted by evidence. They’re better described as cockroach ideas — false claims you may think you’ve gotten rid of, but keep coming back…
About those cockroaches: Details aside, the very multiplicity of climate-denial arguments — the deniers’ story keeps changing, but the bottom line that we should do nothing remains the same — is a sign that the opponents of climate action are arguing in bad faith. They aren’t seriously trying to engage with the reality of climate change or the economics of reduced emissions; their goal is to keep polluters free to pollute as long as possible, and they’ll grab onto anything serving that goal.
Still, it’s worth pointing out how thoroughly all their arguments have collapsed in recent years…
The old dodge of comparing temperatures to an unusually warm year in 1998 to deny that the planet is getting warmer — which is like comparing days in early July with a warm day in May, and denying that there’s such a thing as summer — has been undermined by a string of new temperature records. And massive tropical storms fed by a warming ocean have made the consequences of climate change increasingly visible to the public.
So the new strategy is to downplay what has happened. Climate change models “have not been very successful,” declared Larry Kudlow, the top White House economic adviser. Actually, they have: Global warming to date is well in line with past projections. “Something’s changing and it’ll change back again,” asserted Donald Trump on “60 Minutes,” based upon, well, nothing…
And while he has sort-of-kind-of backed down on his earlier claims that climate change is a hoax concocted by the Chinese, he’s still seeing vast conspiracies on the part of climate scientists, who he says “have a very big political agenda.”
Think about that. Decades ago experts predicted, based on fundamental science, that emissions would raise global temperatures. People like Trump scoffed. Now the experts’ prediction has come true. And the deniers insist that emissions aren’t the culprit, that something else must be driving the change, and it’s all a conspiracy. Come on…
Apocalyptic claims about the cost of reducing emissions are especially strange given tremendous technological progress in renewable energy: The costs of wind and solar power have plummeted. Meanwhile, coal-fired power plants have become so uncompetitive that the Trump administration wants to subsidize them at the expense of cleaner energy.
In short, while the arguments of climate deniers were always weak, they’ve gotten much weaker…
They’re just looking for excuses that will let people like the Koch brothers keep making money…
One way to think about what’s happening here is that it’s the ultimate example of Trumpian corruption. We have good reason to believe that Trump and his associates are selling out America for the sake of personal gain. When it comes to climate, however, they aren’t just selling out America; they’re selling out the whole world.
who is more insufferable? NYT’s Paul Krugman or Jeffrey Sachs?
or the Guardian for giving three words to the conservative, followed by mocking responses from ABC’s insufferable Jones & another panellist?
16 Oct: Guardian: Australia should be ‘exporting sunshine, not coal’, economist Jeffrey Sachs tells Q&A
US analyst criticises successive governments for defending coal in wake of alarming IPCC report on climate change
by Calla Wahlquist
Economist Jeffrey Sachs has criticised successive Australian governments for “defending a 19th or 20th century industry” rather than taking decisive action on climate change, saying Australia should be “exporting sunshine, not coal”.
“Make a plan, make a timeline, tell the world how you’re going to decarbonise, and then we’ll all be happy to hear from Australia that there’s really a plan,” Sachs said on the ABC’s Q&A program on Monday night. “All we see is one PM after another falling over this issue.”
Sachs said the IPCC report showed the world was “running out of time” to avoid catastrophic climate change and blamed corporate interests and the domination of the Murdoch press for “propounding nonsense” and “telling lies” about climate science and policy.
He said Australia ought to capitalise on its affinity for solar power.
“This wonderful country has so much sunshine, you cannot even believe – you could power the whole world from your desert,” he said. “So the idea that you don’t have alternatives … I don’t know who could possibly believe this. You should be exporting sunshine actually, not coal.”…
(UK conservative writer James) Bartholomew questioned the IPCC figures, saying that he “knew a scientist” who did not agree with it.
“The IPCC report is based on thousands of scientific reports,” host Tony Jones said in response to Bartholomew’s scepticism. “Six thousand scientific reports and 91 authors and review editors from 40 countries. I mean, balancing that out against the one scientist you know, does it mean that we have to think about consensus?”
(Data science teacher Linda) McIver said her year 10 students had been modelling data from the IPCC report, and even they could see the figures were robust.
“The idea there is not consensus around climate change is outrageous,” she said…
transcript is up…and it’s as ugly as I expected. no prize for guessing who gets to talk and talk and talk and, if a conservative talks, interrupt (read all of the climate segment):
15 Oct: ABC Q&A: Climate, Welfare and Religious Schools
As a 19-year-old, the fast deterioration of our climate is debilitating. But the inaction of our government and the complacency of many others is even more distressing. When will our government and other world leaders finally start making our environment a priority?
Bravo! Probably when you are in office, and doing the right things, which I hope is very soon. Your government and my government, unbelievably irresponsible to you and to all of the world. We have another massive hurricane hitting the United States right now. The intensity of these storms is terrifying. They are…the intensity is rising because of climate change. This isn’t about the future – it’s about right now. And yet, a senator in Florida today said, “I don’t know where climate change comes from.” What is the matter with these people? How dare they either hold the office if they really don’t know, which is not the point, or they’re so corrupt in taking oil money that they pretend that they don’t know? And so, that’s the real story here. The governments are not representing you properly right now. Because the planet is facing profound dangers, we’re all at risk, and our governments need to act. And they promised that they would act, and they’re not acting right now. And by the way, as bad as it is here, look at what we have in our government right now – unreal! So we’ve got a big fight on our hands, but we’re going to make the fight, and I hope the people here make the fight also. This is completely irresponsible.
Jeffrey, how big a wake-up call is the latest IPCC report? Because it’s signalling a level of urgency that has not been in any of the previous reports.
It is something for everybody to read. IPCC, Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change – Nobel-winning scientific body that informs us about what is the scientific knowledge – issued a report last week, which you can find online. Just google “IPCC 1.5 degrees C” because they were asking the question, what does it take for us to achieve the goal we set in Paris in December 2015 to keep the planet safe? And they said we’re running out of time, that there still is… By a miracle, if the politicians acted and we really focused on it and so on, we could still do it. But, basically, we’re running out of time, because in Canberra and in Washington and in other places they are not representing the common interest at all. They’re representing a few big companies, but not the people. This is a disaster, and it was so clearly written that we could lose control completely, we could have a runaway climate system. We’re that close to missing this target, and then we could miss targets well beyond then, because you start the cycle of the permafrost melting and methane and CO2 being released in ways that are not anticipated right now, sea levels rising… It’s a disaster.
Just very briefly, how big… You mentioned Washington – how big a deal is it that Donald Trump is very likely to pull out completely of the Paris Agreement? Threatened to, looks like he’s going to.
He’s bizarre, let’s face it. I mean, let’s be honest about this – he’s absolutely the weirdest president we’ve ever had. And dangerous also. But he’s also representing more than that. He’s representing the corruption of the American political system. This is big oil, big gas, big coal putting a lot of money into the Republican Party so that they all sound like idiots. And this is corruption. And we have to fight it. Because why is this happening? It’s a few companies that think they run the world. But we’re the ones in the midst of hurricanes, we’re the ones that are seeing the floods, the droughts. Think of what’s happening in this country. Is this in the interests of Australia that you have the heatwaves, that you have the droughts, that you have the disasters? Of course not. And we’re facing it. We had mega hurricanes, three last year. Now we’ve had two huge storms, biggest storm in a century to hit the Florida Panhandle, and the senator can’t even tell one sentence of truth. That is a breakdown of the democratic process. And it’s really shocking, and it’s very dangerous.
OK. We have a difference of opinion on the panel. James Bartholomew, you don’t agree, do you?
(a garbled, mess of a response – nervousness, the ABC person who typed it up? who knows?)
James, no-one…
But we’ve been told this before. We’ve been told by Al Gore that it was all going to go wrong. It didn’t happen.
OK, I’ll come back to you.
It IS happening!
But clearly Jeffrey Sachs wants to respond to that. Quickly, Jeffrey. A quick response, and we’ll hear from the other panellists as well.
A wonderful chemist, Svante Arrhenius, in 1896, explained, actually, how things would unfold as CO2 rose in the atmosphere. The quantum mechanics have been understood, the basic dynamics have been understood, for many, many decades. One of my colleagues testified in US Congress, almost got it to precision, what would happen over the next 30 years. The fact of the matter is, now we’re in it. We’re in the midst of horrendous danger, and it’s unfolding before our eyes, and still we are not acting. And the reason we’re not acting is big money and big companies, and it’s complete dishonesty. And I would add your Mr Rupert Murdoch, who has made a mess of the media all over the world, by propounding nonsense in the tabloids and our Fox News, in the Wall Street Journal, telling lies at the service of the oil industry.
I’ll just say that, you know, I think this blaming of big oil companies, as if they are moulding everybody’s opinion, is just not true.
It IS true!
Let me finish.
There are scientists…I know a scientist who has studied the data and just doesn’t agree with it. He believes that global warming is taking place. He believes that man is contributing to it. But he thinks it’s happening at a much lower rate. There’s not a warming, there is lukewarming.
There is global lukewarming.
James, we’ve got… I’m afraid our People’s Panellist is about to…
I am going to explode.
…explode if she can’t say something, so I’m going to let Linda respond. Go on.
I’ve been working with the datasets on climate change. In fact, my Year 10s last year worked with the datasets on climate change. The data is clear. The temperature rise is horrifying. My students did amazing images of the kinds of change that is happening and how fast it is happening. And it’s enough to scare the crap out of you, and it should, because it is real, it is happening now. There is no doubt, it is not lukewarm, and we have to act. It’s just really clear.
The data is absolutely 100% clear.
And by the way, yeah, it is interesting…it is interesting that when you actually subpoena the emails and the correspondence of the oil industry, as the Attorney-General of New York State has done, it unveiled a record of deception for decades. It’s all there and it’s all clear, and it’s all terrifying, basically.
Can I mention…?
Just before you do that – I will come back to you – I just want to hear from our politicians…
So, James, just briefly, the report, the new report, the IPCC report, makes it clear that by 2030 coal-generated power globally will have to drop by 78% or… And that’s below the levels of 2010. So it sounds like what you’re saying partly seems to be code for we need more coal-fired power generation because it’s cheaper. Is that what you’re saying, or not?
No, I’m not saying code for anything, Tony. I’m just recognising the reality that it is today – 60% of Australia’s electricity generation today comes from coal-fired power stations. Around the world, particularly in Asia, coal-fired power stations are being built in their hundreds. It is going to be a big part of the energy system for many years to come, and willing that away won’t make it happen.
Make a plan, make a time line, tell the world how you’re going to decarbonise. And then we’ll all be happy to hear from Australia that there’s really a plan. All we see is one prime minister after another falling over this issue.
But we don’t see any action…
I think this is a point that is really important. That the fact is that those people who have…who are scientists, who take a different view, are shouted down, are not given platforms. The BBC now refuses to take people who put any question at all on the degree of climate… Not just whether it’s happening, but the degree of it. If you’re not an extremist, believer in extreme climate change, you’re not allowed on. When was the last time ABC had somebody on, a scientist…
Plenty of times. Oh, Scientist(s)? Not that recently, a scientist.
…who does not believe that there…who believes there’s only lukewarming, not full warming?
That’s because they’re pretty hard to find, James.
They’re not. They’re not.
They definitely are.
So, you think the IPCC report is something you don’t trust? Is that what you’re saying?
I certainly don’t trust it, because on the basis… Their previous reports said…106…111 out of 114 of their…of times when they’ve made forecasts, they’ve erred on the excessive side. They admit that they’ve been wrong again and again…
My question’s for Jeffrey Sachs. Australia survived the world’s financial crisis because we took swift action, and we had hardly any effects. We took action, the government of the day took action, bank deposits were guaranteed, major government expenditures were made to prime the economy. All these measures were opposed by the opposition of the day. As the Trump administration removes banking regulations and embarks on a trade war, there are fears that we’re entering another period of global financial insecurity. My question is, what hope do you have that our politicians, in Australia and across the world, can overcome partisan politics and cooperate to ensure that the global economy avoids another meltdown?
OK, Jeffrey, it’s a big question, but we’ll keep our answers brief if we can.
Yeah. It’s really crazy that the biggest risk to the world economy is Donald Trump’s imagination. But this is absolutely the case right now…
We’re doing our best to bring this man under control, by the way. We have an election next month. That’s really important that he be constrained, because he is unstable and he’s dangerous, for the world, actually. And the finance here should be kept cautious in light of this. But we’ll do our best, and Australia, I hope, just is a voice of reason in all of this, also saying to the United States, “We don’t want a trade war. And we don’t want to have to choose sides, because we want good relations with the US and good relations with China and good relations with other countries.” That’s the sensible answer…ETC
When was the last time ABC had somebody on, a scientist…
Plenty of times. Oh, Scientist(s)? Not that recently, a scientist.
…who does not believe that there…who believes there’s only lukewarming, not full warming?
That’s because they’re pretty hard to find, James.
They’re not. They’re not.
They definitely are.
So, you think the IPCC report is something you don’t trust? Is that what you’re saying?
And that is what we are paying 1 billion dollars for per annum?
1 Oct: TheNewAmerican: James Murphy: NASA Sees Climate Cooling Trend Thanks to Low Sun Activity
“We see a cooling trend,” said Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.”
The new data is coming from NASA’s Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry or SABER instrument, which is onboard the space agency’s Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) satellite. SABER monitors infrared radiation from carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitric oxide (NO), two substances that play a vital role in the energy output of our thermosphere, the very top level of our atmosphere.
“The thermosphere always cools off during Solar Minimum. It’s one of the most important ways the solar cycle affects our planet,” said Mlynczak, who is the associate principal investigator for SABER.
Who knew that that big yellow ball of light in the sky had such a big influence on our climate?…
“Right now, (TCI) is very low indeed,” said Mlynczak. “SABER is currently measuring 33 billion Watts of infrared power from NO. That’s ten times smaller than we see during more active phases of the solar cycle…
In fact, TCI numbers now, in the closing months of 2018, are very close to setting record lows since measurements began. “We’re not quite there yet,” Mlynczak reports. “but it could happen in a matter of months.”…
The new NASA findings are in line with studies released by UC-San Diego and Northumbria University in Great Britain last year, both of which predict a Grand Solar Minimum in coming decades due to low sunspot activity. Both studies predicted sun activity similar to the Maunder Minimum of the mid-17th to early 18th centuries, which coincided to a time known as the Little Ice Age, during which temperatures were much lower than those of today.
If all of this seems as if NASA is contradicting itself, you’re right — sort of. After all, NASA also reported last week that Arctic sea ice was at its sixth lowest level since measuring began. Isn’t that a sure sign of global warming?
All any of this “proves” is that we have, at best, a cursory understanding of Earth’s incredibly complex climate system. So when mainstream media and carbon-credit salesman Al Gore breathlessly warn you that we must do something about climate change, it’s all right to step back, take a deep breath, and realize that we don’t have the knowledge, skill or resources to have much effect on the Earth’s climate…
Scottish Power announces today it is selling all its carbon assetts (which funnily enough includes hydto) to concrntrate on subsidy harvesying from wind & solar.
This despite jitters about talk of subsidy free renewables which they ecpect will never happen