- JoNova - -

The Great Renewables Marketing scam known as “climate change”.

Another family friendly picnic day in Australia where nice people spend their leisure time advertising an industry worth more than $476,000,000,000.

A bunch of Australians do free corporate advertising

Climate protest, photo.

They would kick themselves if they knew…

Blue Mountains residents to make ‘human sign’ for climate change action

The message will say: Renewable energy, make the switch now, 100% renewables… imagine.

Blue Mountains residents will stand side by side to form the word “SWITCH” which will then be photographed from the air.

Imagine if this was an advert for Coke, or Exxon? It would be so much better. Coke and Exxon produce something that people want voluntarily.

One hundred years from now, people will look back and marvel at the Great Renewables Marketing scam known as “climate change”.

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