Worrying times when you live in a country where the State Sponsored Radio stations yesterday had only one topic which was attacked from a thousand different viewpoints.
Yes, it was International Women’s day. All day.
And the news clip tells Australia’s story from the early 1970s onwards.
And by the way, Ode to the Welfare state reminds me of how those who try the welfare state usually end up — they find that they’ve owed more than they have to the welfare state in order to pay for it.
I worked too hard and long for what I have to want to see it’s value go down the drain and I have no doubt that you will say the same. And I would think that those whom we call our elected government would think the same way. Yet they don’t. Which leads me to believe that there’s a whole lot of crookedness and dishonesty going on in the halls of government, whether it be in Canberra or Washington DC.
How do we get control over our governments again? Trump has so many alligators biting his behind that he can hardly make headway with just a few of his most important agenda items. The rest of the swamp is thriving.
Looking at recent uprisings in France, the destruction of pretty much the whole of Europe, the arrogant misdirection of our taxes for undefined purposes and so on, it’s obvious that the ruling clique has won.
In the USA the puppet Empress is AOC in Australia we had the Julie Doll.
The Only good news, for what it’s worth, is that the Problem is being brought out into the open, but is so complex that most people don’t want to deal with it.
AOC may be doomed. She is so overboard that I can’t see the Democrats trying to go though with it. Right now it’s just talk but getting closer to the election they’re going to have to explain how it will be financed. And then the people will sit up and take notice because Trump will challenge them. He won’t sit around to have his ass wiped like Hillary did.
Thank goodness I don’t bother with the radio any more. Only some of the Sky News on Win offerings.
Don’t worry menfolk….I think the vast majority of you are thoroughly decent chaps, thank goodness. I’m ashamed of the behaviour of some women, generally raging lefties.
Women with brain and energy can do very well in lots of different jobs and professions. Quite a few of us think that the job of bringing up the next generation properly is the most important one that can be done and there are abject failures here, unfortunately.
I am proud that my husband and I have brought up four hard-working, intelligent and sensible offspring who are an enhancement to society.
Annie, i did notice the distinctly “up the workers” soviet roots of womens day, it seems the good meaning women folk have been hijacked by the leftist jackals….
Interestingly, as a general comment, i find the evil spirit behind the leftist movement is supremely cunning…as you’ d expect of an ( temporarily ) currently immortal being thats had 1000s if years to hone its craft…
It seems that Saul Alynski had been seen as a hero, but i pointed out he dedicated his book to the Devil….it didnt go down well, but you can see the father of the Left isnt Christian.
OT. I replied elsewhere to a comment and it will get moderated but I wanted people to be aware of something.
South Australia had its hottest summer ever but the poor records don’t support it. Adelaide’s West Tce is one of the few sites with temperature records back in 1939 but a very different site back then. Apart from the new thermometers possibly reading as much as two degrees higher than the old min/ max mercury thermometers would, the nearby quiet suburban street became a 6 lane major road. Still, while the record was broken for highest maximum by half a degree, it never got over 42 on any other day while it passed 44 on three other days in that 1939 heatwave, and hit 42 later in the summer.
Even though there is no data for this site from March 1979 to May 2017, 38 years, they still show mean, highest monthly mean and lowest monthly mean temps without stating that this is only for the data they have rather than the actual temps.
If there was a higher temp in the missing years we would not know about it.
RB, You are spot on mate.
The Bureau of Misinformation tells us how this Summer has been the hottest ever.
But frankly it’s bullsh*t.
All of the ‘heatwaves’ have been just for 2- 3 days
And followed by cooler periods.
The major issue is no rain since December.
I was digging in my garden yesterday.
There is no sub sol moisture at all
RB, anecdotally, the work my company does is predominantly outside and we lost fewer days to high temps (35+) this summer than in the previous one, yet this was “The Hottest Evah…”
Re the West Terrace measurement site, the new one is behind Adelaide High School, surrounded by green grass (you can see it from Henley Beach Rd) and from my perusal of the BOM website has TMax consistently 1.5 degrees or more cooler than Kent Town…
Yes. All over the ‘western’ world the Welfare State is running out of money to fund it.
What will our blind mugs in Canberra do when the whole thing collapses (and I include thousands of Public Servants in that)? There will be turmoil as they try to keep the money flowing, before most are gone. I can’t feel sorry for Bill Shorten as he gains his most fervent ambition and finds out that he cannot do what he wants.
‘Nationals MPs say that unless the government allows the lower house to vote on legislation enabling the forced divestment of energy companies, and that the government also commits before the election to underwriting a coal-fired power station, “all hell will break lose”.
Legislation would not pass in the lower house. Morrison will not commit to coal fired power stations.
A few Queensland Nationals could resign from the Coalition. That might damage the Liberal vote in Queensland slightly but is unlikely to change the result of the election.
With one proviso, I want to see Andrew Gee keep his position as new assistant minister to the deputy prime minister. He is a good politician and should inherit the leadership when Barnaby one day retires.
Yep Barrilaro and McCormack are pathetic. Bring back the “old CountrParty. Even Labor’s Jack Renshaw- former member for Castlereagh was a far superior.
In reply to Peter C , what can they do – they need to either distance themselves from the Greens and Labor or join them because from where I’m standing there’s not much difference between them .
Thank god for Cory Bernardi , no he’s not perfect but he is streets ahead of any other party .
Of course if the PM were to approve the 2 proposed Chinese coal fired stations in NSW there would be a big change. Unlikely as the NSW Liberals are clueless non-entities. Labor would have to pander to the Greens and might face questions about future supply IF the Federal government can find anybody tough enough. The ABC is where “all hell will break loose”.
Gordo, you’re the eternal optimist, I’ll give you that, but Don Harwin (NSW Energy Minister) is pushing solar and wind, and tons of new transmission lines to hook up distant renewable plants. New coal power is not on his radar. His renewables mate Photios is pulling the strings and deciding NSW policy, not Gladys.
You obviously didn’t see Barny on Credlin the other night where he tried to obfuscate his way through questioning about our current unsustainable immigration levels. He came up with every half-truth and misdirection under the sun. He impressed nobody. He was just a yes-man as he used to be under Turnbull. I don’t know what he thinks he’s achieving.
The entire group of Nats MPs need to grow some; be prepared to adopt policies independent of the Libs; be prepared to withhold their vote in the House to make the Libs sit up and take notice. They are supposed to be an independent party, not a pack of mangy lap-dogs who roll over and do tricks at the Libs’ command.
The entire group of Nats MPs need to grow some; be prepared to adopt policies independent of the Libs;
Agreed beo, but just aint gunna happen. The ONLY influence the Nats ever have is as coalition partners and then ONLY when the seat numbers Lib vs ALP are close enough so that them threatening to cross the floor or abstain actually matters. Libs throw them enough crumbs over time to keep them in drooling for lapdog status but hold the Nats in contempt most times.
And then, when numbers are tight enough for them to to actually matter, the current lot of parasites in the Nats fall back on infighting, kaos and knocking up their staffers. Regional seats would be far better represented by pragmatic center right, center left indies. People like daS Beetenrooter need to go but there may well be enough stupid people in his electorate for him to hang on as a useless timeserver accumulating super in opposition.
I’m, not saying he’s yesterday’s man — I used to be a Barny fan — but he needs to get his act together and decide if he’s a Nat or just a camp follower of the Libs. If he wants to prostitute himself for some short term power that is his choice, but it’s not in his or our long term interests.
He is certainly the most charismatic of the Nats that I know, but he needs a minder, just like Abbott did. I despair at the lack of nouse displayed by politicians who show potential then throw it away with a succession of stupid decisions.
And then we have Morrison who never had any potential to throw away to begin with: a waste of space and oxygen. When are we going to get a decent conservative leader? Barnaby might be redeemable if the people of New England forgive him his philandering; Abbott might be redeemable if he can hold onto his seat, especially if the decks are cleared of Turnbullites. Think Lazarus, triple by-passes and all that.
All will depend on who is left standing after the coming electoral blood bath.
The old country people of the past and their reps are gone. The vitues of obduracy,honesty(ie.straight talking) and hard work largely absent now.Adam Marshall is a climate change believer- though it would be electoral suicide to do otherwwise.Barnaby is confusing to me ang infuriating.
Happer organises his Red Team, this will be revolutionary.
‘Dr. William Happer (an eminently qualified scientist in the White House) has proposed the Presidential Committee on Climate Science [or Presidential Commission on Climate Security] (PCCS).
‘The PCCS will bring together multiple qualified scientists who will review such significant issues as global warming’s alleged impact on national security, agriculture, sea levels and extreme weather. Their assignment will be to separate real, evidence-based science from agenda-driven political science.’
Lovely piece. From a time 100 years ago when Democrats promised an income for everyone without working and factories used windmills and watermills for power and the rich would pay for everything. Oh, wait.
Are we so different? A nationwide blackout in Venezuela with the breakdown of their hydro scheme, in the country with the most fossil fuel in the world. As the parliament anointed President Guaido wrote “Venezuela enjoyed huge energy reserves and the best power grid on the continent before the socialist takeover.”
They should visit South Australia and Victoria to see how democratic governments can legislate an entire country into energy poverty.
You will also note that Australia is now in recession as growth is 0.2%. Would having the world’s most expensive and electricity have anything to do with that? A country where factories are ordered to close by the government. A country where smelters are massively subsidized in secret to pretend to stay open because they cannot operate profitably. Whole cities are being devastated by stupid Green anti business, anti fossil fuel, anti farming, anti meat, anti life policies.
o-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore explained how fear and guilt are leveraged by proponents of climate change:
Fear has been used all through history to gain control of people’s minds and wallets and all else, and the climate catastrophe is strictly a fear campaign — well, fear and guilt — you’re afraid you’re killing your children because you’re driving them in your SUV and emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and you feel guilty for doing that. There’s no stronger motivation than those two https://www.breitbart.com/radio/2019/03/07/greenpeace-founder-global-warming-hoax-pushed-corrupt-scientists-hooked-government-grants/
how bout hate at #3 spot, hate toward sanity, equinimity, decent reasoning? If the oceans were composed of CO2, thn CO2 would be the main factor.. Money is the current ode to a CO2 revolution, but power and divide and conquer are vying for second place.
Hollywood has certainly changed, Tony. I can think of only a few with having so-called conservative views (Clint Eastwood, James Wood, Tom Selleck and Dwayne Johnson).
BTW, here is a great political joke from the late Ronald Reagan.
last nite, ABC was still running as their TOP item on news bulletins Turnbull mocking Abbott on coal vs RE.
as an excuse for still running this as top news, they began with how 2 former PMs had interjected themselves into the Govt’s energy policy & the PM had dismissed them. Morrison’s words (two, from memory) were too quick & brief to recall.
the insult was followed by Abbott’s Paris back-flip, so both examples presented were negatives for the Coalition.
following posted strictly for the Turnbull PIC that goes with the audio:
AUDIO: 4min20sec: 8 Mar: ABC AM: Sabra Lane intro: Turnbull says he was rolled because he could have won election
By Katherine Gregory on AM
In a remarkable interview with the BBC, former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull claims he was dumped by Liberal colleagues who feared he would win the next election.
Mr Turnbull describes his removal last year from the Liberal party leadership as a “peculiar Australian form of madness”. https://www.abc.net.au/radio/programs/am/turnbull-says-he-was-rolled-because-he-could-have-won-election/10882764
a new ABC meme for “climate denial” – association with angry Michael Jackson fans/conspiracy theorists!
AUDIO: 8 Mar: ABC Download this Show: A new documentary detailing allegations of sexual abuse has Michael Jackson fans angry and on social media to defend his name etc…
Presenter: Ariel Bogle
Rae Johnston, Editor, Junkee
Claire Reilly, Senior Editor, CNET https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/downloadthisshow/dts-06-03/10879058
the relevant section begins around 3min. Claire Reilly: it’s people trying to co-opt conversations on social media; might go after individual journalists;
Claire then pivots from Jackson fans attacking Oprah Winfrey (don’t touch Oprah that’s a sacred place) to how we might have seen this traditionally, with anti-vaxxers, climate change denialists, maybe flat-earthers – people who have conspiracy theories and they are so keen to use the tools of social media to control the conversation. people who think my facts are right. it’s also a basic misunderstanding of what makes a fact, which is a very interesting thing here. NYT might quote 3 sources, so they quote 3 sources blah blah. sometimes the same tactic is used by people who try to deploy fake news, particulary around the US elections etc. ENDS 11min10sec.
TWEET: Prof Brian Cox:
My timeline is currently populated by people who believe that God is Flat, that Darwin supported brexit and that Jesus is not a greenhouse gas. Or something like that.
5 Mar 2019 https://twitter.com/ProfBrianCox/status/1103150671870738433
Harmer mentions other examples, including that humans will evolve to defeat CAGW;
ABC’s Patricia Karvelas interjects: “that would be fantastic, but impossible”.
at 4min48sec: Karvelas brings up pollies have more money to spend on us. Harmer: they can now use their office expenses on media advertising. what can we looked forward to? (some old examples); then the only current example – Waringah Votes ad – “Vote Tony Out” song.
Karvelas chuckles: that’s a jingle you can’t get out of your head, Wendy.
Harmer: it’s a real toe-tapper.
Brian Cox is entitled to his views and to express them, but the public needs to realise that on anything other than quantum physics he knows no more than they do.
The Bureau of Misinformation runs a facebook page.
I tried to put up a post there yesterday about it’s dopey ACORN 2 temperature readings.
With a link to the article by Jennifer Marohesy and discussion on What’s Up With That recently.
It never appeared.
From which I conclude, it’s time to bomb the BOM : shut it down !
Science too, has always been going downhill, as this clip from the 1897 SMH show
Scientific literature had reached its “high-water” mark in the publishing a few years back. It was replaced by the public’s appetite for socialism – which has since “ceased to enthral”.
Okay, this is me going shamelessly off topic. I know I really should wait for the upcoming Unthreaded, but I thought I’d get in early, as I’ve already posted it at my home site, and as much as I have some self control, I couldn’t wait, so sorry about that.
Note to Joanne – When the time comes, maybe you’d like to transfer it to that Unthreaded.
I wanted to explain the difference between Megawatts (MW) and MegaWattHours, (MWH) so I went ahead and did just that.
Basically, the difference is that MW is the Nameplate, and MWH is the generated power across time while that generator is working and delivering its power.
What made me think of it is that recent proposal for two new coal fired plants in the Hunter Region. Their Nameplate will be 2000MW , so I did the sums for wind power, and it’s the case that EVERY wind plant in operation here in Australia has a Nameplate of 5661MW, so 2.86 times more than these proposed two new USC coal fired plants (HELE) However these two coal fired plants will deliver more power than ALL 51 of those wind plants combined across a whole year.
I have a more in depth explanation at the Post at the following link.
Of course, if wind speeds increased so as to make the wind power generators competitive with the coal fired power stations, the climate change believers would blame climate change. In other words, using the renewable energy sources that we are told will stop climate change, work better with climate change
Except of course when it’s hotter in Southern Australia wind speed are LOWER. If the touring 40s are pushed lower wind power will be the first to suffer. Besides wind turbines extract energy from moving air, and they do that by slowing the air, raising air pressure, ironically changing the local climate/environment quite dramatically.
Not only that wind turbines displace trees, and decrease the CO2 sinks across the area. The energy costs to operate and maintain them are up to 60% of their output, losses due to long coastal transmission lines are high so that perhaps only 20% of the energy they generate escapes the climate obsessed “industry”
No CO2 was ever harmed in deploying wind power. Wind turbines create more CO2 than coal.
Excellent appraisal.
The point about the negative CO2 sequestration effect caused by extreme land clearing for wind farms is all too real.
A CO2 cost per kWh benefit for renewables is very doubtful when poor economies of scale, short operational life and highly irregular output are factored in.
Wind speed variation is unmanageable principally because of the delivered energy varying as the cube of the wind speed so that a doubling of wind speed from say 15kph to 30kph is accompanied by an octupling of the energy to be delivered. A wind farm’s variance must be a very difficult client to accommodate anywhere on the distribution grid.
7 Mar: Jamaica Gleaner: Earth Today: Climate change policy under revision
JAMAICA IS now revising its Climate Change Policy Framework and Action Plan to better reflect new climate realities affecting the island, including the status of global negotiations on the subject and ***the need to incorporate gender and other key considerations.
“Jamaica ratified the Paris Agreement two years ago and since that time, there have been many developments, including new obligations the country has under the agreement. When the Ministry reviewed the Climate Change Policy Framework, the documents written did not reflect these new developments,” said Gillian Guthrie, senior director for the Environment and Risk Management Branch of the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation.
“There were issues related to Jamaica’s obligations under the Paris Agreement, as well as issues related to sustainable financing like the ***Green Climate Fund and so we wanted to review the document to reflect the new developments to make it current and still relevant,” she added…
8 Mar: IISD: Green Growth is at the Heart of Efforts to Achieve Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment While Delivering on the SDGs and the Paris Agreement
by Anna Schulz, Climate Diplomacy Specialist, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Currently, climate action under the Paris Agreement does not sufficiently integrate gender considerations. A 2016 report by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on maximizing “co-benefits” between gender equality and climate action found that only 40% of the 162 national emission reduction targets submitted under the Paris Agreement, representing 19% of total global emissions, actually mention gender and only 20% refer to “gender mainstreaming.”… http://sdg.iisd.org/commentary/guest-articles/green-growth-is-at-the-heart-of-efforts-to-achieve-gender-equality-and-womens-empowerment-while-delivering-on-the-sdgs-and-the-paris-agreement/
UNFCCC & Green Climate Fund have lots of stuff on “gender action” re the Paris Agreement/SDGs.
what has any of this to do with the IPCC & CAGW? it’s more the agenda of the SJWs.
7 Mar: Jamaica Gleaner: Earth Today: Climate change policy under revision
JAMAICA IS now revising its Climate Change Policy Framework and Action Plan to better reflect new climate realities affecting the island, including the status of global negotiations on the subject and ***the need to incorporate gender and other key considerations.
“Jamaica ratified the Paris Agreement two years ago and since that time, there have been many developments, including new obligations the country has under the agreement. When the Ministry reviewed the Climate Change Policy Framework, the documents written did not reflect these new developments,” said Gillian Guthrie, senior director for the Environment and Risk Management Branch of the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation.
“There were issues related to Jamaica’s obligations under the Paris Agreement, as well as issues related to sustainable financing like the ***Green Climate Fund and so we wanted to review the document to reflect the new developments to make it current and still relevant,” she added…
8 Mar: IISD: Green Growth is at the Heart of Efforts to Achieve Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment While Delivering on the SDGs and the Paris Agreement
by Anna Schulz, Climate Diplomacy Specialist, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Currently, climate action under the Paris Agreement does not sufficiently integrate gender considerations. A 2016 report by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on maximizing “co-benefits” between gender equality and climate action found that only 40% of the 162 national emission reduction targets submitted under the Paris Agreement, representing 19% of total global emissions, actually mention gender and only 20% refer to “gender mainstreaming.”… http://sdg.iisd.org/commentary/guest-articles/green-growth-is-at-the-heart-of-efforts-to-achieve-gender-equality-and-womens-empowerment-while-delivering-on-the-sdgs-and-the-paris-agreement/
UNFCCC & Green Climate Fund have lots of stuff on “gender action” re the Paris Agreement/SDGs.
what has any of this to do with the IPCC & CAGW? it’s more the agenda of the SJWs.
apologies for my comment posting twice – shaky hands?
as with most MSM in UK, especially BBC, Sky News UK is 24/7 on the negatives of Brexit. this piece is as ridiculous as anything else they reort:
9 Mar: SkyNewsUK: ‘Stockpiling for no-deal Brexit buffers my family from risks’
Nevine Mann has been buying extra food since last summer to make sure she and her family are prepared for a no-deal Brexit
A Sky Data poll has revealed 28% of people are stockpiling in preparation for a no-deal Brexit, or have thought about doing so.
She tells Sky News why she is doing it.
A no-deal Brexit may result in disruption to a whole range of products and services, some for a short time, others for much longer…
We brought forward the planned installation of solar panels on our roof, and kept all three of the raised veggie patches we had previously decided to keep just one of. We also bought a lot of vegetable seeds to try growing – despite having a terrible record for keeping plants alive!…READ ON https://news.sky.com/story/stockpiling-for-no-deal-brexit-buffers-my-family-from-risks-11658683
read the details. oh, it’s about ***far-right parties, in case you can’t tell from DW’s headline! lol:
9 Mar: Deutsche Welle: ***Far-right parties poised to double seats in EU Parliament: poll
***Far-right parties are set to double their seats in the European Parliament election in May, according to a new poll. The survey showed ***far-right parties were ahead in countries like France, Italy and Poland. https://www.dw.com/en/far-right-parties-poised-to-double-seats-in-eu-parliament-poll/a-47832850
not passed and doubt it will be, but incredible to see just how scared they are of anyone looking into the “science” of CAGW.
scroll way down to the bottom:
Congressional Record: [pp. S1742-3]
By Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, Mr. Carper, Mr. Reed, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Markey, Mr. Schatz, Ms. Smith, Mr. Blumenthal, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Booker, Ms. Stabenow, Ms. Klobuchar, Ms. Hassan, Mr. Merkley, and Mrs. Feinstein):
S. 729. A bill to prohibit the use of funds to Federal agencies to
establish a panel, task force, advisory committee, or other effort to
challenge the scientific consensus on climate change, and for other
purposes; read the first time.
Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the text of
the bill be printed in the Record.
There being no objection, the text of the bill was ordered to be
printed in the Record, as follows:
S. 729
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
No amounts appropriated or otherwise made available to a Federal agency (as defined in section 1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6903) and including the Executive Office of the President) may be used to establish or operate a panel, task force, other advisory committee, or other effort intended to challenge the scientific consensus on climate change, as presented in the assessment required under section 106 of the Global Change Research Act of 1990 (15 U.S.C. 2936). https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/CREC-2019-03-07/html/CREC-2019-03-07-pt1-PgS1735.htm
This is not an easy problem because people can vote money to their-selves. You can’t ever get enough money (from rich people and carbon tax) if you can’t control the costs. The best way to do that is deductibles. Patients must pay what they get so that they have incentive to keep the costs in bay. Insurance companies can’t do it. Doctors can’t do it. Government officials can’t do it.
FakeNewsMSM is making much of the following. these 2 a bit more realistic:
8 Mar: ClimateChangeNews: Climate Weekly: Norway divests (a bit)
By Karl Mathiesen
Norway has caused a stir by announcing plans to divest its $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund from oil and gas producers.
The proposal (LINK), which needs to pass parliament, is not quite as radical as it first appears. The sell list is limited to $7.5 billion worth of shares in 134 companies purely focused on exploration and production. Majors like Shell and Exxon Mobil, with more mixed business models, escape the ban – as does state oil company Equinor… https://www.climatechangenews.com/2019/03/08/climate-weekly-norway-divests-bit/
the proposal hasn’t even gone to Parliament for approval, as yet.
8 Mar: Bloomberg: Norway Gives $1 Trillion Wealth Fund Approval to Dump Some Oil Stocks
By Mikael Holter; With assistance by Kelly Gilblom, and Annmarie Hordern
Fund approved to sell $7.5 billion in smaller oil explorers
Government rejects plan by fund to sell $40 billion in stocks
Big Oil dodged a bullet…
Sony Kapoor, managing director at think tank Re-Define, said in a message that the limited divestment “‘represents a victory of Big Oil lobbying over financial prudence and common sense.”…
Jensen defended her decision to keep the big oil companies in the portfolio, citing their increased investments in renewable energy. Norway’s own oil company, Equinor ASA, is also increasing renewable energy investments, and even recently changed its name from Statoil.
“It would be sad if the pension fund would not be able to invest in those companies in the future,” Jensen said in an interview… https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2019-03-08/norway-gives-1-trillion-fund-go-ahead-to-divest-its-oil-stocks
“She just reached out there and said, ‘Mr President, would you sign this?'” Ms Pike said.
Mr Trump used a felt pen to scratch out his signature on the cover of the girl’s Bible, which was decorated with pink camouflage, and Ms Trump then added her signature.
The girl had already defaced it with decoration. She obviously loved her bible, and adding the President’s signature was simply a cool addition. I fully support Trump for signing it.
Just looking for info about Whitehaven coal mine and claims they are buying up all the water in the district then came across their energy widget and it struck me that the states that want a 50/50 energy mix are Dreaming as Tony from Oz says .
Right now wind is next to useless in vic and SA and no solar so without fossil fuel our lights would go off more often than not .
In Henry VIII’s time poor relief in England was done by the monasteries – who owned much land and could certainly afford it. King Henry dissolved the monasteries and appropriated their wealth to fund his royal schemes. Relief of the poor, meaning mainly those incapable of working the land and who had no capital nor support from others (often widows and the infirm), then fell to the parishes. Following a lifetime during which the laws fluctuated in their attitude to the poor, a system was settled in 1601 in which parishes were obliged to provide assistance – obviously out of local resources – for persons in and of the parish who were destitute. (Eligibility criteria were tightened up later in the 17th century, to stamp out certain abuses.) The question of which applicants for poor relief should be granted how much help was left to local authorities, who knew personally the circumstances of those involved. In 1795, however, one parish (Speenhamland, in Berkshire) decided on a minimum wage and set local taxes so that the wages of persons who were paid less than a certain amount were topped up from those taxes. This system then spread, with variations. The law of unintended consequences quickly made itself felt, reducing the market wage offered, because employers knew that taxpayers would make up the deficiency. Then, to maintain the top-up, taxes and tithes had to be increased significantly even as wages fell. This was hardest on the poorest ‘labourers’ (meaning those who did not qualify for relief), who were soon living less well than some ‘paupers’ (meaning those who received relief). Moreover the paupers, initially grateful, soon set up gangs which physically threatened the people who set the rates and the criteria for relief; a sense of entitlement had spread very quickly from the rich to the poor. Those criteria for relief were designed to take family circumstances into account, with the result that, while labourers became poorer with each child they had, single mothers and other pauper families often became richer, the more children they had. The growing unfairness of this system was a major underlying cause of the rural riots of 1830-31, even if the immediate triggers were poor harvests and creeping mechanisation of farm labour. These riots were not primarily an uprising against an oppressive aristocracy, of the sort seen in the French Revolution. The riots led to parliamentary reform and the end of ‘outdoor relief’ (paying paupers in the community). ‘Indoor relief’ was expanded – the workhouse system, which had its own inhumanities as chronicled by Charles Dickens.
The report of the Chadwick Royal Commission into the problem and the consequent 1834 reform of the Poor Law has a modern ring, for nowadays we are back at the system that grew from 1795 and ended with riots by the poorest workers not in receipt of relief – except that today everybody has the vote, so that there is no mechanism preventing elections from becoming auctions of benefits.
During the Great Depression, the cry of unemployed men was for the ‘right to work’. It took a long time to de-moralise the people, but two full generations of elections treated as auctions of unsustainable promises by politicians who bribe the electorate with its own money has achieved that; frank statements by some unemployed persons on benefits reveal that paying people who do nothing risks turning ‘doing nothing’ into a paid occupation.
Finally, the cause of the “little ice age” has been found… even though I thought it didn’t happen at all, or it did happen, but not globally… I just can’t keep up with the way “the science has been settled” any more.
Worrying times when you live in a country where the State Sponsored Radio stations yesterday had only one topic which was attacked from a thousand different viewpoints.
Yes, it was International Women’s day. All day.
And the news clip tells Australia’s story from the early 1970s onwards.
International Women’s Day. All WEEK! And still on about it this morning.
And how many people celebrate International Men’s Day? Who even knows what day it is?
It’s 19th November.
Just try to celebrate it and see how fast you get condemned.
And by the way, Ode to the Welfare state reminds me of how those who try the welfare state usually end up — they find that they’ve owed more than they have to the welfare state in order to pay for it.
Sorry for the bad pun but what the heck, might as well make light of what we can’t find a way to change.
If a government spends more than it has there’s a simple solution if you’ve borrowed overseas.
Devalue the currency..
I worked too hard and long for what I have to want to see it’s value go down the drain and I have no doubt that you will say the same. And I would think that those whom we call our elected government would think the same way. Yet they don’t. Which leads me to believe that there’s a whole lot of crookedness and dishonesty going on in the halls of government, whether it be in Canberra or Washington DC.
How do we get control over our governments again? Trump has so many alligators biting his behind that he can hardly make headway with just a few of his most important agenda items. The rest of the swamp is thriving.
That’s unfortunately it Roy,
– a whole lot of crookedness.
I keep calling this phase of human development:
World War 111.
Looking at recent uprisings in France, the destruction of pretty much the whole of Europe, the arrogant misdirection of our taxes for undefined purposes and so on, it’s obvious that the ruling clique has won.
In the USA the puppet Empress is AOC in Australia we had the Julie Doll.
The Only good news, for what it’s worth, is that the Problem is being brought out into the open, but is so complex that most people don’t want to deal with it.
Our governments are corrupt.
AOC may be doomed. She is so overboard that I can’t see the Democrats trying to go though with it. Right now it’s just talk but getting closer to the election they’re going to have to explain how it will be financed. And then the people will sit up and take notice because Trump will challenge them. He won’t sit around to have his ass wiped like Hillary did.
She could become Trumps best supporter in 2020.
Thank goodness I don’t bother with the radio any more. Only some of the Sky News on Win offerings.
Don’t worry menfolk….I think the vast majority of you are thoroughly decent chaps, thank goodness. I’m ashamed of the behaviour of some women, generally raging lefties.
Women with brain and energy can do very well in lots of different jobs and professions. Quite a few of us think that the job of bringing up the next generation properly is the most important one that can be done and there are abject failures here, unfortunately.
I am proud that my husband and I have brought up four hard-working, intelligent and sensible offspring who are an enhancement to society.
Annie, i did notice the distinctly “up the workers” soviet roots of womens day, it seems the good meaning women folk have been hijacked by the leftist jackals….
Interestingly, as a general comment, i find the evil spirit behind the leftist movement is supremely cunning…as you’ d expect of an ( temporarily ) currently immortal being thats had 1000s if years to hone its craft…
Grumble, grumble, grumble all day, instead of celebrating their own women’s accomplishments.
I would have thought that the aim of an International “Anything” Day was to abolish the need to have such a day!
Did any of those viewpoints include the idea of women working at the same jobs as men or for as long an hours?
One benefit was not having to put up with Saturday morning twit music commentary from Ed who used to be Emma.
The Long March To The Polls … cartoon
Funny cartoon Dennis , but just when did the Democrats become socialist nation wreckers ?
The history of the democrats is “interesting”.
Rosa Parks ( rights movement ) may have also had links to communism.
It seems that Saul Alynski had been seen as a hero, but i pointed out he dedicated his book to the Devil….it didnt go down well, but you can see the father of the Left isnt Christian.
If that was a serious question it was prolly when Obumma started his second term. “Tell Vlad I will have more flexibility AFTER the elections”.
The Democrats were always a radical socialist klu klux klan loving organisation from what I can see .
OT. I replied elsewhere to a comment and it will get moderated but I wanted people to be aware of something.
South Australia had its hottest summer ever but the poor records don’t support it. Adelaide’s West Tce is one of the few sites with temperature records back in 1939 but a very different site back then. Apart from the new thermometers possibly reading as much as two degrees higher than the old min/ max mercury thermometers would, the nearby quiet suburban street became a 6 lane major road. Still, while the record was broken for highest maximum by half a degree, it never got over 42 on any other day while it passed 44 on three other days in that 1939 heatwave, and hit 42 later in the summer.
The January mean maximum for that site in 1939 was 33.6°C. It was only 33.0 in 2019 but (and why I distrust the BOM) one day of about 25 is missing. Can you imagine what is going on that isn’t so obvious?
Even though there is no data for this site from March 1979 to May 2017, 38 years, they still show mean, highest monthly mean and lowest monthly mean temps without stating that this is only for the data they have rather than the actual temps.
If there was a higher temp in the missing years we would not know about it.
Maybe that is why there are missing years so they can say what they want and the message fits with the beliefs of the UN Church of Climatology.
RB, You are spot on mate.
The Bureau of Misinformation tells us how this Summer has been the hottest ever.
But frankly it’s bullsh*t.
All of the ‘heatwaves’ have been just for 2- 3 days
And followed by cooler periods.
The major issue is no rain since December.
I was digging in my garden yesterday.
There is no sub sol moisture at all
RB, anecdotally, the work my company does is predominantly outside and we lost fewer days to high temps (35+) this summer than in the previous one, yet this was “The Hottest Evah…”
Re the West Terrace measurement site, the new one is behind Adelaide High School, surrounded by green grass (you can see it from Henley Beach Rd) and from my perusal of the BOM website has TMax consistently 1.5 degrees or more cooler than Kent Town…
Morning Jo,
Finland is suffering also.
Dave B
Yes. All over the ‘western’ world the Welfare State is running out of money to fund it.
What will our blind mugs in Canberra do when the whole thing collapses (and I include thousands of Public Servants in that)? There will be turmoil as they try to keep the money flowing, before most are gone. I can’t feel sorry for Bill Shorten as he gains his most fervent ambition and finds out that he cannot do what he wants.
The agrarian socialists draw a line in the sand.
‘Nationals MPs say that unless the government allows the lower house to vote on legislation enabling the forced divestment of energy companies, and that the government also commits before the election to underwriting a coal-fired power station, “all hell will break lose”.
Coorey / FinReview
What can they do?
Legislation would not pass in the lower house. Morrison will not commit to coal fired power stations.
A few Queensland Nationals could resign from the Coalition. That might damage the Liberal vote in Queensland slightly but is unlikely to change the result of the election.
‘What can they do?’
Get rid of their inept leader.
Bring back Barnaby.
The only National with some cut-through.
With one proviso, I want to see Andrew Gee keep his position as new assistant minister to the deputy prime minister. He is a good politician and should inherit the leadership when Barnaby one day retires.
There is great unrest and the NSW Nationals deserve to be routed.
Yep Barrilaro and McCormack are pathetic. Bring back the “old CountrParty. Even Labor’s Jack Renshaw- former member for Castlereagh was a far superior.
When the polling is that bad time to say
“What the HELE”
In reply to Peter C , what can they do – they need to either distance themselves from the Greens and Labor or join them because from where I’m standing there’s not much difference between them .
Thank god for Cory Bernardi , no he’s not perfect but he is streets ahead of any other party .
All sound and fury signifying nothing.
Of course if the PM were to approve the 2 proposed Chinese coal fired stations in NSW there would be a big change. Unlikely as the NSW Liberals are clueless non-entities. Labor would have to pander to the Greens and might face questions about future supply IF the Federal government can find anybody tough enough. The ABC is where “all hell will break loose”.
Realpolitik is what the bush electorate is all about, so Premier Gladys and Morrison will push for new infrastructure in the rural and regional areas.
Very fast trains, satellite cities, coal fired power stations and Lake Argyle water on tap.
Gordo, you’re the eternal optimist, I’ll give you that, but Don Harwin (NSW Energy Minister) is pushing solar and wind, and tons of new transmission lines to hook up distant renewable plants. New coal power is not on his radar. His renewables mate Photios is pulling the strings and deciding NSW policy, not Gladys.
YES please. 🙂
He is refreshed and looking for a fight.
You obviously didn’t see Barny on Credlin the other night where he tried to obfuscate his way through questioning about our current unsustainable immigration levels. He came up with every half-truth and misdirection under the sun. He impressed nobody. He was just a yes-man as he used to be under Turnbull. I don’t know what he thinks he’s achieving.
The entire group of Nats MPs need to grow some; be prepared to adopt policies independent of the Libs; be prepared to withhold their vote in the House to make the Libs sit up and take notice. They are supposed to be an independent party, not a pack of mangy lap-dogs who roll over and do tricks at the Libs’ command.
Agreed beo, but just aint gunna happen. The ONLY influence the Nats ever have is as coalition partners and then ONLY when the seat numbers Lib vs ALP are close enough so that them threatening to cross the floor or abstain actually matters. Libs throw them enough crumbs over time to keep them in drooling for lapdog status but hold the Nats in contempt most times.
And then, when numbers are tight enough for them to to actually matter, the current lot of parasites in the Nats fall back on infighting, kaos and knocking up their staffers. Regional seats would be far better represented by pragmatic center right, center left indies. People like daS Beetenrooter need to go but there may well be enough stupid people in his electorate for him to hang on as a useless timeserver accumulating super in opposition.
Alright …. Barnaby is yesterday’s man and by comparison Andrew Gee is post modern.
I’m, not saying he’s yesterday’s man — I used to be a Barny fan — but he needs to get his act together and decide if he’s a Nat or just a camp follower of the Libs. If he wants to prostitute himself for some short term power that is his choice, but it’s not in his or our long term interests.
He is certainly the most charismatic of the Nats that I know, but he needs a minder, just like Abbott did. I despair at the lack of nouse displayed by politicians who show potential then throw it away with a succession of stupid decisions.
And then we have Morrison who never had any potential to throw away to begin with: a waste of space and oxygen. When are we going to get a decent conservative leader? Barnaby might be redeemable if the people of New England forgive him his philandering; Abbott might be redeemable if he can hold onto his seat, especially if the decks are cleared of Turnbullites. Think Lazarus, triple by-passes and all that.
All will depend on who is left standing after the coming electoral blood bath.
Polishing up the crystal ball it appears the Nats won’t have a spill before the election.
The old country people of the past and their reps are gone. The vitues of obduracy,honesty(ie.straight talking) and hard work largely absent now.Adam Marshall is a climate change believer- though it would be electoral suicide to do otherwwise.Barnaby is confusing to me ang infuriating.
Barnaby / Abbott have the leftists quaking in their boots !!
Look at the massive UNDERHANDED efforts they have used to try to get rid of them.
Happer organises his Red Team, this will be revolutionary.
‘Dr. William Happer (an eminently qualified scientist in the White House) has proposed the Presidential Committee on Climate Science [or Presidential Commission on Climate Security] (PCCS).
‘The PCCS will bring together multiple qualified scientists who will review such significant issues as global warming’s alleged impact on national security, agriculture, sea levels and extreme weather. Their assignment will be to separate real, evidence-based science from agenda-driven political science.’
Lovely piece. From a time 100 years ago when Democrats promised an income for everyone without working and factories used windmills and watermills for power and the rich would pay for everything. Oh, wait.
Yep, Free beer for the workers.
Are we so different? A nationwide blackout in Venezuela with the breakdown of their hydro scheme, in the country with the most fossil fuel in the world. As the parliament anointed President Guaido wrote “Venezuela enjoyed huge energy reserves and the best power grid on the continent before the socialist takeover.”
They should visit South Australia and Victoria to see how democratic governments can legislate an entire country into energy poverty.
You will also note that Australia is now in recession as growth is 0.2%. Would having the world’s most expensive and electricity have anything to do with that? A country where factories are ordered to close by the government. A country where smelters are massively subsidized in secret to pretend to stay open because they cannot operate profitably. Whole cities are being devastated by stupid Green anti business, anti fossil fuel, anti farming, anti meat, anti life policies.
Atlas Shrugged.
I’m reminded of a short video clip from the 1940 film The Ghost Breakers, where Bob Hope delivers the punch line.
Link to video clip
That’s great Tony!
o-founder and former president of Greenpeace Canada Patrick Moore explained how fear and guilt are leveraged by proponents of climate change:
Fear has been used all through history to gain control of people’s minds and wallets and all else, and the climate catastrophe is strictly a fear campaign — well, fear and guilt — you’re afraid you’re killing your children because you’re driving them in your SUV and emitting carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and you feel guilty for doing that. There’s no stronger motivation than those two
how bout hate at #3 spot, hate toward sanity, equinimity, decent reasoning? If the oceans were composed of CO2, thn CO2 would be the main factor.. Money is the current ode to a CO2 revolution, but power and divide and conquer are vying for second place.
I love that ode Jo. As Margaret Thatcher said, ‘socialism is fine until you run out of other peoples’ money’, or words to that effect.
Hollywood has certainly changed, Tony. I can think of only a few with having so-called conservative views (Clint Eastwood, James Wood, Tom Selleck and Dwayne Johnson).
BTW, here is a great political joke from the late Ronald Reagan.
Great clip. Very funny. Cheers from the audience. Everyone’s too serious today when humour can cut through.
Oh. My. God. Just watched a segment on sunrise where some idiot just claimed climate change made the airlines late.
Fact free news, doncha love it
It just means they believe thier own delusion…..
last nite, ABC was still running as their TOP item on news bulletins Turnbull mocking Abbott on coal vs RE.
as an excuse for still running this as top news, they began with how 2 former PMs had interjected themselves into the Govt’s energy policy & the PM had dismissed them. Morrison’s words (two, from memory) were too quick & brief to recall.
the insult was followed by Abbott’s Paris back-flip, so both examples presented were negatives for the Coalition.
following posted strictly for the Turnbull PIC that goes with the audio:
AUDIO: 4min20sec: 8 Mar: ABC AM: Sabra Lane intro: Turnbull says he was rolled because he could have won election
By Katherine Gregory on AM
In a remarkable interview with the BBC, former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull claims he was dumped by Liberal colleagues who feared he would win the next election.
Mr Turnbull describes his removal last year from the Liberal party leadership as a “peculiar Australian form of madness”.
a new ABC meme for “climate denial” – association with angry Michael Jackson fans/conspiracy theorists!
AUDIO: 8 Mar: ABC Download this Show: A new documentary detailing allegations of sexual abuse has Michael Jackson fans angry and on social media to defend his name etc…
Presenter: Ariel Bogle
Rae Johnston, Editor, Junkee
Claire Reilly, Senior Editor, CNET
the relevant section begins around 3min. Claire Reilly: it’s people trying to co-opt conversations on social media; might go after individual journalists;
Claire then pivots from Jackson fans attacking Oprah Winfrey (don’t touch Oprah that’s a sacred place) to how we might have seen this traditionally, with anti-vaxxers, climate change denialists, maybe flat-earthers – people who have conspiracy theories and they are so keen to use the tools of social media to control the conversation. people who think my facts are right. it’s also a basic misunderstanding of what makes a fact, which is a very interesting thing here. NYT might quote 3 sources, so they quote 3 sources blah blah. sometimes the same tactic is used by people who try to deploy fake news, particulary around the US elections etc. ENDS 11min10sec.
Harmer also had the climate deniers/conspiracy theorists meme going; plus another jab at Abbott:
AUDIO: 10min52sec: 8 Mar: ABC Drive: My Feed — @wendy_harmer
Conspiracy theories, political advertisements and self-made billionaires.
ABC Radio Sydney presenter Wendy Harmer takes us through her favourite social media picks from the week.
Harmer begins with Brian Cox tweet:
TWEET: Prof Brian Cox:
My timeline is currently populated by people who believe that God is Flat, that Darwin supported brexit and that Jesus is not a greenhouse gas. Or something like that.
5 Mar 2019
Harmer mentions other examples, including that humans will evolve to defeat CAGW;
ABC’s Patricia Karvelas interjects: “that would be fantastic, but impossible”.
at 4min48sec: Karvelas brings up pollies have more money to spend on us. Harmer: they can now use their office expenses on media advertising. what can we looked forward to? (some old examples); then the only current example – Waringah Votes ad – “Vote Tony Out” song.
Karvelas chuckles: that’s a jingle you can’t get out of your head, Wendy.
Harmer: it’s a real toe-tapper.
It would be a huge joke if they werent on air….and could influence people.
Lefties are products of thier own degraded education system, a system that pumps out volumes of useful idiots for ” the cause”
Exhibit “A”…..
Brian Cox is entitled to his views and to express them, but the public needs to realise that on anything other than quantum physics he knows no more than they do.
The Bureau of Misinformation runs a facebook page.
I tried to put up a post there yesterday about it’s dopey ACORN 2 temperature readings.
With a link to the article by Jennifer Marohesy and discussion on What’s Up With That recently.
It never appeared.
From which I conclude, it’s time to bomb the BOM : shut it down !
Ahhh Fitz, you think such discussions should be suppressed ?
Nope, why would I want that?
Science too, has always been going downhill, as this clip from the 1897 SMH show
Scientific literature had reached its “high-water” mark in the publishing a few years back. It was replaced by the public’s appetite for socialism – which has since “ceased to enthral”.
Good morning, I see Peter Ridd has got his day in court.
“Climate science™” started at a very low point, and has descended right to the very bottom of the sewer.
They can’t even show any empirical evidence for the prime nonsense of their self-styled religion.. ie
… they cannot give any empirical evidence that increased atmospheric CO2 has any effect on climate whatsoever.
“Climate science™” really is a NON-science.
Oh Comrade Where Art Thou? (feat. AOC)
Okay, this is me going shamelessly off topic. I know I really should wait for the upcoming Unthreaded, but I thought I’d get in early, as I’ve already posted it at my home site, and as much as I have some self control, I couldn’t wait, so sorry about that.
Note to Joanne – When the time comes, maybe you’d like to transfer it to that Unthreaded.
I wanted to explain the difference between Megawatts (MW) and MegaWattHours, (MWH) so I went ahead and did just that.
Basically, the difference is that MW is the Nameplate, and MWH is the generated power across time while that generator is working and delivering its power.
What made me think of it is that recent proposal for two new coal fired plants in the Hunter Region. Their Nameplate will be 2000MW , so I did the sums for wind power, and it’s the case that EVERY wind plant in operation here in Australia has a Nameplate of 5661MW, so 2.86 times more than these proposed two new USC coal fired plants (HELE) However these two coal fired plants will deliver more power than ALL 51 of those wind plants combined across a whole year.
I have a more in depth explanation at the Post at the following link.
Megawatts And MegaWattHours
Of course, if wind speeds increased so as to make the wind power generators competitive with the coal fired power stations, the climate change believers would blame climate change. In other words, using the renewable energy sources that we are told will stop climate change, work better with climate change
Except of course when it’s hotter in Southern Australia wind speed are LOWER. If the touring 40s are pushed lower wind power will be the first to suffer. Besides wind turbines extract energy from moving air, and they do that by slowing the air, raising air pressure, ironically changing the local climate/environment quite dramatically.
Not only that wind turbines displace trees, and decrease the CO2 sinks across the area. The energy costs to operate and maintain them are up to 60% of their output, losses due to long coastal transmission lines are high so that perhaps only 20% of the energy they generate escapes the climate obsessed “industry”
No CO2 was ever harmed in deploying wind power. Wind turbines create more CO2 than coal.
Excellent appraisal.
The point about the negative CO2 sequestration effect caused by extreme land clearing for wind farms is all too real.
A CO2 cost per kWh benefit for renewables is very doubtful when poor economies of scale, short operational life and highly irregular output are factored in.
How Do They Get Away With It?
Wind speed variation is unmanageable principally because of the delivered energy varying as the cube of the wind speed so that a doubling of wind speed from say 15kph to 30kph is accompanied by an octupling of the energy to be delivered. A wind farm’s variance must be a very difficult client to accommodate anywhere on the distribution grid.
found this interesting:
7 Mar: Jamaica Gleaner: Earth Today: Climate change policy under revision
JAMAICA IS now revising its Climate Change Policy Framework and Action Plan to better reflect new climate realities affecting the island, including the status of global negotiations on the subject and ***the need to incorporate gender and other key considerations.
“Jamaica ratified the Paris Agreement two years ago and since that time, there have been many developments, including new obligations the country has under the agreement. When the Ministry reviewed the Climate Change Policy Framework, the documents written did not reflect these new developments,” said Gillian Guthrie, senior director for the Environment and Risk Management Branch of the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation.
“There were issues related to Jamaica’s obligations under the Paris Agreement, as well as issues related to sustainable financing like the ***Green Climate Fund and so we wanted to review the document to reflect the new developments to make it current and still relevant,” she added…
Now, with support from the Government of ***Canada’s Impact Justice project, the revision of the policy – to include a relook at those strategies and specific provisions around ***gender, among other cross-cutting issues – is underway, with a consultant progressing work on the document…
8 Mar: IISD: Green Growth is at the Heart of Efforts to Achieve Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment While Delivering on the SDGs and the Paris Agreement
by Anna Schulz, Climate Diplomacy Specialist, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Currently, climate action under the Paris Agreement does not sufficiently integrate gender considerations. A 2016 report by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on maximizing “co-benefits” between gender equality and climate action found that only 40% of the 162 national emission reduction targets submitted under the Paris Agreement, representing 19% of total global emissions, actually mention gender and only 20% refer to “gender mainstreaming.”…
UNFCCC & Green Climate Fund have lots of stuff on “gender action” re the Paris Agreement/SDGs.
what has any of this to do with the IPCC & CAGW? it’s more the agenda of the SJWs.
found this interesting:
7 Mar: Jamaica Gleaner: Earth Today: Climate change policy under revision
JAMAICA IS now revising its Climate Change Policy Framework and Action Plan to better reflect new climate realities affecting the island, including the status of global negotiations on the subject and ***the need to incorporate gender and other key considerations.
“Jamaica ratified the Paris Agreement two years ago and since that time, there have been many developments, including new obligations the country has under the agreement. When the Ministry reviewed the Climate Change Policy Framework, the documents written did not reflect these new developments,” said Gillian Guthrie, senior director for the Environment and Risk Management Branch of the Ministry of Economic Growth and Job Creation.
“There were issues related to Jamaica’s obligations under the Paris Agreement, as well as issues related to sustainable financing like the ***Green Climate Fund and so we wanted to review the document to reflect the new developments to make it current and still relevant,” she added…
Now, with support from the Government of ***Canada’s Impact Justice project, the revision of the policy – to include a relook at those strategies and specific provisions around ***gender, among other cross-cutting issues – is underway, with a consultant progressing work on the document…
8 Mar: IISD: Green Growth is at the Heart of Efforts to Achieve Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment While Delivering on the SDGs and the Paris Agreement
by Anna Schulz, Climate Diplomacy Specialist, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)
Currently, climate action under the Paris Agreement does not sufficiently integrate gender considerations. A 2016 report by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) on maximizing “co-benefits” between gender equality and climate action found that only 40% of the 162 national emission reduction targets submitted under the Paris Agreement, representing 19% of total global emissions, actually mention gender and only 20% refer to “gender mainstreaming.”…
UNFCCC & Green Climate Fund have lots of stuff on “gender action” re the Paris Agreement/SDGs.
what has any of this to do with the IPCC & CAGW? it’s more the agenda of the SJWs.
apologies for my comment posting twice – shaky hands?
as with most MSM in UK, especially BBC, Sky News UK is 24/7 on the negatives of Brexit. this piece is as ridiculous as anything else they reort:
9 Mar: SkyNewsUK: ‘Stockpiling for no-deal Brexit buffers my family from risks’
Nevine Mann has been buying extra food since last summer to make sure she and her family are prepared for a no-deal Brexit
A Sky Data poll has revealed 28% of people are stockpiling in preparation for a no-deal Brexit, or have thought about doing so.
She tells Sky News why she is doing it.
A no-deal Brexit may result in disruption to a whole range of products and services, some for a short time, others for much longer…
We brought forward the planned installation of solar panels on our roof, and kept all three of the raised veggie patches we had previously decided to keep just one of. We also bought a lot of vegetable seeds to try growing – despite having a terrible record for keeping plants alive!…READ ON
read the details. oh, it’s about ***far-right parties, in case you can’t tell from DW’s headline! lol:
9 Mar: Deutsche Welle: ***Far-right parties poised to double seats in EU Parliament: poll
***Far-right parties are set to double their seats in the European Parliament election in May, according to a new poll. The survey showed ***far-right parties were ahead in countries like France, Italy and Poland.
not passed and doubt it will be, but incredible to see just how scared they are of anyone looking into the “science” of CAGW.
scroll way down to the bottom:
Congressional Record: [pp. S1742-3]
By Mr. SCHUMER (for himself, Mr. Carper, Mr. Reed, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Markey, Mr. Schatz, Ms. Smith, Mr. Blumenthal, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Booker, Ms. Stabenow, Ms. Klobuchar, Ms. Hassan, Mr. Merkley, and Mrs. Feinstein):
S. 729. A bill to prohibit the use of funds to Federal agencies to
establish a panel, task force, advisory committee, or other effort to
challenge the scientific consensus on climate change, and for other
purposes; read the first time.
Mr. SCHUMER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the text of
the bill be printed in the Record.
There being no objection, the text of the bill was ordered to be
printed in the Record, as follows:
S. 729
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
No amounts appropriated or otherwise made available to a Federal agency (as defined in section 1004 of the Solid Waste Disposal Act (42 U.S.C. 6903) and including the Executive Office of the President) may be used to establish or operate a panel, task force, other advisory committee, or other effort intended to challenge the scientific consensus on climate change, as presented in the assessment required under section 106 of the Global Change Research Act of 1990 (15 U.S.C. 2936).
This sort of childish action makes it all the more important that such an investigation be started.. PRONTO
They obviously feel they have A LOT to hide, and are running scared.
They obviously know that the climate change scam is built on foundations of quicksand.
Cuckoo Land.
It will be vetoed even if it passes the senate which is also highly unlikely..
But these dopey US congressmen have no idea what science is…
Now frankly that is sad.
Poor USA !
To have such a bunch of clowns elected to their House of Representatives.
End of other people’s money is inevitable. There is no free stuff in defiance of what populist left says.
This is not an easy problem because people can vote money to their-selves. You can’t ever get enough money (from rich people and carbon tax) if you can’t control the costs. The best way to do that is deductibles. Patients must pay what they get so that they have incentive to keep the costs in bay. Insurance companies can’t do it. Doctors can’t do it. Government officials can’t do it.
FakeNewsMSM is making much of the following. these 2 a bit more realistic:
8 Mar: ClimateChangeNews: Climate Weekly: Norway divests (a bit)
By Karl Mathiesen
Norway has caused a stir by announcing plans to divest its $1 trillion sovereign wealth fund from oil and gas producers.
The proposal (LINK), which needs to pass parliament, is not quite as radical as it first appears. The sell list is limited to $7.5 billion worth of shares in 134 companies purely focused on exploration and production. Majors like Shell and Exxon Mobil, with more mixed business models, escape the ban – as does state oil company Equinor…
the proposal hasn’t even gone to Parliament for approval, as yet.
8 Mar: Bloomberg: Norway Gives $1 Trillion Wealth Fund Approval to Dump Some Oil Stocks
By Mikael Holter; With assistance by Kelly Gilblom, and Annmarie Hordern
Fund approved to sell $7.5 billion in smaller oil explorers
Government rejects plan by fund to sell $40 billion in stocks
Big Oil dodged a bullet…
Sony Kapoor, managing director at think tank Re-Define, said in a message that the limited divestment “‘represents a victory of Big Oil lobbying over financial prudence and common sense.”…
Jensen defended her decision to keep the big oil companies in the portfolio, citing their increased investments in renewable energy. Norway’s own oil company, Equinor ASA, is also increasing renewable energy investments, and even recently changed its name from Statoil.
“It would be sad if the pension fund would not be able to invest in those companies in the future,” Jensen said in an interview…
Oh my god Trump signs a bible , how could he do such a thing ! It’s the end of the world !
Seriously are the Dumbocrats still spitting the dummy .
“She just reached out there and said, ‘Mr President, would you sign this?'” Ms Pike said.
Mr Trump used a felt pen to scratch out his signature on the cover of the girl’s Bible, which was decorated with pink camouflage, and Ms Trump then added her signature.
The girl had already defaced it with decoration. She obviously loved her bible, and adding the President’s signature was simply a cool addition. I fully support Trump for signing it.
I’ve tracked down the green nude eel:
OT but it seems the ABC haven’t run enough alarmist garbage today .
worth a look at regardless of where you sit on the political spectrum….unless your out there on the soon to be less than relevant right wing end.
But we still got the MalEx444 Syndrome.
It didn’t save us from anything.
Just looking for info about Whitehaven coal mine and claims they are buying up all the water in the district then came across their energy widget and it struck me that the states that want a 50/50 energy mix are Dreaming as Tony from Oz says .
Right now wind is next to useless in vic and SA and no solar so without fossil fuel our lights would go off more often than not .
In Henry VIII’s time poor relief in England was done by the monasteries – who owned much land and could certainly afford it. King Henry dissolved the monasteries and appropriated their wealth to fund his royal schemes. Relief of the poor, meaning mainly those incapable of working the land and who had no capital nor support from others (often widows and the infirm), then fell to the parishes. Following a lifetime during which the laws fluctuated in their attitude to the poor, a system was settled in 1601 in which parishes were obliged to provide assistance – obviously out of local resources – for persons in and of the parish who were destitute. (Eligibility criteria were tightened up later in the 17th century, to stamp out certain abuses.) The question of which applicants for poor relief should be granted how much help was left to local authorities, who knew personally the circumstances of those involved. In 1795, however, one parish (Speenhamland, in Berkshire) decided on a minimum wage and set local taxes so that the wages of persons who were paid less than a certain amount were topped up from those taxes. This system then spread, with variations. The law of unintended consequences quickly made itself felt, reducing the market wage offered, because employers knew that taxpayers would make up the deficiency. Then, to maintain the top-up, taxes and tithes had to be increased significantly even as wages fell. This was hardest on the poorest ‘labourers’ (meaning those who did not qualify for relief), who were soon living less well than some ‘paupers’ (meaning those who received relief). Moreover the paupers, initially grateful, soon set up gangs which physically threatened the people who set the rates and the criteria for relief; a sense of entitlement had spread very quickly from the rich to the poor. Those criteria for relief were designed to take family circumstances into account, with the result that, while labourers became poorer with each child they had, single mothers and other pauper families often became richer, the more children they had. The growing unfairness of this system was a major underlying cause of the rural riots of 1830-31, even if the immediate triggers were poor harvests and creeping mechanisation of farm labour. These riots were not primarily an uprising against an oppressive aristocracy, of the sort seen in the French Revolution. The riots led to parliamentary reform and the end of ‘outdoor relief’ (paying paupers in the community). ‘Indoor relief’ was expanded – the workhouse system, which had its own inhumanities as chronicled by Charles Dickens.
The report of the Chadwick Royal Commission into the problem and the consequent 1834 reform of the Poor Law has a modern ring, for nowadays we are back at the system that grew from 1795 and ended with riots by the poorest workers not in receipt of relief – except that today everybody has the vote, so that there is no mechanism preventing elections from becoming auctions of benefits.
During the Great Depression, the cry of unemployed men was for the ‘right to work’. It took a long time to de-moralise the people, but two full generations of elections treated as auctions of unsustainable promises by politicians who bribe the electorate with its own money has achieved that; frank statements by some unemployed persons on benefits reveal that paying people who do nothing risks turning ‘doing nothing’ into a paid occupation.
“. ..elections becoming auctions of benifits.”
I like that.
Finally, the cause of the “little ice age” has been found… even though I thought it didn’t happen at all, or it did happen, but not globally… I just can’t keep up with the way “the science has been settled” any more.
More junk science brought to you today by trough gouger and co et al .
Sorry I meant to add that CO2 is not a control knob for earths temperature but is an excellent way to gain cash for bogus research .
Luv it , Venezuela shows us how it can be done . Sad really