ABC fantasies: Climate change has started to influence our language

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Could the ABC be more incompetent? Not only do they deny linguistic history, fail to do basic research, have no data, nor cogent argument, they don’t come up with any new words in common use, and they resort to kindergarten name-calling as if it was “scientific”.

Here’s a group of paid propaganda workers who have destroyed basic English — now pretending that the distortion of the language was somehow a natural grassroots progression instead of their own sloppy tool to silence debate.

Climate change has started to influence our language. Here’s how

by someone called “ABC News Breakfast”

Climate change isn’t just affecting our planet, it’s also shifting the language we use, as idioms take on new meaning and words are created to express the unique phenomenon.

Some words have been popularised by musicians and filmmakers, while the rather grandly named Bureau of Linguistic Reality has started crowdsourcing new terms and definitions.

The Guardian media outlet also announced this month it was updating its style guide on climate, suggesting “climate sceptic” be swapped for “climate science denier”, and “global warming” for “global heating”.

Let’s be real, the term “denier” has been in use for 544 years and means essentially the same now as it did then. In 1475, to be a denier meant to reject a religion, and so it is today. If you don’t have faith that solar panels can stop storms you are a denier — a lizard brain robot fool that can’t “see” the light.

The Guardian only swapped “climate denier” for “climate science denier” because they looked so stupid when skeptics said (as I have been saying for years) Which person on Earth denies we have a climate?  The phrase was literal rank nonsense with no practical definition in English or science.  But who cares? Is language a tool to communicate via accurate shared defined meanings or a self-serving tool to confuse and fool?

As for “global warming” becoming “global heating” — this is just the usual progression of propaganda terms. Once a phrase becomes a joke cliche, it’s time to invent a new phrase. On a cold day the masses  now say “we could use some global warming”. No shock value left for agitprop, so bring in “global heating”.

This is mere projection of their Christmas wish list

Who needs evidence, when you can just make up a fantasy:

“There are a lot of words and phrases that are coming into English that are becoming part of the new dialect,” crossword creator and self-confessed word nerd David Astle said.

“It’s looking at the fact this is a changing world, so what are the words we need?”

Let’s talk “facts”. So what exactly are the “lots” of “new words” the ABC is talking about — There’s Cli-fi, a term that almost no normal person uses. Plus solastalgia, both of which are not included in the top 86,800 words in the English language. So about 0.0001% of the population uses these words and they both work at the ABC.

Other words include “Greenwashing”, envirocrime, ecocide, “Green economy” and “closed loop”?

How about some terms the ABC missed:

Like ClimateGateGreen Tape, Green Greed, The Green Blob, junk science, carbonista‘s, EcoWorriers, the Adjustoscene and the Gore Phenomena.  How about “children won’t know what science is”.

The Urban Dictionary has a couple of others:

Mannian: “The act of declaring an event or occurrence as unprecedented without having examined the necessary evidence to substantiate the claim.

Or Cli-mateA combination of the words climate and primate to signify the primitive (primate like) views of the world climate situation. Instead of thinking for themselves, doing research or even investigating both sides of the story, these Cli-mates follow the new religion of environmentalism blindly based on falsified data from Climategate. Sadly, you cannot debate with Cli-mates about the issue despite various climate experts testifying that there is no “global warming”.

What’s evidence? Whatever you want.

Which genius linguists or data sources did the ABC “interview”? Their own pet activists, and data — what’s that?

The ABC quotes “word nerd” David Astle who writes crosswords, and the The Bureau of Linguistical Reality (BLR). Apparently the latter is worthy of a subheader and half a page of descriptors. The BLR is a website set up by two women who got funding from the bizarrely named: “Invoking the Pause” which partners with, and pretty much the entire Green Blob. BLR is so popular most posts still have zero comments. Hey, but it’s only been running five years.  I think some skeptics should pop in and help them get started.

10 out of 10 based on 82 ratings

212 comments to ABC fantasies: Climate change has started to influence our language

  • #

    Could the ABC be more incompetent?

    Hell yeah! It’s run by some incredibly overpaid and protected grabbermint tools. One day there’ll be a vote to remove their ABC entirely. Geez I can wish.


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      Bill in Oz

      Yes the ABC is incompetant !
      Here in the Adelaide Hills
      We could do with some of the Guardian’s Global Heating”
      maybe they’ll promise tosend some to us here in the cold wet Hills
      If we subscribe !
      But the Guardian & the ABC’s promises are all duds !


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      Ted O'Brien.

      Changing the language was ever the tool of the charlatan, that he might profit from the ensuing confusion.


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    What’s evidence? Whatever you want.

    Whatever you make up.


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    ‘Could the ABC be more incompetent? Not only do they deny linguistic history, fail to do basic research, have no data, nor cogent argument, they don’t come up with any new words in common use, and they resort to kindergarten name-calling as if it was “scientific”.’

    Apart from that they don’t do a bad job, ‘our’ABC. )


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    Graeme No.3


    I noticed the other day in The Spectator that according to the ratings agency OzTam less than 1% of the total viewing audience watches the ABC News. Most of the time it hovers between 0.4 to 0.6%. In the week between 7 and 13 April 2019 they managed to get 448,000 viewers (out of 28,649,000 or <1.6%). [ I point out that this period includes the start of various winter sports]

    Makes you wonder why our politicians are so keen to appear on it.


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      Bill in Oz

      Graeme, spot on !
      And correctly said.
      Are there any statistics for ABC’s audience on radio ?
      Hope so !
      The other night I was driving home.
      I had the radio tuned to ABC 891 with Phil Clarke who I usually like.
      But there he was blubbering on about global warming..
      So I switched to Radio National
      And there I got a dose of climate change from Phillip Adams.
      I escaped to Classic FM.


      • #
        robert rosicka

        I listen to ABC radio occasionally while working in the shed and sometimes it’s a good thing I’ve put the radio behind a grill .
        Today’s gem/s
        An interview with a scientist about public mistrust in science , that tested the mesh barrier but I still can’t find my 12″ shifter .
        And the interview with a BOM employee who had done a study on the decreasing rainfall in south east Australia, she went to great lengths to explain she hadn’t cherry picked data but decided on two 20 year periods for her study .
        Lucky for the radio the mesh held up .


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        Another Ian


        I mentioned to a friend that I had gone from ABC radio to putting up with ads and Allan Jones.

        The reply was “You and many, many others”


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      But what about Peppa the Pig? Think about the children!


      • #
        Another Ian

        Well if pigs can get a mention more on Winnie the Pooh

        and next comment


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        Ted O'Brien.

        Yes. The children. What are they watching?

        I was always too busy. But about maybe fifteen years ago while visiting family interstate I watched a cartoon with the grandkids while mother was getting breakfast. The heroINE was a teenage girl. The villain her father in his business suit. She saved the world by thwarting his plans. They all lived happily ever after.

        Was this daily fodder for the kids? I fear it likely was.

        What did I do about it? Nothing. I was too busy. I couldn’t afford the time it would take to attack it.


        • #
          Kinky Keith

          A year or so back I thought to replicate something I experienced as a child.

          Besides listening to the radio constantly, I read my elder cousins comics: he lived next door.

          This matching picture to written word was a great lead in to reading the stuff that was commonly available in libraries and I figured it might be interesting for my grandsons so I went looking.

          When I checked out the content of the current comics I was shocked to find material that was extremely confronting and despite looking all over the place couldn’t find a single comic that was suitable.

          TV shows “for kids” are likewise very strange stuff.
          I don’t understand how this stuff has gotten past the censors? It’s absolutely mind bending.



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      If the Aunty is so redundant, then that BLR site is just wankervile! (although getting paid for making up stupid insipid names is such a lefty luvie thing!!)

      Really, they must be right next door to ‘The Ministry for Silly Walks’!!


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      Peter Fitzroy

      28.5 million, out of a population of around 24 million!


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        Cats and dogs like to listen to radio and watch TV too.
        (Sorry couldn’t resist it, as I’m currently “down south” enjoying a break in our beautiful country.)


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        Another Ian

        Well that must mean that bugger all listen to ABC Overseas service?


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    Some more words they missed:
    Warmistas, Alarmists, Extinctionists, Dogmatists, Chicken Littles, Doomsters, Scaremongerers, Irrationalists, Zealots.


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      David Wojick

      Warmunists and watermelons. Hysterics. Greens, oh wait that is actually their name.

      It would be fun to do a crossword puzzle with these.


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        Hysterics from Climate Hystericists, or is that C-hystericists?

        They’re similar to but not the same Mannists, or C-alarmists, or IPeeSeeSeers and New World Fudgerologist.
        C-hystericists are “poseurs” who usually make facetiously illogical statements.
        And they are diametrically opposed to calmists, coolists, and rationalist in their interpretation of the real world.


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      You forgot eco-terrorist. Misanthropist (misanthropy), green slime, the swamp, and the biggies – Fake News and to some extent – Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS). Other words that come to Mind mostly not new are Criminal, Farm Invasion, Trespass, Assault, vandalism, Sabotage, Piracy, Obstruction and egg-boy.


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        Oops forgot an important one. Climate Porn.


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        Oh and it’ll be necessary to adjust the meaning of Carbon to include all carbon compounds, which might get confusing at the supermarket, Carbon Flakes, Carbon Butter, Hydrated carbon (sugar), Meat an veg would be impossible, Sirloin Carbon, Carbicken, Carbausage, Bananacarb, carbmato.

        Reminds me of the absolutely hilarious Carbon Free Sugar farce. Carbon free sugar flows out of your kitchen tap.

        Jo, can you do a story calling out the soft climate porn being peddled by the WA government in the water Corp ads that have “Climate Change is real” propaganda plastered over them. Those ads drive me balmy, we know they are not referring to natural variability in the weather, so it’s a blatant truth in advertising violation. (Man made) Climate change is a hypothesis only at this point, a hypothesis not supported by much if any empirical evidence.


        • #

          Noticed this morning that my shampoo proclaims it is ‘gluten free’. Do they think I might be taking wee sips of the stuff?


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          Yep that one gets me, carbon forcing, carbon heating, carbon cooling, carbon tax (theft), carbon credits (scam). Krimate Chwange cawzed by carbon that evil compound…


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      Robert Swan

      Annie mentioned “condescendi” the other day. A great word for many of the pushers, and a perfect word for Dr Karl Kruszelwhateveritis. (Hmmm. You can read that as whatever-it-is, run together, or you can read it like it was a disease whatever-itis. Take your pick.)


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      I like “green ideologues “.


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    Graham Richards

    They’re quite right. Every time I see or hear ABC my immediate response is “arseholes”.
    It never fails! Maybe it’s because they’re always talking climate this or climate that!


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    The give-away is the unwillingness to come up with a term to describe whatever problems they are bothered about. Something like “major climate disruption caused by humans” would do. Even “human climate disruption” would be something.

    But no. In all these years, they have failed to come up with a term. By hijacking common language and changing its meaning by conditioning and repetition they can control the argument. Do I believe in climate change? Do I accept climate change? Is global warming real?

    Quite a stunt. It’s impossible to say no because climate is nothing but change and the globe can only warm when it’s not cooling. Pick them up on the stunt and you will be told that there is now a precise “accepted” meaning to these loose terms. (You must have been asleep or in the bathroom when the legislation came down. Some lady with a hyphenated name who works for Macquarie Dictionary will set you straight.)

    Of course, apart from the compulsive conformists and the more cynical who just need to to keep jobs and sales, those behind the climatariat have no interest in natural science/history, conservation, climate or carbon dioxide. None whatsoever. None.

    Let me repeat: the climatariat has no interest in climate, any more than it cares if Australia doubles or triples its coal exports to Asia. The goal is something else all together. If I say “Luciferian” people will think I’m silly. So I’ll just say “globalist”.

    Actually, no. Make that Luciferian.


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    Destroyer D69

    With a ‘miracle’ election result, Scott Morrison has the mandate to do whatever he likes — so what will it be?
    By Annabel Crabb

    Updated 19 May 2019, 1:52pm
    My Dictionary [Penguin English] defines a ‘mandate’as “instruction or authorization to pursue a specified policy,especially that given by the electors to their delegates or representatives’ NOT ‘do as you bloody well like’ Note the clear statement ‘SPECIFIED POLICY’


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      Mandate, what every single heterosexual young woman would like to have!


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        Listening to a couple of public servant twenty somethings banging on today, it was like how much PC drivel could you cram into one conversation.

        I thought – we could be in trouble, if this is the typical state of young minds that have been corroded by leftist stupidity. My hope is one day youngsters will stop being programmed by dead end leftism.

        The Queenslanders were the adults in the last election. Conservatism is necessary as a stabilizing influence in society long term, families depend on it. PC will fracture society and needs to be removed.


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      But the ALP and Greens think they had the Mandate of Heaven to stop ‘climate change’. OPPS ‘climate disruption’…


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    Not only do I not deny that ‘we’ (the people on Earth) have a climate, but I actually go to say that we’ve got lots of climates. There are temperate climates and tropical climates and warm climates and cold climates. The planet is such a jumble of climates that I’d like to know which one is ‘changing’ in a way that is unnatural and could only have been caused by us.


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    Greg in NZ

    TheirABC is the long-lost identical twin of theirRNZ

    “The nation’s nurses are warning a failure to combat climate change may enable new diseases to spread… declare a climate emergency… rats and mosquitos [and] malaria, would dramatically affect communities that had never been exposed to those illnesses… carbon zero by 2025… risk from predicted sea level rise of up to 3 metres” according to the government green gospel of the Book of Bollocks 6:6:6.

    Carbon (C) atomic # 6, therefore whenever you see CCC, it’s really saying 666, or as us Koywoys say, sucks sucks sucks.


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      They are getting desperate….when you try and get the medicos to do your dirty work….


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    el gordo

    “climate science denier”

    I take offence at that title, we are the Denialati.


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      As in my comment, even responding to such name calling nonsense is to cede the high ground. There is no climate science. We cannot get the forecast right for tomorrow but we are supposed to believe someone can see the future. They are priests of a new religion which wants all your money. Climatologists.


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        el gordo

        The Klimatariat is the priesthood, preaching the end is nigh through organs like the Guardian and ABC.

        We should be able to destroy the propaganda wing pretty quickly with Ita Buttrose and Speers at the ABC. Sky has done well in the ratings so they will continue their attacks on the politically correct cultural Marxists.

        Finally, in print, Catalano has bought the old Rural Press and my intuition tells me he is going to bring the whole stable back to the centre.


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          el gordo

          … but wait there is more.

          ‘Ms Buttrose, a one-time Australian of the Year and media trailblazer, was chosen to lead the ABC Board by Federal Cabinet despite not being on a shortlist for the position.

          ‘When asked about claims made by the ABC’s critics that it is biased, Ms Buttrose said: “Sometimes I think we might be biased. I think sometimes we could do with more diversity of views.

          “I haven’t got a problem with anybody’s view but we’ve got to make sure ours is as diverse as it can be,” she said.

          ‘Ms Buttrose was asked to clarify whether it was the ABC’s news or radio programming she was referring to, to which she replied: “Sometimes I think, people without really knowing it, let a bias show through.’



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            Kinky Keith

            “Sometimes I think, people without really knowing it, let a bias show through”.

            In a funny sort of way, that’s promising.

            It’s not their fault, so they shouldn’t mind if we fix it.


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        TdeF, they should call it what it actually is, the UN Church of Climatology. The problem with doing that is the fact that most people will see it as the Scam it is and the precursor to a UN lead One World Government.


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          Agreed. Maybe tax deductible status as a religion. Church of Climatology. Run by druids.

          Based on faith, not facts and all about the money.
          It’s not Climate Science either, but Climate Scientology.

          Also a lot of what the Greens preach are just the old beliefs of druids, animism.

          “Animism. Animism (from Latin anima, “breath, spirit, life”) is the religious belief that objects, places and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence. Potentially, animism perceives all things—animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems, human handiwork and perhaps even words—as animated and alive.”

          Often they worship sun, wind and water. Greens try to tap them as sources of power, which is why electricity is so expensive, but it is just a religion, not science.

          It can be combined with Shamanism “shamanism may be applied to all religious systems in which a central personage is believed to have direct intercourse with the transcendent world that permits him to act as healer, diviner, and the like. ” So you have Al Gore and friends.

          Another interesting aspect of such primitive religions is the worship of earth colours, especially blue for the sky, red and green. Thus the Greens.

          So a lot of people after 31 years of intensive education believe in Climatology. They donate their time and money to it. Unfortunately they give ours away too.


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      Bill in Oz

      EG I suggest, “We are all denialistas !”
      It has the cool arty farty sound to it.


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    The whole point of “denier” was to link it to Holocaust Denial and therefore create the impression sceptics were Nazis. Whilst the fanatics bought into that, most people seem to have just shrugged. Changing the preseeding words is really an admission of failure.

    The worst rewrite is “extreme weather” to describe weather that happens all the time and has always happenedo.


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    As I have commented for years, there is a real effort to control the language. This in turn creates the mood and the platform and without any argument, owns the discussion.

    What I have found really annoying is that Fascists like Hitler and Mussolini were Socialists but the people who disagree with their heirs are called Fascists and the Fascists call themselves AntiFA? Dress in black, hoods and assault conservatives who if they disagree about uncontrolled migration, massive carbon taxation, windmills in the ocean or massive subsidies on solar panels and blowing up coal power stations are guilty of ‘hate speech’ and assaulted in public by people who want laws to control what you can say. Even the well intentioned ‘multi culturalism’ of the 1970s has morphed into blatant racism. Christianity is unacceptable. Disagree and you are a racist.

    Breitbart makes it clear with a comment from Hollywood actor Jeffrey Wright. “When we get the power, everyone else f**king duck! There are no principles.. none.. only power”. Adam Bandt would agree fully.

    In England even the Royal family are loathe to meet Donald Trump to celebrate 75 years since the Americans helped Britain survive and win a horrible world war. Gratitude is not to be seen. Corbyn flatly refuses, but that was the Labor position in the war anyway.

    What is clear from the Australian election is that the people have had enough. As in the US. Hilary CLinton won the 100 richest areas in the US and the inner cities, as with the Remoaners in Britain and the Greens in inner Melbourne, Brisbane, Sydney. As in Australia, Trump won everyone else. And anyone who speaks for the people is a ‘populist’, as if representing the deplorables is simply cunning opportunism.

    From Canberra to Washington to London to Brussels, the people are rising up against their oppressors. Opportunists, Capitalists, Communists, Merchant bankers like Turnbull. Parsitic Greenies who live off other people’s hard work.

    It is not about the climate. It is about the lies.


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    Doug Killeen

    Don’t forget the new buzz words “climate emergency”. “Climate change” is too tame.


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      Climate Armageddon. Climate disaster. Climate collapse. Climate Conspiracy.

      There are people working on this right now. Their minions will tell you what they choose. Some work full time for the ABC.


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      David Wojick

      The Democrat controlled House has the Committee on the Climate Crisis.

      Which is worse, a crisis or an emergency?


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        A bit like English Prime minister Disraeli’s joke when asked about the difference between a calamity and a disaster. He said if opposition leader Gladston fell in the Thames, that would be a calamity. If someone rescued him, that would be a disaster. Politicians used to be witty then. Now it’s just abuse.


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        Another Ian

        How about doubling up

        “Crisis Emergency” or “Emergency Crisis?

        Which scares you more?


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      They are amping it up because people are switch off and throwing off thier mental cages the Elite have crafted for them.

      Now the Elite have to decide whether they will go the full martial law lockdown to push socialism up to the hilt, or create a war and use war time laws like Patriot Act to complete the job?

      Either way, peopke I think will pysh back very hard, so I think an engineered war is the most likely outcome….


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    Kinky Keith

    Smother the truth in a mash of words.

    No meaning needed, just expression.


    Triumph of




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      Its drivel masquerading as logic… I always ask probing questions and they become incansecent….

      Bring on the inevitable Climate Nuremberg Trials….


  • #

    Man made climate change is real
    Everytime I walk into my house and turn on the air conditioner or heater, I change the climate in my home and I love it
    So does my family
    Can’t call me a denier!


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      Dear Mal,
      I get climate change every day, how do I stop it? Freezing in the morning. Sunny afternoons. Warm shower in the morning. Ice in my drink at night. Hot dinners. Frightening changes in temperature when the heating cuts in. Where do I send all my cash?

      Frightened by Climate Change.


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        Sounds like your cash is going to the electric company then to useless RE generators by way of certificate purchases to me.


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          Another Ian


          Check the phrasing there – did you really get on the receiving end of that lurk?


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    Ha ha ha. Who pays any attention to the ABC?
    Nowadays we have such a choice of media, who cares what propaganda the ABC is peddling? Let them have ads to help them pay for their indulgence.


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      With the ads goes an immediate cessation of the billion a year from taxpayers to both ABC and SBS.


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    Ross Stacey

    I am concerned that every discussion of drought, flood, storm, animal habitat, damage to reefs etc. always involves the commentator introducing the unsubstantiated term Climate change. This happens in every news item. As a result young children and adults are concerned that we are facing an Armageddon. This has resulted in young people believing they have no future. Some consider suicide and others a refusal to have Children. This is not a healthy environment.
    I hope that President Trumps proposal to closely examine the science of Climate change will result in either a reduction in Alarmism or bipartisan examination and long term action.


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    Serge Wright

    If the ABC really wanted to find out how climate change was affecting our language, then they should listen to the words now uttered by people when opening up their quarterly electricity bill, or to those sitting at home freezing tonight, no longer able to afford the mandated green energy.


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    Travis T. Jones

    I admit it.
    The tv was on abc breakfast and I saw this.
    La Trioli was beside herself with the moral posturing of the elite education she was bestowing on the deplorables.
    Nauseating was one word that came to mind.


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      Graeme No.3

      Well the solution is simple – don’t turn your TV to the ABC.

      Even better, write and ask your Federal MP why should you have to pay for what is a Green Party propaganda unit?
      He has to reply although you won’t get an intelligent (or even intelligible) reply. Repeat the letter and encourage all your friend etc. to do the same.
      it would take about 30 letters to cause the MHR to wonder about his future.


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        Bill in Oz

        Not here in Mayo Graeme
        Sharkie is part of the Greenist party propaganda unit.
        And I doubt w would get a reply for about 3 months.


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    • #

      But arent tornados are caused by a CO2 increase of 80ppm! arenty they? OH NO!


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        el gordo

        Hubert Lamb suggested that the tornado activity was probably more intense during the LIA. It makes sense, a wayward jet stream could conceivably produce wind shear.


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    If you don’t have faith that solar panels can stop storms you are a denier — a lizard brain robot fool that can’t “see” the light.

    I just got a great idea … maybe there’s money to be made selling placebo solar cells.

    Stay with me here … you make up some boxes that are very cheap but look a lot like solar cells and you sell them to suburban residents, who whack them on their roof … preferably in view of the street.

    There’s no need to wire them up, because they don’t make power, but the neighbours don’t need to know that. If you live in a trendy suburb this could get you invited to the right parties, which in turn might help with career opportunities and promotion. Perhaps an accompanying handy phrasebook might be a useful addition.


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      That made me laugh. The ‘solar panels’ had better not be based on cardboard, with all the rain we’ve been having lately. It would give the game away.


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      Another Ian

      Like when sugar was the latest “dietary have-to” in England and posers who could not afford it had their teeth blackened by other means


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    Perhaps the term that’s obsolete is “news” since it’s been replaced with “narrative”. Why just give the facts objectively when you can tell a story to support a cause? Journalism gets replaced with public relation communicator or propagandist. But we’ll keep the word clueless because so many who deliver the narrative live in an echo chamber where they have become blind to their loss of credibility. Perhaps it’s time for the Australian government to get out of the news business and let the narrators suffer the same fate as those in private industry when your customers stop buying what you are selling.


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    The word ‘unprecedented’ seems to be very popular when describing a flood, fire or any other disaster. The users of the word obviously don’t read history books!!!!!


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    Andrew West

    Re ‘Denier’, the proposed tests from academia for whether this exists, also its framing as an (abnormal) psychological condition, are both deeply flawed:


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    How about some terms the ABC missed:

    You forgot the favourite activity:



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    Andrew West

    Re ‘cli-fi’, one can of course have skeptical cli-fi too 🙂 E.g. this (free) story, as featured in Judith Curry’s New Year review of cli-fi quite a few years back now:
    She also included Michael Crichton’s ‘State of Fear’ for the skeptical side.


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    On a personal note Climate Change has influenced my language over the last ten years.

    I’ve never used so much profanity since learning to swear in Primary School.


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    “closed loop” is not exactly a new term. It would date back to something like WW2 from control theory.


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      The greenists exhibit closed loop loopy, but positive feedback runaway behaviour….odd, yes?


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        ‘ but positive feedback runaway behaviour’ with the amplification factor due to extreme weather conditions.


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          The classic “keeping the table level on an aircraft in flight” feedback loop engineering applies to normal people dealing with loopy warmistas…..

          Maintaining balance while dealing with emotional turbulence and unpredictability…..


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    behind paywall:

    30 May: UK Times: ***Climate apocalypse will be here by 2030, Scots warned
    by Richard Baynes
    Scotland faces an environmental “apocalypse” by 2030 with deserted villages, dying forests and no birdsong, the head of the country’s nature agency says.
    Francesca Osowska, head of Scottish Natural Heritage, will paint a grim picture of the future and make a plea for action at a lecture in Edinburgh tonight. Her speech points to rising concern for the environment at a critical moment as the climate is degraded by emissions, pollution and invasive foreign species.
    The impact of climate change is already being felt in Scotland. Firefighters say that it contributed to a spate of moorland fires this spring, when flames spread quickly through peat and heather left dry by lack of rain. Eighty per cent of Scotland has been put on alert for water…


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      Just send her some more money……


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      2030 isnt far away, Scotland maybe independant before then (depends on Farage :D). I predict another ‘failed’ prediction like all the rest.


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    Whenever someone talks about climate change, I always riposte with ‘Oh, you mean the supposed dangerous man-made global warming we all allegedly face?’ – that immediately puts the conversation on the correct footing!


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      I do the same thing, sets the frame for the education that person is about to get in grade 9 math and the law of conservation of energy.


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    how about cli-chi abuse?

    29 May: The Conversation: Will climate change cause humans to go extinct?
    by Anders Sandberg, James Martin Research Fellow, Future of Humanity Institute & Oxford Martin School, University of Oxford

    Q: I see a lot of resources talking about near-term human extinction, or the fact that thanks to climate change my generation will see the end of humanity. How likely is an outcome like this? Is there any hope for our futures?
    Anonymous, aged 18. London, UK.

    (This article is part of I Need To Know, a Q&A service for teenagers by The Conversation. Find out how to submit your questions at the end of this article)

    The claim that humanity only has just over a decade left due to climate change is based on a misunderstanding…
    What this actually means is roughly, “We have about 12 years before fixing climate change becomes really expensive and tough.”…BLAH BLAH

    If you’re a teenager aged 12 to 18, and you’ve got questions you’d like an expert to answer, send them our way! Include your first name, age and the area you live in. To get in touch, you can email BLAH BLAH…

    We have a huge pool of experts at our fingertips, and we can’t wait to share their knowledge with you.


  • #
    Reed Coray

    Thank you Joanne and commentors. I’ve got so much pleasure out of your responses–unprecedented even.


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    the use of cli-fi has its ironies.

    Fiction: literature in the form of prose, especially novels, that describes imaginary events and people…
    something that is invented or untrue…
    synonyms: fabrication, invention, lies, fibs, concoction, trumped-up story, fake news, alternative fact, untruth, falsehood, fantasy, fancy, illusion, sham, nonsense…

    Wikipedia: Climate fiction
    University courses on literature and environmental issues may include climate change fiction in their syllabi…
    This body of literature has been discussed by a variety of publications, including The New York Times, The Guardian, and Dissent magazine, among other international media outlets…
    The term “cli-fi” first came into use on April 20, 2013 when NPR did a five-minute radio segment by Angela Evancie on Weekend Edition Saturday…
    As scientific knowledge of the effects of fossil fuel consumption and resulting increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations entered the public and political arena as “global warming”, fiction about the problems of human-induced global warming began to appear…
    So far, the sole academic study found that readers of climate fiction “are younger, more liberal, and more concerned about climate change than nonreaders”…


    29 May: UK Independent: 800 million people at risk as climate breakdown causes Asia’s vast glaciers to shrink
    ‘It could cause people to migrate and if you can’t migrate, it might cause conflict as people will need to fight with their neighbours for food’
    by Phoebe Weston Science Correspondent
    Hundreds of millions of people could be left without access to water as climate breakdown causes Asia’s vast glaciers to shrink, researchers have found…
    “A lot of the climate projections suggest the melt will continue to accelerate,” lead researcher Dr Hamish Pritchard, a glaciologist from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS), told The Independent…

    Populations in the high-mountain Asia region are particularly vulnerable to water shortages and in the past century, drought has caused more than 6 million deaths…
    The study, published in the journal Nature, used climate datasets and hydrological modelling to calculate the volume of glacier water entering and leaving the region’s major river basins…


    • #
      Andrew West

      My (free) skeptical cli-fi / sci-fi story linked at comment 27 above, used to be listed in this Wikipedia ‘climate fiction’ entry (this wiki entry was originally titled as ‘cli-fi’, as far as I recall). But this (and I think another skeptical PoV story) got thrown out after a couple of years. It’s worth knowing that Dan Bloom, still mentioned in diluted form within the wiki entry and who claims to have invented the term ‘cli-fi’, always welcomed all perspectives including skeptical (and specifically told me this in respect of my own story). Also worth noting that Michael Crichton’s book, very much of a skeptical PoV, still survives in the entry; too big to throw out. So while extremely lop-sided now, it’s acknowledged (just) that the term doesn’t only apply to consensus or indeed ‘catastrophic’ PoV tales (some are indeed apocalyptic).


  • #

    more cli-chi abuse, coming to a school near you:

    28 May: Hartford Courant: Bill mandating the teaching of climate change brings out science skeptics in the Connecticut House
    By Daniela Altimari
    A bill that would make Connecticut the first state in the nation to mandate the teaching of human-induced climate change cleared the House of Representatives Tuesday despite sharp criticism from skeptical Republicans.

    During a drawn-out discussion that preceded the 103 to 43 vote on House Bill 7083, several Republicans voiced their belief that climate change is not caused by humans and should not be part of the public school curriculum.
    “There is active scientific debate among scientists and others … about how much global warming is caused by humans burning fossil fuels,” said Rep. John Piscopo, R-Thomaston. “Why tie teachers’ hands to [teach] one side of a debate?”
    Rep. Anne Dauphinais, a Republican from Killingly, echoed the belief that the scientific community is divided. “There are scientists on both sides of this argument,” she said. “The science isn’t settled.”

    The discussion on the floor of the Connecticut House comes as the Trump administration is accelerating its effort to undermine policies addressing climate change and question the legitimacy of the science upon which those policies are based.
    Multiple studies in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree that climate change is real and caused by human activity.

    The Connecticut bill, as amended, would require the teaching of climate change as part of the public school science curriculum, starting in 5th grade…

    Rep. Christine Palm, D-Chester, proposed the measure earlier this year as a way to send a message that lawmakers in Connecticut take the threat of climate change seriously. Even though many school districts already include climate science in their science curriculum, writing the requirement into law would give it additional teeth, she said…

    Over the course of nearly five hours, Republican lawmakers picked apart the measure. Some expressed deep skepticism about human-induced climate change. Some said they did not believe the legislature should be dictating a specific science curriculum. And others objected to adding another mandate on local boards of education.
    “Climate change … to me, is not as important as reading, writing and arithmetic,” said Rep. Lezlye Zupkus, R-Prospect. “We just continue to pile more and more on our children.”…

    Democratic lawmakers spoke in favor of the bill. “As the mother of two young children, I want my kids to be armed with ***accurate information to be able to protect their future,” said Rep. Jillian Gilchrest, D-West Hartford…


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      David Wojick

      Until recently the state standards had climate change taught in high school, where skepticism is possible, even likely in some students. The new so-called Next Generation Science Standards, adopted by about a third of the states so far, move that to middle school (grades 7-9), where skepticism will be much harder.

      5th grade is absurd. Pure indoctrination.


  • #

    Hi to our viewers at the ABC. I’ve got some really good words for you. Ready?

    1. ABC Charter
    2. Public Servant.

    Why not look them up and see what they mean? You’ll be surprised…




  • #

    Controlling language and thought,
    Is what climate alarmism brought,
    With the globalist aim,
    That we all think the same,
    And believe the green dogma we’re taught.


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    With scientists actually predicting the rapid cooling we expected in the 1970s, the only way to keep the money flowing is to expunge the word warming and run with the scare of Climate Change.

    Bill Shorten’s failed approach was to attack anyone who questioned the Climate emergency or the huge but unspecified costs of stopping Climate Change. It is apparently the job of politicians to stop change, not ours to question what they are doing.

    So now we have a Climate Emergency which is not to be questioned, a terrible fear.
    Valdemort science, that which cannot be named or even discussed.

    The upside is that people are not sucked in. Not in Australia. They want jobs and the reef is fine.

    Where are all the Dr. Peter Ridds around Australia though? Even at JCU? Where are the physicists explaining the fact that there is no fossil fuel in the air. Where are the physical chemists explaining gaseous exchange and equilibrium? Where are the IPCC scientists pointing out that none of their predictions have come true? Where are the 550 meterologists at the BOM explaining that it is voodoo science? Where are the politicians daring justifying the enormous cost for all Australians when what they are doing has no expected effect on the alleged problem but at a cost comparable to WW2?

    There is a total loss of courage in public life. Self interested politicians have no convictions, as in Britain where Nigel Farage is not being stopped by milkshakes but other politicians try to stop Brexit by any means possible, utterly ignoring the referendum. In the US where Trump is showing the world that the US is no pushover and the economy is growing at record speed and the Democrats are doing everything possible to cripple his government and attack his family. Not in Australia where Morrison has demonstrated that the death convoys of boats started even before the anticipated Labor/Green victory but it is not news, except in the Murdoch press.

    Now Shorten is blaming everyone but himself. Big business, huge forces, Murdoch. In fact none of these people voted, so he is calling Australians simpletons for not electing him. Long live the delcons in Australia and the deplorables of America and the ordinary people of Britain who no longer want to be ruled by France and Germany or London.

    Climate Emergency? What Climate Emergency? Where’s our money going?


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    We’ve seen this before, remember when Julia Gillard performed her written by someone else “Misogynist Speech”. The problem was the speech writer and Gillard didn’t know what misogyny actually means. They thought it meant “not treating women like they want to be treated” as opposed to the actual meaning “hating women”.

    So the low brow leftist Macquarie Dictionary came to the rescue by holding a press conference announcing they would change the meaning of misogyny to conform to Julia Gillard’s poor grasp of English.

    My recommendation, always refer to the Oxford if you appreciate our English languish.


    • #

      And then auto correct steals your thunder


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      Imported 457 Visa holder from the UK, Spin Doctor John McTiernan, who first created the mysogynist attack stunt against UK Opposition Leader David Cameron, unsuccessfully.

      He even wrote the speech for PM Gillard, the speech that the leftists claimed made her a mentor for young women.


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    Lawrence Scherrer

    Jo, I like to use the term “Credulist” to describe the opposition.

    These are the catastrophic anthropogenic climate change believers who conflate any ecological or meteorological finding with a carbon dioxide effect in an entirely credulous, unskeptical way.


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    David Wojick

    The New Republic has a beauty:
    “Climate deniers are the real hysterical alarmists.” Makes tripe look good.

    They call Morano an “influential crackpot” (which makes all skeptics crackpots). But then since half or more Americans are skeptics it makes them all crackpots. Boy that is a lot of crackpots, which the NR fails to note.


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      So vocal name calling by scientific illiterates….nothing new there…


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        David Wojick

        What is predictably new is the vituperation (my word for the week):


        • #

          A core problem for the UN is that people come together for conversations. They do not hand over their governments, their countries, their cash and control. To get that you need a common enemy and for an organization trying to represent every country in the world you have two choices. Aliens or the planet itself. They have chosen the planet, so its the UN against Climate Change. Give generously.

          As an aside, to force everyone to hand over their countries to the communists and crony capitalists who run the EU, they need an enemy too. Yes, Climate is the enemy for now but in the current plan for a nuclear armed (Britain and France) European Army to tackle the bad guys, they have nominated the US and Russia as the enemies of a free Europe. The EU is even demanding Australia’s spectator seat on the all important Security Council. China is never mentioned of course.

          We’ve been there before in 1805 and 1812 and 1914 and 1939. France and Germany have always had a problem with Britain, which is why BREXIT is particularly worrying. Still the money is rolling in from carbon taxes on everyone, even far away Austrlia with their cunning RET bringing in $6 Billion a year for German windmills and French desalination plants. It’s a great life in Brussells for the 10,000 unelected officials who write the laws and have salaries higher than the British Prime minister. Give generously.


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    I tried the link to The Bureau of Linguistical Reality Jo provided and tried to digest their latest post. It is truly psychobabble aimed at “activating” youth. A short portion of the screed is:
    “The 84 groups that comprise the network are working across the movement ecosystem, from championing a Green New Deal, getting young people involved in the political process, and stopping fossil fuel infrastructure at the source, to supporting and training indigenous and frontline leaders, and energy democracy, like winning community control of local energy supply. Together, we will mobilize the collective power of young people to mitigate climate change and create a just, clean energy future and resilient, thriving communities for all.”
    (my emphasis)
    What does this mean? I decided not to comment as I don’t want any part of this abusive indoctrination connected to me in any way.


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      It means controlling whether you stay warm or die…

      A warning from an old Communist was to never let communists gain control of the power supply….


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      Another language abuse, labelling any political grouping of the right ‘the far right,’ denoting extremism, no matter how trad liberal it is, supporting parliamentary democracy, equal rule of law for all, free enterprise and free speech. As long as it denotes a national identity, a political group is ‘far right,’ a ‘f*scist party’ never mind that those on the left -the far left and green party, share more with f*scism than classical liberals do, support for strong centralist government and authoritative top-down regulation – intervention in all aspects of life, a dislike of parliamentary democracy, rule of law based on collective groups in which some are more equal than others. Two f*scist dictators of the 20th century, H**ler and Mu**olini, both evolved from national socialism and hatred of liberal democracy. Were they of the far right or the far left?


      • #

        Spot on. A gulag or a concentration camp – what’s the difference? On both the left and the right, the attitude seems to be that people exist to serve the government, whereas a libertarian would say that government only exists to serve the people. Hard to argue with that.


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        Kinky Keith

        We have a Big Job ahead.

        To Pause, Ponder what’s missing, and Fight to restore the Buried Elements of democracy which, we the People, are entitled to.

        Watt Tyler and the People around him understood that proper government is controlled by the people, and amazingly we have seen the USA, Britain, France and the EEU acknowledge that they’re On the Eve of Destruction by Revolting.

        Here in Australia we’ve averted disaster but are well and truly still in That Frying Pan.



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    John F. Hultquist

    Words and myths.
    The terms being used now to write about Earth’s “climate” will not go away. We have entered another one of the episodes much like the shape of Earth – flat or spherical?

    For thousands of years, anyone that cared to investigate, it was know Earth was essentially spherical. Only the size was questioned.

    Note this:
    Russell also examined a large selection of textbooks and found those written before 1870 usually included the correct account, but most textbooks written after 1880 uncritically repeated the erroneous claims in Irving, Draper and White.
    And this, from the same source:
    . . . Stephen Jay Gould, concluded from a study of their writings that the main goal of both Draper and White was to discredit Christians who opposed Darwinism.

    Gould’s writing is from: Dinosaur in a Haystack: Reflections in Natural History, and likely an earlier essay in a magazine.

    Further reading from where the above came from:

    I find the history of science interesting. For example, look at the wood image called the Flammarion engraving:

    Now you will be returned to the regular program in 3, 2, 1 ..


    • #

      That was an interesting little expedition re. Flammarion. Thankyou John H.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      John, I first saw a coloured version of Flammarian Man when I was about 14 and it blew my mind – OK, more opened / expanded my mind to the wonders and beauty of life, the universe, and everything – which was further expanded 10 years later when a friend in Queensland gave me a certain little mushroom and oh! the places you shall go! Thankfully I came back, unlike some friends who didn’t.

      It still is one of my favourite pieces of art and I have a small print of it hanging on my wall to this day. From your wiki link above, here’s the coloured version –


    • #

      “The point where earth and sky touch”. I have seen where a rainbow touched down and that was fascinating but you can imagine how people thought the sky would touch the earth, eventually. Especially in a flat earth. The ones who realised quickly that the world was round were sailors who could see it every day. Living in a valley or mountains does not give you that insight.

      These days we are told what to think. CO2 is bad for the planet. Meat causes Climate Change. Fossil fuel is heating the world. It’s all nonsense but the story is coordinated from the EU/UN and designed to allow control by bureaucrats, like all fears. All tyrants and tyrannical regimes have to have an enemy to survive and enslave their people and take their money. For Australians, it is Climate Change.

      Who actually believes meaningless Climate Change? People who are happy to be told what to think. The ABC’s loyal viewers and listeners. I could not call them customers as it is we, the rest of Australia who are paying for this appalling ripoff by 5,000+ happy opportunists, accountable to no one.


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    Another Ian

    He will probably get an ABC interview too /s



  • #
    Another Ian

    And this bloke probably won’t

    “Cycles of Rapid Climate Warming”


  • #
    Another Ian

    This too

    “Tony Heller – Snow Doesn’t Lie”

    “FWIW as I type this on the cusp of June, I’m running the heater in my office, it is overcast and too cold outside, and there are various “winter storm” warnings in various mountain areas. Warming this is not.”


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    Another Ian

    Fits IMO

    “In modern journalism there are three sides to every story: their side, their side reinforced – and “shut up”.”


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    Some questions for the ABC to put to those climate scientists who assure us that the science is settled:
    The earth’s current average temperature is reportedly 16.0°C with 400ppm CO2 in the atmosphere.
    Q1. What’s wrong with the current climate? (record crops supporting record population).
    Q2. Why are climate scientists stating that there is a climate emergency?
    Climate scientists have declared that the earth was “healthier” in pre-industrial times with an average temperature of 15.0°C, and that the optimal CO2 is 350ppm.
    Q3. Why?
    Q4. What would the earth’s average temperature be with 250, 300, 350 and 450 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere?
    Scientists report that in previous periods in the earth’s past, CO2 concentrations have been above 2,000 ppm.
    Q5. What is the calculated temperature in that situation?


    • #

      Q1. What’s wrong with the current climate? (record crops supporting record population).
      A1 Nothing its behaving as its always done for millenia, controlled by the sun.

      Q2. Why are climate scientists stating that there is a climate emergency?
      A2 To get the whole world to stop using hydrocarbons for energy sources so that poor countries will die out as the elite get rich on carbon scams.

      Climate scientists have declared that the earth was “healthier” in pre-industrial times with an average temperature of 15.0°C, and that the optimal CO2 is 350ppm.

      Q3. Why?
      A3 Why what? you are confused.

      Q4. What would the earth’s average temperature be with 250, 300, 350 and 450 ppm CO2 in the atmosphere?
      A4 The same as it is now. There is NO average temperature anyway so it is irrelevant.

      Scientists report that in previous periods in the earth’s past, CO2 concentrations have been above 2,000 ppm.
      Q5. What is the calculated temperature in that situation?
      A5 Same as answer to Q4.


  • #

    Global “heating”? It’s missing a “c”. Think Albany, Rutherglen et al ad infinitum.


  • #

    Could the ABC be any more incompetent?

    Stop asking that question. They are taking it as a challenge!


  • #

    I am so tired of progressives twisting our language into knots to fit what ever their current agenda item(s) are. It never ends. I can use one old well understood word to describe them all. IDIOTS!


  • #

    Whenever I hear someone say “You’re a climate denier” I think “and you’re a climate scammer. Live with it.”


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    el gordo

    Climate emergency is over the top, the system appears to be operating normally.


  • #

    DMA – comment #42 – visited the Bureau’s website (poorly-designed as it is), but trust theirABC to consider them worthy of a piece. founded near the end of 2014, yet –

    a google search threw up a mere 12 “NEWS” results for the Bureau; only 10 mentioned them, and one was just a listing in the following program:

    Your Guide to Public Events Around the Global Climate Action Summit
    Come Make a Word
    KQED Public Radio San Francisco – 7 Sept 2018
    Hosted by the Bureau of Linguistical Reality, an art exhibit focused on creating new language as means of better understanding our rapidly changing world due to manmade climate change and other Anthropocenic events…

    the usual suspects provided most of the rest:

    At a loss for words? Join the Bureau of Linguistical Reality
    The Economist-19 Jun 2018
    This was an example provided by the Florida resident who submitted the word to The Bureau of Linguistical Reality (BLR)…

    Coming to Terms with a Life Without Water
    The New Yorker-3 May 2018
    A few years ago, the same idea drove the artists Alicia Escott and Heidi Quante to found the Bureau of Linguistical Reality, a crowdsourced…

    A Student of ‘Cultural Environmentalism’ Explores the Many Views of …
    New York Times (blog)-3 Apr 2016
    of a crowdsourced Anthropocene glossary called the “Desecration Phrasebook,” and in 2014 The Bureau of Linguistical Reality was founded…

    Bureau finds new words to describe precarious world
    San Francisco Chronicle-10 May 2018
    The Bureau of Linguistical Reality’s mission is to teach the entire world a brand-new vocabulary…

    Generation Anthropocene: How humans have altered the planet for ever
    The Guardian-1 Apr 2016
    and in 2014 The Bureau of Linguistical Reality was founded…

    July 2016: Conversation: Loss for words: Art, language and the challenges of living on a changing planet
    by Faith Kearns, Water Analyst, California Institute for Water Resources, University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
    In interacting with the Bureau of Linguistical Reality and its work, I found that one of its most appealing aspects is its accessible, communal focus on feelings and experiences of the participants…

    The best words to describe mixed feelings about our hot and rainless winters? Escott and Quante had already coined the phrase “psychic corpus dissonance,” a clunky but strangely appealing mouthful that gave us a great jumping-off point. Our group leaned toward “hangsty” or “happrehensive” – happy but filled with angst or apprehension…
    Escott and Quante are working to make their project widely accessible and are taking their show on the road, which included a pop-up event at the Paris climate talks last year…

    Sierra Club had an audio early on, but it isn’t working, so no need for a link:

    July 11, 2015: Sierra Club: This week on Sierra Club Radio:
    Heidi Quante and Alicia Escott, co-directors of an art project called The Bureau of Linguistical Reality
    Lisa Hoyos, Director of Climate Parents…

    About: The Bureau of Linguistical Reality is a public participatory artwork by Heidi Quante and Alicia Escott focused on creating new language as an innovative way to better understand our rapidly changing world due to manmade climate change and other Anthropocenic events. The vision of the artwork is to provide new words to express what people are feeling and experiencing as our world changes as climate change accelerates. We will be using these new words to facilitate conversations about the greater experiences these words are seeking to express with the view to facilitate a greater cultural shift around climate change.
    This project was inspired by moments that both Heidi and Alicia had where they literally were at a loss for words to describe emotions, ideas or situations they found themselves experiencing because of climate change…
    (from Mission statement)
    The Bureau of Linguistical Reality was established on October 28, 2014 for the purpose of collecting, translating and creating a new vocabulary for the Anthropocene…


  • #

    A few hours ago Kempsey set its record cold for May and autumn: minus 4. This smashes the old record and would be the lowest for any time of year but for the minus 4.4 recorded last winter. Port Macquarie has smashed its autumn record and equaled its record cold for any month: minus 3.

    I realise that mature people don’t use terms like “smash” and don’t refer to “records” without reference to variables, length of record and other factors. I just thought I’d play like the other side to see how it feels, though I had to refrain from “ever” and “unprecedented” because its hard to lose all one’s shame.

    How does it feel?

    It feels dishonest, manipulative, easy and lazy.


  • #

    don’t know where/what -11C refers to.

    Temperatures dip as low as -11C in parts of Queensland
    Local Source-Courier Mail-52 minutes ago

    Temperatures dip as low as -6C in parts of Queensland
    Courier Mail-4 hours ago

    31 May: ABC: Southern Queensland towns record coldest May morning
    Several May temperature records have been broken with a winter blast hitting southern Queensland overnight.
    Applethorpe, Oakey and Dalby have all had their coldest May mornings on record.
    The temperature plummeted to -6.1 in Applethorpe, –2.1 degrees below its previous record 13 years ago.
    Oakey near Toowoomba dropped to -4.4, which was 0.3 of a degree cooler than its previous record in 2006.
    Dalby on the Western Downs had its coldest morning since 1911, recording -3.6…ETC

    31 May: BrisbaneTimes: Queensland temperature plummets, towns record coldest May mornings
    by Toby Crockford
    The temperature in southern Queensland plummeted to minus 6.1 degrees on Friday and three towns recorded their coldest May mornings on record, on a day when freezing point seemed relatively warm.
    While conditions ***should warm up at the weekend, cold and dry air was expected to return to the so-called Sunshine State by mid-next week, meaning similar temperatures could return in days…

    The temperature in Applethorpe, 140 kilometres south of Toowoomba, was minus 6.1 degrees about 6.20am on Friday.
    Bureau of Meteorology meteorologist Lachlan Stoney said it was the coldest place in Queensland and smashed its previous coldest May morning record, from 2006, when the mercury hit minus 4 degrees…READ ALL


    • #

      Better keep a record, in case it’s adjusted in the future. 🙁


      • #

        Annie –

        am hoping someone who subscribes to News Corp can use the headline and click on the link to find out what it’s all about. it’s a very low temp for Qld, I would think.


        • #

          found the same headline for Adelaide Advertiser today (it just changed to -6C).
          on the subscription page, it has this headline:

          Creek freezes as mercury plunges to minus 11C
          Adelaide Advertiser – 31 May 2019


          • #

            managed to find this. presumably it was being claimed it was -11C overnight in Stanthorpe, but this was not an official temp:

            QLD weather: Temperatures dip below -11C
            Courier Mail – 31 May 2019
            Stephen Michalski taking a video of Quart Pot Creek frozen over. … “Overnight it was minus 11C and at 7.30am it was still minus 6C.” The frozen Quart Pot Lake at Stanthorpe after temperatures dropped to minus 11…


  • #
    • #

      So much that’s creepy about this child’s prominence. Note that she’s been diagnosed “Asperger’s, on the autism spectrum” and that this is seen not as infirmity now but as a special power. (I won’t link to the Guardian article about her, which is impossibly cheesy and ludicrous even by Guardian standards.)

      Some time back I wasted a couple of hours on a recent thriller movie (never again!) about an accountant with special powers endowed by autism. In the ad breaks there were promos for a hit TV series about a doctor with…special powers endowed by autism!

      And now…Look! Up in the sky! Is it a bird? Is it a plane?

      No, it’s Autistic Girl! Able to leap massive fields of knowledge in a single bound and, who, disguised as your typical sour-puss Swedish chick, fights a never-ending battle for manipulation, distortion and the Globalist Way.


      • #

        “she’s been diagnosed “Asperger’s”
        Probably they (she) could check out this site

        Some of the symptoms :

        Tendency to engage in one-sided conversations (about oneself)
        Fascination with certain topics
        Interpretation of information as literal

        Sound like a climate fool?


        • #

          THis too:
          A scripted, formal, or “robotic” type of speaking
          Lack of inflection when talking
          Repetitive speech
          Trouble using language in a social context
          Loud or high-pitched speech


  • #

    Al Gore’s hedge fund must own shares in the ABC. Nothing else can explain their unceasing klimate propaganda.


  • #
    robert rosicka

    OT but just watched a video on faceache of NASA pumping 450,000 gallons of water a minute , very spectacular and pertinent for the Bradfield scheme .


  • #
    Another Ian

    ABC and others

    “People Who Express Opinions Outside of their Domain Seldom Have Really Looked into it Much”


  • #

    posted a pile of links re ABC’s new boss, Ita Buttrose, admitting “we” might be biased, but no-one should fear losing their job towards the bottom of jo’s Supernova thread. she admits as well that she listens to/watches most of the ABC’s nonsense daily, including “Breakfast”. are the staff listening to her and trying to be a little less biased? no.

    there’s so much CAGW stuff on the program today, I’ll just put the generic link.

    ABC Radio National: Breakfast

    first 5min22sec. Govt problem – division. climate policy. Matt Canavan. business wants certainty. extraordinary that Coalition won’t be more conciliatory to big business! (so much for all the attacks by Labor/Greens/MSM about Coalition being ruled by Big Business). Grattan: Govt must ease this transition, put aside ideology & look at the realities that are evolving.

    AUDIO: 31 May: ABC Breakfast: What’s ahead for the 46th Parliament of Australia?
    Michelle Grattan, Chief political correspondent, The Conversation; professorial fellow, University of Canberra
    Dennis Atkins, National Affairs Editor,The Courier Mail
    Mark Kenny, Senior fellow, Australian Studies Institute, ANU; Director, National Press Club.

    no mention of climate policy in the summary. subject brought up by ABC’s Hamish Macdonald just after 4min in & continues to end of audio.
    Wilcox: the issue is not going away etc. we’re moving towards renewable future. cheap, affordable, reliable.

    AUDIO: 9min24sec: 31 May: ABC Breakfast: Hamish Macdonald: What impact will the minimum wage rise have on the economy?
    Guest: Innes Willox, chief executive, Australian Industry Group…

    AUDIO: 8min15sec: 31 May: ABC Breakfast: Queensland set to approve Adani’s black throated finch plan
    The state’s Environment Department is expected to give the all-clear today for Adani’s plan to manage the endangered black throated finch on the site of its Carmichael mine.
    That would leave just one major hurdle, a groundwater-management plan, to be approved before construction can begin
    Please attribute to a Department of Environment and Science (DES) spokesperson:
    Adani has provided all the necessary information. In accordance with the Coordinator General’s timeline, the department will advise its decision today.
    Guest: Dr April Reside, Member of the Black Throated Finch Recovery Team; Researcher, University of Queensland’s Centre for Biodiversity and Conservation Science.

    following gets blended with the other great problem – CAGW:

    AUDIO: 31 May: ABC Breakfast: How should Australia deal with plastic waste?
    Pete Schmigel, CEO, Australian Council of Recycling
    Rose Read, CEO, National Waste Recycling Industry Council
    David Hodge, Plastic Forests


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    Where are:
    * Climate Cult;
    * Climate Zealot;
    * Climate Hysteric;
    * NPC;
    * Leftard;
    * Ecotard;
    * Eco-parasite; and
    * Eco-bludger

    For that matter. Where is “Failed Darwin Award Recipient” for those stupid, smug, self-righteous types that are too incompetent to successfully implement what nature intended for them?

    Do even they think they would survive in this world without stealing from productive members of society?


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    some material for theirABC:

    Decline of nuclear power ‘blow to carbon target’ Graham Lloyd
    Opinion-The Australian-29 May 2019

    Decline in nuclear power threatens global climate goals, IEA says May 2019

    Global climate goals in peril as reactors close — IEA
    E&E News-28 May 2019

    IEA: Nuclear power in a clean energy system
    A key source of low-carbon power
    “Alongside renewables, energy efficiency and other innovative technologies, nuclear can make a significant contribution to achieving sustainable energy goals and enhancing energy security”
    Fatih Birol, Executive Director, IEA

    27 May: Forbes: We Shouldn’t Be Surprised Renewables Make Energy Expensive Since That’s Always Been The Greens’ Goal
    by Michael Shellenberger
    Like a lot of people, I used to think that subsidies to promote the switch from fossil fuels to solar and wind would be a one-time thing.
    Once a solar or wind farm was built, I thought, it would produce electricity forever, without further subsidy, because sunlight and wind are free…
    Environmentalists have for decades argued that energy is too cheap and must be made more expensive in order to protect the environment…READ ON


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    31 May: NorthernDailyStar: Glen Innes was Australia’s coldest town this morning
    by Andrew Messenger
    Glen Innes was officially the coldest place in Australia today, with the Bureau of Meteorology registering a reading of minus 9.8 degrees at the Glen Innes airport this morning.
    Today was Glen Innes’ record coldest autumn day, with the mercury hitting a reported minus 9.8 at 6.41am just after dawn. Including windchill the real temperature would have felt like approximately minus 13.9 for early birds this morning.

    It equals Glen Innes’ record coldest May morning, which hit the same temperature on May 31 2006…

    30 May: PetoskeyNewsReviewMichigan: Meteorologist: Area’s spring likely among 10 coldest on record
    by Steve Foley
    Although final numbers are still being tallied, National Weather Service meteorologist Jim Keysor feels comfortable in saying Petoskey’s spring season will be among the top 10 coldest on record in the past 75 years.
    Keysor was speaking in terms of the “meteorological spring,” which includes the months of March, April and May…

    “Right now it’s the fourth-coldest spring on record, temperature-wise, since 1950. That’s not a final number, however, as it could jump up or slip with another day (today) left.”…
    He also noted in the month of May, Petoskey had just two days where the daytime high temperature reached 70 degrees or higher, while 16 days of the month have seen lows in the 20s or 30s.
    “That shows you how chilly it’s been,” Keysor said. “People have noticed how slow it’s taken leaves to coming out and it seems like everything was behind schedule, which is a result of soil temperature. Vegetation doesn’t respond as quickly to low temperatures.”

    As for chances of warmer weather once the calendar switches to June, Keysor said not to expect any significant heat in the near future…


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    Record cold snap brings a bonanza for ski fields
    The New Daily – 29 May 2019
    The icy blast has brought widespread early snow across parts of Victoria, NSW and Tasmania – with some of Australia’s biggest ski resorts set to cash in by opening a week early…
    Buller is already under about 35 centimetres of snow after days of blizzards this week. It was originally scheduled to open on the Queen’s Birthday June long weekend…
    Over the border in NSW, Perisher will open on Friday, after three days of blizzard conditions dumped more than 60 centimetres of snow…

    28 May: DenverPost: Denver weather: City experiencing one of its coldest Mays on record
    By Chris Bianchi
    It’s not just you or your frozen garden…

    22 May: DenverPost: Denver weather: City breaks 128-year cold record on Tuesday
    Denver didn’t hit 40 degrees on Tuesday, making it the coldest May 21 high temperature on record
    By Chris Bianchi…


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    robert rosicka

    So the forces of nature that made the 12 apostles is good but the same forces that are exposing this tip is because of rising sea levels.


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      A very similar thing happened at Stockton Beach on the northern side of Newcastle Harbour during January 2015 and again in 2018 when a heavy swell cut the beach “escarpment” back to 1960’s levels. It had also been used as a dump and later had a child care centre built on top of the fill.

      After the “unprecedented” erosion, what should pop up but a line of WWII concrete dragon’s tooth tank traps with the date 23 Feb 1942 stamped into them, placed there to ward off imminent Japanese invasion. After 76 years to bury themselves in the sand under wave action, they were still in place and visible. They had been buried in sand and fill and forgotten for years until nature intervened and swept away the landfill. Apparently the beach front in 1942 was similar to what it was in 2015 after the heavy seas.


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    I would like to repurpose the word DINGBAT. To me it is the best description for a city dwelling Green voter.

    The Australian/NZ meaning is given as:
    delusions or feelings of unease, particularly those induced by delirium tremens.

    Green voters are delusional and usually on some form of drug; commonly excessive coffee.

    Their ABC is infested with dingbats. The referenced article above is further proof.

    To be called a “climate denier” by a dingbat is proof that they are religious zealots and says more about them than a person of science they are referring to who are trained to be ardent skeptics.


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    Massive alarmist warning..
    Japan has just has a heatwave of temps of 39C.
    I think the usual has been blamed already.
    Also see for the latest CONTINUED cold and snow records for May in north America.


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    I just heard, on Credlin, that our new (female) Science Minister “believes in the Science of Climate Change”. God help us. Unfortunately, Peta was not on tonight, just that female dingbat with the annoying voice, and she failed to ask her “what science”. Groan.


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      el gordo

      Karen Andrews is the Australian Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, her opinion on climate change is irrelevant, but she is fully supportive of the NASA space port in East Arnham.


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      She should be asked to explain ‘the science’. Ye gods, heaven help us.


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    Roy Hogue

    And in all the craziness no one notices that it’s all bogus, it ain’t happening.


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    Geoffrey Williams

    If the climate change alarmists refer to us as ‘climate science deniers’ we should retaliate and refer to them as ‘climate science bigots’. A bigot is defined as someone who is intolerant or prejudiced regarding any given matter. ‘Bigot’ will of course anger them the same way that they (intentionally) anger us. There’s a lot in namecalling and the logic of the argument doesn’t really matter too much. If they want to use namecalling then we must do the same. The more nasty names the better as far I’m concerned.


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    el gordo



    ‘The worst result since the 1920s: Voter turnout at record low

    ‘Scott Morrison celebrates his election victory which has come despite a further fall in turnout and an increase in informal votes

    ‘After enrolling for the same-sex marriage survey, the nation’s young people seem to have turned their back on voting in the general election.’



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    a lot of CAGW BS in the Guardian article:

    30 May: GWPF: Green Dole: Renewable Energy Jobs Plunge By A Third
    from The Guardian:
    The number of jobs in renewable energy in the UK has plunged by nearly a third in recent years, and the amount of new green generating capacity by a similar amount, causing havoc among companies in the sector, a new report has found.

    Prospect, the union which covers much of the sector, has found a 30% drop in renewable energy jobs between 2014 and 2017, as government cuts to incentives and support schemes started to bite. It also found investment in renewables in the UK more than halved between 2015 and 2017.

    The union compared the situation to the devastation caused to coalmining communities in the 1980s and demanded instead a “just transition” to clean energy…LINK


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    30 May: The Conversation: Climate change or climate crisis? To really engage people, the media should talk about solutions
    by Dimitrinka Atanasova, Lecturer in Linguistics, Lancaster University & Kjersti Fløttum, Professor of Linguistics, University of Bergen
    Disclosure: Dimitrinka Atanasova is a Visiting Researcher at the LINGCLIM research group at the University of Bergen.
    Kjersti Fløttum has received funding from the Research Council of Norway and the University of Bergen, as head of the research group LINGCLIM.

    Days after the British parliament declared a “climate emergency”, The Guardian announced that it would start using “stronger” language to discuss the environment. Its updated style guide states that “climate change” no longer accurately reflects the seriousness of the situation and journalists are advised to use “climate emergency”, “climate crisis” or “climate breakdown” instead…
    While scientists’ responses to this move have been mixed, The Guardian’s changing language is prompting reviews in newsrooms around the world. In Norway, the Morgenbladet recently announced that it will follow The Guardian’s example…

    The Guardian have often used metaphors to talk about climate change in terms of war…
    Informing people about wars, crises and emergencies is an important part of the media’s role, but we may have reached “peak negativity”, where the news is so full of serious crises that people are increasingly avoiding it. They are left feeling disengaged, demotivated and depressed about the state of the world and their role in it…


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    30 May: UK Independent: British billionaire attacks governments for failing to tackle climate change or end poverty
    ‘Why invest in dying products like fossil fuels when advances in clean energy, green subsidies and better regulation could effectively leave coal, oil and gas assets effectively stranded,’ says Karam Hinduja
    by Jack Peat
    The spread of climate science denial and the rise of right wing populism also threatens to derail meaningful action taking place, he said…

    “It is becoming clear there is a limit on what states can do on their own to turn back the tide on environmental disasters, so now the spotlight is on what the private sector can do instead by ramping up investments that make a positive contribution to the environment,” said Mr Hinduja, chief executive of Karma Network, which provides opinion and analysis on ethical investment…

    26 Apr: Harvard Crimson: Give Left-Capitalism a Chance
    For the most part, the Democrats still believe in markets. We should give their vision a shot.
    By Henry N. Brooks
    (Henry N. Brooks ’19 is a Social Studies concentrator in Currier House)
    Joseph Stiglitz, former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers and a noted left-wing economist, came out last week in support of what he calls “progressive capitalism.” His announcement — in an incisive essay in the New York Times — puts him squarely alongside most of the 2020 Democratic presidential field in defending the market economy, long our most prized national possession…


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    31 May: BBC: Climate change: Zero emissions law should be PM’s legacy, scientists say
    Leading climate scientists have called for Theresa May to make her “legacy” a target to cut greenhouse gases to zero by 2050.
    A group of experts have written to the prime minister calling for her to enshrine a target for “net zero” emissions in national law.
    Experts claim the target is necessary to avoid dangerous climate change…
    In their letter, the scientists said the evidence was “unequivocal” that avoiding dangerous climate change means eliminating or offsetting all carbon emissions – not just reducing them…

    Among the signatories are emeritus professor Joanna Haigh from Imperial College London, Myles Allen from Oxford University, Sir Brian Hoskins, who chairs the Grantham Institute on Climate Change, and Professor Dame Julia Slingo, former chief scientist at the Met Office…


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      robert rosicka

      May has stuffed up enough surely she won’t want to make it any worse than it is for herself ?


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    peak cli-chi abuse:

    VIDEO: 1min35sec: 30 May: BBC: The UK’s smallest climate change campaigners
    Teenagers across the world are striking from school to campaign against climate change.
    But in Hackney, the protesters are even younger.
    Five-year-old Sunday is one of the UK’s youngest climate change warriors and says she wants grown-ups to stop harming the environment.
    Video by Jamie Moreland.


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    Kevin Anderson

    Labour weighs up delisting UK firms if they fail to fight climate change
    UK companies failing to tackle climate change would be delisted from the London Stock Exchange under radical plans for greening the economy being drawn up by Labour.

    “Just madness, the UK is too hot?
    If the UK weather was like Spain it would be a good thing!”


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    Ecofascist…. Now there’s a word the ABC missed naming.
