- JoNova - -

Join me in Sydney at the Friedman Conference 2019

Jo Nova, speaking, keynote. Photo.

Jo Nova, speaking, keynote.

The 2019 Friedman conference is on, bigger than ever from May 23rd – 27th. I had a fabulous time last year. This year there is a big international combination with people from Brexit and the US teaparty as well. See the Speakers list. I’ll be updating the latest How To in Grid Destruction as the world watches The Crash Test Dummy Downunder!

To get a 10% discount off tickets use the code: NOVA2019

Tickets are available just for cocktail parties, gala balls and wine and wildlife tours too.

Thanks to those who do, as I get a commission from those sales. Student scholarship applicants can mention they were referred by me in the “Additional Comments” section, thanks.

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