Snow again in Western Australia?
South West WA got snow at Easter this year, a remarkable event, and then snow a week ago with predictions of more — which maybe fell on July 5. Concerned that two or three* bouts of snow didn’t fit the narrative, the ABC and BOM suddenly found an interest in our historic weather archives:
Snow has been falling in Western Australia since records began
Australian snow is usually associated with the alpine region of the east coast, but the fluffy white stuff has been falling in Western Australia since records began in 1846.
- It is estimated that Western Australia experiences an average 1.7 snow events annually
- This could be more as meteorologists do not have an observational system to record them
- The Bureau of Meteorology have said there could be another snow event this weekend at Bluff Knoll as a cold front approaches the south of WA
What the ABC never seem to report:
Heatwaves have been happening in Western Australia since records began
50 degrees? It’s occurred all over Australia and many times

125F in Geraldton. The Chronicle newspaper, Trove, Jan 11 1896
When it’s hot, it’s proof of a climate crisis, when it’s cold, it’s all happened before.
Let’s not forget the BOM lost the coldest ever April record for Albany this year (near Bluff Knoll). Accidentally adjusted up by 15 degrees C.
Put away those ideas it might be snowing more, it’s just a facebook thing, eh?
The rise of social media
Reports of snow have significantly increased since 1846 but that is not to said (sic) it is snowing more, it might just be people’s fascination with touching the fluffy white stuff. Mr Bennett said the advent of social media meant people were getting out, taking pictures of the snow and the result may have led to an increase in record numbers.
How many heatwaves, fires and droughts would have been recorded in 1850 if they had “social media”? We’ll never know, and the ABC will never ask.
It’s easy to predict if a science story will get published on the ABC. Ask the question:
Will this help elect the kind of people who give the ABC more money?
PS: Weekend Fun. Who knew Bluff Knoll in WA is listed in a “ski resorts” report?
You can find out handy live data like today it has 0mm of snow and “0 out of 0 lifts open.”
Jonas from Australia comments on the ski page:
Don’t listen to these locals who just want to scare away skiers to keep the slopes to themselves. The fact is Bluff Knoll provides the best snow conditions anywhere for thousands of kilometres and ski conditions were supreme last ice age!
*The Snow report of 1cm of July 5 was predicted by their weather models. I can find no confirmation that it happened.
Sounds like a snow job.
climate happens
Back in the old days, we had the ‘dark ages’, we even had those little ice ages . Climate is an endangered species. More often it/’climate happens’ disguised as weather… The ultra cold planting season in the USA did not just happen, some were predicting it. They/the predictive demographic must all be like Einstein or something equally impressive.
You get that on big jobs….
The link Jo’s put up for Bluff Knoll “ski resort” is a UK outfit called *snow-forecast* which I often visit to see where and how much carbon fallout powder is modelled for the coming week. In their ‘Countries’ link below, if you click ‘Ski Resorts’ (top left) then scroll way down that page till you reach ‘Exotic/Extreme Locations‘ you’ll see the 1st one is Australia (Bluff Knoll) then Colombia, Equador and Egypt (Jabal Katharina / Mt Sinai) a few others then Indonesia (Carstenz Pyramid / Puncak Jaya) and further down Myanmar/Burma (Hikakabo Razi) where, in both West Papua and Burma, there’s snow showers and sub-zero temps expected all week. On each ‘Resort Guide’ page, top-left is a ‘6 Day Forecast’ box, click the highest altitude # and another page opens providing weather stats for the next 7 days and maps of what happened in the past 7 days – hours of fun!
But don’t feel left out if you live in south-eastern Australia: yourBoM has an
unprecedentedaw maybe I’ll use impressive seven blue snowflakes for Thredbo, NSW. That’s 7 days in a row of freezing white snow on the way, while VIC resorts are only in for six days’ snow, ho ho ho! Keep a pinch of salt handy though – it is the BoM after all –
Does that make you feel exotic? Extreme? Hopefully your city-woke-folk don’t lose their power because then they’ll
freezefeel what a real ’emergency’ is like, plastic bags or no plastic bags. PS. Please can you send some of your excess snow over our way? While you’re having a ‘flood’ we’re having a ‘drought’ – the vagaries of settled science huh!150
Now that’s just silly. We get snow in Victoria in the mountains (such as they are) but never in Melbourne. Still it has snowed in Cairo and in the Sahara two years ago and that is like snowing in Singapore on the silliness scale. You can even understand it in the desert but not in the steamy pressure cooker of the nile valley. I suppose that’s Climate Change for you. All caused by an increase in a tiny invisible gas. Brought to you by the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Crap. And everyone knows Global Warming causes Global cooling. The computer says so.
2022 will be the noticably colder year in my opinion, going by what 2011 did to my garden that year back then. ..and then there were the earthquakes…”A magnitude 4.9 earthquake struck Gippsland near Moe at 8.55 pm on 19 June 2012″..or will the next seismic event be a man made seismic event?
Amazing that some still recon “controlling the weather is more important than ridding the planet of endless moronically/other led wars” which have been a vastly bigger problem on a much, much longer time scale…war is a much, much bigger problem than any change of the weather or climate is…
No good will !!..endless war !!… future !!.
Eradicating war would help not having to keep rebuilding things back from the stone age over and over again..
Perhaps the rest would follow somehow.
If it wan’t silly, how could it be true lol.
and the incredibly almost silly amounts of frozen H2O these trees were capable of capturing
This recognition of precedents is unprecedented.
By the way, the Ministry of Truth insists that “snow” in future be referred to as “potential flood risk”. Kindly add “potential flood risk” to your Newspeak vocab lists along with “East Coast low”, “supercell”, “polar vortex”, “lake effect” and “hundred year event”.
For history enthusiasts (irritating weirdos), 1896 is the year Newhaven won the Melbourne Cup, Flack won gold at the first modern Olympics, NSW won the cricket, a ferry capsized in the Brisbane River…and absolutely nothing else happened, okay?
But wait, there’s more! Also to be added to your updated Newspeak vocab is C.C.R. – no, not that 70s band – climate change resilience!
“Ms Kwakwa said the World Bank was working closely within Australia’s Step Up and New Zealand’s Pacific Reset programmes. We’ve been working on several things including supporting countries to strengthen their climate change resilience, working to support policy reforms to build their economic resilience and we’re also working together on the connectivity agenda,” Ms Kwakwa said.
‘Resilience’ is such a similar-sounding word to ‘Resistance!’ I’m sure ill-educated climate activists and school children with no knowledge of history – nor geology, physics, chemistry, biology, languages, etc. – will ‘own’ the word in the belief they are part of the ‘Revolution’ to save the planet… or sumpthink™.
” climate change resilience”
Isn’t that what sceptics have been demonstrating all along?
We homo sapiens [wise man] have shown superb resilience [ability to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions] throughout the ages, whether rushing into caves to escape the cold – hence the incredible 3D paintings / cave art left behind for ‘modern’ wo/man to ponder over – or rushing back out of the caves when it warmed up again to get some fresh fruit ‘n’ veges: gotta have yer greens (with a small ‘g’ for obvious reasons) and a little beer or wine now and then.
But maybe the World Bank and the UN and their thought-control cliterati are using the word in the old-fashioned literal sense: resilience, noun, mid-17th century from Latin verb resilire, ‘leaping back‘ or ‘to recoil‘. Also known as The Giant Leap Backwards! Mao would be happy.
Well we’ve had 8 days of frosty mornings here at Mt Barker
(Though the BOM temp. gauge over the back measured only four ! )
So I am now awaiting the coming of the Snow Monster !
Brrrrr !
It has happened before.
I have heard tales of the bad old cold days
When snow fell at night
With kids lining up to go out in the pjamas
To be allowed out in it.
Given the front page report in the Australian newpaper showing how a committee including someone from Burkino Faso, Cuba, Kuwait and friends now have control over such things as flight paths over Sydney and dams and activity in the Blue Mountains area, it is clear that the United Nations sees environmental issues as the key to fifth column control of unsuspecting democratic countries. Consider that a non binding agreement was quoted as law in an environmental court last year, by a former activist, now judge of the environmental court and mining was stopped.
They have also claimed a third of the Grampians area, to protect Aboriginal ‘aquaculture’. What aquaculture? Apparently it is on a par with the great canal systems of Nebuchnadezzar and Bagdad. Really? Someone is on something serious.
The UN is expanding past Climate Change and now writing laws in Australia, with the help of our appointees to the UN. Julie Bishop would not hear of it. She liked the parties and the first class travel and the limos.
Our UN desperately wanted to sit as a guest on the Security Council, the nuclear weapons club. Helen Clarke, Julia Gillard, Kevin Rudd, Julie Bishop would do anything to get on the UN Stage. No matter what it cost us. The world’s greatest junket.
The UN bureaucrats and opportunists love our total innocence, agreeing to the most outrageous things. Who is paying for all this? Us.
We need a UNEXIT.
The only real answer is to totally dismantle the UN edifice since it is only a front for the Marxist one world government. We, as individuals, mean nothing to them, they consider us a slaves to be herded into
slave campssustainable cities where we can be watched and controlled more easily. It is all there in their manifesto – Agenda 21 and 30 read and weep.190
I asked my Federal Electorate MP about the United Nations and the positions of himself and the party, and a number of other questions including Paris Agreement and electricity supply, and received no response.
That was a month before the election.
so far we’ve had ,
AXIT is the one I like best.
I most Britons get their way there might even be ,
Once out we should send them a bill for the damages.
‘BOM forecaster Matt Boterhoven said snow was an extremely rare occurrence in April.
“It’s exceptional. We’ve only recorded once, in the last 100 years, snow as early as this on top of the Stirling Ranges,” he said.
That is around the time of the Centennial Gleissberg.
Get Australia out of the U.N.
We don’t want it coming back at us after we have left.
‘Get Australia out of the U.N.’
Vatican City has already opted out.
Wasn’t the same Pope who objected to Trump building a wall between USA and Mexico as an anti Christian and moral issue?
Wasn’t it then pointed outthat Vatican City had a wall around it to keep the Riff Raff out.
As usual totally double standards.
2010 – which kind of blows the CAGW angle away – was just a “cold snap”!
3 Jul: Palm Beach Post: Iguanas everywhere: The warming climate has led to an exploding population
By Kimberly Miller
Palm Beach Deputy Town Manager Jay Boodheshwar: “The last several winters, or lack thereof, have really contributed to the population growth and we can’t rely on the weather to get a handle on this.”…
Mike Kirkland, an invasive animal biologist with the district: “We’ve had nuisance iguanas since the 1960s, but we are seeing larger populations than ever before,” he said. “I believe that’s due to the fact we are having fewer and fewer cold snaps.”
Since 1970, Florida’s average temperature has increased two degrees, according to Climate Central. A 2001 Natural Resources Defense Council report estimates average temperatures statewide could climb 4 to 10 degrees during the next century – expanding the range for heat-loving iguanas.
Iguanas died in droves during the 2010 cold snap
It was nearly a decade ago that South Florida was hit with a winter cold enough for a natural iguana extermination to occur.
In January 2010, a persistent area of low pressure in the middle and upper levels of the atmosphere set up over eastern Canada, sending shockwave-like cold fronts into South Florida with Canadian and Arctic air flooding in behind…
The chill was aided by the North Atlantic Oscillation, an atmospheric circulation which in its negative phase shoves the polar jet stream farther south than normal. With the jet stream helping to establish a solid snow pack over the Central U.S., the air barreling toward Florida maintained its frosty temperatures.
Early January 2010 experienced the coldest 12-day period since at least 1940, according to the National Weather Service in Miami…
West Palm Beach temperatures averaged 49.9 degrees between Jan. 2 and Jan. 13 – the lowest on record for any 12-day period dating back to the 1880s.
By the end of February, the NWS declared 2010 the coldest winter for South Florida in three decades.
Estimated crop losses were in the $500 million range…
“It’s taken nine years for the population to bounce back after the big die off in 2010,” said William Kern, an associate professor in the entomology and nematology department at UF’s Fort Lauderdale Research and Education Center…
Iguanas are an exotic unprotected species in Florida, which means they can be trapped and killed without a special permit…
Blunt force trauma to the head is allowed, but Kern cautions that one blow is euthanasia, while two blows or more is animal cruelty…
Kern prefers using a carbon dioxide chamber, which can be as simple as a cooler with a piece of dry ice in it that displaces the oxygen…
Before the 2010 die-off, the iguanas got so bad on the west coast island of Boca Grande that Lee County imposed an iguana tax…
I wonder how long it will be before we see a SAVE the IGUANA campaign?
All deaths blamed on Climatechange©.
© owned by the IPCC a subsiduary of the UN Inc.
Being done in the Galepegos Islands as we speak !
the rest of the article explains how it’s all due to CAGW, whether it’s hot or cold:
7 Jul: NNY360: Lake Ontario waters
With flooding at historic levels, is anything being done to fix the problem?
There is Lake Ontario water in places many people have never seen in their lifetime. It’s over docks and seawalls, on waterfront lawns, inside cottages and businesses and it’s washing away ecologically sensitive sand dunes.
States of emergency have been declared, National Guard members have been mobilized, lawsuits have been threatened and elected officials have vowed this can never happen again…
The lake hit its highest level ever recorded — 249.02 feet — on June 2 and crept up to 249.08 feet on June 6, from where it has barely budged since…
Thomas E. Brown, a river board member from Cape Vincent: “This is not new and we’ll see it again. About every 20 years, Mother Nature says I’m really going to dump on you as far as precipitation and annual snow run-off.”…
According to the Lake Ontario-St.Lawrence River Board, a heavy snow pack along the Ottawa River basin melted a little later than usual and major rains fell throughout the basin in late April and into May, leading to record flows from the river into the lower St. Lawrence River…
Nahhhhhh ! It’s NOT climate warming
It’s the Great Flood !
We’ll all be ROOOONED !
‘With flooding at historic levels’
Another thing that has been pushed is the ‘historical’ (make it appear worse than unprecedented) claim for ANY wild weather event/flood/heatwave..without any evidence or real data to back it up…what do you expect from these scammers.
The BOM cannot be trusted on anything. Firmly in the grip of the international climate alarmist ultra left, they will disappear or alter raw data and then make one-sided statements to further their political agenda. Science is the casualty, and therefore so are the Australian people. Morrison has a mandate to take this rogue elite on. Maybe he should do it.
The Bureau of Misinformation !
Another TRUTH: if enough people predict enough things often enough, eventually someone will have predicted something that actually happens.
Corollary: When you have predicted something that actually happens, you can become a Prophet by not talking about all the times your predictions don’t happen. Soon, you hope, everyone else will forget about your failed predictions. It follows then that you will become rich and famous for being such a wise and wonderful prophet. There are countless examples available for study on our academic, political, and social scenes
A funny thing happened on the way to riches and fame for the prophets of doom, the internet happened and it does not forget. So the next gambit is to take over the search engines and social media outlets and control what is displayed by them. Thereby achieving the ability of stopping anybody else seeing or talking about your failed prophecies. Thereby assuring your failures will be forgotten. The transfer of wealth will be continued.
However, it is impossible to control what 7 billion people experience, know, and remember. Thus there will be a residual who know about the failed prophecies. This requires the prophets of doom to destroy the reputation, character, and lives of those who do remember and speak out. Thereby exposing the real goal of the prophets of doom: human sacrifice. The riches and fame are only anesthetics intended to dampen their own self condemnation.
This is how we got to where we are today. It is actually our fault because we didn’t fight the good fight early when it was easy to do. We thought it was so irrational/silly/absurd that it could not long continue. Surprise: it continues.
They first destroyed our language. Then they destroyed most people’s ability to think critically. Now they are coming close to destroying the culture that supports critical thought. Next in line is the collapse of technological civilization. Soon to be followed by the extinction of most of the human population on earth.
We are left with two options: violence or passive resistance. The outcome of violence is unpredictable and often worse than its initial conditions. Passive resistance, on the other hand is simply to stop feeding them by producing only that which you need to sustain yourself.
Don’t make demands. Become invisible!
Yes, passive resistance is a tough path to go but it is likely to be a more effective, shorter, and less destructive path than violence.
1 : There are ways to avoid the internet being controlled. I use I use an Apple computer with Dissenter as my brouser. And Duck Duck Go as my search engine. Thus I avoid Goggle & Microbug completely !
2: Most people are in fact ‘passive resisters” just ignoring the Greenists and their agenda by getting on with their normal lives. But that also allows a noisy demanding tiny minority to determine the future.
3 So showing them up as total ignorant ideological fools with humour and sarcasm that destroys their own credibility and self esteem is essential. Knowing the facts is essential to be able to do this.
But, Bill, you are assuming that Apple is not up to the same games
Of course Apple sis up to the same games Ian
So I never take up any of Apple’s offerings
For example Apple mail or Safari,
And up date as infrequently as possible
A good outline of an ugly situation.
You are all liars.
There’s been no snow in Australia for a decade.
The world is getting hotter by the minute.
Global warming will kill us all.
Return to cavemen (and women, and transgender).
Vote Labor and Greens. Vote cold and dark.
You forgot to apply the sark tag. I am assuming your missive is meant to be sarcastic.
He could actually be serious.
Unfortunately there are Greenists who believe this rubbish.
I think the cavemen bit shows its sarc
Have you met some Greenists recently Keith ?
A very disturbing experience !
ivan, that’s part of the fun of sarcasm, discovering it.
In other words, vote for the destruction of the West but at the same time allow the non-Western world to continue and build hundreds of new coal fired power stations and dozens of nuclear ones to boot without a hint of objection making our efforts to close down our coal fired power stations pointless in battling any hypothetical man-made climate change. That is the goal of the “progressive” left. It’s about time Australians to wake up to that reality and only voted for a party truly honest at supporting both coal and nuclear power for maximising our chances of our economic survival. At this stage that rules our both the ALP and LNP.
Ummm …. could you give us a timeline on how the infrastructure should be rolled out?
Government is just getting back to work and the RBA has told the PM he can’t sit on his hands any longer. So I’m thinking Keynes with a twist, keeping the economy in the black as they seek tenders.
No matter what the infrastructure, the successful projects would be underwritten by government, yet funded by Asian money.
Cory deserves a portfolio of some sort (when he returns to the fold), like assistant to the infrastructure minister.
Timeline? Preferably ASAP but no later than the first major blackout we might encounter that will cost governments, business and individuals many millions, and perhaps even loss of life.
First new infrastructure should be a couple on new HELE coal fired power stations on the east coast, NSW and Victoria would be the best choices.
Can’t do anything without CHEAP, RELIABLE, DISPATCHABLE electricity supply.
‘First new infrastructure should be a couple on new HELE …’
For what purpose, population decentralisation or heavy industry?
And (according to the cartoons anyway) when domestic violence will again be acceptable
Beware the effect of Quality Control (QC) on historic temperature extremes. QC looks for isolated and short sequences of data that look wrong, for example from a faulty thermometer. Modern temperature extremes may be much less likely to be falsely altered than 19th century ones, because modern stations have many more near neighbours for comparison than 19th century ones. Poor QC methods could give the false impression that temperature extremes have gotten more frequent.
Fully in keeping with modern quality control –
“The quality control that doesn’t assure quality”
I wonder if BoM will discover the Rutgers Snow Lab data, which shows no global warming at all for over two decades?
Maybe they’ll suddenly undiscover snow again.
(Original Rutgers data here.)
The chart actually indicates increasing snow since the early 1990’s. Let’s be real though. Contradictory conclusions can be formed depending on when one starts looking at the chart. One thing is for sure though. There is no catastrophic global warming and the alarmists have only the models to rely on for their so called predictions. Of course we all know the models are not only woefully inadequate they have been proven wrong time and time again when their short term predictions were eventually shown to be out by wide a margin. That not only places their long term predictions in doubt anyone who relies on them is being unscientific. In other words, it’s fake science.
Roy Spencer best illustrated what happened in Europe recently and although he isn’t spelling it out, a meandering jet stream and blocking are global cooling signals.
A question our Aussie friends. Has there been a significant increase in articles in the media this year in Australia on climate change and related issues (eg. the need to change farming practices etc.) ?
In NZ there has been a huge increase and Councils for major cities are all jumping on the “climate change emergency” bandwagon. I cannot quite work out why there has been the increase except that maybe those pulling the puppet strings are getting worried that all is not going to plan.
Ross –
the CAGW-infested FakeNewsMSM has not only become more obsessive, they have become activists. here they are promoting a general strike:
7 Jul: AFR Op-ed: from Financial Times: A new climate dilemma for employers
There is no way of knowing how many adults will down tools in September or take any action at all, but it is clear such protest poses a new dilemma to many employers.
by Pilita Clark
On September 20, workers are being urged to join a global climate strike, the latest sign of widening unrest about the problem. Organisers say they hope people will walk out of offices onto the streets. For those who would face the sack or cannot take leave, the idea is to do something relevant, like calling a meeting to discuss company climate plans or holding a brief stoppage.
The move is aimed at backing the thousands of school students who have been striking over climate change in the past year. More than 4000 potential organisers in 121 countries are said to be ready to help…
Few large businesses question the existence or importance of climate change. Many agree it is “one of the most significant environmental challenges of the 21st century” (Goldman Sachs) and the risks “warrant action” (ExxonMobil) so we must act “before it’s too late” (Facebook)…
The companies were chosen at random from several different sectors. I make no claim for scientific rigour but the results are still revealing. At one end of the spectrum there is Patagonia, the outdoor gear company founded by rock-climbing environmentalist Yvon Chouinard. It said it actively encouraged its employees to take part in environmental protests and had a global policy of providing bail for workers arrested during such actions. In September it plans to expand digital efforts to connect customers with local green groups…
Meanwhile, Germany’s GLS ethical bank, which finances environmental and social ventures, said it would close on September 20 so all employees could march “against the climate catastrophe”. What of much larger companies founded by eco-billionaires such as Michael Bloomberg and Richard Branson? Bloomberg declined to comment. Sir Richard’s Virgin Group said it was still “gathering views” on the climate strike. So is Ikea…
Of the energy companies I contacted, Shell said it backed peaceful protest and its employees could seek leave to join such action…
Ross, thank goodness sceptical realistic councillors in Southland, Thames-Coromandel, and the West Coast too I think, have blown raspberries at the 0.04% of the population who are demanding we attire ourselves in sack-cloth as we walk – or ride penny-farthings – whilst self-flagellating ourselves (with more taxes and regulations) in penance for our sin of breathing, living, improving our lot, which they call ‘pollution’ or ’emissions’.
Occasionally I drop into a couple of local Lefty blogs to see how their
environmental state of (un)mind is and whoah! thar be some nasty nut-jobs out thar me hearties:
Bold mine: “Regular Standard contributor Robert Guyton put up a great fight but has failed to persuade the dinosaurs on Environment Southland to declare a climate emergency… The opponents to Robert’s resolution all raised semantic arguments about what constituted an emergency. At a time when all the residents of Kagoshima Prefecture are being evacuated because of flooding, and Alaska, Greenland, India and France experience abnormally high temperatures, these intrepid councillors are more worried about slight variations in the meaning of words“. Damn straight!
If you’ve got a dodgy ticker or high blood pressure, do not enter the dark, twisted, vitriolic world of these holier-than-thou, self-appointed, socialist saviours of the planet of the apes – the complete antithesis of Jo’s blog which is a haven of wisdom, knowledge, discovery, discussion, humour, civil manners [mostly] and something called observed recorded data, aka science.
Australia’s rural and regional population are more pragmatic and will ignore this because its not a ‘state of emergency’. The caffe latte set in capital cities have been brainwashed.
‘Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore has declared a “climate emergency” on behalf of the Sydney local government.’ ABC
el gordo – at least it’s not partisan political!
Italian socialist David-Maria Sassoli elected president of the European Parliament
Washington Post – 3 Jul 2019
Wikipedia: Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations: Previously, he was the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees between 2005 and 2015…
Secretary-General of the Socialist Party from 1992 to 2002…President of the Socialist International from 1999 to 2005…Guterres’ political career began in 1974, when he became a member of the Socialist Party…
‘Revolutionise the world’: UN chief calls for youth to lead on climate
Climate Home – 30 Jun 2019
Use social media and political organising to ‘force’ older generation to confront climate crisis, says António Guterres
The secretary general was answering questions from global youth representatives in front of diplomats, private and civil society leaders at the opening of a two-day meeting in Abu Dhabi on Sunday in preparation for the UN climate action summit in September…
UN: Climate Action Summit, 23 September 2019
To boost ambition and accelerate actions to implement the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, UN Secretary-General António Guterres will host the 2019 Climate Action Summit on 23 September to meet the climate challenge. The Summit will showcase a leap in collective national political ambition and it will demonstrate massive movements in the real economy in support of the agenda…
Let’s listen to the world’s young people
UN Secretary-General António Guterres, in an op-ed in The Guardian, said leaders need to listen to the concerns of youth on climate change and presented plans for the Climate Action Summit in September to deliver concrete and ambitious solutions…
30 Jun: UN: ‘Act now with ambition and urgency’ to tackle the world’s ‘grave climate emergency’, UN chief (António Guterres) urges UAE meeting
The UN chief lamented that it is “outpacing our efforts to address it” with each week bringing “new climate-related devastation” from floods, droughts, heatwaves, wildfires and superstorms…
We need workers’ strikes – not just solidarity – to fight climate change
Socialist Worker – 2 Jul 2019
How far are we willing to go to prevent climate catastrophe?
That’s the question every worker, socialist and activist should be asking in the face of an existential threat to our survival.
Action on 20 September, the planned date for a global climate strike, could change the entire debate around climate change…
Union solidarity motion for September 20 climate strike
Green Left Weekly – 21 Jun
School Strike 4 Climate is encouraging unionists to move the following motion at meetings of their trade unions…
e. Commit to the stated demands of the movement, namely:
i. Stopping Adani,
ii.No new coal or gas,
iii.Just transition to 100% renewable energy by 2030.
‘Tame the nightmare’: U.S. writer McKibben pushes climate strike
Reuters – 14 Jun 2019
Bill McKibben, a U.S. author and leading figure in global climate activism, has challenged adults to join a youth-led general strike in September, saying bold action may yet prevent civilization being cut off “at the knees.”…
An intense, scholarly figure, who lives in the U.S. state of Vermont, McKibben first sounded the alarm over climate crisis in 1989…
Leading figures from the worlds of climate science and diplomacy have backed calls for a week of action starting with a strike on Sept. 20 to build on the momentum. Supporters include Christiana Figueres, a Costa Rican diplomat who delivered the 2015 Paris Agreement, U.S. climate scientist Michael Mann…ETC
‘It’s a really powerful time to be a teenager,’ says UK climate strike leader
Thomson Reuters Foundation – 6 Jul 2019
British student activists are now preparing for their next big school strike on July 19 – and what they hope, in September, will be the largest general strike in Britain since 1926, pulling in adult members of the public too.
Nearly a century ago, 1.7 million workers stopped for three days to protest an effort by the British government to cut wages and ***protection for coal miners…
‘ … what they hope, in September, will be the largest general strike in Britain since 1926.’
They are dreaming.
Never happen with the matches they sell today
G’day Ross,
I think the answer is yes, there has been an increase. (But I don’t have numbers to support my view.) In particular there was a major push leading up to our recent election to make “climate change” the major issue. That was in their hope that Labor and the Greens would win hugely. That the electorate reacted adversely to their push (or is that “putsche”) was a surprise, but welcome.
At the moment I suspect there is another increase in support of the next IPCC conference in September, and I think it will get louder. And world wide.
O/T but too good to leave hidden in “Unthreaded” without a green tick (IMO of course)
“Greg in NZ
July 7, 2019 at 10:13 pm · Reply
Graeme, think it was via Pointman’s site I found a weekly comic take from the non-Dem side of life: cartoons, memes, newspaper headlines, etc. AOC, Bernie, Clinton, Kaepernick, and Florida Man, regularly get trounced.”
Keep good control of any beverage you may be consuming or risk a keyboard.
And a reciprocative green thumb for you, good sir, for enjoying some Sunday humour (without ruining your keyboard nor screen, I trust) and spreading the laughs. If we can’t chuckle at the Apocalypticult and their inane totalitarian rantings, then what is there!
Below link to the home page where you can browse at your own leisure through past comic genius; admittedly it is US-centric yet having a good laugh is universally recognised as the best medicine –
This is assembled by Steven Hayward.
He ends the sequence with a photo of a man, and another with a woman, each with a firearm.
It is mostly commentary on the USA.
True that, John. Apart from blasting a few pest rabbits and possums many, many years ago on a friend’s property, I’m not a fan of silicone-augmented ‘pieces’ so to speak, so I tend to skip Hayward’s final parting photo-statements. Could you enlighten us more with any knowledge of the man or his affiliations? All I know is he takes the proverbial out of those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, and rightly so. Cheers!
Gee, Greg, as much as I enjoy the humour on the way down the column, I can’t wait to get to the last photo each week. What’s wrong with you?
One of my jobs is – how can I put this, um, pertinently – working with silicone-augmented sweethearts, which is all fun and games and professional, but personally myself I’m an au natural kind o’ guy. OK, I look now and then 😉
AUDIO: 4min39sec: 8 Jul: ABC AM: Greenhouses gases causing longer, more intense and frequent heatwaves: Will Steffen
By Sabra Lane on AM
If you’re in southern Australia this morning, as you snuggle into your wooly jumper, perhaps rug up in a down-jacket, put on a beanie, gloves and scarf – this might seem odd.
The world just recorded its hottest June on record because of the heat-wave that hit Europe, according to the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather forecasts.
So was it a one-off? Is it part of trend, and what should we make of it?
almost entirely about the potential for a multi-billion dollar ***blue carbon industry/offsets. Govt very supportive:
AUDIO: 7min16sec: 8 Jul: ABC Breakfast: Expanding Australia’s blue economy
Marine scientists from around the country are gathering in Fremantle this week for their annual conference to hear the latest efforts to develop Australia’s blue economy.
It’s a concept that’s gaining traction internationally and involves harnessing the resources of oceans, seas and coast to promote sustainable economic growth while enhancing marine ecosystems.
Tim Moltmann, director, Integrated Marine Observing System (IMOS)
Dr Peter Macreadie, associate professor of environmental science, ***Blue Carbon Lab, Deakin University
7 Jul: New Daily: The coldest town in Australia is closer to Sydney than you think
Forget Tasmania or even Victoria – New South Wales is home to some of the nation’s coldest places to live.
A town that sits just a four-hour drive from Sydney has been confirmed as the chilliest place to call home (outside of ski resorts) this winter, according to data collated by the Bureau of Meteorology.
The 6742 residents of Cooma, in southern NSW, are used to rugging up – the town experiences an average temperature of -2.9 degrees Celsius in winter.
NSW dominated the bureau’s top 10 coldest places list, claiming six placings.
Bureau senior climatologist Blair Trewin said it mostly came down to how high the towns were above sea level…
While Melburnians might feel like they do it tough throughout winter, the further you get away from big cities, the colder it actually gets.
“It gets colder as you move outside big population centres,” he said…
Wrong; when counting towns (i.e. with a proper marketplace/town square), Adaminaby is markedly colder than Cooma. Perhaps that goes accordingly by AWS-registered towns only.
Also, that ranking is just downright wrong; first of all, there is no AWS station at Berridale, and Nimmitabel is much colder than Cooma by maximum temperatures; average July maxima for Cooma VC and Cooma AP are 11.4° C (778 m AMSL) and 10.2° C (930 m AMSL), whereas it’s 7.7° C for Nimmitabel Wastewater Treatment (1,075 m AMSL).
Much colder than Cooma, overall:
Refer to the Wikipedia climate boxes for the above links; sourced from BOM^
7 Jul: Gizmodo: The Weather Machine Reveals How The Forecast Is Made, And Why It’s Now Threatened
by Brian Kahn
The Weather Machine, a new book by journalist Andrew Blum, takes a dive into the forecasts of today and how they’ve advanced from a dream espoused nearly 180 years ago.
It also examines how, after an era of unprecedented global cooperation to improve weather forecasts and access to them, the whole weather enterprise is starting to splinter, with private companies jumping in to provide forecasts at a price at the very moment our weather is becoming more chaotic thanks to climate change.
John Zillman, the former head of Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, tells Blum in his book that the international meteorology enterprise is “one of the world’s most widely used and highly valued public goods”.
And frankly, it’s hard to disagree. As the weather forecast has become more accurate farther into the future, it has translated to valuable warnings that have saved countless lives and property…READ ON
So exactly where do they put this..
“WeatherAction are world leaders in Long range weather – and climate – forecasting and produce detailed weather forecasts to resolution of a few days months ahead for Britain & Ireland, Europe and USA +South Canada, and climate forecasts up to 20 years ahead.”
Lest we forget: “Robert Fitzroy… British naval officer, hydrographer, and meteorologist who commanded the voyage of HMS Beagle, which sailed around the world with Charles Darwin aboard as naturalist… Fitzroy became governor of New Zealand in 1843 but was recalled in 1845 largely because he contended that Maori land claims were as valid as those of the settlers. He retired from active duty in 1850 and from 1854 devoted himself to meteorology. He devised a storm warning system that was the prototype of the daily weather forecast, invented a barometer, and published The Weather Book (1863).
Sadly, it didn’t end too well for Bob, but hey, what a legend.
La de dad de da.. one day at the Bureau Of M(ismanagement) and data
analysisfalsification..Oh goody it snowed 100 years ago that means we dont have to adjust for cooler..Dont let PRESENT cool periods get in the way of our scam.30
Hey, does everyone remember the one day “Heat Wave” in France, and all the massive media beat up
Seems they missed this. !!
Saturday 6 July 2019: “Cold weather has killed 37 people in Ukraine so far this month as temperatures reached minus 23 Celsius in parts of the former Soviet republic. Night temperatures are expected to drop to -28C in northern, central and eastern Ukraine this week. The cold snap followed heavy snowfall which left some areas covered with as much as 53 cm (21 inches) of snow. Cars were blocked for 18 kilometres (11 miles) overnight on Saturday on the main road between the capital Kiev and Lviv, officials said”.
Now THAT’S what I’d call an emergency… or is it faux news? I mean, the whole planet’s on fire, right?
And yet in the North
Do the same arguments apply? Or will there be a growing realisation that its not the individual event, but the number of records falling all over the world that is of concern
Anchorage thermometer is slap bang in the middle of two run ways.
Worst possible site… and the changes over the years are massive as well.
Why continue to display your perpetual IGNORANCE about the effect of the meandering jet stream and urban development, PF?
Is your basic knowledge and comprehension level really that low ?
Yes a number of records have fallen..
did not read the link now did you.
there’s your cognitive idiocy , yet again
INCAPABLE of comprehending Urban/airport effects
INCAPABLE of accepting COLD records as the flip side to the cooling induced meandering jet stream.
‘ … did not read the link now did you.’
I got as far as this.
‘Records in Anchorage date back to 1952.’
‘ … further evidence of the swings-between-extremes brought on by low solar activity and the associated weakening of the jet stream.’
Good catch. There has been some talk that a quiet sun causes blocking highs, which create the meandering jet stream, but I have nothing solid on this hypothesis.
Its OK the Guardian is onto it.
‘Studies have shown that, on average, a decrease in solar activity can promote an increase in atmospheric blocking, although the relationship is complex.’
“number of records falling all over the world that is of concern”
Nope, chicken-little. Just a sign of urban development.
Now off you go and crawl back under your doona in rabid fear and panic !!
Don’t forget the boogie-man under the bed. 😉
Highs, lows, ice, wind – new values for all of them somewhere in the world, and those records are being set more frequently. As I said, one record in isolation does warrant scepticism, but when the trend is worldwide it needs a an explanation.
WAKE UP, dolt. ! You have had this explained to you often enough.
LISTEN and at least TRY TO LEARN.
Many of the new “high records” are from urban effects along with…
the meandering jet stream, blocking highs, causing warmer pockets
countered by freezing conditions elsewhere.
Meandering jet streams HAPPEN,
This one looks like it is because of the low solar activity.
or is it all just too difficult for you.
And not even you are feeble-minded and brain-hosed enough to try to blame the meandering jet stream on human CO2.
Or are you ?
So No warmer, even with airport jet engines and massive areas of tarmac and concrete, than 100 years ago.
Does CO2 have an alibi for this crime? :).
Forensics have had a look and decided its just an anomaly, but I argue its a serial offence caused by blocking. This translates into hot and cold extremes, side by side in the mid latitudes of both hemispheres.
CO2 is clearly not responsible and, pending further investigation, will be free to wander.
Nearly every day I see sockpuppet style letters to the editors of newspapers being published demanding ” real action on climate change.” Who is behind this concerted campaign to constantly keep this climate non-issue in the public space? It can’t be just random. There is far too much of it. It’s a greenist jihad.
Zane -of course it’s orchestrated.
how’s this? Greta is bigger and badder than OPEC now, says a UK Telegraph guy who now also works for S&P Global Platts, Andy Critchlow.
behind paywall:
5 Jul: UK Telegraph: OPEC is playing into Greta Thunberg’s hands on climate change
by Andy Critchlow
Opec would be wise to avoid picking a fight with Greta Thunberg. The 16-year-old face of the Extinction Rebellion movement wants to bring the fossil fuel era to an abrupt end, regardless of the economic risks. Branding her ***populist methods an enemy could make big oil an easier target for protesters to aim at.
However, that is exactly the mistake Opec secretary-general Mohammed Barkindo has made.
The head of the oil cartel, which pumps just under a third of the world’s crude, was quoted this week saying that attacks levelled at producers by a “growing mass mobilisation of world opinion” had become “perhaps the greatest threat to our industry going forward”…
the OPEC sec-gen mostly stuck to the CAGW line, if u care to read it:
2 Jul: AFP: Climate campaigners ‘greatest threat’ to oil sector: OPEC
OPEC’s secretary-general has complained of what he called “unscientific” attacks on the oil industry by climate change campaigners, calling them “perhaps the greatest threat to our industry going forward”…
Barkindo added that the “mobilisation” against oil was “beginning to… dictate policies and corporate decisions, including investment in the industry”…
TWEET: Greta Thunberg
“There is a growing mass mobilisation of world opinion… against oil” and this is “perhaps the greatest threat to our industry”.
OPEC calls the school strike movement and climate campaigners their “greatest threat”.
Thank you! Our biggest compliment yet! LINK AFP
4 Jul 2019
As has been pointed out elsewhere if Greta can see 40 ppm of CO2 then it is unlikely she can see 40 ppm of CO2 because she’d be surrounded by the fog of the 40,000 ppm she breathes out
‘Who is behind this concerted campaign to constantly keep this climate non-issue in the public space?’
Aunty is spreading malicious rumour and needs to be purged of bias, I feel a crowd funding exercise coming on.
‘The BBC is facing a legal challenge over the way it monitors its impartiality amid accusations of biased coverage. Crowdfunding group Stop BBC Bias is close to raising the £30,000 needed to seek a judicial review into the way the BBC meets its statutory obligation.’ GWPF
Yes that seems like a great idea EG !
The ABC’s charter is reflect all of Australia.
At the moment it reflects only small minorities
Like the Greenists, or gays or disabled
Ordinary Australians pay the overwhelming
proportion of the taxes paid to the ABC
But there is bugger all worth watching or listening or reading from it.
behind paywall:
7 Jul: UK Times: Energy suppliers could face cash shock if capacity market is reinstated
by Rachel Millard
Concerns are growing over a cash crunch among energy companies this winter if the suspended £1bn system for back-up power supply returns.
Officials have contacted electricity and gas suppliers to check that they can afford to pay bills built up during the suspension, which could suddenly become due if the government wins a legal appeal. There are concerns that some may have spent the cash and would struggle to meet payments.
Under the back-up power system — known as the capacity market — suppliers pay generators to be on standby to produce extra electricity when needed. It was suspended in November following a shock ruling from the European Court of Justice…
6 Jul: HeraldScotland: Scottish Labour would ‘maximise devolution’ for new age of green jobs
By Tom Gordon
PIC: (check the smug look on Leonard’s face)
The Scottish Labour leader (Richard Leonard) will tell a party event in Motherwell a Labour administration at Holyrood would “experiment” with new forms of public bodies, and “maximise devolution” to sustain jobs in a “green industrial revolution”…
Pointing towards more government borrowing, he will say: “We must be able to invest in our manufacturing base to make the transition we need. For this we need borrowing powers fit for a parliament.”…
“If we are to re-purpose the whole Scottish economy it cannot be done according to the central tenets of neo-liberal economics: the old ideas of privatisation, of austerity, of rolling back the state.” Rather than relying on foreign investment or “multinational financial and corporate interests”, he will advocate “an innovative state” that uses its powers over procurement, planning, and licensing to drive low carbon and renewable energy developments.”…
can’t find out who the study was done for…Siemens?
5 Jul: CarbonBrief: Europe ‘could get 10 times’ its electricity needs from onshore wind, study says
by Josh Gabbatiss (ex-UK Independent, now with Carbon Brief)
To make their estimate, a team of German researchers took into account changing wind speeds, all the available land and, crucially, futuristic turbine designs that are already coming onto the market.
While they note that generating 100% of Europe’s power from wind would not actually be feasible due to social, economic and political constraints, the scientists say their estimate gives a “significantly higher” figure than most previous assessments of wind potential.
Their paper, published in the journal Energy (LINK), also suggests that, as technology advances, the cost of the resulting electricity will be cheaper than previous studies have estimated.
Some nations, including the UK, have struggled with political opposition to onshore wind…
Crucially, they also emphasise their focus on futuristic turbine designs of the type that are expected to become standard in the coming years.
David Severin Ryberg, a PhD student at the Forschungszentrum Jülich in North Rhine-Westphalia who led the study, explains to Carbon Brief why this is so important…READ ON
8 Jul: RenewEconomy: Australia’s first offshore wind project moves forward with labour market study
by Michael Mazengarb
The Star of the South wind farm, which is being pursued by the Danish fund management company Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners would be the first offshore wind farm in the southern hemisphere, requiring the first of its kind deployment of wind turbines off the Victorian coast.
The project proposed off the Gippsland coast in the south of Victoria has a planned capacity of up to 2,200MW and would be expected to produce roughly the same amount of energy each year as the now de-commissioned Hazelwood brown-coal power station…
Star of the South says there is likely to be a need to facilitate the training of local workers in the skills required to deploy and maintain offshore wind turbines, given it is the first of its type for the country. Likewise, the study will identify the need to procure new dedicated vessels that may be required to support the project.
The study will be completed by Atlas Professionals, an HR service provider with previous experience in advising the delivery of offshore projects through Europe…
With proximity to Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, the project would have the ability to tap into the existing transmission infrastructure that exists in the region, with an undersea cable planned for linking the offshore turbines to the mainland…
Hey Pat re “With proximity to Victoria’s Latrobe Valley, the project would have the ability to tap into the existing transmission infrastructure that exists in the region, with an undersea cable planned for linking the offshore turbines to the mainland”
well that curious and B/S propaganda
The Latrobe Valley is well inland from Bass Strait. And the Strezlecki Hills which are over 1000 feet high with lots of native bush, lie between the Latrobe Valley & the South coast.
So exactly who will pay for building the transmission lines to connect this intermittent off shore boondoggle with the high power transmission lines in the Latrobe valley ?
Power customers ?
Taxpayers ?
Or the money grubbers who want to build these off shore turbines ?
7 Jul: CleanTechnica: Brookfield Offers To Rescue Debt-Ridden Indian Wind Company Suzlon
by Saurabh
Yet another renewable energy major in India is facing a huge financial challenge and has attracted interest from foreign investors.
Suzlon Energy, one of India’s leading wind energy solutions provider, has reportedly approached Canada’s Brookfield Asset Management to sell a majority stake…
A potential deal with Brookfield is being reported as a one-time settlement in exchange of the principal and interest that Suzlon Energy owes to various creditors and lenders. Brookfield was also reported to be interested in buying a stake in renewable energy developer Mytrah Energy.
According to media reports, Suzlon Energy has a net consolidated debt of around US$1.12 billion, which includes US$547 million of foreign currency convertible bonds (FCCBs) and around US$490 million in working debt…
Suzlon has been trying hard to reduce its debt and has sold off some non-core assets. The company sold off a stake in its 210 megawatt solar power portfolio to CLP India…
25 Jun: CleanTechnica: Companies Line Up For 685 Megawatt Stressed Solar Assets Sale In India
The flames of India’s burning private sector debt crisis has reached the solar power market as well, with a large project developer being forced to engage in a stressed sale of assets…
Indian business daily Mint has reported that troubled Indian company Essel Infraprojects is in talks with yet another company to sell its solar power projects to repay outstanding debt. The Adani Group is the latest company interested in acquisition of the 310 megawatt operational solar power portfolio of Essel Infraprojects…
Essel Group has an outstanding debt worth US$1.6 billion. Another business daily, Economic Times, reported that various mutual funds have invested more than US$1.15 billion in commercial papers issued by Essel Group…READ ON
“while other countries shift away from the polluting fuels”?
8 Jul: RenewEconomy: Australia to become world’s biggest dealer in fossil fuel emissions
by Michael Mazengarb
A new report from research firm Climate Analytics (LINK) shows that current policy settings have Australia on a path to become the world’s largest dealer of fossil fuels, despite warnings that the global energy market is undergoing a fundamental shift away from coal and gas.
The report shows Australia on track to be responsible for up to 13% of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, as Australia ramps up its exports of coal and gas, while other countries shift away from the polluting fuels…
Additionally, the development of new coal production in areas that include the Galilee basin, have come with the warning that Australia is about to unleash a carbon “bomb” that will undermine efforts to limit carbon emissions within the budgets consistent with limiting warming to no more than 2 degrees above pre-industrial levels.
“With planned coal and gas expansions, Australia could account for up to 17 per cent of global emissions by 2030, with Australian coal responsible for 12 per cent of global emissions by then.”
“If Adani’s mine and all the other coal mines proposed for the region reach full production by 2030, the Galilee Basin on its own could account for up to 5.45 per cent of global climate pollution in 2030.”…
“while other countries shift away from the polluting fuels”, Renew Economy?
7 Jul: Cyprus Mail: BP’s Review of World Energy reflects rising global concerns
By Dr Charles Ellinas
(Dr Charles Ellinas is Senior Fellow, Global Energy Center, Atlantic Council)
Coal consumption, up 1.4 per cent, and production, up 4.3% per cent, increased for the second year in a row in 2018…
The US recorded the largest-ever annual production increases by any country for both oil and natural gas, the vast majority of increases coming from onshore shale plays…
Global LNG supplies continued to grow in 2018, by about 10 per cent, mostly due to increased production in Australia, the US and Russia. Most of this was absorbed by Asia and China…
Despite their rapid growth, renewables are not keeping pace with the strong gains in power demand, with coal coming in as the balancing fuel. The growth in wind and solar power capacity stalled during the last two years.
Despite the increasing penetration of renewables, the fuel-mix in global power generation remains flat, with the share of gas and oil, 26 per cent, and coal, 38 per cent, unchanged from their levels 20 years ago…
8 Jul: AFR: EnergyAustralia paves way for NSW coal power upgrade
by Angela Macdonald-Smith
EnergyAustralia is set to announce an upgrade of its Mt Piper coal power generator in NSW, part of a plan to secure the plant’s future for another 24 years and help stabilise the east coast power grid.
The move comes as the Hong Kong-owned utility fends off speculation that it is contemplating the early closure of the Yallourn brown coal plant in Victoria.
Upgrading coal-fired power stations like the 1400 megawatt Mt Piper, which is near Lithgow, helps to make the power grid less prone to unscheduled outages…
Some 87 per cent of power produced in NSW in June was from black coal…
The developments come as fresh evidence emerged that wholesale power prices are remaining stubbornly high despite the acceleration of new wind and solar plants coming online…READ ON
8 Jul: MiningMonthly: Qld coal exports compensating for weaker agricultural exports
THE surge in Queensland’s coal exports is covering the sharp drop in the state’s agricultural exports that has resulted from a severe drought that has gripped the state, according to Queensland Treasury figures.
by Lou Caruana
The largest increase in the value of Queensland commodity exports for the year ending May 2019 was recorded in coal, which increased by $4 billion.
On the other hand, the largest decrease in the value of exports for that period was crops, which decreased by $583.2 million.
The coal commodity group recorded the largest export value from Queensland for the year to May 2019 with $36.9 billion…
Queensland Resources Council CEO Ian Macfarlane said the Queensland resources sector, which employed more than 315,000 men and women across the state, delivered 81% of Queensland’s record export earnings of $85.8 billion for the 12 months to May this year…
“In dollar terms, exports from the resources sector – coal, minerals and gas – are worth more than $190 million every day,” he said.
“That means more jobs and frankly more money going into communities across Queensland, including Brisbane and the south-east.”…
“Queensland has what the world needs,” he said.
“With the stable policy settings, the resources sector can continue to grow and in doing so create more jobs and more opportunities for Queenslanders.”
I posted this on previous jo threads:
2 Jul: Weekly Tims: SA researchers changed Murray Darling Basin Plan science
Andrew Bolt had the story on his Sky show tonite, with an excerpt from one of the following videos:
6 May: Youtube: 7min28sec: The MDBAs Man Made Drought
by Topher Field
Our farmers are in a drought… again. But this time it’s different. Our rivers are full to overflowing as our government spends $13Billion of our dollars, buying up water and flushing it out to sea.
Meanwhile, thanks to the price of water skyrocketing, our farmers can’t afford to buy any to put on their crops or keep their cattle fed.
What we have is a man-made drought, caused by the MDBA and its reckless buying of water for so called ‘environmental’ purposes ETC…
13 May: 5min22sec: Youtube: The MDBAs Zombie Water
by Topher Field
You heard about the Menindee Fish Kill right? How could you not, it was ALL over the news!
And no doubt you heard that it was all the farmers’ fault? Yeah… about that…
The MDBA aren’t just screwing over farmers, they’re also directly responsible for draining the Menindee lakes and literally sending the water out to sea, which is why the fish kill happened in the first place.
This video is number 2 in a 5 part series, find the series here on Youtube, or go to
15 May: Youtube: 7min35sec: The source of the MDBA problem
by Topher Field
In video 3 of the series, we get to the Source of the Problem: An 80 year old decision to turn a large estuary into a freshwater lake.
All we have to do is return the lower lakes back to being an estuary, and suddenly EVERYONE will have more than enough water! NSW, VIC, AND SA will all have more than enough water for our cities, our farms, and our industries. Plus our farming communities will come alive again, and all our other environmental needs can ALL be met with water to spare, if we STOP wasting water on a mistake from 80 years ago.
Bolt now has Peter Ridd on the Gladstone reef recovery story.
The ABCs 4 Corners, Monday, (yes ,ABC !) had a slightly different spin on the MDB plan failure .
Basicly saying the $13bn was equivalent to a “Pink Batts” for private companie to build dams and develop irrigation systems for previously non viable land.
Either way, the system is broken…..
..they should have used the funds to divert water down from N QLD.
comment on Murray Darling water scandal as per Sky Bolt Report tonite is in moderation.
Peter Ridd on Bolt Report just said there are new regulations coming in a couple of months re the GBR, which will make the effect on farming caused by the Murray Darling system look like a walk in the park compared to the damage that will be done to Qld farmers.
says another look at the science is needed before the damage is done.
In the current situation this is very pertinent.
More of the same.
Restrict, harass and damage the core productive ones.
OT: Remember last week’s “record warm *which wasn’t) in France.
I bet they wish some of it would come back.
Has a very large ice flow recently sheared off?
Mount Bryan in SA is interesting. Its surrounded by private property but records of snow falling do exists for over 100 years. I don’t if its just a case of reporting but it does seem to snow there more often in the past 10 years.