3 weeks to go til Climate Propaganda Week starts

Did you get the memo?

Climate Propaganda Week! How to time and phrase your stories to help unaudited, unaccountable supranational government, bankers and bureaucrats.

Which journalists are “just following orders”?

All groupthink-minded, obedient journalists have been advised to find a climate crisis to report on in Sept 16th which is the week before the next UN climate summit on Sept 23. How many will obey, conveniently serving the UN, big government activists with “free advertising”?

Kip Hansen on WattsUp spotted the National Narrative for media on Climate Change a couple of months ago.

The best things skeptics can do is expose how artificially crafted and politically timed this “reporting” is. Spread the word that it’s coming to help neutralize the effect.

Let’s ask our favourite ABC/BBC/Guardian/NY Times journalists in advance if they plan to obey this directive. Perhaps we could score each journalist with a Climate Patsy mark as the week unfolds and they hit their prescribed targets? They score extra points for saying “12 years to go”, “all scientists agree” and using the terms “climate crisis”, and “climate emergency”. Triple points go to photos of weather porn: Eg melting asphalt, “rain bombs”, freak clouds, and 20 year old photos of the Amazon burning.

The Email to Journalists


We’re writing from Covering Climate Now, a new project of the Columbia Journalism Review and The Nation aimed at dramatically improving journalism’s coverage of climate change. We invite you to join us.

The science is beyond clear: humanity faces an emergency situation. Rising sea levels and record heat waves, wildfires, and floods are unleashing devastation worldwide, and much more is in the pipeline. We have 12 years to radically change course, UN scientists warned last October, or face catastrophe.

As journalists, we have a professional responsibility to report on the urgency of this moment. Despite good coverage by some news outlets, climate silence still reigns in much of the media. For example, only 27 percent of Americans knew in election year 2016 that virtually all scientists agreed that climate change is human-caused, happening now and very dangerous.

The good news is that 63% of the public recognized that the statement “virtually all scientists” agree is a PR and advertising line. No one has surveyed “all scientists”. And the few fields that have been polled show that climate scientists are failing to convince all the professional fields of scientists around them.  Surveys show 50% of meteorologists don’t believe the doctrine (Maibach et al 2017), 66% of engineers and geologists are skeptical (Lefsrud et al 2012). Even most certified climate scientists don’t agree with the full 95% certainty that the IPCC claims (Strengers et al 2015).

The Columbia Journalism Review could be sued for false advertising — pretending to be journalists, pretending to be concerned about “facts” and then promoting fake facts.

Previous reasons for underplaying the climate story—fears of alienating audiences, losing money, or appearing partisan—no longer hold. Most people under age 40 care intensely about climate change, irrespective of their political outlook—even Republicans and independents want action, while Democrats call it their number one concern. That may help explain why The Guardian, our first partner at Covering Climate Now, has found that its extensive climate and environment coverage is making, not losing, money.

Instead of most people under 40 “caring intensely” — most people rank climate change as one of their lowest environmental concerns. Here are just a few surveys. Young people universally score higher in belief, but they grow out of it as they grow up.

 Just another million dollars of advertising?

We describe our plans for Covering Climate Now in this FAQ, which links to the April 30 conference at the Columbia Journalism School that launched this project and where iconic TV newsman Bill Moyers announced a $1 million pledge from the Schumann Media Center to fund the first year of our work.

Because all good journalists should time their articles to help the UN political agenda?

Our ask of you is simple: commit to a week of focused climate coverage this September. We are organizing news outlets across the US and abroad—online and print, TV and audio, large and small—to run seven days of climate stories from September 16 through the climate summit UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres hosts in New York September 23. The stories you run are up to you, though we can offer ideas and background information and connect outlets looking for content with content providers looking for outlets.

We’d be happy to schedule a phone call to discuss this further.  Thanks for considering, and we look forward to hearing from you.


Mark Hertsgaard and Kyle Pope

Want more information?

Please contact:

  • Mark Hertsgaard, the environment correspondent for The Nationand the author of Earth Odyssey, has covered climate change in the US and around the world since 1989. He’s reachable at mark@markhertsgaard.com or 415-923-8983.
  • Kyle Pope, editor and publisher of Columbia Journalism Review. He’s reachable at kpope@cjr.org or 212-854-7004.

RELATED: The media are complacent while the world burns

h/t Terry Dunleavy


Lefsrud and Meyer (2012) Science or Science Fiction? Professionals’ Discursive Construction of Climate Change, Organization Studies, vol. 33, 11: pp. 1477-1506. , First Published November 19, 2012.

Maibach, E., Perkins, D., Timm, K., Myers, T., Woods Placky, B., et al. (2017). A 2017 National Survey of Broadcast Meteorologists: Initial Findings. George Mason University, Fairfax, VA: Center for Climate Change Communication

Bart Strengers, Bart Verheggen and Kees Vringer (2015) Climate Science Survey, Questions and Responses, PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, pp 1 – 39

9.6 out of 10 based on 87 ratings

205 comments to 3 weeks to go til Climate Propaganda Week starts

  • #

    Seriously, really!

    How about we have a letter writing or email campaign to the ABC journalist ‘most likely’ and suggest that they close all coal fired power plants for one day during the lead up to this Climate Summit, just to show what life would be like without those coal fired CO2 emissions for one day.

    Stephen Long would be the go to man.

    It would never happen, but at least it would get people talking.

    I’m not joking here, either, as I will be emailing him with just that idea. See what he says.



    • #

      Who’s Stephen Long ?


      • #

        Just about the biggest anti coal journo on the ABC.

        And who would guess he’s an economics, umm, expert!



        • #

          That’s a bonzer idea Tony; let us know if “black start” is mentioned in his reply.


          • #

            I’d gladly take a day off from electricity if it drove home to the powers that be the insanity that these ideologues are preaching.


            • #
              glen Michel

              I would venture a week,seriously. I doubt if much of the submissive populace would tolerate it.


        • #

          Uneconomic expert more likely!!
          Reminds me of the old joke
          What do you get when you put 30 economists in a room?
          Answer, 60 different opinions!


          • #

            It was an economist who said “2 degrees” as the Climate Change limit in a meeting a few years ago held to decide that knotty question. There was no supporting evidence. It was just off the top of his head and it’s now the “Holy Grail.”

            There was not even any argument against it.


            • #

              The whole idea of some ‘limit’ to the temperature rise is absurd. Yes, its a made up limit. There is NO backup proof of what this limit is derived from or how to calculate it (of course by totally incorrect models anyway). Also 2 deg where? in the desert , at the poles, yes -70 +2 = -68 Im sure that will save the planet. The temperature limit profile ONLY refers to the lower tropo anyway, there is no such thing as some magic global temperature. They have a hole in the head.


          • #

            Our New Zealand Prime Minister a few decades ago, Rob Muldoon, quipped, “If these economists knew what they were talking about, you’d only need one!”


    • #

      Close the coal fired power stations not for just one day but the week running up to and the whole period of the Climate Summit, and no diesel generators allowed either.


      • #

        Was reading on zerohedge that the financial war between the US and China might go beyond money…. if it irrepairbly damages relations through insulting China…all bets are off…


        • #
          Sceptical Sam

          If you’ve ever negotiated with the Chinese you’d know that the insult and “loss of face” is a one way street. The Chinese are always looking for the vulnerability and they are quite happy to insult the opposing side.


      • #

        To quote a British comedian:

        Ew, you are awful but I like you

        A week is a great idea. I only hope it isn’t in my neck of the woods.


    • #
      Don A

      Tony, Here is an analysis of why too many roof-top solar panels are causing a problem. I assume it is not BS. Is this true?



      • #
        Graeme No.3

        Don A:

        Nothing new. I had problems 6 years ago or more with my solar PV hitting 255V and shutting down for a hour. That’s because all my neighbours also had solar and the combined output was too much for the cables to take back.
        Doesn’t seem to be a problem now, possibly because I don’t look at the output that often but also that my peak output is down about 10% (as will other installations).


        • #

          If this happens a lot they change the transformer taps to lower the voltage which fixes it for a while


    • #

      Good idea. someone link to their(journo) email lists..
      Im also thinking to do an open letter to some of the alt media outlets that still sit on the fence about the climate.


  • #

    But won’t the New York Times be too busy reporting on racism? Oh, wait, the climate best-catastrophe-evah is a racist issue because the Chinese … I mean the USA … I mean US citizens of European origin (excluding some Democrat presidential candidates and St. Mann (who just knows stuff, no evidence needed)) … etc …


    • #
      Sceptical Sam

      Of course coal’s racist.

      It’s guilty of blackface.


      • #
        Greg in NZ


        Oops – I mean – splendiferous!


        • #
          glen Michel

          Good idea for a t-shirt slogan(green leftards would comprehend). CARBONIFEROUS! At least I can challenge them to declare their knowledge of geologic ages. No such luck. We’re all carbonised! Sort of.


          • #
            Greg in NZ

            They’re most welcome to decarbonise themselves if they want to.

            I just don’t take too kindly to religious types, preaching their beliefs and myths, telling me I must follow their faith. On yer bike!


  • #

    All out, bruvvers and sisters. Jane Caro wants you to strike for climate change and the planet on Sept 20th, on full pay of course.

    The woman would have more credibility if she had a set of pig tails and a blank stare.



  • #
    Another Ian

    Must be time for that perverse sense of humour of Mother Nature to throw in a couple of wobblies for them


  • #
    Latus Dextro

    “Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.” — Friedrich Nietzsche

    The ever growing chasm between ideological fantasy and hard reality in any number of domains, whether politics, environment, climate, energy, or economic has become the abyss; de-population, de-industrialisation, destitution and despair, the epitome of unsustainable. There is no narrative in existence that can support that kraptitude without succumbing and imploding under the inanity. The UNFCCC, UNEP, et al. know the iris is closing on their toxic vision of a unelected, unelectable administrative order. It’s slipping away. Corporatist globalism is a dying roach.
    Their palpable and growing desperation stems from their desire to ensure that their “transformational” eco-Marxist 2030 agenda is locked and loaded before the Trojan horse of climatism is disemboweled, as it surely must be. For the apocalypse it seeks to wreak is utterly unthinkable, as Tony suggests above #1.


    • #

      I suspect the climate clowns are going to deliver a 1-2 punch…..

      Run down the global economy to the point where it cant support the population…then start a war to lower population to where the industry thats left can handle the people left….like 10% of original population….



      • #
        Lionell Griffith

        If that happens, whats left will not function higher than a minute fraction of the technological civilization that preceded it. Whole industries will be wiped out. Most of which will have been vital to have for the remainder of industry. Dominoes will fall leaving only the least common denominator able to function. It would not even be capable of supporting that 10% population.

        The whole of that 10% would soon be reduced to a hand to mouth survival bases without the skills or knowledge to do it. Soon the 10% would not exist. That is except for a few not yet discovered hunting and gathering tribes in remote jungles.

        The only good thing out of this is the self selecting elite who pushed this to happen will be among the first to go.


        • #

          Yes unfortunately though, it will mean everyone loses.

          Thd Elite are insane…look at how many of them have been caught ( including royals ) in the jeffry epstein nasty mess….


        • #
          glen Michel

          Indeed the push back would be immense. We know that this agenda is being driven by these neo-marxist deconsructionists but I can hardly believe that they will succeed.They will be the rat on the treadmill – always the minority trying to push their issues, but pragmatism will win out. In short, all the conventions and conferences will not be realised in effect.


          • #
            Lionell Griffith

            The problem with pragmatism is that its only principle is do what works. This without a definition of what works means nor a theory about why things work. That means they have no genuine way to know when things are working except working meets undefined and examined momentary expectations.

            Yes, this is better than the insane left who’s every motivation is to destroy the good because it is good. Unfortunately, they too are without knowledge of what is good or why it is good so they worship only destruction for the sake of destruction. If it exists, DESTROY it or so they believe.


            • #

              I suppose if I look at life prior to becoming a Christian, I’d been sold the nonsense that the only way to succeed in life is to crush the opposition.

              I think that sometimes you have to mount an uncompromising and robust defence of your world, and a win-win outcome is always better. Sometimes you have to come out swinging, but never as the aggressor.


              • #
                Roy Hogue

                Sometimes you have to come out swinging, but never as the aggressor.

                Yes, that’s the benefit of being a Christian, you have standards. And it’s sometimes the frustration of being a Christian as well because you don’t ever give serious consideration to violating those standards.


              • #
                Roy Hogue

                Or at least you’re making a good faith effort to keep those standards. I know I have keep am eye on myself because I know I’m not perfect.

                It makes life a little bit tougher sometimes.


              • #
                Latus Dextro

                Dare I say it OS, the Good Lord reminded us, “Revenge (Vengeance) is mine” sayeth the Lord.
                No mention was made of retribution.


              • #
                Roy Hogue

                But Latus, He did not say we could not hope for justice. From the beginning of civilization until now there have been rules by which you must live and there have been sanctions prescribed for violating the rules. I just want society’s laws administered even highhandedly according to what is written in the law books.

                For that I and my president both are called all sorts of evil things and even threatened. If I wanted revenge I would be calling for hanging from the nearest lamppost. I’m not.


            • #
              glen Michel

              In order to defeat totalitarianism you need an equal response; nothing extraordinary about that. One will against another. Nietzche? Nah, not the first, but I relate to existential tho7gt and survival of the overcomer.


              • #
                Lionell Griffith

                My conviction when dealing with bullies for most of my 82 years, if they bully you knock them down so hard they are afraid to get up again. The knocking down may not need to be physical. It could be philosophical, intellectual, or legal.

                Basically, a bully is a coward lacking self esteem, an self confidence. As a consequence, he lashes out at his perceived enemy to convince himself he is more powerful than his enemy. All you have to do is show everyone else he is nothing but a pathetic weakling not really capable of doing anything useful to earn his keep. Let alone to be able to produce values for trade with others.

                I am not a Christian nor a believer in God, I think the Christian dogma of “turn the other cheek because what you have is really belongs to the bully” is self defeating and down right stupid.

                If you are assaulted, you have a RIGHT to stop that assault with whatever measure actually does stop it. That does not include giving what is yours to the thug who assaulted you. THAT will not stop him. He will only be encouraged to do more of the same until you have no choice but to knock him down. After all, they have no right to exist at your expense, however small.

                Governments are a special case of institutionalized bullies that will be difficult to restrain by physical force. More subtle measures are required. Such as stop voting more bullies (aka politicians)into office and stop feeding them once they are there.

                If you don’t have it, they can’t take it.
                If you don’t produce it, they can’t tax it.
                If you aren’t there, they can’t find you.

                It is a tough way to go but, ultimately, it is the only thing that works in the long run.


      • #
        Another Ian

        ” BREAKING: The Mexican government has announced it has seized a major quantity of fentanyl with local Mexican media initially reporting it at 23,368 kilograms

        The bust, which came from China, is enough to kill 7.081 BILLION people, or 92% of the world https://t.co/ATvRwGvg0w

        — Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) August 25, 2019 ”



  • #

    I sent a story tip to both Herald Sun and ABC on the recent dismissal of the case Mann v Ball. It will be interesting to see if it gets picked up by either.

    The Hockey Stick has been such a poster child for CCC that proving its lack of integrity in court (through a no show) should be significant in undermining the whole CCC fairy tale.

    I am watching to see how well Mann is supported by his partners in crime.


  • #
    Bill in Oz

    I wonder who in Australia
    Will be on this brainwashing campaign’s
    Coordination Committee ?

    Is anyone here ‘in’ on their
    campaign deliberations ?

    Now those are the dopey ideologues
    Who need to be exposed
    For the unprofessional idiots they are.


  • #

    Climate reportage is propaganda because ALL reportage is propaganda. From Brazil ablaze to silicon dummies in Christchurch.

    The news is a list of pranks, stunts, fibs, ads, promos, contortions and distortions. Read or watch to see what the manipulators are up to or maybe to get a cricket score. But best to turn them all off and leave them off.

    It’s hilarious when they get caught out – https://tinyurl.com/yyqx8ngr – but they don’t get caught out often enough because the fakers own the game the way the house always wins in Vegas. People keep turning on the news and no progress will be made till they turn it OFF. You can’t beat the house, but you can stay out of the casino.

    It’s not news, it’s not reportage, it’s not real.


  • #

    September is a busy month. Why couldn’t they have kept it in late November when there was far more time for the entertainment?


    • #
      Graeme No.3


      Think! They don’t want people in the northern hemisphere to get cold weather which might start them wondering what the fuss is really about.
      Similarly hot weather in the southern hemisphere would be a drawback to their credibility (or as it should be CRUDIBILITY).


      • #

        You mean like freezing their proverbials off in Copenhagen right after Climategate in 2009? Wouldn’t want a repeat of that 10 years on so now they’ll try running it through the Equinox which might throw some turbulence up somewhere.


      • #
        Another Ian

        Harder to do a Hansen and doctor the air conditioning on a grand scale


  • #

    Extraordinary; a farrago of lies whips up a political stampede to legislate to empty our pockets into the vaults of scoundrels.

    This is our future eh! Well, until the next scam arises.


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    If I may rephrase Columbia Churnalism’s Chunder:
    Despite good coverage by some news outlets [JoNova and WUWT and heaps of fellow sceptic bloggers], climate silence (of the Lambs?) still reigns in much of the media“.

    Their psychopathic, cannibalistic, apocalyptic kraptitude (thanks to Latus Dextro) will culminate on the Spring Equinox, 23 September – or the Autumn/Fall Equinox for those in the chilly northern hemisphere. Cooling is the new warming? A timely post from Roy Spencer re the MAD media:



    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Looks like we got ourselves a convoy La Niña!

      https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/ocean/ (Niño 3.4 Index -0.4˚C and dropping)

      What with the Arctic ‘summer’ over, Greenland on -25˚C, Antarctica -72˚C, no sunspots for nearly 3 weeks, a grand solar minimum knockin’ on the door and no catastrophic warming for 20+ years (apart from a few spiky El Niños) it’s no wonder the freaks are freaking out and going hell-for-leather.

      Talking of, sure hope Greta the Child took her beanie and mittens and ski jacket and snow boots to New York – wouldn’t want her to, y’know, like, catch a cold.


      • #
        el gordo

        BoM has ENSO neutral and I suspect it will remain that way until this time next year.


      • #
        Tom O

        Interesting that you mention “Greta” and her sailboat. That’s a BIG storm brewing in the area between her boat and New York. I truly DO hope she makes it okay. Sad to see the way she has been used, though I would think that her and her parents might never have to work again.


        • #

          Here is her latest position


          If you move the time slide at the bottom across 12 hours, by which time they will have halved the distance to NY, the storm has moved further to the NE so they will have avoided it.

          Go forward another 12 hours when they will be near NY it may be lack of wind that is their main problem.

          If you select waves from the menu it looks like they have a decent following sea so it should be an exciting but wet ride at 16 knots boat speed.


        • #

          Malizia II was formerly called “Edmond de Rothschild”. I guess a Rothschild boat out of Monaco sounded a bit rich for the average Guardianista.

          There has been scant discussion of how little green Greta and the others will be returning from New York to Europe. Could it be…? Yes it could!

          Now wouldn’t it be funny if the return was First Class, or maybe charter jet. Of course, “all team Malizia’s flights are offset”. Which makes you wonder why they didn’t just…oh, now I’m being petty.


        • #

          Greta’s twitter feed nine hours ago. Certainly looks wet and wild.



          • #

            Don’t try reading too many comments below unless you have a sick bucket to hand!
            These worshippers of the holy one are also trying to block one comment they see as negative.


          • #

            Looks like the Hauraki Gulf on a good day.
            Just a bit bouncy.
            (The Gulf does have better and much better days, too. It’s almost flat when they sail the America’s Cup regattas on it.)

            Motion sickness is not something to laugh over. I’ve never had it myself, but I don’t go inside on the Cook Strait ferries when the seas are up. It’s not so smelly out in the weather but those susceptible are sure made miserable by it.


            • #

              It can be a bit lively there, if the only time we’ve crossed it is anything to go on. Stayed on the deck holding on, so as to get a good view of the reef in the gale! It had been sleeting at Picton (in late November!!!).
              The North Sea in an unstabilised ferry in a full gale in 1973 was another treat, until son mk2 started to puke!
              My dear husband had a rough time in a gale in the Bay of Biscay on a Nicholson 55; thanks to the medic. on board he was in better shape for the hurricane out in the Atlantic.
              Sea sickness is ghastly; what daft things we do at times! 😉


      • #

        Apparently dear little Greta has been taken off the yacht and now she is flying over. Got a bit sea sick.
        So I presume a helicopter had to go out and get her, take her back and put on a plane.

        I agree that she is being used.


        • #

          The amount of CO2 generated by this little trip goes from one FARCE to another 🙂

          Multiple crew flights, Helicopters, the CO2 embodied in the yacht itself.

          Greta is doing her part to increase carbon emissions 🙂


        • #

          Is that confirmed, that she’s been taken off the yacht?


          • #

            Dunno, but if she has she’ll probably be put back on it for the triumphal entry to the worshipping thousands in NY.


        • #

          From whence comes this story of Greta Thunberg’s disembarkation? I can’t find it…


          • #

            Actually, I feel sorry for the child. She is being used (abused) by those who should know much better but seem to be wilfully trying to wreck society.


          • #

            By the look of her twitter feed (See above for link) she is onboard.

            I thinks its a silly stunt but being a recreational sailor I am interested in the sailing aspect.


      • #

        Mount Shiveluch on the Kamchatka Peninsular went off over this last weekend, with an ash plume topping 70,000 feet. The plume is heading north east which is away from Salt Lake City, more’s the shame. It’s a VEI 5 – 6 rated explosion.

        If it can keep going until end of next month, and send it’s ash over Utah … there could be a bit of atmospheric cooling, all natural, none of it man-made 😛


        • #

          Yes, I know where Kamchatka is, and where Utah is.
          There’s a whole ocean (and the Rockies) in between … the Pacific Ocean.
          To get ash from Kamchatka to Utah is to cross the Pacific, and therefore not remotely likely at all.

          But what if … ? 70,000 feet is well into the stratosphere …

          The increasing Cosmic Ray exposure may trigger Yellowstone, but I won’t wish that on America.


          • #

            Hmm, the moderation script is butting heads again.
            I posted about an erupting volcano! for heaven’s sake in # 11.1.4.

            At least it’s accepting posts, now. I posted twice about that mountain this morning and both literally disappeared. The digital circular file must have been hungry.


            • #
              Graeme No.3

              It is the cold weather; mod was reluctant to get out of a warm bed.


              • #

                Leave the poor mod(s) out of this — it’s certainly not any one of them at fault.

                They’re the poor bods who have to clean up after this cantankerous petulant procacious list of a pseudo computerized hobgoblin. I know it’s not a leprechaun: being of Irish descent I can tell their mischief … That moderation script has malice aforethought: it and I cross swords too regularly for it to be any accident. It doesn’t like me and I return its scorn. 🙂

                But for a computer program to get nasty because of the temperature?
                That does not compute …


              • #
                Greg in NZ

                Tried posting a link to the Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut over the weekend, when the Arctic’s mean temp hit zero (0˚C) – that’s it folks, summer is over at the North Pole for another 9 months – and time after time it simply vanished, whoosh! Dem bots are afraid of d’ temperature, mon!

                Just watched a container ship glide past our place, out through the Rangitoto Channel on its way to the Hauraki Gulf and deeper water beyond; calm as a millpond tonight.


    • #

      I wish Roy would get of of his ‘luke warm’ theory it doesnt help the cause. He lost an argument with Postuma over it and should have realised it. Im not knocking his fine efforts against the climate scam but, half agreeing with the IPCC isnt going to help. Its like giving your enemy a few extra rounds to make up for it.


    • #
      Latus Dextro



  • #

    “Columbia School Of Propaganda And Deception” at work.
    Great societies, it seems, self destruct.


  • #

    Every week is climate propaganda week .
    In fact it is daily .
    I guess starting Sept. 16th it will be even worse .


  • #
    Kinky Keith

    This is great Jo, at last something that we can do that is real and tangible.

    Record the intensity of Climate Concern Articles before, during and after the circus.

    Should be a very interesting study that might point directly at the cause of climate change.



  • #

    4 legs good

    2 legs baaaaaadddddd


  • #
    el gordo

    ‘Senior aides in Donald Trump’s entourage have accused the G7 host and French president, Emmanuel Macron, of seeking to embarrass his US counterpart by making the summit focus on “niche issues” such as climate change, according to multiple US media reports.’



  • #

    26 Aug: Forbes: Macron: No Surprise Trump Failed To Show Up For Workshop On Oceans, Climate And Biodiversity
    by Jeff McMahon
    BIARRITZ, France—U.S. President Donald Trump did not show up for a workshop on environmental issues at the G7 Summit here today, but French President Emmanuel Macron said it came as no surprise.
    “When it comes to the Paris Agreement, we know his position, it has always been clear, and it is not an objective of the French presidency to convince him otherwise,” Macron said. “We did have that objective at the outset prior to his withdrawing from the agreement, but it was not our objective at the G7.’…

    At a press conference following the workshop, Macron said he still expects the charter to be signed by all the leaders, but the signing will take place at the UN Climate Conference in New York next month.
    “All of the countries that we have been working with, including those that are not members of the G7, all of the countries including Chile, Australia, India, South Africa, will be signing the Biodiversity Charter,” Macron said…

    Macron suggested Trump’s absence should not be interpreted as a rejection of the workshop.
    “President Trump had several bilateral meetings including with Chancellor Merkel and with Prime Minister Modi this morning and that meant that he wasn’t in the room, but his team was there.”…

    Other countries are increasing their climate commitments to compensate for the U.S. withdrawal from Paris, Macron said, mentioning specifically Russia and India.
    “Putin even confirmed this to me even one week back,” Macron said. “India also has joined the carbon coalition that was something we didn’t know even one week ago.”…

    Macron and Chilean President Sebastián Piñera announced ***$20 million and military aid to fight fires raging in the Amazon forest…
    The initiative will unfold, they said, at the UN Climate Conference next month and at the COP 25 Climate Conference in Chile in December.

    most MSM is claiming the $20million is from the G-7 countries, and will be paid out immediately – who knows?

    26 Aug: AP: The Latest: UN chief warns of ‘dramatic climate emergency’
    BIARRITZ, France (AP) — The Latest on the summit of leaders from the Group of Seven democracies:
    2.15pm: UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres says that the world faces “a dramatic climate emergency.” He is urging leaders at a Sept. 23 summit in New York to agree to cut greenhouse gas emissions by more than they promised in the 2015 Paris climate accord.
    Guterres said Monday at the Group of Seven summit in Biarritz, France, that “we are much worse than we were during Paris (…) And so it’s absolutely essential that countries commit themselves to increase what was promised in Paris.”…

    2.00pm: U.S. President Donald Trump has missed a discussion on climate with other world leaders at the Group of Seven summit in France.
    Trump was scheduled to attend Monday’s session on climate, biodiversity and oceans, but his chair was empty during a portion of the meeting reporters were allowed to witness.
    French President Emmanuel Macron says that while Trump didn’t attend, his aides were there.

    1.45pm: French President Emmanuel Macron isn’t backing down in his ongoing dispute with Brazil’s leader…
    The back and forth deteriorated over the weekend when Bolsonaro endorsed a Facebook post insulting Macron’s wife, Brigitte. Macron also accused him of missing a scheduled meeting with the French foreign minister in favor of a barber appointment and reiterated that Bolsonaro had lied to him…
    ***He said Brazilian women “are doubtless ashamed to read that about their president” and that he hoped the country would soon have a president who could behave according to the standards of the office.

    1.25pm: G-7 countries have agreed to an immediate $20 million fund to help Amazon countries fight wildfires and launch a long-term global initiative to protect the rainforest
    The announcement came from French President Emmanuel Macron, the host of this year’s meeting of G-7 leaders, and the Chilean President Sebastián Piñera…
    Macron said the U.S. supported the initiative, although he acknowledged that U.S. President Donald Trump had skipped Monday’s working session on the environment…


    • #

      “Biodiversity Charter”

      Biodiversity comes from having a more abundant carbon cycle.

      Great to see them pushing for increases in CO2 emissions 🙂


  • #
    Graeme No.3

    Sorry Jo:

    I don’t have any “favourite ABC/BBC/Guardian/NY Times journalists”.
    I stopped listening/viewing/believing them some years ago.


  • #

    jo – as for “3 weeks to go”…afraid not. NatGeo Channel, now owned by Disney, is heavily promoting a new six-week series to begin Sept 5 – GLOBAL CITIZEN:

    21 Aug: Global Citizen: Everything You Need to Know About ‘ACTIVATE: The Global Citizen Movement’
    by Joe McCarthy and Olivia Kestin
    You can watch these Global Citizen advocates and celebrity activists on their quests to improve the world in the new six-part documentary series ACTIVATE: The Global Citizen Movement.
    The series, developed by National Geographic and Procter & Gamble and co-produced by Global Citizen and RadicalMedia, showcases the behind-the-scenes stories that make the Global Citizen movement possible. Premiering Sept. 5, viewers will be able to learn about people living in extreme poverty and how to support campaigns trying to transform their lives…

    Here’s what to expect from the six episode…ETC
    The series will premiere globally in fall 2019 on National Geographic in 172 countries and 43 languages.

    The multi-platform Activate storytelling partnership will expand beyond the documentary series to include a 10-page custom print section for Activate in the September issue of National Geographic magazine as well as custom story stretches aligned to each episode, custom digital articles and social media moments highlighting various issues within Activate.

    CAGW/SDGs not mentioned in above, but that’s what it’s all about:

    18 Jul: Climate Week NYC Partners with Global Citizen to Amplify Youth Voices in Climate Activism
    Climate Week NYC 2019 is partnering with international advocacy organization Global Citizen for its Youth and Climate Activism Program. The program will reflect the global leadership of young people and its influence on climate action and align with the Youth and Public Mobilization theme of the United Nations Secretary-General’s Climate Action Summit.

    Global Citizen is a movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty by 2030. The Global Citizen Festival takes place on the Great Lawn of Central Park in September (28th) and will bring together volunteers and activists who have acted to achieve the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development…
    Climate Week NYC 2019, taking place September 23-29, is the biggest Climate Week event in the world. It is run by The Climate Group annually in coordination with the United Nations and the City of New York…

    ClimateWeeklyNYC Sponsors
    Salesforce, McKinsey & Co, Bank of America, Engie Impac, Unilever, AT&T, Estee Lauder, International Copper Assocn, Orsted, Exelon, PWC, ***National Grid, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, Global Citizen, We Mean Business


  • #

    IISD: Climate Action Summit 2019 – 23 Sept 2019 NYC
    UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres will convene a summit to mobilize political and economic energy at the highest levels to advance climate action that will enable implementation of many of the goals of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development…
    In preparation for the Summit, nine coalitions have been established in order to ensure transformative outcomes, according to a briefing for Member States. The coalitions focus on the following action areas: 1) social and political drivers of change; 2) transition to renewable energy; 3) industry; 4) infrastructure, cities and local action; 5) nature-based solutions; 6) resilience and adaptation; 7) mitigation; 8) finance and carbon pricing; and 9) youth and citizen mobilization.
    The Summit will be preceded by a series of pre-Summit events held the week-end prior. On Saturday, 21 September, a Youth Climate Summit will take place, co-organized by the Executive Office of the Secretary-General and the Envoy of the Secretary-General on Youth…

    Convening during Climate Week NYC 2019 and in parallel to the opening of the 74th session of the UN General Assembly (UNGA 74), the Summit is one of several high-level events scheduled to take place the week of 23 September. Other events include: a High-level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage (UHC) (23 September); the SDG Summit (24-25 September); the 2019 High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development (FfD) (26 September); and a High-level Review of Progress on SAMOA Pathway.
    The Summit will feed into the UNFCCC process by contributing to the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 25) to the UNFCCC in December 2019…

    30 Jul: People: Queen & Adam Lambert, Pharrell, Alicia Keys Among 2019 Global Citizen Festival Headliners
    The eighth annual Global Citizen Festival is coming to New York City (Central Park) on Sept. 28
    By Jeff Nelson
    Matt Bomer, Rachel Bosnahan, Elvis Duran, Taraji P. Henson, Rami Malek, ***Bill Nye, Joy Reid and Forest Whitaker will all appear as co-hosts…
    As in years past, admission to the festival is free…
    For those who can’t make it to the show in N.Y.C., the festival will, again, air live on MSNBC & Comcast NBCUniversal; plus, iHeartMedia will broadcast the event live across the country on its radio stations, as well as stream it on iHeartRadio…

    In a statement, Global Citizen CEO Hugh Evans said: “After next year we will have only ten short years to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals…
    Tuesday’s festival lineup comes just one week after Global Citizen announced its upcoming star-studded National Geographic docu-series, Activate: The Global Citizen Movement, which will illustrate the organization’s efforts to eradicate poverty.

    from Global Citizen Leadership:

    Stephen Brown, Vice President, Global Partnerships
    Stephen manages Global Citizen’s relationships with some of the world’s largest brands and media companies, including Comcast NBCUniversal, Live Nation, Gucci, Johnson & Johnson, P&G, Google, Coty, HP, Twitter and many others. Stephen’s team builds, creates and executes large-scale brand partnerships across marketing, events, content, actions, advocacy, digital and social. Stephen is originally from the UK and prior his move to the US, was a broadcaster and contributor to the London Live Television network. Before joining Global Citizen, Stephen also worked at the British Labour Party as a Campaign Director, and as a political and digital director at Raw Television for Channel 4. Stephen was also the former Deputy National President at The National Union of Students UK, the world’s largest democratic student movement.

    Madge Thomas, Senior Director, Global Policy and Government Affairs
    Madge is a human rights lawyer by background with over ten years of experience in development, including within the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) and on the board of the Australian Institute of International Affairs…

    Taara Rangarajan, Senior Director, Global Partnerships and Programs
    Previously, Taara served under President Barack Obama at the National Security Council, U.S. Mission to the United Nations, and at the White House. Taara most recently served as Advisor to National Security Advisor Ambassador (Susan) Rice handling foreign policy planning, interagency coordination, and crisis management. She ran Youth Vote for Obama for America in the 2008 bid for the Presidency…

    out of office, but not forgotten – and this is not the only example:

    3 Aug 2017: 37 Iconic Photos to Celebrate President ***Obama’s Birthday
    The former president’s photographer captured Obama at his best.
    By Joe McCarthy and Olivia Kestin
    He helped orchestrate the Paris climate agreement…

    7 Aug: Global Citizen: How Global Citizens Are Tackling the Root Causes of Extreme Poverty
    Six key issues explored in the documentary series ACTIVATE, airing this fall on National Geographic.
    By Leticia Pfeffer and Joe McCarthy
    Plastic Waste
    The stats: …Billions of people worldwide rely on healthy oceans and environments to provide food and jobs. But our oceans and the people who live alongside them are in jeopardy from plastic pollution, and global climate change is threatening ecosystems and the planet with extinction. Addressing environmental challenges is everyone’s business…


  • #

    our own Hugh Evans:

    11 Jun: The Drum (not ABC): Global Citizen’s Hugh Evans on tokenism by brands: ‘Stop spending media dollars on frivolous activities’
    By Shawn Lim
    Sitting down to speak to The Drum after his keynote at Mediacom’s Blink event, Hugh Evans explains the challenge to end extreme poverty and climate change through global development, like any area of life, is a specialty. For example, doctors and astronauts must undergo training to excel in their respective fields…

    On Global Citizen’s part, it has been holding the Global Citizen Festival since 2012, a public event which brings celebrities, politicians and world leaders together to promote the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which include 17 tasks to end extreme global poverty by 2030…

    Brands the NGO has worked with, include Proctor & Gamble and National Geographic, to launch Activate, a six-part documentary series that will focus on extreme poverty, inequality and sustainability issues to mobilize global citizens to drive meaningful and lasting change…

    One example Evans urges brands to follow is P&G, which he says have been very creative with how they spent their media dollars…

    Recalling when he first started Global Citizen a decade ago, Evans says brands and NGOs like Citi and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation made big bets on the organization even when it was hard to measure an achievable outcome…
    But I think like everything in life, it takes time and we are very fortunate that we now have wonderful brand partners like Live Nation, Citibank, Verizon, Cisco, J&J and P&G.”…

    Wikipedia: Proctor & Gamble
    Price fixing
    In April 2011, P&G was fined 211.2 million euros by the European Commission for establishing a price-fixing cartel for washing powder in Europe along with Unilever, who was fined 104 million euros…Though the fine was set higher at first, it was discounted by 10% after P&G and Unilever admitted running the cartel…

    Child labor and forced labor
    According to a 2016 report by Amnesty International, palm oil provider Wilmar International, the world’s biggest palm oil grower in 2016 and supplier of raw materials to Procter & Gamble, profited from 8 to 14-year-old child labor and forced labor. Some workers were extorted, threatened, or not paid for work. Some workers also suffered severe injuries from toxic banned chemicals…

    Gillette ad
    On January 14, 2019, P&G subsidiary Gillette put out a controversial advertisement called “The Best Men Can Be”, criticising toxic masculinity, bullying, and sexual assault, challenging men to be the best they can be…

    1 Aug: Townhall: Woke to Broke: Gillette Loses Billions After Anti-Men, Transgender Shaving Ads
    by Katie Pavlich
    Well, it turns out men don’t like to be insulted and classified as overly masculine, raging sexists and they’re dumping the brand. Gillette’s social justice moral preening just cost them $8 billion…

    7 Aug: PR Newswire: Delta Board of Directors Names David S. Taylor as Newest Member
    Mr. Taylor is currently Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Procter & Gamble Company. He has been President and CEO since 2015 and was elected Chairman of the Board in 2016…
    Mr. Taylor currently serves as Chair of the Alliance to End Plastic Waste, and serves on the Board of Directors of the US-China Business Council…
    He is a member of the Business Roundtable…

    Wikipedia: Hugh Evans (humanitarian)
    Evans is the co-founder of both The Oaktree Foundation and ***Global Citizen, a Global Poverty Project…
    Inspired by Al Gore’s successful film An Inconvenient Truth, Evans and Simon Moss established the Global Poverty Project, a community education group that aims to increase awareness of, and action towards fighting extreme poverty. The Global Poverty Project was started in 2008 with a US$60,000 grant from the United Nations and an A$350,000 grant from AusAID…

    featuring our own Hugh Jackman:

    Youtube: 1min29sec: 9 Aug: ACTIVATE Trailer – Premieres Sept 5 on National Geographic Channel!
    posted by THNKR
    The mission: End extreme poverty. The changemakers: YOU. Watch ACTIVATE to see how artists, leaders, Global Citizen, Procter & Gamble, and RadicalMedia are working together to change lives.
    Premiering Sept. 5 on National Geographic Channel and online at globalcitizen.org/activate.

    23 Apr: Global Citizen: Climate Change Is Having a Great Depression-Like Effect on the Global Economy
    Countries that have caused the least climate change are facing the most consequences, study says.
    By Joe McCarthy and Erica Sanchez
    The gap between the wealthiest and poorest countries has been steadily declining over the past several decades, but that gap would have closed by an additional 25% if climate change hadn’t created a massive economic drag, according to a new study published in the science journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences…
    “Many of the [most affected countries] also have low per capita GDP, and have contributed relatively little to historical greenhouse gas emissions,” Noah Diffenbaugh, the lead author of the study and a climate scientist at Stanford University, told Global CItizen…

    Diffenbaugh said that rising temperatures reduce economic output in a number of ways.
    As it becomes hotter, workers become less productive, staple crop yields decline, cognitive functioning decreases, and interpersonal conflict rises.
    In recent years, devastating heat waves have all but stopped outdoor economic activity in countries as diverse as Pakistan and Japan…

    Diffenbaugh said that there are multiple benefits to transitioning to renewable energy for both poor and rich economies…
    Renewable energy is a cheap and effective way to connect them to the global economy, which can greatly increase per capita GDP…

    type “climate change” in the Global Citizen search box at top, and you get:

    5726 results found for “climate change”. Showing page 1 of 637.

    the CAGW machine is formidable.


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    25 Aug: WaPo: Most of us are hypocrites on climate change. Maybe that’s progress
    By Kate Cohen
    PIC: Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, center, holds a placard reading “schools strike for climate” during a demonstration in Lausanne, Switzerland, on Aug. 9.
    Greta Thunberg puts most of us to shame. The 16-year-old Swedish climate activist is en route to the U.N. Climate Action Summit in New York, on a two-week, comfort-free journey by solar-powered sailboat. She doesn’t fly, because flying is bad for the climate. She helped popularize the Swedish movement of flygskam, or flight shaming, which asks Swedes to travel according to their beliefs.
    Greta’s also a vegan…READ ON IF YOU CAN BEAR IT


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    Dave in the States

    There has been a propaganda blitz all summer in the NH. It has been relentless. On the every TV news program, morning, noon, and night. In the news papers everyday.


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    Can the engineers reading this comment on the relative efficiencies of this method of power storage or is it another hyped up story by the MSM?
    There must be losses in compressing the air, during storage and in the retrieval of power.
    If I remember correctly a gas heats up when compressed and cools when it expands.
    Would this cause problems in running the compressors and the turbines?



    • #

      The linked paper provides an overall efficiency range from 21% to 60% depending on the availability of heating and cooling streams. Efficiency of 21% seems terribly wasteful but even at low market share of intermittents there is considerable curtailment so the energy is truly free. In fact at the present time, grid scale solar in QLD and grid scale solar plus wind in SA are often paying to send out power with the cost of doing that eroding any value from their subsidies.

      The main benefit is the specific energy density. It now appears it also offers the lowest cost storage. Time will tell. It is not a technology suited to small scale. Unlike batteries, it has benefit of scale. Big plants in industrial locations may be quite economic.


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        • #
          Graeme No.3


          There has been a pumped air energy storage in Germany for years. Uses a salt cavern for storage. The compressed air was cooled and the heat was used when the gas expanded. Efficiency unknown but below 60% and as I type this a thought comes that it may have been shut down as uneconomic, which in Green Mania land it must have been terrible.
          A company in S.A. is building a similar idea in a flooded mine shaft. The heat from compression would be ‘stored’ in the water and released when the air flow is reversed. Actual details are a bit scarce in our local whoopee green paper.


          • #
            Bill in Oz

            “our local whoopee green paper.”
            Ahhhh you mean the Hills Courier Graeme ?
            Yes the huge hailstorm we got a week ago
            Did not get even a mention.


          • #

            Compressed air is different to liquid air. It is not as explosive as compressed air but absorbs significant heat to boil the liquid. It can use ambient heat source for boiling but efficiency is improved if waste heat is used and end temperature is higher.

            Compressed air requires a lot of volume and is at high pressure. Cryogenic cooled air needs less volume and much lower pressure but there is an ever-present energy cost in keeping it cool. That energy depends on the insulation property of the storage vessel.


            • #

              Rick, you must realise that with all these storage schemes they deliberately forget to mention the amount of energy needed in the first place. In the case of liquid air the amount of energy to produce that is large. It might work if they used the excess energy produced by wind farms only but that is again intermittent and doesn’t work very well with cryogenics. I would be very surprised if they got 15% efficiency out of the system.


              • #
                Graeme No.3


                Not so, they will use FREE electricity from wind farms.

                Question What owners of a wind farm would supply electricity for free and reduce their income? If 50% of their output was given away free, surely they would double the price of the rest of their output. If they didn’t those turbines would be abandoned and delivering nothing.


          • #

            I dont get why these things are proposed at all. Very expensive hardly going to solve anything. here is so much energy to be had from KNOWN working sources (NOT un renewables) just use them. The engineering feasibility of getting at the mantle heat would be a good start, that source is infinite.


            • #
              Graeme No.3


              What do you mean unlimited? The moment you start drilling etc. you will have gullibles screaming abuse, demonstrating and appearing on their ABC predicting disaster, the end of the world or cheaper electricity bills, whichever sounds the worst to them.


    • #

      Let’s take advantage of known Thermodynamic principles and obtain an estimate of the cycle efficiency that is theoretically possible and what is practically attainable.

      Enter the Carnot Cycle, courtesy of Mssr. Sadi Carnot. It models the theoretically perfect isentropic heat engine process. Isentropic means constant entropy or the most efficient possible method of consuming or producing work.

      Tlow = Low temp reservoir , Thigh = high temp reservoir. Eff = 1 – ( Tlow/Thigh )

      Liquified air (mostly nitrogen) occurs at -196 Celsius or 77 Kelvin. Assume ambient temp of 30 C or approx 273 K.

      Eff = 1 – (77/273) = 0.71 or 71% . This is for the liquefaction. Expansion is the same efficiency in the opposite direction. The overall efficiency is the product of the two. Ie, 0.71 x 0.71 = 0.504 or 50.4% efficiency.

      In the real world, one is fortunate indeed to achieve half of the isentropic efficiency because “real” systems are not isentropic and include many parasitic losses like imperfect insulation, friction, blade turbulence, etc. So the practical maximum efficiency is 0.5 x 0.71 = 0.355 or 35.5% efficiency for either the liquefaction or expansion process.

      The product of the efficiencies is 0.355 x 0.355 = 0.126 or 12.6% efficiency.

      Thus, I agree with Rick Will (below ) in that the process would likely not exceed 15% total efficiency.

      Any energy spent keeping the liquified gas at 77 K would further reduce the cycle efficiency.

      One might expect some 85% of the input energy to be lost in the overall process.

      Can it work? Yes. Is it something to get excited about? No.

      Are there better ways to utilize the original primary energy? Yes. Pumped hydro or production of ammonia .


      • #
        Graeme No.3

        One point: 30℃ is rare in the UK, despite recent hype/hysteria in the MSM.
        Second: 30℃ is 303K. This just reduces the efficiency further to ~65%.

        That drops the likely total efficiency to just above 10%. Government subsidies are a MUST.


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    David Wojick

    However it looks like the big UN meeting will be a bust. Few countries are going to commit to more stringent emission reduction targets, which is what the meeting is supposed to showcase. No major national government is going to change their mind in the last week. Last I knew the EU was not going to ramp up either.

    If the big splash ends with a dud it will hurt alarmism and make the hyping journalists look stupid. Bring it on.


  • #

    26 Aug: Forbes: Why Everything They Say About The Amazon, Including That It’s The “Lungs Of The World,” Is Wrong
    by Michael Shellenberger
    The increase in fires burning in Brazil set off a storm of international outrage last week. Celebrities, environmentalists, and political leaders blame Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, for destroying the world’s largest rainforest, the Amazon, which they say is the “lungs of the world.”
    Singers and actors including Madonna and Jaden Smith shared photos on social media that were seen by tens of millions of people…

    I was curious to hear what one of the world’s leading Amazon forest experts, Dan Nepstad, had to say about the “lungs” claim.
    “It’s bullshit,” he said. “There’s no science behind that. The Amazon produces a lot of oxygen but it uses the same amount of oxygen through respiration so it’s a wash.”…READ ALL


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    26 Aug: Breitbart: Amazon Fires – A Big, Fat Nothingburger of a #FakeNews Scare Story
    by James Delingpole
    A Washington Post story headlined ‘Bolsonaro, Trump, and the nationalists ignoring climate disaster’ quotes Vitor Gomes, an environmental scientist at the Federal University of Para:
    “I cannot remember any other big fire episode like this one.”

    According to the BBC…READ ALL


  • #
    Cynic of Ayr

    Ah… don’t worry.
    Wait until all the repeat articles show up, almost word for word, each by a different “climate expert”
    Wait until the same photos appear, each pretending to be a different catastrophe.
    Wait until the – ahem – journalists, turn on each other, “That was my article, you thief!”
    Wait until they start quoting imaginary incidents that “have happened in the past” when in fact, readers will know they didn’t happen at all.
    Wait until they start competing with each other on fake programs like q and a:
    “I think the world will burn in 10 years, when I’m 26.”
    “No, I raise you a year, and it will be burning in nine years.”
    “No, No, No, it will happen in five years.”
    “It will happen tomorrow!!!”
    And so, as per the last one, wait until all the dire projections come to nothing, as they ALL have for twenty odd years.


    • #
      Another Ian

      Then we make lists of the repeat articles and resurrect that old House of Commons question

      “AUTHOR? AUTHOR??”


    • #

      Twenty odd years?
      Cynic of Ayr: you’re just a youngster.

      I went through the It’s all cooling, we’re sliding into another Ice Age, and we’re all gonna die!
      That was back in the 1970’s. That was blamed on burning fossil fuels, too.

      I say: 50 years of pseudo-scientific predictions projections and none of them have come to pass!
      Not one.


  • #

    a good round-up:

    26 Aug: ClimateDepot: You have been Amazon.CONNED – NASA: Amazon Rainforest Burning At ‘Below Average’ Rates, Worst Since 2010 – Fires mostly farms, not forests – Bolivia’s ‘socialist’ Wildfires Ignored


  • #

    The Covering Up Climate Network you say? They can’t explain the decline in interest and it’s a travesty that they can’t so perhaps more concerted spin will fix it.
    It’s like this numb nuts. Some free LED globes and subsidised solar panels are OK but don’t ask us to dip in our pockets for your dooming although we’re beginning to get the handouts aren’t really free with the power bills and blackouts.


    • #
      Another Ian


      Beware of those “free gifts”.

      Ray Hadley was on a Telstra rant the other day and one of the “features” was that apparently your Telstra “free gifts” seem to turn up on the next bill


  • #

    Climate journalists who capitulate,
    Are disgracing their own fourth estate,
    When a real climate sleuth,
    Would search out the truth,
    Seeking facts to investigate.


  • #
    el gordo

    Catastrophism is strongly related to Revelations and the MSM is running with this end of world meme.

    We lack an alternative vision of the future and the atmospheric mechanisms explaining the meaning of everything.


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    We’re gonna need a bigger propaganda campaign …

    President Donald Trump has dismissed concerns about [global warming] at a world leaders’ summit in France, saying he’s “not going to lose” America’s wealth “on dreams” and “windmills.”



  • #
    Fin of The West

    Excellent, maybe we could circulate a climate buzzword bingo chart to everybody. It probably needs a bit of updating with words such as Greta and Existential but I bet it would be filled out within seconds of the event starting. 🙂


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    Uh-oh. Spring hasn’t sprung …

    Rare Antarctic phenomenon could plunge Australian temperatures to midwinter lows –

    “A rare meteorological phenomenon is brewing high above Antarctic, and it could make spring in Australia feel more like deep winter.

    It’s called a sudden stratospheric warming event — and, unlike the name might suggest, the rare phenomenon could spell a burst of bitterly cold weather for Australia and New Zealand over coming weeks.”



    • #

      We’ve had below zero minimums three times these last few days, with frosts.


      • #


        Sort of justifies all those “Declare a Climate Emergency” posters that have appeared on lamp posts near me.. some of which have peen plastered over last month’s theme of Stop Adani. Remember when all the great unwashed wanted was to “Occupy (insert major city here )?


    • #
      el gordo

      So this cold air outbreak is caused by stratospheric warming?


      I’ll look into it and come up with a definitive answer, hopefully.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘In recent years some extreme cold, winter snow events have all been connected to the surface effects of sudden stratospheric warmings, such as those in 2009-10, 2013, and ‘the beast from the east’ in 2018.’ MetOffice


    • #
      el gordo

      Its not a rare Antarctic phenomenon, nor a result of increasing CO2, rising SST or ozone depletion, sudden stratospheric warming is a natural variable common at this time of year in the Southern Hemisphere.

      ‘Matsuno [1971] proposed a mechanism for the occurrence of SSWs that is still considered largely valid today: At altitudes of less than 10 kilometers above Earth’s surface, planetary-scale waves form and propagate upward into the stratosphere, where they dissipate. This leads to a weakening of the polar vortex, a confined region of strong eastward winds that form during wintertime at high latitudes. As the polar vortex weakens, polar stratospheric temperatures increase.’


      • #

        It sounds awfully like winter-as-usual in the Southern Hemisphere …


      • #
        Travis T. Jones

        Perhaps it’s the ” mysterious new weather system” called a ‘Drought Vortex’ …

        “2003, Kevin Hennessy, CSIRO: What we’ve seen in the past 30 years or so is that many of these cold fronts have moved further south so fewer cold fronts are bringing rain to places like Perth, Melbourne and Hobart.

        It’s very clear from the consensus of many thousands of scientists that global warming is real, it’s actually under way now, it’s not just something that’s going to happen in the future.”



        • #
          el gordo

          ‘Is a mysterious new weather system causing the drought in southern Australia?’

          No, it was a natural variable, the collapse of the subtropical ridge in the Austral winter of 2017 saw the return of normal winter rains for Perth, Melbourne and Hobart.


    • #

      Trouble with all these analyses is that they assume the atmosphere drives itself with some sort of perpetual mobile. Ever seen real references to solar wind, geomagnetic disturbances, CMEs, spot activities? none or very rare. In case the metservices forget, we are actually orbiting a star! Wait till it becomes a brown dwarf then see what sort of climate you get.


      • #
        el gordo

        ‘I suggest that expert judgement should be applied to the past before we get too concerned about the future. You cannot surmise about the future until you understand quite fully what happened in the past, in terms of possible mechanisms, their probabilities and their magnitudes.’

        Geoff Sherrington


        • #
          Greg in NZ


          This article features an image, credited to NZ’s NIWA, of the mythological SSW / Beast from the East / Boogeyman lurking in the Antarctic, south of Australia, ready to pounce!

          It more resembles a crayon drawing by a 5-year-old who only had brown, orange and yellow colours to use: 97% UN-scientific!

          I’m shocked: “odds are you’ll be seeing many international headlines with ‘September to Remember’ in the days and weeks ahead”.


          • #
            el gordo

            I think its a beat up, they only recently became aware of the SSW and its far too early to call.

            But what we can say with certainty, if the NAO remains negative in the coming Northern Hemisphere winter, conditions will be cold and the beast from the east tagged. A blank sun at the same time is a coincidence.



          • #
            el gordo

            Or perhaps a solar link to the NAO is significant.



            • #

              So what drives the NAO? self driving?


              • #

                Just checked it
                ‘Moreover, it could be that the Sun affects climate through variability patterns, a hypothesis that is the focus of this study. We find that the relationship between the NAO/AO and hemispheric temperature varies depending upon solar activity. ‘
                Yes of course it does…what is next..but what activity, CME spots etc. Looks intersting but the solar processes need lot of details.


              • #
                el gordo

                During the LIA the NAO spent considerable time in its negative phase and naturally when the sun was active during the MWP the NAO was also positive.

                There appears to be a strong solar link to the NAO, but is it possible to make a forecast for the coming decade?


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    No doubt the Australian Science Media Centre https://www.smc.org.au/ will be gearing up for this occasion with special briefs for all the jounos and science writers.While supposedly independent, I have never seen one skeptical article about climate change pass through this media clearing house. It has expert opinion attached to most climate stories, mostly climate academics and activists. Take for example its advice on the Amazon fires and look at the expert opinions.https://www.scimex.org/newsfeed/expert-reaction-fires-in-the-amazon


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      mem –

      how about this award – looks like CAGW zealots have won 3 out of the first six awards!

      1 Aug: MirageNews: Pioneering Australian ecologist wins 2019 Australian Museum Research Institute Lifetime Achievement
      Renowned climate change scientist and communicator Professor Lesley Hughes was awarded the 2019 Australian Museum Research Institute (AMRI) Lifetime Achievement Award at a dinner last night at the Australian Museum (AM). Professor Hughes was honoured for her significant and life-long contribution to climate change research and its impact on the conservation of species and ecosystems.

      Distinguished Professor of Biology and Pro Vice-Chancellor Research at Macquarie University, and an Australian representative on the Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC), Professor Hughes has been a leading figure in international climate change research over the past 25 years…
      The Macquarie University ecologist has been honoured at a time when the Australian Museum is increasing its commitment to raising awareness and research around impacts of climate change…

      Professor Hughes: “I think real change in Australia won’t happen until there’s real political will, until there’s a realistic price put on carbon and until we seriously embrace renewable energy.”…
      Professor Hughes was a Lead Author in the UN’s IPCC Fourth and Fifth Assessment Reports; is a member of the Wentworth Group of Concerned Scientists; and Director of WWF-Australia…

      The AMRI Lifetime Achievement Award was established in 2014 to acknowledge those who have played a significant part in science at the AM across the decades.
      Previous recipients of the award have included Mr Robyn Williams AM for his contribution to science communications and bringing museum science to the attention of the general public; Professor Tim Flannery for his career-long dedication to the AM and his tireless work as an advocate for the environment…


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        btw I’ve been told 4RPH (Radio Print Handicapped Network) in Brisbane has been repeating this Macquarie Uni story up to 2 times a day since I first heard it, yet it doesn’t seem to have been picked up by any of the usual MSM suspects:

        AUDIO: 5min37sec: 23 Aug: The Wire Radio: Plant extinctions hundreds of times higher than historical average
        An international group of researchers led by Macquarie University in Sydney, looked at documented plant extinctions in different areas around the world…
        Featured in story
        Dr Jaco Le Roux – Macquarie University

        worth noting some of the reporting here, though:

        22 Aug: Stellenbosch University: Shocking rate of plant extinctions in South Africa
        New research has confirmed the extinction of 79 plants in South Africa’s three biodiversity hotspots – namely the Cape Floristic Region, the Succulent Karoo, and the Maputuland-Pondoland-Albany corridor.
        According to a study published in the journal Current Biology this week, this represents a shocking 45.4% of all known plant extinctions from 10 of the world’s 36 biodiversity hotspots…

        Prof Le Roux says regional datasets provide valuable data to make general inferences around plant extinctions and the drivers underlying these extinctions. There are, however, still many regions in the world without a Red List of Plants, or with outdated lists, such as Madagascar and Hawaii. These ‘hottest’ of hotspots were therefore not included in their analysis…

        In conclusion
        The researchers emphasise that biodiversity loss, together with climate change, are the biggest threats faced by humanity: “Along with habitat destruction, the effects of climate change are expected to be particularly severe on those plants not capable of dispersing their seeds over long distances,” they conclude…


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    Ivor Surveyor

    Thanks for the message. #I too enquired of the ABC and The Guardian as to their response to this directive.


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    4RPH is also repeating this piece, spruiking for this offshore wind “farm”. so politically partisan. hope someone will listen and comment on the claims being made:

    10mins45sec to 20min15sec: MUA/FOE Star of the South segment.

    AUDIO: 21 Aug: 3CR: The Star of the South
    Two reports for you today. The first is about the Star of the South Energy Project the first offshore wind farm in Australia. Will Tracey the Deputy National Secretary of the MUA and Cam Walker from Friends of the Earth on the subject…

    Tracey makes claims about US East Coast off shore wind farms. however:

    Wikipedia: List of offshore wind farms in the United States
    The 30MW Block Island Wind Farm in Rhode Island is the first commercial offshore wind farm in the United States and started operation in December 2016…

    21 Aug: Providence Journal: Troubling questions, concerns raised about off-shore wind farms
    By Alex Kuffner
    Oceanographer Jon Hare listed the effects of offshore wind development on the marine environment.
    There’s disturbance to the sea floor during installation of turbine platforms. Noise from pile-driving and other activities. Increases in boat traffic. Lighting of the project site. Dredging for electric cables.
    The impacts can be far-reaching.

    Although Hare didn’t name Vineyard Wind during a seminar on Wednesday, or talk about the company’s 84-turbine wind farm proposed in waters south of Martha’s Vineyard, in Massachusetts, the potential impacts he detailed speak to some of the reasons why NOAA has raised concerns about the project, which has led to further scrutiny of the application by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management.
    “Putting a pile into the sediment in essence is habitat alteration,” said Hare, a science and research director with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center. “You’re taking relatively smooth, unconsolidated sediments and converting it to hard structure, converting that habitat into something else.”

    The questions about offshore wind, of course, aren’t limited to the $2.8-billion Vineyard Wind project, which is aiming to come on-line in 2021. ***The 800-megawatt proposal is the first major offshore wind farm to come before federal regulators following construction of a five-turbine ***test project off Block Island three years ago, but there are more than a dozen proposals in the works all along the Atlantic Coast and plans for the Great Lakes and the West Coast…

    “This is a Northeast issue, but it’s also a national issue,” Hare said to the audience that filled a lecture hall at the University of Rhode Island’s Bay campus. “We just happen to be at the front of the wave, but much of the rest of the country is also going to see development of offshore wind and then face this challenge of coexistence of renewable energy with sustainable fisheries and protected species.”…

    Although the agency has a team looking at offshore wind, there are no staff working full time on the issues. The amount of effort needed to answer the questions raised by offshore wind development is “overwhelming,” Hare said.

    Overwhelming, too, for Al Eagles, a lobsterman from Newport, who questioned why the federal government is allowing projects to go forward when so little is known about their effects.
    “To me, everything you said up here was all unknowns,” Eagles said to Hare. “We could be devastating entire species out there. By the time we realize it, it would be too late.”…READ ON


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    Anyone on Facebook care to post the order in the case Mann v Ball here:

    The exact wording is:

    1. Order that the claim made by the Plaintiff be dismissed
    2. Costs will follow the event and the action since the action is dismissed

    The second part means Ball is awarded costs.


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    25 Aug: HeraldScotland: The green energy debate: are wind farms really worth it?
    By Rohese Devereux Taylor
    It was the huge island windfarm that promised to pump millions into the local economy but after more than a decade the project has divided the community as hundreds call for it to be scrapped.
    As reported in yesterday’s The Herald, more than 800 Shetlanders have banded together in a bid to stop the proposed windfarm, which could be the UK’s third biggest if approved, to be built across the archipelago, voicing concerns over the islands’ fragile bio-diversity and plans to desecrate ancient peatlands.
    If given the go-ahead, Viking Wind Farm could span 129 sq km of the islands leaving many islanders living close to or within the wingspan of the 103, 155ft turbines…

    Richard Lindsay, head of environmental and conservation research the University of East London said: “There is a delicious irony in the fact that we build wind farms to reduce our carbon emissions. But some of the best places to build wind farms are peatlands, which are our biggest carbon store.
    “Just 30cm of peat over a hectare holds the same amount of carbon as the same area of tropical rainforest. They have been capturing and storing carbon for up to 8000 years so when you damage them, you release this long-term carbon store.”
    Peat is lost when the foundations for the turbines are dug out but it is the building of the roads that are the biggest risk to the peatlands, said Mr Lindsay, as they cut across their natural water functions, causing them to dry out…

    And it’s not just an issue in Scotland. On the ridges of Northern Spain’s Cantabrian Mountains windfarms have been constructed on blanket bog, bisecting almost every one…

    25 Aug: HeraldScotland: Green energy: why wind power will never be the answer
    By Linda Holt, councillor for East Neuk & Landward
    Wind farms only work with permanent public subsidy. Subsidy comes in various guises. The most obvious is contractual where the operator receives a guaranteed rate for electricity generated or a guaranteed top-up on what he sells his electricity for.
    Such subsidy is inherently neither problematic nor exceptional. Nuclear power is also heavily subsidised.

    Wind power is problematic because of its nature. Because they depend on wind, wind farms generate electricity that is unpredictable, intermittent and unreliable. This is unlike nuclear power stations which produce a constant stream of electricity (baseload energy) or gas plants, whose output can be varied on demand (dispatchable energy).

    Wind’s intermittency would matter less if electricity could be stored at scale. But batteries only store comparatively small amounts, and there is no prospect of affordable batteries for grid-scale storage in the foreseeable future…
    Increasingly, the grid is unable to take electricity from wind farms during windy periods. Wind farms are then “constrained off”, the energy effectively wasted and their operators compensated – last year to the tune of £125 million.

    While the precise causes of the August 9 blackouts in England, in which Hornsea offshore wind farm is implicated, remain unclear, they testify to the increasing fragility of a national electricity system struggling to meet the challenges of increasing renewable generation…

    The days where developers saw a prospective wind farm as a licence to print money while policymakers extolled wind energy as clean, green and free are long gone. In the end there is no escaping the laws of physics and engineering, or economics…


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    26 Aug: BBC: Climate change: Call for Scottish city centre ban on fossil fuel vehicles
    By Kevin Keane, BBC Scotland’s environment correspondent
    A ban on fossil fuel vehicles in city centres by 2030 should be one of the Scottish government’s key policies, according to 19 organisations.
    The Climate Emergency Response Group has set out a 12-point-plan of measures it wants the government to consider.
    It includes calls for four new Green City Region Deals and a £100m fund for modernising agriculture.
    Ministers have said the climate emergency will be at the heart of next month’s programme for government…

    Its report also says public guidance should be produced on sustainable, climate friendly and healthy diets.
    And it calls for a public-interest company to be created by the Scottish government to invest in and support carbon capture and storage infrastructure…
    “The adoption of these policies by the Scottish government would demonstrate world-leading commitment, slashing our emissions and showing where the rest of the world can follow us.”…

    And Lynette Purves, chairwoman of 2050 Climate Group, added: “Young people all across the world are calling upon those in power to act urgently to tackle the climate crisis, and, by their inspiring actions, they have brought the matter into the spotlight on a global scale”…

    26 Aug: InsiderUK: Scottish businesses back 12-point plan for government to tackle climate change
    Companies team up with environmental groups in Climate Emergency Response Group
    The CERG proposes steps such as signalling that every one of Scotland’s city centres will be vehicle emission free by 2030 and enhancing building standards to deliver zero-carbon homes and buildings…
    The 12 actions for Scottish Government to take LIST

    The other organisations supporting CERG are Climate-KIC, Confor, Energy Saving Trust, Everwarm, Jacobs, Locogen, NHS National Services Scotland, Scottish Council for Development and Industry, Scottish Land & Estates, Sustainable Scotland Network, Star Renewable Energy, Sunamp Heat Batteries, Sustrans, University of Edinburgh, Vegware, WWF Scotland and 2050 Climate Group…


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    behind paywall:

    26 Aug: UK Times: Ministers wary of plans to cut fuel duty
    by Henry Zeffman, Political Correspondent; Steven Swinford, Deputy Political Editor, Biarritz
    Boris Johnson’s plans to cut fuel duty for the first time in almost a decade have not been signed off by key ministers amid cost concerns.
    Dominic Cummings, the prime minister’s most senior aide, has been pushing for the government to slash the tax, The Times has been told. It was reported at the weekend that Mr Johnson wants to go ahead with a cut.

    The policy would form part of an emergency budget by Sajid Javid, which could take place in the fortnight before Britain leaves the European Union.
    But the cabinet, including the chancellor and Grant Shapps, the transport secretary, have yet to sign off on the plans and ministers are understood to have significant concerns about the cost of the policy.
    One government source said: “It definitely has not been agreed, it would be exceptionally expensive. No 10 loves the idea of cutting fuel duty but in the event of a no-deal Brexit people might not actually see the benefit because rising fuel prices will offset the cuts.”…

    26 Aug: UK Times: Island with five houses blocks cars to save planet
    by Moira Kerr
    PIC: Only pedestrians and bikers can reach Gometra
    The only land route to a Hebridean island was blocked to traffic yesterday as its millionaire owner declared a climate and ecological emergency.

    Helped by fellow residents and visitors to the inner isle of Gometra, Roc Sandford blocked the route with a boat. At low tide the island is connected by causeway and bridge to the neighbouring island of Ulva.
    Gometra, west of Mull, has five houses and does not attract much traffic. Land Rovers and quad bikes are usually the only vehicles on the rough eight-mile track.

    Mr Sandford, 61, who ditched his quad bike two years ago and swapped his car for a bicycle, said he wanted to highlight Gometra’s solidarity with islands that are sinking due to climate change, such as Fiji…


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    Nick Butler proves a sceptic point!

    26 Aug: ElectricityInfo.org: Financial Times: Nick Butler: It is populists the climate change activists need to convince
    Greta Thunberg should not waste time in the US talking to the already convinced elite…
    The problem is that in an age of populism the campaign for action on climate change remains dominated by the views of the highly educated minority – the liberal intelligentsia – led by academics, scientists and students. For them, climate change is an existential issue that cuts across conventional ideological lines. Such groups, however, no longer hold sway in the political market place…
    Populism, and in particular resentment against the views and attitudes of traditional elites, has grown.

    Resistance to climate change policies has become a feature of the populist agenda. This has happened not just in the US, where President Donald Trump is openly sceptical of climate science, but also in France, where the gilets jaunes movement emerged in response to attempts by President Emmanuel Macron to impose higher fuel taxes. In Australia, hostility to the climate agenda helped swing the election earlier this year. Nigel Farage’s recent attack on Prince Charles for his views on climate issues also fits the pattern.
    For too many people, action on climate change has come to represent an elitist attempt to take away their jobs and to impose new taxes and higher prices on products that are part of their lives – not just fuel but also plastic straws and packaging…


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      behind paywall:

      25 Aug: UK Sunday Times: If Greens want to save the world, it’s time they talked Tory
      Environmentalists ought to be courting conservatives, the guardians of national landscapes
      by Eric Kaufmann, Professor of Politics, Birkbeck University of London
      If Greta Thunberg wants to beat climate change by 2030, she needs to convince conservatives and the middle-aged, not young, metropolitan liberals. This is possible only if environmentalism sheds its exclusive association with the liberal left.

      While shaking young people out of their complacency and rallying passive environmentalists is laudable, this is a well-trodden path. I share many of Thunberg’s aims, but her campaign may have damaged her cause by deepening the movement’s leftist tint. A YouGov sample of nearly 150 people who said they liked her Facebook page reveals that 13% voted Conservative in 2017, while 87% opted for Labour, the Liberal Democrats or the Greens. This won’t do Thunberg much good unless Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn or the Lib Dems’ Jo Swinson pulls a rabbit out of their hat next election…

      found the following on Kaufmann’s Twitter page, where I found his self-description noted above:

      20 Aug: UnHerd: Eric Kaufmann: Is woke culture totalitarian?
      Political correctness is the tyrannical demon in democracy


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    Travis T. Jones

    Turns out emitting a trace gas CO2 and propaganda is a truly lousy way of turning oceans acidic, causing plankton to shrink …

    August 27, 2019: Acid oceans are shrinking plankton, fuelling faster [global warming]


    Wait. What?

    >> The Deepest Dive in Antarctica Reveals a Sea Floor Teeming With Life



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    27 Aug: AFR: Basslink outage adds to strain on Victorian supply
    by Angela Macdonald-Smith, Senior Resources Writer
    A failure of the Basslink power cable that links Tasmania to the mainland power grid is likely to last until mid-October, putting more pressure on security of electricity supply in Victoria in the run-up to summer (LINK).
    The 500-megawatt cable suffered a trip on Saturday morning and needs to be repaired, adding to the outages that have reduced power supply for the Victorian market, which includes a coal generator and a gas generator.

    The Basslink venture said it has advised the Australian Energy Market Operator that the interconnector will be offline until mid-October. The line enhances security of supply on both sides of the Bass Strait, protecting Tasmania against drought-induced energy shortages while surplus power can be exported to Victoria and the southern states when necessary…

    Meanwhile, the Australian Energy Regulator has taken legal action against France-based Engie relating to blackouts forced by the market operator during a heatwave in February 2017…READ ALL


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      ABC isn’t too bothered with the Basslink story. it’s just a few lines in a mix of other stuff on ABC/Tasmania pages:

      27 Aug: ABC: Tasmania news: Basslink out until October, petition to stop Hobart smoking ban fails
      Here’s what you need to know today:
      Extended outage for Basslink cable
      After initially saying the Basslink cable would be back online today, the owners now say it will be out of action until mid-October.
      The undersea electricity cable, which connects Tasmania and Victoria, failed on Saturday…
      The outage means Tasmania cannot sell its electricity to the mainland…

      Way cleared for Hobart city smoking ban…
      Paramedics asked to ditch leave…
      Remote students facing longer bus trips…

      deaths by wind farm also just a Tasmanian story:

      26 Aug: ABC: Tasmania news: Social media photo sent Sarah Paino killer back to prison, windfarm toll on endangered wedge-tailed eagles
      Here’s what you need to know today:
      Social media post landed Paino killer back in jail…

      Endangered eagles die at windfarm sites
      Six eagles have been killed at Tasmanian wind farms since January 2018, according to documents obtained by the ABC.
      A right-to-information request revealed five wedge-tailed eagles and one white-bellied sea eagle were killed at three windfarm sites.
      Three wedge-tailed eagles died at Musselroe wind farm, one at Studland Bay, while the sea eagle and one wedge-tailed eagle were killed at Bluff Point at Woolnorth.
      Two of the eagles had to be euthanised while the rest died on impact.
      The Tasmanian wedge tailed-eagle is listed as endangered.
      Two new windfarms, one at Cattle Hill in the Central Highlands and one at Granville Harbour on the west coast, are in the process of coming online with several others around the state in the planning stages…

      Gaming watchdog reveals breaches…

      Basslink offline again
      The undersea electricity cable Basslink has gone out of service for the second time in three months.
      Hydro Tasmania confirmed on Saturday that the cable had been offline since 11:00am on Saturday.
      In 2016, the interconnector was out of action for six months, plunging Tasmania into an energy crisis because it coincided with low dam levels, but Hydro said there was no impact this time because dam levels were at 45 per cent.
      In a statement, Basslink said it was shut down as a precaution after a trip caused by the “direct current protection system”.
      It has not affected the cable providing broadband services and it is expected to be up and running by Tuesday…

      Driving test hitch for young job seekers…ETC


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        no Basslink on RenewEconomy’s homepage. search their site for “Basslink” and ignore top stories from earlier months which show up on top, and you get this, which seems to be their last Basslink mention:

        14 Aug: RenewEconomy: How Tasmania’s hydro could have prevented Victoria’s summer black-outs
        by Sophie Vorrath
        The Victoria load-shedding events of the January 2019 heat-wave could have been avoided by tapping hundreds of megawatts of “spare” existing hydro generation capacity in Tasmania – but only with an extra interconnector between the island state and the mainland…
        At the time of the load-shedding events in Victoria, Gwynne recounts, Basslink was on maximum export, but the state still had 400MW-500MW of extra capacity the whole time.
        “We didn’t do anything for that to be available, it was just sitting there.
        “There was … on average, 400MW of excess capacity just sitting in Tasmania that could have been switched on, but there was no point because there was not enough interconnection.”…

        On top of that, Gwynne notes, the introduction of new flexible demand to Victoria’s market would put downward pressure on the state’s notoriously high energy prices, which reports on Wednesday show (LINK) are forecast to surge by almost 50 per cent in the March quarter of 2020…

        27 Aug: RenewEconomy: South Australia “an example to the world” of how to move beyond baseload
        by Sophie Vorrath & Giles Parkinson
        South Australia – now generating more than 50 per cent of its electricity needs from wind and solar – is an example to the rest of Australia, and the world, on how grids can move beyond “baseload” and transition to low emissions grid dominated by renewables.

        Or, to put it another way, South Australia’s grid provides real world evidence of how a new base load generator, such as the nuclear power station some in the Coalition are so keen on building, would now be impossible to incorporate into a system with high levels of variable renewable generation.

        That is the key message from the latest National Energy Emissions Audit from The Australia institute: South Australia is past the point of return to new baseload generation, and the world – and the federal government of Australia – should take note…READ ON

        26 Aug: RenewEconomy: John Laing takes $120m hit on renewable projects from marginal loss factors
        by Giles Parkinson
        The emerging grid constraints in Australia’s main grid and the changes in so-called “marginal loss factors” (LINK) has taken its toll on one of the biggest investors in Australia renewable energy projects, which has put further investments in the country on hold.
        The UK-based infrastructure investor John Laing has reported a write down of £66 million ($A120 million) on three of its renewable energy projects under construction, including Finley in NSW, as a result of changes in marginal loss factors – a calculation of how much on a generator’s output is credited by the market operator…
        The write down were partially offset by an upward revaluation of £29 million on some of the assets, although it was not clear what this referred to.


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        Hmm. Endangered eagles having their numbers further reduced by Tasmanian windmills doesn’t raise an eyebrow but an undemonstrated threat to finch populations was sufficient to hold up a Queensland coal mine nearly forever. “Double standard” is an inadequate description of the iniquity at work here.

        On another matter, we’ve yet to hear from Victoria’s Energy Minister in reference to the Mortlake, Loy Yang A and Basslink extended outages on foot, presumably because these circumstances are not prejudicial to renewables investor confidence.


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    Another Ian

    ” seeker of truth said…

    Australia has its own website with a calendar of activism events. It is Eco-shout.


    And it lists what is happening in September. Extinction Rebellion is going to be very active Australia wide, especially in Melbourne with shutting down the Princes Bridge all day and into the evening. They even have tickets to the event Dance on the Bridge ”

    A comment at



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      Shut down Princes Bridge all day is it? No doubt this act of sabotage will be accomplished with the endorsement of our consistently feckless Premier; I suppose it’s too much to hope he’ll glue himself to a tram track in the bridge’s centre.


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        I suspect many would offer to supply the glue. I know people who would be happy to drive over the bridge when it reopens….

        My self made, rather wealthy great aunt is horrified by Comrade Andrews and I can print her thoughts on the premier and his significant damage to Victoriastan….


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    Jo…a new post idea?

    …gasp….could it be a …….. ……climate cycle?


    “Macleay Valley residents remember one of the worst floods on record, 70 years on

    “Peter Scott was four years old at the time of one of the worst floods in the Macleay Valley on the New South Wales mid-north coast.

    “Does a flood follow a drought?

    “Mr Scott said he had no doubt that flooding rain comes after drought.
    “It seems to store the water up for a long time and then lets it all come down very quickly and that’s often how a drought is broken; is by a flood,” he said.

    “”A flood can do a lot of the damage and take your fences — and God knows what — so your bank account’s in a bad position from the droughts then you get hit with another disaster.”
    A volunteer with the Kempsey State Emergency Service for more than 30 years, Greg Gill, said in his experience he had repeatedly seen a drought precede a flood.

    “”Because when it starts to rain it just forgets when to stop,” he said.
    “It may not be a major flood but it certainly is a flood high enough to close the low-level bridges on the Upper Macleay [River] and inconvenience a lot of famers on the Macleay River.”
    The Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) climate team said the August 1949 event in Kempsey was the result of an intense low-pressure system known as an East Coast Low.


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    Uh oh…….those dastardly fossil fuelled generators….


    “”The Australian Energy Regulator has launched Federal Court action against a power station operator in Adelaide over its conduct ahead of the 2017 blackout which cut electricity to about 90,000 properties.

    “The regulator alleges the operators of the Pelican Point gas-fired plant failed to notify the Australian Energy Market Operator of its generating capacity at a time when SA was experiencing heatwave conditions, high customer demand and reduced power availability.

    “Those conditions led AEMO to order load shedding to take about 30,000 users off the network for a period of time on February 8 that year.

    “However, a computer glitch meant distribution company SA Power Networks actually cut power to 90,000 properties.

    “”The AER alleges that Pelican Point did not disclose to AEMO that one of the generators at its Pelican Point Power Station was capable of being made available on 24 hours’ notice,” chair Paula Conboy said in a statement on Tuesday.

    “”We allege that until late in the afternoon of February 8, 2017, AEMO was unaware it had the ability to issue a direction to Pelican Point to make the full capacity of Pelican Point power station available.

    “”As a result, AEMO’s ability to manage power system security was impaired.”
    The AER is seeking declarations, penalties and costs but Engie, which operates the Pelican Point facility, said it rejected the allegations and would defend the claims.


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    Iceberg dead ahead!!


    “”It is believed to be the first major Australian institution to provide such explicit support for the movement.

    “The moderator of the Uniting Church in NSW and the ACT, Reverend Simon Hansford, said Uniting’s congregation members not only believed urgent and decisive action was needed, but also that the church needed to back the initiatives of its youth on the issue of climate change “and that includes support of the global climate strikes”.


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      el gordo

      ‘ … the “crisis confronting the planet”.

      No sackcloth for these prestigious private schools, virtue signalling in larger numbers should have the effect of cooling the planet down.

      Millenarian madness has corrupted young minds, and the involvement of Christianity in supporting this fantasy comes as no surprise.


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        I think its just people who want to help others, unfortunately they arent strong in science.

        Isaac Newton was better known for his theological work than his physics, but a modern day eqivalent seems rather lacking….


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    Another Ian

    Not exactly O/T

    “Vox’s Zack Beauchamp: Democracy threatens climate, planet and democracy!”



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    John Watt

    Seems like opportunity to get our local media sources to give us their explanation of how more atmospheric CO2 drives climate change.If they struggle to give plausible explanations then the seed necessary to create doubt in the minds of the energy consuming will have been sown. Optimistic I know but too many people “feel good” about subscribing to the Gore message.Time for a hint of reality.


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    el gordo

    ‘I believe that children from age 10 onwards should attend one class each week only on questions. They should list various topics and then ask as many questions as they can on that topic. As they grow older their ability to ask questions will get deeper and more sophisticated.’

    Sanjeev Sabhbok/ Times of India


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    for BBC, we can adapt to anything but a tiny increase in the temperature of the planet!

    25 Aug: BBC: Facing Charges: What’s your renewable tipping point?
    by Douglas Fraser, Business/economy editor, Scotland
    According to Professor Keith Bell, an energy systems expert at Strathclyde University, electric vehicles, or EVs, have to hit three tipping points, and they may be coming sooner than you’d think.

    One is on cost – when the high capital and lower running costs of an EV undercut the lower upfront and higher fuel costs of an ICE (internal combustion engine).
    The second is to counter range anxiety…
    The professor credits one of his students with the third tipping point, that of inconvenience…

    That sounds a daunting hurdle, particularly for the ***43% of British households without off-street parking. For them, the shift to EVs is more likely to be driven by “destination charging” – going to a supermarket or workplace to charge, where drivers can find something to keep them busy…

    ***The energy industry believes the inconvenience factor won’t prove as big a problem as it now seems, and that people will adapt…

    The intention is to take petrol and diesel cars and vans off the road within 13 years in Scotland and within 21 years for the UK. Yet those looking at the trajectory of price and ownership think it might happen long before that – ***perhaps within three years…

    26 Aug: Scotsman: No reason why Scottish oil and gas supply chain cannot reap the benefits of a host of opportunities
    David McEwing
    Having weathered the downturn and now navigating the path back through a slow but sure upturn, the Scottish oil and gas industry remains resilient, robust and competitive on the international stage. But one element of the industry requires particular care and attention as the sector gets back on its feet: the oil and gas supply chain.
    It is without question one of the major working operations in the country’s energy industry, but in a climate where there’s an ever-increasing move towards low-carbon and targets are being set, which, in global terms, Scotland is meeting faster than many countries, questions are being raised over its long-term future.

    While it’s no cause for immediate alarm, due to the fact the UK as a whole still remains three-quarters reliant on hydrocarbons for heat, transport and other prime energy needs, with oil and gas production actually rising in Scotland, there is a clear need to diversify the traditional oil and gas supply chain…READ ON


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    26 Aug: SMH Op-ed: The Amazon fires and the dilemma for climate scientists
    by Andrew Glikson
    Dr Andrew Glikson is an earth and climate scientist at the Australian National University
    As fires rage across the Amazon – dubbed the “lungs of the planet” given it produces 20 per cent of the oxygen in the atmosphere – and while forests are ablaze in Siberia, Alaska, Greenland, southern Europe and parts of Australia, climate scientists might be justified in saying: “We told you so.”
    They tend not to gloat, however, about the tragedy that confronts us all…

    And yet the human causes of climate change remain subject to extensively propagated denial and untruths, despite their foundation in the basic laws of physics and the empirical observations of global research bodies such as NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration in the US, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the World Meteorological Organisation, and our own CSIRO…

    As fires consume large parts of the land, it would appear parliaments – including Australia’s – are preoccupied with economics and international conflicts while they hardly regard the future of civilisation as a priority.

    novel length, too over-the-top to excerpt:

    27 Aug: SMH: Explainer: Amazon forest fires: What’s happening in the Amazon?
    The Amazon is burning. How bad are the fires and who started them? Why are Brazilians talking about flying rivers and falling skies? And does this spell doom for the lungs of the Earth?
    By Lia Timson


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    27 Aug: ABC: Brazil rejects G7 offer of $US20m Amazon fires aid, accuses West of treating it like a ‘colony’
    by ABC/wires
    Brazilian officials did not give a reason for turning down the funds, but Mr Bolsonaro’s chief of staff Onyx Lorenzoni, when commenting on the G7 offer of aid, told Brazil’s Globo news website: “Thanks, but maybe those resources are more relevant to reforest Europe.”…
    He also said Brazil could teach “any nation” how to protect native forests…

    The fires across the world’s largest rainforest, which experts have blamed on rampant deforestation, have triggered a global outcry — with European nations leading the charge against Mr Bolsonaro, who has made no secret of his scepticism about climate change…

    27 Aug: Fox News: CNN’s Jim Acosta blasts Trump for ignoring his question about climate change
    By Joseph A. Wulfsohn
    VIDEO: 9min07sec: Fox’s Greg Gutfeld on CNN saying Trump is worse than Hitler, Stalin and Mao; CNN guest smears President Trump as a mass murderer.

    Acosta attempted to ask the president, who referred to himself as an “environmentalist,” on whether or not he believes in climate change but failed to get a response.
    “At the end of the news conference, I asked Trump whether he believed in climate change. He walked away from the stage and didn’t answer the question,” Acosta said.
    “Trump walks away from perfectly capable of hearing the questions on whether he believes in climate change. He clearly heard and he didn’t want to answer it,” Acosta later added. “Saying you want ‘clean air’ and ‘clean water’ isn’t the same as recognizing the climate change threat…


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      “Saying you want ‘clean air’ and ‘clean water’ isn’t the same as recognizing the climate change threat…

      Exactly, saying you want clean air and water is a realistic aim.

      Recognising the ‘climate change threat’ is batsh*t crazy.


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    VIDEO: 2min29sec: 27 Aug: Fox News: Stuart Varney: Trump ‘dominated’ the G-7 summit ‘like no other president has done in years’
    by Fox News staff
    Fox Business Network’s Stuart Varney has a message for Americans, after a deluge of criticism of President Trump’s performance at the G-7 meetings in France.
    “No matter what you read and hear from the media, this G-7 was all about Trump re-aligning the world — reshaping the world economy with America’s interests first and foremost,” said Varney on Fox Nation’s “My Take.”

    After President Trump’s news conference, at the conclusion of the summit on Monday, CNN’s Jim Acosta said, “I think perhaps one of the biggest headlines coming out of this press conference that we just witnessed here in France is that the President would not be pinned down on this question of climate change.”

    Varney said that analysis misses the point. “Trade was the headline issue … A deal with Japan — they will import a lot more of our agricultural product. Britain gets a major trade deal after Brexit, and there’s dialogue with Germany on car tariffs as well, but the most important — China,” stressed Varney.
    At the press conference Monday, President Trump said, “China wants to make a deal. And I tell this to President Xi [Jinping] who I really respect … I told him very strongly, I said ‘Look, you’re making $500 billion a year and stealing our intellectual property…We can’t make a 50-50 deal … If it’s not better, I don’t want to do business.”

    Varney believes that it is time for America’s European allies to get on board with the President’s agenda. “Europeans are frankly scared of America. Their economies are sinking. They’ve entered the fantasy land of negative interest rates. Their money is pouring over here, and they just don’t know what to do. My advice — jump on the Trump train and quit whining about Iran and climate change,” advised Varney.


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    27 Aug: Reuters: G7 summit statement issued on trade, Iran, Libya, Ukraine and Hong Kong
    by John Chalmers
    France on Monday issued a short statement at the end of a meeting of G7 leaders on several issues, but it was not a communique along the lines of those usually drawn up at the annual summit, reflecting divisions…
    The statement said the seven industrialized nations were committed to open and fair world trade and to global economic stability.
    It said they wanted significant changes to the World Trade Organization to make it more efficient in protecting intellectual property, resolving disputes more quickly and eradicating unfair trade practices…

    lol. plenty of replies as silly as the tweet:

    TWEET: Peter Baker, Chief White House Correspondent for The New York Times and MSNBC analyst. Proud husband of Susan Glasser of the New Yorker and CNN.

    With all the differences with Trump, the G7 leaders ended up releasing a largely general one-page statement that added up to 264 words. The last joint statement under Obama in 2016 was 14,263 words
    26 Aug 2019


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    25 Aug: BBC: UK weather: Hottest late August bank holiday weekend on record
    It has been the hottest late August bank holiday weekend ever – with temperatures reaching 33.3C (91.94F) in west London.
    The Met Office confirmed the new record temperature, which was set at Heathrow.
    It beats the previous record of 31.5C (88.7F), set in 2001 and again at Heathrow…

    On Saturday a new record for Wales was set in Gogerddan, where 28.8C was recorded…
    BBC Weather said that, on Monday, the south east of England could experience temperatures of between 32C and 33C, which would be a national record for the late August bank holiday Monday….

    27 Aug: Daily Mail: Carnival is hotting up!
    Several revellers were treated for dehydration as temperatures soared to 91.4F (33C) – thought to be the hottest Notting Hill Carnival ever – as the annual celebration opened on Sunday.
    This is while those looking to top up their tans today will be in for a treat as the Met Office today confirmed the UK has achieved its hottest August Bank Holiday ever…

    The previous best late August bank holiday temperatures before this weekend were 31.5C (88.7F) at Heathrow in 2001, 27.3C in Velindre, Powys, in Wales and 27C (80.6F) in Knockareven, Co Fermanagh, both in 2003, plus the 26.7C (80.06F) that was recorded in Aviemore, Invernesshire, in Scotland in 1984.
    Carnival goers will bake today as morning temperatures at around 11am this morning reached 30C (86.F) and this is set to continue throughout the day.

    26 Aug: UK Telegraph: UK weather: Britain basks in hottest late August Bank Holiday Monday ever as temperatures pass 28C
    By Victoria Ward
    Highs of 33.2C at Heathrow recorded surpassed a previous high of 28.2C set at Holbeach in 2017.
    The scorching weather followed a record breaking Bank Holiday Sunday which saw temperatures reach 33.3C at Heathrow, making it the hottest August Bank Holiday weekend declared by the Met Office.
    The records are just the latest of many that have been broken this year, prompting increasing warnings about climate change…

    Yet holidaymakers flocked to beach resorts to make the most of the late summer sun, providing a boost to the tourist trade.
    VisitEngland said 8.6million were expected to take UK breaks this weekend, bringing an estimated £2.1 billion boost to the economy.
    The figures are the highest since it launched its trip-tracker survey in 2012.
    Patricia Yates, VisitEngland director, said it was proving to be a “strong summer with late bookings also on the rise”.
    Supermarkets were braced for a BBQ rush, with Tesco’s long weekend sales expected to total 1.5million sausages, a million burgers, six million ice cream tubs and lollies, five million cans and bottles of beer and six million bottles of wine…

    Matthew Box, a Met Office forecaster: “After Tuesday, we are looking at a downward trend in temperatures for the rest of the week,” he said.
    “It will generally be a lot cooler in the west with more cloud and the risk of showers and it will be noticeably cooler across the country by the weekend.”
    He said an “arctic maritime air mass” moving in on Friday would introduce a cold front but insisted that summer was not quite over yet.
    “There is a chance for more sunshine at times,” he added…


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    High Treason

    The Extinction Rebellion rallies coming up in September will have bands-loud bands to give the illusion that they have a huge following. This is Alinsky Rule number ONE. Power is not what you have , but what the enemy think you have. Bluff.

    Do note, they claim to be non violent, so if they are triggered by patriotic things like Australian flags or make Australia great again hats, perhaps a Trump t shirt and get a bit violent(always have a video going when near lefties) they will be open to exposure on Alinsky’s 4th rule. I know they will be marching from Milson’s Point, across the harbour bridge to the Domain at noon, complete with noisy band. I intend being ready to film them from the walkway, perhaps confronting them with some basic literature. Let them know that a bigot is someone that is intolerant of the views of others. Perhaps have a homework task (since many will be truanting school kids) of looking at my brief literature (Vostok ice core chart with the timeline in reverse, models v reality with certainty bars and results from Cook et al in terms of how many papers reviewed came to a quantified conclusion that human CO2 causes dangerous global warming/ climate change) and reporting answers to some nominated email address. If they do not reply within the nominated 2 weeks, I will brand them as bigots. Video them being handed the literature and video the replies if any.


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      Gee aye

      So if a stranger walks up to you and says do this stuff, you’d do it. Because you know if you don’t you are a bigot.

      Good luck with your impactful plan.


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    robert rosicka

    OT , renewables bringing down the price of electricity! One day we will be 100% renewable !
    All these delusional claims and more at the link below .

