Eco-worriers new strategy: use Greta as a human shield against debate

The only reason Climate Scare Machine played the Child card was because they’ve given up the adult contest of persuasion.

As a marketing tactic it has a lot going for it. Playing the “girl under seige” card brings out protectors. Holding the “girlie hype” card whips the gullible and emotional into a frenzy. The people who don’t do numbers but rather assess the world via indignation-hope-and-fear can be galvanized into action. They may not be able to add up the megawatts to keep the lights on, but they can leverage emotional barbs to control whole dinner parties. In a gregarious species, that matters.

Strategically, best of all, the kiddie card means most adults will pull their punches, and anyone who tries to reply can be framed as an instant bully. As Laurie Atlas (on 4RO radio) said today, “she’s like a human shield” — the UN put her up there to stop people firing shots back. Just like terrorists hide behind civilians, Eco-terrorists hide behind children.

The UN can fire shots from behind her, and then hold up the Greta-shield to deflect returning missives. “How dare you!”

So the girl too-young-to-own-her-own-home can tell whole nations how to run their economies. She doesn’t have to make sense, teenage girls are known to panic and scream better than anyone, except perhaps three year olds, who presumably are the next step in the devolution of the climate debate. So Greta can say things that no national leader can. She has no responsibility, it won’t matter if she’s wrong, there are no trade-offs and she can write the whole thing off as a folly of youth.

Greta Thunberg

Oh woe is our national conversation.

Reasoning is so passe. Even David Attenborough, who once was a master communicator, has given up on persuasion. 

Speaking to Hack ahead of last week’s global climate strike, the 93-year-old threw his support behind young people taking to the streets in protest.

“Young people see things very clearly. And they are speaking very clearly to politicians,” he said.

Sir David said he backed the strategy of non-violent direct action.

“If they just sit on the sidelines, and [debate] in a nice, reasonable way, you know, they’ll say, ‘oh kids’. But if they actually do something in the way that they have been doing in this era, then politicians have to sit up and take notice.”

So, let’s decide national policy according to the number of children glued to crosswalks? May the most obnoxious, persistent trolls win…

Since her parents evidently didn’t teach her humility, Greta is going to find out about it one way or another.

In this case, adults have derailed a scientific discussion with a child actor. But other adults are derailing the derailing with satire.

Adult politics is a very rough game for a child to play.

9.6 out of 10 based on 127 ratings

401 comments to Eco-worriers new strategy: use Greta as a human shield against debate

  • #

    Nice mashup.


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      Curious George

      “Young people see things very clearly.” 3-year olds? 6-year olds? 10-year olds? What a huge reservoir of non-experience and know-nothing are they tapping?


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        Hiding behind a girl?



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          Hitler’s Germany – Youth Group – young girls with blonde hair in pigtails


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            Sceptical Sam

            The fascists know the formula.

            Propaganda. The big lie.

            Burn the books and the opposition.

            The really interesting thing is the way the Socialist International and the Fabians have allied with the green extremists to pursue their international socialist Utopia. They’ve succeeded in infiltrating and subverting not only the international agencies and institutions (scientific, political, economic) but also the national and local ones. Do they really think this time it will be different?

            António Guterres, the current Secretary-General of the UN was previously the Prime Minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002 and was the Secretary-General of the Socialist Party from 1992 to 2002.

            He served as President of the Socialist International from 1999 to 2005.

            So a socialist through and through; now pulling the strings for the anti-Capitalists.


          • #

            Not much more to expect there considering Greta was likely brought up on large doses of Teletubbies, hence the alleged autism. I’m sure Sweden should have had some sort of QUALITY kids-TV like we had growing up such as naked from the waist down Humphrey B. Bear and Sesame Street’s “one-room roommates” Bert and Ernie that sleep together [shudder]. No..? Damn. Hopes too high again.


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          Greta when scripted versus when asked a question.


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        glen Michel

        Attenborough is of the latter-day Malthusian church who see humans unable to resolve the population/ecological conundrum-( food production used to be part of the equation)that is the concern of the “controllers” such as the club of rome(notice that I do not address it with capital letters).Like the Cambridge mob of British traitors,they truly believe in a better outcome.Meanwhile, the human condition remains unchanged.


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          glen Michel

          Meanwhile, the developed West bears the opprobrium for the ills of the world,presumably because we set the ball rolling on human prosperity. The developing world does what it can like burning forests, dumping plastic and generally overrunning their natural world. We have made our reparations in my view.


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            I have travelled to the Third World and for a while lived and worked there. One can understand that the infrastructure is poor, roads shocking, due to lack of money. But what I could not get over was the rubbish.

            Peoples individual yards were generally ok but streets were littered with it.

            The people appeared to be waiting for somebody else to come and deal with it. Just like too often they were waiting for somebody else to fix all their other issues.Just like Third World govts are waiting for the UN to shower them with money taken from richer nations related to climate taxes and “fix” their problems.

            My advice to Third World govts would be to make an attempt first to clean up and deal with your own problems – but thats too hard. Far easier to be the victim and agitate in the UN to have somebody else provide the money…via climate change


            • #

              Aussie,I can’t agree more with your comment. We have the same problem with people who are second and third generation living on benefits.

              However today I was very surprised by a BBC radio programme called The Corrections, which looks at the part played by the MSM in pushing out inaccurate news items.

              “The Corrections re-visits four new stories which left the public with an incomplete picture about what really happened. In 2013 the West Sussex village of Balcombe was the site of a showdown between anti-fracking protesters and the energy company Cuadrilla. Fracking – or hydraulic fracturing – involves pumping water, sand and chemicals into rock at high pressure to fracture it and release oil or gas that’s trapped there. It’s controversial. But, in fact, there was no fracking in Balcombe that summer. So why did the “battle” there become such a significant national news story?”


              No doubts heads will roll at the BBC, as they say in the programme that there was opposition even before the programme went out.

              It is well worth listening to, although I don’t know whether it is restricted to UK listeners.


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          glen Michel

          I gave myself a green tick by mistake.Is this allowed?


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          They despise the nature of humans and dedpite the mountains of corpses still believe they can change it…. instead of working with it.


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          Reading youtube comments it looks like not many people are very impressed by Ms Greta’s performance (act). Could be sign?


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        Ted O'Brien.

        Sir David is in his second childhood.


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        Serge Wright

        Using an autistic girl as their front line scientific expert and media spokeperson on climate change does appear unusual. Aside from this appearing as a standard left wing PC card play, I think there is a genuine belief by the loony left that she possesses special powers. She is already on the record that she can actually see invisible molecules of CO2 in the atmosphere and this claim was viewed with genuine belief and amazement by her loony left disciples. Perhaps this claim was their proof that Greta is the climate messiah, the chosen one sent down by Gaia to save their world.

        Of course being able to see trace gas elemets of relative small molecules is indeed a very rare and unique talent and I think this ability requires further media highlight and investigation. Noting this special power, my one piece of advise to media people is to avoid silently breaking wind during a press conference, as methane gas has a much larger molecular structure than CO2 and you will no doubt incur the scolding wrath “How dare you”.


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          Greg in NZ

          And another ✓ green thumb for you, Serge.

          A link I posted here two days ago re: the Swedish Sideshow had this excerpt in it – “In Scenes From the Heart, Malena concludes that Beata and Greta’s disorders are ‘not a handicap’ but a ‘superpower'”. []

          Can’t blame a mother for thinking that way about her two offspring, yet her husband Svante (a man of many social advocacy talents) is the engineer and train driver of his family’s rise to fame – or infamy as most of us here, including Jo, see it. And unlike CO₂ molecules in the air, we can see the frightful farce this whole shenanigans, played out on the world stage, plainly is.


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        Roy Hogue

        What a huge reservoir of non-experience and know-nothing are they tapping?

        They will be tapping the abysmal stupidity of those who run their lives on emotion instead of thinking. What more could you want?


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        Amazing how the children who agree with him see things very clearly but those who disagree do not!

        It’s truly pathetic reasoning.


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        Klaus Berger

        They should see Mini AOC instead:
        She and Greta should have a talk!!


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        What a joke Attenborough is, since he fails to understand her mess of a speech she gave to the U.N.

        Here is an article from American Thinkerthat puts her in place as a drama queen with nothing of substance to offer, she offers fear and unhappiness in abundance:

        Greta the Angry

        September 26,2019

        By Deana Chadwell


        Those who are befuddled and beleaguered by climate nonsense look to Greta Thunberg as if she were another Joan of Arc. Those of us who live in reality see her as being hopelessly mired in the arrogance of untruth. Yes, Greta’s childhood has been stolen from her, but it isn’t America that’s done that – it’s her parents who have allowed her to be prostituted in this manner. It is the leftist politicians and their ilk who are milking her youth and gullibility and her hunger for acceptance who have stuck her up on a tilting pedestal. I’m as uncomfortable watching her as I am seeing a parent mistreat a child in public. Humiliation is coming at her like a locomotive and no one is yanking her off the tracks.

        Let’s explore this comparison with the French teenager who was martyred in her attempt to free France from English control. She was a devout, if untutored and illiterate, Christian. She was, from the age of 13 until her death at 19, sure she saw visions of saints who told her what she must do. She was amazingly successful. Her followers, who included King Charles VII, believed in her -– a young girl in the 15th century! –- and allowed her to command their troops in battle.



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        Well, I didn’t need glasses at those ages.


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      Cheap Nazi jokes aside,Greta is only saying “listen to the scientists”, not claiming to be an authority. The deniers have proven nothing to the contrary.
      Our own little petition project, the Clintel group ( a bunch of engineers and geologists) claim to know better, but with statements such as “CO2 is plant food” on their masthead, they’ll be relegated to softball chats with Jones and Bolt.
      This is just a reverse appeal to authority fallacy.


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        Serge Wright

        Whilst Greta may state, “listen to the scientists”, then why do you think the loony left use her as their voice of authority and not that of a qualified scientist?. The answer is because no scientist can demonstrate any evidence that AGW will be dangerous and the scientific community is still very divided. Recent peer reviewed studies by Lewis and Curry show that the ECS is likley at the botton end of the IPCC range which would be a mostly harmless outcome. More recent peer reviewed papers suggest the error margins caused by our lack of understanding of cloud forcing make the models useless.

        But, more sadly for the loony left brigade, despite the hundreds off doomsday predictions over the past 30 years that never happened, the world now has fewer people living in poverty than ever and more food producion than ever. There is also no scientific link to an increase in storms or adverse weather including droughts and even our own region in Ausralia has a falling incidence of cyclones of all intensity. Human population growth has been tracking upwards with the warming, not falling.

        And just to highlight the level of desperation within the alarmist community, the UN now tries to use just the last 5 years of measurements caused by a naturally occuring super El Nino to somehow prove it’s worse than we thought, when the reality is the opposite. Not only does this insult our collective intelligence it also goes against the scientific rigout demanded by alarmist scientists such as Kevin Trenberth, who stated during the pause from 1998 to 2015, that we needed a minimum of 30 years of data to determine climate trends due to natural fluctuation. A figure that he increased actually from 15 to 30 years due to discredit the significance of the pause. Not surprisingly, not one alarmist scientist including himself has called out the hypocrasy of using only 5 years of data because it suits the political narrative.


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          And any ‘ reversion to the mean ‘ following the super el Nino will be attributed to the measures that are being forced on us


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        I would rather look at the science, rather than listen to ACTIVIST scientists.

        Data and facts mean nothing to AGW believers. !


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          Allen Ford

          The problem, Andy, is that AGW is not a scientific one, and never was.

          There is enough fodder in the public domain to demolish that view. The UN crowd just cannot help themselves in revealing what their agenda really is. Just Google Christiana Figueres to get the real picture.

          See here, also.

          It’s about time those of us who really are concerned about where the world is heading called their bluff at every available opportunity.


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        ” “CO2 is plant food” “

        You are in a deep delusion state of abject scientific ignorance if you “believe CO2 is NOT plant food.

        Oh, its M262.. so YES, he is.


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        Ok, Michael262, follow your own advice and listen to the scientists yourself then:

        Back in 1919 (yes. 100 years ago this year!) Albert Einstein took Svante Arrhenius to task about Arrhenius’s claim that “Carbonic Acid” (an early name for CO2) was warming the atmosphere. Einstein said then that “any volume of gas obeying the ideal gas laws and in thermodynamic equilibrium could not be radiatively warmed.”

        Drs Ronan and Michael Connolly have found, from flying 21st Century Meteorological Balloons and gathering their own data as well as using the data from millions of other balloons, that:
        1. The atmosphere from the bottom of the troposphere (that’s the air we and all other plants and animals breathe) to the top of the stratosphere behaves as an “ideal gas.”
        2. It’s in thermodynamic equilibrium all the way up.
        3. It’s not warming from CO2 …

        So you can stop believing that CO2 is responsible for “warming the planet.” It’s not.
        Trouble is, because little Greta doesn’t go to school anymore, she’s too busy throwing hissy fits at adults, she doesn’t know that… Neither, it seems, do you, and you don’t have her excuses.


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          Graeme No.3

          There had been others disputing his claims, Angström in 1901 for example. Arrhenius seems to have the knack of generating enemies. His original appointment to Professor (of Physics) attracted criticism as did others of his activities. He got onto the Nobel prize committee and paid his enemies back by opposing them getting awards.
          As a believer (and activist) for Racial Purity, Eugenics etc. and his belief that passing electricity through Swedish school children would make them more intelligent you might get some idea of the source of some of his unpopularity.


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          Very funny, using one non science site to overturn the global consensus, cherry picking at its worst.


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        Peter Fitzroy

        Water is plant* food
        (but only at a specific range – too little or too much = death of the plant)

        *land based plants, but same argument applies for CO2


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          glen Michel

          Don’t forget O2 Peter. Even too much sex(Even in water) can have problems.


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          CO2 is far from being too much

          Very much in the lower range for growth requirements.

          So glad you agree that MORE IS NEEDED

          After all there is no evidence of any other effects, certainly not on the climate or any fantasy like that.

          Wouldn’t you agree, PF.


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          but same argument applies for CO2

          No Peter, only CO2 shortages are dangerous for plants. The more CO2 available, the faster and better they grow.
          Have you heard of the titanosaurs? Argentinosaurus et al? They walked the Earth back when CO2 was 2500 ppm. 70MYA. We’re in a CO2 famine, because the largest herbivore the planet can support is the elephant. It seems to be big to us but go look up Argentinosaurus and the other titanosaurs on Wikipedia and check out their vital statistics. Have you heard of Tyrannosaurus Rex? It evolved to snack on the titanosaurs. Go look at the skeletons at the Natural History museums overseas. Those animals were HUGE. CO2 is the gas of life!

          Modern plants all evolved when CO2 was about 1,000 ppm +/- 250ppm. They are literally starving at only 400 ppm.
          So go buy that SUV you’ve always wanted and add some more CO2 to the atmosphere. The plants all need it. They’ll love you for it.

          Save the plants!


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            Higher concentrations allow the plant to spend more of the carbohydrates synthesised in the leaves on root growth, ergo it can survive drier conditions and poorer soils and grow faster when in the optimal ranges.

            I’ve read that broad-acre crops can be in CO2 starvation mid morning in still air conditions. Every little bit helps. 🙂


            • #

              “I’ve read that broad-acre crops can be in CO2 starvation mid morning in still air conditions.

              Yep, there is a paper somewhere where some still air CO2 measurements were done. CO2 started at some 600ppm in the morning and by midday was down to 280ppm, and didn’t drop any lower.

              At 280ppm, those plant stopped growing.


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            Graeme No.3

            That’s why commercial growers inject CO2 into their ‘igloos’ or growing sheds at around 1100-1400 p.p.m. to boost growth.


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          Ted O'Brien.

          Well, so it is. And all in moderation. The same goes for salt, and all the other “plant foods”, encompassing about seventeen elements from memory.

          Those elements are like links in a chain. If any one of those element is deficient, the plant won’t perform.


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        No she is not. Let’s say we accept the science. Then what? Like all extreme Greens she keeps to a extreme solution and claims that is also “science”. But it is not. It is politics that needs economics to help us make choices. And the economists do not agree with her,including the recent Nobel prize winner.

        This conflation of science with the solutions to the science is simply wrong and hugely misleading.


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          Pho, you forgot to put “the science” in exclamation marks…

          … to show that it isn’t really science anyway..


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        Sceptical Sam

        Michael asserts:

        this is just a reverse appeal to authority fallacy.

        Michael, Michael, Michael, I appeal to you, please read the IPCC’s reports.

        TAR 3:

        “In climate research and modelling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible. (Chapter 14, Section Page 774 )”

        What is not clear about that?

        Have you read any of it?


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          Exactly, Sam. That’s my favourite chapter and verse! Further, it’s not the ‘scientists’ who are declaring an ’emergency’, but loony green and wannabe green city councils.


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      Big mistake using Greta. Great for Greta’s acting career resume. Bad for Green Gaia worshipers. Greta has moved the responsibility for climate action from individuals to governments and huge corporations. This is a HUGE tactical mistake. Greta is just another spoiled 16 year old. She only cares about herself. Its an act. Turn off the sound and watch. She has practiced every face movement in front of a mirror. Acting classes writ large. Voters are finally noticing this scam is affecting their lives.


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        Agreed…its shows the UN for the pathetic bully boy that it is……

        Loser is spelled “UN”….

        Game over. A clumsy, foolish and desperate 2nd rate fumble of the ball in deep mid field….

        Oh…and dropped!! ( in best Richie Benaud imitation voice…)


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          But she does throw a good hissy fit …
          despite her contradictions, scientific ignorance and repetitions of the propaganda.


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        “Great for Greta’s acting career resume”

        Not really.. she has typecast herself.


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        Roy Hogue

        Greta has Asperger’s Syndrome and probably could not put together the presentation she made at the UN or even begin to conceive of it. She is being used as a pawn by someone whose standing among honest men and women should be lower than dirt. She deserves better than to be a pawn in someone’s game of shove climate change down the world’s throat by one more damned subterfuge. I won’t buy it and no one else should either.

        What she has said are no more her words than Lincoln’s words would be mine if I recited the Gettysburg Address. This whole thing is despicable and we all ought to be angry. She is not the problem here. She does not have the capacity to be the problem here. And I have watched this go on for as long as I can take it.

        I don’t know who is behind her but parents are one good suspect. We should be discussing those behind her, not Greta.

        None of this is great for Greta. She is not spoiled, she is troubled. Condemn those who are using her. Leave Greta alone.


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          Roy Hogue

          I for one have had enough of this idea that our young know enough to lead us. If our children know so much why are we spending so damned much money to educate them? Why? Think about that. Think real hard about it all you who would use a 16 year old child to further your agenda. We see through you.

          A 29 year old named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is practically running the Democrat party. But what is her resume? Any worthwhile accomplishments? No. Any leadership ability? No. Any useful experience? No. Her only qualifications are a big mouth and abysmal ignorance.

          What does it take for us to recognize the foolishness of paying attention to the words of AOC or 16 year old Greta and start down a better path before it’s too late.


          • #

            “Her only qualifications are a big mouth and abysmal ignorance.”

            Hence the perfect leftist leader.

            [How did I know you wouldn’t be able to resist one of your brand of predictable remarks?] AZ


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            It has precedent. Bund deutscher Arbeiterjugend .Sure, lefties can invoke Godwin, but I believe we are past that.


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    It’s also a perpetual smoke screen. Once she’s old enough to confront about her silly beliefs without being called a bully, they will just find another spokeschild to abuse.


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      Latus Dextro

      The eco-Marxist UN narrative dictates that one is required to view her as a child.
      She is nothing of the sort.
      Most if not all 16 year olds resent being considered as ‘children’ with all that that implies. They prefer and are definitively referred to as ‘young adults’ in the medical literature. In most jurisdictions she has achieved the age of consent.
      Admittedly she is possessed by a constellation of intellectual, mental and emotional limitations, some of them far more severe than those associated with young adulthood, limited education and inexperience, and parents that have evidently failed to protect her.

      This cross between Damien of The Omen and a child of the corn will indeed be spat out by the Left once she has reached her very short use-by date and become a political liability. She demonstrated her ignorance for all to see, worse, she demonstrated her easy malleability and currently successful indoctrination, not to mention the human shield tactics gleefully used by terrorists throughout the World.

      The NPC marionette has been done before. It is a tactic as old and predictable as the hills. It reveals far more than it could ever hope to tell. The Left get one or maybe two runs of this before it becomes widely seen for what it is.


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        The communists under Mao, the Hitler Youth….all used children as innocent pawns in thier twisted power games…..


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          Greg in NZ

          Thankfully Holyweird, USSA never used child actresses to push their barrow – 80 years ago:

          “The Wizard of Oz stars legendary Judy Garland as Dorothy, an innocent farm girl whisked out of her mundane earthbound existence into a land of pure imagination. Dorothy’s journey in Oz will take her through emerald forests, yellow brick roads, and creepy castles, all with the help of some unusual but earnest song-happy friends”.

          Tornadoes and extreme weather! Innocent girl! Pure imagination! Green forests! Creeps! Unusual friends! The Wicked Witch of the West! The man behind the curtain! On second thoughts, it sounds all too familiar. As for the innocent/famous/child actress/star:

          “It is well documented that the Wizard of Oz star had a turbulent personal life and was plagued with substance and alcohol abuse issues throughout adulthood” via Daily Rag Mail, Friday, Sep 27th 2019.

          There is nothing new under the sun.


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        At 16/17 she is not a small child, just dressed to look like one of 10/12….enables the ‘don’t bully me, i’m just a fragile little chil’. Her acting at the UN the other day was way over the top.


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          She will be 17 in January. (DoB = Born: 3 Jan, 2003.) Vegan.

          quote: Her acting at the UN the other day was way over the top.

          Agreed. She does throw a good hissy fit. I don’t want to wonder what she’ll be like when she discovers boys, but having gone Vegan, that might be some time off.


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          Peter Fitzroy

          Book by its cover?


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          Her acting at the UN the other day was way over the top.

          She’ll be in “good” company..


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          Her acting at the UN the other day was way over the top.

          She, and her cause, lost a lot of ground with that performance.


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          Roy Hogue

          Her acting at the UN the other day was way over the top.

          Yes it was. Unfortunately it tells the wrong story about her. The real truth about Greta is as sordid and ugly as anything can get. It’s easy to make judgments from insufficient information and it’s just as easy to make better judgments when you have better information.

          This is much closer to the truth.

          Better information about her is not hard to find. Let’s find it and be better informed.


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      She now has a problem, or at least her handlers do.

      I assume they thought it would be easy because those countries follow the Marxist UN diktats.


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        Yes, a bad move and a strange and limited choice of countries.


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        They over did it. It suggested in there that even the German Green party leader wasnt impressed..
        This , hopefuly, is the decline of the great swindle, brought on by the alarmists stupidity. Even the converted may start to wonder…


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          Not just “they”, but “she” overdid it. Thunberg’s almost breathless overacting is painful to watch and, just like a bad reverse-sexist and virtue-signalling Marvel movie, can’t stomach the entire ordeal and will never return to watch any part of it ever again.

          If she hadn’t been deliberately and publicly identified as an alleged autism sufferer, people would be paying even less attention. Besides, trying to get an accurate figure as to how many types of autism have been diagnosed is somewhere between 3 and 5 depending on where you look, not forgetting the many differing symptoms being anywhere from nothing to severe anything, it’s hard to get a handle on precisely what she’s allegedly suffering from.

          Typical of the Left to globally jet-set an allegedly sick child to speak hypocritically against her own jet-setting. All I see her suffering from is a severe learning disability brought on by deliberate I.Q. malnourishment and Left-handed Marionettism-Thunderberg syndrome.


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        Nick Werner

        Seeing her performance at the UN, it’s obvious why Greta was catapulted onto the world stage from sitting outside Sweden’s parliament without having to go through the “Sweden’s Got Sanctimonious Hypocritical Teen Talent” competition.
        It makes one wonder exactly who is Hiding Behind Greta’s Skirt and coaching her to become a squalling sack of hate.


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      Lionell Griffith

      George Burns was reported to have said that “all you need to succeed in show business is sincerity. Learn to fake that and you have it made.”

      The performance rendered by that 16 year old was fake faking of sincerity. It was almost a carbon copy of Blasey Ford’s faking of sincerity when she testified against Brett Kavanaugh. It became obvious at most in a few seconds into the video clip. There was no change in expression, no change in voice, and no change in the level of faked emotional outrage. There was no expression of genuine knowledge of a real pending catastrophe worthy of the fake outrage presented.

      Interestingly, this represents “truth” to the left of left wannabe global dictators. It is fake emotional outrage over a fake catastrophe that has been predicted many times for thousands of years and has yet to have happened on schedule.

      Pathetic is too good of a description of the left’s use and abuse of a totally ignorant 16 year old who’s only talent is to fake faking outrage. THAT is the true outrage here.

      Whenever you think the left can’t sink any lower, they prove you wrong and sink even lower. Never fear, they will have no problem sinking lower. Their depth of depravity is bottomless.


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        Ian Hill

        Watching one of the video clips linked below I saw her talk for the first time. Acting lessons or not, is it possible she was just extremely nervous and therefore unable to deliver with the “required” sincerity? Also having to do it in English would have been an extra hindrance.


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          I dont by that English language problem, she virtually has no accent and seems fluent in English like most EU school kids they all learn it as second language, most young people in Germany are fluent in English. She also was obviously nervous, she knew exactly what she was saying, all pre planned (by her ‘tutors’)


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            Our daughter pointed out how obviously she kept referring to a script…it was all utterly fake, topped by anger at being ignored by President DT.


            • #
              Power Grab

              When I watched the footage of her waiting for President DT to appear (so she could accost him with her tirade, I’m sure), there was a split second when her expression reminded me of any star-struck teenager who just _knew_ her idol was right around the corner.

              Just a split second, mind you.

              And I have noticed her rage is not maintained consistently when she looks for the next line on her script. Having professional actors as family members, I’m wondering why they didn’t get her “off book” before throwing her in front of the cameras.

              Oh, and I have seen comments elsewhere that pointed out the features of her face make it appear she is a victim of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, not an Aspie.


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        Yes true but that puppet of globalism the UN SG stood up for her by uttering what was outrageous lies about the environment.


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          Im sure Ban Ki Moon would have loved her. Remember him strutting around when Obummer spoke about globull warming some years back.


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            by uttering what was outrageous lies about the environment.

            It was all standard fare …
            – rising sea levels — panic panic ( a whole 3.4 mm per year or 34mm per decade or 340 mm per century (a whole 13 inches) — when global average sea-level rise is 0.8 mm pa) Hansen’s Battery Point in NYC is still not under water by a long way yet, I won’t be selling my beach-side property any time soon, but all children should be taught to swim.

            – melting cryosphere — the Arctic and the Antarctic are supposedly melting — at the same time! Gasp! How can that happen? The sun doesn’t shine for six months of the year in either place, but never at the same time!

            – acidification of the oceans …. yawn, that old canard! The oceans are a buffered solution and their pH moves around between close limits: 8.3 – 8.8 (alkaline!) but then the SG is a scientific twat at the best of times ….


            • #

              Bolt ridiculed him (UN SG) by reminding him that some NZ scientists have proved that Tuvalu is GAINING land! Not sinking.


              • #
                Greg in NZ

                And Tuvalu/Kiribati/etc aspire to gain more land so they can build sustainable expensive hotels for the rich & infamous to stay in – after they’ve landed on the sustainable expensive new airport paid for by… by… the Green Climate Funk? Magic Dollars? Clutch Cargo & Co.? No! Me and you, and a dog named Boo, via the non-united UN tax-scam carbon-credit slush-fund thingie wotsit.

                Be a shame if the Pacific turned to acid – no one would visit them, except the hippies: Whoah, I’m swimming in it, man


              • #

                That was satellite views which uncovered that island growth.
                Thinks: or was it the space station? Can’t remember … Whatever, NZ scientists can’t claim the honour at least not on their own.


  • #

    Membership of this group might be a concern. Seen wearing TShirt with name Antifa.


  • #
    Tim Spence

    Last time I saw a child pulling faces like that, she was sat on her potty.


  • #
    a happy little debunker

    On the bright side – Mini AOC is back

    With her climate scientists – Dr Henny Penny & Dr Cocky Lochy.


    • #

      Now sent HER to the UN and tell off the IPCC! 😀


    • #

      and sea levels are rising because the sky is falling and we’ll be drowned in outer space.
      and Mother Nature is transgendering into Father Nature rotfl …
      …. Noah and his sister Joan built the Ark and all the Dinosaurs drowned …

      Sheer nonsensical genius 🙂


  • #

    Take heart, the alarmists are losing their argument with reality and they know it. Their doomsday predictions consistently refuse to happen, their solutions to the non existent problem are absurd and unworkable. As a result their behaviour becomes ever more ridiculous, and this can only help the sceptic position.


    • #

      To: Stonyground @ #6:

      The alarmists and the rest of the Gullibles were never in reality! Haven’t been anywhere it.
      When there’s nothing of reality, there’s nothing to lose so nothing is lost.

      This was published in 2014 and the Gullibles still haven’t caught up!

      [ ]


    • #
      Peter C

      Take heart, the alarmists are losing their argument with reality and they know it.

      Unfortunately I am becoming quite anxious about the outcome. It seems to be human nature and the nature of cults to double down when faced with exposure of the fallacy.
      The cultists would rather destroy themselves and those around them, rather than abandon their false belief.

      The Climate Doomsday cult has spread very wide now and the end of the belief is nigh, which is why I am getting worried.


      • #
        el gordo

        Do not be concerned, the zealots are a minority and wearing no clothes, so all we have to do is get the bulk of the population to laugh at them.

        If you corner a rat it will attack.


        • #
          Greg in NZ

          I’m laughing my socks off, too, el gordo (insert maniacal laughter audio here * )

          Kids and kooks are out on the streets of NZ today yelling & shouting & vaping & expelling vast quantities of air pollution – as well as exhaling 40,000 ppm CO₂ per person with every What do we want? Action! When do we want it? I dunno… Climate (and weather) check for today:

          301 cm snow base (3 metres or over 10 feet), -3˚C max, -11˚C wind chill, gale sou’westerlies and snow to 1,500 m, all lifts CLOSED except learners’ slope.

          165 cm snow base (over 5 feet), 0˚C max, -7˚C wind chill, chains required for 2WD, fine sunny windy, snow to 300 m (1,000′) by Mon/Tue.

          Sure hope parents wrapped up their little precious ones for the Angst NOW! protest/march/day-off in layers of warm clothes and jackets and beanies and raincoats and mittens and waterproof shoes and umbrellas and homing devices (there’s lots of nutters out on the streets these days). Ah yes, irony and comedy, all-in-one. Bwah-ha-haaa!


          • #
            el gordo

            No Tasman Sea heatwave this summer.


            What do you make of the cool SST around Darwin?


            • #
              Greg in NZ

              For some reason Mr Nasa won’t let me access any of his sites (it’s more my old Safari’s problem) so I visit:


              and ooh yes, that stretch of blue (cooler anomaly) tropical water from the Solomons west to Darwin and Indo, and especially off Sumatra’s west coast. Even on the SST map you can see the cooler (green) sea water infiltrating up through the Arafura Sea into the Indonesian Archipelago. It’s still warmer (26˚C) than here at my local beach (16˚C ), and funny, I haven’t heard any scientivist in any media shouting that the seas around NZ are now COOLER than ‘average’ – unlike a few years back when there was a warm patch in the Tasman, and one off to the east, and they were apoplectic with fear-mongering and doom.

              The Niño 3.4 Index (SST central Pacific?), having hit rock-bottom a few weeks back, is now sauntering back up to equilibrium / zero. So much amazing technology and information at our fingertips, yet Leaders and Scribes and Pharisees expect us to follow their bait back into slavery and Babylon. No way, mon! Not this mon! Ever-loving, ever-living, irie.


              • #
                el gordo

                ‘ .. a warm patch in the Tasman …’

                Henceforth referred to as a marine heatwave, and its a fair bet that there won’t be any coral bleaching on the GBR this summer.


          • #

            ‘Showers, with snow to about 1500 metres, gradually easing and becoming isolated. Gale southwesterlies gradually easing.’
            Thats normal for Whakapapa 😀 fun fun fun been there done that many times..Note, GALES are the NORMAL. Tropical cyclones are windy farts by comparison. 😉


          • #

            The worst part about their protests is that governments aren’t doing anything to satisfy the protesters because they can’t! 🙂
            (That reminds me: I have to go find a text of NZ’s proposed Zero Carbon Bill.)


            • #
              Greg in NZ

              Surely Minister Jim-jam [Green] Shaw sent you a copy? He likes to keep the sheeple informed, no? Let us know if you find any sneaky surprises hidden in the small text… silly me, it’s all sneaky.


    • #
      Power Grab

      Yes, and every time one of their leaders purchases low-lying ocean-front property…well, I just can’t take them seriously!


  • #
    tolip ydob

    The “Hiroshima’s” as a fearmongering unit of force exceeded it’s sell by date unsold.

    Today we have the new(to you) and sensory improved *Greta(the latest in UHI ‘adjusted’ UN units of force).


    • #

      “Today we have the new(to you) and sensory improved *Greta(the latest in UHI ‘adjusted’ UN units of force).”

      This goes well with the new ratings scale created by Original Steve which rates warmist indignation on a scale of 1-1000 milli-Thurnbergs.

      He thinks Mini-AOC rates about a 400 on this scale.


  • #
    James Murphy

    I found Thunbergs are go to be a hilarious riposte to the Human shield-maiden.

    As far as using 3 year olds as weapons, I can just imagine Sarah Hanson-Young, Adam Bandt, and Tim Flannery searching for a Thunberg 2 the same way a new Dalai Lama is identified.


  • #

    The unfortunate Greta display and the underwhelming schoolchildren’s strike have to be a new low by the climate lobby. BTW, I haven’t seen much newsworthy from the UN’s supposed big event.


  • #
    Travis T. Jones

    It’s ok when they do it …

    A mom makes her kid pretend to be AOC to mock her. People are calling it child abuse.

    8yo receives death threats over her parody videos of Ocasio-Cortez


    • #

      Now mini-AOC is obviously really enjoying what she does..

      I think its more that her parents help her than push her.

      And of course, she isn’t telling everyone else what they should do.

      A brave young girl.

      We need a mini Thunberg 🙂


  • #

    Just sitting alone and anonymous in the street like St Joan at Vaucouleurs, as you do. And a prominent PR guy and eco-activist happens to walk by and is surprised to see you (though maybe he saw Ingrid Bergman do it in the movies, being Swedish ‘n all). As you do. And nobody knows anybody and it’s all such a surprise. As you do.

    And soon we’re on TIME’s cover and a Nobel looks a cert. As you do. And we’re addressing the UN after cruising the Atlantic in a racing yacht out of Monaco. As you do.

    Which should tell us all we need to know about activism, media, the UN, PR, TIME and the Nobels.

    It’s not real.


  • #

    Maybe parents should go on strike …

    No allowance money for kids, no driving children anywhere, no laundry washed, no meals prepared, no paying childrens’ bills for non-necessary items, etc., etc., …


    • #

      .. no plugging the smartie-phone back into a coal-powered charging socket, recycling it and the I.diot-Pad and finding versions constructed from wood, no more clothes made with plastic fibres or cotton requiring harvesting by the use of fossil fuel etc..


      • #
        Greg in NZ

        Ancient words: text, scroll, tablet, phone [sound, voice: Greek].

        Post-post-modern Yoof words: text, scroll, tablet, phone [along with shout, shriek, shonky, and action!]

        My dear old grandma (1901–1984) went from having sweet fanny adams to living in a fantastic world of the future (OK, apart from WWI and The Depression and WWII). She was pretty hip though, as she always talked about the wireless and all the wonderful music and news from around the world she could access, waaaaay before Tim Berners-Lee or DARPA or Larry & Serge or Mark (of the beast?) appeared.

        Wonder how many under-16-year-olds know what a hieroglyph is, let alone spell it?


        • #

          I wonder how many grown-ups know our language isn’t only based on Latin, but Admiralty Law:

          Question: Where do you find a bank?

          Answer: On both sides of the river.

          River Banks (banks) control the current (currency/current/sea) or flow of water (money).
          If you are losing your house, they say your home is underwater.
          When you have a lot of debts, they say, you’re drowning in debt.
          If you get in trouble and go to jail, someone has to bail you out.
          The verb bail also means to scoop water out of a boat. We say to someone, “money goes through your hands like water.” Many terms have the word ship (a vessel of considerable size for deep-water navigation) in it.



          Section 76 of our Commonwealth Constitution prescribes:

          76 Additional original jurisdiction
          The Parliament may make laws conferring original jurisdiction on the High Court in any matter:

          (i) arising under this Constitution, or involving its interpretation;
          (ii) arising under any laws made by the Parliament;
          (iii) of Admiralty and maritime jurisdiction;
          (iv) relating to the same subject-matter claimed under the laws of
          different States.

          Since when were any of us in the Admiralty..?


          • #
            Greg in NZ

            Read a book on the subject yonks ago (a book, not an internet article). Birth = berth. Holy ship! From yours:

            “We’re just ‘consumers’ to advertise to, just ‘human resources’ to be used up like batteries, and we have become ‘useless eaters’ living a life of wage slavery”. What’s the buzzword for that these days? Having an ‘experience‘? Like being seasick.

            Admiralty: the department of the British government that once administered the Royal Navy. The present Lord High Admiral of the UK today? Why, of course, it’s Queen Lizzie’s hubby, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. Babylon inbreds, the lot of ’em.


  • #
    el gordo

    On jury duty last week I was locked up with 11 other strangers, a perfect test bed for a straw poll.

    They didn’t find my ‘saint Greta’ slur amusing and when I mentioned ABC propaganda on the issue, the room fell into a deathly silence.

    Its clear that a large section of the community is brain dead on climate change, yet they still seems to operate normally in most other respects.


    • #

      They were simply foisting fake guilt upon you because you “severely and unrelentingly bullied” (in their eyes) an allegedly autistic “little/young” (again, in their eyes – she’s supposed to be 17) girl of all things you awful, AWFUL patriarch! Those members were desperate to feel important about “anyfink” and you gave them a perfect excuse.

      Of course they operate “normally” (hypocritically) in other respects. They individually drove using fossil fuels and on fossil-fuel-derived tarmac to get to jury duty, use fossil-fuelled power points in their homes (and at Macca’s/Hungie Jerk’s because it’s free) to charge/use their oil-derived plastic electronics to Bookface and Sh!tter their erroneous and pointless climate-related blather/selfies to the rest of the world to make themselves feel good as they have little else in their evaporating lives except higher taxes brought on by green subsidies, fake carbon taxes and never-ending inflation brought on by such taxes and the Fractional Reserve banking system.



      • #
        el gordo

        Good to get it off your chest.

        What struck me as interesting is when I said don’t you know Greta is mentally ill. That shocked them, as though they never heard it, so I persisted with she can see carbon dioxide.

        My words faded off into the distance as the chattering class went onto another subject.


        • #

          Mentally ill maybe if she can somehow “see” the CO2 absorbtion spectrum, but I doubt anyone but her parents and doctor has seen her medical records so she can be as “autistic and special” as the Leftards desire. ‘Tis why I use the term “allegedly”.. 😉


        • #

          Yeah they wont get it until they cant charge thier teacking devices…or are half frozen when the power goes off yet again.

          Going to be a lot of gene pool cleansing when the LIA ramps up. I feel truly sorry for thier kids who as innocents, will suffer for thier parents apparent willful ignorance and arrogance…..


  • #

    Always listen to teenagers while they think they know everything.


  • #

    I reckon Greta’s little speech/tantrum has done more harm to the AGW cause than anything amount facts or non-happening prediction could have done.

    People are LAUGHING and saying “WTF was all that about”

    I don’t know how she will ever get over the embarrassment.

    She came across as a crazed loon,

    …. which I might say is totally appropriate for a wannabee priestess of a cuckoo religious sect.


    • #
      el gordo

      Morrison handled it well: “I think we’ve got to caution against raising the anxieties of children in our country.”


      • #

        He didn’t go far enough. He should have stopped being so shy and come out with blazing guns to discredit her with the facts of climate change. Andrew Bolt prepared a good list points on his blog for everyone to propagate.


        • #
          el gordo

          Okay I’ll play devil’s advocate in defence of Morrison, who understands that half the electorate has been brainwashed, is unashamedly non charismatic in his response.

          “Australia is responsible for just 1.3 per cent of global emissions,” Mr Morrison said.

          “Australia is doing our bit on climate change and we reject any suggestion to the contrary.”


        • #
          glen Michel

          Morrison can’t come out with full on dismissal. I’m waiting for something like a national newspaper- you know which one, to come out and editorialise on the matter and call this AGW for what it is. We are waiting on the breakthrough.


          • #
            el gordo

            That does seem to be the most likely avenue for progress on the issue.

            Morrison is a cautious PM and doesn’t want to frighten the chooks.

            The Murdocracy is working tirelessly to bring about a safe result, as we ease out of renewable madness, but they will still need a catalyst like the Ridd saga to undermine a tenet holding up the facade.

            In the regions we get Sky free to air, up against the ABC, and on climate change they are presenting two different realities. This is unsustainable, so Ita Buttrose (Captain’s Pick) will have a quiet talk with her troops.


  • #

    Or listen to a 63 year old graduate in English and ancient kangaroos who thought he knew everything about meteorology, computer modelling, chemistry, mathematics, physics and the straightforward generation of commercial electricity from hot rocks.


  • #
    Rob JM

    I freaking love Greta!
    She has single handedly “woke” the resistance!


  • #

    “Greta why is there no ‘climate protests’ in China?”

    “Well with UN-IPCC Climate science, there’s no need for climate protests in China because China is already communist.”

    🙂 Or something like that … 😆


    • #

      Yes the alarmists appear to be aiming for a regime change to communism in the West. There is one catch though. Communist countries like China don’t believe in the climate change crap. Witness the huge numbers of coal fired power stations they are building. Also if the West did fall into the hands of communism the first ones to be “culled” would be the alarmists, in particular the Greens. Hmmm. Perhaps we ought to assist them in the regime change? Not really but it’s a nice thought.


      • #

        China contrary to most belief is actually Confucianist not really communist. Mao never like the Soviet Bolshevism model which wrecked Russia, he also didnt like Stalin.


        • #

          “Mao never like the Soviet Bolshevism model which wrecked Russia.”

          Mao’s Confucianist model did a pretty good job of wrecking China. China’s economy didn’t improve until after Mao was gone.


          • #
            Greg in NZ

            I was one of many who, after Premier Deng ‘opened up’ China to individual travellers, headed over there in 1986, primarily to go to Tibet (the most foreign, faraway, intriguing place for a kid who’d grown up in the backwaters of little old isolated NZ).

            What astounded me was the YUGE murals EVERYWHERE of three old, bearded or bald, gweilo/foreign devil white men – Marx, Engels and Lenin – staring out over the horde of Mao suit-wearing, bicycle-riding, Sino/Chinese peasants and city-folk. Incongruous, to say the least. And truth be told, most people appeared oblivious to them.

            Tibet, and Lhasa and other small towns, on the other hand, had none of that visual propaganda time-warp nonsense: just mountains and snow and amazing people and monasteries and more mountains. Om Mani Padme Hum 🙂


            • #

              murals EVERYWHERE of three old, bearded or bald, gweilo/foreign devil white men.. They have now gone.


              • #
                Greg in NZ

                1986 was the turning, the end of an era, punctuated by 1989’s T. Square massa-(which did not happen as all young Chinese know not). The murals would’ve been gone by the early 90s I’m sure, replaced by ads for TVs and beauty products and cars and phones. Kissinger’s Plan in action, ya think?


      • #

        Chinese believe in one thing only: money. The largest coal company in the world is the state-owned Shenhua Group in China. In fact its the fifth largest mining company overall globally. Only BHP, Rio, Vale, and Glencore are bigger. Shenhua alone mines as much coal in China each year as is mined in all of Australia.

        No surprise that they also produce mucho electricity, using, what else, coal.


        • #

          … and the rest of the world burning coal is competition for that resource so the rest of the world has to be stopped (from burning coal) …


    • #

      Could you imagine the Chinese kids holding an unsanctioned protest on its Republics inaction on Climate? it’d be tanks but no tanks.

      Breaking news, China has found its own Greta Thunberg, 12 yer old Wei Di Soon claims she can see CO2 in the air, when asked what the molecules looks like she responded “I don’t know, they all look the same”


    • #

      She goes red in the face thinking about it.


  • #

    Now if we could only find a normal, smart young kid, not subjected to the propaganda from the Teachers Federation, probably home schooled, who understands the science….


  • #

    Next the alarmists (aka terrorists) will bring out trained parrots screaming out “CLIMATE EMERGENCY”.


  • #

    In my universe, “adult politics” is governed by logos. I’ve repeatedly pointed out to green activists that Greta is a useful pawn who’s been fed propaganda by know-nothing adults. None of them can explain how we will be able to meet current energy needs, much less the energy needs projected in decades to come, without fossil fuels and massive investment in nuclear.

    When presented with hard evidence, with the nuts-and-bolts of “show me how this will be done, how much it will cost, and what effect it will have on the global economy” invariably they cower and turn away with their proverbial tail between their legs.

    Thus, logos > pathos …. for the win.


    • #

      Spot on. The problem though is PM Morrison has a very long tail and keeps wagging it. It really is time he came out and called the whole CAGW for what it is; a scam of massive proportions, or at least come out and say we must join much of the rest of the world and start building coal and/or nuclear power stations to shore up our base load generation. Instead he keeps avoiding the very issue he won the election on, namely that we need to reduce power prices by using more base load generation systems and not rely so much on renewables. Since the election all he has done is boasting how we will meet or exceed the reduction targets for our emissions. Really? What if we don’t? He then falls flat on his face with his long tail strangling his neck.


  • #
  • #
  • #

    And from the We Don’t Have Time Foundation . . . . . . in 2018 . . . . .

    We Don’t Have Time


    • #

      Prof Jordan Peterson, good for a laugh.
      I would guess he is saying ‘maybe’ but knows the reality if it is true we cant do anything. He totally rubbished renewable energy too.
      good work.


      • #


        One of my favourite Jordan Peterson moments.

        I wonder if the kid learned anything from that experience.


      • #

        I pull many JBP clips up at about 6 week intervals for a sort of reinforcement. That one is a fave. The kid who asked the longwinded question was clearly looking to appear intelligent. and maybe he will be someday, but JBP made him a rabbit in his headlights, without malice, without being demeaning, but by putting his case in a totally rational way.


  • #

    “then politicians have to sit up and take notice.” I dont think so. They will listen politely then look at the polls.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Or look at their itinerary for their next taxpayer-funded junket: ooh look, Santiago in Chile just before Christmas. Where do I sign?


  • #
    Steve of Cornubia

    This is precisely what I said several weeks ago, on another blog, where I likened Greta to the children used as human shields by terrorists in Syria. I went on to add that this is likely to end badly for the child who, having been built up to expect a grand future as some kind of world leader by her handlers, will be discarded as soon if the media lose interest in her.


  • #
    robert rosicka

    Just seen a good Greta meme on faceache , eight photos of kids being exploited for child labour and some in horrendous conditions plus one photo of Greta at the UN .
    The caption reads which child has had their life and dreams stolen .


    • #

      Greta: “You’ve stolen our dreams..”

      Good. With any luck since that fog of ignorance is lifted her and her ilk can concentrate on reality for a change. But I’m wishing too hard, they’re Millennials after all.


  • #
    David Wojick

    Here is an advance copy of a fun article I just submitted:

    Is climate alarmism tearing itself apart?

    By David Wojick

    First it was AOC and the Sunrise Movement versus Pelosi and the moderate Democrats in Congress. Now it is Greta Thunberg and the so-called youth movement versus the UN and the world’s major governments. Between the moderates in power and the new radicals, climate alarmism has split wide open. This has to hurt the cause, which is a good thing indeed.

    The global split happened with elegant quickness. On Friday a million or more climate extremists marched around the world. On Monday, at UN headquarters, Greta Thunberg denounced the major world governments to their faces, while they dutifully explained that they had no new ambitions. The contrast between radicals and moderates was hilarious, and telling.

    The problem for the alarmists is enormous. The new radicals are making demands that are impossible, not just politically but technologically. Complete decarbonisation of the global economic system by 2030, for example.

    To make matters worse, the radical climate alarmists have been joined by the social justice warriors, creating the nonsensical goal of climate justice. There has always been a vague undercurrent of this in UN climate deliberations, but now social justice is front and center, vying with decarbonisation in the goal department.

    The moderates are trying to press on but their efforts are being denounced by the extremists. Germany just wrought, with great political difficulty, what the moderates consider a bold new climate action plan. It was immediately denounced as trivial by the extremists. Realism is verboten.

    How is the alarmist establishment to handle this schism? At this point their biggest enemy is not the skeptics; it is the extremists. Fighting on two fronts is politically damaging at best.

    But it remains to be seen just how enduring and active the radical wing really is. Greta, AOC and the big rallies may just be a green flash in the pan. In fact AOC seems to have faded from view already.

    Perhaps the next big test will be the upcoming UN Climate Summit in Chile, beginning late November. Unlike Monday’s no action one-day Climate Summit, the Chile meeting is the real deal, the annual formal negotiations under the Paris Accord. These annual meetings are each called a Conference of the Parties (to the UN global climate change treaty) or COP. They routinely draw 20,000 negotiating delegates, from almost 200 countries, and last well over a week.

    By coincidence this will be an especially humdrum COP and Chile is far away from the centers of extremism. The 2018 COP was a biggie, because it worked out the detailed rules for the Paris Agreement. The 2020 COP will be a monster for two reasons. First, all the governments are supposed to come up with new, Soviet style, 5 year plans, with greater ambition than their first plan. Second, a mythical $100 billion a year is supposed to start flowing from the developed countries, like America, to the developing countries, including China. Moderate alarmism might even collapse under these twin pressures.

    But in Chile this year there are no big issues on the table, just a lot of detail work. So the big question is will the new radical wave rise up in the wake of the 2018 COP? If not then they might lose momentum.

    Or they might save their collective strength for the U.S. Presidential race and the 2020 COP. I imagine the radical leaders are already discussing these options, or as soon as they finish partying.

    In this context one interesting possibility is that the radicals will support a third party green candidate in the U.S. presidential election, as well as green challengers to moderate Democrat incumbents (as AOC did). I can easily imagine Bernie Sanders running for president as an independent, if he fails to get the Democrat nomination, which is likely.

    If the radicals bolt the Democratic Party and split the liberal tickets it will be very good news for the President Trump and Republicans. This is the potential upside to the new green extremism.

    As things stand now the climate alarmist movement is coming apart at the seams. I say let her rip.


    • #

      These annual meetings are each called a Conference of the Parties (to the UN global climate change treaty) or COP. They routinely draw 20,000 negotiating delegates, from almost 200 countries, and last well over a week.

      Yep.. And they all arrive thanks to fossil fuel. Let the hypocrites walk, dragging their suitcases and entourage behind them.


    • #

      Dangerous times.


  • #
    Peter Fitzroy

    Always a problem when the warm up act gets better coverage than the event’s main story. Seriously, Greta although well intentioned and passionate stole the headlines away from the two most important topics discussed at the conference, ie that the last 5 years were the warmest, and the rate of change is moving faster than was originally predicted. Like David Attenborough, the story is swamped by the personality. Otherwise I agree with everything she is doing, including a strike about air travel. Mind you she has just been awarded a cool 270,000 dollar prize, so protesting in this way has been good for her


    • #
      David Wojick

      The satellites show no rate of change for the last 18 years and all of the modest warming since records began in 1978 has been coincident with the giant El Niño. If the surface is warming steadily, which I doubt, it cannot be due to increasing atmospheric CO2 because there is no corresponding atmospheric warming.


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        Warming or Giant El Nino? No rate of change. You can’t have both


        • #

          Oh ye, of little comprehension

          El Ninos cannot be because of CO2

          Mistakes a step change for a trend, even when there is ZERO TREND otherwise.

          There is no CO2 warming signal in the atmospheric temperatures.. period. !!

          You have FAILED massively, yet again, PF.


        • #

          Peter Fitzroy,
          As usual you state an erroneous decision has to be made. Either a or B when in essence the truth about how, and why the climate changes is not completely known.

          However it’s become more probable that CO2 has NOTHING to do with the change that have happen over the last few thousand years, if ever.

          Yet again a scientist show that CO2 molecules are ineffectual at warming the atmosphere —
          Determination of Mean Free Path of Quantum/Waves and Total Emissivity of Carbon Dioxide Considering its Molecular Cross Section.
          By Nasif Nahle
          University Professor, Scientist, Scientific Research Director at Biology Cabinet©
          Monterrey, N. L., Mexico.

          This article was updated on April 8, 2011. This article has been Peer Reviewed by the Faculty of Physics of the University of Nuevo Leon, Mexico.


          The results obtained by experimentation coincide with the results obtained by applying astrophysics formulas. Therefore, both methodologies are reliable to calculate the total emissivity/absorptivity of any gas of any planetary atmosphere.

          At an average density, the atmospheric water vapor allows quantum/waves to cross the troposphere to the tropopause in 0.0245 s, i.e. 2.45 cs (centiseconds). By comparing the ability of water vapor to avoid that quantum/waves escape towards the outer space (0.5831 s) with the ability of CO2 (0.0049 s), I can affirm that the role of CO2 on warming the atmosphere or the surface is not possible according to Physics Laws.

          The water vapor is five times more efficient on intercepting quantum/waves than the carbon dioxide. Therefore, the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere works like a coolant of the atmospheric water vapor.

          By considering also that the carbon dioxide has by far a lower total emissivity than the water vapor I conclude that the carbon dioxide has not an effect on climate changes or warming periods on the Earth.

          The low thermal diffusivity of carbon dioxide makes of it to be an inefficient substance to adjust its temperature to the temperature of its surroundings. Consequently, the carbon dioxide can never reach the thermal equilibrium with respect to the remainder molecules of the air.


        • #
          David Wojick

          You have not grasped my simple scientific point, PF. It is explained here:


          • #

            David, One way of estimating the trend of an aperiodic graph it to take the midpoint of each completed downward and upward leg.

            If you do this with RSS pre the 1998 El Nino you get this..

            As you say, just calculating the linear trend is mathematically inept, because it will depend heavily on the where on the cycles you start and finish.

            That page you linked is a nice way of saying what I have been saying for decades.

            There is no CO2 warming signal in the atmospheric temperatures.. period. !!

            There is also no CO2 warming signal in sea level rise, or anywhere else.


    • #

      Mind you she has just been awarded a cool 270,000 dollar prize, so protesting in this way has been good for her

      So lying for income is a “good” thing..? No wonder she got into politics. You have serious delusions about reality and what’s important.


    • #
      el gordo

      ‘ … that the last 5 years were the warmest, and the rate of change is moving faster than was originally predicted.’

      Objection, show me your graphs and I’ll show you mine.


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        Original documents are here:
        News releases are here:

        Hope that answers your question


        • #

          No, PF FAILS yet again. !!

          first link is to a batch of UNFCCC propaganda papers.. Which one and where PF.

          Second link.. cannot reach page

          Gee, you are INCOMPETANT, PF !!


          • #
            • #

              Been through those before, stop posting garbage links.,PF

              FAILED on all 4 links.

              Models, model, models and baseless AGW junk-science propaganda …. in that order.

              Batting a big fat ZERO still PF


            • #

              Peter Fitzroy,

              There is NO REALITY in any of your links (I didn’t look at your theconversation·com link as that site is a crock of pre-fossilized coprolith that makes ).
              😆 Hahahahaha! 😆 You made me chuckle though. 🙂 What a failure!
              All of your references are about models. Nothing about the reality of our climate, all estimate, assumptions, and supposition, nothing but pseudoscience and virtual reality.
              The first reference of yours is so historically early (July 1998) their models don’t include any references to CMIP models.

              Watch out the next time you accuse me of quoting out of date literature.
              Kevin Trenberth email to Micheal Mann on Mon, 12 Oct 2009 and copied to most of the leading academics —

              The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate. (emphasis mine)

              And that is still as true today as it was 10 years ago!


              • #
                Peter Fitzroy

                Then give me your links to similar articles which support your position. Don’t give me your arm waving. Facts please.


              • #

                You can’t handle the facts PF

                You have never had any of your own and you wouldn’t even know what they even looked like.

                NONE of your links support your position, they are just models, so not evidence of anything

                You can’t even tell us what has actually changed with the global climate over the last 40 years, that can be scientifically linked to human activity

                The only assumption we can make its that THERE HASN’T BEEN ANY !!

                And you keep proving that assumption correct.


              • #

                Peter Fitzroy
                I’m playing your game, attributions from authority, or is it you don’t like that authority, or maybe dispute its veracity?

                Science is not about ‘facts’ since is a process for getting as close to truth as possible. In recorded science there are truths, half truths, untruths and downright lies. Being able to intelligently negotiate through them takes effort not dogma.


              • #

                You want all of these so going to have them Peter Fitzroy!

                Conventional theory of global warming states that heating of atmosphere occurs as a result of accumulation of CO2 and CH4 in atmosphere. The writers show that rising concentration of CO2should result in the cooling of climate. The methane accumulation has no essential effect on the Earth’s climate. Even significant releases of the anthropogenic carbon dioxide into the atmosphere do not change average parameters of the Earth’s heat regime and the atmospheric greenhouse effect. Moreover, CO2 concentration increase in the atmosphere results in rising agricultural productivity and improves the conditions for reforestation. Thus, accumulation of small additional amounts of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere as a result of anthropogenic activities has practically no effect on the Earth’s climate.

                Says Chillingar, in his peer reviewed 2009 paper. []


              • #

                Peter Fitroy has no answers to those seeking the truth, his dogma profoundly limits his ability to reason.

                How about this one Peter —

                The planetary radiation balance plays a prominent role in quantifying the effect of the terrestrial atmosphere (spuriously called the atmospheric greenhouse effect). Based on this planetary radiation balance, the effective radiation temperature of the Earth in the absence of its atmosphere of Te ≅ 255 K is estimated. This temperature value is subtracted from the globally averaged near-surface temperature of about ⟨Tns⟩ ≅ 288 K resulting in ⟨Tns⟩ − Te ≅ 33 K. This temperature difference commonly serves to quantify the atmospheric effect. The temperature difference is said to be bridged by optically active gaseous gases, namely H2O (20.6 K); CO2 (7.2 K); N2O (1.4 K);CH4 (0.8 K); O3 (2.4 K); NH3+freons+NO2+CCl4+O2+N2NH3+freons+NO2+CCl4+O2+N2 (0.8 K) (e.g. Kondratyev and Moskalenko, 1984).
                (Equation 1.4) [the 288 K – 255 K = 33 K so-called greenhouse effect] is based on physically irrelevant assumptions and its results considerably disagree with observations. Consequently, the difference of ΔTae ≅ 33 K [the alleged planetary temperature difference with the greenhouse effect] lacks adequate physical meaning as do any contributions from optically active gaseous components calculated thereby.

                Kramm et al., 2017 []


              • #

                So Peter Fitzroy, do you want more?
                I only have a few thousand I can reference and have read over the years.

                How are you doing Peter? Are you understanding ‘the science’ yet. Science is never settled science moves on (at a slow pace) and we’ve move on from Arrhenius 1906 final paper on the subject. Arrhenius was ideas were washed-up before he expired.
                According to Weart (2003), Flannery (2005) and Archer (2009), the “Greenhouse Effect” originates with Fourier. However, the point of republishing Fourier (1824) and Fourier (1827) is so that you can see for yourself, that the cornerstone of the “Greenhouse Effect”, namely the backradiation mechanism speculated by Pouillet, is not even alluded to by Fourier, who maintained that closed spaces such as hotboxes (and by extension greenhouses) retained their heat by cutting off circulation with the cooler atmosphere. I am not the first author to discover this by reading Fourier’s work for myself (Fleming, 1999; Gerlich & Tscheuschner, 2007; Gerlich & Tscheuschner, 2009), and one may be tempted to ask why authors continue to propagate the misinformation that Fourier fathered the “Greenhouse Effect” when it is clear from his own pen that he did not. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Fourier is historically misquoted and misrepresented with respect to the “Greenhouse Effect”. Citing Fourier (1827), Arrhenius claimed:

                Fourier maintained that the atmosphere acts like the glass of a hothouse, because it lets through the light rays of the sun but retains the dark rays from the ground.

                Arrhenius (1896, p. 237)

                Fourier (1824, p. 154) and Fourier (1827, p. 586) pointed out that a hotbox works by preventing the replenishment of warm air with cooler air, which is a natural atmospheric process that later came to be known as convection. Moreover, this mechanism is enhanced by the poor thermal concuctivity of the materials from which the hotbox is constructed to slow the conduction of heat into the atmosphere. It is not hard to see why Fourier’s dissertation completely contradicts Arrhenius’ claim when we consider the fact that Fourier was subsequently forced to invoke an impossible hypothetical in order to relate the atmosphere to De Saussure’s experimental apparatus:

                In short, if all the strata of air of which the atmosphere is formed, preserved their density with their transparency, and lost only the mobility which is peculiar to them, this mass of air, thus become solid, on being exposed to the rays of the sun, would produce an effect the same in kind with that we have just described.

                Fourier (1824, p. 155)
                Fourier (1827, p. 586)

                Fourier, in fact, was using the applicability of his calculus to De Saussure’s (1779) results in an attempt to extend the scope of his method to include the calculation of atmospheric temperature. In this endeavour, Fourier focuses on the key difference between the mechanisms governing temperature in a hotbox, and those governing temperature in the atmosphere. In doing so, Fourier goes on suggest that what we now call convection only affects the magnitude of net heat flow or thermal conduction. Nevertheless, Fourier is misquoted by Tyndall who made the following claim:

                Hence the differential action, as regards the heat coming from the sun to the earth and that radiated from the earth into space, is vastly augmented by the aqueous vapour of the atmosphere. De Saussure, Fourier, M. Pouillet, and Mr. Hopkins regard this interception of terrestrial rays as exercising the most important influence on climate.

                Tyndall (1861, pp. 276-277)
                Although it looks similar and may well have inspired Tyndall, what Fourier said was actually quite different:

                The heat of the sun, coming in the form of light, possesses the property of penetrating transparent solids or liquids, and loses this property entirely, when by communication with terrestrial bodies, it is turned into heat radiating without light.

                Fourier (1824, p. 140)
                Fourier (1827, p. 573)
                According to Fourier, above, non-luminous heat cannot be transmitted back to space through the atmosphere because it has “lost entirely” this property of luminous heat to “penetrate” the atmosphere. As we have seen, Fourier considers the motion of the atmosphere to be the primary vector for the dissipation of the dark heat back into space. Moreover, he is discussing net heat transfer, namely thermal conduction, and not just radiation. In this case, Fourier continues with, “This distinction of luminous and non-luminous heat, explains the elevation of temperature caused by transparent bodies.” This explanation, in the context of Fourier’s discussion of net heat flow through the atmosphere by thermal conduction, is obviously referring to heat concentration via transparent insulation (dubbed, “the Blanket Effect” by Abbot, 1909, p. 35), as opposed to Tyndall’s differential radiation mechanism. Fourier goes on to clarify this by consistently specifying the primary importance of convective processes, with the insulating properties of transparent materials noted as only of secondary importance:

                The theory of the instrument is easily understood. It is sufficient to remark, 1st, that the acquired heat is concentrated, because it is not dissipated immediately by renewing the air; 2nd, that the heat of the sun, has properties different from those of heat without light.

                The mobility of the air, which is rapidly displaced in every direction, and which rises when heated, and the radiation of non-luminous heat into the air, diminish the intensity of the effects which would take place in a transparent and solid atmosphere

                Fourier (1824, pp. 154, 155)
                Fourier (1827, p. 586)
                As you can see, Fourier regards convection as the most important influence on atmospheric temperature, other than the three sources of heat he lists at the outset. Moreover, Fourier only addresses radiation independently of net heat transfer in the context of saying that, at the time, we did not know enough to say anything:

                We might, doubtless, suppose radiating heat to possess properties hitherto unknown, which might, in some way, take the form of this fundamental temperature, which we attribute to space. But in the present state of physical science, all known facts are naturally explained without having recourse to other properties than those derived from actual observation.

                Fourier (1824, p. 164)
                Fourier (1827, p. 598)
                The supposition of the time was that light was propagated as waves through the luminiferous aether, which Fourier very carefully avoided mentioning and, moreover, seems to have made the prophetic suggestion that we may yet have something to learn about the propagation of light and heat through space.

                … (there is much more, originally from but is sadly no longer maintained, and also my own studies from historical books and papers from the era.)

                So Mr. Fitzroy get your history books out and look at the history of your error-filled dogma to understand its basic untruth.


            • #

              Kauppinen and Malmi, 2019 (2X CO2 = ~0.24°C, human contribution 0.01°C/century)
              Where they say —

              The IPCC climate sensitivity is about one order of magnitude too high, because a strong negative feedback of the clouds is missing in climate models. If we pay attention to the fact that only a small part of the increased CO2 concentration is anthropogenic, we have to recognize that the anthropogenic climate change does not exist in practice. The major part of the extra CO2 is emitted from oceans [6], according to Henry‘s law. The low clouds practically control the global average temperature. During the last hundred years the temperature is increased about 0.1°C because of CO2. The human contribution was about 0.01°C. … We have proven that the GCM-models used in IPCC report AR5 cannot compute correctly the natural component included in the observed global temperature. The reason is that the models fail to derive the influences of low cloud cover fraction on the global temperature. A too small natural component results in a too large portion for the contribution of the greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide. That is why IPCC represents the climate sensitivity more than one order of magnitude larger than our sensitivity 0.24°C. Because the anthropogenic portion in the increased CO2 is less than 10 %, we have practically no anthropogenic climate change. The low clouds control mainly the global temperature.


            • #

              Holmes, 2018 Doubling of Atmospheric CO2 does not raise temperatures, (2XCO2 = -0.03°C)

              Calculate for a doubling of CO2 from the pre-industrial level of 0.03% [300 ppm]: [formula found in text] Calculated temperature after doubling of CO2 to 0.06% [600 ppm] ≈ 288.11 K. Climate sensitivity to CO2 is ≈ 288.14 – 288.11 ≈ – 0.03 K.
              The change would in fact be extremely small and difficult to estimate exactly, but would be of the order -0.03°C. That is, a hundred times smaller than the ‘likely’ climate sensitivity of 3°C cited in the IPCC’s reports, and also probably of the opposite sign [cooling]. Even that small number would likely be a maximum change, since if fossil fuels are burned to create the emitted CO2, then atmospheric O2 will also be consumed, reducing that gas in the atmosphere – and offsetting any temperature change generated by the extra CO2. This climate sensitivity is already so low that it would be impossible to detect or measure in the real atmosphere, even before any allowance is made for the consumption of atmospheric O2.


            • #

              Global Air–Sea Fluxes of Heat, Fresh Water, and Momentum: Energy Budget Closure and Unanswered Questions … by Lisan Yu
              Department of Physical Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, Massachusetts 02543, USA;
              Published: Annual Review of Marine Science — Vol. 11:227-248 (Volume publication date January 2019)


              The ocean interacts with the atmosphere via interfacial exchanges of momentum, heat (via radiation and convection), and fresh water (via evaporation and precipitation). These fluxes, or exchanges, constitute the ocean-surface energy and water budgets and define the ocean’s role in Earth’s climate and its variability on both short and long timescales. However, direct flux measurements are available only at limited locations. Air–sea fluxes are commonly estimated from bulk flux parameterization using flux-related near-surface meteorological variables (winds, sea and air temperatures, and humidity) that are available from buoys, ships, satellite remote sensing, numerical weather prediction models, and/or a combination of any of these sources. Uncertainties in parameterization-based flux estimates are large, and when they are integrated over the ocean basins, they cause a large imbalance in the global-ocean budgets. Despite the significant progress that has been made in quantifying surface fluxes in the past 30 years, achieving a global closure of ocean-surface energy and water budgets remains a challenge for flux products constructed from all data sources. This review provides a personal perspective on three questions: First, to what extent can time-series measurements from air–sea buoys be used as benchmarks for accuracy and reliability in the context of the budget closures? Second, what is the dominant source of uncertainties for surface flux products, the flux-related variables or the bulk flux algorithms? And third, given the coupling between the energy and water cycles, precipitation and surface radiation can act as twin budget constraints—are the community-standard precipitation and surface radiation products pairwise compatible?


            • #

              And on your modeled nonsense there’s this —

              Li et al., 2019

              Global warming “stalled” or “paused” for the period 1998–2012, as claimed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) (IPCC, 2013). However, the early drafts of IPCC AR5 have no detailed explanation for this “hiatus” since 111 of 114 climate models in the CMIP5 earth system model did not verify this phenomenon. … In 2017, after a wave of scientific publications and public debate, the climate models as reported in IPCC remain debates, including definitions of “hiatus” and datasets (Medhaug et al., 2017)…. The slowdown in global warming since 1998, often termed the global warming hiatus. Reconciling the “hiatus” is a main focus in the 2013 climate change conference. Accurately characterizing the spatiotemporal trends in surface air temperature (SAT) is helps to better understand the “hiatus” during the period. This article presents a satellite-based regional warming simulation to diagnose the “hiatus” for 2001–2015 in China. Results show that the rapid warming is mainly in western and southern China, such as Yunnan (mean ± standard deviation: 0.39 ± 0.26 °C (10 yr)−1 ), Tibet (0.22 ± 0.25 °C (10 yr)−1), Taiwan (0.21 ± 0.25 °C (10 yr)−1), and Sichuan (0.19± 0.25 °C (10 yr)−1). On the contrary, there is a cooling trend by 0.29 ± 0.26 °C (10 yr)−1 in northern China during the recent 15 yr, where a warming rate about 0.38 ± 0.11 °C (10 yr)−1 happened for 1960–2000. Overall, satellite simulation shows that the warming rate is reduced to −0.02 °C (10 yr)−1. The changes in underlying surface, Earth’s orbit, solar radiation and atmospheric counter radiation (USEOSRACR) cause China’s temperature rise about 0.02 °C (10 yr)−1. A combination of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and other natural forcing (ONAT, predominately volcanic activity, and atmosphere and ocean circulation) explain another part of temperature trend by approximately −0.04 °C (10 yr)−1. We conclude that there is a regional warming hiatus, a pause or a slowdown in China, and imply that GHGs-induced warming is suppressed by ONAT in the early 21st century.

              No wonder the Chinese are not bothered about ‘Global Warming’ aka UN-IPCC’s Climate change™’, their research shows it as nonsense.


            • #
              Mary E

              The “science” of human-enhanced warming via CO2 inflation is bunk and junk. Circular reasoning. Over-simplification of a system so large and chaotic there is no way, with current knowledge and technology, to even measure what little we know about, much less everything required to come close to understanding how it all works well enough to say “In 10 years time” much less “In 100 years time.”

              And take the “IQ” in this article, replace it with “AGW” and Bob’s yer uncle.


        • #
          Peter Fitzroy

          Can I see your graphs now, el gordo?


          • #

            Your links are EMPTY or nebulous and therefore irrelevant.

            You have produce no graphs, PF.


            Can we see your empirical evidence for warming by atmospheric CO2, PF ?

            Or maybe a list of what has changed in the global climate in the last 40 years that can be scientifically linked to human released CO2 ?

            You are batting ZERO still, PF.. a big fat NULL. !!!


          • #
            el gordo

            Fitz, words are useless and won’t convince anyone, whereas a quiet sun is eye catching and should be greatly feared.


            Do you think we have only 12 years left on this planet?


        • #

          UN sutainable development means one thing (they even admit it) WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION. You (us) cant have it, and we are giving it away as long as you (them) sign here to NOT produce any more plant food..So that they (poor countries) arent allowed to have any nasty coal or oil as fuel.


        • #

          Peter Fitzroy,

          Quoting Un-IPCC? Reality say otherwise …
          If we go with idea that the pre-industrial level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was about as low as 300 ppm. And if the heating effect was a linear relationship , and each 100 ppm contributes about 1°C additional warming. With the atmospheric concentration rising by about 2 ppm annually, it would go up by 100 ppm every 50 years and the planet would fry as per the IPCC predictions.
          But the relationship isn’t linear, it is logarithmic.
          It’s a law of diminishing returns …
          Thus the first 20 ppm CO2 increase accounts for over half of the heating effect to the pre-industrial level of 280 ppm, and as atmospheric carbon dioxide increases over time it becomes increasingly less effective as a ‘greenhouse gas™’.
          See this graph prepared by David Archibald HERE

          Note that in reality it took nearly 200years to rise the 100ppm from the (fictional) pre-industrial 280ppm to 380ppm atmospheric CO2, and by that time the sun’s irradiance had already started to warm the planet out of it’s Little Ice Age. See here for the solar irradiance graph.


          • #
            Peter Fitzroy

            linear? no one is saying that.


            • #

              You aren’t saying anything.

              You are posting irrelevant links and garbage propaganda.

              You have made it very clear that YOU believe that there has been NO HUMAN CAUSED GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE in the last 40 year


            • #

              As Kevin Trenberth email to Micheal Mann on Mon, 12 Oct 2009 and copied to most of the leading academics –

              The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t. The CERES data published in the August BAMS 09 supplement on 2008 shows there should be even more warming: but the data are surely wrong. Our observing system is inadequate. (emphasis mine)

              And that is still as true today as it was 10 years ago!


            • #

              Peter Fitzroy,

              And all you have is modeled nonsense and appeals to authority.

              You have NO verified observations to back up that IPCC’s nonsense (which relies on M. Mann phraudulent shaking of a pseud’s hockey stick). Yes those IPCC claims that you so often cite.

              Seas level rise refuses to accelerate, the oceans are still alkaline; hurricanes; cyclones and storms have not deviated from their historic norms in either number or intensity; the poles are still frozen; high mountains still have glaciers on them; the CO2 level is still naturally rising as temperatures across the world do not.
              Nature controls the climate, NOT US. How nature fully controls the climate is AN UNKNOWN.
              We’ve had 20 years of no appreciable warming and yet the propagandists wish to use the terror tactics (of overstating dubious claims of global overheating and mass extinctions) on children to have their way.

              Admit it Peter Fitzroy your much quoted UN-IPCC is a busted flush, a corrupt and corrupting cabal of avaricious left-wing politicians pumping out pseudoscience.
              No Peter Fitzroy CO2 does not govern the ‘global temperature’ (another meaningless phrase) all it does is help to green the planet.

              As NASA recently admitted sun’s activity is declining and with it the world will cool.
              Only a deranged cAGW advocate could possibly believe that CO2 warming can save us from a much cooler future.


            • #

              The IPCC implies it often in their claims…

              As nations around the world prepare to sign a global climate treaty in Paris this December at the United Nations Conference of the Parties (COP21), the U.N.’s climate chief has said that the world is still on track for dangerous warming.

              Most leaders and scientists have agreed that limiting the global average temperature rise to 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 Fahrenheit) over the next century could yet ward off the worst effects of climate change. But the world remains on a trajectory to experience an increase of 3 C (5.4 F) — even if the national emission reduction pledges to be codified in the Paris treaty are implemented — said Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change.

              [As reported by AP, BBC, Aljazeera, CNN, ABC, and so many others — words varied slightly meaning did not.]
              For Christiana Figueres, executive secretary of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change, figures to make sense then a linear relationship is what is implied.

              But then again as a communist for Christiana Figueres truth is irrelevant. It is this kind of anti-factual nonsense that is quoted to the children to terrify them.


            • #

              No Peter Fitzroy, quite a few say CO2 is irrelevant as the climate control gas …
              As Reinhart et al point out in their 2017 paper,

              V. Conclusion

              Our results permit to conclude that CO2 is a very weak greenhouse gas and cannot be accepted as the main driver of climate change. The observed temperature increase since pre-industrial times is close to an order of magnitude higher than that attributable to CO2 . We find that the increase of CO2 only might become dangerous, if the concentrations are considerably greater than 4000 ppm. At present rates of increase this would take more than 200 years. Therefore, demands for sequestering CO 2 are unjustified and trading of CO2 certificates is an economic absurdity. The climate change must have a very different origin and the scientific community must look for causes of climate change that can be solidly based on physics and chemistry …


    • #

      ” and the rate of change is moving faster than was originally predicted.”

      Total and absolute RUBBISH, as always

      There has been NO CHANGE apart from El Ninos in the last 40 years

      There is no evidence of any human impact on the global climate.


      • #
        robert rosicka

        But Andy there is evidence !

        Models suggest
        90 odd percent of scientists agree
        It’s the vibe of the thing .


    • #
      Peter Fitzroy

      So, the point stands, rather than face the science, everyone is criticizing a 16 year old for being brave. If your daughter, sister, partner were to take a stance, say in support of coal, and take the same actions, what would be your reaction?



      • #

        “rather than face the science”

        Which YOU refuse to do, being totally unable to produce any, and totally ignoring any that is put in front of you.

        Your comments are getting more and more EMPTY by the day, PF

        You produce nothing but avoid.

        So DISGUSTING that you condone the USE of a child in this way. Just SICK !!!


      • #

        “what would be your reaction?”

        again the strawman hypothesis.

        You are a JOKE, PF.

        I’d tell him/her to get back to school and stop getting ahead of his/her abilities and knowledge.

        Which is exactly what YOU should do, PF.


      • #

        Science is NOT a thing Peter Fitzroy, stop behaving like it is.


  • #
    A Crooks

    Much as I dont particularly like Scott Morrison – I thought he was very clever. He actually provided parents with the counter argument they are going to need when their own children go ballistic. I think it will win him quite a few followers.


  • #

    All done before, look up Severn Cullis-Suzuki. They think we are as thick as they are


  • #

    It will be interesting to see how popular the name “Greta” is over the next few years with new-born parents.
    This could be the real test for a virtue-signalling parent verses a truely committed Greenie.
    “Look, I’m so serious that I named my first-born after the CC messiah.”
    But wait, aren’t some names banned by registering authorities because they are deemed unfit? eg Nutella.


  • #
    Rocket Rod

    Oh dear.. Greta in an Antifa tshirt.
    I borrowed it from a friend she says.
    And the picture of you and your parents all wearing them???
    Game over for Greta methinks.


    • #

      yeah. Let it be a lesson to anyone else, young or old, about speaking out about any problem in the world. First you’ll be attacked in every way possible by people with vested interests and second if you are not perfect it is game over.


      • #
        el gordo

        CO2 is not a problem, even though Greta and the Pope think it is.


        • #

          Did someone flick your random comment DIN switch to 1?


          • #
            Bill in Oz

            Not for EG..
            But for you GA.
            YES !


          • #

            Poor GA, have you recovered yet ??

            No evidence that CO2 is anything but totally beneficial at any possible increased level in the atmosphere.

            Increasing atmospheric CO2 is great news for ALL LIFE ON EARTH…

            The real problems will start if it ever starts to decrease.

            Dropping back down to 350ppm or less would be very damaging to food production.

            If ignorance was bliss, you would be the happiest little cherub on the planet,

            … hand in hand with little PF, skipping into the sunset.


      • #

        Gee Aye,
        The only ‘vested’ interests here are Greta and her indoctrinating parents in ‘Antifa’ vests.


    • #
      David Wojick

      I would think many of her followers are Antifa.


    • #

      Antifa’s producers will even throw in some right wing stormers with blazing torches. Both sides might have to use the same bus to events, but that only helps to coordinate the performance.

      What could be more thoroughly corporate, cashed-up and spook-backed than Antifa? Oh, I guess that would be the Thunberg travelling show.

      How much is real about Antifa, Richard Spencer’s right wing stormers and the Thunberg travelling show?

      Nothing. None of it is real. Reality is too untidy and off script. They are rubbing our noses in their media slop, seeing how comical they can afford to make it. They are testing what level of absurd can be reached before the public finally retches. So far, to our shame, we are still swallowing.


  • #

    This young person is a third-generation actor and has been obviously well-schooled in delivering dramatic lines that have been carefully written for her.


  • #

    well, well, well. what has happened to the BBC?

    compare with the US$100-trillion-plus cost of the RE mob’s solution. full program, plus BBC are playing a short version on other programs.

    two thirds of the CO2 in the atmosphere will be removed. 30 US cents a tree – $300 billion could be enough to restrict global temperature rises. ignore the Bolsonaro insults.

    AUDIO: 18min5sec: 26 Sept: BBC Business Daily: Ed Butler: Climate Action: Should we plant more trees?
    Ed Butler speaks to Professor Tom Crowther from the Swiss university ETH Zurich, who says planting billions of trees around the world is by far the biggest and cheapest way to tackle climate change. Marcelo Guimaraes, chairman of Mahogany Roraima, a commercial timber and reforestation plantation in the northern Amazon rainforest, discusses how that would work in practice.


    • #

      should have added the segment ends at 17min26sec.


    • #

      “… two thirds of the CO2 in the atmosphere will be removed.”

      They do realise that that would actually be at or below starvation level for plant life, don’t they?

      Gee, I wonder who’s thinking of “destroying the planet”?


    • #

      “who says planting billions of trees around the world is by far the biggest and cheapest way to tackle climate change”

      I remember a guy called Tony Abbott who was going to do that.

      He got removed because he thought “climate change” was crap.


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    my contribution to the laughs:

    23 Sept: Youtube: 2min06sec: Greta Thunberg is being exploited! I’m not taking advice from a child!
    by Terrence K. Williams
    Why is she not at school? Why do her parents have her in a Antifa Shirt ?
    Libs say we shouldn’t speak about her but they bashed the innocent covington kids.


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    Born in the 21st century, wise Greta does not know a world without the internet, smart phones, GPS, CPUs, Google, language translators, computer graphics, satellites, electric cars and world wide credit. For her microwave ovens, jet travel, space age materials, nuclear power, antibiotics, refrigerators and the human genome are old things from the past. She has no idea none of this would have happened without coal and oil on which we are still utterly dependent.

    In her world there is nothing man cannot do easily. Just dump the dirty coal, the oil, plastics, meat and go back to nature and sailing and walking with a good pair of boots. Seems simple enough. And David Attenborough thinks we can learn from Greta.

    It’s refreshing to have a completely naive person lecture world leaders at the UN to their applause. It’s their view of humanity anyway. Sheep.


  • #

    Many observations demonstrate that CO2 does not now, never has, and never will have a significant effect on climate. (Section 2, of my blog/analysis at

    Since it has been fairly accurately measured worldwide, Jan, 1988, water vapor has increased about 4.3% or about 1.54% per decade. (Section 8, Figure 3)

    The water vapor increase is about twice expected from temperature increase alone. (Section 8)

    Most (about 86%) of the extra water vapor increase is from irrigation increase. (Section 9)

    Both CO2 and water vapor have been fairly accurately measured worldwide since 1988. Over that period, about 5 water vapor molecules have been added for each added CO2 molecule. (Section 2, #9 of my b/a)

    Hitran, using Quantum Mechanics, demonstrates that a water vapor molecule is about 5 times more effective than a CO2 molecule at absorb/emit of electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range associated with earth temperatures. (Section 2, #8 of my b/a)

    The increased number of CO2 molecules above the tropopause provides more radiation to space which apparently compensates for the slight increase in absorbers at ground level. (2nd paragraph after Figure 1)

    The human contribution to Global Warming is from water vapor increase, not CO2 increase. Water vapor increase is self-limiting; therefore, Global Warming is self-limiting.


    • #

      The human contribution to Global Warming is from water vapor increase. Sorry NO too. Human water vapour release is minute compared to the water (oceans) vapour evaporated by the sun which globally is immense, many orders of magnitude.


      • #

        Water vapor from all that ocean area made the planet warm enough for life as we know it to have evolved. It is the increase in water vapor, measured and reported by NASA/RSS as Total Precipitable Water (TPW), that has contributed to global warming. About half of the WV increase results from planet warming.


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  • #

    GHG theory stuffed…finally nail in the coffin, sorry believers. (I knew this from my atmospheric physics under grad study.)


    • #

      Did these guys bring out something else out recently. I recall reading something with Monckton commenting that they deserve the Noble Prize for what they had worked out or was he talking about the same thing ( I note the your linked article is dated 2013) ?


      • #

        2013, yes I noted that I hadnt read it before. They did actual measurement to disprove it. Monckton believes along with a few other skeptics, that there is ‘some’ GHG warming. This works proves otherwise. Also there has been other papers published that also prove otherwise.
        This doesnt distract from the skeptic believers that their work isnt good , it is. Work together against this scam.


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    The counter argument is that it is better to be thought a fool than to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt.

    (Oscar Wilde I believe…)

    The problem with giving ‘youth’ a soapbox is they expose themselves as being, well, youth. Here in my part of the Australian radio networks there is a ‘Youth FM’ programme from 1600 to 1700 Thursdays. While well meaning, it is also one of those experiences which leaves the listener dumber for the experience.

    In between the non-ironic statements along the lines of “…when I as younger…” the listener gets to experience observations concerning television along the lines of “One thing I have noticed is that with streaming services you seem to get a lot less commercials compared to normal television.”


    Our brave Youth accidently reveal to the world that they utterly fail to understand the concept of COMMERCIAL television and how it differs from a paid streaming service.

    Greta would have been a lot better ‘role model’ if she had stuck to just being the semi mute concerned autistic girl. Now she has outed herself as an uneducated ranter with the coherence of, well, an overly emotional teenager, topped with a nice side serve of totalitarian dictator in training.

    Also, How Dare You!


    • #
      Allen Ford

      “Greta” is an unfortunate choice of given name by her doting parents, for an eco-warrier to boot, for Greta is the name of a famous coal seam in the Hunter Valley, discovered by the late Sir Edgeworth David in 1886.

      Oh, the irony! Will the poor little darling ever throw off the odium of being associated with a major source of coal?


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    Kalm Keith

    The whole thing is too Gretanesque to be bothered with.


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    27 Sept: Bloomberg: Troubles Mount for China’s NIO as Analysts Flag Weak Sales, Dwindling Cash
    By Esha Dey
    A nightmarish week for NIO Inc. investors got worse on Thursday, as at least two more analysts downgraded the Chinese electric-car maker, citing a weak sales outlook, high cash burn and a lack of clarity around financing.
    U.S.-listed shares of NIO have now fallen for five straight days, down 37% since their Sept. 19 close. The stock dropped as much as 7.3% on Thursday, touching a new all-time low of $1.90.

    Earlier this week, NIO reported a worse-than-expected quarterly loss, and said it would cut jobs and restructure some businesses, including spinning off some units, amid growing concerns about its financial situation. Sanford C. Bernstein analyst Robin Zhu estimated in a note that the company may have only a few weeks of liquidity left…
    During an earnings call that was first canceled and then rescheduled for Wednesday, NIO failed to ease investors’ fears about its cash position…


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    Reuters has managed to g-up some Chinese data to sound like the whole country is at risk of drowning from rising seas. Do read the article and count how many tricks they have pulled.Comparing the sea level height now with the average between 1993-2011 is a very fancy trick. Lots more in the article though.


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      Greg in NZ

      Mt Everest / Chomolungma, along with the rest of the Himalaya, after all used to be ancient seabed long ago (the summit is limestone). Maybe it’s simply another cycle, round and round, up and down. Maybe there’s so much heavy carbon dioxide in the air, the weight of it is pushing the mountains back down under the sea? Hey, I’ve heard of whackier theories before…


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    Better to pay attention to the organ grinder, not the dancing monkey (in this case a young girl who has been carefully coached). Sinister vested interests are handling her. They sit in a room and plan out their strategy. One of their ideas is ” attribution “. Weather announcers were supposed to link all extreme weather events to the bogey climate change. Then, teams of lawyers would sue fossil fuel companies for billions in damages related to these storms, tidal surges, and so on. Crafty and evil.


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    read all:

    26 Sept: Banned wind turbine infrasound articles became too hot for the Sierra Club to handle
    Credit: by Banned Author, Dr. Donald Allen Deever
    Along those lines, after working without any compensation for months to uncover the most revealing, current scholarly studies, and thought-provoking news reports on the known health hazards associated with infrasound from industrial wind turbines, a two-part series of articles that was written at the Sierra Club’s request was suddenly retracted from one of their club’s magazines. Moreover, it was announced that the reason would not be revealed until December. This was a shocking outcome, especially considering that the articles had been the idea of the magazine’s editor, who along with a recruited author had painstakingly scrutinized, double-checked, and triple-checked every one of the extensive sources for the two-part article, and had verified not only the legitimacy of the sources, but also authenticated the interpretation of those reports…READ ALL


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      A good example of just in time suppression of information which threatens the sponsors’ short term (i.e. windfarm lifetime, under fifteen years) investment income stream.

      You’ve got to wonder what happens in the early 2030s by which time all the windmills will have degenerated to rusting hulks; the green investment caravan will of necessity need to have found another rort within this coming decade.


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    ” Coal will continue to maintain its dominant position as China’s primary energy source for the foreseeable future “. Who said that? Jackie Chan? No, Zhang Kehui, CFO of Shenhua Energy, the world’s biggest coal miner.


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    behind paywall. UK MSM is all in:

    26 Sept: UK Times: The new climate movement is excluding Conservatives
    by Jason Reed
    As a Conservative and a neoliberal, I have long called for climate change to be much higher on the political agenda than it is. I believe in free-market solutions like carbon taxes and nuclear power. On paper, environmentalists of all stripes should be thrilled that a booming new climate movement is gripping the world. At long last, an entire generation appears to be treating this matter with the gravity it so clearly merits.

    And yet, watching streets fill up with crowds of politically engaged, highly motivated young people, swathes of my peers among them, does not fill me with the joy that it should. Impassioned speeches from Greta Thunberg to the UN going viral and climate protests forcing politicians to concede ground on environmental policy is not, despite everything, an immediate cause for celebration…

    writer above, Jason Reed, is a freelance writer and student at the London School of Economics and Political Science. his Twitter page:

    25 Sept: UK Telegraph: Greta Thunberg is wrong: economic growth is friend to the environment, not foe
    by Jeremy Warner
    Whether inspired or merely irritated by Greta Thunberg’s impassioned speech to the United Nations climate change summit, there was one rather telling line that is as clear a warning as they come of the dangers of allowing environmental policy to be dictated by the entitlement of a child, however legitimate her concerns.
    “We are in the beginning of a mass extinction,” she angrily insisted before a grown up audience that like members of a religious cult seemed in awe of her every word. “And all you can talk about is money and fairy tales of eternal economic growth.”

    The flaw in her argument is so obvious that it scarcely needs pointing out: without economic growth, there is absolutely no prospect of the global solutions to climate change that are so urgently needed…


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    behind paywall:

    26 Sept: UK Telegraph: The Green Taliban will sweep away our liberal order unless we get a grip on climate change
    By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
    We have a choice. Either we fight runaway climate change with liberal market policies and capitalist creativity, or we cede the field to Malthusians and the Green Taliban.
    Retreating into denialism – or more corrosive these days, into shoulder-shrugging nihilism – will not cut it. Last week the France’s National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) warned that global warming could reach seven degrees by the end of the century under current policies.

    This week the UN warned – after the Saudis lobbied furiously to tone down the language – that the biochemistry of the oceans is changing with alarming speed. Water acidity has increased by 26pc. The pace of melting ice has quickened fivefold (147 Gt yr) in a decade…


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      Seven degrees! This has degenerated into a bizarre auction –do I hear eight degrees? Going at seven… &c…


      • #

        Oh yeah, twenty-six percent increase in ocean acidity, what that?

        Since the measure of acidity, pH, is the negated base 10 logarithm of the concentration of hydrogen ions it must mean that oceanic hydrogen ionisation has increased to 1.26 times some former value (measured we’re not told when); that is, working from a datum level pH of 8.2, from a concentration of 10^-8.2 hydrogen ions to 1.26 * 10^-8.2 which is, sparing us the tiresome arithmetic, roughly a drop in pH value from that arbitrarily chosen Goldilocks 8.2 to an apparently perilous 8.1.

        And what are we to suppose is responsible for this oceanswide phenomenon? Obviously we’re to understand that that criminal molecule which is increasing in the atmosphere is also increasing in the oceans. Like the magic pudding it is wickedly inexhaustible.

        It’s well beyond the scope of my instruction in physical chemistry to calculate how many gigatonnes of carbon dioxide needs to be added to the world’s oceans to effect a pH decrease of 0.1 but knowing that carbonic acid is a weak acid which does not strongly drive hydrogen ionisation I am obliged to speculate that the probably enormous amount required to produce such an effect would be coming from undersea volcanoes and not from industrial emissions being absorbed from the atmosphere.

        Where’s the science, the knowledge, in all this alarmism? The joke is that none of the people promoting this propaganda has the least grip on the numbers. Climate is a cosmic scale phenomenon well beyond the capabilities of human engineering.

        More than likely the twenty-six percent is just another of the outright lies being employed to assist the green fiscal behemoth in its vacuuming up of funds from Western governments and financial institutions.


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      “Water acidity has increased by 26pc”

      No, that is the change in H+ ion concentration in one modelled study.

      You cannot give a percentage change in a pH scale.

      A further 2000% change (approx.) would have been needed to even become neutral.

      As it is, a compendium of all surface pH data shows a very slight, insignificant UPWARD trend in pH

      The very short term Moana Loa study is immediately put into context by comparing to “nearby” reef pH studies.

      nearby = in the same ocean.. 😉


      • #

        This is essentially the man made CO2 warming story.

        The tiny amount of human released CO2 has to be blamed for the increase in aerial CO2.

        You have to postulate without proof that the total amount CO2 in the system is very small by omitting the 98% which is in the ocean below the first say 100metres. So CO2 MUST go up in the water as well. Thus Ocean ‘acidification’.

        At the same time we are told the world is going to die because water temperatures are increasing steadily. In physical chemistry if the water temperature goes up, CO2 comes out. So everything is in reverse of known science.

        In summary man releases old CO2 and this excess hot house gas (CO2) heats the water without heating the air and the hot water then absorbs more CO2.

        In the world of Flannery’s Climate Science, this all makes sense. It also completely contradicts known physical chemistry. It is ridiculous.

        Of course you could say hotter water releases CO2 and explain everything consistently with proven science, but that would be too easy.


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      “The pace of melting ice has quickened fivefold “


      DMI show volume is basically constant for a decade.

      MASIE Arctic sea ice area is similarly zero trend for a decade.

      Greenland Ice mass is just a tiny amount down from 1900.

      Antarctic is only melting above the West Antarctic volcanic region and is cooler now than 1500 years ago.


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    25 Sept: Scotsman: Why climate change is too middle class…and how to fix it – Catherine Happer
    A crisis in trust lies behind the disconnect with climate issues, writes Catherine Happer
    (Catherine Happer is lecturer, Sociology at University of Glasgow, This article first appeared on
    Researchers working in the field of climate change communications have, for many years, been confronted with the same puzzle: why, when there is widespread recognition of the importance of climate change, has there not been any sustained demand for action?…

    In the past year, however, we have witnessed a genuine shift – a growth in momentum which can be traced variously to the power of a unique Swedish schoolgirl, the social disruption of Extinction Rebellion, and a hard hitting David Attenborough documentary all building on the decades of work done by scientists, NGOs and activists.

    Public concern about climate change is at an all-time high, a number of councils as well as the Scottish government are calling for a climate emergency to be declared, and the liberal media, most notably the Guardian and the BBC, are changing the language of climate to talk of crisis, emergency and catastrophe…

    The class divide is real…
    The environmental movement has always had a middle class aura to it and, in spite of attempts to use the language of inclusivity, it has never quite lost this tag. In my research I have seen, among those in the lower economic groups, a marked tendency to use distancing terminology such as “middle class tree-huggers” and “green lobby”. This is fed by a mainstream media that positions environmentalism as the privilege of the wealthy who don’t need to worry about bread and butter issues – as one of my respondents noted, it feels like “fiddling while Rome burns”…

    Engaging those in lower income groups is clearly a distinct challenge. In this respect, work I carried out with Chatham House on climate change and willingness to give up meat is enlightening…

    The Conversation Bio: Dr Catherine Happer is a Lecturer in Sociology (Media and Comms) at the University of Glasgow. Her work looks at audience reception and social change, with a particular focus on the impact of media coverage of climate change/sustainability and the potential for behavioural change. She previously worked in the BBC audience research department and as a Television Researcher/Assistant Producer before returning to the University of Glasgow. She is co-author with Professor Greg Philo called Communicating Climate Change and Energy Security: New Methods in Understanding Audiences.

    16 Sept: The Conversation: Climate change is too middle class – here’s how to fix that
    by Catherine Happer
    Disclosure statement: Catherine Happer received funding for this project from the ***Avatar Alliance Foundation.

    24 Jul: TBI TV Business: BBC Studios teams with James Cameron for first Nat Geo commission
    BBC Studios has secured its first Nat Geo commission, teaming with Titanic director James Cameron (pictured) on a multi-part series on the oceans…
    Courteney Monroe, president of Nat Geo Global Television Networks, said: “”We are tremendously proud to be partnering with BBC Studios’ Natural History Unit, OceanX, Dalio Philanthropies and the ***Avatar Alliance Foundation on this premium, landmark series that will live across National Geographic…


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      re Avatar Alliance Foundation – no Wikipedia page:

      W‬ikipedia: Maria Wilhelm
      Maria Wilhelm is the Executive Director of the Avatar Alliance Foundation and President & COO of CAMERON Companies. She merges social advocacy with a focus on climate change with a broad range of commercial initiatives integrating new technologies and interests in China and elsewhere.

      A member of the DEEPSEA CHALLENGE expedition team, Maria was responsible for business and media strategy, and for primary partnerships with Rolex and National Geographic. She was an executive producer of DEEPSEA CHALLENGE 3D, the National Geographic documentary on the historic expedition.

      Maria is an executive producer of Years of Living Dangerously, the Emmy Award-winning climate change series on the National Geographic Channel. She also executive produced What Would the Ocean Say?, a short film debuted at the United Nations in the General Assembly Hall to mark the occasion of World Oceans Day June 8, 2017 and as part of the programming for the first-ever United Nations Ocean Conference. Distributed online by National Geographic, What Would the Ocean Say? is narrated by Avatar and Guardians of the Galaxy actress Zoe Saldana and features stunning ocean imagery generously donated by some of the world’s preeminent marine documentarians.

      Wikileaks: Podesta emails: Semi-urgent: James Cameron would like to meet you next Wednesday in DC (JOE ROMM)
      Date: 2015-11-12 10:22
      John, you may remember in China we chatted about the possibility of setting up a meeting between you and James Cameron.
      He is in town November November 18 and wants to talk to you (and Neera and a small high-powered group of CAP folks) about the work he and Maria Wilhelm are doing through his Avatar Alliance Foundation (AAF) and opportunities for partnering with CAP. He is particularly focused on the food-climate link (especially the health and climate benefits of replacing meat-based diet with plant-based).

      We will also be able to make the direct case to him for the China hub for ThinkProgress/ClimateProgress that I mentioned to you in Beijing (a one stop curated site for the best stories and analysis of what China is doing in climate and energy). Judd and I have been working with Maria (and Energy Foundation) to fund. EF is in for $250k A year for two years if we can get Cameron to match that.
      Maria just called last night to tell me this is happening…

      AAF has already given CAP $200,000 and will likely become one of the largest foundations in the world over the next few years (from its share of the profits of Avatar 2, 3, and 4), so it would be valuable if we could form a long term partnership…

      In particular, while Maria is very gung-ho about the China hub — and actually helped us get the EF money — it is Jim who makes all the final decisions. He needs reassuring that CAP is very sensitive to the special challenges and nuances of dealing with and writing about China. Obviously, no one can speak to those better than you…

      Jim is in town to give the keynote opening Wednesday morning at the huge US Green building Council annual meeting, where he will be interviewed by Mika Brezinski. I will be with Jim all morning as he goes to do some media around climate change.
      Apologies for the sudden nature of this but this literally came together over a period of hours.
      Joseph Romm Founding Editor,
      Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress Chief
      Science Advisor, Emmy-winning TV series, “Years of Living Dangerously”
      Author, “Climate Change: What Everyone Needs To Know


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      Steve of Cornubia

      “Researchers working in the field of climate change communications have, for many years, been confronted with the same puzzle: why, when there is widespread recognition of the importance of climate change … ?”

      Therein lies their problem – thinking that climate panic is “widespread”. While there are indeed many people who subscribe to the AGW scare in public, they clearly don’t believe it in private or in their own mind. It is of course fashionable in some circles to have such an opinion and membership of some ‘groups’ requires it, but just like Obama’s purchase of an oceanfront mansion, their words do not match their deeds.

      If support for AGW was measured by people’s actual moderation of consumption (i.e. ‘carbon footprint’) rather than ticking a survey box or pontification on forums, the whole thing would collapse in a heap.


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      Steve of Cornubia

      I should add that even voting for the Greens – or any politician who promises to tackle climate change – isn’t a sign of fervent support, because it mostly shows that the voter in question wants their MP to force lots off other people to deal with the problem.


  • #

    She may be young without taint,
    And for warmists a climate-change saint,
    But her antics reveal,
    Through her U.N. appeal,
    That a science consultant she ain’t.


  • #

    lots of stuff on Hickman’s twitter feed and on Mark Humphries feed as well:

    Twitter: Leo Hickman, Director/editor of @CarbonBrief. Served 16 years at the Guardian
    16h ago Hickman re-tweeted:
    TWEET: Mark Humphries, The standing up one on @PointlessAU. Was the satirical one on @thefeedsbs. Fortnightly sketches for @abc730. Sydney.
    For adults angry at a child. VIDEO

    27 Sept: B&T Mag: The ABC Unveils Hilarious Greta Thunberg Spoof Video For “Middle-Aged Men Angry With Her”
    By B&T Magazine
    The ABC’s comedy team, led by the indefatigable Mark Humphries, has released a hilarious social media spoof for Aussies furious at Greta Thunberg’s now famous UN climate speech on Monday.
    It’s called the Greta Thunberg Helpline and is “for adults angry at a child”.
    The hilarious video begins with The Chaser’s Charles Firth sitting on a sofa…

    TWEET: Mark Humphries…

    Even the wonderful Greta herself has re-tweeted the video…

    Wheeler Centre: Mark Humphries is a Sydney-based writer/performer best known for his work on The Feed (Viceland), The Roast (ABC2), Guardian Australia and ABC Radio National. He is co-author of The Chaser’s Australia and a regular writer for the Chaser Quarterly.


  • #

    ***many a true word is spoken in jest!

    2 Oct 2018: SMH: Satirist Mark Humphries joins ABC’s 7.30
    By Robert Moran
    Canberra’s politicians had a brief respite from his viral skewering, but Mark Humphries is returning to his satirical bread-and-butter – with a new gig on ABC’s 7.30.
    Humphries, along with co-writer Evan Williams, will be joining Leigh Sales’ news program for a fortnightly comedy segment, the ABC has announced.

    “We had many offers but the prospect of bringing the ABC’s flagship current affairs program down to the level of third-rate undergraduate humour was too tempting to resist,” the pair joked in a press release.
    ***”We just love the job stability that can only be found at the ABC.”…


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    Alice Thermopolis

    Our Little Lady of the Apocalypse resembles Our Lady of Lourdes.

    Both are creations of the fears – in Greta’s case – or hopes – in the Lourdes case – of their followers.

    A big difference, however, is that the Church was reluctant to approve devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes. It investigated the case for four years before giving in to pressure from French Catholics, who were convinced there had been a miraculous event from the beginning.

    In Greta’s case, of course, there has been no such reluctance from the UN, who has done everything to radicalise the young as a low tactic to force the West to pay “climate reparations”.

    See :

    What happened in the grotto of Massabielle near Lourdes in 1858?
    According to legend, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared 18 times to a 14 year-miller’s daughter, between February 11 and July 16. She apparently identified herself as The Immaculate Conception and gave Bernadette Soubirous this message on Her 8th appearance on February 24, in the presence of a crowd of 250:
    “Penance! Penance! Penance! Pray to God for sinners. Kiss the ground as an act of penance for sinners!”

    It was not until the 17th “vision” that the apparition identified herself (solely) to Bernadette – coincidentally after a request from her “Monsieur le Curé”, Father Peyramale, that it do so. Townspeople who believed she was telling the truth assumed it was the Virgin Mary.

    Bernadette received no further apparitions after the 18th and did not feel any desire to visit the Grotto afterwards, but the people kept on visiting – and continue to do so today in their millions.

    My guess is that, with the Pope’s blessing, Greta is headed for sainthood soon, and a Nobel Prize for Credulity.


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    I say, elicit sympathy for the kid, by attacking the UN for their cynical child abuse. Defend the kid, while attacking them.

    Poor sheep is being used by wolves to lure more unsuspecting prey into their clutches.

    We certainly don’t want to attack Greta, because she hasn’t a clue what she’s being used for.


    • #

      I do have a lot of sympathy/pity for her…

      But she needs to stop now, before she hurts herself even more than her parents have done.


      • #
        robert rosicka

        Well she is a professional actor so it’s hard to know what’s real except for the science we know that’s fake


      • #

        It has gone too far and she has to stop because she is distressing other children, some to depression. I haven’t heard of any suicides but it could even come to that. She has to stop as she is causing only harm and certainly no good.


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    Off the Greta topic but still on the way the Left of politics push gender, climate change, the UN/EU and a righteous anger that anyone doubts the Democrats’ desperate intent to invalidate Donald Trump’s election by the deplorables, the Biden saga is blowing up. Blind Freddy could see that forcing a prosecutor in another country out of a job because he was investigating your son’s company is a problem. Especially when the son was paid a million for no skills at all, except that his father was Vice President of the United States.

    Now the Democrats have said that they will finally impeach Donald Trump because he asked about it? The whole of the US now wants to know why the US VP would care about a single investigation of a single company in a far away country so much he withheld $1Billion in cash as a precondition of firing the prosecutor. It seems doing this is not criminal if you are part of the Clinton/Obama Democrats system. Trump asking about it is criminal.

    The unintended consequence of this is something Biden would desperately try to hide is now centre stage. Of course he denies any wrong doing. There is a perfectly good explanation, except no one knows what it is.

    In the latest development the US Senate will now investigate Biden while the Democrat congress have given themselves two weeks holiday! You could not write this script. And Canadian actor Donald Sutherland is fuming about Climate Change as he commutes between his three houses.

    It is almost surreal, like the whole non science of Climate Change, crying teenage girls and a newly formed Supreme Court in the UK which wants to run Britain instead of the government while Hollywood is maddened by Trump and his wall and Climate Change. And the sports people are very reluctant to rule on whether XXY people should compete as women or men.

    It would be harder to come up with crazier week in politics and the Greta thing may soon be forgotten. After all, this was the week the UN was supposed to drive everyone to donate a hundred billion this year and every year to a very good cause. Them.


    • #

      To put the $100Billion a year in perspective, even for the 50,000 or so people connected to the UN, this represents an annual income of $2Million per person. Think of the parties you could have. You might even invite Greta. What’s not to like about Climate Change? Malcolm and Lucy’s $444million for nothing is just small change.


      • #

        It goes way beyond that. The Greens are suggesting that decarbonising the world will cost up to $90 trillion. Conveniently, there is $100 trillion sitting in pension funds around the globe. That is the pot of gold they wish to raid.


  • #

    No MSM on this – Wyoming landfill burying used windmill blades


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    Peter Fitzroy

    If she came to Australia by boat, as she did to the USA, we would lock her up, like we do to 2 and 4 year olds. And our prime minister wants kids to be kids



    • #

      No, she would be TOTALLY IGNORED

      Like Trump did.

      And she would chuck another hissy-fit.

      “like we do to 2 and 4 year olds”

      WT* are you blathering about this time !!!

      Sorry your nanny locked you up when you were 2 or 4 year old.

      It has obviously stunted your mental growth.


      • #
        Peter Fitzroy

        Check the ages of the 4 prisoners on Christmas Island


        • #

          So you want them parted from their parents

          What sort of sick person are you PF. !!


        • #
          robert rosicka

          So it’s not ok to detain illegal boat people but it’s ok they drown ?


          • #
            Peter Fitzroy

            By doing the twenty first century version of heads on the city walls? Tell me how life imprisonment for trying to come by boat gets you a sentence, without trial, that is longer than manslaughter.

            Hypocrites like you and the insane Andy should be incarcerated with those refugees. And don’t tell me they’re not, these are certified refugees, which racist xenophobic krill like you use for political gain. the is noting in this policy that prevents on water deaths, as those are now not reported, all we do is turn the boats around.



            • #
              robert rosicka

              Want to send me to an island paradise with free medical free food etc etc just tell me where I sign up .


            • #
              robert rosicka

              And look up the UN definition and law on refugees , first country they pass through they’re refugees after that they’re cue jumpers .


            • #
              robert rosicka

              No one is being imprisoned they have a choice , and they choose to stay on the island .


            • #

              Certified refugees come in through the proper channels.

              So you are LYING yet again.

              Deceit, lying, advocating illegal activity.

              Only one person here should be in detention, and that is YOU, PF

              “racist xenophobic krill like you use for political gain”

              You really are LOSING IT now, filth.

              YOU are the one trying to make the political point.

              YOU are the one that is trying to use illegal entry as a crutch for your political agenda.

              YOU should be ashamed of yourself.. if you knew what shame was..


              • #
                Peter Fitzroy

                Look up what the U.N. has to say about our behaviour


              • #

                LOL, that ragtag collection of Dictators and Thugs.

                NOBODY here cares what the UN thinks…. they are irrelevant to any sane discussion.

                So glad you want to be ruled over by those globalist haters.

                You really have OUTED yourself this time PF.

                Why do you HATE AUSTRALIA so much as to put the racial globalist slime of the UN before your own country’s rights.


    • #


      She wouldn’t be here yet!


    • #

      It’s okay, Pete. If a bunch of rich people arrive in Oz in a yacht out of Monaco they just flash passports and their black Amex. Their rich kids won’t be subjected to any brutal treatment, any tantrums will be tolerated by those who think they’re real, and laughed at by those who know that the rich kid is a performer from a family of performers and backed by a massive PR and media apparatus.

      So it’s all good if the Thunberg carnival hits our docks! And there won’t be just GeeUp footsloggers handing out sprigs of wattle or holding up signs. Half the political establishment and the gorilla ABC along with all the MSM will be there to cheer and welcome. Titles, awards and tributes for sure. GoFundMe and foundations will chuck money at the yachties.

      And then those of the performers who’ve had enough of yachting, posturing and dry blubbering for the crowd will take a first-class flight out of here. Unless they charter.


    • #

      Now can we get back to discussing Greta.

      That is the topic after all.

      How is your high priestess going, PF !!

      By air or by limousine ?


    • #

      What happens to people arriving at a country without the proper papers, or improper papers, depends on if they are viewed by the nation’s government as migrants or refugees.


  • #

    She must be running put of steam, or else she is absolutely useless without a script:


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    A hypocrite is someone who advocates for unlimited illegal, undocumented refugee intake while not being prepared to sell their house, car and other valuables to use to support the entry of those people to Australia with the required guarantees.


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      I wonder how many illegal refugees PF has living at his place.

      Is there any more room in his basement ?

      Would his grandma let him ??


    • #
      Peter Fitzroy

      What? try making sense. But then you are happy to incarcerate a fellow human for a non crime, put in a tropical hell hole at the government’s pleasure, and you try to paint me a hypocrite. Go you racist xenophobe.
      YOu are happy that a 2 year old, born in Australia, and if in any other country would be counted as a citizen, to be imprisoned. Go you racist xenophobe.


      • #
        Bill in Oz

        When foreigners
        Who have no right to live in Australia
        Have a child in Australia
        The Child is NOT Australian
        Basic simple logic
        The children are Sri Lankan
        Are have no rights as
        Sri Lankans
        To live in Australia
        That is our law
        As for the UN
        They don’t make any laws
        At all.


        • #

          PF knows NOTHING about the LAW, that is obvious…

          And he wants to separate the children from their parents.

          I wonder what the parents think of that option

          Or would he just separate them by force !


        • #
          Peter Fitzroy

          only in Australia. Racist and xenophobic.


          • #

            What have you got against Tamils that you want to STEAL their children from them PF ?

            Your deep racism is surfacing , yet again

            to go with your deep HATRED of Australia.


          • #

            Peter Fitzroy,
            For most countries of the world treatment of illegal immigrants depending on their status as either refugees or illegal migrants, and the nations process for determining this status.

            When a country determines that status then there are different paths for the illegal immigrants and refugees. If they are migrant most countries consider, and often do expel them. Though this is not always the case. In many countries they can also be granted leave to remain depending on what the host nation decides. Granted leave to remain does not necessarily give them any citizenship rights, it is as it says, an allowance to stay, they maybe told to return to their country of origin at some later time.

            If they are proven to be refugees, and the host nation has signed up to the UN Declaration on Refugees, then the migrant refugees can stay, and enjoy certain minimum standards of conduct that can be expected from the host nation.

            Have these people be found to be refugees or illegal migrants by the Australian authorities? Without this basic information you have nothing.


      • #

        “for a non crime”

        ILLEGAL, what don’t you understand, fool !!

        I am happy that child is allowed to stay with the parents

        You would obviously advocate separating them.

        You truly are a sick and depraved degenerate.


      • #
        robert rosicka

        Again not imprisoned ,found not to be refugees by the courts seven times ,at best they are economic migrants .
        Having an anchor baby while having a temporary protection visa won’t give you auto rights to stay and they would have been aware of it .
        If they were smart they would have gone back home then applied to come to Australia because two of their kids were born here and they more than likely would have been accepted .
        It was your mob who changed the law regarding citizenship of baby’s born here Fitz .
        Christmas Island is not a prison the locals love it .


        • #
          Peter Fitzroy

          anchor baby = australian citizen /hypocrites


          • #

            ” = australian citizen”

            IGNORANCE of the law

            IGNORANCE of everything

            STEAL those children away, PF .. you know you want to.


          • #
            robert rosicka

            Your not you when you’re angry Fitz ,have a snickers bar .


          • #

            WOW. PF, I’ve never seen such HATRED of Australia in anyone before.

            When are you moving out of this hellhole you are trapped in ?

            Thing is, PF, you will take that inner hatred with you wherever you go.

            You cannot escape it, because it is who you are.


        • #

          “found not to be refugees by the courts seven times”

          Yep, not real refugees.

          I wonder how many countries they shopped through on the way here.

          Please, PF, at least let the parents keep their children. !!!

          Don’t be so empty-hearted and inhumane.


  • #
    Greg in NZ

    Thank you Jo, and fellow commenters, for one of the most hilarious and educational posts this year – I haven’t learned and laughed so much in ages (well, like, since yesterday). It’s a shame with regard to the subject material – When Robots Go Rogue – yet Princess Gerty is small fry when it comes to the big scary monster with sharp lying teeth:

    “Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will make [made] her second appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert today to announce the comedian will visit New Zealand in October. The late night show appearance was a last-minute addition… ‘you never know when you’ll bump into somebody'”. Except the NZ Tourism boss, on the radio today, said they’d been working on arranging this meeting for years. Oops! I know, comedy, right?

    The future world leader of the UN – um, I mean Jacinda the PM – said she was too busy this week “trying to save the world”, offering that when the comedian/actor flew to NZ with his entourage (on a magic carbon-zero unicorn? electric flying boat? sustainable pixie dust?), “I’ll pick you up at the airport”. And the studio audience went wild! Applause! Applause!

    The new world leader-in-waiting “also found time for an interview on the CBS breakfast show This Morning… ‘In this [globalised] borderless world now, I think we need to be mindful that other countries hear it – kids hear it – and our words, they have impact'”. No, nuffink about that Swedish actress over-cooking her lines, it was regarding Trump’s earlier speech re: looking after your own people and country first. Can’t have the children talking about internationalism, now can we, Comrade Cinders. Shudder


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Another week and I’ll be there near the elegant Jacindra.

      I hear that she has deflected global warming somewhere else and I need to take some extra warm gear.


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    If someone runs a country so badly that the citizens become:
    ” poor terrified, brutalised people ” then U.N. has only one option.

    Free those people and execute the despot.


  • #

    I am in NZ and I feel like I am living in a hellish episode of the twilight zone.
    People running around the streets with Greta placards. “Eco not Ego”signs.
    A throbbing mass of goldfish demanding austerity.
    The city and suburbs having declared a “climate crisis”.
    On an otherwise beautiful crisp calm spring day in Wellington.
    This is insane.


    • #
      Greg in NZ

      Looking from a safe distance across the harbour, I noticed a rain squall dump its load over Auckland City bang-on midday, just as the rat-bags and yahoos began their proselytising / speeches / two minutes hate. A biting cold southerly was roaring northwards off the snow-buried Central Plateau. I had the heater on in my van and I thanked Ma Nature for still having a sense of humour no matter what these enfant terrible idiot savants accused her of.

      Turoa on Mt Ruapehu had been closed for 3 days in a row because of ‘blizzard conditions’ while South Island ski areas were bathed in sunshine, albeit hovering around 0˚C. In Wellington it was a ‘calm spring day’ and for the Chatham Islands, ‘fine’. The weather’s gone crazy – it’s a crisis I tells ya! This CCC now causes every-think™.


  • #
    Gerry, England

    Who would have thought that children were such a great untapped resource of good judgement and knowledge. So which shareholders are going to vote in a 16 year old as their next CEO? Hmm, thought not.


  • #

    Queen Greta must be walking everywhere.

    Anyone know who sponsors her shoes ?


    • #

      Odd that she just “appears” at places, I can’t find any pictures of how she got there.

      Very odd for a movie starlet. !

      How did her and her entourage get from home to the plastic boat?

      How did her entourage get to the US?

      How did they get to their hotels?

      How did they get to the UN building?

      I can’t believe they all walked 😉


  • #

    the attack on Fox News continues. why not? it has the only programs in the world that have investigated and exposed Russiagate, and it is the only channel that regularly gives climate sceptics a voice! it also has a lot of dreadful programming, and recently it appointed never-Trumper republican, Paul Ryan to its board:

    26 Sept: Breitbart: Report: Paul Ryan Pushing Fox News to ‘Decisively Break’ with Trump
    Former House Speaker Paul Ryan, who currently sits on the board of Fox Corp., is reportedly urging Fox News to “decisively break” with President Donald Trump, according to a Thursday Vanity Fair report documenting the network’s “management bedlam.”

    Vanity Fair’s Gabe Sherman, citing four sources, reported that Fox Corp. CEO Lachlan Murdoch, who has long tried to move Fox News to the center, “is already thinking about how to position the network for a post-Trump future.”
    Ryan, the longtime Trump antagonist, has reportedly been suggesting to Murdoch that “Fox should decisively break with the president” as Murdoch holds “strategy conversations with Fox executives and anchors about how Fox News should prepare for life after Trump.”…

    27 Sept: Daily Mail: James Murdoch’s wife Kathryn declares herself a ‘radical centrist’ and calls her husband ‘a very different leader’ than dad Rupert before declaring that Al Gore inspired her to invest over $100M in climate activism
    •Kathryn Murdoch is speaking out about her philanthropic endeavors in a rare interview with The New York Times
    •She calls herself a ‘radical centrist’ and credits a 2006 talk by Al Gore with motivating her to become a climate activist
    •’I wanted to be able to look my children in the eye and say “I did everything I could,”‘ said the mother of three
    •She also said: ‘There hasn’t been a Republican answer on climate change. There’s just been denial and walking away from the problem’
    •She also spoke about her husband James and father-in-law Rupert by stating: ‘I think James has shown himself to be a very different leader from his father’
    by Chris Spargo uncovered a photo earlier this year that showed the terse exchange between Lachlan Murdoch, his sister-in-law and a former speechwriter for Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton at the Vanity Fair Oscar Party…
    Lovett, a former speechwriter for Obama and Hillary Clinton, was reportedly less than thrilled when he arrived to the party and learned that he would be seated with a member of the Murdoch family according to a source.

    That all changed when he began to speak with Kathryn, who had supported his former boss in the 2016 election, prompting a text from her father-in-law early in the evening on election night that read: ‘I think your girl’s going to win.’…

    reminder: Fox also pulled its own channel off Sky cable in the UK, just when Hannity/John Solomon/Sara Carter etc were getting to the bottom of Russiagate!


  • #

    26 Sept: NY Post: The Trump-Ukraine whistleblower complaint looks just like ‘Steele Dossier 2.0’
    by Sean Davis
    (Sean Davis is the co-founder of The Federalist)
    An old adage holds that while history doesn’t repeat itself, it rhymes. Not so in the case of the latest manufactured anti-Trump “scandal.” The anonymous whistleblower’s allegations of corruption involving President Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart, Volodymyr Zelensky, appear to be a note-for-note reproduction of the discredited “dossier” of 2016.

    The template for a coordinated media and intelligence community hit against the president was first perfected in the dossier. British ex-spook Christopher Steele compiled the bogus allegations at the behest of the Democrats. Yet it formed the basis for secret wiretaps, human informants and a sprawling, multi-year special-counsel probe of the president…

    The New York Times, whose reporters were deeply involved in propagating the Russian-collusion hoax, reported on Thursday that the new anti-Trump whistleblower is similarly a career CIA operative “steeped in the details of American foreign policy” and “demonstrating a sophisticated understanding of Ukrainian politics.” The insinuation is that, given this résumé, he must be beyond reproach or partisan animus…

    26 Sept: Breitbart: Fred Fleitz: Did Intelligence Committee Democrats Help Orchestrate Deep State Complaint?
    by Kristina Wong
    Fred Fleitz, who recently served as chief of staff to former National Security Adviser John Bolton and is the CEO of the Center for Security Policy, has questioned the origins of the complaint about President Trump and Ukraine…
    First, he said, “This is not an intelligence matter. It is a policy matter and a complaint about differences over policy. Presidential phone calls are not an intelligence concern. The fact that IC officers transcribe these calls does not give the [intelligence community inspector general] jusrisdiction (sic) over these calls.

    Second, he said, “It appears that rules restricting access and knowledge of these sensitive calls was breached. This official was not on this call, not on the approved [dissemination] list and should not have been briefed on the call.”
    “The way this complaint was written suggested the author had a lot of help. I know from my work on the House Intel Commitee staff that many whistleblowers go directly to the intel oversight committees. Did this whistleblower first meet with House Intel committee members?”
    “It is therefore important that Congress find out where this complaint came from. What did House and Senate intel committee dem members and staff know about it and when? Did they help orchestrate this complaint?”…

    Fleitz continued, “My view is that this whistleblower complaint is too convenient and too perfect to come from a typical whistleblower. Were other IC officers involved? Where outside groups opposed to the president involved?”…


  • #

    not political:

    26 Sept: NYT: Caltech Gets a Windfall for Climate Research: $750 Million
    The gift from Stewart and Lynda Resnick, the billionaire owners of bottled water and agriculture companies, comes amid growing urgency over climate change.
    By Dana Goldstein
    To help pay for that research, the billionaires Stewart and Lynda Resnick are set to announce on Thursday the second-largest donation ever to an American university: $750 million to the California Institute of Technology for environmental study, much of it focused on technological solutions to combat climate change.

    The Resnicks own the Wonderful Company, whose brands include Fiji Water, Pom Wonderful, Wonderful Pistachios and Teleflora, the flower delivery service. Their businesses are large consumers of water and plastic, and have at times been criticized by environmentalists.

    The donation comes less than a week after millions of young people took to the streets in climate strikes across the globe, demanding faster action to address the warming planet. Climate change is also a growing focus in the Democratic presidential primary.
    But Mr. Resnick, who described himself as a moderate who currently leans Democratic, said he did not see the donation as political…


  • #

    27 Sept: Daily Mail: Energy firms are ‘misleading’ customers by selling ‘green tariffs’ despite producing NO renewable energy, investigation reveals
    •Some claim electricity is ‘100 per cent renewable’ but don’t run any wind farms
    •They don’t even pay for specific amount of green power to match demand
    •Instead they pay small annual fee to firm which does generate renewable energy
    By Sean Poulter
    Some firms that claim their electricity is ‘100 per cent renewable’ do not run any wind farms or even pay for a specific amount of power from green sources to match customer demand.
    Instead, they can get away with making this claim by simply paying a small annual fee – of only £1.55 per customer per year – to a firm that does generate renewable energy…

    An investigation by Which? found a long list of firms that all claim to sell ‘100 per cent renewable’ electricity tariffs without generating renewable energy themselves or having contracts to buy it direct from generators.
    Instead, they rely on what are effectively accountancy measures that involve paying small fees to buy Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) certificates…
    Which? said the firms at risk of misleading customers include Green Star Energy, Foxglove Energy, Shell Energy, Ovo Energy, Pure Planet, So Energy, Tonik Energy, and Yorkshire Energy…

    also being reported by The Times, Telegraph, Mirror & more.


  • #

    The non-PC Soph on Greta on youtube from June this year.


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    In another section of the thread I’ve been referred to as an RX which probably shows and confirms that this blog is the Inverse Conversation and accepts all abuse as free speech.

    To ignore such behavior invites loss of our democracy; in that respect, thank you Andy.

    My wife and I stood guarantors for six genuine refugees who after a brief settling in period found work, made work, paid taxes way over and above the costs initially bringing them here.



  • #

    There are lots of social media comments and apparently serious articles to the effect that Greta has somehow upset ‘old white men’. Well, I’m no more a man than a bitch is a dog–i.e., not the sort of ‘man’ they mean–and she sure upsets me with her learned and rehearsed rehash of other people’s words.


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    Start-up used teen climate activist to raise millions: Swedish paper
