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Stop the press: Solar panels could stop Earthquakes

Experts predict a warmer world will be “geologically turbulent”. Join the dots, get a solar panel, and stop the world cracking up ok? 

Below one national news outlet speculates about the effects storms, melting ice and floods have on crustal plates, and fault lines. It’s possible, unknown, or at least not-entirely-ruled-out that man-made CO2 could maybe theoretically lead to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. The story contains stacked “ifs”, “buts”, “coulds” and caveats, plus some links that are not-statistically-significant and several “unknowns”.

This is essentially one-sided scientific rumour mongering. Quick let’s transform our economy.

h/t Andrew V

This is what our future looks like if climate change goes unchecked

Jamie Seidel

… experts predict a warmer and more geologically turbulent future for the planet.

The US Geological Survey has discovered there is one link between weather and earthquake.

 Just one link?

Major storms, such as cyclones and hurricanes, can produce substantial changes in atmospheric pressure. This sometimes triggers a ‘slow earthquake’ – a slow but steady movement that does not create any noticeable jolt.

“They note that while such large low-pressure changes could potentially be a contributor to triggering a damaging earthquake, the numbers are small and are not statistically significant,” Buis says.

So experts say there is really no evidence at all here?

What does this next line even mean?

And then there’s the fact that weather is not the same as climate.

 Would you like an earthquake with that?

 Recent NASA research in California, Oregon and Washington indicate extended drought could have implications of seismic proportions.

Between 2011 and 2017, the Sierra Nevada mountain range lifted by up to 2.5cm as it shed water and lost weight. Then it fell more than 1cm after heavy rains.

“Such stress changes could potentially be felt on faults in or near the range,” Buis writes.

It supports earlier research linking depleted subterranean groundwater aquifers to seismic activity on the San Andreas Fault. Once again, the change in pressure and weight had a domino effect.

 You don’t say:

But there are still too many unknown variables at play to be sure.

“We’re not close to being able to predict when an earthquake may occur as a result of climate processes,” he concludes.

Don’t be surprised if the Earth cracks up:

Researchers already know dramatic changes in the water levels of lakes and dams can trigger local seismic activity.

But upscaling this impact to a global level is difficult.

We know glaciers are retreating rapidly around the world.

So, what if such enormous weights shift?

“With this in mind, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the loading and unloading of the Earth’s crust by ice or water can trigger seismic and volcanic activity and even landslides,” Professor McGuire says.

Stopping surprises like this is just what we have professors for.

The article mentions “climate” nine times, and the the sun, solar magnetic, solar wind and solar weather not at all. Get the picture? Your taxes pay for these experts.

Climate change could produce more stacked caveats.

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