A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Will radicals disrupt the Madrid Climate Summit?
The pattern of radical disruption is now clear. In addition to attacking skeptics, the radicals are targeting moderate alarmists. The sit-in at House Speaker Pelosi’s office is a dramatic example. So was Greta Thunberg’s angry denunciation at the UN semi-summit in September.
The radicals want unbelievably aggressive action on climate change and COP 25 in Madrid is where the action is determined, by thousands of national negotiators. It stands to reason that the climate radicals might attempt a major disruption. The Summit starts Monday.
Any bets?
The doomsday global warming XR zombies might need to ‘rug-up’ against their global warming …
Madrid weather/climate report, December 2019:
Lows/Highs of -0° to 10°/13°.
They are not the only ones….our stove is going yet again here in Nth Central Vic.
As for Spain, I see from their photos that one son and his wife have their fire pit fire going and D-i-L is fully rugged up in a blanket! Southern Spain, what is more!
They aren’t there for the COP!
Currently up in NSW southern highlands at a horsey event….cold and rain last night, cool this morning….summer…what summer….
As to the climate thugs if they cause trouble…just go old school…water canon and be done with it.
It is not widely reported but the French tear gassed their climate demonstrators. The Spanish are not known for patience. One can only hope.
As predicted….renewables making a mess of things….
“In Western Australia, one of the sunniest landscapes in the world, rooftop solar power has been a runaway success.
“On the state’s main grid, which covers Perth and the populated south-west corner of the continent, almost one in every three houses has a solar installation.
“Combined, the capacity of rooftop solar on the system far exceeds the single biggest generator — an ageing 854 megawatt coal-fired power station.
“But there is now so much renewable solar power being generated on the grid that those responsible for keeping the lights on warn the stability of the entire system could soon be in jeopardy.
“While much of the debate about the intersection of climate and energy policy is focused on the eastern states — and its national electricity market (NEM) — WA is hurtling towards a tipping point.
“At heart of the state’s problem is its isolation.
“Unlike states such as South Australia, which has even higher levels of renewable energy, WA cannot rely on any other markets to prop it up during times of disruption to supply or demand.
“The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO), which runs WA’s wholesale electricity market (WEM), said the islanded nature of the grid in WA made it particularly exposed to the technical challenges posed by solar.
WA doesn’t need other states to prop up its power, thanks. The SW network is not connected to the NW network, which is mainly industrial on a 24/7 basis and has an adequate gas supply.
Perth and the SW network have (I believe) sufficient gas peaking units for the peak times.
But the ageing Muja coal station is a worry, since the Labor state government won’t maintain it.
Stove is lit and Jack Russells have commandeered the lap, here in the Riverina.
Happy 1st of December everyone – southern hemi summer 2019/2020 has arrived… oops!
Freezing snow showers for Australia’s high country:
Freezing snow showers for NZ’s Southern Alps:
As a born-again pagan (tongue-in-cheek) 22 December’s summer solstice / longest day is the astronomical beginning of ‘summer’ in these parts, so nothing out of the ordinary if it’s FREEZING and SNOWING on December 1… except what happened to the rumours of “the planet is on fire” and “runaway warming” and “we need to PANIC” and “snow is dead” (?)
It will also be interesting to see what happens at Heartland’s “prebuttal” conference in Madrid on Dec 3. I am sure they are expecting trouble. Perhaps they have their own security force. Watch live at The mild mannered Will Happer is featured.
I’ve been following climate science and climate change junk science for 22 years.
The CO2 scaremongers have done an effective job of scaring people with propaganda.
People today are living in nearly the best climate for human life since the even better Holocene Optimum.
But most people are not smart enough to observe the climate they live in — they are too distracted by devious, self-serving leftists who have frightened them about the future climate.
This scare has been ongoing for about 50 years — pushed especially hard in the past 31 years since the IPCC was formed in 1988.
I find it hard to believe that after 31 years of “coming climate crisis” predictions, people still listen.
Can anything stop this self-serving science frtaud ?
I’ve had two ideas for decades — you may have more;
Noticeably colder weather.
And it happened in the US. in 2019 !
But few people noticed
In the US we had the coldest ever January through August in 2019, since records were kept in 1895 (based on average daily maximum temperatures from NOAA’s USCHN weather station network).
No one in the mass media reported that fact, and I doubt if anyone I know realized it.
If the weather does not get cold enough to make people wonder about the global warming scaremongering, then there is another possibility:
The people leading the climate science fraud get more and more radical, and more frantic, like the Extinction Rebellion — enough to scare regular people into thinking they are crazy.
I am very pleased to say that’s happening in 2019, and we skeptics should encourage then to be even more radical.
Always remember that leftists never change their minds … EXCEPT to move further left.
So let’s encourage them to move further left.
Th US Dumbocrat party has become a socialist party, as of 2018.
That doesn’t mean we can’t encourage them to move even further left
So far we have some radical ideas and dumb climate leaders:
— Green New Deal for the US, very expensive but would not even stop the rise of global CO2 emissions if it was feasible.
— A Marxist DING DING DING bat, getting paid $174,000 a year as a public servant, promoting the “Ordeal”, Ms. Alexandria Occasionally Coherent
— A very angry Swedish high school dropout with a mental disease, Ms. Greta Thunderberg
If we can push them further left, ordinary people may question their sanity, and eventually reject them.
They have not publicized population reduction, and not having children, very much.
Let’s push them to do so.
Let’s push them to propose a $1 a gallon gasoline tax to fund windmills.
Even better, $2 a gallon for windmills and solar panels.
If they say the world is going “to end in 12 years”, let’s push them to claim six years, because India and China do not seem to be cooperating with CO2 emission reductions.
Let’s encourage the climate scaremongers to be crazy — we already know their minds won’t change from facts, data, and logic.
Even hitting them upside the head with a rolled up Sunday New York Times does not help — I’ve tried it.
Over attention to routine weather (UNFCCC climate variability), reporting terms couched in hyperbole, confirmation bias toward warm and ‘extreme’ events, political correctness negating the disagreement – ‘no’ to compliance and adherence, fear of non-conformity, Alinsky: ‘control the language, control the people’ .. little wonder (aside from the stream of korupt adjustments) that a cooling world is unseen.
Still, one can’t hide fuel impoverishment or excess winter deaths.
Richard, you have a namesake in these parts – Richard Green – a so-called ‘meteorologist’ who is occasionally rolled out to entertain (read: scare) the masses about HEAT! HOT! WARMTH! Caca-Cuckoo! and other make-believe scenarios.
For some reason, when its
oh I miss my Mac ‘n’ mouse – on a borrowed tablet and it’s rubbish!
For some reason, when it’s cold and snowing, Richard Green is AWOL… ssshhh, never mention cold, especially in ‘summer’.
Forecast to snow in NSW and VIC alps again in coming days – well, it’s only early Summer.
Plenty of heat next week to keep ABC declaring the sky’s imminent fall still on.
Hottest snow on record?
That’s a great outline Richard.
One of the key enabling factors described was the AOC example where public tax money is used to encourage someone to either push the required story or keep quiet about it.
Our universities and public services are now riddled with conformists and activists who do little but enable the elite to gouge, rip and skim.
We do not live in happy times when both sides of politics are in on it.
Natural-born Puerto Ricans are divided on what to think of “our” representative from NY. Lolita Lebrón 2.0 comes to mind. Others yield to the temptation of remembering her as Occasional Cortex.
The Far Left neo-Marxist globalist “radicals” have little interest in anything other than wrecking the West, and nothing to offer beyond de-population, de-industrialisation, destitution, despair, disease and death.
Let’s not forget why COP25 was moved to Madrid. The Chilean government imposed hikes on fuel and power prices in the name of unsustainable intermittents, and the people roundly rejected it – forcibly, not unlike the Yellow Shirts in France and the Dutch farmers.
Once the maniacal globalist Left properly awaken the populous as they surely will, they’ll have signed their own political death warrant as is already evidenced by the economic unravelling taking place in Germany and Europe. Neither will African nations stand idly by as the UN eco-Marxists attempt to strand them in enduring poverty. Greta deprive millions of young African women like her to destitution and despair with a malevolent eagerness seen only in the demonically possessed – ‘how dare you’.
Meanwhile, NASA have advised the first detection of sugars in meteorites, highlighting what must be yet another annoyance to your average watermelon zealot still struggling to get over the abundance of carbon in the universe manifest in the ethane and methane lakes and seas on Titan or even terrestrial abiogenic oil.
To think that much of the West has criminally wasted three decades of prosperity, liberty and flourishing, hijacked and obsessed by the UN neo-Marxist policies of economic, border and cultural decimation, while China and India have raised countless hundreds of millions out of poverty.
History will not be kind, if we survive to write it.
“To think that much of the West has criminally wasted three decades of prosperity”
– needs to be understood by those who have been misled.
We can wish and hope for a public awakening but ,,,,,,
Not long ago I replied to a comment of yours which included a reference to Dr. Wakefield. Jo said my comment was out of place, being off topic at the beginning of the thread. She said you had replied to my reply but I never was able to locate your reply. If you’ve got a copy and would care to re-post it I’d like to read it.
Thank you for your earlier response.
If I recollect, you kindly suggested I read Wakefield’s book.
My reply (without rancour or intended insult) was that I would no more read a book by Wakefield in defence of his terrible unethical and unscientific study, as I would a book on medical ethics by Dr Mengele or a book on climate doomology by Dr Mann. Books are first and foremost, opinion pieces and need to be evaluated from that perspective.
If the assertion that various additives to vaccinations may reduce synaptic budding (in the animal model – by a carboxylic acid), or various preservatives added may potentially lead to trouble, then there needs to be a demonstrable, reproducible, scientifically sound causal association established. I think (from reading cursorily around the subject) that some work has been done (association) and some scientific work is being done (animal models stage). The results of the latter suggest the potential for a causal relationship (autism), though that is a country mile from human in vitro biological plausibility.
Doubtless, you are aware of the importance of that when one considers the down side: who will be held accountable for future carcinomas in those that did not get the HPV vax, or those that died, became blind or developed encephalitis with irretrievable CNS compromise as a consequence of measles?
The issue appears further confounded by increased diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, leading to an increase in the numbers diagnosed. The issue may also be confounded by the involvement of big-pharma in the treatment of those diagnosed.
The climate doomsayers need to produce the empirical evidence. So does Wakefield et al.
Latus, no matter what the topic, surely you can see the irony in demanding someone provide evidence and simultaneously declaring you would never read their book.
Declaring that any person is “canceled” (unworthy of reading) is exactly what alarmists do to us. As a free speech thing, it’s “book burning”.
I read Michael Mann. How else can I explain where he is wrong?
This has been an amazing week.
If a book is somehow invalid to read, even though it would give sources and references, then read Walker-Smith and Wakefield’s paper from back then. If you do, you will be surprised at just how much pure fiction went into the castigation of the researchers and how many lies were told.
For example, the paper never said MMR causes autism. What it DID say is that certain intestinal problems were common to both MMR recipients and autism sufferers.
You may also be surprised to learn the High Court in the UK overturned the decisions against them and fully reinstated Walker-Smith – Wakefield was by that time living in the US.
People who are sceptic in the AGW arena seem all to willing to be compliant in the MSM version of events in others.
Another example is the Cold Fusion technology. How many know that not only did Pons and Felischmann’s work get replicated successfully elsewhere (and other methods of over-unity energy were found) but that MIT lied and cheated in their condemnatory paper that destroyed P&F’s careers?
How many know that there is, to this day, zero evidence for 2nd hand smoking causing lung cancer and the meta-analysis done of the American cancer groups 30+ years of data and 130,000 people showed no link?
And yet somehow the MSM decided that the editor of Lancet would either retract the published article or suffer ignominy and punishment – including death and family threats – despite the fact he had the science on his side.
But many climate sceptics are wholehearted believers in the mainstream view of such things, simply because they will not ‘read his book’ or otherwise go to source.
It’s like some people can only be sceptical in one thing at a time and having chosen AGW they then have to be Religious in other subjects – scepticism somehow doesn’t ‘colour their world.’
As an example, I look at the comments here, the coherence of expression, the obvious intent behind each and every post and the honesty evident from such looking and then apply that to PF.
The evaluation of the above suggests to me that reading a book by him would be a waste of time.
The whole purpose of PFs presence here is to interfere with the free speech of others and minimise the level of “outing” of information that might be socially or politically opposed to his restricted belief system.
I think what Jo has posted deserves consideration.
How is it you have come to determine that it was a “terrible unethical and unscientific study”?
One thing you would come to understand, as a result of reading his book, is that he has been grossly misrepresented. For starters, he wasn’t anti-vaccination. And it might prompt you to undertake a less cursory examination of the subject matter.
I have no idea what this Wakefield thing is about.
Perhaps you could break it down here.
For myself I have always been pro vaccination.
That said I have heard of recent disasters that have supposedly come from vaccines and having some insight of big pharma I am suspicious. Annual flu shots are a case in point. How well are the prepared and tested?
It’s all over red rover:
Alarmist speculation personified. And quantified.
Note how all of these dire events are always prefaced with ‘could’ happen. Despite the so-called climate emergency, these ‘scientists’ never categorically state that these events ‘will’ happen. Why the uncertainty?
You know why!
Excellent ..its too “late” to act…another glass of a stout durif to celebrate a non existent crisis, is required….
Human behaviour has destroyed far more civilisations than climate.
Civilisation has existed everywhere from the desert to the Arctic. It’s not climate that limits civilisation….. its barbarians who would rather take from others, than build for themselves.
Human civilisations appears to pass through through life cycles.
A harder question to answer seems to be, do we have sufficient smarts to recognise this if indeed it is the case, beat the odds, and continue to flourish?
There is some insight and history in the following book. One needs to be mindful of comparing apples with apples. No civilisation to date has been as technically competent, illuminated, self-aware, sensate, morally bankrupt, spiritually ignorant, and existentially unfulfilled, the latter despite our numerous blessings and talents, h/t Greta T. ‘how dare you’ rant.
‘Holding Up A Mirror’ – How Civilisations Decline
Anne Glyn-Jones
Random House UK 1996
It appears that indigenous lawsuit in WA is now spreading to other states. I don’t think this will end well.
What a grovelling apology from a globalist Cuck not good enough now?
Is , was, and will forever be…..about the money
You are so cynical, and wrong.
It’s all about spiritual damage … measured in dollars!
Apparently quite damaged.
And another case of unintended consequences:
I note the article carefully avoids comparing tho cost of the complex new system the government is putting together with the simple large scale low fuel cost dispatch power plants being replaced.
There are a lot of moving parts in their fancy new grid….the maintenance cycle may prove a bit difficult to manage. Especially if part of it is left to consumers.
I also wonder what potential technical risk all of these home owners feeding into the grid could face. Are there any fail safes implemented in the grid/home installations to prevent sudden spikes overwhelming their systems? If the grid itself can be at risk, why not those supplying into the grid?
Blackouts predicted ! Yes it is the law of unintended consequences same as Victoriastan and SA but nobody learns while someone earns .
They are even talking firming not baseload so it looks like the poor will be paid to switch off air conditioners during peak hours so the rich can live in comfort .
Industry paid to shutdown it’s just another blow for industry .
Inverters shut down or back off on overvoltage, deepening on vintage.
Inverters are required to isolate from the grid in the event of a grid outage. Some with connected battery are able to keep the power at the premises flowing but must be isolated from the grid.
The inverter protection may increase the protection to other household electrical equipment but not likely to add to the risk. The inverter will be one of the most expensive electrical items in the premises and its loss, out of warranty, due to a voltage spike would be expensive. If it happened on a wide scale at one time, and was verifiable, then that would be a reasonable case for class action against the owner of the poles and wires.
Given the broad political support for rooftop, I expect the distributors will be adding storage to their networks to help control voltage fluctuation. Of course that cost will be shared across those connected but the rooftop solar owners will be the beneficiaries.
My view is that it is better for rooftops to be producing intermittently than grid subsidy farms.
All that comes to mind are Pink Batts.
I have had enough of subsidising other peoples roof top solar!
Where can I get one of these?
WA feed in tariff 7.1 cents/kWhr. That about equals WA average wholesale price, but midday spot price is about 4 cents.
Perth household electricity prices are about 28 cents/kWhr plus $1/day.
On Saturday, according to AEMO, SE WA generation varied from a low of 1,320 MW at 11.30 am to a peak of 2,330 MW at 7 pm.
That includes 450 MW from wind, about 900 MW from coal, and the balance gas.
But that excludes the impact of rooftop solar, reportedly 850 MW nameplate capacity, so possibly contributing 500 MW around midday.
As the article reports: “The only way to manage the solar was to scale back or switch off the coal- and gas-fired power stations that were supposed to be the bedrock of the electricity system”. “What’s changing in the WEM is the fact that rooftop solar is now our single largest generator,” Ms Zibelman said. The onslaught of renewable energy in WA has cut a swathe through the finances of state-owned electricity provider Synergy. In September, the utility handed down a massive $657 million loss for the 12 months to June 30.
Robber, the simple answer to that is to not allow rooftop solar to connect to the grid. It would save feed in costs and stop the grid becoming unstable.
If someone wants to virtue signal and have solar then they should also install a large battery with the panels to store the power generated when it is not needed.
No one actually knows either how much roof top solar was actually generated for a given period, or how much of it was fed back into the grid.
From my personal experience , i suspect very little ( <20% ?) is actually returned to the grid….most of the RT solar being consumed “behind the meter”.
However, that is not the issue, . Even if none of the RT solar was returned to the grid, the “instability” problem is still there since any fluctuation in RT solar generation ( EG cloud activity) is instantly reflected in increased demand on the grid…and vice versa..
The AEMO /NEMlog like to show the RT Solar generation as a smooth rise and fall over the day,…but it isnt like that ,.. it more like the utility solar data,..allover the shop, up and down like a mountain range.
The overvoltage damages appliances….and some inverters have the voltage cranked up high to ensure power goes out to the to be sold, but the damage gets done in the process….
Another example of renewables damaging stuff….
I pay 26.02 cents/unit, excluding other costs.
I like the lead picture in that article showing that only half of the roof top solar in that place will be effective because half of the panels are pointed in the wrong direction. It just shows just how ignorant the installers are, they must know that the panels have to face north and be at the correct angle to be useful.
The installers don’t care whether the panels work, only that they get paid for installation. I have seen one house with panels facing east, north and west to maximise use of the roof area. There are others where the roof pitch dictated the installation of only west-aligned panels.
The local (large) Honda dealership has its entire roof covered in panels. Because the roof has a very low pitch to the east, the panels were set up on inclined frames . . . tilting them even further to the east by about 20 degrees. So basically expensive, subsidised roof ornaments.
Actually, there is logic in alligning some panels East and some west as weel as north.,..depending on the location and latitude etc.
With all panels facing north, you get a strong peak generation at midday, probably more than can be consumed ,
By distributing the panel angles you can “spread the power collection more evenly across the morning and evening periods and reduce the midday peak
Theis is more common now that panels are much cheaper such that a system of say 10kWh of nameplate panel power could be installed to supplu say 5 kW steady over a longer period with no main peak..
It is a simpler system than having “tracking “ panels.
They would self-power and tracking would be easy to programme.
So the UN regulators just haven’t got around to regulating how roofs should be built to permit the easy installation of tracking solar panels.
It’ll could come if the boondoggle and more importantly the economy survives. The price of power is already punitive and absurd so it seems unlikely.
Nothing in the 21st century may be reliably conducted without cheap, stable, despatchable base load power.
Centuries of coal should provide the requisite buffer before and as alternative cheap technologies emerge.
Ideology is not, never was, an answer. Neither are mandated ‘trick cars.
Power is availble until sunset , but then they have to track back to the east ready for the morning. Some how ?
But the cost of the hardware and controls for each panel is similar to extra fixed panels…and pitched roofs are not conduceive to tracking panel location
I doubt many private RT solar owners would want a complicated tracking system on their roof
Correct Chad. It’s quite common for folks in Perth to have panels on the north, west and east sides. Not facing the wrong way at all, since the photo clearly shows the Indian Ocean to the west.
In the previous open thread wxcycles noticed that the jet stream was getting faster and I’ve been scouring the interwebs in search of a cause other than human induced global warming.
‘Unusual jet stream behavior has been recorded every three to five years since 2000 — in 2003, 2006, 2010, 2015 and 2018 — turning what scientists initially thought could be an isolated abnormality into what appears to be a pattern.’
NBC News (June 2019)
1957 record 223 mph =359 km/h (alt unknown)
2019 record 231 mph = 372 km/h @ 35,000 ft
Forecast speed this week (5th to 6th Dec)
253 mph = 406 km/h @ 30,000 ft
Think it’s safe to say assorted reports of the Jetstream slowing and losing its zap are a bit BS.
Its indicative of global cooling.
So I’m looking for a connection between solar forcing and QBO, but it might also be some kind of internal dynamic.….4850104S/abstract
Note how the blocking high is too far south for this time of year, so a few days of cool weather for the south east. The jet stream is way out of sync.
So far for WA, shaping up for a hotter summer with the return of the hot morning easterlies that have been mostly absent for the last three summers. Also it seems that the east coast will be cooler.
The blocking highs tend to make WA warmer, dragging hot air from the centre of the continent, whereas south east Australia is pummelled by Antarctic blasts.
My gut feeling is that temperatures this summer in WA will be about average and the MSM have nothing to say on the collapse of the subtropical ridge.
el gordo
Look up the 4 videos that Piers Corbyn has recently produced. He talks a lot about the jetstreams and particularly how they can lose their circular shape –what it means and what causes it.
Don’t have the time right now, but I accept that Piers is a leading member of the denialati.
‘Solar wind particle flux from the sun DIRECTLY drives jet stream, weather, geomagnetic activity, volcanism …’
IMHO, this stuff about volcanic and earthquake events is pure BS, it oozes crack-pottery.
There’s no actual data to support it. And like an actual climate-trend change the level of global data and time-scale to see that trend change, or to see significant correlation, would be seen on 500 to 1,000 year time-scales at a minimum. The global seismic network is only 60 years old. Such short intervals of seismicity logs a bunch of noise, just like satellites log weather-cycle noise. No climate-change trend though, it’s about a thousand years too short, and on the wrong end of the scale.
Plus there’s no rational reason or need to drag stuff like that into it. Occam’s Razor’s test is that the simplest theory which explains all observations is the most likely to be correct. Not the most complicated an unnecessary (and it does not explain all the observations, so why bother with it?).
Why on earth would a scientist gratuitously drag in unnecessary ancillary guff which will easily falsify the theory of a solar-modulated climate-change linkage – which is problematic and ambiguous enough already, which will only raise numerous objections to it?
Why make it so much more incompatible with observations in all of those areas?
It needs a debunking, not entertaining.
It depends where the blocking-High is located though. If it blocks within the Tasman Sea it does the opposite, WA doesn’t get as hot, ViC and NSW get blasted by hot interior air, and central and north QLD are cooler and less humid.
That is true, the blocking will cause a few days of heatwave followed by a cold air outbreak as it slowly moves east in midlatitude.
If we could prove this happened in the 1950s and 60s, we would be home and hosed. It may not be enough to convince the zealots, so we’ll need to look more closely at Gleissbergs.
Not sure how to package this for Rowan Dean’s Iceage Watch segment, but definitely the increased velocity of the jet stream is central to our argument.
Really, this has gone on long enough.
What Global Warming, man made or not? Where?
What sea rises? Where?
Forget all the thousands of failed predictions, after 31 long years of this utter nonsense, it is all li*s.
The only species facing extinction is the self appointed Climate Scientist.
It was an extraordinarily successful UN/EU/Bankers scheme to get $1.5Trillion a year and cripple Western democracies.
Now the UN is demanding everyone pay an oil/gas/coal tax. To them. Of course.
Greta can go home for winter in Sweden instead of holidaying in Spain. She is not entitled to a personal Climate Change.
Currently 324 nm from NE Spain coast moving at 10.9 kt due east. They could make land within 30 hours at this speed. Looks like the worst of the weather should drop south of them they get near it.
She should ride home. On a horse.
Have you been in Madrid in winter? I found it bearable with addition of anti-freeze (Valdepeñas) but Greta is a tee-totaller.
Yes. But a long time ago. Before Global Warming. It should be beach weather by now.
A random doodling with the calculator.
According to AGW enthusiasts
The Earth is heated by greenhouse gases
The Earth is 33℃ warmer than it would be if there was no atmosphere.
That the Earth’s temperature has risen by 1℃ (roughly) since 1895.
The level of CO2 in 1895 was 295 p.p.m. (Arrhenius)
That CO2 causes warming
That for each unit of warming by CO2 there will be 2 units added by H20
This makes it easy to calculate the effect of CO2
At 1895
warming due to CO2 = 11℃ (one third of the Greenhouse effect)
sensitivity = 11/295 = 0.0373℃ per p.p.m. CO2
Therefore an additional 115 p.p.m. should cause 0.0373 X 115 = 4.29℃
which means that the temperature should have risen 12.86℃ since 1895.
Which it hasn’t, so CO2 DOES NOT TRAP HEAT. Instead it could share it around (as suggested by a non-climate scientist in 1915)**
So, since water vapour averages 1% ?
And CO2 averages 352 p.p.m.
SO MAXIMUM WARMING CAUSED by AGW = 12.86 X 1.0352/100 = 0.13℃
At 0.5% water vapour average the effect of AGW drops to 0.069℃
**Some obscure fellow called Einstein who, unlike climatologists was good at calculations.
Sure hope the child prodigy/prophetess has her trademark anti-warming beanie, gloves, puffer-jacket, ski pants and boots onboard that carbon-zero youtube yacht for when she steps ashore on the Iberian Peninsula: (scroll down to Spain/Portugal)
For the next 3 days up to 20 cm snow on the Pyrenees, northern Spain, southern Spain, Morocco’s Atlas Mountains: freezing snow in north Africa is the ‘new normal’ in 2019 because of… um… ah… ooh… eee…
Has the President of Brazil learnt something from President Trump –tackle them head on ?
The Santarém Specialized Agricultural Conflict Police Force was set up under a Leftist President to preserve the Amazon forest from burning by those wishing to clear the land for Agriculture.
The new Rightist President is all in favour of the land being cleared for Agriculture.
The NGO Health and Happiness Project (PSA) trains volunteer Firefighters to assist in putting out these fires.
1. Fires were started.
2. Firefighters were called out and one or more photographed the location and nature of these fires. (I think it is referred to as “evidence”.)
3. WWF purchased exclusive rights to the images from PSA.
4. WWF showed these existing images to LDC.
5. LDC was upset by the destruction and made a large contribution to the WWF to assist in preserving the Amazon Rainforest.
You equate El Presedente’s behaviour to that of Trump? Shame on you.
Climate change is making horses fat
My favorite comment to this post:
Stephen Skinner
November 30, 2019 at 12:58 pm
The 6th Mass Extinction ends with every animal becoming obese.
“We got to start eating horses! We don’t have enough time! … We have to get rid of the horses! … We need to eat the horses!”
I’ll just gallop down to the butcher!
Hang on, how can you if,,,,,,,
Breaking News: 100% of horses claim they do not taste like chicken according to a Morgan Gallop Poll.
Get rid of the deniers. Eat the neighsayers.
What can I say, 10/10.
Funny thing is my old Mum used to make “Racehorses” which is left over Corned Beef or Silverside cooked in batter/pancake mix.
Not suggesting to cook a horse whole as leaving the rest would be a waste……
There goes the neigh-bourhood…. 🙂
Awe, that’s baaad.
It turns out emitting a trace amount of carbon (sic) is a truly lousy way causing horses to tip over the extinction tipping point …
Climate change is making horses fat as it’s causing an abundance of grass to grow, top vet warns
Actually, its bad animal husbandry that makes horses fat….too much rich food makes horses founder, and they wind up in the founder yard to slim down….its all just management.
Can you imagine if it was as they say, youd have cattle dying left right and centre from bloat…
a Xinjiang police notice published in 2014 listed 75 indicators of “religious extremist”. These included:
• Owning a compass
• Abstaining from alcohol
• Wailing, publicly grieving or otherwise acting sad when your parents die
• Not letting officials scan your irises
• Telling others not to swear
• Not allowing officials to sleep in your bed, eat your food and live in your house
• Being related to anyone who has done any of the above
Holding a foreign passport is also grounds for suspicion, said Hong Kong-based academic and specialist in Uyghur nationalism studies Shih Chien Yu.
“Beijing believes they don’t acknowledge the power of the Communist Party and the Chinese Government enough,” Mr Shih said.
Which is why in another of the leaked bulletins, IJOP records the cases involving the 23 Australian citizens among the 75 foreign passport holders.
These 23 are in addition to another 15 adults and six children from the Australian Uyghur community who are being detained in Xinjiang, according to Canberra-based Uyghur activist Nurgul Sawut.
In Australia, you get levelled an “extremist” for remembering that things actually we’re as bad in the past.
‘DewMobile Inc., allows smartphone users to send videos, photos and other files directly from one smartphone to another without being connected to the web …’
That would be a genuine concern for the fascists.
The Madrid COP does not look like it will be a happy get together. Very cold weather in Spain, Irish farmers joining in protest with their fellow farmers in France, Netherlands & Germany. China rapidly increasing the construction of new coal fired power stations both at home and abroad.
“Astonishingly, over the past 18 months China has added enough new coal-based electricity generation (43GW) to power 31 million homes. King coal has returned. Not only that, China is also financing 25% of all new proposed coal plants outside of its own borders, e.g., South Africa, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. They’ve gone coal gaga.”
Now we also have the Russians supplying more coal to India who has aspirations of becoming one of the major steel producers, using the coal.
Another quote from the Delingpole article :
“Germany’s electricity prices have rocketed to their highest ever:
More than 340,000 German households had their electricity turned off last year because they couldn’t pay their electricity bills. A mother is sitting with her son in her darkened apartment in Hanover (Source: DPA)
While wholesale electricity prices in Germany have increased by about 13 percent in 2019, taxes and levies on electricity have reached their highest level ever and will cost German families and consumers a staggering 44 billion euros in 2020.”
How long before the German housewife joins the farmers in protest?
The SaltBush Club
Viv Forbes writes a fairly regular news column explaining the idiocy of Global Warming and grid scale Renewable Energy.
Recently a international group called ClinTel (Global Climate Intelligence Group) published a world Climate Declaration; There Is No Climate Emergency. This was sent to EU Leaders with a request to open the debate on Global Warming before any more money is wasted on fighting a Non Problem
Over 700 scientists and professionals have signed it so far including 108 from Australia.
I recognise quite a few of the names who have signed, especially the first one (not counting the two ambassadors), Dr Weston Allen. Wes Allen has featured on the JoNova blog before. There were also some names that I was expecting to see, which are missing.
The declaration is still open. For those who would like to be involved contact:
David and I have sent our names in recently, but the list may not be updated.
AUDIO: 11min43sec: 1 Dec: ABC Ockham’s Razor: Green energy for lazy people
Presenter: Robyn Williams
Jemma Green is turning energy markets upside down so we don’t have to.
Taking a leaf from William of Ockham, she’s looking for paths of least resistance to make our homes greener.
That way we can make the switch to renewables without even having to flick a switch.
This talk was recorded at Ockham’s Razor Live at the Perkins Institute in Perth, in partnership with the Australian Academy of Health and Medical Sciences.
Dr Jemma Green, Director, Power Ledger, Research Fellow, Curtin University
Forbes: Jemma Green
Dr Jemma Green is a cofounder and chairman of, a technology company that uses the blockchain to facilitate energy trading, energy asset financing and carbon markets. Setting her career trajectory early on, Dr Green became the voice of sustainability and corporate social responsibility in the business of big money lending while at J.P. Morgan in London. She then went on to become a research fellow at Curtin University, was Deputy Lord Mayor of Perth, set up the first fossil fuel free pension fund and has sat on numerous boards championing sustainable business such as Carbon Tracker and Climate-KIC Australia. In 2016 Jemma cofounded Power Ledger which won Sir Richard Branson’s Extreme Tech Challenge. In 2018 Jemma was made EY Fintech Entrepreneur of the Year.
LinkedIn: Jemma Green
University of Cambridge –
Masters, Sustainability Leadership, 2010-2012
Post Grad Cert, Cross Sector Partnership 2008-2009
Post Grad Cert, Sustainabe Business, 2007-2008
Murdoch Uni –
Bachelors of Commerice/Finance, 1997-2002 ETC
18 Nov: Forbes: It’s Time The Energy Market Had Its Lightbulb Moment
by Jemma Green
Green energy ‘n diversity
politicks, so connsensuss,
particularly yr University
madness of campus.
The absurdies about climate change just go on and on.
A report on our ABC in September, showed a N.T mango grower complaining that global warming would spell the end of mango production as the warming nights would not allow fruit to set.
A report on the radio 11.00am 1/12/2019 just stated that the N.T is on track for the single biggest production year of mangos EVAH. with an expected target of 3 million trays. Is there nothing climate change can’t do. Simultaniously destroying and producing record crops at the same time !
Equally so, a report a couple of days ago forecast (yet again ) the end of snow in the Victorian high country, within a couple of decades. Conveniatally forgetting that the original “end of snow ” in ten years is just about reaching its end. As of today 2019 WAS a record snow season with higher than average snow depths and extended seasons at the resorts. Snow is also predicted for Mt Buller over the next few days. Summer it seems, is off to a cold start.
2012 Enjoy snow now, by 2020 it will be gone
Environmental Researchers say the end of Australia’s ski culture is in sight, despite one of the best snow seasons in a decade
The Australian Sept 5, 2012
As Peter Sellers, playing Chancey Gardener in ‘Being There’, monotonically said: “I like to watch” –
Fresh, frozen snow on Victoria’s Mt Coldham today 🙂
(apologies if my links are a little wonky – have to manually type them in as opposed to copy & paste a la Mac since it died)
Just watched the 6.00 news. The report was from Switzerland, declaring that their glaciers had vanished and this was very bad. The only way the glaciers could return was if the temperatures in Switzerland are reduced by 2 degrees. I wonder if the Swiss dairy industry would want this change
Watching outsiders this morning the Swiss have had record amounts of snow .
Not only the Swiss…
29-metres-of-snow? Woohoo! I know *Wacky Warmies* live in a humourless puritanical hairshirt ‘virtual reality’ of mann-made hokey shtick and melted glaciers and BBQd polar bears and phantasmagorical doomsday beliefs, yet climate realists are more in tune with nature’s ebb & flow, ups & downs – history, if you will – and laugh in the face of adversity. If we didn’t, we’d be as bonkers as *they* are.
The December mean at Mangalore, near where I live, is 27.2°C. According to BOM observations, the temperature at 11 am was 10°C and the forecast maximum is about 16°C. We will need a few hot days just to get to the mean, let alone get to the BOM’s summer outlook of warmer and drier conditions.
Oddly, there’s something that’s actually encouraging looking at the daily electrical power generation for the AEMO coverage area for a number of hours on each day, and visiting the three or four sites I do during that time.
I get to see what’s actually happening, and from that, I can see now well it’s all being handled, despite the myriad of things which are now making it decidedly more complex.
No matter what you are told about rooftop solar power, commercial solar power plants and wind power, all of that is having (absolutely) zero effect whatsoever on coal fired power, except for a few hours around Midday on Saturdays and Sundays. During those times, coal fired power slides back a little, and here keep in mind it does that regularly (sliding back a little) at those times on every day for nine Months of the year, (there’s no sliding back in Summer) and now it just slides back a little more on those two weekend days. The difference between these weekend days and week days during those times is anything between 2000MW and 7000MW, and in Summer, sometimes more than that 7000MW. On week days, that difference is workplaces, Industry and schools, (nearly) all of them closed on weekends.
So on weekends, during those times when it eases back, now there’s just that usual 18000MW of the Base Load being consumed, and on top of that a little extra for the half for Residential not without their own panels, and some commerce which operates during weekends.
However, what I see most from looking at all the data for power generation is the way those coal fired plants individual Units are being managed, and in seeing that, you get an idea of just how well the grid IS being managed.
During the Spring just finished now, at some times there were 16 (and occasionally more) of those 48 Units off line for basically routine maintenance. Some were for Upgrades to extend the life, again telling you that they will be keeping coal fired power for a lot longer than some might wish or believe. However, even with so many Units off line, and that’s a quarter of the whole fleet and anything up to almost 6000MW of Nameplate, they still kept the grid running relatively smoothly.
That tells me that even if push comes to shove and they close down plants, the grid might still manage. It will cost, and I can say that because with so many Units off line at times, the cost of power is high, as other more costly power plants fill the missing power from those coal fired Units.
However, they WILL need to replace on a like for like basis if they do shut them down, and that’s something that Governments will need to talk about in the future with the people, and explain just WHY that needs to be done.
Another thing that is glaringly obvious is that no matter what wind power, and solar plant power, and rooftop solar power does in the way of power generation, it has ….. ZERO effect on coal fired power. That just hums along doing what it always does day in day out across the Seasons and when those renewables of choice (wind solar power) are low then natural gas and hydro are higher, and vice versa when wind is high, then those other two are lower. Coal fired power just does not change with increased or decreased wind power.
That’s not modelling or renewables urgers telling you, it’s the actual data on a day to day basis which shows it.
I’m just astonished that those renewables urgers are so happy when renewables (the bulk of it Hydro) can manage five minutes on a weekend when they get 50%, or they have a 20% base, or wind power has a Capacity Factor of 30%, and these things make them just glow with pride. 50% for one five minute reporting period. They have to do that for 24 hours of every day on a year round basis, forever. It won’t happen, except maybe occasionally in South Australia with 6% of the Australian power consumption, but in NSW, Queensland, and Victoria, no way known.
Coal fired power has a long life ahead, no matter what you are told, and again, that’s not modelling, that’s the actual data which shows it.
One of the things all this has done is to make me adept at correlating those different links I use, so that if I see something, I can answer any question by visiting those other sites.
One thing that has become more obvious in recent Months is that dip I mentioned on weekends in that early and mid afternoon times. This is when the market has reached what I refer to as ‘manipulation saturation’. Because coal fired power has dropped right back lower than usual, and because the wider power consumption (non residential, and high rooftop power in that residential sector only) is markedly lower, something that has been very effectively explained by Rick Will, (and thank you for that Rick) the cost for power has collapsed to virtually the lowest it is across the week.
Because of that, the pumped hydro plant at Tumut Three is using this weekend time more and more, safe in the knowledge that the cost it has to pay for pumping the water back up the the hill will be the cheapest.
So, instead of watching and waiting for low cost power to kick in whenever, usually in the very early AM time at around that 4AM Base Load minimum time, they can pretty much guarantee that the cost will be lowest at those weekend times.
So, they will operate Tumut Three at peak power times during the early evenings when the cost for power is at its highest, so that they can maximise profits, and instead of immediately having to pump it back up the hill, they wait for these two weekend days at these times to pump it back up the hill.
It’s happening now, right now in fact, Sunday early and mid afternoon, and those pumps are consuming around 800MW to 900MW with NSW power so cheap.
Even South Australia is using this same advantage to charge up its battery.
Also, with those coal fired Units now coming back on line for Summer, and there are only 6 of them now off line, there are times during each and every day when coal fired power is delivering 85% of all generated power, and with those coal fired Units back and operational, that pumped hydro plant at Tumut Three is not needed as much as it was with so many Units off line in Spring for maintenance.
30 Nov: Wired: Melting ski resorts are developing a fatal addiction to snow machines
The climate crisis is warming ski slopes, forcing resorts to turn to snow-generating beasts. But the energy- and water-hungry machines come with a heavy environmental toll
By Chris Baraniuk
“Ten to 20 years ago you could always plan [on] the natural snowfall. In the middle of November, start of December there was a big snowfall every year,” says spokesperson Mathias Imoberdorf. “Now it’s unpredictable.”
The reason is climate change…
VIDEO: 1min55sec: 29 Nov: ABC30: 4 feet of snow already blanketing China Peak resort this Thanksgiving
By Claudette Stefanian
CHINA PEAK, Calif. (KFSN) — China Peak Mountain Resort owner Tim Cohee hasn’t seen this much snow at his resort on Thanksgiving weekend in nearly ten years.
“I’m about five deep, and I’m just walking around the base area. No one really believes us because it’s the most in California right now, but we’ve all shoveled it, we’ve all measured it.”…
Jeff Wohlberg from Clovis came with his family and brought a sled to indulge in some winter fun.
“We don’t come up that often, but this is the deepest we’ve seen it. It’s just a different environment from what we’re used to in the Valley.”…
The resort is anticipating at least 5,000 people this weekend and is warning drivers to give themselves ample time on the roads and bring chains, no matter the vehicle, if they plan on heading up.
4 Sept: Nature: The mystery of the missing mountain snow
Global data sets don’t accurately capture the size of mountain snowpack, a crucial water resource.
Mountain snowpack is notoriously hard to calculate because satellites can’t measure snow depth. Melissa Wrzesien at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill and her colleagues studied four global data sets that quantify mountain snowpacks. The four data sets agree reasonably well with each other — but they do not agree with high-resolution simulations of snow across several North American mountain ranges, such as the Cascades.
The simulations suggest that 40–66% more snow is frozen in those mountains than scientists had realized. If that pattern holds true globally, then the data sets could be missing as much as 1,500 cubic kilometres of mountain snowpack.
If melted, that snow would supply an amount of water equivalent to 4% of that carried by the world’s rivers. LINK
Last week we had a thread about vasectomy as a fashion statement
it gets dumber, with death as a fashion statement
Please note: I do not support either position, and if you need it – Lifeline is 13 11 14
behind paywall, but comments are fun:
26 Nov: UK Telegraph: Ski resorts welcome huge dumps of snow ahead of winter
By Lucy Aspden, Online Ski Editor
As the ski season edges ever closer resorts across the Alps have welcomed the first major snowfall of the winter, with many claiming the most impressive start to the season in recent years.
Resorts in the central and southern Alps, which spans France, Austria, Italy and Switzerland, have been blessed with the most impressive snowfall, as a series of storms hit the area throughout November.
Those boasting a white start to winter include Saas Fee and Andermatt in Switzerland, Madonna di Campiglio in Italy and, Sölden, Obergurgl and Hintertux in Austria…
29 Nov: SnowMag: November snow boosts early ski resort openings
After a November of storms, huge snowfalls and early openings, December arrives this weekend with winter in better shape than usual.
by Roger Fulton
After huge snowfalls over the last weekend with somewhere between 60cm and 120cm of fresh snow above 2,500m in the southern French Alps, the Piedmont area of Italy, the Aosta Valley and the south of Switzerland, today (Friday) will see further fresh snow, especially above 1,800m.
The heaviest snow – up to 30cm – will fall at higher altitudes in the northern French Alps today, especially in the resorts of the Haute-Savoie, such as Chamonix, Flaine, and across the Portes du Soleil region…
Other parts of the French Alps, The northern and western Swiss Alps and the Arlberg region of Austria could also get around 10-20cm.
Further south and east, the snow will peter out but colder temperatures will follow taking the freeze point down to around 1,000m. After sunnier skies on Saturday, a new storm moves in on Sunday, bringing more snow to the southern and western Alps on Sunday…
With quite a few resorts already open – at least in part – such as Val Thorens (53/73cm), Tignes (65/150cm) and Verbier, several more are opening this weekend, including Val d’Isere (50/130cm), Lech and parts of St Moritz.
And in the Pyrenees, Arinsal in Andorra, will open 90% of its pistes on Saturday…
Austria saw some huge November snowfalls with some resorts getting more than two metres so far…
Italy has had some of the biggest November snowfalls of anywhere in the Alps, with the Dolomites clocking up impressive early season depths…
26 Nov: Snowbrains: UPDATE: The Alps Getting Even More MASSIVE November Snowfalls
Ski areas in the Southern Alps are reporting up to 5 FEET of new snow in the past 72 hours! Parts of the Southern Alps along the France/Italy border are reporting the most snow (up to 5 feet over the weekend!) but really its been snowing all over the continent with large snow totals being reported in Bulgaria, the French and Swiss Alps, the Dolomites, the Pyrenees, and Scandinavia…
Cervinia, nestled in the Italian Alps, has already gotten 10 feet of snowfall this month and are reporting an additional 2.3 feet of new snow from this previous weekend. Wow! Cervinia is claiming to have the deepest upper slope base in the world right now at nearly 11 FEET DEEP…
French ski areas such as Tignes and Isola are also reporting up to 20 new inches of snow over the weekend, and several feet of snow is being reported in Switzerland as well. The Alps just keep getting pounded!…
1 Dec: Daily Mail: Britain is shrouded in freezing fog with temperatures set to plunge to a chilling -10C as wind and rain sweep in across swathes of the country tonight
•Yellow weather warning issued in the early hours of the morning due to 10 hours of freezing fog across UK
•Scotland will see temperatures as low as -9.7C tonight and north England will also see sub-zero temperatures
•Freezing fog expected to return tonight although there are no plans for another weather warning to be issued
By Isabella Nikolic
No snow, but record early snow? And last season was record late snow. And the odd Polar Vortex, something no one knew about until they had to come up with something to explain that it was a product of Global Warming.
The socialist media tell a story. The facts contradict them. It is always like this.
So how much longer will the public believe things they know are not true. The planet was given an unequivocal ten years to live thirty years ago. Nothing happened. Again and again.
What is certain is that no one is talking about science and facts. The facts are now certain. Climate Science is crap, to quote the former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott. I don’t think anyone has put it more clearly. And it fits the history of the last thirty one years.
Could they please stop stealing from our electricity bills and blowing up power stations? Or is Labor still angry that they were privatized in the 1990s, like the telephone system. Now we have the government controlled National Grid and the absurdity of the NBN.
When did governments stop having any sense of responsiblity or accountability? About the same time as the ABC/CSIRO/BOM.
2009: Prince Charles says only 8 years to save the planet Source: The Independent, July 9, 2009
2009: says 50 days to ‘save the planet from catastrophe’
UK prime minister (Gordon Brown) The Independent, July 9, 2009
A state-of-the-art anti-terrorist device is unveiled.
The news is that the latest UK terrorist was taken down by members of the public armed with a fire extinguisher and a narwhal tusk. I may have lived a cloistered existence but I don’t think I’ve heard of a crim being apprehended with a narwhal tusk previously.
Just what a member of the public was doing wandering around London with a narwhal tusk in their pocket strains the imagination.
Evidently, this ‘event’ started at the Market and a passer by grabbed the first thing to hand that looked likely to be used, and it was this tusk from the fish market. Very clever thinking on his part.
I am waiting for the debate over police tactics…after they arrived on the scene where the public had sudued the culprit ( sat on him) … but then proceeded to pull the restrainers away, before shooting the guy several times whilst he was on the ground !!
Im not concerned, but im sure some one will make an issue out of it..
Yes bringing a tusk to a knife fight appears to be a winning move, a Wood Pecker’s Pecker would’ve been disastrous.
Interesting article on plate tectonics and just how fast Australia is moving north , again it seems models are useless to predict this naturally occurring phenomenon.
robert rosicka:
1.5 metres in 23 years? Either it is due to Global Warming/Climate Change etc. (probable excuse) or we will get a speeding fine from the UN.
David Maddison has a very interesting article in the November 2019 edition of Silicon Chip magazine where the 1.6 metre adjustment this year due to tectonic plate movement is mentioned. The arithmetic is diabolically complicated and includes satellite clock “running slower due to special relativity and faster due to general relativity from the point of view of an Earth-based observer” resulting in an overall 11.4 km per day positional differential; that is to say, Einstein’s theory is validated continuously by Global Navigation Satellite Systems.
Sydney on track to hit hottest November on record as forecasters issue dire warning
Now, let us look at BoM’s historical November records, as of today (without this year’s mean max November temp of about 26.6 deg C, by my reckoning):
Historical November Mean Max Temp Observatory Hill Sydney
Considering the UHI effect of a growing Sydney city and the increased volume of traffic from the Sydney Harbour Bridge, I would say that this is not so remarkable. But of course, those unaware of these effects, by reading the article, would assume it is due to “Global Warming”. Incidentally, there is a harbour weather station near Clifton Gardens, opened in 1997, where, on average, this month’s November max temperatures are about 3.5 deg C cooler.
In the article, it is mentioned that the previous November record was in 1894, with a maximum mean temperature of 26.5 degrees. Not mentioned was another temperature mean of 26.4 in 1897 (see graph link).
Sydney, Observatory Hill
November Mean Max Temp (1859-2019)*, red line is 5 year moving average. Even though the Cahill Expressway was completed in 1958, it seems like November temperatures do not show the increase as I expected and from what I have seen on Annual Temperature Plots. But there is a sharp increase since the year 2000.
Any clues on why?
* 2019 value (26.6) estimated.
1 Dec: Xinhua: PM visits COP25 venue as Spain “hands over” IFEMA to UN for coming 2 weeks
Spain’s acting Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Saturday visited the IFEMA exhibition center in Madrid which will be the venue for the 2019 UN Climate Change Conference COP25 slated for Dec. 2-13…
During the visit, Sanchez was accompanied by Spain’s acting Minister for Ecological Transition Teresa Ribera, Chilean Minister for the Environment Carolina Schmidt, and Patricia Espinosa, executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change…
Meanwhile, Espinosa highlighted that a model of sustainable growth for the whole world will demand major changes. “It won’t happen from one day to the next,” she said, stressing that it demands “decisions which are taken today so they can affect tomorrow.”
“We have to change everything, our means of production, transport and the way in which we eat,” she noted.
30 Nov: Quartz: At the Madrid climate talks, carbon offsets—and the future of the planet—are on the table
By Zoë Schlanger
One of the main matters of debate will be setting rules for international carbon markets…
30 Nov: Indian Express: Explained: What’s on the agenda at COP25 climate meet?
The rulebook, which contains the processes, mechanisms and institutions through which the provisions of the Paris Agreement would be implemented, had been finalised in Katowice last year. But some of the issues had remained unresolved and had left for negotiators to settle over the next one year. The most important one relates to the tussle over new carbon markets to be created under the Paris Agreement…
30 Nov: DhakaTribuneBangladesh: ‘Allocation, and disbursement of climate funds must be simplified’
by Mehedi Al Amin
Ziaul Haque, director (Air Quality Management) of the Department of Environment and the lead negotiator for the LDC group at COP25: Negotiations are still ongoing over Article Six of the Paris Agreement, which talks about the market mechanism and non-market mechanism that we had in the Kyoto Protocol. We are hoping that COP25 will be able to adopt Article Six. So, under the Paris Agreement, there will be similar mechanisms, one on market and one on non-market.
Since the Oslo International Mechanism on Loss and Damage due to adverse climate change was established by COP19 in 2013, there will be a comprehensive review of it this time…
The adaptation fund and Green Climate Fund (GCF) is there to address adaptation and mitigation, but there is no dedicated fund to address loss and damage. We believe there should be a separate fund to address loss and damage…
lengthy, read all:
29 Nov: CarbonBrief: In-depth Q&A: How ‘Article 6’ carbon markets could ‘make or break’ the Paris Agreement
by Simon Evans, Josh Gabbatiss
A little-known and highly technical section of the Paris Agreement could “make or break” the regime – and its aim of avoiding dangerous climate change.
These “Article 6” rules, for carbon markets and other forms of international cooperation, are the last piece of the Paris regime to be resolved, after the rest of its “rulebook” was agreed in late 2018…READ ALL
Ok It is December 1st. The Climate deniers need to know that it is snowing right now in parts of the snowy mountains.
We have seen a rapid increase in extreme weather events like this. The extreme weather events have been driven by our man made CO2 emissions. This is what the Scientists have said would happen and what I have been warning the deniers on this site about.
The Bom has posted on its site the Thredbo forecast temperatures for tomorrow (Monday). They are forecast to be a low of -2 C and a high of 0 degrees C. The chance of rain or snow is 95%. The Bom also reports that there will be a HIGH fire danger at Thredbo on that day. Be careful deniers. If you don’t slide off a road due to ice or rain, you may end up being toasted in a bushfire. I sleep well knowing that our scientists at the Bom have all the bases covered to keep us safe from these extreme weather events.
Thanks for those observations William, BoM cannot wiggle out of this, its not in the AGW script.
How do you imagine the ABC will handle it, they really can’t handle the truth?
They jest
chuck it
the memory
Orwell’s Oceana
is their
el gordo, Re the ABC. Fyi the ABC was going to be changed in name to the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ so as to be more inclusive.
This was proposed by a strategy committee of the ABC so as to not offend any other letters in the alphabet. Then someone at the committee asked why the letter Z is always last. It was letter discrimination in their view.
A robust debate followed where the committee debated that all letters should be equal, so a case was proposed that every letter should be considered first. It became too hard to reach a consensus for a new inclusive name for the media organisation known as the ABC.
The committee then decided to walk away and eat at a restaurant using taxpayers dollars. They finally reached an agreement with a unanimous decision by all. There was consent that they were unable to understand how to make letters inclusive without offending the other letters, so they kept the name ABC and agreed to blame it all on climate change.
this was a brilliant strategy.
The ABC now had a scapegoat in “Climate change”
now if a man is stabbed, its due to climate change
If floods occur, its due to climate change
If a car crashes, its due to climate change
If there is a bushfire, its due to climate change
if it snows, its due to climate change
If there is an increase in domestic violence, its due to climate change.
and so on.
That’s how the ABC works my friend
Brilliant, 10 out of 10 – or should that be 97/97? Bravo!
A high is deep in the Southern Ocean, as reported by ElGordo at #7.3.1. It is way south of the normal position for this time of year (normally over the VIC/NSW border or even further north).
Freezing Arnactic Air is being pushed up over the Vic and NSW high country. Winter is back! I hope just temporarily.
‘Winter is back! I hope just temporarily.’
Unfortunately the sun has gone quiet and there is nothing we can do to revive it, global warming has come to an end through natural causes.
The ABC may ignore the signs of global cooling in the Southern Hemisphere, but this Northern Hemisphere winter should bring the klimatariat to its knees.
You forget that Chris Turney already proved that global-warming causes summer blizzards in Antarctica. :-p
December 2nd, the start of summer in Australia. The Great Alpine Road is closed between Harrietville and Omeo until further notice due to snow. At my place today its 12C with passing rain squalls.
30 Nov: SouthChinaMorningPost: China fears trade conflicts, climate change could pose threat to food security
•Last month the country’s leadership produced its first report on the issue in 23 years as the trade war with the US and other issues prompted a fresh look at how it can continue to feed its population
•While the situation is “very sound” at present, policymakers are looking for ways to counter a series of environmental and political risks
by Jane Cai
Last month the State Council, the country’s cabinet, published a policy paper on food security – the first in 23 years. It said that while the current food supply situation was “very sound” it also flagged concerns about potential disruptions due to trade friction with the US. Climate change is another worry for future food production…
He said the economic and demographic pressures that would result from climate change meant the world needed more technological innovation, but if trade conflicts undermined research and investment, then the world could face food shortages and higher prices in ***10 or 20 years’ time…
The worst outcome is that trade wars will raise uncertainty and delay investment, including in new farming technologies, said David Laborde, a senior research fellow with the International Food Policy Research Institute…READ ON
1 Dec: John Kerry launches ‘World War Zero’ climate activism coalition
by Marty Johnson, The Hill
Former Senator and Secretary of State John Kerry (D-Mass.) is launching a new bipartisan coalition of world leaders and celebrities to push for an active strategy against climate change on Sunday.
Headlining the group are former presidents Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter, former governors Arnold Schwarzenegger and John Kasich, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sting and Ashton Kutcher, the New York Times reports (LINK).
In total, there are over 60 founding members in the coalition.
In an interview with the Times, Kerry said that the coalition will hold town hall meetings around the country beginning in January…
Like most of us weather geeks we keep a close eye on the BOM and the data they are reporting. I’ve just had to send a report to the BOM because there is a clear issue with the local AWS and their rainfall reporting.
Over the month of November Kyabram has had a little rain. My backyard gauge has captured small amounts, 1-3 mm. Our local AWS has reported 0 rainfall. If you look at the data on Weatherzone you’ll find Kyabram has a probable new record for October for no rain and this is from 52 years of data.
“A yellow cell indicates a probable monthly record for this site (sites with ≥ 10 years of records only). The number of years of records available for the relevant field for this month is indicated in black.”
I live around 3.0km as the crow flies from the local AWS. Now I know we’re not always going to line up and there will be variances between the back-yard gauge and the AWS and I accept that. But to have absolutely no recording of rain over that time makes no sense. In fact, if I go back to October, I find that there have only been two days or recorded rainfall, 0.6 mm on the 9th and 0.2mm of the 15th. There has been no more rain reported by this AWS since the 15th of October. If the AWS is found to be faulty, I’m guessing Kyabram gets “averaged” rainfall for the few months.
I’ve also noticed that when the AWS was recording rainfall Kyabram was constantly getting 0.2mm of rain when there was no rain. In May 2019 we had 3 days of 0.2 (I’m not 100% sure if they were rain days or not). June, 10 days of 0.2 – typically on very cold mornings. June 4 days with 0.2 and four days of 0.4. August 7 days of 0.2 and September 4 days of 0.2.
Today, the 1st day of summer we’ve had around 5mm of rain over the day in my gauge. The large front passed over Kyabram yet still no rain reported by the local AWS.
Also, the other week (21st November) with “code red” our local AWS has reported a record maximum of 43.6°C. Which is a new record, the highest for that day in 50 years of data. I’ve kept the 30 min records on that day to see what we did get to vs what was reported.
Now I believe the AWS records and reports data every 30 mins, and if there is high reading during that time, they report that reading and the time the reading is taken. The data I downloaded shows a maximum temp of 42.0°C at 1.30 pm – There is no 43.6°C on that record. The temps on the chart shows 12.30 pm 40.4, 1pm 40.7, 1.30pm 42.0, 2pm, 41.6 at 2.03pm, 41.5 at 2.30 pm, 41.6 at 3.00pm, 39.8 at 3.30pm, 39.2 at 4.00pm, by 5.30 pm the AWS reported 34.6. The maximum of 43.6 is no where on that record. Why, where did that 43.6 come from? Is it one of those aberrant spikes, if so why is it not on the daily record?
The same thing happened in January, the record reported maximum was nowhere on the figures off the BOM site.
I’m concerned, this data is not showing, yet this data is being reported/recorded as fact and record breaking and I can’t see it. I’d like to see the actual figure that’s been reported as the new record it’s not on the half hour data so where is it coming from?
And we have no rainfall for the past six weeks – what does that do to our “historical data” I guess its taken form the nearest station, processed in a supercomputer and we then have a new rainfall figure.
Meanwhile in the Great Lakes region:
I’ll be shoveling quite a bit of “climate change” today…..
About 20 inches I think
I have no idea what this Waked thing is about.
Perhaps you could break it down here.
For myself I have always been pro vac.
That said I have heard of recent disasters that have supposedly come from vs and having some insight of marketing I am suspicious. Annual shots are a case in point. How well are the prepared and tested?
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