A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The toxic rhetoric of climate change
Posted on Climate etc.
by Judith Curry
I read this, and the comments. Judith’s words seem distant and disconnected. Her writing does not speak to the woman at the level of her worries and questioning and the response was too formal and technical – lacking the human touch.
Mild Valium works to settle panic-attacks and being told to simply grow-up, harden-up and stop listening to doom-sprouting idiots in the media and online would work (if followed). Reading and focusing on their doom-pron is why she’s constantly freaked by the imaginary futures they project rather than focusing on her life and parental role. Probably drink less coffee, and read screens less at night would work too. She’s wrote that during the early hours of the morning instead of clearing her head and relaxing. Does she think less sleep will help?
JC has lukewarm credentials.
‘Climate change — manmade and/or natural — along with extreme weather events, provide reasons for concern.’
Yes, but along with Lomborg, they both make very good sense, so I’m prepared to tolerate their slightly warmest leanings.
“A leading international environmentalist, Professor Bjorn Lomborg, has been found guilty of scientific dishonesty by the Danish government committees that investigate scientific fraud and misconduct.”
Judith is not an engineer. Her answer misses the mark. The answer is way too complex for someone clearly lacking the ability to assess information.
The simple answer – the scare mongering is based on models that are highly flawed. They cannot possibly produce useful forecasts because their underlying concept is wrong.
The planet is no warmer now than it was 2000 years ago when the Romans trekked as far north as Scotland or 1000 years ago when wine grapes were prolific in the UK.
Not being a medievalist I haven’t read the original source but there is a claim that the wine produced in the vineyard of the Bishop of Durham sold well, at 3 times the price of imported french wine. Further it wasn’t taxed as the imported wine was, and the importers twice petitioned the King re this “unfair” advantage, without success.
Also Chaucer is supposed to have said that there was an enclosed (monastic) vineyard just outside Edinburgh.
Chaucer’s father was a successful wine merchant and may have been his source.
It is cooler now. Hannibal wouldn’t be able to get his elephants across the Alps as he could c. 2200 years ago in the Second Punic War. The elephant cavalry was very successful … the dim-glows of the IPCC rather forgot some of their history in the haste to declare things unprecedented …
🙂 🙂
‘This is What Democracy Looks Like’ – Mob Clashes with Police over Losing Election
This reminds me of what happened in the US after Donald Trump was elected president.
They are not protesters.
They are criminals.
Just arrest every one of them
Take their mobile phones
And put them in remand for a couple of months.
To ensure some speedy maturing.
The young lady that wishes Boris a horrible death and then goes on to say she want’s to be a doctor and care for people!
You failed the first lesson love “DO NO HARM!”
I’d take my chances with Dr Myra Hindley than this charming young person.
I hope this is retained on her record.
Goodbye future employment !! 🙂
Oh I dunno. Always get a “job” at a Uni.
I read recently on a post somewhere by someone, that they quarantine themselves at home to avoid any of this lot.
I have to thoroughly agree. What a hideous bunch.
I think judicious use of water canon would be beneficial in dealing with all these thugs….and let the plod deal with whoever remains…..
With soap.
… buckets of fossil-fuel derived detergent …
and THEN the water cannon.
The streets will be really clean afterwards.
And now we have to put up with them all moaning twice the amount as before. Trump and Boris.
I don’t particularly care much for any of them, but I’m not getting my knickers in a twist over it either.
How amusing .. or perturbing! Niggled a party of academics etc about the election (UK) and got red faced, frothing incoherent responses.Wicked man am I. Same stuff when McMillan and Wilson brought th that nation to the brink in the 70/80s. I reiterated that they are criminal in their attempts to subvert this nation. Internationalist all and they will be held to account.
Greta Thunberg Says We Will ‘Put World Leaders Against the Wall’
Whose “we”?
“we” is either “The Children” or possibly the Royal “We”
I don’t know but it makes the lentil broth go further……boom tish!
Note that she says this in Italy where they dabbled with Fascism once before.
Well played Rhoda well played.
She is showing her true character. Way down deep, she is nothing but a hobnailed booted thug! If you DARE go against what she says, she will line you up against the wall in front of a firing squad AND pull the trigger.
She is nothing but a sniveling spoiled know nothing brat without ANY socially redeeming values. Yet she is Time’s person of the year. That places Time below where she is at on the scale of morality – in the muck at the bottom.
That is a very open threat, which everyone understands the meaning of–I wonder what happens when she next applies to enter the USA? Her “card” should definitely be marked now. She better hope the immigration official is a leftie.
she claims it a translation of a Swedish phrase that means holding people accountable, rather than a firing squad
A big climb down, except it implies the same thing in Sweden as it does elsewhere.
The more they are pushed, the crazier they become.
We saw this in the last topic, we see it with Greta and PF
And in the UK elections, we have seen that this “crazy”, (ie Corbyn) is very much a losing position.
I would quote a classic line from Tropical Thunder, but it would get snipped. 😉
The UK election…
Whatever problems that remain will be handled one way or another by the people who have the only legitimate interest in the UK, the citizens of the UK.
They broke loose from their absentee landlord in Brussels where no one gave a toot what harm came to the average Brit from all the rules and regulations.
When I saw the EU first being thrown around as a way to become an economic powerhouse to better compete economically I said to myself, they will regret it. And I was right and I suspect that more than just the UK wants out. We shall see.
The principle is simple. It’s better to make your own mistakes because if you discover you’ve made a mistake you can fix it easily. If you’re making someone else’s mistakes you play hell to get anything done about it.
Don’t know what that classic line would be but I can wish you had tried it if it was funny, there’s too little fun in the world today.
Try this.
Well, not so funny to me and I suppose someone could object, so call it a wash, no hits, no runs but no errors either.
Actually, I wish I understood it. Wrong generation for some of this newer stuff? 😉
Its all about how they ACT. !
And they are getting closer and closer.
The point is, that when Tugg (a fictional actor played by Ben Stiller) went “full ——-” as Simple Jack, his box office ratings dropped to the floor.
We see this reflected clearly in the green AOC, Corbyn, meme.
These far-left idea logs are getting closer and closer to going “full ——-”
Closely related to the topic of this thread.
The Dark Side is strong.
I think Greta talks for her Marxist handlers.
Oh, and I loved the fossil fuel derived plastic raincoat she was wearing. Her handlers don’t allow her to attend school so she wouldn’t know that.
These are Greta’s handlers. Note the connections to the club of Rome save this article as it will soon disappear.there are many people behind this and at the centre isthe club of Rome which now has groups established in many countries which operate silently to push its agenda.Ian Dunlop, an Australian who is still a player in Green politics is a member. There are others go to membership and look up some of the profiles
“… For wheresoever the carcase is, there will the vultures be gathered. …” – Matt 24 : 28
Her handlers are equally ignorant so what do you expect.
She would do well to remember what happened to Jeanne d’Arc.
That’s her story too. Burned to a steak.
Greta has had a little make over of late. I’ve noticed she’s looking softer in many photos. I think the UN HOW DARE YOU fiasco put a dent in her image a little so team make over moved in a bit. Less pics of her in winter jackets also.
She was “misquoted” today
“Greta the Climate Child adopts the Sheik Hilaly lost-in-translation defence over “Put leaders up against the wall” speech”
I guess if St Stampy Foot is what appears to be calling for the execution of world leaders ( “putting them against a wall” is commonly associated with performing executions ) , is that not the definition of incitement to violence and/or sedition?
She should be arrested if so…
Actually lets float a few hypotheticals…..
-Hypothetically St Sulky Pants is a fully managed climate lie, asset, and says nothing “accidental” but rather has a fully scripted part in all this.
-Hypothetically she is the current Elite propaganda mouthpiece, chosen as she is to be a child and therefore above criticism. ( Chairman Mao also used children to bring about revolutions )
-Hypothetically the Elite are issuing a direct threat for all govts to get in line on the climate lie…
-Hypothetically the elite are panicking as people tune off from the constant climate hysteria, so this was designed as a headline maker….
I wonder, has Greta ever been subjected to a penetrating interview about her beliefs, or does only recite pre-prepared statements? In other words is she an activist or just an actor?
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change
GCM General Circulation Model (many, based on IPCC CO2 assertions)
These eight links from five authors are all you really need to understand global warming.
My speculation: As the temperature went down into the Little Ice Age, limestone was deposited around the edges of bodies of water. As the temperature has recovered since, the limestone dissolved and added CO2 to the oceans, with a delay of 300-400 years. It was just an accident that this added CO2 coincided with our industrial revolution. Temperature creates CO2, not the other way around. There is proof of that. Read on.
Shows that temperature change over the last 170 years is due to 3 things: 1) cycling of the ocean temperature, 2) sun variations and 3) moisture in the air. There is no significant dependence of temperature on CO2.
Connolly father & son
Shows the vertical temperature profile follows the ideal gas laws and is not caused by CO2. Millions of weather balloon scans and trillions of data points have been analyzed to come to these conclusions. One important conclusion is that there is no green house gas effect.
Pat Frank
Shows that GCM results cannot be extrapolated a few years, let alone 50 or 100.
Joe Postma
Shows that the “flat earth model”of the IPCC is too simple. Their real models are built into the GCMs which don’t fit the real data.
I have been writing about the climate alarmism tearing itself apart for months now. The gulf between radicals and moderates has now hit the grand COP 25 summit in Madrid.
Be great if they cannot even settle on a decision! If they do it will still be denounced by the radicals. No major country can promise what they want.
Demanding the impossible makes interesting politics.
At these events there must be people who flat out believe the warmist rhetoric and those that pretend to while negotiating for free money.
It’s kinda like a day at the races.
Oh yes, but now we have two very different versions of the warmest rhetoric and a lot of people on each side. I call them the hysterics (Greta, XR, etc.) and the moderates. The Paris Accord reflects the slow moving moderate view. It turns out that a lot of national delegations are taking the hysterical view, especially the small island states, the least developed countries, and the Africans (all of which stand to make the most money).
The standard COP compromise is unacceptable to the hysterics, who are not prepared to compromise. So Madrid is deadlocked and may collapse with no decisions made. This is why I cherish the hysterics. They are wrecking the movement.
It is like I am fighting an enemy and suddenly he is having a civil war. I am all for that.
If anything, Boris winning in the UK has brought out even more leftist hysterics than Trump winning in the US did.
Its quite bizarre !
its not like he just in and is barely clinging to government. Not really sure what they think a minority tantrum achieves, they would be better activating their emigration plans, just not to here.
Yes, migrate to Iceland !
It’s cold enough to survive
All their own warmista hot air !
Born losers are not good losers.
I advocate liberal use of water canon to deal with any violent, pro-climate change thugs who masquerade as “protesters”….
They seem to have a thing about super glue.
Would I be pushing good manners by suggesting forget the H2O and load the cannons with glue?
Not sure what Australia’s ambitions are at the COP25.
However our Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, does not want to the left behind. I presume, from his letter that we will be maintaining our current commitment.
I wrote to him asking that we get out of the Paris Accord.
He replied:
Mal v2.0
Oz is one of the reasons they are deadlocked. Wants to use its old Kyoto credits in the new emission trading scheme.
‘The Government accepts the findings of our scientific institutions on climate change.’
Then we’ll have to discredit those scientific institutions, how hard could it be?
Conceptually it is quite easy. New enquiries need to be set up to examine the pronouncements of the Scientific Institutions, composed of skeptics. Starting with the BOM!
However politically it is very hard. It means going boldly where no political party has been before (at least in this country). Politicians are understandably frightened of the reaction, which I imagine would be extreme.
Tony Abbott (Australia) and Stephen Harper(Canada) both became victims.
To sway the masses we first need to get the media onside, then the politicians and scientific institutions will fall into place.
So the ABC has to be brought into line by its new Sunday anchor, with the blessing of Ita.
Yes as Christopher Moncketon warned earlier was being planned, and warned voters to watch the backs of those leaders.
It was in 2014 from memory that complaints were made to the Minister responsible for the BoM that the BoM media releases did not match up with BoM historic record data creating a false impression. The Minister reported the complaint to Cabinet where Prime Minister Abbott recommended that an independent audit, that due diligence be conducted at the BoM.
PM Abbott lost the vote on that proposal.
In September 2015 before the Paris Conference Abbott was replaced by Turnbull, he and his Black Hand Faction left of the Liberal Party, Liberals In Name Only, defeated PM Abbott, and no doubt defeated the proposal to audit the BoM.
Our problem remains that the rot has set in well and truly and on both sides, with notable exceptions of MPs on both sides who are I believe on our side.
The rot started at the UN and with treaties and agreements being signed over 70 years to date. The implementation is complex and a web of red and green tape, three levels of government and government departments involved and non-government organisations funded also funded by the taxpayers.
The climate change hoax is just another deception and diversion from the politics. We argue and debate global warming while the politicians and profiteering socialist globalists worm their way into our sovereignty as a nation and into our common wealth.
I know you’re not jesting el gordo but you might as well be. The ABC cannot be changed. Only a few weeks ago there was agitation to create an internal Climage Action Group and there have been two, possibly even more, statements from Ita that this shall not happen on her watch.
The ABC must be shut down, wound up, terminated, cremated, buried with a stake through its chest –whatever it takes to do away with its maleficent influence on public policy in this country. And the sooner the better.
We cannot close the ABC down until balance is restored, otherwise the masses will say the Morrison government is of the far right and social divisions would widen.
I’m hopeful that David Speers (who has taken a big drop in pay to be the ABC anchor) will gradually bring the old girl back to the centre. Then we can dismantle the organisation.
Jobs, says Scomo?
The electricity Surcharges have already killed much of our heavy industry and now even offices and small businesses are finding it hard to recoup extra costs of electricity bills.
Empty shops, empty offices.
John Hewson must be laughing his head off.
Probably he meant;
“Thank you again for writing to me.
Yours insincerely
Glad to see the Island ‘State’ scammer crew failed to fleece everyone with their usual disingenuous opportunistic hysteria.
The only productive thing the island states have done to address global corruption was eating Michael Rockefeller in 1961.
I wondered how that went down. A bit rich for the locals I expect.
Fava beans and a nice Chianti not available, Winged beans and nice Kava would’ve sufficed.
How could they lose.
Company, excitement of races, smell of nature, a little 5:1 flutter and the chance of free money.
David, maybe President Trump’s latest speech calling out CAGW as a fraud is DJT trying to provoke the alarmists into massive over-reach, which he can exploit?
“The guilty ones preventing good policy about climate change”
you’ll be amazed to hear this, no?:
“Inconvenient facts show why wind energy is not renewable, sustainable or climate-friendly”
“The dangerous winds of trying to prevent climate change”
Although the article mentioned the use of concrete I couldn’t see anything about of the CO2 produced in the manufacture of the cement used in the concrete. A tonne of cement produces a tonne of CO2.
“Unstopable Solar Cycles – A Video Resource”
“Has interviews with Dr. Willy Soon and Dr. David R. Legates. A well done segment on Greenland with interviews of the folk staffing a museum about it, temperature graphs including things like the Younger Dryas, Roman Warm Period, and Little Ice Age. In just 14 minutes, it makes the case for natural, solar dirven, climatecycles.”
What We Just Learned About the Sun from the Fastest Spacecraft Ever
Fabulous news. Amazing achievement and more to come. Understanding the sun is critical for life on earth.
Thanks for the link Ian. A great video.
“ABC News – 30 Years Is A Century
Posted on December 14, 2019 by tonyheller
The Australian Broadcasting Corporation has determined that a drought in Africa is the worst in century, and they know this because a guy in his 30s who sells tourist handicrafts told them so.”
“New Video : The Canberra Times Vs. Reality”
but we must believe the experts
There’s a wonderful comparison of the high tide stains on the Martello Tower on Fort Dennison (in Port Jackson – Sydney Harbour) in the comments section of that thread here:
What a pity the dates of the photographs weren’t included.
Nevertheless, clearly one is old and the other recent.
Yep. The video makes the dates clear; 1880s for the old one and 2016 for the recent.
I was a bit trigger happy regretably. 🙂
behind paywall:
Power prices Qld: State pulls plug on relief for consumers
Courier Mail – 8 hours ago
THE State Labor Government is pushing to prevent power price cuts being passed on to millions of Queensland households and businesses…
Qld has a severe debt problem, courtesy of Amnesia PalaceChick and Ms Trad and the worst bunch of ministers imaginable.
Join the club. Labor state governments are always financial disasters.
“The Daily Watch – IceAge Farmer on Corn & Brazil, Rice Farmer on Straw”
“When your hotel dosent have a stove.”
Seen this the other day and brilliant solution this guy has come up with .
AUDIO: 14 Dec: BBC Newshour: Presenter Julian Marshall
30m07s to 36m42s: COP: Matt McGrath
McGrath criticises Chile, US, Australia, Japan, Brazil, China, Saudi Arabia, India. compromise could slip out of our hands. young people are in this process much more than ever before, and they are bringing an urgency to it. US, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, China, India, Australia – not keen on going quickly & bringing up a whole range of issues.
also briefly featured – ***Dr. Ian Fry on behalf of Tuvalu & Tina Steve for Marshall Islands.
ANU Fenner School of Environment & Socity: ***Dr Ian Fry profile
PhD, M Env Law (ANU), M Env Studies (Macq Uni), Grad Dip Internat Law (ANU), Grad Dip Media, BApp Sci (UC) – Senior Lecturer
Dr Ian Fry is an international environmental law and policy expert. His focus is primarily on the mitigation policies associated with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement and related instruments.
He is the Ambassador for Climate Change and Environment for the Government of Tuvalu and has worked for the Tuvalu Government for the last 21 years.
Dr Fry has represented the Tuvalu Government at numerous international fora including the World Summit on Sustainable Development, Commission for Sustainable Development, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol, Convention on Biological Diversity, the United Nations General Assembly and UN SIDS conferences.
Dr Fry is the Pacific Regional Representative to the United Nations for the International Council on Environmental Law, a member of the IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law, a Research Associate at the Centre for Climate Policy and Law (Australian National University Law School), a member of the Australian Association for Pacific Studies, the International Studies Association and the International Association for Small Island Studies.
Dr Fry coordinates the Least Developed Countries on matters relating to carbon markets and is currently on the Bureau of the UNFCCC…
He has facilitated negotiations training workshops in the Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Indonesia, the Marshall Islands, Nepal, Samoa, Senegal, Solomon Islands, Timor Leste, Tuvalu, Vietnam as well as special pre-Conference of Party workshops for LDCs in Canada, Italy, Indonesia, Kenya and Thailand.
This work is carried out in association with the International Institute for Environment and Development, the European Capacity Building Initiative (Oxford University), the United Nations Environment Programme, the United Nations Development Programme, WWF Pacific and the Secretariat of the Pacific Regional Environment Programme.
Nov 2012: ABC: Canberra Close Up: Ian Fry
By Pauline Carmody
Alex’s guest today on Canberra Close Up was Ian Fry who works as the International Environmental Officer for the Environment Department of the Government of Tuvalu, working in Tuvalu and from his home in Queanbeyan.
Ian’s currently undertaking a part-time doctorate through the Fenner School of Environment and Society (ANU) looking at the interface between science and policy, or the science behind the issue, with respect to land use change and forestry issues under the UNFCCC and the Kyoto Protocol.
Ian grew up in Sydney the youngest of three children. His family lived in the middle harbour area, the bush giving him an interest in animals and a wish to be a park ranger, even bringing a turtle home to live in the family bath!
He was eventually able to fulfil that dream and became a park ranger at various parks including Sydney Harbour National Park which included a couple of nudist beaches, as Ian describes “a different sort of wildlife”.
Ian ended up in Canberra as a student.
***After doing a Diploma of Media, joined the ABC TV program ‘Earthwatch’ as an environmental adviser.
His career then went from aboriginal education to being offered a lobbyist position as Greenpeace National Liaison Officer…
what an incestuous bunch.
solution for theirABC:
13 Dec: AP: Opponents warn of staff exodus as US breaks up lands bureau
By KEN RITTER and BRADY McCOMBS; Associated Press reporter Ellen Knickmeyer contributed from Washington
Opponents of the Trump administration’s plan to break up the Washington, D.C., headquarters of the country’s public lands bureau are warning of a brain drain, saying many staffers who are being reassigned are opting to quit rather than move out West…
The Trump administration says the plan will save taxpayers millions of dollars, lead to better, faster decisions and trim a “top heavy” office in Washington. Moving the bureau out of Washington is a long-cherished goal of Western state politicians who cite the preponderance of public lands in their part of the country and their lack of access to decision-makers…
The bureau oversees about 388,000 square miles (1 million square kilometers) of public lands, the vast majority of it in the U.S. West. It issues permits for oil and gas drilling, mining and ranching, manages outdoor recreation and enforces environmental protections.
Bernhardt has called for about 300 positions to be switched from Washington to other offices in 11 Western states, including Nevada, Arizona and Utah. About 25 will be going to the new headquarters in Grand Junction, Colorado…
Tony Heller’s quick summary of ABC lies relating to Victoria Falls is well done.
The truth about who runs YouTube and it is biased by leftists with the explicit focus to curtail free speech and focus on dumbing down viewers.
YouTube Rewind MastermInds: Portal A
More settled science that turns out to be not so settled after all –
Forget CO2 this is where earth should be doing research .
check it out– 12-14-19 Earlier this week a Uighur woman in the Netherlands told a Dutch daily, de Volkskrant, that she was the source of the documents published by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. The woman, Asiye Abdulaheb, said that after she posted one page on social media in June, Chinese state agents sent her death threats and tried to recruit her ex-husband to spy on her.
The leaked documents lay out the Chinese government’s deliberate strategy to lock up ethnic minorities even before they commit a crime and to rewire their thoughts and the language they speak. They reveal that facilities Beijing calls “vocational training schools” are forced ideological and behavioral re-education centers run in secret.
The papers also show how Beijing is pioneering a new form of social control using data and artificial intelligence. Drawing on data collected by mass surveillance technology, computers issued the names of tens of thousands of people for interrogation or detention in just one week.
“I thought that this thing has to be made public,” she said. “The Chinese police would definitely find us. The people in Dubai had told my ex-husband ‘We know about all your matters. We have a lot of people in the Netherlands.’”
Ms. Abdulaheb said she had worked in government offices in Xinjiang, a vast northwestern region of China where the official crackdown on Muslims has taken place but declined to go into detail.
‘Beijing is pioneering a new form of social control using data and artificial intelligence.’
The fascists have no shame, arresting people sporting beards. They systematically round the Uighur men up and give them a shave, then a stiff drink and western clothes become the de rigeur.
‘ … even before they commit a crime and to rewire their thoughts and the language they speak.’
Its Orwellian.
Strategically, Beijing needs to educate these people to communicate in Mandarin, learn mathematics, science or some useful trade, instead of rote learning religion.
The US wants to disrupt the Silk Road juggernaut but Beijing won’t have a bar of it.
Greta: How to dress for global warming …
“She arrived in Italy wearing her favourite yellow raincoat and a woolly hat.”
Wait. What is the favourite yellow raincoat made of?
Is the patron saint of stupid wrapped in her favourite fossil-fuel plastic?
>> Forget putting ’em against a wall, just shove ’em outside in the freezing cold …
“We were driven out of the negotiating halls, told that we can take our action outside as they raised an enormous metal door and herded us out.
We weren’t advised to the intentions of the UN security to take our badges.
We stood out in the cold, many without our jackets and coats as we later watched the enormous metal door lock us out in the cold. ”
Joint CSO Statement from COP25 — UNFCCC de-badges civil society engaged in peaceful protest, removing access to all Observers, in unprecedented crackdown on dissent
That’s what they do to the useful idiots, shove ’em out in the cold when they have finished with ’em.
Greta the Brown-Shirt hypocrite.
Here’s a video purportedly of the interior of Greta’s Tesla, with a string of native beads presented to Greta, hanging from the dashboard. If this is for real then it’s another black mark against her, not just because she uses plastic like a normal person, but look at the state of that car. Enough empty baked beans and chick pea tins strewn about to sink a ship. Plastic utensils; plastic wrapping galore. I imagine there’s quite a bit of plastic built into a Tesla too.
HOW DARE YOU Greta! Note the reactions of her brainwashed young fans. Denial all the way.
Peaceful protest? They stormed the Plenary meeting, completely disrupting the work of almost 200 countries. They got what they deserved, the boot.
Sad to report,…. but not surprising,..
I do not watch or listen to the ABC much, but the few times i have this week it is obvious that they are still blazing away on all guns with Climate change being # 1 topic and responsible for everything from the drought, to the size of cucumbers !
I would love to be a “fly on the wall”. In one of their morning Editorial planning meetings .!
Infact i could imagine a TV comedy seried based solely on ABC Editorial meetings ?
A little like Rob Stitch’s “Utopia” !
..did anyone watch the UK comedy series “W 1A”. ?…about life at the BBC…excellent !
The Guardian is also full of climate claptrap on a daily basis, alongside their general leftist bias. I think the well funded green groups are actually paying the media now to feature their propaganda.
Seen this “story” the other day but when first posted it wouldn’t open or copy and had a dark background on the ABC just in site .
Personally I think they should have left it that way .
Also agree.
Just how sick and deranged are these idiots we pay for?
I couldn’t type on my real thoughts here about the type of person that could disrespect our most honourable dead.
A coward dies a thousand times but the brave taste death but once.
I now firmly believe that cowardice is one of the key attributes for anyone to become a member of staff at the ABC.
ABC at it again!
Is fragile masculinity the biggest obstacle to climate action?
Who is this reporter?
Megan MacKenzie
Time to defund the ABC!
Dave –
Megan MacKenzie is Professor of Gender and War at the University of Sydney.
ignore tweet pinned at top:
Twitter: Megan H. MacKenzie, Professor of Gender and War
Everyone knows the strong link between gender and war, don’t they?
There is a strong link between politics and war….
Blokes are the majority of those who die in it….
Perhaps we should try the Finnish feminist approach and have government via Instagram poll?
Thought for the day:
Leftists typically only have two modes of operation, silence (head in sand) or violence (verbal or physical).
Have you seen the XR/Antifa/Leftist loonies going manic after Boris’s landslide win.
Quite hilarious, 🙂
“Y2Kyoto: Blown Away”
I posted this a few topics ago but I don’t think many saw it:
And did you know that Chalmers University has a Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism?
This is bad even by the appallingly low standards of Their ABC.
Two weeks ago, (Science Show 23rd November 2019) we heard Ann Holmes in conversation with Martin Hultman and Paul Pulé from the Centre for Studies of Climate Change Denialism at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg Sweden about their investigations into those who continue to say climate change is not happening, or that human activity is not the cause. This week, they trace the source of these ideas, and discuss proposals for new laws allowing nature to bring legal actions against those who harm it.
Duration: 5min 45sec
Broadcast: Sat 7 Dec 2019, 12:21pm
Also see
As fires rage across five Australian states, well ahead of the expected bushfire season, debate rages about our fire management of forests. Some call for more controlled burning during cooler months, thinking this will decrease the rate of uncontrolled fires. But biologist Kinsley Dixon explains, so-called prescribed burning, produces a more flammable system in the first years after a fire. And he says there are devastating effects on the natural ecology. He says whereas some forests may experience a natural fire every 80 years, there is no chance for the ecosystem to re-establish when that frequency becomes a prescribed burn every five years.
Duration: 4min 41sec
Broadcast: Sat 7 Dec 2019, 12:16pm
As bushfires raged in 6 states, school students held sit-down strikes at almost 60 locations across Australia on Friday 29th November 2019. This followed an international day of protest by students two months earlier calling for more action on climate change. Jonica Newby was at the Sydney rally and captured these sounds including an address by school strike leader from Nymboida NSW Shiann Broderick who lost her home to the bushfires.
Duration: 10min 58sec
Broadcast: Sat 7 Dec 2019, 12:05pm
A new low in taxpayer rorting and weirdness.
Apparently even Rupert Murdoch has been forced to deny he is a climate denier.
A molecular conversation.
“Oh, unduly crowned slayer of the world, so called keeper of the warnth, you have stolen my glory!”
“My part is small, and it is but small minds that put me on this pedestal.”
“BY APOLLO!, is not reason enough to konw the truth.”
“Ah, who is naive now, a misused tool fails its purpose.”
“I am twenty fold more numerous, and each with five times the strength of you.”
“Well, there lays your problem, numbers are of no consequence, when the tool of reason has been benched.
“You have your laurals, you feed the world.”
“We both do, but mine is little remebered.”
“So, carbon of two, you are content with your decitful fame?”
“Be happy, o’ vapor of water, you are loved for your clouds.”
In Tony Heller’s recent video he talks about how “our” (Australian) BoM has been cooling the past and ignoring warm temperatures from then thus turning a cooling signal into a warming one.
I wish they would realise Orwell’s “1984″ was a warning about the Left, not an instruction manual for them.
“Hiding the Hot Past”
Rightists typically only have two modes of operation, silence (head in sand) or violence (verbal or physical).
You copied and altered that from my post above, Peter.
I did indeed
Another of his original ideas
Leftists have one mode of operation
Irrational, anti-science loony!
See – proves my point
Yes you are.
Please don’t insult loonies.
you forgot plagiarism
Oh and I forgot
Utter and complete hypocrisy.
Oh Peter, given the rudeness and occasional verbal violence that you indulge in don’t you think your comment is a tad hypocritical?
Brian – when you are called a moron, or an idiot, or compared to a waste product, it’s true I’ll respond. As to rudeness, the same applies
But I’m making the point that neither side has a monopoly on this sort of behavior
‘ … neither side has a monopoly on this sort of behavior.’
Emotions are running high, but fortunately as a utopian socialist I rarely raise my voice.
And yet your very first posts here were all abuse.
And they continue.
Stop whimpering when you get a bit of your own back at you.
Its pathetic!
and just who has been insulting morons, idiots and human waste products by comparing them with the DRONGO?
I disagree…the overwhelming majority of genocides in the 20th century were committed by leftist govts- Mao, Hitler, Stalin….
Peter you seem like the sort of kid that copied others work at school……who did you sit next to….Tim Flannery?
Double-plus good!
(and I’ll throw in an extra 97% for that winning smile of yours).
If you want to ‘shoehorn’ every political ideology, every metaphysical precept, every epistemological method, onto a thin line spectrum, representing a collectivism position of LEFT or RIGHT. Go ahead. It just demonstrates naivety.
Stalin or Hitler, not much of a choice.
Both of these of these collectivist ideologies always turn bad, and to pursue either of then is flogging a dead horse.
While collectivism is the ‘flavor of the month’, and in particular, LEFTist collectivism push from the dictatorial ‘Arty types’, it is good to see that the average honest working person has the good sense to avoid collective extremism.
“Vive la freedom”
Peter Fizroy, did you throw a little tantrum over the UK results.
Also, it is much better to be right than wrong 🙂
So it’s the right-wing groups that are currently engaged in destructive violent protests around the world? I think not. So I’m not sure how you can say that both groups engage in this type of behaviour. Granted, there have been a few right-wing protest demonstrations, but these have been in the minority compared to the violent left-wing protests that continue to plague our society.
When the left organise a protest it often ends in violence. When the right organise a protest, the left always organise a counter protest and violence usually happens.
Head in sand
More Leftists.
Even more leftists.
Even more and more leftists
The left are violent. Evidence: Riots in the streets in UK against the election results..
The left are thick as two planks. Evidence: Some talking head I may know if I followed UK politics claims that Boris DOESN’T have a mandate for Brexit.
Sabine Hossenfelder talks about scientists and cognitive bias. It would apply to a false belief in anthropogenic global warming as well.
A look inside Greta Thunberg’s plastic garbage filled car she is being driven around in.
It looks like the global warming promoters love their meat, apart from all their other hypocrisy.
///Exclusive Video: UN’s Whopper of Hypocrisy: UN climate activists line up for Burger King at Madrid summit despite UN’s warning on dangers of eating meat – Harrison Ford confronted about flying up coast for a cheeseburger///
Of course the screaming global warming alarmists are being fed lies from the globalists who do not necessarily believe in global warming. It’s all about bringing down conservatives and installing a type of global socialism in name only and more akin to fascism. Whether they succeed or not remains to be seen but it won’t happen without a lot of violence and blood letting that’s for sure.
David Maddison,
Surely they all ordered ‘veggy burger’?
Of course they are helping Burger King, a company that makes it main profits by supplying cooked beef products.
Only the UN Sec-General could afford to go to an Outback Steak House.
Some swine are more equal than others.
Okay then, let me make a couple of points here.
Here we are with COP25 winding up in Madrid.
Joanne ran an earlier Thread about the number of delegates at the conference, with the Ivory Coast at the top of the list.
The Ivory Coast is just one of the 16 separate Countries which make up the area known as West Africa. West Africa is shown on the map at this link, and it is the DARK Green area. It is an area smaller in size to Australia. Oz is 7.7 Million Square Kilometres and ALL of this West Africa is 5.1 Million Square Kilometres. However, as you may understand the population is vastly different, Oz with 25 Million, and West Africa with its 16 Countries a population of 381 Million, so Oz multiplied by 15.3.
Those 16 Countries in all sent along 1490 Delegates to this COP25 Climate Change conference, and yes, that is 1490 of them. The smallest of those Countries, Cape Verde is a group of islands off the Coast of West Africa with a population of just over half a million people, and this Country of islands sent along 37 delegates, compared to Australia who sent 20 delegates.
Okay then, an area a little smaller than Australia, and a population of 15.3 times that of Australia, an 16 Countries.
The total power generation in ALL of those 16 Countries is 68TWH, and 31TWH of that is in just ONE Country, Nigeria.
Let that sink in ….. 68TWH for 16 Countries and 381 Million people.
That’s the SAME power as generated and consumed in ….. Victoria and South Australia combined, around ONE THIRD of the total power generated and consumed in Australia.
Oh yeah, let’s make for sure and certain that they don’t get any of that filthy nasty disgusting life improving coal fired power, eh! Let’s send them all some solar panels eh! That’ll pull those Countries out of abject poverty.
Excuse my extreme cynicism as to why we MUST get rid of those CO2 producing coal fired power plants.
What earthly good are solar panels to these Countries?
No wonder they send so many delegates to conferences like these. They want a share of what we already have, and they want us to pay for it.
And when the UN divvies up all that ‘loot’, just you watch what types of power plants they build, and who they’ll get to build them.
They have no means to bring themselves into the last Century, let alone this one, to bring their Countries out of the dark ages, and here the UN and its green followers demand that they don’t get what we used to bring ourselves out of those dark ages.
See the double edged sword in all this, the classic Scylla and Charybdis.
Do you mean that all of the “benefits” gained and saved with six day weeks down the mines, the thrift, the war service and sacrifice will now be shared equally between us and Africa?
Sorry, I forgot the 10% handling fee payable to the U.N.for managing the transfer.
My great grandparents would be thrilled to know that all of their hardworking descendants had been turned into slaves of the U.N.
Thanks Tony for your informed addition to the conversation
About this Madrid Conference nonsense
This goes all the way back to the original Kyoto Protocol, which in 1997, built on the 1992 Framework, the UNFCCC, and those ten words I harp on about.
As soon as those 173 (Developing) Countries saw that 24 (Developed) Countries would be paying all their costs for anything with the words ‘climate change’ attached to them, the ramping up of delegates started.
Kyoto had almost 10000 delegates, and for Madrid, there were almost 30000 delegates.
I had no idea Australia is one of the four big polluters !
At 1.4% I don’t think so .
Australia, you know one of the four big polluters.
Australia at 1.4% sits as the sixteenth top polluter.
Of those 15 Countries above Australia, in other words emitting MORE CO2 than Australia, nine of them are Countries that under Kyoto don’t need to do anything other than report their emissions, and those Developing Countries are all eligible to receive money from the already Developed Australia.
“Please Sir, can I have some more?”
It is not just the UN keeping these many millions of poor people down. 18 months ago I wrote about the African Development Bank saying it was going to start finding coal fired power plants. This was a big break with the other regional development banks and big daddy, the World Bank. Now in Sept at the UN Climate Summit in NY the ADB announced that not only was it NOT going to fund coal, it was backing away from oil and gas, in favor of renewables.
Somebody green muscled the ADB but good, probably the World Bank. Those poor people!
United Nations PLUS European Union, World Bank, World Economic Forum, Council on Foreign Relations, Fabian Society, Group of Thirty, International Monetary Fund, Club of Rome, London school of Economics, Bank for International Settlements, … to name a few, There is the true crux of the problem.
The ranting leftists are nothing but their tools, their solders, their cannon fodder.
It is ironic that the the left are the puppets of big corporation.
The left scream “socialized health care’.
And big PHAMA rub their hands in glee and murmur, “excellent”.
Interestingly the unfairly maligned ABC is covering the bushfire near Perth
but not the West Australain
did their overlords in the LNP order them to suppress it.
Making a fool of yourself with your incompetence, again hey
nope that is an AAP story look at the time stamp (perth is 9:20 AM and that story is tagged as AAP Sunday, 15 December 2019 11:09AM). You certainly could not find that story on the front page, which is what I linked to.
LOL, further attention-seeking after proven wrong..
Really PF !! WHY??
It is linked from the page you posted.
Stop digging yourself further into your own [snip].
It was linked on the page you linked to.
You expose your incompetence again. !
Proven wrong again.
Stop digging.
Anyone can see the link.
Its the first link in the left hand column of his link
Yet he denies it is there.
Hilarious. 🙂
Patricia, the ABC should be rightly cricised for vonsustently failing its “fairness” part of its charter…it appears to be so heavily left leaning, im surprised its headquarters isnt shaped as a donut so people can keep leaning to the left and only have to make left turns when walking through the building….
In short, it is a joke.
Pointer do you ever check your links ? That second link has a great report on the bushfires I’m not sure what you’re smoking but can I have some please .
‘ … unfairly maligned ABC is covering the bushfire …’
That is because the journalists are on the government tit and free enterprise organisations can’t afford Sunday rates.
In that article a character said the area was ‘back burned’ only a year ago and its alight again. Droughty times and big winds are catastrophic.
Also, before you go into verbal battle you should be prepared to win and stifle the opposition argument. At the moment, you are on a hiding to nothing.
when the cricket ended last nite, switched on radio to find ABC News Radio repeating the BBC’s “The Real Story” with its mostly ANTI-BREXIT panel (Observer/Guardian & Die Welt “journos”).
turned to ABC Radio National, where 10 December’s “Big Ideas” by ANTI-BREXIT, pro-CAGW Christopher Patten was being repeated. didn’t even know the program got repeated on a Saturday. from website:
“Airs Monday to Thursday 8pm Repeated: Tuesday to Friday 2pm and 3am”
checked the previous Saturday and a “Big Ideas” program was listed too. clicking on the program in the Saturday list takes you to “Big Ideas” homepage, not the specific program. however, you would think it would be the final program of the week (Thursdays).
in the case of Patten, there were 2 programs after Patten’s –
11 Dec: ABC Big Ideas: How trolling and cyberhate causes real-life harm
12 Dec: ABC Big Ideas: The ethics of AI and digital megatrends
my conclusion: theirABC – like much of the FakeNewsMSM – intends to ignore the overwhelming lesson of the Brexit election, and insist the issue is still alive/not settled (unlike CAGW).
why an Australian-taxpayer-funded outfit considers their audience would be hanging on to anti-Brexit rhetoric on a Saturday night is something only theirABC knows:
Updated 13 Dec/***url 12 Dec: ABC: Here’s when we’ll know UK election results and what happens with Brexit if Boris Johnson wins
By Lucia Stein
4.They hold a second referendum
As flagged above, Labour has said it will take a new deal to the British people. According to the BBC, there are two ways that vote could be held.
The first could be similar to the original Brexit referendum in 2016, with the Government given the choice on how to respond to the result.
On the other hand, another option would be to hold a legally binding vote, with voters given the choice to approve the new deal or to remain in the EU.
***note url: UK election results – will Boris Johnson survive Brexit???
this is the final tweet of the night – of a number with the latest, perhaps final draft document. check those tweets from the past hour:
TWEET: Simon Evans, Carbon Brief – 35min ago
We now have a pretty clear picture of what the #COP25 ambition text is going to look like, barring last-minute fireworks…
…but texts on loss & damage (“WIM”) and carbon market rules (“Article 6.2 and 6.4) are still missing in action
behind paywall:
14 Dec: UK Telegraph: No 10 has BBC licence fee in its sights as it steps up feud over alleged bias
By Edward Malnick, Sunday Political Editor
Boris Johnson has ordered his aides to launch an urgent review into decriminalising the BBC license fee in the wake of his election triumph.
The move, which is bound to trigger a showdown with the corporation, comes as Downing Street has decided to impose an effective boycott of Radio 4’s flagship news programme over allegations of pro-Remain bias.
The Telegraph understands that Downing Street is preparing to launch a formal consultation on whether television viewers should face prosecution for failing to pay the £154.50 annual cost for watching live television or iPlayer, the broadcaster’s catch-up service…
read all:
15 Dec: Daily Mail: Downing Street boycotts Radio 4’s Today programme in a bust-up over election bias as a Number 10 source slams the BBC for ‘speaking to pro-Remain Islington, not the real world of Wakefield and Workington’
• Ministers are being pulled from the programme because of the furious row
• The BBC has hit out at the allegations of bias and said claims were ‘trumped up’
• No. 10 is also furious at the way Channel’s 4 handled its election coverage
By Glen Owen Political Editor, Mail On Sunday
***The court system is struggling to cope with the burden of prosecutions brought for non-payment of the licence fee…
During the Election campaign, Mr Johnson branded the £154.50- a-year licence a ‘tax’ and questioned how long such a funding system could be justified.
He said: ‘I think the system of funding by what is effectively a general tax… bears reflection. How long can you justify a system whereby everybody who has a TV has to pay to fund a particular set of TV and radio channels? That is the question.’…
The fee raised £3.69 billion for the BBC in 2019, out of its total budget of £5 billion. Ministers are constrained from making quick changes to the funding model by having previously agreed under the BBC’s Royal Charter to continue the current system until 2027, but moves to decriminalise non-payment could be introduced in Thursday’s Queen’s Speech – effectively turning it into a voluntary opt-in system.
About 180,000 people are prosecuted every year for failing to pay the fee, of which more than 150,000 are convicted. Seven in ten were women, who faced fines of £1,000 each. About 70 people were jailed for refusal to pay the fine…READ ALL
are you listening, ABC? what if you stopped getting taxpayers’ money paid directly by the Govt?
how many would refuse to pay a fee in Australia if we changed to that system?
The Report is Out: Not without your approval: a way forward for nuclear technology in Australia
Report of the inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia
A quick read and the recommendations indicate that it is a balanced report. Too cautious in the eyes of some and too precarious in the eyes of others.
I’ll probably post something about the report on my blog if I get bored over the enforced break over Christmas/New Year.
Why do they support only a partial lifting of the moratorium against nuclear power?
I suspect that passively safe designs (Gen III+ and Gen IV) will find acceptance more easily than those with active safety measures.
Inquiry into the Prerequisites for Nuclear Energy in Australia
Hasty! Just 5 weeks for submissions and No Publicity.
A member of the Committee and Government MP was interviewed recently on Sky News about nuclear energy and he said that their focus is on modular nuclear generators as part of the future grid generators.
While I had to extract the digit to prepare my submission, the short time helped me to focus on salient issues in a relatively brief submission that was referenced several times in the report. Overall, it took 2 weekends and a few nights to whittle down the submission to a brief one for busy people.
There was obviously vastly more that could have been included, given more time, including copious supporting references.
Presenting a persuasive argument is impossible if the reader has already made up their mind. In my submission, I therefore tried not to be confrontational, especially to what could be dearly held beliefs. A conversation has to be started and it’s pertinent that the authors of the report chose to quote me:
The conversation has started.
David Bellamy passed away but this has not been publicised much because he has been unpersoned due to climate wrongthink.
A genuine and honest greenie.
A very rare breed.
A really nice bloke.
One Democrat congressman is changing sides to team Trump , going to be interesting to see if anymore follow suit .
Trump is a goner.
The Democrats have discovered that he returned a VHS tape to a video store in 1991.
“New Jersey Democrat Congressman, Jeff Van Drew, Will Switch Parties Over Impeachment Fraud…”
Sounds like not completely done as yet.
But the YSM will have to trot out their best whirling dervish act to spin that
The politician’s standard response now is that they have to accept “the science”.
They are mostly not that silly and many do not accept the hoax science that former PM Abbott called “cr*p”.
How can we challenge this deceptive position and embarrass the deceivers?
Do a Cromwell and disband the parliament kicking out all politicians that support it never to return again.
Unlikely yes but I can dream.
20 April 1653, London, England
It is high time for me to put an end to your sitting in this place,
which you have dishonored by your contempt of all virtue, and defiled by your practice of every vice.
Ye are a factious crew, and enemies to all good government.
Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would like Esau sell your country for a mess of pottage, and like Judas betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess?
Ye have no more religion than my horse. Gold is your God. Which of you have not bartered your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?
Ye sordid prostitutes have you not defiled this sacred place, and turned the Lord’s temple into a den of thieves, by your immoral principles and wicked practices?
Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation. You were deputed here by the people to get grievances redressed, are yourselves become the greatest grievance.
Your country therefore calls upon me to cleanse this Augean stable, by putting a final period to your iniquitous proceedings in this House; and which by God’s help, and the strength he has given me, I am now come to do.
I command ye therefore, upon the peril of your lives, to depart immediately out of this place.
Go, get you out! Make haste! Ye venal slaves be gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.
In the name of God, go!
A great speech, but The Lord Protector proved to be such a tyrant that the people welcomed his demise.
No wonder Churchill, as a student of history, wrote
My mother was amused by a comment in Ireland about a statue in a park that was lying on the ground, I cannot recall who it represented, Mum asked why it had not been restored.
The Irishman replied that Cromwell knocked it down and Cromwell can put it up again.
Reminds me of Wellington nz.
Good question.
Easy answer:
Dear Politician’s NAME,
I refer to your recent exhortation to those who are sceptical of the climate alarmism you currently promote, to “accept the science”.
Could you please forward me the “science” to which you refer that proves that man-made CO2 is the predominant driver of the estimate 0.78C° that the IPCC tells us the world has experienced since 1900. You might like to check whether the IPCC actually said that. Here is its precise wording:
The total increase between the average of the 1850–1900 period and the 2003–2012 period is 0.78 [0.72 to 0.85] °C, based on the single longest dataset available (see Figure SPM.1). {2.4}”
The document may be found at:
Yours sincerely
Sceptical Sam
Interesting bits in this video (excerpts from a George Soros interview)
If you do not want to watch it all, the comments from Soros, basically admitting defeat, are at 4 mins and 6 mins.
Thank you Ross, but I doubt that Soros and Son and associates will ever give up, the new world order dream has been there since the Fabian Society in England founded late 1800s developed that objective.
However, I am looking forward to the present long march being halted and EU collapse and UN restrained and downsized as President Trump has warned them is necessary during his addresses to them in New York.
The problem is not so much that utopianists dream of utopia.
…… it’s that they are so convinced that their version of heaven-on-earth will be wonderful, that they are prepared to kill any number of opponents to create it.
Interesting comment I just read – after water the next most abundant liquid on this planet is oil .
Wow, I would’ve thought leftist dribble but there you go……..
It must be close though :-).
Hello Jo, you may or may not remember me a few years ago I told you we had discovered a new force unknown to science. Apart from a magnetic field that was about a kilometre in diameter from our apparatus that only magnetised hollow metal objects north on the outside and south on the inside with no effect on solid metal. No electricity was involved with the making of this magnetic field?
Inside our device we had flasks of water a woman friend was sick her red blood cells were all chain like apparently a precursor to something pretty bad she spent a few days four hours each day inside our device and drank the water, hey presto her red blood cells tested perfect and she felt well.
A college in America using a similar device as ours had the water tested and light detracts differently through it, that was peer reviewed and was the talk of the scientific community.
So I am sure we have found a new force. Wayne
It does indeed.
It detracts from seeing clearly when it goes out.
Defracts sorry for the miss spelling.
It’s been quite a month …
Some great articles in today’s Sunday Telegraph here in NSW. Unfortunately I can’t supply links as I read the hard copy version only, but strongly recommend Peta Credlin’s “Alarmists need to brush up on History” on page 89, and Peter Gleeson’s “Greenie smoke signals” on p 90.
A couple of samples as to why I like them (rekeyed by me):
from PC: “It’s not climate change that has caused these bushfires. It’s a severe drought in much of eastern Australia, coupled with the reluctance of green-driven councils and government departments to allow hazzard-reduction burns.” and:
from PG: “The review found bushfire management needed improvement in a number of areas but, according to Mr Underwood, it did not go far enough, particularly in fuel reduction.”
Dave B
Surely I must have filled the ‘spam’ box to breaking point with the same comment.
Oh-humm, it will come out someday I’m sure, if only the software’s auto filter understood that Ron Clutz is someone’s name and not a derogatory slur against anyone.
AFP – what a loaded opening para!
15 Dec: Yahoo: AFP: UN climate talks stagger towards ‘mediocre’ outcome
by Patrick GALEY and Marlowe HOOD
Madrid – A UN climate summit in Madrid stumbled towards the finish line Sunday after marathon talks between countries exposed deeper divides than ever over ***how to enact humanity’s plan to avert global warming disaster…
Yet the key issue of ambition — how far each country is willing to slash carbon emissions or assist less wealthy peers to do likewise — has largely failed to materialise.
Veteran observers of UN climate talks were stunned by the state of play.
And youth activists, who held several protests during the summit, called out governments dragging their feet
Alexandria Villasenor, a 14-year-old climate activist, said she was “disappointed” in the lack of action at COP 25…
China and India, the world’s No. 1 and No. 4 carbon emitters, have made it clear they see no need to improve on their current emissions reduction plans, which run to 2030…
Discussions over markets were at an impasse Sunday and the issue is likely to be handed over to next year’s COP 26 in Glasgow…
“The US has not come here in good faith,” said Harjeet Singh, climate lead with charity ActionAid…
15 Dec: Reuters: Negotiators work through the night to salvage U.N. climate summit
By Valerie Volcovici and Matthew Green
MADRID – Negotiators worked into the early hours of Sunday to try to salvage a strong global commitment to fight climate change after some of the most vulnerable nations said they were being sidelined at a marathon U.N. summit in Madrid…
This summit has revealed a wide gulf between demands for action by an increasingly vociferous global climate activism movement and inertia in major economies, even as carbon dioxide emissions have hit record highs…
15 Dec: ABC: UN COP25 summit ends with anger with global warming’s ‘window of escape’ getting harder
Updated about 2 hours ago
by ABC/wires
The science and growing public demand for action is heaping pressure on governments to meet a deadline to strengthen their climate plans by the end of next year — but only about 80 smaller-emitting countries have so far said they will…
Outside the talks, supporters of the international group Extinction Rebellion stood on 12 blocks of ice with nooses around their necks to symbolise the disappearing time left to “change the trajectory and truly face the reality of the planetary climate and ecological emergency”, the group said.
“At a time when scientists are queuing up to warn about terrifying consequences if emissions keep rising, and school children are taking to the streets in their millions, what we have here in Madrid is a betrayal of people across the world,” said Mohamed Adow, director of Power Shift Africa, a climate and energy think tank in Nairobi.
“The approach Chile has taken on this text shows how it has listened to the polluters and not to the people,” said Jennifer Morgan, executive director of Greenpeace International…
Tom Burke of E3G was on Aljazeera about an hour ago, blaming US, Brazil & Australia.
unelected “climate activists” and “NGOs” speak for no-one, but themselves and whatever vested interests they represent.
If any of you want a podcast that will have you alternating between nodding in agreement, being infuriated, and just completely bamboozled, and have a spare 2 hours, why not try this episode.
Bret Weinstein’s DarkHorse Podcast #6
This episode touches on politics, climate change, gender identity dramas, zombies, the errors in social sciences, Jordan Peterson, cancel culture, and the personal cost of resisting populist movements.
When was the last time you heard a leftist evolutionary biology professor who dislikes the authoritarian Left and doesn’t believe in CO2 alarmism talking to a lesbian journalist who doesn’t like the USA Democrats or SJWs? Never probably.
Wow, okay. Is it the word Ess Jay Dubya? Is it the Gen-da ID phrase? Is it Mr W-einstein’s name? Really at a loss to know which keyword is potentially suspicious here. Hopefully Jo does not have to listen to the whole 2hr linked podcast audio before passing judgement.
Spoiler alert: There are two polite and understated uses of the F-word, about 2 minutes on the acceptable limits of trans surgery, Katie Herzog herself refers to “our SJW friends” at one point so that epithet is not my own invention, and the rest is hardly confronting even if it is not the usual fare around here.
I posted it because they are examples of left-wingers who are about as sensible as you are likely to find on the Left. The mere existence of such people gives hope of a depolarised political landscape in the future.
If you post a new article before approving the above comment then nobody will ever read the comment and there won’t be any point approving it anyway. No big deal. I just thought it was something out of the ordinary that might interest others.
AAAND I’ve refreshed and just seen that you’ve *just* posted an article about “Soy boys” which is far more inflammatory than anything said in the above YT recording, so I rest my case.
15 Dec: Daily Mail: Heavy snow blankets parts of the UK with temperatures set to plunge to 17F as Met Office issues severe weather warnings
•Britain faces travel disruption as heavy snowfall has swept across Wales and northern counties on Saturday
•Travel disruption is expected as yellow weather warnings for ice have been issued at 9pm till Monday
•Temperatures could plummet as low as -17F while the southern regions feel bitter winds and rain showers
•Gale-force winds of up to 60mph expected in some areas, which could make weather feel more like freezing
By Phoebe Eckersley and Sophie Tanno
Blizzards rage in parts of the midlands and northeast, and temperatures are expected to plummet to -8C in the Scottish Highlands tonight, bringing frost and around three centimeters of snow…
Some counties including Buxton in Derbyshire were already hit with the snowfall on Saturday, leaving fields blanketed in snow and winter service vehicles out in force to clear the roads. Met Office forecaster Craig Snell told the Sun: ‘The rest of the country will also feel cold as bitter winds and rain showers continue. Temperatures could dip to around 2-4C in the south this evening.’…
(Met Office meteorologist Greg Dewhurst): ‘Temperatures for most places will be between 3C (37.4F) and 7C (44.6F), with maximum temperatures of 10C (50F) in the South East where the best of the sunshine will be…
15 Dec: Accuweather: Cold shot to bring snow back into the northeastern US
By Maura Kelly, AccuWeather meteorologist
A blast of cold air behind a potent storm system will return snowy conditions to parts of the Northeast to start the weekend…
Early Saturday afternoon, snow will spread east into central Pennsylvania before expanding across the northern tier of Pennsylvania and the Finger Lakes region in New York…
Snowfall can approach a foot due to snow squalls off Lake Erie and an AccuWeather Local StormMax™ of 15 inches is possible in the heaviest bands.
14 Dec: UK Express: BBC Weather: ‘Heavy snow blizzard’ to submerge Europe within days – travel chaos fears
EUROPE faces a “heavy snow blizzard” by tomorrow, which could lead to dramatic travel chaos across major regions, according to the latest BBC forecast.
By Oli Smith
This freezing blizzard could spark travel chaos across Europe, with the regions surrounding the Alps particularly hit by “very intense snowfall”…
In the UK, temperatures could drop to an astonishing -7C tonigh as the Met Office warned motorists about icy roads…
Up to 30cm of snow could fall there in just six hours, according to the forecast on WXCharts…
15 Dec: UK Express: UK snow forecast: Britain to be smashed by Arctic freeze IN HOURS- major snow storm charts
BRITAIN will be smashed by an Arctic freeze tonight as temperatures are set to plummet as low as -7C in some parts.
By Rachel Russell
Fallout from COP25!
🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
What else can we do.
Science has been hidden and suppressed: reason was never involved in what was going on; so the only counterbalance seems to be ridicule.
Hmmm. I remember a blizzard when we lived in Hampshire. It was in December, before Christmas and the temperature went down to -18C. There was lots of snow in the garden and I wouldn’t let our then 7-year old son out to play there; a short garden where we couldn’t see through the blizzard to the fence not far away!
I also took the opportunity to defrost the freezer and dumped all our frozen stuff in a black polythene bag in the snow overnight for safe keeping!
Only -7C forecast now….hah ha ha! Some Arctic ‘freeze’!
There was also Christmas day years later….-13C on Christmas Day as we drove North on the M5 in Worcestershire and around Brum.
commentators at Pakistan/Sri Lanka cricket match in Rawalpindi are commiserating with a fielder who got hit by the ball on his knee in very cold temp of 15C.
15 Dec: TheNewsPakistan: Cold wave persists
Islamabad : A cold wave swept Islamabad and Rawalpindi on Saturday following a rainy spell.
Murree received four inches of snow recording minus one degree Celsius temperature. The weathermen said the rainy spell caused by a westerly wave had subsided and cold and dry weather was expected in Islamabad and Rawalpindi during the next 48 hours. He said mainly cold and dry weather is expected in most parts of the country and very cold weather in upper areas…
Another illustration of that famous Irish travel advisory”-
“Well first you can’t get to there from here”
“It IS Too Late – Not Possible To Replace Cars In Time”
The record breaking heatwaves promised for south east Australia for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday has disappeared.
The ABC, fairfax and Guardian should apologise for terrifying Australians unnecessarily.
Yes, when I heard the weather report of “heatwave conditions” coming to SA I remembered a Christmas about 7 years ago when in early January I drove from Gippsland via Ballaratt and then to Adelaide and via the Clare Valley SA to Broken Hill to Dubbo NSW in heat hovering around 40 C, just what is predicted now.
The much loved Peter Hannam had an article predicting “furnace” like conditions. He had coloured maps and everything.
Jeremy Corby in delusional fantasy.
“We won the argument . . .”
“There is no doubt that our policies are popular.”
“This eucalypt forest has never burnt before. Ever.” Oh, no, sorry that wasn’t Jeremy. Must be thinking of someone else.
The EU’s Green misdeal (my latest article)
In poker if you are dealt a hand with a card missing that is a misdeal and the dealer must shuffle the deck and start again. The EU’s so-called Green Deal is just like that.
What is missing is any hint of a plan. The proponents of this planless nonsense gleefully admit they have no idea how to make it work. The fact is it can’t work.
The GD is nothing but a bunch of distant future targets for emission reductions. Target dates range from 2030 out to 2050, all of which are politically very comfortable. Nothing serious has to be done right bnow, so praise to all, we have a deal.
The warm fuzziness of this non-plan is evident in its proposed budget, which is a magically round 100 billion euros. It sounds like a lot of money, but spread out over 30 years it is just 3.3 billion a year.
This is chump change when it comes to restructuring the EU’s entire energy system, which is what the GD proposes to do. A 1,000 MW wind farm costs about a billion euros. Adding three of these farms a year would not even cover the retirement of the existing wind facilities that blight the EU landscape.
In fact disposing of the myriad worn out existing wind farms will likely cost a lot more than this. To my knowledge the EU presently has no budget for this nasty business.
In short this 100 billion euros contributes nothing to decarbonizing the EU energy system. A few trillion euros might begin to approach the goal. I say approach because it simply can’t be done. The technology does not exist to decarbonize modern civilization. Nor can it be invented, developed and deployed in time to meet these absurd targets.
Keep in mind that this is just the usual climate emergency nonsense, which is driven by worthless computer models. The extreme targets are taken from the IPCC’s playbook for keeping future warming under a minuscule 0.5 degrees C (according to the hot computer models).
The control freak alarmists have morphed this tiny warming into the threshold of climate catastrophe. There is no scientific basis for this, not even in the hopped up IPCC reports. A half degree of warming, if it actually happened, would never be noticed.
As with the budget, the targets are wonderfully simple, reality not being a constraint. The nearest term target is truly bizarre. The 2030 emissions target is presently a 40% reduction from 1990 levels. The GD target raises this to a whopping 55%.
What makes this truly strange is that the EU’s environmental agency just issued a report saying the 40% target will be missed. They will be lucky to get to 30% as things are going.
This pretty well certifies the 55% as impossible, especially given the ponderous slowness with which energy technology must be deployed. Extreme measures would be called for and these are politically very unlikely, given the widespread anti-action demonstrations that are already occurring.
No wonder the GD proponents say they don’t know how to do it, because it can’t be done. But they want to pass a law mandating it anyway. How crazy is that? Well crazy is where we’re at, when it comes to the climate emergency hysteria.
Hysterics are not known for sound judgement and the EU leadership is no exception. Fortunately 2030 is not far off so the nonsensical nature of this non-plan will soon show up. I give it five years at most.
The Green Deal is a card short and that card is reality. This game will be fun to watch.
Informative video for those who think CO2 controls climate .
Isaac Levido had the electoral strategy which allowed two sitting PMs to keep their jobs.
This was written before the UK election and its a wonderful insight.
Looks like social media is the key to a successful election campaign.
How does one send a message to everyone with a mobile phone?
More precisely, this from the TG team.
‘The premise is simple. Clogging people’s social media feeds with “boomer memes” – hastily executed and comically dubious pairings of image and text pitched to older voters – is considered more effective than publishing considered analyses of policy.’
More alarmist drivel from the ABC and shonky science from the CSIRO , according to Bom Halls Creek has a cooling trend and this report says the opposite of Bom .
Broome was in the mid 30’s when we were there in July /August and that’s why we were there and not here in freezing Victoriastan.
Even worse, the UN’s money making 1.5 degrees C of warming goal includes 1.0 degrees of past warming. The claim is that exceeding just 0.5 degrees of additional warming would be catastrophic. Pure political nonsense.
Every time you read the 1.5 degrees crap, read 0.5 degrees of future warming. The crazy gets clearer.
Thank you David I did not know that .
David W,
The pillow not being soft enough is catastrophic these days.
Boris Johnson plans new Whitehall department to spearhead Britain’s battle against climate change as part of post-election Government shake-up – facepalm /) – .
Greta’s PR machine stuffs up. Greta gets caught out telling porkies, claiming she had to rough it sitting on the floor of a train through Germany when she actually rode 1st Class according to the train company. And look at all the synthetic luggage.
Tony Heller’s also onto it with added details.
Greta’s second stuff-up in as many days after her plastic rubbish-filled Tesla was filmed.
Basically establishes her entire act is a virtue-signalling PR fraud.
That needed moderating?
Comment reposted from WUWT