Jan 2020: Coldest ever day in Greenland -65C comes, goes, no one notices

The coldest ever day recorded in Greenland stands at -63.3 C  (minus 81 F).  But on January 2nd in 2020, after Greenland suffered a century of global warming, the thermometer at Summit Camp sunk to at least -64.9C. I say, at least, because it may have been even colder. Sharp eyes of Cap Allon at Electroverse saw it hit minus 66C. Ryan Maue also saw it and predicted there would be cold as the Arctic Oscillation broke down.

Greenland lowest temp record cold 2020

4:13 AM · Jan 4, 2020

I sought confirmation at the time (among the Bushfire days in Australia). I looked for any official tweet even, but couldn’t find any. How’s that work — a new all time record for a whole continent for any month of the year, and no one who was paid to care about these things even writes a paragraph?

Good for Paul Homewood, who wrote to the DMI (Danish Met Institute) and has now confirmed that the NOAA GeoSummit  records showed it got down to -64.9 C, an all time record.

John Cappelen:  I have now had the opportunity to go through the American observations from NOAA GeoSummit from January 2, 2020 . I have at NOAA’s wab-site found January 2020 ftp data up to January 15, 2020.

January 2, 2020 was a cold day at SUMMIT and 23:13 utc the temperature had a minimum -64,9C…the same temperature was registered 23:15 and also 23:16 utc….data looks all right…


Greenland record low temperature 2020

That’s nearly three degrees cooler than the record for January at Summit Camp:

Greenland record low temperature 2020

Paul Homewood writes that it’s a record one way or the other:

Although the DMI equipment has now been closed, it was at the same location as the Geo Summit, so readings should be comparable.

Quite clearly then, a new record low has been set for both Summit and Greenland. Whether it is –64.9C, as stated by John Cappelen, or the graphic reading from Electroverse remains a mystery.

Nevertheless, we await the new record to be officially declared by NOAA, and reported in the world’s press!

Compare this to the rush to declare the highest ever June temperature in Greenland last year which was announced in the newspapers but turned out to be wrong and was quietly corrected a week later. From Anthony Watts at WUWT August 2019 “Shoot out the headlines first, ask questions later.”

Danish climate body wrongly reported Greenland heat record

The Danish Meteorological Institute, which has a key role in monitoring Greenland’s climate, last week reported a shocking August temperature of between 2.7C and 4.7C at the Summit weather station, which is located 3,202m above sea level at the the centre of the Greenland ice sheet, generating a spate of global headlines.

But on Wednesday it posted a tweet saying that a closer look had shown that monitoring equipment had been giving erroneous results.

“Was there record-level warmth on the inland ice on Friday?” it said. “No! A quality check has confirmed out suspicion that the measurement was too high.”

Thanks to Ryan Maue for the satellite images as the polar vortex “anchored to Greenland”

Coldest Day in Greenland ever recorded, Jet streams, Arctic Oscillation.

Coldest Day in Greenland ever recorded, Jet streams, Arctic Oscillation.

It’s those dang meridonal jet streams — as predicted here by Stephen Wilde five years ago and postulated via solar driven UV changes or charged particle shifts.

Can’t blame the coal plants, so it’s like it never happened. Don’t call the media “sensationalist”, call them “activists”.

9.6 out of 10 based on 103 ratings

180 comments to Jan 2020: Coldest ever day in Greenland -65C comes, goes, no one notices

  • #
    Peter Fitzroy

    Instrument problems caused the erroneous hot readings, did they over correct the machine in the other direction?


    • #
      Bill In Oz



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      robert rosicka

      Anything is possible Peter but when was the last time you seen “coldest ever” in a headline ?


      • #

        Maybe this coldest temperature is a climate trend indicator, and $thousands can be spent on some witless anti-scientists to attribute it to some future climate norms. On the other hand maybe it’s just some weather to be noted and properly recorded.


    • #

      No evidence of instrumental problems in this case.

      Just another of your fabricated evidence-free fantasies.

      Facts hurt you so bad. !


    • #

      Peter Fitzroy (as I have been instructed to address you in this land of free speech ?????????),
      The Greenland minimum was fair dinkum. Not like the Seymour Island HOAX of last week which that wonderful rag (The Guardian) was part of.
      The sooner that blatant liars such as yourself are imprisoned, the better.


    • #
      Peter Fitzroy

      If you are sceptical of hot temperatures, the same scepticism should be applied to cold ones as well. In this case, the thermometer malfunctioned once, it is more likely to be malfunctioning again. There was nothing in the post which could confirm the reliability of those measurements.


      • #
        el gordo

        Of course, but the obvious anomaly is the very positive Arctic Oscillation making Greenland particularly frigid.



      • #
        el gordo

        Here is some general reading, don’t be afraid to ask if you spot a problem. Importantly, the jet stream strengthens under a positive AO.



      • #

        Plenty of evidence of high readings often being unreliable because of a variety of reasons.

        Do you have ANY evidence that this cold reading was in any way unreliable?

        Or is it just another little evidence-free fantasy of yours ?


      • #
        Sapel Mirrup

        (a) ‘We’ are not necessarily sceptical of either. It’s not a default scepticism due to the temperature simply approaching a boundary condition. If there is scepticism it is more likely there are other factors involved.

        (b) The DMI have checked the cold datum and in their view it has been verified and the said instrument is not at fault, otherwise it would be exchanged, repaired or decommissioned. Presumably the technical staff understand the reason for the previous hot error and have addressed the problem in some way. Knowing this they would be alert to anything anomalous that could occur and would have fully tested the equipment for reliability. Thus they found that there was a problem with that specific hot temperature that they willingly corrected (which they could have defended if they wished). So far they have found no fault with the January cold record, so let’s not invent one just to be even-handed.

        (c) The previous ‘malfunction’ created an error of too high a reading. If the instrument were likely to fail again, it is thus probable that the same fault would be due to a systematic error caused by the same electronic problem, and that, if applied to the record cold temperature, that it would be reading too high in that case also, and therefore the real temperature was even lower than that quoted.

        (d) If we are examining the alternative – the possibility that the instrument is experiencing random errors of unknown magnitude, then on principle, none of the readings are trustable, including those moderate values well within the known limits.

        (e) Re “if the thermometer functioned once, it is more likely to be malfunctioning again.” Really? I’ve dealt with a lot of machines and equipment, from scientific lab apparati to household computers, small engines and car mechanical systems, and I don’t find this to be necessarily true. There is no clear pattern. It may be true sometimes, but not ‘as a rule.’ And as pointed out above, if true, it will tend to fail in the same manner/direction. But some equipment can actually fail once and once only in a specific period of service due to some unexplained glitch. Seeing the equipment is advanced electronic and there are phenomenal space weather currents, particles, fields and charges flowing through the atmosphere, in surges and bursts at any given moment, it is entirely possible that the observed hot error was just a one-off event.


    • #

      Obviously this was caused by rapidly reducing atmospheric CO2! Surely?


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    robert rosicka

    Unprecedented no doubt , have been seeing record warming and melting glaciers for the Arctic and Greenland on Facebook but if it’s on Facebook it might as well be on the ABC most of the time .


    • #

      Facebook is hardly what I would call reliable! Wikipedia would be good own truth in comparison and you can’t use that in any academic study. Imagine presenting a paper with facebook as your reference….


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    Geoffrey Williams

    Summit Camp in Greenland Jan 2nd this year -64.9 deg C . . .
    And this is the continent whose ice sheet is going to melt and flood the world !


    • #

      I have this menatal image of people running around, shrieking…… 🙂


      “Corals in the far north of the Great Barrier Reef have started to bleach, leaving the federal government’s lead reef agency at a state of “heightened alert” about the prospect of a mass bleaching event unfolding over the next two to four weeks.

      “David Wachenfeld, chief scientist of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, said survey teams had found “significant bleaching” at three reefs in the Shelburne Bay/Wuthathi region of Cape York in the far north.

      “However, with most of the Great Barrier Reef park now at 2 to 3 degrees above normal, the heat stress on corals that causes bleaching and possible death is rapidly mounting in many regions, Dr Wachenfeld said.

      “The current forecasts for the next few weeks “are giving us a heightened risk of a mass bleaching event”, he said, adding the threat may peak in the second week of March or later.

      “While the arrival of widespread rain, thunderstorms or a cyclone could disrupt that build-up of heat, meteorologists are not predicting any major weather event, Dr Wachenfeld said.
      Corals rely on algae known as zooxanthellae to provide the bulk of their energy and much of their vibrant colours. When exposed to sustained abnormal heat – measured in so-called degree-heating days – corals begin to expel the algae, leading to mass bleaching.


      • #

        It was the recent ‘cyclone-ish’ storm that turned into an ECL which did this, it pulled about 2 weeks of very hot WNW-erly air over NQ and the reef as it sat in the Southern Tasman. Very El-Nino like conditions resulted. Almost still and horribly very hot.


    • #

      At those low temperatures (< -50°C ) we could expect to see an Arctic ozone hole.

      The Antarctic Anomaly (that's the 1950's name for what the British Antarctic Expedition `discovered' in 1984 and called the Ozone Hole) is supposedly a result of low low temperatures `freezing CFCs hiding on the edges of clouds.'

      If that happens Down South why should it not happen Up North? Shouldn't there be more CFCs Up North? That's where they were made and used?

      Or is it more pseudo-science, like Climate Change, and CO2 atmospheric warming?


  • #

    Jimmy Olsen has just taken some copy from Clark Kent and is now rushing to Perry White with the Greenland scoop.

    Then I wake up.


  • #
    Bill In Oz

    Thanks Jo !
    It’s great that we know this !
    Why ? because the ABC, SBS, the Guardian, the BBC, the Fairyfacts media etc.
    Will never tell anybody !
    It conflicts with their ideology !

    Goood ammunition to shoot at any dopey Greenists who still insist
    Despite most of them being very cold
    That the world is getting warmer !


    • #

      It’s easy to refute anything about Greenland warming:

      -search for the documentary evidence about Glacier Girl – covers 1942 to 1992
      over 268 ft deep in 1992

      -search for P38 E Echo – brings it mostly up to date (350ft deep in 2011)

      Greenland hasn’t been melting. It’s rate of burial of those aircraft may have changed over the decades but it sure didn’t melt.


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    frederik wisse

    Hiding in plain sight , the specialty of the Olsen gag .


  • #

    posted the following – coment #50 – on Jo’s “SA renewable” thread yesterday. good to know it at least made the comments on NoTricksZone!

    17 Feb: NoTricksZone: Is “All-Time Antarctic 20.75C Record High Temperature” Just A Sensational Hoax? Station Data Show Only 16C
    By P Gosselin
    LeedsChris 19: Meantime the media don’t report the all-time record low temperature for Greenland recorded at the Summit Camp weather station on 2nd January 2020. The temperature fell to -64.9.

    there is now a new comment at the bottom:

    Nicholas McGinley 19. February 2020
    As (for) that Esparanza record, I went and checked on those numbers after hearing this report, and found no such temperatures at all.
    I was posting about what I had found on various blogs and on FB and such, and at one point a few hours later I was writing a post on WUWT about what I had found, and when I went back to the same site to get a link to the data, I found in a few hours it had changed completely!
    Here is a link to my tweet from that day on this mysterious alteration: LINK
    It is impossible to trust anything claimed by the climate alarmist mafia.
    Whenever anyone checks on anything, all sorts of discrepancies show up.


  • #

    Shouldn’t they have done the quality checks BEFORE contacting the media?


  • #

    It looks like global warming just caught a cold!!


  • #

    At least this should get some publicity on the outsiders with their ice age watch segment


  • #

    however, when news out of Greenland provides a “provocative” study to the CAGW mob’s liking…the entire FakeNewsMSM jumps on it instantly. this is everywhere:

    19 Feb: WaPo: Methane is a hard-hitting greenhouse gas. Now scientists say we’ve dramatically underestimated how much we’re emitting
    A ***provocative new study finds emissions from leaks could be 25 to 40 percent higher.
    By Chris Mooney
    Scientists and governments alike have been greatly underestimating emissions of the powerful greenhouse gas methane from oil and gas operations, according to new research published Wednesday, suggesting both a threat and also an opportunity to curb leaks of the hard-hitting molecule…

    20 Feb: Guardian: Oil and gas firms ‘have had far worse climate impact than thought’
    Study indicates human fossil methane emissions have been underestimated by up to 40%
    by Jonathan Watts
    Although the research will add to pressure on fossil fuel companies, scientists said there was cause for hope because it showed a big extra benefit could come from tighter regulation of the industry and a faster shift towards renewable energy…

    Earlier estimates were based on intermittent, bottom-up monitoring of oil and gas companies and comparisons with geological evidence from the end of the Pleistocene epoch, about 11,600 years ago.
    For a more accurate comparison, a team at the University of Rochester in the US examined levels of methane in the pre-industrial era about 300 years ago. This was achieved by analysing air from that period trapped in glaciers in Greenland. The sample – made up of about a tonne of ice – was extracted with a Blue Ice Drill, capable of producing the world’s biggest ice cores.

    The findings, published in Nature, suggest the share of naturally released fossil methane has been overestimated by “an order of magnitude”, which means that human activities are 25-40% more responsible for fossil methane in the atmosphere than thought…
    Fracking also appears to have worsened the problem…

    Dave Reay, executive director, Edinburgh Centre for Carbon Innovation: “If correct, gas, coal and oil extraction and distribution around the world are responsible for almost half of all human-induced methane emissions. Add to that all the carbon dioxide that is then emitted when the fossil fuels are burned, and you need look no further for the seat of the ***climate emergency fire.”

    19 Feb: NationalGeographic: Natural gas is a much ‘dirtier’ energy source than we thought
    Coal, oil, and gas are responsible for much more atmospheric methane, the super-potent warming gas, than previously known.
    By Alejandra Borunda
    In the thick of a Greenland summer of field work in 2015, Benjamin Hmiel and his team drilled into the massive ice sheet’s frozen innards, periodically hauling up a motorcycle-engine-sized chunk of crystalline ice. The ice held part of the answer to a question that had vexed scientists for years: How much of the methane in the atmosphere, one of the most potent sources of global warming, comes from the oil and gas industry?…

    But Hmiel finds the result encouraging for almost the same reason: The more of the methane emissions that can be pinpointed to human activity like oil and gas extraction, the more control it means policymakers, businesses, and regulators have to fix the problem.
    “If we think of the total methane in the atmosphere as slices of a pie—one slice is from ruminants, this other is from wetlands. The slice is we used to think was from geologic methane was too big,” says Hmiel. “So what we’re saying is that the fossil fuel pie slice is larger than what we thought, and we can have a bigger influence on the size of the slice, because it’s something we can control.”…

    19 Feb: NYT: Oil and Gas May Be a Far Bigger Climate Threat Than We Knew
    By Hiroko Tabuchi
    Robert Howarth, an earth system scientist at Cornell University who was not involved with the research, called it “a very important study.” He said it was consistent with recent research, like a study he published last year (LINK) that estimated that North American gas production was responsible for about a third of the global increase in methane emissions over the past decade…
    “I find it very convincing.”…

    Daniel J. Jacob, professor of atmospheric chemistry and environmental engineering at Harvard University, also described the findings as significant…
    But he took issue with the suggestion that emissions from fossil fuel production were larger than previously estimated. Fossil fuel emissions are “based on fuel production rates, number of facilities, and direct measurements if available. The natural geological source is irrelevant for these estimates,” he said…

    20 Feb: ABC: Methane emissions are probably much higher than we thought and that could be a good thing
    ABC Science By environment reporter Nick Kilvert
    Updated about 7 hours ago
    First posted earlier today at 05:00
    PIC: child climate protester
    But there is a way that this latest scientific finding can, with a very big “but”, be interpreted positively, according to study co-author David Etheridge from the CSIRO’s Oceans and Atmosphere division.
    “The flip side is because we’re making these emissions, we can deal with it. It’s actually a good news story,” he said.
    “We know where it’s coming from, it’s mainly coming out of oil and gas production, and we can deal with it.”…

    Etheridge: “We’re all pretty hyper-sensitised by what’s happening in the climate system. Especially seeing what’s happened [with bushfires] in the last few months,” he said.
    “And we’re all looking for solutions. The solution isn’t one single thing — it’s not nuclear, it’s not gas, it’s not solar. It’s a combination of everything. Whatever works.”


    • #

      But methane is a flammable gas, so the quantities emitted are obviously not concentrated enough to burn.


      • #
        John F. Hultquist

        Throw a lighted match at the bubbles as they break the water surface and watch the fire and hear the pop!
        Too soon and the match hits the water.
        Too late and the gas has dispersed into the atmosphere.
        While winter deer hunting in Western Pennsylvania.


    • #

      So it must be all industrialized countries fault?

      Nature has a massive hand in atmospheric methane and is many orders more than man’s poorly controlled releases.
      From the introduction in https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/2014GL062474

      1 Introduction

      Methane emissions from ocean floors are a global phenomenon often recognized by the presence of seafloor morphologies (e.g., pockmarks and mounds) and acoustic flares, which indicate rising gas bubbles in the water column [e.g., King and Maclean, 1970]. Pockmark fields are frequently documented in gas hydrate provinces [e.g., Vogt et al., 1994; Riedel et al., 2002; Hovland et al., 2005; Gay et al., 2006; Skarke et al., 2014] as well as from shallow seafloors (10,000 years) has been attributed to pressure changes governed by processes associated with glacial‐interglacial cycles like sea level fluctuations, changes in sedimentation rates, and ice loading/unloading [e.g., Chand et al., 2012; Davy et al., 2010; Plaza‐Faverola et al., 2011; Riboulot et al., 2014] as well as fault reactivation mechanisms [e.g., Plaza‐Faverola et al., 2014; Roberts and Carney, 1997; Zühlsdorff and Spiess, 2004]. Recent studies demonstrate the influence of inherited structural deformation, tectonic stresses, and fluid dynamics on modern margin evolution [Autin et al., 2013; Zoback et al., 1989; Armitage et al., 2010; Terakawa et al., 2013]. Tectonic stresses include the forces that drive or resist plate motion, forces that result from flexural deformation due to sediment loading, and inhomogeneous density distribution, as well as temperature‐related forces from the cooling of oceanic lithosphere [Zoback et al., 1989].

      All the links are live in the paper.

      Many of the papers indicate that methane releases during and just after seismic activity dominate how much methane there is in the local atmosphere.
      Now add to that all the methane from swamps and river systems around the world (see https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1029/2008GL033623 ), and it becomes obvious that man’s influence in very limited when it comes to methane volumes in the atmosphere.


    • #

      Plants produce methane…what are the climate lunatics going to do…burn all greenery too?

      They are fools.


      • #
        David A

        Well, if they can get CO2 PPM down to about 250, ( a safety margin 30 below the pre-industrial 280PPM) there will not be adequate green to burn. ( Which will not stop them from burning your green money)


    • #

      Pat, add the CFC’s to the methane and CO2 can retire!! 🙂 🙂


    • #
      Fin of The West

      “We know where it’s coming from, it’s mainly coming out of oil and gas production, and we can deal with it.”…

      If they (environment journalists) knew anything about methane and it’s links to oil and gas production, they would know that the industry is paranoid about leaks on production platforms/producing wells involving flammable gas (which last time I checked CH4 was), and as a result do their utmost to prevent leaks from happening. The way they are describing the volume of methane emitted, sounds like there should be a catastrophic explosion on most oil and gas production facilities on a daily basis…which thankfully there is not. Just another nail in the coffin for an industry that has brought cheap energy to the masses, that they are gleefully hammering in. Sad.


  • #
    Steve Scott

    On a side note, regarding the max temp ever in Antartica on the ninth of Feb 2020 of 20.7C I noted a detail missed by most on the Marambio Base wiki page…If you check out the Marambio Base wiki page, scroll to climate [19]citation, you will see that the Guardian were the ones who have actually updated the info on the record temp, why not make the news too!

    And this from their page, note the graph on temp.


    And info why the temp was not correct.


    Seems they are making the news to fit the narrative now!


  • #

    Reason why we don’t here from the lefties about this is they have a brain freeze whenever the temperature falls below 20C.


    • #

      Don’t you have to have a brain before you can freeze it?


      • #

        Yes I was going to say something like that. However, I decided the truth is they do have a brain but they don’t know how to use it. Much like a baby being given a loaded gun they will only shoot themselves in the foot or something. [SNIP hm. maybe carried that idea a bit far over the finish line… J]


      • #

        So it seems the left in Oz has become almost as clueless and feral as the Dems in the USA…..

        The Left has consigned themselves to electoral obvivion for decades…..


  • #

    all over our MSM. forget who lost the climate election. Albanese has ***VISIONS:

    20 Feb: Guardian: Labor to announce net zero emissions target by 2050 and will oppose taxpayer funding of new coal power
    Exclusive: Anthony Albanese is expected to confirm in speech on Friday that Labor will oppose using Kyoto carryover credits
    by Katharine Murphy
    The first significant shadow cabinet decision on climate policy, expected to be flagged by Anthony Albanese in a major speech to a thinktank on Friday, comes as the opposition battles its own internal tensions about abatement targets and the future of coal…

    While the prime minister has signalled he won’t sign up to a net zero target before he can quantify the costs of action, research by the CSIRO suggests that Australia can meet a mid-century net zero target without a major hit to the economy or to wages.
    Work from the University of Melbourne also suggests (LINK) the costs of not meeting the goals set out by the Paris agreement could be as high as $2.7tn to 2050…

    “The world is decarbonising,” Albanese said. “With the right planning and vision, Australia can not only continue to be an energy exporting superpower, we can also enjoy a new manufacturing boom. This means jobs.”…

    The Labor leader chose Queensland this week as the location for his ***FOURTH “vision statement”…
    Friday’s speech from Albanese to the progressive think tank Per Capita is billed as “leadership in a new climate”.

    20 Feb: Hunter Valley News; Liberal MP pushes 2050 net zero emissions
    by Rebecca Gredley, AAP
    Australia should “seriously consider” aiming for net zero emissions by 2050, a federal government MP says.
    Member for North Sydney Trent Zimmerman says the nation has already committed – through the Paris agreement – to net zero emissions, but the government hasn’t set out a timeframe.
    “If we can do that by 2050 then it’s something that we should be seriously considering,” he told the ABC on Thursday.
    The ongoing climate debate has ramped up again within the coalition after the deadly bushfire season…

    ***Moderate Liberals are calling for more action while others, most notably Nationals from Queensland, downplay the role of climate change towards the fires…

    It comes as Labor leader Anthony Albanese prepares to give a climate policy-focused speech on Friday.
    Labor frontbencher Penny Wong says Australia has already signed up to achieve net zero emissions.
    “The cost of not acting to meet this target is far greater for Australia than the cost of acting,” she told the ABC.
    “So we have a very big self-interest in making sure we take action on climate change as a nation, towards a net zero emissions target that Australia and the world have signed up to.”

    Anthony Albanese to set 2050 emissions goal without costings
    In-Depth – The Australian – 4 hours ago
    Penny Wong insists not acting on climate change will be costlier as Anthony Albanese moves to commit Labor to a net-zero emissions by 2050 target without costings…

    Climate and energy policies to be the keys to the next election
    Daily Telegraph – 38 minutes ago


    • #

      But if Penny hasn’t costed Labor’s policies and doesn’t have a clue what the cost and benefits of climate change may be, how does she know that the almost certainly extreme costs of Labor’s policies will be cheaper?


    • #

      They’re all just pretending they can do it so they can be on the side of the angels IMO….some sort of macabre game.

      Julian Allwood…Professor of Engineering and the Environment at Cambridge university …who appears to be a full-on CAGW alarmist nevertheless says…

      ‘The only way the UK can get to net zero emission aviation by 2050 is by having a substantial period of no aviation at all. ‘
      . ‘Over the next 30 years, while road vehicles, heating and industry are being electrified, there is unlikely to be spare clean power to make aviation fuel.’

      ‘ So the commitment to net zero aviation by 2050 is really a commitment to zero aviation.

      Rather than hope new technology will magically rescue us, we should stop planning to increase fossil-fuel flights and commit to halving them within 10 years with an eye toward phasing them out entirely by 2050.’

      During the phasing out of course only the uber-wealthy and powerful will be able to afford to fly.

      A writer from Norway suggests that the world is going … ‘back to the days when air travel was reserved for the affluent or important, at a wholly different price level and with a much smaller climate impact. If so — so be it! But the less well off will not like it.’

      It’s amazing …and frightening….that so many people …politicians …organisations…governments…are prepared to go to the most draconian lengths without requiring the high priests of this insanity ….to prove anything…without them having to allow other scientists to try to prove or disprove their hypothesis…without them having to make their weather stations comply with standards set…..to stop using palm oil so the incentive to burn rainforests disappears…..without them having to allow audits of the institutions that drive it all …..without requiring the modelling to be credible …without them having to specify their trend ….a period of CAGW within the CO2 timeframe that has no natural cause…that could only be caused by CO2.

      Nothing is required of the high priests at all…not even plain ordinary honesty….the world gone mad will do anything but question…anything but seek evidence.

      The issue isn’t important enough to them… for them to strive as never before to do no harm.

      Crash and burn…and destroy ….because it’s a good look…they think….and for some because it’s a can’t miss opportunity to install Global Socialism by force.



  • #

    Hang on everyone – this data hasn’t been ‘corrected’ yet.


  • #
    Evidence Please

    Weather equals climate?, Jo should know better.


    • #

      Yes, the whole “Climate change™” farce should be called WEATHER VARIABILITY.

      Thanks for playing, Mr Evidence Free.


    • #
      Travis T. Jones

      Weather v climate?

      Be prepared to adjust your settled science …

      “A few years ago, talking about weather and climate change in the same breath was a cardinal sin for scientists.

      Now it has become impossible to have a conversation about the weather without discussing wider climate trends, according to researchers who prepared the Australian Climate Commission’s latest report.

      Previously, ”weather is not climate” was the mantra, but now the additional boost from greenhouse gases was influencing every event.

      It might even be the case that the mantra chanted after every catastrophic weather event – that it can’t be said to be caused by climate change, but it shows what climate change will do – has become a thing of the past. – said Will Steffen, the report’s lead author and director of the Australian National University’s Climate Change Institute.


      Do try and keep up.

      It’s only 7 years old ‘science’.


    • #
      glen Michel

      Yeah bushfires equal matches.


  • #

    65C below was so cold,
    That the public dare not be told,
    Of Greenland’s new low,
    Where fresh glaciers grow,
    And where warmist false claims wouldn’t hold.


  • #

    How winter.. how summer Australia. How weather?


    • #
      Bill In Oz

      Here in Mt Barker SA
      It is cold outside tonight
      And we have a number of such nights the past week or so.
      It feels like Autumn has begun already.


      • #

        It feels like Autumn has begun already.

        Ditto for Geelong.

        What happened to Summer?


        • #

          It’s actually had more hot days than last year, where summer was a total washout. I well remember February being an awful month when school started and we always had two weeks of stinking hot weather. Not for some years now. But that’s Global Warming for you.


        • #

          “What happened to Summer?”
          If the sun had quite a bit to do with it , you might expect that it would end around Lughnasadh/Lammas, which would be the first week of February in the S.H.

          10 deg C. under the porch at sunrise today in Godzone.
          Leaf fall is well underway in the poplars.
          And roughly 30 days to the autumn equinox.


      • #
        Dave in the States

        Meanwhile in the NH spring is nowhere in sight. It’s snowing in Carolinas and in the Rockies it’s 20 below F 30 days from the spring equinox.


        • #

          Thanks Dave.
          These snippets from different parts of Planet Earth are interesting.


        • #

          And then the Chinooks arrive and howl for three days and nights and the snow melts and the tumbleweed roar across the landscape. And winter is suddenly over. And it is all forgotten. And the lawns return.

          It reminds me of Billy Connolly’s two seasons in Scotland, June and winter.


      • #
        Graeme No.3

        The leaves on the (non indigenous) trees in the main street of Woodside have started changing colour.


      • #

        Last 3 nights here too, Bill………..Ncle coastal area.
        Autumn is indeed on its way…. “normal” Season happening…
        Don’t you love it when Nature doesn’t… “play ball”… with the Global scare mongers !!! 🙂


  • #
    Furiously curious

    I made a comment yesterday, questioning the idea that the drought had much to do with the IOD, and saying I remembered the constant series of highs that centred on Australia, over the last couple of years, and how they couldnt pick up moist air, even if the warm water had been in the Eastern Indian Ocean. I thought I better have a look to see if I can find synoptic charts to back the idea up, and pretty much did.
    I was wrong thinking there had been maybe 2 yrs of highs. It turns out to be only since April 2019 that the system really kicked in, then was totally dominant through September, but slowly weakened through to year’s end. So no winter rain in the South. But looking at those charts April through September especially, you’re looking at a startlingly different weather set up.
    At the page click MSLP< put in the dates, and click 'loop', and it will gif about a month at a time.
    I see it is possible to do the Indian Ocean also, so I will get around to doing that,to try to see if there might be any connection with the IOD? Where did the huge highs start?


    • #
      glen Michel

      The positioning and attitudes of the sub-tropical highs are curious. Influence from Hadley cell is postulated – even a slight increase in CO2! A boring feature for a few years was the repeated setups in the Tasman Sea with a ridging effect up the QLD coast which brought hot and dry conditions to SE Australia. Oh well, we do occupy the mid-latitudes.


  • #
    Virtual Reality

    As we debate the sciences and what is fact and what is fiction, the green movement has taken advantage of our blind spot.

    This is being doing in the following ways.

    Step 1
    Convince everyone that the world’s environment is being destroyed by humanity through the destruction of natural resources, pollution, waste, habitat changes and loss of species. Point out that fossil fuels and CO2 contribute to global warming. Make as many negative claims as possible to make the situation look much worse than it is.

    Step 2
    Blame human activities and consumerism for all this. So clearly the blame lies with mankind.

    Step 3
    Use fear and guilt to push everyone into believing that the environment suffers because of human beings.

    Step 4
    Every generation, every race and every culture should be targeted.

    Step 5
    Infiltrate the media and social networks to drum up the narrative. Use schools and universities as easy targets for unsuspecting victims who are too young to understand the context.

    Step 6
    Actively protest anyone who doesn’t go along with the narrative.

    Step 7
    Give absolution to everyone who serves the cause. The only good citizen is a green citizen.

    Step 8
    Set goals the goals so high, so as to prohibit any chance of ever being guilt free.

    Step 9
    Pollute everyday activities with a negative environmental impact.

    Step 10
    Always find new ways to prevent any hope of progress.

    Step 11
    Call anyone who doesn’t follow the narrative a denier.

    All this and much more has the potential to create a cult movement. No amount of evidence disqualifying the claims made will reverse this trend. This is pure dogma and will make good people do bad things because they think they are doing good.

    This is not a war against CO2 or climate change, it is a war against an ideology. This ideology is more powerful than all the facts presented.

    New tactics will be needed to fight this demon.


    • #

      It’s a war against humanity. And it uses guilt as the primary weapon. Guilt about imperialism, racism, white supremacy, sexism, male toxicity and the arrogance of the explorers and of course, Climate Change is the worst and it is our fault. Greta will lecture the UN. How dare we? Then she can sail home across the planet in much more comfort and safety than Christopher Columbus. But he was an evil man. Apparently.


      • #

        It’s a symptom of a dying civilisation. It happens to all of them at some stage. Common sense and logic are the first to go. Complacency is the trigger. People unfortunately wake up too late to stop the rot,and only after things get too far and then it collapses. We for instance could stop the rot very quickly and avoid such a collapse if only enough people woke up and voted for any party that admits climate change alarmism is a whole lot of crap. That way neither major party can form government until one of them agrees with one or more of the minor ones to take appropriate action to get off the emissions reduction bandwagon before it goes over the cliff. That’s how a real democracy can work. The next election will be very telling but I’m not expecting things to go that way sadly. Instead it will be business as usual and we will stay on the emissions reduction bandwagon to the end.


        • #
          Virtual reality

          [ I’m not so sure if our civilization is dying, the Industrial Age is just getting started. However there’s a constant struggle between different views about the pros and cons of this new age. As long as we’re open for discussion we can move forward. This isn’t the case with extremist movements that have notoriously been popping up at different times in our history. The question is will future generations have to suffer under the green movements domination just as previous generations suffered under other oppressive movements? Or would it be possible to begin to tame this young movement that’s on steroids and in its teens. Or will it too have to go through the same birthing process and live with the consequences?


      • #

        I meant to say complacency is the fuel, not the trigger. We really need to wake up as a nation and call out both major parties are on the same wrong path, which will only end in tears.


        • #

          Yes, but this one is engineered by the enemies of democracy. It’s the old technique against an impregnable castle. Undermining will bring down the strongest walls. And the are demanding we bring down the walls as well. In the US, UK and the walls are down in Sweden, France, Italy, Hungary, Greece. Some are now seriously trying to build walls. Brexit, Hungary, Greece.


        • #

          Totally agree with both your posts PeterS…….well said


  • #

    Having lived in daily -40C, -70C is beyond imagination. In Alaska which has regular -50C it is a Court Martial offence in the US army to run. You drown. -70C is past lethally cold.

    What happened to that fantasy warm CO2 blanket with all that trapped infra red? What sort of blanket allows -70C? After all, polar vortex not withstanding, the level of CO2 is near constant day and night, winter and summer and keeping the planet permanently warm? Who’s kidding? I would ask for a refund. Where’s that trapped infra red when you need it? And I wonder how their solar panels are working to keep the residents warm in winter?

    And we are to believe Greenland is melting?


  • #
    Watcher of the road

    The oceans contain 52 times the CO2 in the atmosphere.

    The total combined carbon equivalent of CO2 in the atmosphere and hydrosphere is approximately 38,000 Gt (gigatons).

    Humans currently emit ~ 10 Gt year.

    The oceans and atmosphere are in an equilibrium according to Henry’s Law. So an increase in atmospheric CO2 will force a good part of that Co2 to dissolve into the oceans, by time.

    Not considering that CO2’s resident time is short, 3 – 12 years, doubling of CO2 in the atmosphere will take 3,800 years, while increase in the oceans will be fractional, me thinks. But then I must have some basic science or math wrong. Can someone please tell me where I’m wrong?


    • #

      Good numbers. Human output is tiny.

      As for Henry’s law, the proportion in the atmosphere is set by surface temperature nothing more. CO2 enters and leaves the ocean at all times. The equilibrium level is reached when as many enter as leave. If air pressure does not change, there is no ‘forcing’ of gas into the water.

      Almost all of the free CO2 is already in the vast oceans mainly because CO2 is far more soluble than O2 and N2 and highly compressible. At ocean depths of 3.4km at 1 atmosphere per 10 metres, there is an unbelievable pressure of 340 atmospheres and CO2 gas exists as a liquid. I doubt anyone could simulate these conditions in a laboratory and we know far less about the physics of the deep ocean than we do of the upper atmosphere where there are 3 million people in planes right now. Having lunch.

      Doubling of CO2 can happen very quickly with slight warming of the ocean surface. Consider that if only 1% of the 38,000Gt comes out of solution, that would double CO2 in the atmosphere. 1C might be enough.

      The idea that the CO2 in the atmosphere is important is only because it is the source of all life. Without it, there is no life on earth. That CO2 has been vilified as pollution, emissions, bad for life is one of the most perverse pieces of non science in history.


      • #

        Yes, this idea that CO2 in the atmosphere increase and forces CO2 into the water is in complete contradiction of how gaseous equilibrium works. Nothing is forced at all. The amount in the air is determined by the average speed of CO2 molecules at the surface. A higher temperature and more leave the water than enter.

        The ocean acidification crowd push this idea that you have a large imbalance, a discontinuity which somehow forces excess CO2 gas over time through a barrier into the water. That is completely wrong. CO2 is in constant exchange and equilibrium as you say.

        Of course it is a little more complicated as water temperature varies between Greenland and the tropics. CO2 is sucked into cold water and outgasses in the warm latitudes, so it is an average temperature which matters. And an increase in average ocean temperatures is what we have seen in the last century, fully explaining the increase in CO2.

        Only a faux scientist would conclude wrongly that increased CO2 is somehow heating the water and even increasing CO2 in the water. Without any explanation of either.


        • #

          I came across this recently …

          If you are green to gardening you might not know that carbon dioxide, the gas we all exhale, is critical to plant growth and development. Photosynthesis, the process through which plants use light to create food, requires carbon dioxide. CO2 concentration in ambient air ranges from 300-500 parts per million (ppm), with a global atmospheric average of about 400 ppm. If you are growing in a greenhouse or indoors, the CO2 levels will be reduced as the plants use it up during photosynthesis. Increasing the CO2 levels in these environments is essential for good results. Additionally, there are benefits to raising the CO2 level higher than the global average, up to 1500 ppm. With CO2 maintained at this level, yields can be increased by as much as 30%!

          Commercial greenhouse growing hydroponic tomatoes with CO2 enriched air.
          Commercial greenhouses are aware of this and commonly use CO2 generators to maximize production. One thing to keep in mind while designing a CO2 system is that yields will only increase if CO2 is your ‘limiting factor’ (for more on ‘limiting factors’ and ‘Leibig’s Barrel’, see our previous post here). This means that if all your other variables are not optimal (light, fertilizer, temp/humidity, pH, etc.) you will not achieve the benefits of increased CO2 levels.


          • #

            Absolutely. Critical is not a strong enough word. A world without water or CO2 has no plants. No life. And more CO2, more water means more plants. The job of vilifying CO2, of slowly calling ’emissions’ like ‘industrial emissions’ or ‘polluting emissions’ is part of a long term plan.

            So now the UN has the reflex phrases in place. ‘Climate Change’. Evil, bad, your fault. ‘Emissions’. Evil, bad, your fault. How dare you!

            In fact climates change. Global Warming is trivial. And CO2 is absolutely essential for all plants and plants are absolutely essential for all life.

            And we must get those ’emissions’ down. At any cost.

            The ‘why’ is not explained.


            • #

              Well, yesterday on ABC news there was a segment with Robyn Williams talking about all of that CO2 at great depth in the oceans, and how a life threatening amount of it is going to be released if we don’t stop producing so much CO2. There’s a ‘why’ explained . . . . if you believe it . . . .


              • #

                A former physicist and part time Tom Jones impersonator, he has lost the plot. He should look up how equilibrium works, but then this is 100 metre Williams. The facts seem to have no impact on his alarmist fantasies.


      • #
        Watcher of the road

        In fact I’m of the opinion that the steady increase in atmospheric CO2 is a consequence of a steady increase in the oceans’ temperature which could have been caused by the Earth’s emerging from the LIA (Little Ice Age) which ended circa 1850 and which was followed by the grand solar maximum of 1970-1995 circa. But please don’t tell Greta, this may cause her nightmares.

        As you have rightly pointed out, “Doubling of CO2 can happen very quickly with slight warming of the ocean surface”; this must be common knowledge in the scientific community but it seems that everyone is afraid to say it and the reason for this is that it is basic science. Expressing such an opinion would be comparable to that boy who shouted ‘look, the emperor has no clothes’.


      • #

        TdeF: ‘and we know far less about the physics of the deep ocean than we do of the upper atmosphere where there are 3 million people in planes right now. Having lunch.’

        Very droll, had me laughing out loud but you are so right! 🙂


  • #

    And in the balmy South Pole in mid summer, here’s the weather report for mid summer where the sun never sets


    -40C at midday and we are told that it’s melting too! At least the solar panels are working 24/7. You just need to go outside and clean them. A lot.


    • #

      Of course I have to point out that the balmy South Pole, like all of Antarctica, is 9000 feet above sea level. That does explain a few things. And it is twice the size of Australia, as big as South America. A frozen ocean on top of the land. Despite the media hype about calving glaciers on the distant edges, it’s not melting any time soon.


      • #

        And in passing, any snow which falls in -40C in Antarctica stays there forever! That is how it managed to be 9000 foot tall. And according to satellites it is growing rapidly. And the Southern Ocean is falling, not rising. This is not reported in the press.


  • #

    I find it absurd to try and make a case that the earth is heading for catastrophic global warming or cooling simply by looking at broken record temperatures in either direction. For starters just because a past temperature is broken doesn’t mean the current new reading exceeded the actual past maximum or minimum. Records are not kept for every square mm on the earth’s sruface, water as well as land, going back millennia. So there is no way of knowing if the new record temperature is in fact true, and is very likely not true. Then there is the accuracy of the readings, past and present. Last but certainly by no means least is the adjustments they make to the temperatures, which IMHO is nothing short of deliberate manipulation of the data to destroy the real evidence, which if anyone tried to do in a science experiment at school would be given a 0 mark. How about we stick to the facts. The fact is Australia appears to be joining some others and aim for 0% emissions by 2050. The only way we are going to even come close to that goal is to start building nuclear power plants ASAP. There is simply no other realistic way.


    • #

      As I wrote, the UN has trained us to respond to ’emissions’. The UN/WHO even accused Australia this week of lack of performance to reduce emissions and do our duty and save the planet and prevent contagion when we are ahead of agreed targets.
      I wonder if they wrote to China and India?


      • #

        China and India are excluded by the UN because they are not part of the West. The UN’s focus is to diminish the power of the West. What better way than to convince Western leaders to aim for lower and lower emissions to put a break on their economies? Our two major parties are definitely obeying their demands to reduce emissions. The problem though is the last thing the West needs is a break on their economies. It will very likely trigger the next financial crisis, except next time it will make the GFC look like a picnic.


        • #
          • #

            Yes – I noticed it before but couldn’t be bothered to correct it like other times. We really need the ability to edit our own posts. Virtually every other blog/forum one I’ve visited has that feature (and more). Of course I could spend more time reviewing my own posts, which I do sometimes but even then mistakes can get through.


            • #
              Another Ian

              Small Dead Animals uses a version of WordPress that allows editing for about 5 minutes after posting.

              Seems there are different versions of WordPress and Chiefio (known to handle code mangling problems) hasn’t gone to allowing editing


          • #
            Another Ian

            I would say passable usage in that context


  • #

    Thanks for the credit, Jo.

    Meanwhile the idea from Jennifer Francis that the warmer Arctic is what makes the jets wavy has been debunked:


    which leaves my hypothesis worthy of more attention.

    I do note that currently we have wavy jets AND more equatorward jets around a larger positive stratospheric polar vortex than we ever saw during the past warming period.

    Usually, such a positive stratospheric polar vortex is smaller and pulls the jets poleward thereby making them less wavy but this time they have not been pulled poleward.

    Usually, we would have seen a record positive vortex sending jet stream tracks north of Scotland but now they keep tracking across the UK hence our current flooding problems.

    That is more like the way it was during the Little Ice Age.

    The globe is more cloudy from wavier, more equatorward jets allowing less solar energy into the oceans so we are now in a cooling period which explains the record low in Greenland. Over the years to come that cold should slowly expand outwards from the poles unless the sun gets more active again.


    • #

      Exactly as predicted mathematically from Prof. Weiss’ Fourier analysis. Timing and degree from the only accurate fit to the temperature record for the last 2500 years. We are just about to drop a degree or two quickly.


    • #
      el gordo

      The stratosphere has been cool for a couple of decades, that in itself may create a meandering jet stream? At the moment the thermosphere and mesosphere are cooling and shrinking, this must be also having an impact?

      I agree we are heading into cooler times, but it maybe no worse than the early 1960s. Your hypothesis on cloud formation is more solid than the cosmic ray theory.


      • #

        el gordo

        What matters is not the actual temperature of the stratosphere but rather the extent to which it varies between equator and poles.
        The temperature of the stratosphere affects the height of the tropopause. So, a warmer stratosphere depresses it and a colder stratosphere lifts it.
        The jet stream positions and patterns are dependent on the gradient of tropopause height between poles and equator so if one alters that gradient then jet stream behaviour changes and so does global cloudiness.
        An active sun cools the stratosphere by destroying more ozone above the poles than above the equator so that the gradient of tropopause height changes to favour poleward zonal jets for less global cloudiness and system warming.
        A quiet sun warms the stratosphere by destroying less ozone above the poles than above the equator so that the gradient of tropopause height changes to favour equatorward meridional jets for more clouds and system cooling.
        One can see that the so called ozone hole over Antarctica has substantially reduced in size over recent years which is consistent with my hypothesis.
        It follows that CFCs never had anything to do with it.
        Nor does CO2.


        • #
          el gordo

          Thanks Stephen, looks like you have covered all bases, and I agree the CFC thingy was a beatup which gave Dupont a commercial advantage.

          Our colleague wx has illustrated how the jets are picking up speed and acknowledges that they are taking a random walk to the equator. Global cooling has begun and its solar driven.


    • #
      glen Michel

      What! Settled Séance revised ! Zut Alors! Enhanced modelling. Send more money.


  • #
    Watcher of the road

    NASA’s O-C-O-2 satellite was launched some years ago to monitor global CO2 levels. The first global CO2 ‘map’ published by NASA, covering Oct-1 to Nov-11 2014 showed that the highest concentrations of CO2 were over the Amazon, sub-Saharan Africa, Indonesia and China. I find this very interesting. But what I find even more interesting is the fact that there was so much hype until the satellite was launched but that hype immediately faded away soon after the publication of its first global CO2 map. Look at this:



    • #
      Travis T. Jones

      The satellite is so powerful, it can spot crickets from space!


    • #

      Excellent, there is so much information. Grossly you can see CO2 is not coming out of the planet South of the Tropic of Capricorn, where we live. We are not the problem. In fact we have low CO2! We should be taxing China!

      Then most is over the tropics, as Henry’s Law dictates. Sure, 1/3 of the population live there but a lot is non industrial like Ecuador/Brazil and Africa where there are huge clouds of CO2, likely blown from the adjacent oceans to the West.

      There is a concentration over China but not India, so it’s not people based and there are 3 Billion people in those two countries. It is possible that the China concentration was the end of summer and a result of Easterly winds blowing CO2 off the Pacific and China sea. This is the Northern Autumn, Southern Spring.

      And amazingly a big concentration over Greenland! Population zero. The

      So we have confirmation that CO2 is not man made.

      We can see CO2 is produced by warming oceans.

      We can see that CO2 is vanishing over the Southern Ocean.

      And we can see that by far the largest amount of CO2 is the hot equatorial belt across the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and Pacific oceans. It’s not man made Folks. The proof is in the map.

      As for the 1 billion people from the UK to Mongolia? Low CO2 despite having more industry, more people and more cars and trucks and planes than the US.

      So it is NOT generated by human activity, planes, trains and trucks.


      • #
        • #

          Again very interesting. Agree with your comments, which are self evident. Most interesting mid summer in Europe/USA/Asia/Russia is that it releases so much CO2. And most of Asia/Russia is completely empty but while the equator is ‘cool in lower CO2, that is because the Northern Hemisphere is actually much hotter. After all the tropics are moderated by steam and never get as hot as the humid scorching air over the US/Europe/Russia. The sun is over the Tropic of Cancer.

          The only puzzle for me is the band from South America to Australia,mainly of ocean. Is this a left over from the summer, yet to disperse? Virtually no humans live at this latitude, under 2% of humanity, so why is there a band of CO2 as big as the Northern Hemisphere? That band alone says CO2 is not man made. Most of the planet at this latitude is water.

          I also noted from the discrepancies in the C14 time/bomb graph that there are delays in dispersion of CO2 of the order of 1-2 years. The equator is a real barrier to CO2 as centrifugal currents, air and water are often turned back at the equator.
          So there is no explanation for the CO2 cloud South in the Southern Ocean except outgassing.


    • #

      You may wish to look at http://pen.ius.edu.ba/index.php/pen/article/download/437/350
      A paper called ‘Testing the hypothesis that variations in atmospheric water vapour are the main cause of fluctuations in global temperature’ by
      Ivan R. Kennedy1 and Migdat Hodzic2
      1University of Sydney, NSW, Australia
      2American University in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo, B&H

      Where in the conclusion’ last few lines they say …

      Weather conditions and climate as illustrated in the greenhouse effect are clearly demonstrated in the distribution of water, particularly on land. The apparently linear relationship between the water content of the atmosphere is direct verification of the greenhouse warming effect of this greenhouse gas. By contrast, other than by correlation, there is no such direct verification possible for the greenhouse effect of CO2 . We rely on the forcing equation of 5.3ln[(CO 2 ) t /(CO2 ) o ] to estimate the climate sensitivity with respect to varying concentration (ppmv) of this greenhouse gas. Early hopes that a clear spectral signal was available showing significantly reduced OLR from increasing CO2, proving the hypothesis of climate forcing by permanent GHGs, have not been realised [5]. A focus using new satellites on the longer wavelength OLR associated with rotations of water might help resolve this question. Up till now, OLR is estimated for this region based on shorter wavelengths. The natural experiment provided by the flooding of Lake Eyre of the greenhouse effect by significantly reducing the OLR provides confirmation that irrigation water typically applied to dry land will have a measurable greenhouse effect. This work should be repeated using satellite data of higher resolution obtained over irrigated land. In [7] Davis et al. have recently drawn attention to the possibility of significant water use efficiency through optimised crop distribution. If it is true that increased use of water has made a similar contribution to global warming as CO2 since 1960, there is an equally strong case to provide greenhouse credits to promote water use efficiency as for restricting evolution of permanent GHGs.

      [my bold]

      many thanks to Kenneth Richard for point up this research paper.


  • #

    Adding to what I said earlier it’s no longer a debate as to whether we are heading for hotter, drier and longer summers due to climate change. It is now agreed by both major parties that is our future. In fact PM Morrison said so just recently. So that makes him just as much a CAGW alarmist as the opposition leader. There is now no distinction between the two major parties on climate change. The difference is how to deal with it, which isn’t that much given both are on the same emissions reduction bandwagon. The rest is pure fluff, such as whether we should aim for 0% emissions by 2050, which is what Albo is about to announce, or not. So get used to it, we as a nation are on the renewables bandwagon, until and unless we the voters voice our opposition at the ballot box. So wake up Australia or stay asleep. That’s where we are at the moment. Talk of past record temperatures are now moot. The debate is over. Next stop is vote with your fingers to give both major parties a big wake up call.


    • #

      As in recovering from a cult, the whole of Australia needs to be deprogrammed over ‘climate change’ and ’emissions’. This will not happen while the media keep pushing the programming, as in ‘what are you going to do about climate change’ and ‘how will you reduce emissions’.

      There has never been a debate, only programming by the media and the left of politics, as in bushfires are caused by climate change and emissions. Repeat 1,000 times.


      • #

        Gone are the says of trusting the MSM to tell the truth and stick to the facts. Forget any notion of returning to the good old days, especially while the government keeps funding their leading propagandist – the ABC. If any government were to be serious bout changing things the first order of business would be to scrap the ABC. Good luck with that one.


        • #
          el gordo

          The masses first need to be correctly informed before they can vote intelligently. Morrison, knowing the people are brainwashed into thinking a minuscule trace gas is altering the climate, has decided to let the Royal Commission do the talking and see how the biased MSM handle it.


          • #

            Some outlets do inform the public about the CAGW hoax but they are in the minority. In any case expecting the MSM in general to admit they are misinforming the people is a fruitless pursuit. That would be like waiting for the Greens to admit they got it wrong and start supporting nuclear. Don’t bother waiting. Move on.


            • #
              el gordo

              The MSM will slowly backslide as weather extremes demand answers, such as this mild northern hemisphere winter being caused by a positive AO.

              Hopefully the RC will ask Ashcroft, Karoly, Gergis, Mann and Flannery whether this bushfire season is unprecedented. Then bring in BoM head honchos and ask them the same question, I can see the headlines now.


              • #

                Too much wishful thinking. Reality always bites eventually but always after a lot of damage has already been done. That’s how human nature works.


              • #

                I wonder if Boris will really get rid of the Television licence which funds the BBC. People are giving up their licences anyway. Perhaps they get enough over the internet? Also you can get streamed services from the channels you want to watch, dedicating your cash to things you want to see other than the

                Then will Morrison act to force the ABC to go the same way? Or face a sale. The ABC infrastructure and contracts are valuable. They outbid the commercial stations for shows, with our money. Which is absurd. They have bottomless pockets, ours.


              • #
                el gordo

                Politicians disappoint, but I remain optimistic that the PM knows what we know and is trying to find a way through, quietly so as not to startle the sheep.

                The ABC must be kept in place until a Royal Commission recognises that they have been careless with the truth on climate change, the sin of omission is there for all to see.

                Once the people see what has happened, they will laugh and then get very angry. Then we can dismantle the organisation.


            • #

              In the movie The Matrix, ( which was filmed in 2 building i was working in at the time…) Morpeus alludes to a matrix so cleverly woven around us that people are oblivious to its existance.

              As I sat and watched people rushing about in thier cars ( under bankster finance ) to work ( under the govts rules ) to pay of thier houses ( under bankster finance ) and listen to thier propaganda outlets( the ABC ), i figured mist dont realize they are chasing a carrot on a stick while sitting on a treadmill.

              People are ok as long as they can stay in thier bankster run world chasing lies and untruths…but they are happy to be ignorant.

              In the Matrix, Neo was dangerous as he threatened to puncture the matrix and free the slaves….

              The climate nonsense is just a new part of the insane treadmill….we are as sceptics free to a large degree as we dont believe the lies, we dont have our “hour of hate”, we function, Morpheus-like to free others from the lie.

              The witers of The Matrix were insightful , they understood the lie, its a crack to look through to see the false reality created by the cabal of crooks who run the planet….


              • #

                Well said. It’s one reason I like watching movies like the Matrix; they encourage me to stay out of the world of lies and deception as much as possible and not get sucked into their evil manner. TOo bad most people don’t get the message.


    • #

      Next stop is vote with your fingers to give both major parties a big wake up call.

      Perhaps Cory Bernardi acted too soon by closing down his Conservative party.

      What are our voting options? One Nation?


  • #

    They believe everything is due to the climate emergency. Heat, cold. It’s all climate change.

    Someone recently posted on Facebook that Sydney dams are drying up due to Extreme weather due to climate change. Someone else protested but aren’t the dams now 80%+ full? The response was the dams are only full because of extreme weather due to climate change.

    So dams empty – climate change. Dams near full – climate change.


  • #
    Kalm Keith

    Re numba wun.

    It was once said by a great man;

    “Never before in the field of human blogging has so much contempt been displayed to so many by so few”.

    And here we are, at the apex of civilisation, in 2020.




  • #

    CAGW-infested MSM not really happy to report the following:

    21 Feb: Reuters: Court allows Tesla to clear forest for German Gigafactory
    by Emma Thomasson
    BERLIN – A German court ruled on Thursday that Tesla Inc can continue to clear forest near the capital Berlin to build its first European car and battery factory, in a defeat for local environmental activists.
    The court said in a statement it had rejected urgent applications to stop the land being cleared of trees from several environmental groups, adding its ruling was final. It had temporarily halted the tree felling earlier this month.
    The U.S. electric carmaker announced plans last November to build a Gigafactory in Gruenheide in the eastern state of Brandenburg.


    Germans divided over plans for Tesla electric car factory
    Guardian – 20 Feb 2020
    On Sunday a court orderforced a halt to an operation to clear 92 hectares of pine trees at the site in Grünheide, 24 miles (38km) east of Berlin…
    Among environmentalist concerns are the protection of bat colonies and ant hills. There are also worries about unexploded ordnance. Bombs and other munition weighing a total of 85kg from the second world war have been found at the site and detonated…
    The next few weeks would be tense, he said, as Tesla seeks to hammer out the specifics of its deal with authorities – including securing an estimated €100m (£83m) in government grants – and opponents submit their appeals…

    21 Feb: ABC: Electric vehicles pose threat to vision-impaired people, NSW inquiry told
    ABC Newcastle By Giselle Wakatama
    Up to one in three vision-impaired people surveyed have narrowly avoided being injured by electric vehicles, which silently crept up on them, according to submissions to a Government inquiry.
    Vision Australia and Blind Citizens Australia cited findings from a 2018 Monash University survey of the blind and low-vision community in their submissions to a New South Wales Government inquiry into electric buses.
    The survey found 35 per cent of respondents reported having experienced either a collision or near-collision with an electric vehicle…
    Last year the European Union introduced new laws, requiring electric vehicles to make noise at low speeds…READ ON

    Brisbane City Council’s bus fleet could go fully electric
    Courier Mail – 3 hours ago
    BRISBANE’S bus fleet could one day be fully electric with no tailpipe carbon emissions after the council called for tenders to future-proof the the city’s buses. Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner (LNP) said the council’s current bus building contract would run out in 2022 and it would “welcome plans for zero-emission bus options”…

    Brisbane City Council: Carbon Neutral Council
    Last updated: 15 November 2019
    Brisbane City Council is committed to a clean, green and sustainable Brisbane.
    The Lord Mayor announced that Council achieved its goal to become a carbon neutral organisation in February 2017…
    Reducing the impact of public transport
    A third of Council’s fleet is running on compressed natural gas, while approximately 60% of the fleet utilise new generation, high-efficiency Enhanced Environmentally-friendly Vehicle (EEV) diesel engine technology. Council is currently purchasing Volvo B8 Euro VI buses with 66 rigid buses and 20 articulated buses currently in service. The current contract allows for 60 new (rigid equivalent) buses per year that will be constructed to Euro VI specifications. Additionally, a Volvo B5 diesel-electric hybrid bus provides services on the City Loop route…


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    Furiously curious

    I see it’s still in moderation, but here’s some more.



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      Bill In Oz

      BOM sea level surface pressure maps.
      Sooooooo ?


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        Furiously curious

        I’ve had time to go back to earlier years, and found only marginal differences through the winter months. Some wet years Lows made more appearances, but the high pressure ridge was pretty standard over Aus around the mid year.


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    at least -64.9C. I say, at least, because it may have been even colder

    You mean ‘at most’.


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    btw heard callers to talk-back radio going on about the recent thunderstorm in Sydney, as if nothing like it had every happened before, referring especially to the wind.

    19 Feb: 9News: Sydney thunderstorms: Man killed by flying gas bottle in ‘one in a million’ accident
    By Sarah Swain
    “The sort of winds we saw were over ***120km/h, which is very, very unusual,” SES Assistant Commissioner Paul Bailey told Today…


    22 Jun 2016: Daily Telegraph: Sydney storms: 43 years ago one of the worst storms in history hit the east coast
    by John Morcombe, Manly Daily
    EARLIER this month, Sydney was lashed by an east coast low that drenched the city and whipped up seas that caused severe damage, especially at Collaroy. But 43 years ago a spate of storms wreaked much greater damage along the coast.
    Between May 24 and June 16, 1974, the Sydney coastline was lashed by three storms that caused enormous damage to the coastline and altered the built landscape forever.
    And the worst of them — the Sygna Storm — is regarded as one of the three most severe storms to hit the Sydney coastline since white settlement.

    According to a 2008 study by Griffith University academics Jeff Callaghan and Dr Peter Helman, the three most severe storms to hit Sydney since 1778 were the Cawarra Storm in 1866, the Maitland Gale in 1898 and the Sygna Storm in 1974, all of which were named after the largest ship wrecked during each storm…
    But the storm which older local residents will remember is the Sygna Storm in 1974, which led to the loss of the 53,000-tonne Norwegian bulk carrier Sygna — the largest shipwreck in Australian history — and the destruction of Manly’s famous harbour pool…

    At the height of the storm, winds gusted at up to ***165km/h and the significant wave height (the average height of the highest one-third of the waves) off Sydney reached about 9m.
    At 2am on Sunday, May 26 the Sygna was driven ashore at Stockton Bight in Newcastle, where part of it remains.
    The storm caused a storm surge within Port Jackson — the maximum observed tide was 2.37m at 11pm on Saturday, May 24, compared with a predicted tide of 1.9m…
    Every one of Sydney’s northern beaches suffered severe erosion, seawalls were undermined and several surf clubs and rock pools damaged…
    But the wave heights and erosive effect on the coastline of the 1974 storms were far greater than those witnessed in the 2007 storm or in the storm that lashed Sydney earlier this month.


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    20 Feb: IndustrialEquipmentNews: Google Ends Kite Energy Initiative
    Commercializing the tech will take too long and be too risky.
    by Andy Szal
    Google’s parent company is ending an ambitious effort to harness wind energy using kites after officials determined that commercializing the technology would be “longer and riskier” than originally hoped.
    Fort Felker, the CEO of Makani, wrote in a blog post (LINK) that the subsidiary’s time at Alphabet Inc. “is coming to an end,” but that the company and another partner hope to continue developing its systems.

    Makani, founded by a group of kite surfers in 2006, sought to create self-flying kites that could ease the materials and engineering costs associated with wind turbines — and thereby bring renewable energy to many more people. Google acquired the company in 2013, placed it under its “X” moonshot arm and eventually spun it into a separate entity.

    Felker wrote that over the company’s 13 years, engineers developed a 20kW prototype, then a 600kW, utility-scale kite, and, eventually, an array of kites floating off the Norwegian coast. He noted that petroleum giant Shell, which partnered with the company on the floating kite platform, is considering its options to advance Markani’s technology…

    19 Feb: Bloomberg Green: Google Shuts Down Its Moonshot Wind Energy Unit Makani
    By Mark Bergen
    Alphabet Inc. is shutting down Makani, a subsidiary working on wind energy, as Google’s parent company pares back its experimental technology in favor of its main internet business…
    Google acquired the startup in 2013, placing the group inside its X lab with other “moonshots” like self-driving cars…
    But the initiative suffered personnel problems and waning support from its parent company, which has pulled back on several green energy projects…

    Royal Dutch Shell Plc, which invested in Makani, said it’s exploring options to use Makani’s technology. The Financial Times earlier reported the news of Makani’s end…


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    From a Graham Lloyd article in the Australian you can see how we are being led by the phrase..

    “to generate electricity without any emissions or toxic waste.” This equates natural CO2 with ‘toxic waste’.

    “the best way to meet the net zero emissions goal countries signed up to in the Paris Agreement.” So much for a non binding agreement.

    ““a new direction” in tackling climate change.” the biggest moral challenge of a generation?

    and you can see how these repeated phrases have become part of our indoctrination. Truth by endless repetition.


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    ABC already campaigning for the next “climate election”:

    ABC’s Beech says all State Govts and business back net zero by 2050.
    Oquist says some sections of the economy it’s more easy to get to zero emissions. electricity sector – technology is already in place thru “renewables” & storage, which means cheaper electricity can be produced with zero emissions. agriculture harder.
    Angus Taylor: focused on 2030 target. crucial Labor’s target is properly costed.
    Adam Bandt, naturally, says net zero by 2050 won’t cut pollution enough. we need strong 2030 targets to meet Paris targets.
    Beech/Oquist says following the recent bushfires, politicians are under pressure to act. cost of not acting.
    Beech: what this all means is voters will hear plenty more about “climate change” and emissions reduction policy in the lead-up to the next election. END.

    AUDIO: 3m12s: 21 Feb: ABC AM: Labor expected to announce net zero by 2050 emissions plan
    By Alexandra Beech
    Ben Oquist, The Australia Institute executive director
    Angus Taylor, Energy Minister
    Adam Bandt, Greens Leader


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    they did promise more:

    AUDIO: 12m26s: 21 Feb: ABC Breakfast: What is the Opposition’s post-election climate policy?
    On RN Breakfast with Hamish Macdonald
    Opposition Leader Anthony Albanese will commit the party to net zero carbon emissions by 2050 in a speech later today.
    But the promise comes with little detail and no short-term target.
    The party’s stance on climate change was one of the major problems flagged in a review of the party’s disastrous 2019 election loss.
    Guest: Mark Butler, Opposition spokesman for climate change

    (paraphrasing – Hamish pretends to be tough. no guest to question Butler’s claims)

    ABC’s Hamish: but there’s the question about the cost of transition. no-one disputes it’s going to cost the taxpayers quite a lot of money. do you have any idea what that cost is going to be?
    Butler: I’ve just said CSIRO says…people are going to have to buy new cars over the next 30 years whatever happens. we’re going to have to build a new electricity system over the next 30 years whatever happens.
    REs are cheaper than fossil fuel equivalents, particularly in the electricity sector.
    EVs will be cheaper than ICE vehicles in a few years.
    Hamish: what would your 2030 target be?
    Butler: went with 45% at the last election on advice of Climate Change Authority… we re going to have to go thru a process of taking advice. by 2022, it will be more than 45%.


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      REs are cheaper than fossil fuel equivalents, particularly in the electricity sector.

      So much cheaper that they require Renewable Energy Targets for anyone to bother.


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      Was in the servo yesterday…this bloke who was 60 filled up his well restored EH holden that had a 350 v8 in it.

      I hung around to hear it start….nothing quite like the whine if a starter before a big block v8 bursts into life…..the smell of the unburnt fuel and the lumpy idle was marvellous. His wife who was with him had a big grin on her face too….great to see.

      Serously…you can have your woosy EVs…i prefer something a bit more interesting and, quite frankly, with a but of aural drama and marvelling at the moisy symphony of years of R & D and something to drink many beers over with mates while pontificatin nover the merits of a 253 vs a 350 big block…..

      By comparison ….an EV starting….


      You get the idea…..


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    AUDIO: 7m8s: 21 Feb: ABC Breakfast: Science with Jonathan Webb: humans and methane
    On RN Breakfast with Hamish Macdonald
    A new study, published in the journal Nature, has found that humans are responsible for far more of the methane in the atmosphere than previously thought.
    That’s significant because methane is a greenhouse gas: one that is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide when it comes to trapping heat.


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    ***what’s missing in the description of Craig Lapsley? Answer: member of Emergency Leaders for Climate Action. no other guest to dispute Lapsley:

    AUDIO: 10m59s: 21 Feb: ABC Breakfast: Bushfire royal commission: is just looking at mitigation enough?
    with Hamish Macdonald
    The terms of reference also acknowledge the risks posed by a “changing global climate.”
    Guest: ***Craig Lapsley, former Victorian emergency management commissioner and fire commissioner

    20 Feb: TheLeader: Climate action still key: ex-fire chiefs
    Former emergency service chiefs say Scott Morrison’s bushfires royal commission doesn’t take the heat off the federal government to take real action on dangerous climate change.
    Emergency Leaders for Climate Action say credible measures to curb greenhouse gas emissions are “the only way to keep Australians safe”.
    “The root cause of this horror summer is climate change, driven by the burning of coal, oil, and gas,” former Emergency Management Victoria commissioner ***Craig Lapsley said in a statement on Thursday.
    Mr Lapsley said this season’s bushfires were so severe that areas where hazard reduction burns had been carried out – and even mown lawns – were torched…


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    AUDIO 7m24s: 21 Feb: ABC Breakfast: WA “snubbed” by Federal drought grant
    with Hamish Macdonald
    On the back of the sports rorts affair, the Morrison Government is coming under fire over its handling of another multi-million-dollar grant fund.
    Western Australian communities in the grip of an ***unprecedented dry say they have been overlooked in favour of higher rainfall coastal regions, under the $300 million Drought Communities Support program…

    Dave Kelly, West Australian Water Minister
    Peter Fitchat, chief executive, Dundas Shire Council
    Lynne Craigie, president, WA Local Government Association
    Shane Van Styn, mayor, City of Greater Geraldton


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    Slightly off topic, but another look at the politics behind climate change. The video at the end of the article



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      “How Greens deputy leader Adam Bandt hid his PhD thesis

      “Samantha Maiden, Sunday Herald Sun

      “September 23, 2012 12:00am

      “GREENS deputy leader Adam Bandt kept prying eyes from his PhD thesis exploring the theories of Karl Marx by slapping a three-year suppression order on the tome.

      “The former teenage Marxist, who confesses he once described the Greens as “bourgeois”, has revealed the stunning conclusion to his 300-page epic is that Marxism did not offer “a proper explanation for what was happening in 21st century society”.

      “He completed the thesis four years ago in 2008, but requested university officials impose a three-year ban on anyone reading it.

      “Now that the Bandt ban has expired, the Sunday Herald Sun was able to obtain a copy of his thesis from Monash University.

      “Titled Work to Rule: Rethinking Marx, Pashukanis and Law, it includes chapters on The Fuhrer of the Factory: exploring labour law in the Third Reich and examining theories of “the divine violence of the general strike”.

      “But Mr Bandt denied he asked for his doctorate to be kept under lock and key to prevent political enemies making an issue of his Marxism doctorate at the 2010 election.

      “”I had hoped to publish my thesis as a book, and still do so on advice I ticked the box on the form that allows the work to remain confidential while discussions about publishing take place,” Mr Bandt said.

      “”My thesis looked at the connection between globalisation and the trend of governments to take away peoples’ rights by suspending the rule of law.


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        ““”My thesis looked at the connection between globalisation and the trend of governments to take away peoples’ rights by suspending the rule of law.”

        And he takes it as a directive !


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    includes audio of Ita on ABC Radio in Adelaide:

    VIDEO: approx 3m: 20 Nov 2019: SkyNews: Taxpayer-funded ABC ‘not left enough’
    Sky News host Chris Kenny says the taxpayer-funded ABC “is not left enough” according to some staffers, after it was revealed employee-activists are seeking to develop a staff ‘brains trust’ to develop ways to deal with the ‘climate crisis’.
    “The ABC seems to be very biased when it comes to climate change issues and pushing a green-left agenda,” Mr Kenny said.
    ABC Chair Ita Buttrose maintains the proposed advisory group is “not going to happen” because the ABC leadership team and the managing director “have thought otherwise”.

    that didn’t stop ABC’s Costa Georgiadis (Gardening Australia), Natasha Mitchell (Science Friction) & ex-ABC veteran, Kerry O’Brien, being speakers at the following, according to the Summit’s website (not to mention all the speakers who appear regularly on theirABC):

    19 Feb: Croakey: Seven snapshots from the National Climate Emergency Summit
    by Marie McInerney
    (Journalist Marie McInerney attended the summit for Croakey, with support from our Public Interest Journalism fund)
    (Michael) Mann, who became known globally for his “hockey stick” chart showing global temperature data over the past thousand years, did not expect to become such a big voice in Australia two years ago when he planned a sabbatical here.
    But timing is everything. He arrived in December, to bear witness to unprecedented heat, drought, bushfires and floods, and to see the impacts of climate change “play out in a profound way in Australia”…

    6. Bridging the divide
    So why do many people resist climate action?…
    There are many possible reasons, according to social researcher Dr Rebecca Huntley, who has written about “how climate change has become a battle of ideologies, values and worldviews”, thanks in many ways to politicians and parts of the media.

    That’s also a focus for US activist and clinical psychologist Margaret Klein Salamon, founder of Climate Mobilization, which is working to initiate “a WWII-scale mobilization”.
    Watch this interview with Salamon, who gives a shout out to #EndClimateSilence, a campaign that aims to hold media accountable on reporting climate change links to extreme temperature events and other impacts.

    ***Journalists can struggle to draw those links, particularly those at the ABC who are under attack from the right, said The Monthly journalist Paddy Manning (who is writing a book titled “Body Count: how climate change is killing us”.)

    proof of ABC struggling to link “extreme events” to CAGW!

    AUDIO: 47m46s: 13 Feb: ABC Melbourne: ‘We have not had an honest conversation about climate in this country’: Resilient Melbourne in live conversation
    On Drive with Rafael Epstein
    This summer Australians have witnessed a series of unprecedented weather events; from firestorms in the sub-tropics, to hail storms in Canberra, dust storms in Victoria, torrential red rain in Melbourne, hazardous pollution smothering cities and towns across south-east Australia, and of course devastating bushfires from Perth to Mallacoota.

    This has been a watershed moment for Australia. With our climate policies and politics attracting global scrutiny, the quest to become more climate resilient becomes a worldwide focus.
    But what does climate resilience mean? What would a resilient Melbourne look like? And has the word been hijacked by those who think no further action is needed?
    Listen in to Raf Epstein live at ABC Radio Melbourne as he discusses the many complexities that come with meeting climate resilience head on, joined by panellists:
    -Dr Wendy Steele, Associate Professor in Sustainability and Urban Planning at the Centre for Urban Research RMIT
    -Toby Kent, Chief Resilience Officer of Melbourne
    -Margaret Klein Salamon, founder of The Climate Mobilisation
    -Ian Dunlop, former chair of the Australian Coal Association and CEO of the Australian Institute of Company Directors
    Together they explore what we all need to do to keep Melbourne one of the world’s most liveable cities throughout the uncertain decades to come.


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      Pity…many good universities appear to have made fools of themselves by embracing the climate nonsense…..


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    early on, ABC’s Funnell says (Peter Gleick’s) Pacific Institute added 300 new instances of armed fighting associated with water resources & management, some small, some large.
    ends with Cuthbert/Cardiff saying there is 10 times more groundwater replenishment to extraction, but sees the bad side nonetheless.

    AUDIO: 29m7s: 16 Feb, repeated 21 Feb: ABC Future Tense: Antony Funnell: Will the wars of the future really be fought over water?
    In this, the first of a two-part series on water, we look at the political and cultural dimensions of our relationship with this vital resource, examining the possibilities for conflict, corruption and hopefully cooperation…
    Barbara Schreiner – Executive Director, Water Integrity Network (Berlin)
    Dr Scott Moore – Director, Penn Global China Program; Senior Fellow, Kleinman Center for Energy Policy and also the Water Center, University of Pennsylvannia
    Dr Brahma Chellaney – Professor of Strategic Studies, Centre for Policy Research (New Delhi)
    Dr Mark Cuthbert – Lecturer in Groundwater Sciences, Cardiff University
    Further Information
    (Peter Gleick’s) Pacific Institute – Water Conflict Chronology

    31 Dec 20219: Guardian: Michael Safi: Water-related violence rises globally in past decade
    Water shortages and extreme weather contribute to tension in Middle East and India
    Recorded incidents of water-related violence have more than doubled in the past 10 years compared with previous decades, the statistics maintained by the California-based ***Pacific Institute thinktank show.

    The trend illustrates the tension resulting from dwindling supplies of fresh water in many parts of the world as a result of population growth, poor management of resources and extreme weather events linked to the climate crisis…
    “As water becomes more scarce, because it’s such a critical resource, people will do whatever they can do meet their basic needs,” said ***Peter Gleick, the founding president of the Pacific Institute and a leading authority on water issues…


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    Ivor Surveyor

    The prevailing paradigm is anthropogenic global warming (AGW). Every weather event is interpreted in terms of the paradigm (this is normal science). If an event is inconsistent with AGW, it is ignored, At least by politicians, journalistset al.
    AGW is supported by overwhelming evidence, so we are told. The evidence is never presented. When did you last hear a reasoned argument in favour of AGW from a politician, journalist or academic?

    Climate Change is a ‘given’, ‘an axiom’, ‘a self-evident truth’. We are told the evidence for AGW is overwhelming, but we are never told the evidence. Catastrophe looms, in terms of bush fires, health and disease, potential famine and so on.

    It is agreed that climate is an amalgam of many metrics, temperature, precipitation, number hot days etc. over at least 30 thirty years. Start and finish dates undefined.

    If the climate, of say, Perth is changing as claimed. Then we should be told the ‘Standard Perth Climate’ and the metrics from which the current climate has deviated.

    In qualitative terms has the climate changed from Mediterranean to subtropical, or down to temperate
    At the fringes of the paradigm, sceptics nibble away at the truth of AGW. Proponents and defenders of AGW currently ignore their critics. As the critics increase the defenders will invent variations to save their beliefs.

    History of previous paradigms suggests AGW will persist for decades; unless nature intervenes dramatically with a mini-ice age.


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      robert rosicka

      The evidence I hear from the left usually contains the following memes –

      The Pacific islands are sinking .

      97% of scientists agree .

      The Arctic is melting .

      The Antartica is melting .

      Sea level rise of ( add number here) .

      And now you can throw in bushfires .

      Of course there’s more but these are the most frequent memes that I see as quoted as evidence of CAGW .


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    just heard Ben Fordham interviewing Barnaby Joyce on the road somewhere (with dreadful phone reception) about Labor’s net zero emissisions by 2050 (could barely understand a word he said, even after 2GB attempted to fix the problem).

    then Fordham asked him about the $600m wind farm planned for Nundle in his constituency, which listeners had been calling in to complain about, saying they’re being rail-roaded by council.
    sadly, one caller sounded more concerned there wasn’t enough compensation on offer, while others pointed out they weren’t against RE, which were the future, but NIMBY.
    as for Barnaby, he was a wreck. sounded like he’d been to a long, liquid lunch, speaking via an underground tunnel or something, voice fading in & out about subsidies needed, people pay on their power bills, etc. not even sure 2GB will post the interview. however, there is this, which I have not even bothered to listen to yet:

    AUDIO: 11m13s: 21 Feb: 2GB: Ben Fordham goes into bat for little town with special place in his life
    Ben Fordham is going in to bat for a small town in NSW that’s being threatened by the proposal of a $600 million wind farm.
    The historic village of Nundle, in the New England region, is fighting against a proposal to build 98 wind turbines, spanning 20km between Nundle and Hanging Rock…
    Hills of Gold Preservation Inc (HOGPI) Group President John Krsulja tells Ben Fordham the council hasn’t acknowledged their concerns about the proposed development.
    “The majority of Nundle oppose it.
    “We often feel like we’re David vs Goliath because as soon as you mention $600 million our council’s like ‘yeah, great!’
    Click HERE (LINK) to support Nundle

    then there’s this:

    Apr 2016: Barnaby Joyce: $400m White Rock Wind Farm to begin construction in New England Electorate
    The Member for New England Barnaby Joyce today joined representatives of Goldwind and CECEP Wind-Power Corporation (CECWPC) in announcing that construction of the Australian Government supported $400 million White Rock Wind Farm will commence at the end of the month…
    “The White Rock Wind Farm will put New England on the map as a national leader in renewable energy production and drive local jobs and economic activity through the construction phase,” Mr Joyce said.
    “The 175 Megawatt generating capacity of the project will make it larger than any operating wind farm in NSW.”…
    Goldwind Australia Managing Director, John Titchen said the investment in White Rock Wind Farm is being made on the basis of the Australian Government’s legislated Renewable Energy Target.
    “Goldwind will construct the 175MW White Rock Wind Farm utilising 70 of our advanced technology 2.5MW wind turbines.”…

    17 Dec 2019: RenewEconomy: More wind turbines for Barnaby, as White Rock gets approval to double capacity
    by Sophie Vorrath
    Christmas has come early for federal Coalition MP Barnaby Joyce, with Goldwind Australia winning approval to more than double the capacity of the 175MW White Rock wind farm in Joyce’s New South Wales electorate of New England.
    The $300 million extension to the existing wind farm, located between Glen Innes and Inverell, was approved by the NSW Independent Planning Commission on Friday last week, after it ruled that the addition of 48 bigger and more powerful turbines “had merit,” and was “in the public interest.”…
    A large number of the objections centred on the increased proportions of the new turbines, which will have a maximum tip height of 200 metres and rotor diameter from of 140 metres or 170 metres – a 50m increase in height and 59m increase in rotor diameter compared to the original lot…
    In particular, the Commission noted that the upgrade to White Rock would contribute 995,000MWh a year of renewables to the National Electricity Market help cut greenhouse gas emissions…
    Merry Christmas, Barnaby!


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    Coldest, hottest, this climate doesn’t know where it’s going… :).


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    theRealUniverse (in NZ)

    icecap.us worth a latest read.
    For the uninformed..
    Sorry about the relay of icecap article..
    “Today’s vast panoply of “global warming science” is like an upside down pyramid built on the work of a few score of serious climate modellers. They claim to have demonstrated human-derived CO2 emissions as the cause of recent global warming and project that warming forward. Every orthodox climate researcher takes such output from the modellers’ black boxes as a given.

    A fine example is from the Australian Academy of Science’s explanatory booklet of 2015. It claims, absurdly, that the models’ outputs are “compelling evidence” for human-caused warming.[ii] Specifically, it refers to model runs with and without human emissions and finds the “with” variety better matches the 150-year temperature record (which itself is a highly dubious construct). Thus satisfied, the Academy then propagates to the public and politicians the models’ forecasts for disastrous warming this century.

    Now for Dr Nakamura’s expert demolition of the modelling. There was no English edition of his book in June and only a few bits were translated and circulated. But Dr Nakamura last week offered via a free Kindle version his own version in English. It’s not a translation but a fresh essay leading back to his original conclusions.

    The temperature forecasting models trying to deal with the intractable complexities of the climate are no better than “toys” or “Mickey Mouse mockeries” of the real world, he says. This is not actually a radical idea. The IPCC in its third report (2001) conceded (emphasis added),

    In climate research and modelling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible. (Chapter 14, Section )]”

    Says it all.


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      Dr Nakamura is correct in his verdict.
      however this quote —
      “In climate research and modelling, we should recognize that we are dealing with a coupled non-linear chaotic system, and therefore that the long-term prediction of future climate states is not possible. (Chapter 14, Section )]”

      also shows that the idea of an ‘Energy Balance’ of such a system does not have to be ‘in balance’ at any time period, it only has to balance finally e.g. when all natural processes finish and the Earth is at an end.
      Between now and that eventuality the ‘Energy Balance’ can flap about as much as it will, natural processes (conversion of solar energy to chemical bonds via plants and algae, the up-take or release of ocean heat, clouds and atmospheric pressures, the size of atmospheric layers, etc) will ensure that the energy is distributed as nature, not man, sees fit.


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    Credlin/Sky – news headlines at bottom of screen – Labor to take net zero emissions by 2050 to next election – no mention of “without costings”. and a follow-up – Govt sharpens attack on Labor or similar. doesn’t say in what way, e.g. must provide costings.

    Chris Smith just mentioned the following, but which economics institute is Lomborg referring to? what’s the point of writing this without naming them, providing a link?

    8 Dec 2019: NY Post: Reality check: Drive for rapid ‘net zero’ emissions a guaranteed loser
    By Bjorn Lomborg
    New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, received plaudits this year for passing legislation designed to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050. To her credit, her government asked a respected ***economics institute to estimate the cost. This revealed that getting to 50 percent below 1990-levels in 2050 would cost at least 5 percent of GDP annually by 2050.
    Why so expensive? For the same reason it is expensive anywhere: Weaning economies off fossil fuels and onto pricier, less efficient forms of energy reduces growth and prosperity. The impact quickly adds up.
    And getting all the way, rather than halfway, will likely cost 16 percent of GDP by 2050…

    In these artificial conditions, if New Zealand meets its promise of zero emissions in 2050 and stays at zero for five decades, then the greenhouse-gas reduction, according to the standard estimate from the United Nations’ climate panel, will deliver a temperature cut by 2100 of 0.004 degrees…


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    I’ve been watching temperatures over Antarctic’s icesheet all Summer and was surprised to see temps of –38C to –40C in Dec and mid Jan, but as this Summer has progress it’s gotten steadily colder through February over a large area, the opposite of what normally occurs.

    Next week temps at ‘noon’ rise to -55C, and drop to about –57C at ‘night’(ECMWF):


    That’s a pretty breezy Summer when –25C to –30C is the typical range at the top of the icesheet, especially in late Summer.


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    I was musing that the IPCC state CO2 stays in the air for a very long time, even ‘thousands of years’ how they think fish breathe?

    There are fish and prawns and lobsters in so many waterways. Salmon and trout in their thousands. Shallow or deep, where do they get their air? And the fish in inland lakes and seas, like Baikal and the Black Sea. And their air has to be changed regularly, like humans.

    The IPCC would have you believe that it doesn’t happen for CO2 but CO2 is far more soluble than O2 and O2 is absolutely necessary.

    Oxygen has a solubility of 40mg per litre but CO2 is 1450mg per litre, 36x.

    And we know fish breathe, so they get enough fresh air all the time. According to the IPCC, they should not exist.

    This is everyone’s common knowledge. Fish breathe. Therefore the oceans and rivers and lakes have plenty of O2 and 36x as much CO2 and it is changed regularly.

    So who makes up this IPCC science? Committees of politicians?

    As for temperature, after 32 years of armageddon, who believes a word of it? No one can tell if the world was 1C warmer. It’s a silly, tiny amount of warming. And we are supposed to pay big money to stop it?

    Bring on the CO2. We really need it to feed the 7Billion people on the planet and there is hardly a country which does not want to be a little warmer, especially in winter.


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    There are two things of note here.
    1. There was a record cold at this place in Greenland.
    2. A forecast was correct. This is the bigger deal for me. Have the warmers ever got
    a forecast right? Yet here was a non ‘CO2 theory’ solar theorist getting it right.
    The person obviously used the ‘wrong computers and software’ to get the right answer.


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    Watcher of the road

    The Catastrophic Climate Change meme is based 100% on a 0.012% net increase in the CO2 component of our atmosphere. Catastrophists loudly proclaim that CO2 has increased by 40%, but in reality, the net increase is about 0.012% which is insignificant.

    Now for the 80 trillion dollar question: What is producing the non-human component of CO2 that keeps the atmosphere from running out of it? What has been keeping the atmosphere from running out of CO2 for billions of years? Volcanic activity. Volcanoes are the givers of ALL life on Earth. There’s a lot of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen down there in the Earth’s bowels. Deep inside the planet, massive pressures and temperatures, and who knows what chemical processes, are producing carbon based, chemically complex stuff in massive quantities, and CO2.


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    By Jove, I think yr right!


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    Friday news dump. total capitulation. unbelievable. no wonder I voted for none of them:

    21 Feb: Australian: How we’re riding a wind and solar wave to energy future
    Exclusive by Paul Garvey, Senior reporter
    A nationwide wave of wind and solar projects has Australi­a on track to become one of the world’s biggest users of renewa­ble energy, defying predictions a Canberra policy vacuu­m would make Australia a global climate laggard.
    Such is the frenzy of new projects that parts of the electricity grid are struggling to accommodate the power now being generated, with a growing backlog of proposed developments waiting for grid infrastructure and battery technology to catch up

    Continuing sharp improvements in costs and efficiencies have seen solar energy overtake conventional sources in headline affordability, companies are increasingly turning to solar to meet their own needs, and Australian households are purchasing rooftop solar panels at a rate unmatched anywhere in the world.
    More than $20bn has been committed to new large-scale renewables projects across the country in the past two years, despite years of policy uncertainty and criticism around the lack of meaningful action on climate change.

    ***Federal Energy Minister Angus Taylor says the rise of renewables­ is a vindication of the government’s stance. “The truth is, the bottom-up change driven by the investment decisions of households and businesses is always the best way to make change happen,” he told The Weekend Australian. “There’s a lot of frustrated central planners out there, but that’s not our approach. We are seeing phenomenal investment. Our job is to facilitate it and enable it.”

    Modelling by Bloomberg New Energy Finance predicts that Australia will sit just behind Europe­ as one of the world’s most renewably powered regions, with 84 per cent of the country’s power to come from renewables by 2050.
    That’s almost double the forecast for the US (43 per cent), and is well ahead of China (62 per cent…

    Clean Energy Council chief executive Kane Thornton said better­ co-ordination and co-operation between governments was needed to resolve the teething issue­s now being felt in the energy grid. “We’ve spent most of the past decade bickering around whether climate change is real or not, and not doing the real reform in getting ready to change the grid,” he said.

    David Dixon, the senior renewables analyst at international consultanc­y Rystad Energy, said the volume of renewables projects waiting for the transmission issues in the grid to be resolved was enormous and growing.
    “At the start of last year, the total pipeline of solar wind and storage projects and storage being pumped hydro and lithium ion batteries was 100 gigawatts. That’s basically double the total installed capacity in the NEM,” he said. “And at the start of this year it’s about 150GW, so the amount of proposed capacity is just growing rapidly, every month.”


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      said the volume of renewables projects waiting for the transmission issues in the grid to be resolved was enormous and growing.

      If a person buys a house a long way from the nearest electricity connection, …

      THEY have to pay for the wire and poles to connect to the grid.


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    the Govt either doesn’t know – or pretends not to know – that there is no appeasing the CAGW mob. heard the following protests being spruiked on 2GB news bulletins last night. included how the Morrison Govt is DOING NOTHING.

    Facebook: Uni Students for Climate Justice
    (multiple entries for Saturday 22 Feb 2020 Climate Crisis: National Day of Action)

    (summaries along the lines of)
    Join Uni Students for Climate Justice at the Climate Crisis National day of Action on Feb 22 in Adelaide! Time to keep up the pressure on the government to demand an end to the fossil fuel industry.
    We’ll be meeting at Parliament House with loads of megaphones and plenty of placards and banners – come find us!

    Geelong climate protest: Extinction Rebellion among nine groups in activism march
    Geelong Advertiser – 20 Feb 2020
    Climate activists from nine groups will protest in Geelong’s CBD on Saturday as part of a national day of action. … “2019 was the year the climate crisis became impossible to ignore for millions. We must act now…

    5 Feb: GreenLeft: Climate crisis: Join the February 22 national day of action
    PIC: Details for February 22 national day of action rallies across Australia
    The following statement was released by various organisations calling for a national day of action to demand climate action on February 22:

    (excerpts) 2019 was the year the climate crisis became impossible to ignore for millions. School strikers mobilised in their hundreds of thousands in Australia and inspired workers and other adults to rise up against the Morrison government’s climate vandalism.
    Now, savage fires are devastating peoples’ lives, water shortages are pushing many towns to crisis point, millions have endured weeks or months of hazardous air quality, and over a billion native animals have been killed. Yet, Morrison still refuses to accept the reality of climate change, wrecked the global climate negotiations in December 2019, and doesn’t want to pay the people fighting the fires or expand resources for firefighting…
    1. 100% renewable energy…Build a 100% publicly owned renewable energy system by 2030…
    2. No new fossil fuel or nuclear projects. End subsidies to these industries…

    19 Feb: 7News: Extinction Rebellion protest causes Victorian Parliament to be suspended
    by Lucy Mae Beers
    Victoria’s parliament has been brought to a standstill after Extinction Rebellion protesters start chanting and holding banners.
    Just before 11.30am on Wednesday, parliament was suspended after the protesters unfurled a banner from the gallery saying “Climate emergency, Act Now”.
    There was a nine-minute stoppage, before a separate protest caused parliament to come to a standstill for a second time.
    Men wearing high-vis shirts with messages directed at Transport Minister Melissa Horne started their own protest.


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    20 Feb: UK Sun: DAN WOOTTON Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion need to realise you can be green without causing chaos and civil unrest
    AS a child growing up in New Zealand, it might ­surprise you to learn I was what would be known in 2020 as an environmental activist…
    I joined conservation clubs. I wrote articles. I attended events…

    I am truly sick and tired of a direct correlation being made between the extremists of Extinction Rebellion and how much you care about climate change or protecting the environment.
    I’m also sick and tired of XR and Greta Thunberg setting the media agenda on the so-called “climate emergency”, a term designed to conjure up terror in young people today. It means completely ignoring the progressive and dramatic policies that have already been enacted by the Government to make us first in the western world when it comes to pushing towards becoming carbon neutral.

    It’s time there is an acknowledgement that it is possible to be passionate about the need to rebalance the environment and a believer in climate change without wanting to destroy our economy, shut down farming in the UK, force the entire population to go vegan and limit flights to one every six years.

    I also implore the police to stop facilitating criminal behaviour by the XR morons.
    At Trinity College in Cambridge this week, much money was spent and resources wasted on cops overseeing crimes being committed.
    Not only is it completely sickening given the pressure on our emergency forces these days, the idea that XR represent in any way peaceful protest sets a terrible example to our kids…

    As an aside, just last year Nasa scientists announced that the ozone hole is now the smallest since it was discovered in 1982.
    That’s proof that the modern world can adapt and change the environment — sensibly and over a long period of time.
    And it’s also an illustration of why catastrophising such events to terrify children is totally unnecessary.


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    behind paywall:

    21 Feb: UK Telegraph editorial: A hasty crackdown on hearth and home
    Today, the Government has announced that it plans to phase out the sale of coal and wet wood for domestic burning between 2021 and 2023, and that it will encourage the use of cleaner fuels instead. The explanation given is that wood burning stoves and coal fires, cherished by many people as a way to keep warm or add character to their homes, are in fact the single largest source of the pollutant PM2.5. This follows a crackdown on inefficient stoves….
    To some eyes, it would appear ludicrous that the Government is choosing to crack down on domestic hearths and stoves when Germany has has only this month agreed the opening of a new coal-fired power plant”….

    21 Feb: Daily Mail: Driven to distraction
    IT will come as no surprise to long-suffering passengers that just two-thirds of train services arrived on time last year.
    Equally predictably, a major survey showed that one in three motorists, having largely given up on public transport, is now more dependent on their car than a year ago.
    And having been driven back on to the roads, there is a strong rumour they are to be penalised again in the Budget, with a sharp increase in fuel duty.
    The rise would no doubt be dressed up as a green tax, necessary to fight climate change. But that would cut little ice with battling commuters.
    They’d see it as yet another government fleecing motorists, while failing to provide them with realistic alternative ways of getting get to work. And they’d be right…

    22 Feb: CarbonPulse: EU leaders delay deal on budget that could divert over half of nations’ ETS revenue
    EU leaders failed to agree late Friday on the bloc’s joint budget for 2021-27, postponing talks that included among the main sticking points plans that could divert over half of nations’ future ETS revenues.

    22 Feb: Daily Mail: EU gripped by budget chaos after Brexit: Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden REFUSE to pay for one trillion euro plan to help poor regions, ***fight climate change and plug budget black hole left by Britain’s departure
    By Tim Stickings
    Germany wants to spend more on climate change while France is seeking more money for a joint defence, with poorer nations determined to keep their generous EU payouts.
    But the so-called ‘frugal four’ of Austria, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden are unwilling to pay more to plug the gap…

    Germany, the Netherlands and others are keen to shift funds towards new priorities including global warming, migration and growth in the digital economy…
    The bloc is also looking for new sources of revenue, but the leaders are split on a proposed tax on plastic waste or sharing profits from carbon emissions trade…


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    20 Feb: AFP: France shuts oldest reactors, but nuclear power still reigns
    by ROMAN-AMAT and Joseph SCHMID
    Fessenheim – France will start closing its oldest atomic power plant (2 reactors) on Saturday after 43 years in operation, the first in a series of reactor shutdowns but hardly a signal the country will reduce its reliance on nuclear energy anytime soon…

    France will still be left with 56 pressurised water reactors at 18 nuclear power plants — only the United States has more reactors, at 98 — generating an unmatched 70 percent of its electricity needs.

    Just months after his 2017 election, Macron infuriated environmental activists by abandoning a 2015 target to reduce nuclear in France’s energy mix to just half by 2025.
    He staunchly defends the use of what he calls “zero carbon” nuclear energy in coming decades, putting him at odds with fellow EU giant Germany, which swore to drop nuclear power in the wake of the Fukushima disaster.

    “Pretending that we should speed up nuclear plant closures… would force us to reopen coal-fired plants in the coming years,” Macron said at the UN’s COP23 climate change conference in Bonn in 2017…

    The government confirmed in January that it aims to shut down 12 more reactors nearing or exceeding their original 40-year age limit by 2035, when nuclear power should represent just 50 percent of its energy mix.
    But at the same time, state-owned energy giant EDF is racing to get its first next-generation reactor running at the Flamanville plant in 2022 — 10 years behind schedule — and more may be in the pipeline…

    The plants have been a boon for regional economies, where many officials now fear the loss of high-paying jobs. At Fessenheim alone, just 60 EDF workers will remain once dismantling operations start in 2025, a fraction of the 650 today…
