- JoNova - -

CSIRO forgets to mention: No study explicitly shows climate change caused bushfires

Who needs studies? CSIRO doesn’t need any evidence to tell Australians how things work

Senator Matt Canavan asks Dr Peter Mayfield of CSIRO why an explainer document they put out about the bushfires didn’t include a sentence he found in another CSIRO study.

“No studies explicitly attributing the Australian increase in fire weather to climate change have been performed at this time.”

A record breaking ten long seconds of silence in Senate estimates this week.

The CSIRO only needed to say There are no studies showing man-made climate change has increased either droughts or bush fires. (References at the link).

Matt Canavan has recently given up his role as a Cabinet Minister to support a leadership challenge by Barnaby Joyce in the Nationals party. Unleashed!

Amazing what people can achieve from the back bench. Make this man PM!

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