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Quarantine coming in three weeks: UK effectively advises infected people overseas to rush to UK now

It’s almost like the swamp in the UK wants to keep the infections running as long as possible.

The UK Government have scored heat on the pointless sabotage of their own lockdown by flying in the virus through open borders. So in reply, instead of doing an immediate proper quarantine, like most countries in the world, the UK is giving everyone with an infection and the means to travel three good weeks to plan their trip so that they can avoid the two-week quarantine.

If they beat the easy deadline they can stay at home for seven days instead and “only” go out to infect people at chemists, shops, and anywhere they deem essential, including their workplace, during that week.

Boris needs new advisors.

UK ‘to bring in 14-day quarantine’ for air passengers

Tom Burridge, BBC

UK airlines say they have been told the government will bring in a 14-day quarantine for anyone arriving in the UK from any country apart from the Republic of Ireland in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The new restriction is expected to take effect at the end of this month.

Industry body Airlines UK said the policy needed “a credible exit plan” and should be reviewed weekly.

People arriving in the UK would have to self-isolate at a private residence.

Government and aviation sources told BBC News that the quarantine would mean people might be expected to provide an address when they arrive at the border.

The 14-day quarantine is still not a quarantine unless there is enforced isolation. Australians coming home have to stay in hotels and are fed and guarded.

In Victoria when people were allowed to “self isolate” — even knowing there were going to be checks and follow ups, 20% of those in isolation flouted the rules and were caught going out.

 Victoria Police fine 142 people in one day for breaching coronavirus quarantine

Josh Hanrahan, Daily Mail

More than 140 people have been fined across Victoria for breaching self-isolation or social distancing laws so far this weekend.

Of the 751 spot checks carried out at homes and businesses by police, almost one in five were found to be breaching the recently implemented laws.

When Italy got serious about a lockdown it only gave people hours notice and the masses crammed trains trying to “beat” (meaning “ruin”) the quarantine. We’re all human, and given the cost of getting stuck far from home, their reaction is very understandable. But if the UK government were serious about slowing the caseload they would instigate an enforced two week quarantine immediately.

There must be thousands of spare rooms at hotels right now that would love the business, and the cost of paying for it is nothing compared to holding the nation in another sabotaged week of lockdown.

Things worth knowing about Coronavirus:

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