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Surprise: Mass BLM protest linked to coronavirus cluster

Mass gatherings linked to mass outbreaks. Who could have seen that coming?

But many details are missing or unknown. They’re not saying that the protest caused the megacluster, or whether the protestors live in the towers, or whether the virus spread from the family outbreak to the tower or the other way.

We do know that four weeks after the BLM rally the state was in deep trouble.

Coronavirus: Black Lives Matter protest linked to tower cluster

Rachel Baxendale, The Australian

Victorian health authorities have confirmed a link between two COVID-19 cases in people who attended the Black Lives Matter protest in Melbourne’s CBD just over a month ago, and the cluster of at least 242 cases in public housing towers in the city’s inner northwest.

But the Department of Health and Human Services has refused to say whether members of the cluster, which includes the protest attendees, live in the public housing towers.

One H&M worker was at the rally and later tested positive and that three other H&M workers eventually tested positive. The H&M cluster become “North Melbourne family cluster” which grew to 30 cases. Three weeks after the rally the North Melbourne Tower was confirmed as a major hotspot, and has so far accrued 242 cases.

I predicted that if the rally caused an outbreak it could take a month to show. Young protestors had to go home, get sick, spread it to their families, and then other generations would be noticed in hospital cases.

The Victorian cluster slows (again)

Lockdowns work. Cases were doubling every four days or so last week. If the exponential growth had not slowed, case numbers might now be increasing by 500 a day.  If only Daniel Andrews, and most of academia and the media had been brave enough to point out the reckless selfishness of protestors seeking personal glory. Victoria was the only state in Australia that didn’t push back at the rally organizers. The law was not enforced. The Government cowered in fear at the threat of being called racists. No one in power or the Love-media wants to blame the rally, because that shows they should have spoken against the rally. Thus cowardice become complicity.

In the BLM political party, hardly any lives matter

Victoria, spread of Coronavirus

Coronavirus cluster plateaus. Lockdowns work, Victoria Australia.


In future, those wishing to organize mass face-to-face protests during pandemics need to wait for weeks until it’s not illegal, or buy insurance that covers the costs of post-protest lockdowns, hospital care, loss of businesses, jobs and  compensation for deaths. What company would cover those billion dollar losses?

The BLM rally was not the sole cause of the Victorian outbreak, but how many subsequent breaches of social distancing were “linked” to the hypocrisy of soft support for the BLM rally?

Just shut those borders. The pain in NSW could have been so easily avoided

NSW was nearly free of the virus. All the community spread now is linked to one Melbourne man who infected a workplace in Sydney which spread to the Crossways Hotel (according to Greg Hunt).  If NSW had closed its borders like most states of Australia, there’d be no clusters at pubs, no bans on Sydney travellers, no mass queuing for tests, people could visit aged care centres and NSW travellers would be welcome everywhere.

Yet again, politicians and health advisors are three weeks behind a virus that has no brain.

The cheap way to live with the virus is not to live with it.

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