Three quarters of mild to moderate Covid illnesses show heart damage

No wonder the Chinese lockdown a million people with every outbreak. Two thirds of these cases were not hospitalized.

These studies are small and need confirmation, but the medical specialists are asking if it is possible that Covid infections create new cases of heart failure which may trigger problems long after infection?

A startling number of COVID-19 patients suffer lasting heart damage

Fermin Koop, ZME Science

A study from the University Hospital Frankfurt looked at the cardiovascular MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from the coronavirus and compared them with heart images of people who hadn’t been infected.

Most of the patients hadn’t been hospitalized and recovered at home, with symptoms ranging from none to moderate. Two months after recovering from COVID-19, the patients were more likely to have troubling cardiac signs than people in the control group. Up to 78% of them had structural changes to the heart, while 76% had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60% had signs of inflammation.

The Puntmann study was based in Germany, and the average age of cases was 49. Troponin is a marker used in standard hospital blood tests to find out if people have had heart attacks.

We don’t know how long it takes this inflammation and damage to return to normal, or if some damage is permanent.

Compared with healthy controls and risk factor–matched controls, patients recently recovered from COVID-19 had lower left ventricular ejection fraction, higher left ventricle volumes, higher left ventricle mass, and raised native T1 and T2. A total of 78 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 (78%) had abnormal CMR [Cardiac Magnetic Resonance] findings, including raised myocardial native T1 (n = 73), raised myocardial native T2 (n = 60), myocardial late gadolinium enhancement (n = 32), and pericardial enhancement (n = 22).

These findings don’t tell us what’s happening in the roughly 45% of cases which are asymptomatic. Nor do they apply to severe ICU cases or the under 18s.

Another study by Lindner et al looked at 39 autopsies of Covid cases and found 60% had viral RNA in their heart tissue. Most of these patients, who were older, had died of pulmonary failure. In 40% there was no sign of the virus infiltrating the heart. But the heart inflammation wasn’t associated with the presence of the virus. In cases where there was virus, it wasn’t in the heart muscle cells but in the immune cells of the heart. I think all we can say from Lindner is that we really need to understand this disease better. Is it more an immune system disease than a vascular one?

 Our findings from in situ hybridization revealed the most likely localization of SARS-CoV-2 not to be in the cardiomyocytes but in interstitial cells or macrophages invading the myocardial tissue.

Yancy and Fonarow write in JAMA that they hope doctors will check for ongoing heart inflammation, and that these findings need to be confirmed. They ask whether heart failure might be the next chapter in the Covid crisis:

When added to the postmortem pathological findings from Linder et al,4 we see the plot thickening and we are inclined to raise a new and very evident concern that cardiomyopathy and heart failure related to COVID-19 may potentially evolve as the natural history of this infection becomes clearer.

We wish not to generate additional anxiety but rather to incite other investigators to carefully examine existing and prospectively collect new data in other populations to confirm or refute these findings. We hope these findings represent that of a select cohort of patients. Yet, if this high rate of risk is confirmed, the pathologic basis for progressive left ventricular dysfunction is validated, and especially if longitudinal assessment reveals new-onset heart failure in the recovery phase of COVID-19, then the crisis of COVID-19 will not abate but will instead shift to a new de novo incidence of heart failure and other chronic cardiovascular complications.

 My simple rule for new likely bioweapon releases is (and always was), just cut it off at the border until we learn how nasty it is. We can always and easily restart the flights, but we can’t undo the damage or rewind the clock if it runs wild. Will Western nations adopt this policy in the long run (like most of China’s neighbouring countries already do)?


Clyde W. Yancy, MD, MSc1,2Gregg C. Fonarow, MD3,4 (2020) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the Heart—Is Heart Failure the Next Chapter?, JAMA Cardiol. Published online July 27, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2020.3575

Lindner  D, Fitzek  A, Bräuninger  H,  et al. (2020) Association of cardiac infection with SARS-CoV-2 in confirmed COVID-19 autopsy cases.   JAMA Cardiol. Published online July 27, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2020.3551

Puntmann  VO, Carerj  ML, Wieters  I,  et al.  (2020)  Outcomes of cardiovascular magnetic resonance in patients recently recovered from coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).   JAMA Cardiol. Published online July 27, 2020. doi:10.1001/jamacardio.2020.3557


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90 comments to Three quarters of mild to moderate Covid illnesses show heart damage

  • #

    If you are of working age, (under 65), the statistics from Sweden, which didnt have a lock down, prove that covid-19 is no worse than the flu. The correct strategy has always been to protect the elderly and keep the economy going. The lockdown is just hysteria.


    • #

      Did you read the above post?


      • #

        Does the flu leave around 3/4 of the victims with heart damage?


        • #

          The truth is that we could cover all bases if the TGA would allow or even advise Drs. to adopt either the HCQ or Ivermectin protocol. All would be safe, we would be able to resume our previous way of life, the economy could recover and we could all go to the football.


          • #

            The more I read about HCQ, especially the negative papers, the more I am convinced it is effective.

            However, one paper (out of one?) supporting Ivermectin has been withdrawn.


        • #

          Does the flu leave around 3/4 of the victims with heart damage?

          Yes. It’s called an immune-mediated response which is true for EVERY etiologically infectious agent. The question is one of severity.


          • #

            The black plague is the same as chicken pox, “The question is one of severity”.

            Nothing matters if you don’t have numbers.


            • #

              Oh the black plague, Digerdöden. That is when Sweden showed the world how well herd immunity worked. Only killed a third of the population and they were back to work as normal and fully recovered in the incredibly short time of just 300 years.


        • #

          Hi Ted

          Its not as if the ordinary flu doesnt leave long term side effects. I caught the flu 20 years ago and had to live with chronic fatigue for a decade afterwards. As for the 3/4 statistic, it doesnt include all of the people out there who had CV19 and didnt even know it. Now I live in South Africa. 500000 cases so far. Personally, I only know of a dozen or so people who have tested positive. Half of those only got tested because they were in contact with somebody positive. Otherwise they were asymptomatic.

          Of course I dont have proper stats on the after-effects of CV19. But recall a few months ago when 100’s of thousands were predicted to die of CV19. The stats are in on that number from a non-lockdown country, and for under 65’s, it is just a flu. Chances are that this latest finding will also more or less fall into line with the flu as well.



    • #

      Indeed. Read a great quote from an essay by Guy La Beyodere the other day :
      “The central flaw in the lockdown concept to suppress a highly contagious disease: once imposed you can’t lift it without reviving the very problem you were trying to solve with a solution that wasn’t a solution but only a diversion”

      Its not pretty or pleasant watching the car crash which is Australia’s Covid response.


    • #

      I can understand the apparent frustration.
      I’m in Victoria fast approaching the most vulnerable age group and don’t find the restrictions burdensome but I’m not sure I’d feel the same way if I were fifty years younger.


  • #

    Things are not important just because you can measure them.


  • #
    David Maddison

    It sickens me that a possible treatment for the first stage of the disease, the Zelenko protocol (HCQ, Zn, Azi), followed exactly and immediately upon suspicion of infection is not allowed to be used or tested in many jurisdictions. The reason is simply because it would be interpreted as a victory for Trump since his experts advocated for it to be further investigated and Trump himself used it after exposure to an infected staff member.

    Virtually all clinical trials involving HCQ have either used it when it’s too late (stage 2 of the disease when it moves to the lungs), have used it with an inappropriately high dose, or have failed to use zinc supplementation. They were destined to fail. None of them have tested the Z protocol.

    In Australia 32.9 million doses HCQ were purchased by Clive Palmer (on the basis of Zelenko’s success) and apparently sit unused in the national stockpile and in the US Trump has secured supplies from the world’s largest producer, India.

    Note to all Leftists. You must NOT use this treatment even if it becomes approved or you have a doctor that is in a jurisdiction that is allowed to use it. It is the Left and Trump haters who are primarily behind stopping its further investigation or use. You must NOT take advantage of something you are opposed to.

    In Australia doctors are not allowed to use the Zelenko protocol (i.e. early stage infection and in Victoriastan not at all) and in the US doctors there are restrictions on supply in certain states. In those cases Zelenko recommends quercetin as a substitute for HCQ.


    • #

      October twenty-second the prohibition will be extended again; how is it that the discredited WHO is still driving policy in Victoria’s incompetent health administration?


    • #

      What quercetin dose is recommended, in the absence of hydroxychoroquine?


      • #

        From memory, 500mg daily + 20mg zinc. Someone may correct me on this.

        I take 500mg Quercetin and 30mg zinc gluconate daily.

        In the interview on the following link Dr Zelenko mentions Quercetin.


        • #

          Human subjects can absorb significant amounts of quercetin from food or supplements, and elimination is quite slow, with a reported half-life ranging from 11 to 28 h


          • #

            “elimination is quite slow”

            HCQ may not be quite as effective as a zinc ionophore, but it has a half life of 40 days, not hours. After his two week starter, president Trump is probably only taking 1 200mg tablet per week.

            That said, I am following pretty much the same defense approach as you. Daily Green Tea (Quercetin), Zinc and vitamin D.

            I do have 100 200mg units of HCQ, but that sits untouched. No, not a hoarder denying others, just one $20 box at the back of the shelf. “in case of COV break foil” type of thing. Not for me, but my partner and housemate both have respiratory issues, and due to their ridiculously low nicotine levels and their inability to digest alcohol in their small intestines, they are at risk.


        • #

          Correction: Quercetin 500mg, Zinc 110mg daily.


      • #

        G’day Annie,
        I don’t have a definitive answer for you, but I’m taking one tablet per day.
        The “Herbs of Gold” product I’m using suggests 3 per day, and I’d be on that if I thought I was going into, or had been in a crowded and risky place. I’ve heard it doesn’t last long, maybe less than 8 hours, which supports the three per day dosage.
        Hope that helps.
        Dave B


      • #
        David Maddison

        Annie, for prophylaxis I believe Dr Z recommends 500mg of quercetin daily plus 220mg zinc sulfate daily which equates to 49.5mg of elemental zinc. It is the elemental amount of zinc you aim for, no matter what the zinc compound amount. Quercetin is currently legal and non-prescription in Australia. It would be very silly if Big Brother were to ban or restrict a common plant flavonol.

        MedCram #59 discusses quercetin, zinc, vit C, vit D and NAC.

        Prophylaxis with HCQ, which is illegal in Australia, would be an initial “loading dose” of daily pills for several days, can’t recall exactly, and then one pill per week because it has a very long half life, a similar regime to malaria prophylaxis.


    • #

      Yes because it appears the Elite want a vaccine-only solution, as it appears to be a gateway to greater control over the population, along the lines of “no vaccine = no attending public sport events” etc.

      And then there will be something like another app that stores all that info, so the constabulary can then arrest you if you aren’t tagged and bagged for Mr G*tes and his band of “Let them eat cake” globalist sickos’ pleasure….

      Never mind of the virus itself is a non event…its always about control ,control, control….

      Then we also haven’t covered whether indeed the vaccine will have nano-rfid chips in them. As yet impossible to verify, but nothing would surprise me. I guess you just need the “right” crisis to test it all in the real world….

      Part of the reason I suspect is that it appears they have let victoristan get to the state its in, and worse, whip up more MSM-driven hysteria and then they appear like rock stars with the “solution” in vaccine form as peoples businesses and lives crash to earth.

      At the Nurmberg Rallies, Hitler used to sit back stage as the spruikers used to whip the crowd into a hysterical mess, telling them Hitler was getting closer and closer to the venue. And then when the crowd had been fully hyped, he would then step onto the stage….spot the similarity…

      They will introduce all these globalist crash test dummy things…..hope I’m wrong but if it appears, then you know whats coming to the rest of Australia and then the world. Its an evil control grid like no other Ive ever seen.

      That said, I suspect an under-skin rfid could be dudded with a strong enough mini-EMP pulse close to the injection site…..


      • #

        There is a world where Big Pharma are a huge vested interest that the mainstream never mention, but the virus they fight is real. It could be the one we live in…

        If it was, wouldn’t it be better to get rid of the virus and deprive Big Pharma of the “control control control” (and money) they want?

        If the virus is dangerous, those who say the virus is nothing are helping China, the Dems AND Big Pharma.

        Perhaps pick side carefully?


        • #
          Kalm Keith

          “Perhaps pick side carefully?”

          Unfortunately there seems to be no choice of “sides” from which to pick.

          The concept of quarantine has been around for several thousand years and was well understood, until the advent of this current media fog.

          The progression of this Virus in places like New York and Italy has shown what happens when populations become densely packed and when persons of indeterminate health and documentation float through the society as an unknown risk.

          I believe that both OS and I would agree that this is a horrible, deadly virus: no doubt.

          The problem I have is that politicians have failed to isolate the infected and to test the potentially infected so that the spread of the virus has been largely, in Australia, a case of disgraceful management by our leaders.

          They are currently trying to divert attention from the cruise ship event and other management failures by using a high publicity “crushing lockdown” of states.

          The stupid, help a friend no doubt, “hotel quarantine” is surely a joke.

          If you wanted to invent a CV19 Incubator you sure have a good guide there.

          Unfortunately, at the moment, we have No functioning quarantine system and the token border and business lockdowns.

          The human cost of this lockdown, plus failure to control international borders is devastating and too many are sitting at home twiddling their thumbs as a lifetime of work and saving goes down the drain: for what?

          Possibly Steve would agree with me that in Australia we need;

          1. Strict, isolated quarantine of the infected and potentially infected.
          2. Temperature screening as a minimum at all large venues.
          3. Proper border control with all travelers required to produce certification that they were CV19 free immediately before traveling.
          4. In normal life adopt sensible habits of hygiene and separation from others. Use masks.

          Had a better government approach been used there would have been no need to completely destroy our nation’s social base.

          And then there’s the Data, but maybe later.

          There was a Better Way, a way that was less destructive, but what could you expect from a nation which over several decades has destroyed its education system and disincentivised it’s work force with free money social security payouts.

          Once a great nation.



        • #
          Steve Keppel-Jones

          Jo, I always thought you were more logical than this. Your argument basically amounts to the same Pascal’s Wager that religious folks use, and they’re misguided too. There is no evidence to date that Covid-19 is noticeably worse than a bad flu, and a complete non-issue given decent health and a widely available cheap non-invasive treatment if necessary. Why the economy-destroying lockdown? Did your brain get completely taken over by an irrational fear of invisible evil organisms?


    • #
      Peter C

      Terry McCrann wrote about the Hydrodxychloroquine Ban in the Herald Sun on Friday 31 July (yesterday).
      The evidence in favour of Hydroxychloroquine, used appropriately, continues to mount up. McCrann quotes Dr Harvey Risch from the Yale School of Public Health and also notes the very good results in Qatar, where hydroxychloroquine is appararently used widely.


    • #
      Reverse Transcriptase

      This has got to stop.

      This is what I take daily:
      Quercetin (found in apples)
      Zinc Picolinate
      Vitamin C
      Vitamin D3
      Oil of Oregano
      Orange Juice
      Tonic Water

      All of these items are legally available from good health food stores.
      Please note I am not offering anyone medical advice, just to follow the old maxim:
      “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”.


      • #
        • #
          Kalm Keith

          Hi R T.

          What did you mean by the first sentence.
          Are you suggesting that David has the wrong idea?


          • #
            Reverse Transcriptase

            Hi KK

            Not at all, just the opposite. This is what must stop.

            In Australia doctors are not allowed to use the Zelenko protocol (i.e. early stage infection and in Victoriastan not at all)

            Not only is Quercetin a substitute for HCQ but Oil of Oregano has benefits as well as an antimicrobial.


            • #
              Kalm Keith


              that’s exactly the political reality we need.

              These systems are tried and true but our politicians need a large prod.


  • #

    There has to be a balance between the impact on the economy and risk to individuals
    To put it into perspective, over 65,000 people died in Australia in 2017
    So when we get headline news of another 5 or6 deaths, why don’t they day we’ve had another 1200 deaths this week from all other causes, just for balance
    The panic demic has already reached the tipping point into probably a long depression where the young have to bear burden


    • #

      “The Lucky Country”, so named because the author sarcastically referred to our politicians and how our country has survived and become wealthy despite them.

      However, when Howard Government Treasurer Peter Costello was criticised by Labor for selling a large portion of the gold bars reserve, for a substantial profit, Labor said the profit would have been bigger if sale had been done later when the price of gold had increased, the Treasurer pointed out that Australia has more gold in the ground than most countries.

      Australia has many reserves of minerals and energy under the vast area of land and territorial waters offshore. The common wealth of the Commonwealth of Australia, just push greenism roadblocks out of the way.

      Add potential wealth ongoing from farming, a new irrigation area the size of Western Europe from WA (Ord River Irrigation existing) across through the NT and NQ. And greater production from farmlands irrigated with water diverted from Old River and other Northern Wild Rivers to the south lands.

      Remove the United Nations’ restrictions on increasing national prosperity via treaties and agreements legislated by our governments here, National Parks no logging for timber industry, no mining, no dams and Marine National Parks no or restricted commercial fishing (import seafood instead). And much more potential for nation and wealth building and creation.


      • #

        Mal, there is a balance. Australia has done the most gentle lockdowns where most people still worked.

        The worry is not the 5 or 6 deaths, it’s the exponential rise, the loss of hospitals, the end of elective surgery, of rising fear where people won’t go to resturants or shopping even if they have the legal freedom to do so.

        The reason for doing a good lockdown is to save the economy. We were close, then a stupid premier pushed the economy button too far, cut a few $ off the quarantine staff, hired incompetent people, and it went down the tubes again.

        If only Andrews had cared more about health and less about the economy, the economy would be going gangbusters and Australia would be free of lockdowns and the virus.


        • #

          Rubbish. All just virtue signaling scaremongering type commentary. Victoria now nearing 500,000 out of work, Aust. Only 200 deaths in 6 mnths,not even in top50 causes of deaths, more than 99.5% recover, suicide projected to increase by 1500 to 4500 per year, etc.
          Rationing food for gods sake…

          Lost of hope and extreme poverty will definitely kill more than covid.
          Victoria is jailing innocent healthy (not symtopmatic) and setting free the vulnerable / at risk ( aged, Unhealthy). not even deadliest virus in history yet unprecedented tyranny in Aust.

          Jo is obviously one of the many pro shutdown wealthy -ie food on table and roof over head. Savings to bunker down, etc. Desperate people WILL fight tyranny, just as hungry people will steal for food.


        • #

          JoNova, this is an interesting article and I’ll need to educate myself on what the medical establishment says about this for similar virus’/infections. However, lockdowns save the economy? When do you unlock? It’s unfortunate that lots of the science around covid has been politicized just like climate science. Let’s at least agree on that.


        • #
          Steve Keppel-Jones

          You can’t be free of this virus, or pretty much any other virus for that matter. Even the W.H.O. doesn’t think that’s an attainable goal, and it was never the official plan.

          The only way a “lockdown” makes sense in a globally connected world is if everyone really locks down, totally (no contact with anyone else), for two weeks, enough for everyone infected to either die or get healthy. After that the virus would have no more targets to spread to. But we didn’t do that, and we’re not going to. Half-assed indefinite “lockdowns” are, by now obviously to everyone, much worse than useless.

          If Premier Andrews cared about health, he would advocate for everyone to take Reverse Transcriptase’s immune system boosters, detailed above, and then get back to work pronto. If you’re sick, stay home, and if you’re not, go to work! That’s what we do for every other infection, and it seems to work pretty well… just make sure you’re not Vitamin D deficient…


    • #
      Rob Kennedy

      This pandemic hysteria has highlighted the problem with many of our fellow citizens.

      They are afraid to die. This is also the reason they are afraid to live.

      I recently came into contact with a couple of couples who candidly told me that the reason why they did not have any children ( or with one couple only one child – a mistake??) was because of the risk of nuclear war in their reproductive years.
      One couple was English and lived in Germany during the height of the cold war and the Cuban Missile Crisis.

      I came away thinking, “You poor people!” What a human tragedy! Too scared to live life to the full.

      Better to live one day as a lion than a hundred years as a sheep!

      Many, many people who achieved truly remarkable things in their lifetime lived very short lives. (Not that having children is essential for living a fullfilling life.)

      Henry David Thoreau, in his book “Walden -or Life in the Woods”, expressed it best:

      I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion.

      As and adjunct I wish my fellow Australians would take up and read his essay on, “Resistance to Civil Government” which Gandhi put into practice to help deliver India from the oppression of colonialism.

      Could we not then get several million maskless patriots passively resisting contradictory (no masks – yes masks) and mindless tyrrany?


      • #

        Rob, you may be right about the childless couples too afraid to live. Though I suspect they just found a way to rationalize what they really wanted to do all along anyhow. The fear of War was just the excuse they tell themselves. If they wanted kids they would use the exact same reason to choose to have them.

        As to masks, I hope true libertarians will not waste time protesting masks when there are so many important issues that matter. Protest about the ABC, about Section 18C, about Peter Ridd. There are 1000 better causes.
        Masks reduce the rate of spread.. People should have protested when the hypocritical bureaucrats claimed the people in the street shouldn’t wear them. But any libertarian who missed that opportunity is 3 months too late now to protest the swing back to the truth.

        Masks help. Just use them, get rid of this virus, and save something that matters like Free Speech.

        But President Xi and the Dems thank everyone who protests masks…


        • #
          John F. Hultquist

          My protest is the high cost of bacon. Insert smile here!

          For normal people in regular places, I believe masks are best thought of as useful in crowded places, and to provide a sign about danger. I also think the phrase “social distance” is harmful when, in fact, what is meant is physical distance. Also, 3 m. is better than 2. A better rule is if you can take 2 steps and touch me, you are too close.
          There was a posted sign a couple of months ago with person-images on the corners of a square and the diagonals were labeled as 6 feet. Pythagoras was stunned.


        • #

          You think everyone being forced to wear masks where they are NOT helpful (almost everywhere) is not an attack on free speech?

          How far you have fallen from good reason.


        • #

          Hi Jo,
          I’ve been keeping an eye on global fertility rates. You may be aware that a fertility rate of 2.33 represents maintenance of a stable population.
          A few years ago, the number of countries that had fertility rates less than 2.33 numbered around 84. I had reason to check on that the other day, and was surprised to see that number has now leapt to over 140!
          I have no idea what has led to this sudden decrease in fertility rates recently. It looks like more and more countries have adopted a policy of smaller families, and the results are evident in falling fertility rates across the world.


          • #

            I have no idea what has led to this sudden decrease in fertility rates recently.

            The single dominant factor in reducing fertility rates is to educate young women. Education gives them control over their bodies and what others get to do with them. Most educated women choose no more than 2 children. They know that they will have the time and money to feed and educate two young humans to become young adults.


            • #

              Children can be hard work. Three things that may have decreased fertility:

              1. High taxes and high property cost. Takes two wages to buy a house.
              2. Reduction in traditional religious conviction. People with a belief that they serve a higher good have more kids.
              3. Feminism teaches women they can have everything, but IVF can’t do a lot if they wait til they are 40.


        • #
          Rob Kennedy

          Yes, you are right about our trait of finding justification for our behaviour. I know it too well in myself.
          For some people I have known the reason given for not wanting children was selfishness – it would ruin their dreams, and as such it was better that they didn’t have any. A small shopkeeper in my home town unexpectedly became a father of a baby boy and within a few weeks he was complaining to my mother that he had diligently worked out that that child would cost him $ xxxx by the time he was 16 years old. Poor child, to have such a father.

          Ultimately it comes down to the three theological virtues :Faith, Hope and Charity.
          Without Faith there is no Hope and Charity may be reduced to just feeding your dog.

          Mind you, my faith in our governments has almost vanished and I have consequently almost given up hope in them.


        • #

          jonova, if masks work, why is phillipines, which had a near universal mask usage, locking back up because of increased cases? (same for Hong Kongwhich was praised for mask use to avoid covid spread)? why did a great many studies prior to covid indicate that cloth and surgical mask use by the general public is basically useless many while studies after covid show they do? my opinion is the politization of covid science. non n-95 style masks don’t work (for various reasons including improper fit, touching mask, getting wet, not replaced) for general public use in preventing spread of covid – and neither do lockdowns. what’s the criteria and metrics we will use for deciding to reopen from lockdowns and for no longer needing to use masks?


    • #

      Mal .. not sure if you did that as a deliberate error to see who really understands the ‘normal death rate’ context, but it wasn’t 65,000 people that died in Australia in 2017 … it was 165,000 !!

      That’s over 450 a day. Totally normal deaths.


  • #
    Single Malt

    The hysteria surrounding this is breath-taking.
    Governments, despite their delusions of grandeur, cannot stop people dying. The deaths of 1.3 million people per year, largely those in the prime of life, could be avoided if car speed limits were capped at 15km/h. It does not happen because it would be socially crippling and economically disastrous … sound familiar?
    God help us if/when a really serious virus (e.g. Spanish flu) ever appears – the snowflakes of the 21st Century will melt.


    • #

      Road fatalities in nsw, year to date is about 331
      Approx 1200 across Australia.


      • #
        Single Malt

        The government and it’s puppet press corp love spitting out stats about the daily infections/nursing home deaths from this thing. Wonder if they’ll be so forthcoming with stats on people who die in months/years to come from conditions not diagnosed or untreated because of this hysteria. The delay in performing colonoscopies, for example, could be the death knock for thousands of people – we will never know.


        • #

          Now think how many lives could have been saved if our health “experts” had decided to do gastrointestinal NAT to detect the WuFlu and also used the same sample returns to check for colon cancer.

          (The China Virus attacks via the ACE2 cell receptor. The highest expression of that receptor in humans is the gastrointestinal tract. Those asymptomatic spreaders aren’t asymptomatic, they just don’t have respiratory symptoms.)


          • #

            No the virus has 4 ways of invading cells, aceii, cd147 and two others (can’t remember third names) one attacks the olfactory hence why some lose smell taste etc. The virus has a 1000 fold binding ability to human aceii.

            It is like a home invader that has the keys to your front door, side door, back door and car and it just appeared out of nowhere in nature…..


            • #

              If you define a lab as “nature..”


            • #

              Yes, the virus has more than one pathway into cells, possibly including invasion of neighboring cells via Filopedia.

              But in establishing a dangerous viral load beyond the immune system’s ability to combat, the ACE2 receptor pathway appears to dominate.

              With SARS-COV-1, the primary site of infection appeared to be the lungs. With the China Virus, the primary site for most appears to be the gastrointestinal tract. (The Diamond Princess and Hong Kong Towers incidents demonstrated early on that this was spreading like gastro not airborne flu).

              And no, this did not appear from nature. This is clearly an industrial accident involving a GOF study on an existing bat coronavirus. The damning evidence of polybasic cleavage sites in the RNA sequence is replicated every time the virus replicates.

              Sure, it is far more “politically correct” to maintain the fiction of “natural mutation in a second unknown zoonotic carrier. But all that fiction will achieve is more deaths and more long term heart, lung and kidney damage, also likely male infertility in those “recovered”.

              But an industrial accident involving a GOF study has a silver lining. Such a virus would not have acquired its ability to target human cells naturally. This is its Achilles Heel. This is why therapeutics can beat it well before we ever develop a vaccine.


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    Long term heart damage for “recovered” victims of the China Virus were to be expected. Autopsies from SARS-COV-1 fatalities showed extensive damage to heart, kidneys, lungs and testis. All organs with high ACE2 cell receptor count. (Although not the small intestine, which is very good at shedding damaged cells containing the virus). The China Virus can be expected to cause similar long term damage as it is a very similar coronavirus targeting the same cell receptor.

    This is a big problem for innocent victims and a big future health cost for many nations.

    But it’s also a very big problem for the guilty.

    Those guilty of trying to prevent the strategic use of the hydroxychloroquine and zinc treatment. Those that wrote and rushed the garbage studies to press. Those that pal-reviewed, those that published. The leftist media, crazed with TDS, who triumphantly reported each negative study and vilified the character of any frontline doctor who claimed positive results. And also guilty are GooGooPlex, Twatface, FaceBoot and NotYouTube, who have worked so tirelessly to censor any positive news about HCQ.

    The chronically TDS infected who thought they could rubbish HCQ were gambling on Big Pharmaceutical offering a better alternative in a reasonable time frame. They lost their bet. They couldn’t even beat herd immunity developing in many nations (at the surprisingly low infection level of 23%?!). But above all, with the UN utterly discredited by their mid January insistence of no human to human transmission, the anti-HCQ crew couldn’t stop so many nations going it alone and empirically proving HCQ was a “game changer”.

    HCQ + Zn is a game changer, but it is not a miracle cure, nor a vaccine. Many nations like Australia have outlawed use of HCQ for the stage of infection where it is effective, relying on more expensive anti-inflamatories and anti-coagulants to prevent the death of hospitalized China Virus victims who likely would never have needed hospital if HCQ + Zn had been used early.

    But here’s the problem for the guilty: many drugs could reduce mortality, but only those in the quinine group (Chloroquine, Hydroxychloroquine, Tafenoquine) worked by suppressing viral replication after infection. Therefore only therapeutics in that (available) group could effectively minimize long term damage to organs with high ACE2 receptor count.

    The longer the anti-HCQ crew play on, the worse the bad news for them will get. When at the bottom of a hole …


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      What age were these people you mention please?

      “HCQ + Zn is a game changer, but it is not a miracle cure, nor a vaccine. Many nations like Australia have outlawed use of HCQ for the stage of infection where it is effective, relying on more expensive anti-inflamatories and anti-coagulants to prevent the death of hospitalized China Virus victims who likely would never have needed hospital if HCQ + Zn had been used early. “

      Yep…which fits with the push to lock everyone into a globalist vaccine-only “solution”.

      Its all about control… vaccine…no “freedom” in a world that’s fast resembling a global North Korea. But to be fair, the globalists have admitted multiple times they wanted to destroy our industrial world to protect their mythical earth goddess “Gaia” and said many times they advocate a “benevolent death” to those who refuse to do things their way. We didnt play ball with climate chnage, so now its plan B with a virus.

      This is a religious war…we are expendable “sheep” sacrificed on an occult altar.


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        And in addition …

        Health officials from China, Korea, India, Taiwan, Malaysia, Bahrain, Turkey, Jordan, United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Morocco, Algeria, Nigeria, Senegal, Cuba, Italy, and 65 scientific studies have shown hydroxychloroquine is effective when used early against COVID19.

        In July, a professor of epidemiology at Yale, Harvey Eisch, wrote a paper claiming that “the data fully supports hydroxychloroquine” and the anti-malarial drug “is the key to defeating COVID19”. He argued that “tens of thousands of patients are dying unnecessarily without the drug” He wrote an op-ed about it in Newsweek where he said “When this inexpensive oral medication is given very early in the course of the illness, before the virus has had time to multiply beyond control, it has shown to be highly effective.

        On April 2nd, a global survey by Sermo, a global health care polling company, of 6,227 doctors from 30 countries found 37% of those treating COVID-19 patients rated hydroxychloroquine as the “most effective therapy” from a list of 15 options.

        Also from April 2020, the American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) wrote a letter saying that peer reviewed studies since January have provided clear and convincing evidence that hydroxychloroquine may be beneficial in treating COVID19. In observational studies of 2137 patients, 91.6% improved clinically.

        From “Snapshot of the Nations Praising HCQ for COVID-19” at


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      David Maddison

      I want to see politicians, public serpents and others who fought against the early stage use of HCQ according to the Zelenko protocol held personally responsible for the deaths of people so caused.


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      My apologies to other readers for the formatting errors in my comment above. The only word that should have been in bold is “shedding”.


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    So, yet again then, research shows CV19 has very similar effects to ‘just flu’.

    Check out the research on Avian flu especially, as well as myocarditis etc. and influenza generally.

    Nearly everyone that has any sort of infection will suffer some sort of ‘heart injury’ detectable with the abilities of modern science/medicine, this is just more pointless scare mongering.


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    UK-Weather Lass

    For years we have had annual ‘flu seasons (including earlier coronavirus types), illnesses and deaths especially among the most vulnerable groups. Nobody has conducted as much research into these illnesses and deaths as they are doing now with SARS-CoV-2. People’s immune systems need to be exercised as often as possible because that increases an individual’s chance of survival upon infection, which leads to added value to protecting the population as a whole. It all starts with one and goes from there. Exposure and eventually elimination as far as possible are the targets while always isolating known or potential carriers and always shielding the most vulnerable as far as possible. Even vaccines cannot stop occasional flare-ups.

    There is some interesting stuff to be read and understood about (coronavirus) immuno-types of which there may be at least three if not more. Even more fascinating is that it seems possible that the best ‘protected’ people are those with kind of seemingly ‘not so okay’ immune systems which actually come alive at the first sign of attack and most often succeed in preventing infection in a very short space of time. Those on ever ready alert immune systems do not seem to do so well. Is it an underlying social/mental (from housing to depressing life styles) unhealthiness that is the real problem here and has that been exacerbated by social policies exercised over many years prior to this epidemic?

    I’d say we have been well and truly warned.


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    Rob Kennedy

    A timely reminder to avoid any strenuous exercise soon after after being laid low by a viral infection.
    However, a minor contradiction in your post Jo:

    A startling number of COVID-19 patients suffer lasting heart damage

    and then:

    We don’t know how long it takes this inflammation and damage to return to normal, or if some damage is permanent.

    It would be too early to ascertain whether there is “lasting damage” but I would not doubt it in persons with poor health, lifestyle or nutrition where there would indeed be lasting damage as with the other viruses such as the flu.
    A quick internet search will tell you that the dangers of heart problems such as myocaditis are not to be taken lightly with any virus.
    “Dr. Epelman’s team discovered that immune cells have different roles when the heart is attacked by a virus. Some cells work to repair tissue damaged by the infection, while others fight off infection.

    But these fighting cells may actually contribute to further damage by causing inflammation in surrounding tissue, even after a virus has been cleared. This results in myocarditis symptoms such as shortness of breath, exhaustion and feeling weak, which can linger for weeks, or even months. “You feel crummy after you have an infection, and you just don’t get better, explains Dr. Epelman, a cardiologist at the Toronto General Hospital.”

    One thing this pandemic has exposed, whether you believe it to be more or less serious, is the absolutely disgraceful treatment of our elderly in so called “nursing homes”. To have this happen in a “civilised” society should call for justice, if we have any, to deal with the people who cause this situation.


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    We cant stop the population eating themselves to death, injecting/ingesting god knows what for a high, killing themselves on the roads or sadly simply deciding to end their own life

    Covid19 has been over hyped beyond all reason – now relentlessly and recklessly searching for justification.

    The vulnerable protected (which was NOT done) the rest move on.


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    John Watt

    Looks like we have an ongoing health problem. You don’t just recover with no lasting impact. This message needs to be broadcast…especially to the glitterati presenters on Skynews who keep harping on about the 99% who recover from the virus. Clearly “recover” has some subtlety that eludes Jones,Murray and co.


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    Ken Davis

    They haven’t done a controlled study comparing it to other viral and inflammatory disorders. I suspect, if you looked, you would find it there too.


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    Unconfirmed tiny study,


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    Structural changes to the heart? Do we have a good picture of these people before they became infected? If not how do you establish if there has been changes?


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    This is reporting correlation, not causation. As Matty says, it could merely be saying that sufferers had a pre-existing condition.


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    The hidden burden of influenza: A review of the extra‐pulmonary complications of influenza infection

    Published online 2017 Sep 13.

    I believe covid has been manipulated just enough to be declared novel so the media could run with the panicky narrative. Otherwise it is just the flu.


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    John F. Hultquist

    However, there is nothing surprising about diseases causing lasting issues. Rheumatic fever (a bacterium infection) involves the heart in half the cases (Wiki). Heart valves can be damaged and a heart murmur, heard with a stethoscope, may be a sign that one had an unrecognized and untreated infection.
    There is not much that can or will be done about this unless significant impairment occurs. Later in life, when a valve replacement would improve one’s quality of life, the ethical weight tilts toward intervention (surgery).

    Regarding the study reported;
    Only a wealthy and highly advanced society can produce such research.
    Clarke’s 3rd law: Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.


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    Travis T. Jones

    From horses mouth …

    Virology Journal – the official publication of Dr. Fauci’s National Institute of Health –

    2005: Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread

    Wait. What?

    On Wednesday 29 July, 2020, Dr Anthony Fauci, a leading member of the White House coronavirus task force, told the BBC that hydroxychloroquine was not effective against the virus:

    Coronavirus: Hydroxychloroquine ineffective says Fauci


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    It took two Australian doctors, Dr Robin Warren and Dr Barry Marshall, to reveal that peptic ulcers were caused by bacteria and not by bad genes or bad living that the ‘established science’ and ‘the medical consensus’ believed. These gifted and dedicated doctors made this discovery in 1982. They won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2005 for their pioneering cure of peptic ulcers.

    When will ‘established science’,’the medical consensus’ and profit driven BIG pharma acknowledge that there are quite a few effective, cheap, safe, and available drugs already out there, and that expensive ‘vaccines’ are not required to be unsafely and rapidly produced.

    Gate says safety of the vaccine’s maybe compromised —

    Recently B. Gates rejected a conspiracy theory that he wants a mass vaccination to inject people with microchips:
    But researchers at MIT’s Koch Institute developed a skin vaccine implant ( using Gates’ funds:


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    It’s not just the heart. Some suffer neurological damage. There can also be lung, kidney and liver damage, as well.

    What I worry about is that, having lied to us and allowed it to spread over the world, the ChiComs can now evaluate how to tweak it to make it even worse the next time around.

    Well, maybe they’re sorry, and we can trust them now?
    Or not.


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    Kevin a

    Sociology professor calls for a ‘sense of proportion’ as he brands Covid-19 a ‘nasty infection’ that ‘simply brought deaths forward by a few weeks’
    Professor Robert Dingwall says 80 per cent coronavirus victims had condition


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    Awesome video.
    10 minutes of education by a genius level communicator.
    I too like mechanism 5 (check it out).

    Here is the portfolio of Dr Mobeen Syed:

    H/T Chuck Wiese


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    “A study from the University Hospital Frankfurt looked at the cardiovascular MRIs of 100 people who had recovered from the coronavirus and compared them with heart images of people who hadn’t been infected.

    Most of the patients hadn’t been hospitalized and recovered at home, with symptoms ranging from none to moderate. Two months after recovering from COVID-19, the patients were more likely to have troubling cardiac signs than people in the control group. Up to 78% of them had structural changes to the heart, while 76% had evidence of a biomarker signaling cardiac injury typically found after a heart attack, and 60% had signs of inflammation.“

    The study sounds wrong Or misleading from the second sentence.
    Patients who haven’t been hospitalised?
    Symptoms ranging from none?

    The troponin comments are wrong
    “At the time of CMR, high-sensitivity troponin T (hsTnT) was detectable (3 pg/mL or greater) in 71 patients recently recovered from COVID-19 (71%) and significantly elevated (13.9 pg/mL or greater) in 5 patients (5%)
    N.B US study cited
    “a single high-sensitivity troponin level less than 6 ng/L ruled out myocardial infarction, while serial levels at 19 ng/L or less identified patients at less than 1% risk of 30-day adverse cardiac events.“

    These patients basically had normal troponin levels. Troponin is used as a marker of acute heart damage. It would certainly not be raised in a concerning way in 76 out of a hundred young people (all having potential heat attacks!)

    As for “structural changes” to the heart With no comment on the percentages in the so called control group I think I could find at least 1 structural change in every second CMR if I looked hard enough.
    This does not make the hearts abnormal.

    COVID in younger people is a almost a simple cold, asymptomatic. This article is anembarassment.
