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British school children to be taught that Cancel Culture is bullying

Suddenly, it’s almost like British schools might be preparing students for real life. How did that happen?

Imagine teaching students that tolerance means listening to people you don’t like, who are saying things you don’t want to hear? Cancel Culture delegitimizes and removes whole people from every aspect of life or public office for the merest trivial breach of some unwritten rules that are applied selectively. Like a neolithic “bone-pointing” type exile, all life experience and expertise is thus “cancelled”. Apologies are worthless, there is no learning, there are only “admissions of guilt”. There is something profoundly unChristian about it all — the complete lack of forgiveness.

This new program then, is like a safe space from The Safe Spaces. For Activist-Uni’s this does the worst possible thing. It may train a generation to see through their propaganda.

Next thing you know, Children might be taught that Climate Change Dogma is bullying too.

Woke ‘cancel culture’ is a form of bullying and ‘no platforming’ an attack on free speech, pupils will be taught

Josh White, Daily Mail, UK

  • Teachers will tell pupils ‘cancel culture’ is not part of a ‘tolerant and free society’
  • Students will learn that people with controversial opinions should be respected 
  • It comes as some mainstream speakers have been blocked from speaking at unis

In Department for Education training manuals, teachers are instructed to tell pupils that the ‘cancel culture’ which has taken root at many universities – where individuals call for a boycott of a person or company whose views they don’t agree with, in the hope they lose their job or clients – is not part of a ‘tolerant and free society’.

This may be due to the dismal failure of universities to raise …civil thinkers for civilizations.

‘In Department for Education training manuals, teachers are instructed to tell pupils that the ‘cancel culture’ which has taken root at many universities – where individuals call for a boycott of a person or company whose views they don’t agree with, in the hope they lose their job or clients – is not part of a ‘tolerant and free society’.

Perhaps conservatives have finally realized that the education system is churning out snowflakes who know nothing about conservatives nor what they stand for? After 50 years of collectivist marching through the institutes, perhaps finally Conservatives realize they have to fight back.

It also possible that this swing-to-sensible has a tiny bit to do with Labour’s recent shift back to the middle.

Competition: It’s a great thing. Every nation needs two half-decent parties competing.

h/t GWPF.

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