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€225,000 reasons mammals need a 1km exclusion zone from wind towers

 Another cost of wind towers

Laura David and Jack Kelleher had to leave their family farm at Gowlane North, Donoughmore, Cork, four years ago after a shuddering, flickery 10-turbine wind farm began operating a bit more than 700 metres from their home.

They suffered from “nosebleeds, ear aches, skin rashes, swollen and painful hands, loss of power in their limbs, sleep disturbance, and headaches.” Naturally, they moved into a hotel, and then found a new home eight miles away, and took it to the High Court.

Family in Cork win a €225k payout:

by Ann O’Loughlin, IrishTimes

Two brothers and a sister from the same family who claimed they suffered illness as a result of noise, vibrations and shadow flicker from a Cork windfarm have settled their High Court actions for a total of €225,000.

The settlements which were without an admission of liability were approved by Ms Justice Leonie Reynolds and occurred after mediation.

The defendants had denied all the claims they had been allegedly negligent resulting in the siblings becoming ill. They also denied that noise, shadow flicker and vibration from the windfarm had intruded onto the family’s farm.

The rest of the family have other claims still outstanding.

If industrial infrasound has this effect on people what does it do to the endangered Red Deer, Squirrels, or Pine Martens of Ireland?

We’re waiting for the Green screams of protest outside wind farm developments in 3…2…1…  or does no Greenie care because it’s not about homeless furry critters, and never has been — it’s just about impressing their friends at dinner parties? And right now, apparently nothing impresses friends at dinner more than acting as a blind marketing agent for multinational renewable corporations.

If wind turbine operators must pay out people within a 1km radius (or more), and if turbines aren’t too good for the cows, sheep, deer, whales, or bats either, then these charges are just another hidden cost of wind power. Wind power consumes more land, and more legal funds.

Since wind towers threaten electricity prices, all electricity grids should have a 1km exclusion zone to keep wind turbines out too.

h/t Jim Simpson


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