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It’s Trump versus The Swamp

Win for Trump’s enemies would cast pall over democracy

Chris Kenny, The Australian.

If Trump’s enemies succeed, especially when their critiques are often so deceptive and dishonest, and after they have trashed processes and natural justice through episodes such as the Russia collusion hoax or the assassination of Brett Kavanaugh’s character, it will leave a dark pall over the world’s pre-eminent democracy. And it will leave a mass of disaffected mainstream voters feeling that even a democratically elected President promising to “drain the swamp” can fall victim to the ­revenge of the political, bureaucratic, academic and media establishment — the deep state.

We know he is unorthodox, ­polarising and crass, yet so many players and commentators never tire of pretending these observations are still worth fussing over.

If Trump’s enemies succeed, especially when their critiques are often so deceptive and dishonest, and after they have trashed processes and natural justice through episodes such as the Russia collusion hoax or the assassination of Brett Kavanaugh’s character, it will leave a dark pall over the world’s pre-eminent democracy. And it will leave a mass of disaffected mainstream voters feeling that even a democratically elected President promising to “drain the swamp” can fall victim to the ­revenge of the political, bureaucratic, academic and media establishment — the deep state.

We know he is unorthodox, ­polarising and crass, yet so many players and commentators never tire of pretending these observations are still worth fussing over.

Ultimately, The Democrats have become The Swamp. They oppose Trump so viscerally because he threatens their money stream and pops the fantasy bubbles that make their voter appeal. The Swamp makes their living off Big Government. The Business Swamp profit from the complexity of regulations to benefit from their own personal loopholes and deals. The Monopolist Swamp use their close relationship with politicians to keep their monopoly. The Welfare Swamp  just want more welfare, and The Washington Swamp depend on Big Government for their creamy rich salaries and two week long junkets to foreign holiday destinations like the COP Climate conferences. The Medical Swamps are battling now for expensive drugs against the cheap out-of-patent unprofitable treatments.

Then there’s the Republican Swamp — they don’t want small government either.

And now, success is partly in the hands of a virus.

 * * *

I’ll be away from the desk for a few days. Apologies in advance for late replies to emails. David Evans will be posting while I’m away.


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