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Media Criticizes Trump For Downplaying Virus Threat By Not Dying

Close to the bone:

The Babylon Bee

WASHINGTON, D.C—President Donald Trump is once again under fire from the media for recklessly downplaying the danger of COVID by refusing to die. As the president begins to show signs of recovery, many worry that this sends the wrong message about the seriousness of the global pandemic.

“His defiance is going to get people killed. Dying like he’s supposed to would be the most patriotic thing he could do,” complained CNN correspondent Adam Pelot. “If he lives, how will the people be able to trust science?”

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The disappointment this week in news rooms was palpable.

In other news, Biden may be far ahead in the polls, but  Gallup Polling shows 56% think Trump will win, and only 40% think Biden will win.

According to David Catron, this is a more useful indicator than asking people “who they’ll vote for”:

July 17th 2020: The American Spectator

Lately, pollsters and pundits have been nervously pondering the following question: “If Trump is behind in the polls, why do most voters say, in the same surveys, that he will win the upcoming election?” As Harry Enten recently noted at CNN, “An average of recent polls finds that a majority of voters (about 55%) believe that Trump will defeat Biden in the election. Trump’s edge on this question has remained fairly consistent over time.” This is far more than mere statistical curiosity by number nerds. Several peer-reviewed studies have shown that surveys of voter expectations are far more predictive of election outcomes than polls of voter intentions.

 h/t David E


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