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Bannon and Gorka: We have a path to Victory here

You want to talk winning? Get your dose here.

Steve Bannon headed up Trumps election team in 2016, he’s goes through the constitutional process which will kick in if there are too many problems deciding the legitimacy of votes: (This is about 20 – 30 minutes into the live three hour show).

 We have no President Elect until the Electoral College chooses a President.

The Secretaries of each State have to certify the votes. If you can’t certify the votes, you can’t have electoral representatives. They need to be in place by December 6.

If no candidate gets 270 votes by December 8, the constitution has a solution. It goes to the House of Representatives for a “Contingent election“. But this is not a vote that Congressmen do.  Instead, States send delegates to the House, and the House votes and decides the President.

The Dems are losing the House vote.  26 Republican States and 22 Democrat States.

Bannon: “The second campaign was a great awakening — the spontaneous Trump trains, the gatherings former communists in South Florida.”

This is a 3 hour broadcast and it’s running live now…. Imagine if this was screening on prime time TV?

Mind you, there are a lot of other paths, other than a “Contingent Election” and even if one happens, its state electors can vote silently as happened in 1825, and we all know how well that might not work if a few delegates can be bought…

 ” If Biden wanted to heal the nation he would endorse these legal campaigns to investigate voter fraud.”

 Gorka: When people ask, “What can I do”?

” Get the red hat on and get out of the house and Protest”

What do we do if bad votes have been mixed with good votes?

If they can’t be verified, they’ve got to go. All of them. We don’t need a do-over.

We had an election. It was November 3. Donald Trump won.

Bannon on Lindsay Graham and others talking about fixing things for future elections:

“Don’t have hearings for future elections. We’re going to sort it out now. Anyone who says it’s “for the future” is just trying to get you to surrender.

Weekdays 3PM-6PM EST. Follow Sebastian Gorka on Twitter: https://twitter.com/SebGorka Follow the America First Facebook page: https://facebook.com/AmericaFirstGorka/ Visit https://SebGorka.com for more!








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