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Democrats certification in Pennsylvania halted as evidence is presented for election fraud

The pushback begins: Trump wins a stay on certification, and the right to put all the evidence forward at a hearing on Friday. Though as of this moment Google News Search results contain nothing but one report of a “far fetched strategy” to reverse Pennsylvania. History is in the making yet most of the 24-hour-crash-test-spectator media is absent.

UPDATE: In Nevada also a judge has ruled that there will be a hearing on Dec 3 for Republicans to present allegations of voter fraud.It could overturn the Nevada result. 

“… the signatures on hundreds of thousands of mail-in ballots were not verified by human officials, as required by law. What’s more, they found that officials used a machine to verify signatures, apparently against the rules, and even those machines were plagued with problems.”

UPDATE: In Georgia Lin Woods Emergency Motion will get an expedited review in the Eleventh Circuit Court.

In Pennsylvania

Judge Blocks Further Certification of PA Election Results Over Mail-in Ballot Fight

By Matt Margolis, PJ News

A Pennsylvania state court issued an order blocking the certification of election results in the state, pending a hearing to be held on Friday, reports Fox News.

This is Judge Patricia McCullough’s court order. It’s not entirely clear what this means since Pennsylvania has been described as certifying the votes” already. Games of bluff are coming from both sides. Not surprisingly, officials in Pennsylvania are going to appeal this ruling.

Separately though, regardless of what is or is not certified, the elected representatives in Pennsylvania can choose to send their own electors in the event of major fraud.

Rudy Giuliani, who is leading the Trump campaign’s election legal efforts, on Wednesday suggested that Pennsylvania GOP state senators have the power to vote and choose their own electors, citing voter fraud allegations.

In the Pennsylvania Senate hearings, listen to the numbers and the reaction of the crowd at the details of one vote dump. Guiliani makes a case that 670,000 ballots should be  disallowed due to the failure to let observers watch.

Listen to the crowd in the room as a witness describes how one sided the ballots were:

Democrat main strategies appear to be Bluff, Bully and Censor

Trump tells supporters to stand tall against the bullying.”Don’t be intimidated”.

Jack Phillips, Epoch Times

President Donald Trump, calling in at a Senate Republican hearing in Pennsylvania on Wednesday, called on GOP surrogates and his supporters to not back down in the face of threats and push back as his legal team challenges the result of the election.

“If you were a Republican poll worker you were treated like a dog,” Trump said on a call as his lawyer, Jenna Ellis, held up her phone to the microphone. He was referring to complaints from sworn affidavits about poll watchers being denied access to vote-tabulation efforts on Nov. 3 and beyond in places like Philadelphia and Detroit.

“Our poll watchers were pushed out of the building … don’t be intimidated by these people,” Trump said, while also referring to threats and a pressure campaign against his legal team.

Read a description of the Philadelphia Witnesses Allegations of Obstruction, and other irregularities during the counting of ballots. Barricades were used to keep observers too far away to see, they were allowed to watch on blurred screens. Epoch Times

“Due to the distance of the workers from the erected fences, it was impossible for me or any observer to see what the workers were doing with any type of specificity,” he said. “The observers were not able to challenge any decision or determination being made about the processing of these mail-in ballots.”

The second issue Qweder said he found to be irregular was the board’s duplication process. As the days progressed, observers were informed that the board was going to be duplicating damaged mail-in ballots that could not be read by their scanners. He was told there were more than 5,000 of these damaged ballots and that the actual number was unknown and could be higher.”

The censorship continues

Twitter banned Senator Doug Mastriano’s Twitter account, possibly because he is asking why elections in Afghanistan are more secure than elections in Pennsylvania, an unpermitted question.

Imagine being an elected official with a PhD and 4 masters degrees who served in Desert Storm and was deployed 3x to Afghanistan .. but can’t speak freely on twitter. That’s what it’s come to.

He also said in the hearing that thousands of people have been contacting his office. They have been inundated.


Meanwhile President Trump has pardoned the long suffering Michael Flynn.

One view on Flynns 2017 confession:

 Nov 1 2017: @GenFlynn attorney ask from Mueller documents that if handed over could help Flynn against a claim that he lied. Nov 3: Mueller Thugs leak that they may charge Flynn’s son. Within weeks: Flynn pleads guilty to lying. White Collar THUGS.

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