- JoNova - -

It’s an information war — time the Right shored up new lines of communication

First things First. A Psy Ops War is underway — aimed to demoralize half the US population

The Coup has control of the television and most of the newspapers. They also have Twitter and Facebook. The control is so brazen and complete even the President can’t tell his side of the story to the 70 million people who voted for him. On Twitter Trump’s comments are being sabotaged, deleted and used against him with labels warning he is “misleading”.

Twitter has evolved into the Ministry of Information

Who needs police or a court to investigate fraud? Just ask Twitter, it already knows the outcome of those cases. Same for NBC, CNN, MSNBC.

In the last month, the media’s selective blind-eye became a weaponized filter.  Criminal acts and potential treason in the highest offices of the land were not just ignored, any mentions of them were hunted down the perpetrators punished. People were exiled. When  Judge Jeanine Pirro tried to discuss voter fraud, she was cancelled, and by Fox.

It’s almost impossible for a groundswell of resistance to gather if there is no gathering place, no way to get out a message and nowhere to hammer out priorities. The Left understand this. So do Dictators.

The right still have talk back radio, and they still have the internet. In the early days of blogging and social media, and  in the early days of Fox, conservative and non-left views competed in an open market and were wildly popular. They drew crowds and accelerated to the point where Google algorithms and Alexa rankings had to be rejigged. Then, when that wasn’t enough, shadow banning began. Now it’s overt. Youtube demonetized stars. GoFundMe will raise funds for terrorists, but blocked people raising funds to investigate Voter Fraud. (He’s now raising funds from something called Give-Send-Go). Fox viewers meanwhile are abandoning Fox.

In the end, the left marches through nearly every institution. The right will be inventive and funnier and fan out ahead.

The rush is on to shift to sites like Gab, Parler, Bitchute

Parler Tops App Store Charts As Conservatives Flock to Site

Social media platform Parler is topping Apple and Google download charts this week…

In the U.S. as of today, Parler is top of Apple’s free download chart and the Google Play Store, according to data from analytics firm SensorTower, which indicated the app had attracted around 200,000 downloads last month, collectively on both stores.

The exact size of the app’s userbase is not fully clear, however Parler CEO John Matze indicated in a post yesterday that it had received up to two million new accounts. “We expected a million or so people today… but 2? You guys are crazy,” he wrote.

 The app currently sits above TikTok, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram in recent downloads.

But this is much more than just about Gab and Parler, it’s an information war. It’s about getting information out to radio stations, to newspaper editors, to elected representatives and even family and friends.

Time to get cracking.

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