A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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has anyone noticed how many more extreme weather events we had this year? In the world of physics this would be because of more energy in the system, but… that does not fit with the accepted wisdom of the contributors to this site
No, I haven’t noticed. Can you be more specific? Then we can discuss it.
how about the hurricane season?
Surely you mean cyclones.
Small thingy, if ‘global climate change’ were to blame, how exactly would it create an active hurricane season in one ocean, but not most times everywhere else, and no long term positive trend?
(‘Naming’ criteria have been changed so getting into the Greek alphabet is meaningless.)
A short while back there was a record major US landfall hurricane drought – was that climate change? Why have you focussed on the one fact you think suits your view and ignored EVRYTHING ELSE, patently it’s well within natural variation.
You think lower CO2 would make the world safer? Dream on.×1018.png
‘ … how about the hurricane season?’
Funny you should mention that.
Decades of research and observations have indicated, over the past century or more, ‘there are no upwards trends in U.S. hurricane landfalls and no upwards trends in the strongest storms at landfall. These conclusions have been reinforced by the assessments of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), U.S. National Climate Assessment, and most recently of the World Meteorological Organization.’
Roger Pielke / 2019
Of course there’s more energy in the weather system.
Haven’t you heard that the Earth’s Protective Shield™ (that’s the planet’s Magnetic Field) has fallen in strength over 15% and nearly 18% over the last decade. It started way back in 1859, but nobody noticed. Now it’s fallen sufficiently far for the Solar Wind to get further into the high level atmosphere and wreak more havoc.
In case you also haven’t heard: Tropical Cyclones and this includes Hurricanes and typhoons are strongly affected by the Solar Wind. If you read these notes
from Paul Prikryl of the University of New Brunswick, Canada, you might learn enough to able to talk sensibly about cyclonic storms instead of uttering gibberish:
It has rained heavily in China. If you are China centric that may look like “the world”.
I’m in the tropics and AGW is said to effect us less than the lower lats, but the weather has been benign temperature-wise for a decade or so and cyclones as rare as hen’s teeth.
It has been dry for years but that is hardly unique.
AGW? – no I’m just talking about the relative frequency on extreme weather events worldwide. Of course, if your world is an airconditioned bedroom in the tropics, then you are not the best person to ask
You were asked for more details to support your assertions so that others could comment, but all you have done is to generate more assertions without any supporting data. And you have the temerity to more jaundiced comments! If you make assertions, you must be prepared to back them up with factual data.
Why are you more qualified?
More reported and more hyped of course for the msm alarmist news cycle.
Do you have any work showing a trend in any direction?
‘I’m just talking about the relative frequency on extreme weather events worldwide.’
We know that a meandering jetstream will produce extreme weather events in midlatitudes, unseasonably too hot or too cold and often accompanied by big winds. The hurricane season should intensify with global cooling, but I’m not sure about TC.
Extreme weather events are not particularly significant or unusual at the moment.
A downturn in hurricanes and TC during a time of global warming is probably not what you expected.
Cloudy days.
But that’s hardly extreme considering the Solar Minimum over 2019 to early 2020, and enhanced Cosmic Rays (cloud makers). Nor is it extreme for NZ. It’s name: Aotearoa means “Land of the Long White Cloud” so the historical Maori navigators certainly noticed.
One thing I have noticed: cloudy skies are always a problem right at the time I’m wanting to view the incoming comet (as seen to the South East of Venus at 4:30 in the mornings. That’s before Sunrise …) Over the last view years, it seems to have happened every time. (Three or four comets over the last 20 years … I stopped counting.)
We’ve had a few rather strong thunderstorms over Spring. The lightning displays were among the best I’ve seen for a couple of decades. But that was all.
The only extreme event I can think of is the incineration of the village of Ohau three months ago. That was high winds, high as in gale force.
Apart from that, extreme weather? What’s that? Nothing I haven’t seen before. The Sun was having its minimum, no big Solar Storms to kick up lots of extreme weather, GCRs were higher than any time since the start of weather satellites has had before which is why it’s been so cloudy.
And the planetary magnetic field continues to decay. That could or will become a big deal soon and will be the probable cause of any extreme weather other than that which is caused by the Solar Wind.
The new Solar Cycle is getting off to a good start with big CMEs already (huge one earlier this week but we weren’t in its way.) That will kick tropical thunderstorms into hurricans, typhoons and tropical cyclones quickly.
Jacinder’s will declare another Klimate Emergency next week. Sigh. Second one in three years yet little has changed, although the weakening magnetic field is not little, letting more Solar Wind energy into the atmosphere …
So what?
Top o’ the morning to you, sophocles. Ah yes, La Presidente Cinderella (for her rise to fame – or infamy, if you will – has been nothing short of a fairytale… for a lowly Bachelor of Political Communication) declaring an emergency of climatic proportions next week:
I’m surprised none of her advisors have looked out their windows, nor consulted the prognosticators at MetService, to be aware of the series of COLD fronts heading in our general direction for the coming week…
Irony of ironies, it looks as if FREEZING SNOW will be falling upon our southern hills on precisely the day she announces her masters’ agenda – resulting in the quandary of snow falling during each and every 12 months of this year 2020. The only ’emergency’ would appear to be a complete and total failure of the self-appointed high priests’ prophecies of doom (take note, Small Footprint).
Top o’ the mornin’ ter you, too, Greg.
Wot? You complainin’ about all that White Global Warmin’? (WGW)
Did you hear about Schnellinhuber et al at PIKT? Heh, it’s in one of my comments on this page. Enjoy. I’m still laughing at them. EAOF. Egg All Over Face. Have to award them a PF — Perfect Fail.
Hm. I hadn’t noticed the WGW falling every month. Thanks for that tip. We should send Jacindas and James mail. And laugh at them too. I’m disappointed she’s swallowing the Warm-Ade when it’s Kooling.
It’s the prognosticators at NIWA whose rear ends need kicking. The Metservice just serves up what they’re given to serve up. (World Meteorological Organization Wevva).
Small F,
There is no such thing as the “perceived wisdom of this site”.
There are a number of bloggers exercising original thought as opposed to bleating what others like them to say.
In Australia in the last 2 years, I can think of not a single event that fits your description of “many more extreme weather events this year.” Nothing has happened that has not happened before, of similar scale. Nothing has become more extreme. Many events happened before man is accused of adding to the CO2 burden in the atmosphere. TGhat is what causes some people to make a false claim, as if man is to blame.
Can you please name one or two events that led to your curious post? Thank you Geoff S
The bushfires? did you miss that. The number of extreme heat events in australia in 2020.
Small F,
The number of extreme heat events?
If you look up the index to this blog of Jo’s, you will find I have written some posts that show that the number of heat waves has not increased (mostly) in Australia’s 6 capitals, that they are not becoming more frequent and that they are not becoming hotter. I give data for heat waves of 1, 3, 5 and 10 days duration from the 1850s to now. I choose these capital cities because they have some of the longest historical data, and because most people in Australia live in them. So matters like planning for hospitals to cope with (phantom) more heat waves, or hotter heat waves, best relates to capital cities. This is not definitive work, because anyone can invent a new definition for a heat wave and manipulate data to make it seem we are having a horrible time.
Try the web site of where Chris Gilham has posted information about the frequency over the years of days above the old century of 100F (38.7C or so) and the number of days where the temperature max was in the top 1 percentile – that sort of analysis of time series. You might be surprised to find that the last couple of years are a tad warmer than many previous years, but that is mainly caused by higher minimum temperatures, usually at night, while the maximums have little systematic change over the decades.
Then you can look at stray effects like the urban heat island that elevate temperatures in a way that can be claimed, with deception, to represent national changes that are highlighted to scare peope.
If you do the science in some depth, you will see for yourself how shallow and contrived the official story is.
Geoff S
I would trust the BOM and CSIRO over some random unlinked assertions
“Warming is observed across Australia in all months with both day and night-time temperatures increasing. This shift is accompanied by more extreme nationally averaged daily heat events across all months. For example, 2019 experienced 43 extremely warm days, more than triple the number in any of the years prior to 2000. This increasing trend is observed at locations across all of Australia.
In summer we now see a greater frequency of very hot days compared to earlier decades. In terms of national daily average maximum temperatures, there were 33 days that exceeded 39 °C in 2019, more than the number observed from 1960 to 2018 combined, which totalled 24 days.”
Maybe you should be more careful where you place your trust.
The. BOM are notorious for their inaccuracy .
Small Footprint alleged:
Over 2015-2016 that might have been the case. There was a very strong El Nino.
That is likely to change over the next decade. In August this year, ENSO entered a La Nina, which is now deeper than earlier ones and looking as though it’s going to stick around. Cooling, not cooking, is most likely to become the order of the days.
Heh: PIK (Potsdam Institute of Klimate) in Germany boasted of having developed a new method for predicting El Ninos up to a year early and last year, they predicted an El Nino for late 2020. Oops. That was EaoF (Egg all over Face). Late 2020 (that’s this year and right now) turned up … rather, down a La Nina. The next 50 years may be cool …
so don’t make their mistake.
Y’see, the planet’s climate takes its orders from the Star — Old Sol — and doesn’t care what CO2 does. Old Sol is some six orders of magnitude larger and more powerful than tiny little planet Earth and its Primates. Six orders of magnitude. That’s a rather large number. Work it out and glue it on the inside of your forehead right where your Mind’s Eye can’t possibly lose sight of it. Mankind’s emissions form less than 4% of the annual (c. 3.8%) emissions so effects from the Big Bad Primates are almost too small to be measured.
The BoM and CSIRO are paid to make up this nonsense. Take the time to do your own analysis of the temperature data in Australia rather than taking the single homogenised figure those data fudges are offering.
Come back when you have some evidence based on real recorded data to support what you state.
If you see a warming trend then look for the error in the data. The tropical Pacific Nino34 region has been static for the last 40 years:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg3j-MHBpf4wRGuhf
There is no proof of run away man made global warming.
Any institution that appears to support this is immediately susepct IMHO.
And many of them have become more and more hysterical about it, rather than actually showing proof, and as such I ignore them, as should anyone who seriously cares about rigorous science.
The Left are a bunch of seagulls…anything they get they tear apart, and the way you can tell they have beent here is the pile of guano they leave behind….
‘The bushfires? did you miss that. The number of extreme heat events in australia in 2020.’
Sir …. I have it.
The Inquiry didn’t mention the large blocking high off Queensland’s east coast during the height of the bushfire season, pumping hot north westerlies along the Great Dividing Range. This undoubtedly exacerbated the situation.
A wayward jetstream produced the blocking high which, as you are aware, is a global cooling signal.
You would trust the BOM and CSIRO over a site that you did not even bother to open before claiming it to be “some random unlinked assertions”.
Well, do the honourable thing, read the words at this site and then tell us all why you prefer the “official” version.
I do not have it in for CSIRO. I worked for them, once. I am not certain that they were involved in this matter. I have not worked for the BOM, except to point out error after error, found in my free time, for which I am treated as a pariah.
So, Small Footprint, do critique this for us.
When eucalyptus forests can buildup litter at a rate of 8 tonnes per hectare and are only reduced by 29% every year, it doesn’t take long to build up to 10-15 tonnes per hectare, figures considered to cause unstoppable bushfires. Western Australia manages to keep major bushfires in check by burning around 8% a year, but unfortunately NSW and Victoria only burn less than 2% a year, so major bushfires will always occur, regardless of any weather changes. These are facts, not assertions. Care to comment more?
Small F,
The bushfires?
They were bad as 2019 became 2020, people suffefred, inquiries wefre held.
Main oputcome, there was too much fuel available for the fires; more precautionary burning is a good idea.
No plausible link to “climate change” was shown in science. Not one valid case.
Also, Australia has had several fire seasons just as bad, several before the rise in atmospheric CO2 that is typically the devil. Explain that to me, please.
Geoff S (Scientist, now retired).
Small F,
The bushfires?
They were bad as 2019 became 2020, people suffefred, inquiries wefre held.
Main oputcome, there was too much fuel available for the fires; more precautionary burning is a good idea.
No plausible link to “climate change” was shown in science. Not one valid case.
Also, Australia has had several fire seasons just as bad, several before the rise in atmospheric CO2 that is typically the devil. Explain that to me, please.
Geoff S (Scientist, now retired).
I remember the last time there were big bushfires which affected us in NZ — they were across Victoria … was it c. 4 decades ago? The smoke from those fires crossed the Tasman and gave us the same visible and … aromatic effects last years ones did.
There were enquiries after those and the same findings were made.
The order seems to be:
– have big destructive fires (which we notice from over 2000 kms away)
– have enquiry
– reach enquiry’s conclusions (same as previous enquiries’ findings)
– go back to sleep until the next big ones occur.
Burning eucalyptus and everything else like buildings with a sprinkling of koalas, wombats, other dead animals and old Holdens creates a certain aromatic presence. But on the plus side, our Fire Service likes your big fires: they send lots of firemen over to help put them out and get first hand experience with really big fires.
Seems to me, nothing has changed much;
No, it’s not a report of the 2019-2020 bushfire season, it is in fact a report from the Black Thursday bushfires that devastated Victoria on February 6th 1851 burning up 5 million hectares (about a quarter of the state’s area) after an intense drought in 1850.
Small F,
There is no such thing as the “perceived wisdom of this site”.
There are a number of bloggers exercising original thought as opposed to bleating what others like them to say.
In Australia in the last 2 years, I can think of not a single event that fits your description of “many more extreme weather events this year.” Nothing has happened that has not happened before, of similar scale. Nothing has become more extreme. Many events happened before man is accused of adding to the CO2 burden in the atmosphere. TGhat is what causes some people to make a false claim, as if man is to blame.
Can you please name one or two events that led to your curious post? Thank you Geoff S
I experienced three extreme weather events last week.
All on ABCCCC Radio programmes.
Yes, it’s because we tolerate heresy in our midst.
Barris will convene a worldwide Inquisition.
Just in the nick of time.
Small Footprint:
There were many extreme weather events recorded from around 1300 to 1700 in Europe. That is roughly the start and end of the Little Ice Age, so if there are more extreme weather events (your claim) then it may well be due to Global Cooling.
Following on the Pennsylvania election fraud case, I looked at the NYT feed. This is an extract:
Note the changes between 4:07 and 4:08, Trumps drops from 0.566 to 0.56. Biden jumps from 0.42 to 0.426. The vote increased by 54. Doing the maths, trump dropped 17k and Biden won 17k.
There are a few other anomalies. An interesting one is another reduction in count
Raw data can been found on the NYT feed:
Would like to know where the feed originates. Even without knowing, the number sequence looks awfully suspicious.
I wonder how many people are going over this data?
Sadly there appears to be no hope of saving the Arecibo Observatory. Anton Petrov discusses it in this 15 min video.
Regrettably the people that would have the funds to save it, the Billionaire Socialists, would rather spend their money destroying civilisation, rather than enhancing it through such scientific endeavours.
It is sad. It’s done some terrific science and it leaves us somewhat blind to the rocks and stuff in NEO.
(Near Earth Orbit). Soros and Gates could make themselves useful, but no. They won’t.
Maybe we should petition the Taurid meteor stream to drop a few rocks off over Seattle? And at George’s place?
Very good talk from Leigh Dundas about the US election fraud. She posted this 20 hrs ago at the time I write this.
Really good.
Good spot DM.
There is a website called- Australian Conservatives,
University of Australia (it says)
But it concerns events in Canada. Explanation?
why not ask them?
Good advice but I cannot find any way to do that, no email link, no phone number, no snail mail address. Only the statement, powered by wordpress.
This is a genuine ‘trigger warning’! This is a paragraph from a review of the book ‘Irreversible Damage’, and strangely if you have to talk with someone about global warming, this topic would be a pretty good place to start! Here is the progressive mindset in all its’ pomp and glory. With absolutely no scientific backing, they are celebrating tens of thousands of young women, who have decided they need to have hormone treatment, and/or ‘top surgery’! And the progressives are cancelling and intimidating any medical professional who says that is a terrible course of action, for what is basically an example of social hysteria. Pointing out that this is exactly the same people and mindset, that generates catastrophic climate change, and rather than trying to rationally debate that madness, simply asking if 35000 young women having their breasts removed is supported, throws some emotion back at them. Rationalism or emotion? Seemingly emotion almost always wins, and those figures are stomach churning.
Also looking at the bigger picture, if the far left can push this madness through, really what hope do we have of winning some rational debate on climate? With all the professional associations white-anted (and never polling their members), and anyone coming out of university over the last couple of decades basically zombified (ie the university educated suburbs in the US voting for Biden.) it seems to look rather probable that the debate on climate can be shut down. Anyone want to start a book on how long before it happens!?
“Parents who’ve lived through this social contagion—who’d seen it strike daughters who’d never before exhibited signs of gender dysphoria in childhood— became so alarmed at suppression efforts that they dug into their own pockets to promote my work. That’s how I became one of the few authors in the world to have her own billboard in West Hollywood. Other parents started an account on GoFundMe, a website that facilitates fundraising efforts for all sorts of causes. GoFundMe closed the account. The parents started another campaign. GoFundMe closed that account, too. If a mentally fragile 18-year-old wants help removing her healthy breasts, GoFundMe will happily facilitate it. (The site currently hosts over 35,000 campaigns to pay for female “top surgery” alone.) But if you believe your daughter has become caught up in a movement that will leave her angry, regretful, maimed, and sterile, you’re out of luck.”
Mallam Baker has an excellent review
This bloke speaks for me.
Astounding common sense, especially considering his firm makes the Tests.
His comment.
“Dr. Roger Hodkinson, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, CEO of a large private medical laboratory in Edmonton, Alberta and Chairman of a Medical Biotechnology company SELLING THE COVID-19 TEST:
“There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspected public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. This is nothing more than a bad flu season. It’s politics playing medicine and that’s a very dangerous game.
“There is no action needed…Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence whatsoever they are even effective. It is utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless… [T]he risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000…response is utterly ridiculous.
Thank you Dr Roger.
Isn’t it odd the parallel to climate issue.
Legit authorities on both sides.
Who do we believe?
My method …
the side that uses it’s power to silence debate is the side that can’t withstand scrutiny.
This was clear to me, almost within hours, when I began to educate myself on the climate issue.
A good method.
A recent article from LifeSiteNews entitled:
“Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials showed ‘severe’ side effects, ‘fever and aches’”
NB: This site’s YouTube channel was suspended by by YouTube. Is this another bombshell?
Has anyone seen a pithy summary of the Green Governments new NSW Energy legislation. What does it do?
what or where is this greens government (I assume that you meant to make that s possessive)?
I was being ironic. With the support of Labor a supposedly Liberal Government passed what seems to be legislation that is very green and very intrusive in the electricity market. I was asking if anyone had reviewed it or summarised its impacts?
The upshot is that Premier Gladys is going in strongly on the renewable front in western NSW. The commercial market is footing the bill and now that Narrabri gas has been given the green light we should expect a gas fired power station tp support the renewables, which are dependent on the vagaries of nature.
This is the tricky part, Morrison said the Federal government would do the build if the market isn’t interested.
The big picture is decentralisation, satellite towns and fast trains.
Spoken like a politicians spokesperson;
“The commercial market is footing the bill ”
Good that we are getting our power from non profit organisations.
Ha ha ha ha hah haha ha.
And Berys G has no financial interest in this spread of renewables at all.
We live in the shadow of MalEx444.
Yeah, the Premier is on a winning ticket, the renewable zones have been eagerly snapped up by the market. The fourth one is in the Hunter Valley, the heart of coal.
I blame Beijing for everything, to manipulate us in such a brazen way is truly shocking.
Berys has been manipulated?
You mean she made a choice between right and wrong and having given it 10 seconds thought, took the money?
Poor Berys, someone manipulated her, and that’s becoming a bad habit.
We appear to be talking on different matters, I was referring to the way Beijing can manipulate our economy.
Who is this Berys you talk of?
You talked about renewable zones.
You blame China for them.
I blame the NSW Liberals.
Yes, China is doing wrong with the holding up of 80 Australian coal vessels.
Yes, NSW is doing wrong by continuing the milking of the public by creating a bs idea about renewable zones.
More here;
The situation looks bleak, but in the interest of balance ….
It’s a bit funny to bring in the concept of balance in the circumstances.
The only valid point here is that a basic HELE coal fired electricity generation system would save $400 per household each year compared with the current amalgam of coal fired plants and renewables.
And that’s just households, business and industry would get a significant reduction and perhaps start to return office activities from where they’ve been sent overseas and major industry to start up here again.
The only valid place for renewables at the moment is as the subject of research projects to make them workable.
CSIRO still has a lot of work to do.
We have lost the battle against renewables and they are going to knock Liddell down in 2023. There is nothing we can do to prevent it.
sooner the better then reality is exposed
Its going to be an interesting experiment and should be okay in the medium term. Pumped hydro and a Narrabri gas fired power station will operate when the wind doesn’t blow and sun doesn’t shine.
Found this on LifeSite’s News page:
“Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine trials showed ‘severe’ side effects, ‘fever and aches’”
NB: Their YouTube channel has been suspended by YouTube.
A phone call with a government fellow involved with aged care was ending when he said words like “I have all that information now, stored safely on our computer system.”
(Me): “I hope it is safer than the USA electoral computers.”
“Yes, they would be the most secure and trusted of any system.”
“Maybe. But they might be wrong, to the extent that Trump can be returned.”
“Oh no, nothing coulkd be worse than Trump Returned.”
“It is possible.”
“Not for another 4 years? Oh no, nothing could be worse.”
Am I alone in finding it strange these days that so many younger people have rather firm views about one side of a current affairs matter? That, without having researched the matter, they are quite strongly saying that their view is not only the right view, it is the only view?
Geoff S
I recently met my local state MP (a Liberal) and told her that I voted for her in the last election, but until the Liberals get rid of that watermelon waste of space Matt (not)Kean she would never have my vote again. It is unbelievable that the Liberals would put up with a non-entity like Kean…a pure politician with zero life experience, who should be in the Greens. By the way, when I was speaking to my local MP, one of her ‘nodding donkeys’ asked me what my opinion was on “climate change”. I responded by asking him what CAGW meant. He looked at me with a totally blank face, and couldn’t answer (in fact, no-one on the MP’s supporters could). I told them to Google it, and then start thinking for themselves (fat chance of that happening).
Right on.
Matt Kean.
If the liberals would just tell voters the Truth and promise to ditch renewables and build the latest coal fired plant they would show that they’re honest.
Of course the bait would be that every household would pay $400 a year LESS for their electricity.
But stuff the voters Matt and Berys have some big renewables schemes up and running.
I have no time for either the Libl parti or Laba; they’re both blood suckers and do nothing for voters.
whose Berys? is this something you have adopted for Dear Leader Premier Gladys
She deserves to be mocked. After selling NSW out to the Renewables Melodrama, Berys Gladachikliken has confirmed that she has no consideration for the taxpayers and electricity users of her state.
Useful stats on Sweden. Summary? Sweden is doing just fine:
Jo has them positioned as EU pariahs not long ago. They dont seem to be sufing the 2nd wave and have lower than usual excess deaths these days, at least accoding to euromomo
‘Predictions from the Bureau of Meteorology and the top US forecaster, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, indicate water temperatures off north-eastern Australia will be above average in December and January. Should those warm conditions persist, NOAA sees an elevated risk of a fourth mass bleaching in six years.’ Hannam / SMH
Okay, I argue that bleaching cannot happen during La Nina because sea level won’t fall and expose the coral. Warm water does not bleach coral.
always imminent future disaster to keep the sheep alarmed
I have a friend with a daughter going to JCU (he thinks that is a good thing) He really beleives that the GBR will dissapear and that you have to rush up to see it now, before it dissolves or something.
The propaganda is unrelenting and there is nothing much we can do about it.
In other news;
Carter Page Sues DOJ, FBI, James Comey, and Others Behind Crossfire Hurricane FISA Abuse
The big lie.
I have begun to suspect that Australian and NZ populations had already been largely exposed to COVID-19 in the months before lockdown.
There is some evidence from the NZ excess deaths data to suggest this could be the case. I’ve tried to get more specific information on Australia’s excess deaths (It’s not available on the following website), and wondered if anyone had any evidence for Australia? As far as start dates are concerned, there is some evidence there was an incident at the lab in October of 2019, and it was detected in Spanish sewerage samples from March, 2019, about 6 weeks before Australia began to notice an unusual and unseasonal increase in flu deaths that caused national concern.
Dennis, there is excess mortality data at the ABS.
I have not seen anything at all that suggests Australian’s were pre-exposed.
Only 0.1% of the Australian population is known to have been exposed. We can assume it’s higher than that, but we had the best testing regieme in the world.
How many did we miss? If there were five times as many infections that’s still only 0.5% of the population infected. If that were to show on our excess deaths graph it would suggest a very deadly germ. So it’s no suprise we can’t see it in excess deaths here — we just didn’t have much exposure. The Victorian deaths might have shown some excess but for the remarkable historic effect of exterminating influenza in Australia.
The nextstrain genetic studies from hundreds of laboratories on five continents suggest all known strains clock back to China in Oct-Nov 2019. There are no mysterious corona genetic outliers.
I am very skeptical of any claims this virus was circulating before Oct 2019.
It is just a variant of the coronavirus, Cov, that first surfaced as SARS in 2003, and became known as as another variant, Cov2, known as SARS2, in 2017. In fact the PCR test done in Australia now to supposedly detect infection is actually the SARS2 test.
This particular variant – let’s call it SARS3 – was developed initially in the USA by a consortium of investors led by Dr Fauci and Bill Gates, then work was moved to the WUHAN labs in China when authorities in the USA started to get nervous.
The resultant virus AND the vaccine for it were patented by this consortium in 2018, and it is this vaccine – out of Oxford university and marketed as Astrazeneca – that Australia is already committed to spending billions on.
PLEASE wake up and smell the roses before it’s too late, Jo.
We only have three months until this operation moves to Phase Two in March, aka The Great Reset, being implemented by the WEF and WHO on behalf of the IMF, the World Bank, and assorted Malthusian Elites who believe there’s just too many of us minions, and it’s time to cull the herd.
This eye watering thread maybe of interest.
I’m also skeptical of pre-October COVID claims, but I’ve not seen the Spanish sample claims retracted. I find it interesting that there was an extremely high number of flu cases reported (I assume many of these were classified as such simply on the basis of symptoms) in the 17th week of 2019, about two months before usual.
The thing that got me thinking about this was some conversations with friends, all late 40s to early 60s, a surprising number of whom said they’d been sick around January this year, and the number one thing they noticed was breathlessness, e.g. having trouble breathing when doing things they usually did without trouble such as climbing stairs.
I also think Australia, particularly Sydney and Melbourne, must have had thousands and thousands of travellers arriving from China in the period from October to the lockdowns, and though this virus doesn’t seem to be anywhere near as dangerous as it’s made out to be, it does seem to be very good at getting around.
Good comment. The one confusing factor would be the effect of the bushfires. The air had constant load that was depositing on flat surfaces in the open and it went on for months.
I’m sure a lot of it went into my system and I had dry eyes and an uncomfortable feeling. Maybe some of that is getting mixed with counts for flu/cv19.
we havent had excess deaths at all
even in VIC with its much leveraged 800+ deaths and nursing home issues, nusing home deaths stayed aound the 1400 a month they have been in recent years. We just gave them a new label and pretended we cared and made it an excuse to lock the State down.
The virus has been a non event in Australia but the tragic human cost of the unnecessary internal lockdowns will show over the next couple of years.
Massive spending on “Testing” was little more than a political ploy to give an impression of authority while the real need, to isolate and treat those affected, was not handled well by government. This placed a big load on medical staff.
As the Canadian doctor I quoted a few days ago, This is just a bad flu.
The cure was worse than the disease.
Herd immunity has failed in Sweden.
Sounds terrible but that was from the ABCCCC so it might need some interpreting.
I understand that Sweden had a very good aged care system: was there any detail about the age spread of the victims.
New York, on top of the Cuomo effort, also had a lot of aged care residents whose life expectancy in care averaged 18 months.
Close to 90% of deaths were people over 69 years of age, this is an unbiased report.
A pulse of the MJO is moving towards northern Australia and heralds the start of the wet season in a couple of weeks, right on time for a La Nina year.
Thermometers have been replaced by thermostats if you believe reporter Lara Pearce of Weatherzone describing Sydney’s weather today on 9news.
Dana takes another bet with Gosselin.