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Breakthrough? Georgia senate committee recommends decertification of Biden electors

It’s just a subcommittee, but it’s the first official document from an elected body that examined the evidence of voter fraud and the six Senators find that the election in Georgia was “untrustworthy”.

The Judiciary  recommend that the House in Georgia de-certify the Biden electoral college electors due to voter fraud, and because state officials failed to follow state election rules. As Steve Bannon and Rudy Guiliani describe it, if the lower House in Georgia does that, Arizona is two votes away from decertifying, Wisconsin is on the verge. Those three states control enough electoral college votes to deny Biden the 270 Electoral College votes he needs to have on January 6th. The election goes to a “Contingent Election” which Trump is almost certain to win. Bannon forecasts: if “one goes, they all go”. If one state braves up enough to decertify, others will step over the line too. “Courage is Contagious”, he says.


The November 3, 2020 General Election (the “Election”) was chaotic and any reported results must be viewed as untrustworthy. The Subcommittee took evidence from witnesses and received affidavits sworn under oath. The Subcommittee heard evidence that proper protocols were not used to ensure chain of custody of the ballots throughout the Election, after the opening of ballots prior to the Election, and during the recounts. The Subcommittee heard testimony that it was possible or even likely that large numbers of fraudulent ballots were introduced into the pool of ballots that were counted as voted; there is no way of tracing the ballots after they have been separated from the point of origin. The Subcommittee heard testimony of pristine ballots whose origin looked suspicious or which could not be verified and the inability of poll workers to distinguish between test ballots and absentee ballots. Signatures were not consistently verified according to law in the absentee balloting process. Poll watchers on Election Night testified that they had noted that ballots were not secured, that seals and security tags were not used, and the chain of custody was often lax or non-existent.

Georgia State Senate Report: Election Results Are ‘Untrustworthy;’ Certification Should Be Rescinded

 Debrea Heine, American Greatness:  The chairman of the judiciary subcommittee in Georgia that examined evidence of fraud in the 2020 election, has released a scathing 15-page report calling the results of the 2020 election, “untrustworthy” and recommending that the certification of the results be rescinded.

And the Georgia decision was not based on the Dominion machine problems.

Governor Kemp is running at 11% approval in the polls.

 Currently in Google News, there are zero mentions of this.

h/t David E, Kat H. Panda.

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