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Cyberwarfare: Two 3-Star Generals call it “treason” and explain The Kraken is a Military Intelligence Unit

Both Michael Flynn and Thomas McInerney spoke on WVW with Brannon Howse

They make remarkable claims. These are both three star Lieutenant Generals, effectively endorsing each other and Trump and suggesting CIA involvement, foreign interference, and talking of crack US soldiers seizing servers in Germany that were controlled by the CIA.

The implications are that there are sections of US intelligence on opposite sides of the battle. This might explain why, at one point, Sidney Powell said she wasn’t sure if the good guys or the bad guys had the servers in Germany. (The good guys apparently got the servers in the end, but possibly at the highest price, and we wait to find out what, if anything, was on them).

Not many in the US would know more about intelligence operations than Michael Flynn — the 18th Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) under Obama and the National Security Adviser under Trump.  Thomas G. McInerney is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General who flew in 407 combat missions during the Vietnam War. He was also Assistant Vice Chief of Staff of the US Air Force.

“We’ve never seen treason of this magnitude ever in our history” declared McInerney. “Trump must not let deadlines stop him fulfilling his oath to defend the country against all enemies, both foreign and domestic”.

In this strange election twilight zone, there is no easy way to verify much. In a normal world (the one we thought we lived in six weeks ago) we’d expect the media to put this sort of thing on the front page. In a normal world, if the BBC didn’t mention it, perhaps it didn’t happen. But the normal world hasn’t been normal for years.  Gradually more things became Undiscussed — like cold snaps and scientists hiding declines. But, now the censorship fog has arrived like a Brown Dwarf snuck up on the solar system.

Keep your skeptical hat on. It sounds like a Tom Clancy thriller. It would make a great movie. And both sides have an interest in a Big Bluff.

What is the CIA’s role in cyberwarefare

One America News (OANN) has done a good job of summarizing that story.

One Rep.  Louie Gohmert claimed there was a raid on a Scytl server in Germany. Scytl though denies it, and the man that Trump sacked that used to run the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) said it didn’t happen and the Army said “no” too. But then most official agencies probably don’t explain and confirm all the movements of their intelligence forces. Possibly those doing the PR don’t even know them. What was that saying — don’t believe it til it’s officially denied?

It’s not so much a civil war as a cyberwar

“The first time in the United States history that massive amounts of Cyberwarfare have been used in US Elections.”

We’ve mentioned the CIA programs called Hammer and Scorecard before. Hammer was surveillance software developed by Dennis Montgomery for the CIA under the Bush Government to go after radical islamists. We know this because Montgomery has since become a whistleblower. Scorecard was used to influence foreign elections to help elect leaders the US preferred. I did say “There is a karma to this.” If the US was involved in rigging foreign elections, (while supposedly promoting democracy) —  is it any wonder the same tool came back to bite? And fast too, like vote flipping at the speed of light.  Just two weeks after Obama took office (two weeks!), the programs were moved out of the CIA custody and into a group that could use it against the citizens of the United States.

Software that can control nations is like free opium — we can’t leave it lying around and not expect someone to use it.

Kraken is a crack military intelligence team

In another part of the interview McInerney explains that “Kraken” means the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion who have been helping The President. He identifies China, Russia and Iran as being involved in manipulating votes.

In the full interview the claims about the German servers were at 26 minutes. McInerney takes over from Flynn at 32 minutes. The Kraken claim is at about the 42 minute mark. Mary Fanning finishes. She’s been involved for years in investigating this and has written a whole book: “THE HAMMER is the Key to the Coup “The Political Crime of the Century”: How Obama, Brennan, Clapper, and the CIA spied on President Trump, General Flynn … and everyone else”

According to Fanning, McInerney and Flynn, the US Special Forces seized servers in Frankfurt Germany that were allegedly controlled by the CIA. If so, this would be Military Government forces against Civilian Government forces. A dire situation especially given that McInerney mentions that he has also heard there may have been fatalities during the seizure. He stresses that this is unverified.

There is a full transcript at NaturalNews (albeit in need of some spellchecking)

McInerney:.This is the most dangerous situation since the civil war of keeping this nation United, and why do I say that? The civil war, it was just warfare, today you and General Flynn talked about cyber warfare…

McInerney: My background is a military analyst, and for 16 and a half years I was on Fox News as a military analyst. I have been the number three man in the air staff in the air force, and so I had a great background, but what made this so easy for me Brannon is I run a cloud company, an edge cloud company. I am intimately familiar with this kind of technology and what it’s doing and live by it in my military days. Everybody remembers when we attacked Tripoli in 1986. I was the commander and they launched from my bases in England.

Now, I got that information from the British and other sources, but my whole life has been based on this, and what I’m seeing now is those technologies now are used against the American people. They are trying to seize control of this nation through technology and through cyber warfare. They have enlisted to include Fox News who flipped on us. They have been listed the mainstream media and the first amendment to try to get on their side and General Flynn talked about the censorship. For instance,  Twitter determines what president Trump can say. That is ridiculous. It must stop,…

Trump has been up against some parts of the CIA or FBI for years (compare the four year Russia Russia zeal that came to nothing with one year of inaction on Hunter Bidens laptop).

The Deepest Deep State of them all is a swamp that needs draining.

No doubt the media-Swamp will have plenty of slurs at hand to dismiss the key characters.

 Lt. General McInerney Says “Kraken” is the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion

Steve Alexander, Repub.li

In an interview last night, lt. General McLnerney explained that the Kraken is the nickname for the 305th Military Intelligence Battalion at Fort Huachuca in Arizona. Sidney Powell and the President have apparently worked in collaboration with this unit.

Where are the CIA, FBI, or the DOJ? Are they investigating the scandal or covering it up?

There have been no footprints of the CIA, FBI, or the DOJ on the investigative side of national security reviews of the 2020 US Presidential Election according to the interview. The President has repeated for months that election security is national security.

The Pardon for Flynn was not only about justice, it frees up both Sidney Powell, and Michael Flynn.

A superstar from Fort Huachuca who commanded the 111th Military Intelligence Brigade was General Michael Flynn. Notably, General Flynn received a full Presidential Pardon with Innocence last week, ending a 4 year legal battle surrounding President Trump’s transition. The timely pardon relieves General Flynn of any legal concerns in discussing matters of his case or his relationship with the White House that may have been related to his case. Gag orders or sensitive subjects commonly prevent those embroiled in legal matters to speak freely about them publicly.

In Michael Flynn’s first interview since being Pardoned

“There is no doubt in my mind that he won this election. Hands down. In a landslide,” Flynn said about Mr. Trump during the interview.

Background ———————————-

Thomas G. McInerney is a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, a command pilot with more than 4,100 flying hours in 407 combat missions during the Vietnam War. He served in NATO, and in the Pacific Air Forces and as commander of the 11th Air Force in Alaska.  He was awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal, Distinguished Service Medal, Legion of Merit, etc.

None of which proves anything except that he might be well enough connected to know these things, and he has a reputation to protect.

Michael Flynn: Flynn made a deal to plead guilty to the Mueller investigation, but moved to withdraw that. The Dept of Justice announced it would drop all the charges in May but one Judge delayed making a decision for months. “Government documents released in the spring showed that [Flynn] had been framed by senior DOJ and FBI officials under the direction of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden.” Trump pardoned Flynn last week.

h/t Bill C, Scott of the Pacific. David.

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