A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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An engineer in Sweden, Henrik Wallin, is closely watching the US election fraud.
In the first 10 minutes, he starts with the lying CNN and fake news Forbes, denying or gaslighting that there isn’t any. Completely blocking public knowledge of the outrageous, unbelievable, evil, fake “election.”
In Sweden on the 12th of November, he reports that US Special Forces landed in Stockholm, apparently training for the raid in Frankfurt, Germany, where we presume Dominion servers or computers or CIA facilities were hit.
News to me, there were Swedish, possibly government interests involved in Frankfurt. Scytl (Dominion software in Frankfurt), is privately held, and therefore does not disclose ownership. Hence, this adds a new detail to the story.
Henrik adds one confirmation of the US raid, and worries that this shows how the corruption of voting in the US has spread internationally.
sorry to spoil yur fun; there are minks training in Sweden, they are very tough fighters; you need an update on events yet?
In high Victorian times the second Baronet had 4 sons (+3 daughters not recognised by the Heralds)
The oldest son became the third baronet but his only son was killed when serving in WW1, so he was succeeded by his nephew (son of the second son of the second Baronet).
The fourth Baronet had no surviving sons so the fifth Baronet was the descendant of the third son of the second Baronet. He had no issue so his cousin (descendant of the fourth son of the second Baronet) became the sixth Baronet. On his death, unmarried, on 3 February 2008, the baronetcy expired.
The third, fourth and fifth Baronets were engineers.
The moral is that, like with renewables, there is not always any sun available when you want it.
Just heard last night on ABC weather that Bourke had its highest temp for Dec yesterday at 47.6C. However, Bourke reached 47.9C on 5th Dec, 1981.
The highest temp for December was the 30th Dec, 1904 with 48.9C.
Another false flag from our ABC who can’t be bothered to check facts. Probably used the adjusted temps from ACORN1.
Your data is unhomogenised so untouched by the hand of God, thus irrelevant. Their ABC is never wrong on matters of Climate Change.
Hottest November on record supposedly , right now it’s freezing in Victoriastan and the hottest day we had in November was 37 with only a few days just nudging 30 .
The King Parrots haven’t bothered showing up for their daily misting cool down and both water tanks have plenty of water in them so BOM and the ABC can cry wolf as much as they like .
What’s up with this?
G’day I G,
The Channel 10 news had a similar claim:
” New record temp (40C) at Mudgee airport: “…that’s a whopping 11 degrees above average, the hottest December day on record, and those records stretch back an astonishing twenty ( pause ) five years”. ”
1981? Ancient history. probably written in Latin. Unreliable, and definitely off message.
(I can, at least sort of support the 40C as that’s what my max/min thermometer reached, on my back verandah and not in a Stevenson screen, about 20 kms away and about 200 metres higher, otherwise identical.)
Dave B
Highest Dec temp for Mudgee was 30th Dec 1965 with 40.6C.
Right in the middle of a global cooling period, which suggests extreme weather is common during times when the jet stream meanders.
Mudgee airport. Says it all.
How did the NZ vote on “declaring a climate emergency” go?
Cindy’s B-grade theatrical show commences 3pm NZ-time, 4 hours ahead of Jo’s Perth time (?) in 1 hour. Listening to talkback radio this morning NOT ONE caller was in agreement with her UN-inspired agenda, or Five Year Plan, or ‘passing a motion’ as Parliament calls it.
Pure coincidence I’m sure, Harvard University this morning announced Jacinda the winner of their International Activist Award, worth US$150,000, for ‘eradicating’ the Wu-Flu, her ‘compassion’ during the moss qattack*, and for her “goal of carbon neutrality”. Oh puh-leeze! Get me a bucket quick!!!
As an aside, yesterday, our 1st day of summer, meteorologically speaking, saw fresh snow on a number of ski fields in the South Island… oops!
It’s going to be in the House, so tune in by telly to “Parliament”.
Whoops – she did it again!
Fire! Floods! Pestilence! Disease… unless we lower our ‘carbon’ from 0.000002% to – to what? This harpie of a woman has now caused UNTOLD misery & nightmares for thousands of NZ children tonight: my sympathy to their longsuffering parents. has details & audio – if you dare.
>”…yesterday, our 1st day of summer, meteorologically speaking, saw fresh snow on a number of ski fields in the South Island…”
Climate change.
‘The New Seasons Are Now Fall, Winter, Spring, And Climate Change’
My 2c – >“Senator Faruqi or any other Chicken Little”
Dr C. Little from the Coalition of organic pullets (Coop) said there was indeed a “climate emergency”. He said “In fact it’s even worse than we thought – the sky is falling down!”
In other news from Coop:
‘Watch as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern declares climate change emergency in Parliament’
Watch? No thanks – it was bad enough hearing herr voice on the radio, followed by James Shaw’s (Greens) then Russel Norman’s (ex-Greens now Greenpeace) spewing utter drivel & pseudo-scientific b.s. Anyway ’tis a beautiful day here in the Bay of Plenty – could do with an extra degree or two however.
Me neither, had enough of “Absolutely” when she decided PM was better than leader of International Socialist Youth.
I’m guessing she’s paving her way to a gig at the UN where, like Helen Clark, she can join ex-International Socialist head, now UN boss, Guterrez if he’s still there.
At the time of the speech I was binge watching YooToob vids of a massive hail storm in Saudi Arabia – huge instant lakes, hail half a metre deep and punching holes in car windows like bullet holes from a cannon.
Follow your nose from this one:
‘Have you seen HAIL waves? It is in the north of Saudi – Al-Qassim’
Followed by:
Climate change of course. BTW, yes, BoP is good. And we have water too, but not too much like Napier and Plimmerton.
If you are looking for a real good belly laughing series on the same level as Mrs Browns Boys….
If your a fixed income senior, this is really quite a riot…is the government trying to knock us off?
Why wouldn’t they? It would save them a lot money and angst at election times; kills two birds with one stone so to speak.
There was a question asked here in the country soon to be formerly known as America.
By some smart aleck talkin’ above their pay scale researchers at Johns Hopkins.
You know, a fundamental question like “how much warmer is it since 1880?”
‘Cept in this cause there’s actual numbers.
“How many folk died last year in comparison to last year?”
Wow, roughly equal.
With a curious corresponding decrease in deaths by the typical ‘other’ causes.
To quote Greta “how dare you”.
Michael Bloomberg was not happy.
last year compared to this year
I saw that stat too. Early on when Italy was seeing way more deaths than anybody else, they did a study and found that only 12% or so were real. The rest were deaths with Covid that were not caused by Covid. Seems like we are now suffering the same fallacy.
Don’t tell Jo.
She still thinks the world is in the grip of a deadly pandemic, and we’re all gunna die if we don’t get our (almost) compulsory vaccine jab.
Attorney General William P. Barr said Tuesday that the Justice Department has not uncovered voting fraud at a scale that could have affected the results of the presidential election.
How hard have they looked? I would love to hear their explanation of Powell’s allegations.
As far as I know they didn’t even ask for Powell’s evidence.
Barr said that it would be better to be handled by the court than DOJ.
Dominion Voting Systems IT contractor Melissa Marcone was assisting in counting mail-in ballots in TCF Center (Wayne County, Detroit, Michigan).
She says she worked on vote counting for 27 hours, and witnessed “absolute vote fraud” during her time there, such as ballots run through counting machines “8 to 10 times” and says she “never say a Trump vote” on a ballot.
Here testimony and sworn affidavit was given to members of the State of Michigan Senate today.
Worse,she tried to report this to the FBI, was put on hold. And no one got back to her.
She attempted to report this through the Republican Party. But as time went on, grew frustrated and outraged, presenting her ignored complaint this way, and next week to the Michigan legislature.
Methinks Barr’s FBI has proved too corrupt to care of for anyone to trust any further than the can be physically tossed.
which would have been discovered in the recount.
Oh… and noticed by the various types of observers.
No because they are counting both legal and fraudulent votes.
you can’t count and recount votes with election officials watching and observers from both parties. Apart from which, if it was happening, how did Trump still lose?
“can’t count and recount votes with election officials watching”
Observer Melissa Marcone says that is exactly what she saw.
Yuor question: The “votes” actually ballot papers, were photocopies marked for Biden. Before the recount they will run off a few hundred more.
No Simon, Barr said “At this stage we have not uncovered…………..”
Emphasis mine.
The guy in the YT link below (IMHO he’s just a moderate right-wing nationalist) is worth listening (1.5 times speed for ease) to his understanding of how the election was stolen in simple terms even a young child could understand. The theme is “Trump knows what he is doing and he is going to win”. He is extremely confident that’s the case. I’m almost in agreement. However, I do agree that the US will break apart but would not commit to a date of 2033 as he has done. He is likely to be right give or take a year or so. On that point whoever does win this election really becomes moot.
Evidence and the Next President
More on my series on Earth’s thermostat. As a reminder, this shows how sunlight is reflected as a function of surface temperature above a tropical ocean:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg3qPDHvnq-L6w5-5
This is a consequence of cloudburst that develops thick reflective cloud indicated by monsoon and cyclonic storms. Once cloudburst occurs, the long wave radiation has an inhibited path to space and typically drops from 300W/sq.m at clear sky to 240W/sq.m; consistent with a radiating temperature of 250K, which is above the ice level of 273K. So a lot of ice present in the clouds creating the high reflectivity.
However the reduction in surface insolation is greater than the reduction OLR to the extend that net energy uptake begins to fall above 28.5C:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNg3vzCCr-yZNwAEVd
The reduced energy uptake with increasing temperature limits open ocean surface temperature to 32C.
This process is inherent in Earth’s atmosphere due to the physical properties of water. Once the atmospheric water column exceeds 30mm, the atmosphere forms a level of free convection. The atmosphere then forms convective available potential energy due to precipitation/solidification of water vapour from OLR released above the level of free convection. Conditions are then ripe for triggering cloudburst; usually in early afternoon as the sea surface cools. The water column needs to be greater than 38mm to get daily cloudburst. The process becomes irregular once persistent cloud develops because the cloudburst requires a trigger, which is a cooling surface and that does not occur if there is no morning sunlight to warm the surface. This irregular triggering results in the large scatter of the data.
At latitudes above 10 degrees, the cloudburst can be driven by Corilis acceleration to spin up and spread over large areas to produce tropical cyclones. Cyclones are a major relief valve for ocean energy. They can block surface insolation for a week or more over vast areas of the oceans. They can transport large volumes of water, evaporated from the ocean, to deposit it on land. Cyclones leave the sea surface up to 3 degrees cooler in their track – incredible amount of energy rejected to space and transferred from ocean to land.
There’s already a text book in your findings RickWill.
Name or author?
It must not have been a convincing tome because the current wisdom is that the Earth is heading rapidly toward thermogeddon.
I too would like the details, title and author.
Rick, think you’ve misinterpreted that.
The textbook would be the one written using your own comments.
You were being praised.
Yep, Kalm Keith to the rescue.
Upon rereading it I see that people could be misled by the use of “already” by which I meant that the work in progress amounts to a slim volume of very high quality original thinking giving the sense one is witnessing the gestation of a massive counter argument to the UNIPCC’s contemptible claptrap.
Planet Nine may have an impact on our weather and climate, but its not mentioned here.
This will probably end up being a bit long. I’ll apologize in advance.
There is a novel, “The Grapes of Wrath”. It is an American classic. It is about climate refugees. Well, it isn’t really, it
details the story of a family forced out of Oklahoma due to the extreme climate of the thirties, their migration to California,
and their difficult dealings with the agricultural establishment there. Great attention has been paid over the years as to the role
of Communism! (as opposed to Russia!) in the book, and film. By recollection the book won a Pulitzer and the movie, by John Ford starring Henry Fonda among others,
a couple of Oscars.
In all the years, and in all the college American Lit 101 classes, I wonder if anyone has ever asked: “what was the point, since the 1930’s weren’t really that warm?”
They haven’t, because they were. The dust bowl was a real phenomenon, with a real geopolitical impact, dutifully recorded by scribes from newspaper editors to Pulitzer
prize winning novelists. The fact that the temperatures have cooled considerably in the generations since has not, to my knowledge, cause anyone to sugest rescind the prize
or placing the Joads back in Olkahoma.
I know there are ag theorists contemporary to our times who can demonstrate through computer models that the dust bowl was not due to temperature; strange that all of the
contemporary sources agree on a period of unprecedented heat waves. The texture of life, if you research it…high school football players and marching band members keeling over to to the heat, vet reports on animal distress, and the tens of thousands every day items lying mute in the microfilmed records of local newspapers of the times stand for nothing,
“prove” nothing if they don’t fit today’s narrative.
Which brings us to the election.
Those who have benefited from the purported fraud suggest it cannot be proven.
This is disengneuous.
We failed to have a “free and fair” election in the United States, by the standard under whch such elections have always been conducted.
Some of the departures from custom were legal.
The dominant media exercising their right as private companies to abandon journalism, and take a side in the election, promoting some stories , and supressing others is legal.
It is barely possible That CBS, NBC, and ABC crossed the line, for which the maximum penalty would be the loss of the license of the over-the-air broacast stations they still operate. Cable folks are free to run as they please.
Slanting and censorship by big tech is also legal, as currently defined. Sleazy and immoral, perhaps, but “legal”.
A Campaign is not required to go out in public and make speeches.
When the rules governing an election can be changed, and who can change them, is an open question. State and federal laws may have been violated. So what. WIn, use the system to run out the clock until after the inauguration, and you case is mooted. Happens all the time. 99% of the time, or more, that a public official breaks the law in America, often willfully, the court case will eventually boil down to whether or not the transgression was made in good faith. About 100% of the defenses will be that COVID, dontcha know, caused the official to try the make sure the franchise could be exercised by at-risk and historically opressed populations. Duh.
There is an outside chance the Supreme Court will rule on one of the cases. When it is ripe ( a legal term, meaning “later”). They may rule a practice unconstitutional. That means the left will have to find a different way to diddle the next election.
One or more writers will gather together the evidence, and scope of what happened.
Dear usual trolls: I know this is not evidence of fraud that I can take to court, OK?
In Georgia, near Atlanta. a pipe broke in the counting house. Most officials, and all Republicans, were evacuated. But somehow, some Democrats stayed, and batches of mail in ballots were counted and reported, “presumably with legal signature validation” during that period”. This “Water Main Break” that “impacted no ballots” was reported to, and to us by, the national news services. Turns out according to official records, no water main beak occurred. Hmmmm.
So this is one of those typical “no fraud can be proven moments”, and illuminates the difference between the courts and real life, and people who prefer narratives to evidence.
If half the cake is gone, and your five year old has frosting on his shirt and a tummy ache, could you “prove” he ate the cake? It might have been the dog, tho that a heck of a jump for a dachshund.
And THAT kind of story, and the Grapes of Wrath, and not theories about Dominion and server raids in Europe make us certain that this was a stolen election. The other is only on the table because the bad behaviour of the left has grown our Overton window until it covers the whole wall.
Hey, look, over there, isn’t that Britney Spears?
Charter boat, what charter boat?
Your link at the end provides a great list of allegations, sorely needed. One of the comments has this Dominion list as well:
sars-cov-2 news
Nice work, Beijing is attempting to convince the world that it didn’t originate from the Wuhan lab, but before the inquiry begins its worth thinking about vaccines.
‘People in several countries including the United Kingdom are increasingly hesitant over the prospect of receiving a COVID-19 inoculation, new data shows, despite a number of vaccine makers posting positive late stage trial results in recent weeks.
‘There is concern among health experts that growing vaccine skepticism could jeopardize efforts to achieve herd immunity. Multiple health departments are working on the assumption that a threshold of between 65 and 70 percent vaccine coverage will be necessary to control the spread of the novel coronavirus.’
China Daily
What appears to be Ministry of Truth/Fake News Network continues to flourish
Are we now seeing the true intended purpose of the Leftist social mefia? Namely shut down all alternative opinions?
“The Facebook CEO has said he wants to provide platform users with “authoritative information about Covid-19 vaccines,” according to CNBC. The company has “already reached out to the Biden administration,” Zuckerberg has said. We don’t know about you, but we already feel safer and more informed…
“Meanwhile, “authoritative” is a great word choice.
>”Are we now seeing the true intended purpose of the Leftist social mefia? Namely shut down all alternative opinions?”
Not just social media apparently. This comment from a thread at American Thinker:
billewilde – I am just a “little people” but Interesting on how after posting one link to a news article about voter “irregularities” the next day my Credit card was blocked, my FB locked, and my Paypal was closed and links to OANN and Newsmax “unavailable”? THE NEXT DAY?
Comment was in response to this article:
‘Facebook is censoring information about the election’
By Andrea Widburg
Widburg – As is clear from the image above, the linked Rumble page (which was posted on November 20) has the title “Smoking Gun: ES&S Transferring Vote Ratios between Precincts in PA.” However, Facebook loudly announces that this is “False Information” that’s been “checked by independent fact-checkers.” And what does the “fact check” say? “Philadelphia does not use Dominion Voting Systems technology.”
The link is to a November 22 AP article by Ali Swenson, who I’m absolutely certain is a 10th-grade “mean girl” who got a gig at the AP because someone owes her daddy a favor. Okay, that’s probably not who she really is, but that’s how she writes.
What’s fascinating is the depth of Ali’s debunking. To borrow what Democrats used to say about Ronald Reagan, you can wade through Ali’s deepest thoughts without getting your ankles wet.
Too true, Richard.
Watch the excellent, professionally produced video Plandemic Indoctornation and all will become clear, including the who, how and why and why of it all.
‘America’s Future Is Liberal Fascism Sporting A Smiley Shirt And Armed With A Syringe’
By Robert Bridge, The Strategic Culture Foundation
Bridge – Personally, I call those plans the approach of fascism. And for those who doubt that it could not happen in America should heed the words of the late sagacious comedian George Carlin, who once quipped that “when fascism comes to America, it will not be in brown and black shirts. It will not be with jackboots. It will be Nike sneakers and smiley shirts.” Had Carlin been alive today to see the tremendous mess we’ve inherited, he would most likely have included a syringe in the neo-fascist’s toolkit.
It appears counter intuitive, lakes and SST were warmer at the LGM.
Less cloud cover might account for it, or perhaps ocean circulation may have altered due to a drop in sea level. We should also consider the possibility that geothermal vents were working overtime.
Interesting, and the lowering of the oceans to 125 metres below current levels would certainly “take the pressure off” the sea floor and allow more “venting” of gas and magma.
It seems plausible.
The other thing worth mentioning, the Atlantic is saltier than the Pacific, but at the LGM the world’s oceans were equally salty.
Would the variation in saltiness have to do with the polar runoff from melting ice being directed mainly to one ocean.
At the depth of the ice age so much fresh water was locked up in ice that Bondi Beach was 30 kilometres to the east of Sydney. Naturally the oceans became saltier and perhaps warmer because of that.
It now appears the AMOC is a major driver and possibly the bipolar seesaw is a direct result.
‘The last ice age wasn’t one long big chill. Dozens of times temperatures abruptly rose or fell, causing all manner of ecological change. Mysteriously, ice cores from Greenland and Antarctica show that these sudden shifts—which occurred every 1500 years or so—were out of sync in the two hemispheres: When it got cold in the north, it grew warm in the south, and vice versa. Now, scientists have implicated the culprit behind those seesaws—changes to a conveyor belt of ocean currents known as the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC).’
The point I wanted to clarify was: where did most of the polar melt run to.
From your first comment it might be deduced that more meltwater ran into the Pacific.
Here in NovoCastria the aborigines would have been living 19 km East of the current coastline at the LGM.
By contrast at the end of the big melt about 7,000 years ago much of the lower lying land around here was under 4 metres of ocean and only became available for habitation in its present form as recently as 2,000 years back.
The Earth moves.
Oceans warm…more CO2 released into the atmosphere, which of course accounts for some of the CO2 increase since the end of the LIA. Recently I was chatting to a taxi driver from Fiji. He told me that his family owned a property right on the beach on one of Fiji’s smaller islands. He said that you could, literally, catch fish by throwing a line out from the balcony, and that for at least the last 60 years, nothing has changed WRT sea level. Add that to the Maldives lie, and you can see what us CAGW sceptics have to deal with…total unscientific quasi-religious ignorance
Karban, Koala Kebabs and Aboriginal Firestick Farming
Shamans and Witch Doctors knew more than “Modern” scientists.
Remember the Alamo.
Climate change: Temperature analysis shows UN goals ‘within reach’
The Climate Action Tracker group looked at new climate promises from China and other nations, along with the carbon plans of US President-elect Joe Biden.
You’ll need a more reliable source than to have this sort of claptrap given credit; fat chance but keep trying.