Earth to Joe Biden: Canceling Keystone XL Pipeline Is a Gift to China and Russia

Will cancelling the Keystone Pipeline improve the weather in 100 years, or are the main beneficiaries trucks, trains, China, Russia and Venezuela?

Who, exactly,  is Joe Biden working for?

Keystone pipeline route

Keystone pipeline route

Daniel Turner writes about how Cancelling Keystone is a gift to China and Russia

Joe Biden’s plans to cancel the Keystone XL Pipeline is a gift to someone. The radical green groups for sure: they have opposed the oil link since its inception. The trucking and railroad industry will benefit, too, because once the pipeline is stopped, then the oil will be transported in and around America by something with wheels. It’s also a gift to our adversaries: for who will benefit when America and Canada can’t bring their fossil fuels to market? The competition. Russia and Venezuela will be thrilled to know their market share will increase thanks to the Biden Administration’s fumble.

Joe Biden wants to get zero emissions with more trucks and fewer pipes:

Know what has emissions? Trucks and trains. Know what doesn’t? Pipelines.

Which is riskier, pipelines or trucking? Four deaths versus 4,862.

Are pipelines scary? If you think so, I have the plot of a horror film: the call is coming from inside the house. Your house is full of pipelines. America is crisscrossed with over 2.6 million miles of pipeline. That’s enough to get to the moon and back….more than five times. Is there a risk? Of course, and the Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration, part of the U.S. Department of Transportation, records all pipeline incidents. Last year there were fewer than a dozen considered “serious” and one tragically resulted in the death of four workers in Texas.

Let’s compare that to trucking, which is the fallback transportation method after the pipeline is ignorantly canceled. Another office at the Department of Transportation, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, also records accidents. In 2018, the most recent year for recorded data, large trucks were involved in 4,862 fatal crashes, 112,000 crashes which resulted in injury, and 414,000 crashes which resulted in property damage.

If Canada can’t sell as much oil to the US, it will mean more to sell to China.

At the same time he will be watching Canada’s oil go to China, Biden will be buying Chinese wind and solar technologies with borrowed American tax dollars.

Great essay on RealClearEnergy

Daniel Turner is the founder and executive director of Power The Future, a national nonprofit organization that advocates for American energy jobs. Contact him at and follow him on Twitter @DanielTurnerPTF

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76 comments to Earth to Joe Biden: Canceling Keystone XL Pipeline Is a Gift to China and Russia

  • #
    John Galt

    It’s not a fumble. It’s a quid pro quo from Joe. An overt payoff to the railroad magnate in Omaha for his support.
    America be damned. This is Joe’s chance to get a big payoff and he’s not fumbling that. Looting traitor.


    • #
      John Galt

      In case you aren’t aware, the looting Buy-dem supporter getting rich from this is Warren Buffet.
      He’s an expert in buying politicians to make him rich.


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      I’m inclined to believe that it’s incompetence arising from the lack of ability to comprehend the world outside of his WBF (Woke Bubble of Fools).

      I’ll be willing to bet that he’s completely unaware his insane policies are helping our economic adversaries as they harm Americans and our allies, despite how obvious this is.

      TDS is a horrible wasting disease that causes serious brain rot and Biden’s actions are an unambiguous indicator of the brain damage this disease can cause, especially when its reinforced with dementia.


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        The US is starting from so far in front that he probably thinks they can afford it.

        So far in front that the damage they are doing might not yet be visible come the next election in two years’ time. In four years the damage will be done.

        It’s hard to believe that they would roll back MAGA, Signs are, they will.


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      As I said before Americans will have to learn their lesson the hard way. [SNIP!]


  • #

    How many jobs have just been cancelled by this EO?

    On another note how much is re-joining the Paris Agreement going to cost the US? As I remember Trump said “the agreement could ultimately shrink America’s GDP by $2.5 trillion over a 10-year period.” Although Trump critics adjusted that to 20 years… “Developing countries” (including China and India) are probably queuing up for their share right now.

    Great start…


    • #
      Dave in the States

      11,000 top tier jobs were canceled. And over a billion in wages. Also 830,000 barrels per day of supply. So much for being energy independent. Undoing energy independence was probably the primary rationale.


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        I want to know how many of these recently unemployed actually voted for Biden? Any that did can burn in hell as far as I’m concerned.

        This is only the first wave. If your job has anything to do with carbon fuel then get yourself ready to be hungry.


  • #
    Henning Nielsen

    They don’t care at all. No matter how much this hurts US economy, no matter how much the Canadians are enraged, no matter how much this benefits America’s enemies, weakening USA is on the top of their agenda. America must be made smaller again, and deplorables must feel the whip of coertion.


  • #

    “Know what has emissions? Trucks and trains. Know what doesn’t? Pipelines.”

    That’s a poor argument in the middle of some sensible analysis.

    There is of course an enormous up front emissions cost from construction, and presumably a lot of energy is required to make the oil move.

    There may be a net benefit one way or the other over the operational lifetime, distorted by the waste already incurred if cancelled, but I wouldn’t like to guess which way wins if the oil transportation emissions is your only concern.


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      Emissions is bunk and using an argument based on bunk can in no way advance any proposition whatsoever whilst mightily impugning the character of the party employing it; Jo will gain no informed adherents using the spurious conceptual tools of climatism.


    • #

      I have to agree with you. Nothings for nothing. Sydney water supply and waste is maybe 150 MW ( Old data and rough calcs.) Pipelines aren’t free to run.
      First rule of thumb is compare the dollars.


    • #
      Henning Nielsen

      There’s a big upfront emission from building trucks too, don’t you agree?


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      MrGrimNasty says, “I wouldn’t like to guess”,
      but there are strong statements in the post, if not from guesses then show the “sensible analysis”.


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      The climate change issue used to justify these destructive and oppressive policies is based on bogus science arising from circular reasoning that’s so incredibly wrong, it’s an embarrassment to legitimate science. Anyone who buys in to this junk has no real understanding of science and their opinion on this topic is irrelevant. This includes many alleged scientists whose politics prevents them from seeing through the propaganda.


      The only existential threat we face are the policies inspired by the junk science. Please don’t contribute to the destruction of civilization by reinforcing the malfeasance.


  • #
    Dave in the States

    I know of pipelines that have been in operation since before WWII with nary a bobble. Pipelines are probably safer than air travel. The risks of air travel are tiny today, especially when one takes account the volume of people transported and the miles.


  • #

    So on his first day in office Biden:
    – weakened US border security
    – reduced future US energy independence
    – reduced US jobs

    Any sensible person would ask the obvious question… “Who’s side is he on?” But the only thing the mefia and elite care about is that he’s not on Trump’s side.


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      And failed to provide soldiers with comfortable accommodation, for them a cold carpark concrete floor and no amenities.


      • #

        So ask it and keep asking it.

        Our first worry is how to throw the vote for Trump’s impeachment. I don’t see it as at all likely that they won’t proceed wth it.

        It will be an exercise in futility as far as affecting Trump’s political future. He wouldn’t be silly enough to run again.Their purpose will be purely vindictive and destructive.

        To destroy MAGA.


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        Henning Nielsen

        Don’t worry, Trump has offered them hotel accomodation.


        • #
          Henning Nielsen

          More about that here, incl. video:

          “A military source in DC told TPUSA Chief Creative Officer Benny Johnson that for the last week his battalion had been sleeping on the floor in the Senate cafeteria in preparation for Biden’s sham inauguration.

          One day after Biden’s inauguration, 5,000 soldiers were moved to a cold parking garage.

          There is one power outlet and one bathroom for 5,000 soldiers.

          This morning OANN reported that President Trump gave permission for the troops to stay at his lavish Trump Hotel in Washington DC.

          Trump loves the troops.
          It’s just too bad Democrats stole his military vote.”


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    The will here the same lies our ALP+Greens+LNP have been telling us for some time. Renewables will create more jobs to compensate for the loss of jobs in the fossil industries.


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      100 or so years ago we gave away electric cars(along with the Stanly Steamer)and about 60 years ago we gave away windmills because they were NOT FIT FOR PURPOSE(apart from pumping water to feed the stock)And they call these things PROGRESS?…….REALLY?……..


    • #

      They will create more jobs, but they won’t pay for them.

      Those jobs will be paid for by taxes on existing jobs.


  • #

    Union pipe fitters “shocked” ole joe would do this (pipeline).
    At least Warren will make a few more $$$.

    Allow illegals to flood in…hopefully masked and social distancing!!
    Take away energy independence…gear up the middle east war industry.

    No worries, Joe let the guard sleep in a parking lot, while he
    was signing that executive order for masking on federal properties.
    How long did it take for him to violate?!!

    Hard to fathom how people voted for this rot.


  • #

    Aloha! Can’t believe people here think there is only carbon emissions from building pipelines but no environmental cost from producing thousands of trucks and/or trains to transport oil across thousands of miles. Both ways require massive mining operations to manufacture steel and all other metals required for trucks and trains, also pipe. But what last longer and has the least moving parts to repair or replace? How many roads and train tracks need to be repaired and replaced over decades? Pipelines use no roads or track. How many tires need to be replaced on trucks? How many massive locomotives need to be made? How much fuel to run trucks and trains? With pipe it is a one time install … done!

    So which is it? Here is a link to a study.

    Spoiler alert … its not trucks or trains!
    Go here to see:


    • #

      New Russian gas pipeline is twin 1150 bore x around 40 th steel is 2T/metre


    • #
      Kalm Keith

      Well thought through.

      So now maybe you can turn your obvious intelligence to something real and work out a solution to the problem of political corruption and abuse of power that’s now installed in a White Shouse near you; assuming that you are from the U.S.

      If that doesn’t excite you then maybe you could talk to Vlad about his new problem; the exposure of his country residence built for only U.S.$41 million with the profits from his pipeline.

      And of course a true environmentalist would be horrified by the pollution and toxic side show that is Wind and Solar Renewables, seemingly that will be a never ending journey with lots of “profits” produced, very little useful electricity and decades of unwinable cleanup misery at the end.



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    If I remember correctly the pipeline was started under Obama. Likewise the fracking push. So Biden is pushing against Obama as well.


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      No you don’t remember correctly


    • #

      What then do you make of this:

      President Biden has signed an executive order on his second day that ends the Trump administration’s efforts to increase fracking and other oil and gas development on federal lands. This will put thousands of blue-collar workers out of work… many of them belonging to unions.

      It’s predicted that Biden will invoke sweeping environmental regulatory changes over the next four years and reverse Trump-era deregulatory policies in an effort to tackle climate change. That definitely includes fracking, a process that the left has long fought to eradicate.

      Are you saying that Trump DIDN’T free up energy extraction?


  • #

    The Democrats could have had a Chimpanzee running for POTUS. They still would have won because of the widespread corruption from the SCOTUS down. The aim of any kind of Democrat POTUS is destruction of the US via dystopian Leftist tyrany.


  • #
    Peter Fitzroy

    So don’t transport the oil, as crude. Build a refinery at the tar sands.


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      Very stupid there Fitzroy, the distillates are far more environmentally dangerous if there was a pipeline leak.

      Why not leave these decisions up to the people that actually know something about the economics?


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      Robert Austin

      As a Canadian, I have heard the refine at source idea many times and seen it thoroughly defenestrated just as many times. There are many products that can be made from the crude product so it makes economic sense to send the raw product to be refined in the local where it will be used. Alberta’s oil extraction industry is just too far from markets to justify extensive refining in Alberta.


  • #

    They make a big deal of “continuity of government”. What does it matter? Each new administration, on principle, immediately cancels as much of the previous governments’ work, good or bad, that they can.

    Bush thought this was was just what was needed and ordered its go ahead. Obama must have thought that so many Americans were implacably opposed that he cancelled it. Trump knew the people REALLY wanted it and reinstated it. Now Joe reverses it again.

    These presidents had two things in common: They claimed a mandate and none actually asked the people what they wanted. No wonder the US is stuffed.

    Be thankful we voted against a presidency all those years ago. 😀


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      Not wrong Hanrahan. It is why “executive order” is lame. Congress is feckless for the most part laws are created by lobby groups. Normally I prefer gridlock so that nothing bad happens.


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      But our republic had a primary objective, to re-write The Australian Constitution and remove all the parts that stand in the way of globalists and their UN HQ agendas, unless unpatriotic politicians are willing to sign treaties/agreements and legislate into law and implement, no opportunity for we the people to vote in referendums.


    • #

      Doing a search I now realise that Bush had nothing to with the pipeline. I ASSUMED that if Obama quashed it that it must have been from the previous admin. Assumptions can be dangerous. 😀


  • #

    The left has a plan to have all vehicles powered by electricity, that probably includes trucks. A thought such as that used to be called a pipe dream. Now such a dream needs a name change


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      All charged with “renewable energy” of course.


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      Don’t rush to condemn nuclear powered vehicles. The only impediment I see is the cost and other problems of containing the nuclear reaction and disposing of radioactive waste.


    • #

      Previous post a reply to Ted1 above.
      This what lefties don’t want their cultist followers to know:
      “A team of scientists has written to the Committee of Climate Change warning that if the UK’s 31.5 million cars are replaced by electric vehicles by 2050, as is currently planned by the Government, this will require almost twice the current annual global supply of cobalt.

      The researchers have also calculated that based on the latest ‘811’ battery technology (80 per cent nickel, 10 per cent cobalt, 10 per cent manganese), UK demand for EV batteries will require almost the total amount of neodymium produced globally each year, three quarter’s of the world’s lithium, and “at least half” of the world’s copper.”

      But, I suppose there’s enough child labour in Africa to meet this demand …


      • #

        There’s sufficient Africans to meet any labour force requirements but they’re leaving in droves heading for Europe. Must be something to do with the maladministration by the various kleptocratic governments which have been established continent-wide. It’s interesting to read Evelyn Waugh writing in 1936 (Waugh in Abyssinia) while the free booting continental sharing out among empires which had started around Livingstone’s time was yet in full swing. And now we have Xi’s One Belt One Road…


  • #

    While we’re roasting Ol’ Joe: I thought I’d check out CNN’s gigapixel photo of the inauguration, as they had done for Obama and Trump.
    but I can’t find it. Was CNN too embarrassed to take one lest it be put beside those of the previous presidents?

    And it seems Joe was sworn in 12 minutes early. That’s good organising – Not!


    • #

      The twelve minutes, one fifth of an hour, is no trifle.

      Aren’t constitution obsessed people already rabbiting on about the process being invalidated by the mistiming?

      As inaugurations go this one is certainly sui generis.


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    Makes you wonder. Just like the Mexican wall which supposedly Trump introduced. But we all found out very quickly that the most recent additions and repairs to the wall were all completed during Democrat administrations. That, in fact. there had been a wall in place for decades. Perhaps with some sleight of hand and a biased media ignoring it, the Keystone XL pipeline actually goes ahead. Perhaps the pipes will be “green” manufactured and that will please the greenies. Maybe the groups opposing the project get persuaded via some federal grants to change their mind. All you need is Twitter and Facebook to censor any reports of the project and the MSM would probably ignore it. We’ve had fake news, fake impeachment, fake election, fake inauguration. Now we will get a fake US president for the next 4 years.


  • #

    Which is riskier, pipelines or trucking? Four deaths versus 4,862.

    Four deaths transporting oil and gas by pipeline, 4,862 deaths transporting oil, gas and lots of other stuff by trucks.

    Now I agree that pipelines are almost certainly safer than trucks but that’s not the correct comparison to be using. The correct calculation would compare the number of deaths and the quantity of oil and gas transported using each method.


  • #

    Biden is beholden to the fringe/lunatic left of the Democrats, if he wants to continue being President, and must therefore follow the Green Agenda. God help the world if someone like AOC ever becomes President…then Orwell will turn over in his grave.


  • #

    Gotta close down that XL pipeline to make keep our environment safe. //s//

    Speaking of benefiting Russia, what do we think they’re paying him for?


  • #
    Mark Allinson

    “Will cancelling the Keystone Pipeline improve the weather in 100 years …”

    Jo, do you REALLY believe that folks like Joe REALLY believe in “climate change”?

    Only the “useful idiots” in the street protests actually BELIEVE.

    Joe is doing this, and all the other stuff too, like opening the borders, in order to dissolve the US in particular and the West in general in preparation of the coming UN World Socialist government.

    “Climate change” is merely the rationale for West-destroying Communism.


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    robert rosicka

    I missed the graph of the number of pipelines running back and forth across America , amazing just how many there are now and how ridiculous this decision really is .


  • #

    Conservatives now want to take private lands to benefit Canada??
    Right now without the pipeline Canada has only one customer for its oil
    American refiners can but it cheap and sell cheaper to American customers
    With the pipeline the Canada can sell their oil to the world market at higher prices
