UPDATE: The claims from the Data Integrity Group in the Georgia Senate Hearing about votes being withdrawn need to be confirmed.
I had some frivolous fun with the post for a few hours, but these claims need checking before anyone takes them further. Tel raises the point that Putnam County is small and the alleged “flips” are very large. In Putnam there were only about 17,000 votes in total, so a flip of 6,000 votes is nearly a third of all votes. Further investigation suggests a flip of 17,000 votes in Dougherty County is about half the vote. In Dodge County, Georgia, there were only 8,000 voters in total. Bibb County is the largest county with around 70,000 voters — but even there a 12,173 vote flip is still 17% of the vote. These are big claims. Perhaps too big.
In light of that, until these flips get confirmed or explained in relation to the size of the county, lets stick with the many examples of voting irregularities that are easier to verify. The graphs and discussion are left here below in case someone can shed light either way on the situation.
Did Trump lose votes in Georgia Counties?
The volunteers from the Data Integrity Group analyzed different datasets from the US election in Georgia and claim to have found at least 3 instances where the Trump voting totals went backwards, an impossible act in the known Democratic universe, and the Biden tally went up by the same amount at the same time, which all looks very suspicious.

Strange appearance of anti-matter-ballots destroying Trump Votes in Bibb County. In just 8 minutes Trump lost 12,173 votes which magically appeared in the Biden tally
Here 5,935 votes allegedly get removed in Putnam County Georgia.
Allegedly, 17,650 votes are flipped in Dougherty, but this is half the total vote?
The testimony:
GA Hearing: Data Scientists Provide Clear Evidence of Vote Manipulation in 2020 Election
CharlieKirk Staff
The DIG group provides all their data to show their work when they post election videos. So far, no one has debunked their findings.
“As someone who has studied data for many years, I am perplexed that no one else is looking at the numbers to find the answers to this election,” said Mealey. “With so many people making anecdotal comments and conjecture, there is a lot to be gained by looking at the numbers. The numbers are non partisan, have no party alignment, and it’s a universal language. With data we can see the errors, corrections, anomalies, whatever you want to call them — we see that they occurred. We are not here to point fingers, we are just here to explain that it happened, and that voting is an additive process. There should never be negative vote swings, and here we saw them frequently in the data time series affecting President Trump’s votes.”
The DIG Team
Lynda McLaughlin from the Data Integrity Group
Justin Meale: nine years in the US Navy as a Electronic Warfare Technician, Cryptologic Technician, and Arabic Linguist. He’ s also done CIA work.
Dave Lobue: 12 years of number crunching specializing in AI.
“Based on our findings, Georgia should not have been certified,” said Lobue.
Copy of the original post.
The $64 question is: Does America care? Are they too fat and lazy to care?
Americans I know are thin and hard working and care a great deal. These stereotypes are not helpful.
Funny how derided we Americans are.
Yet I hear many voices on this blog encouraging us to stand up for freedom for the sake of the Western World.
I am not thin.
Broad shouldered.
Pretty handy in a fight.
Exceptional actually.
Even these days.
Otherwise, completely stereotypical.
I have the greatest respect for america and americans. Without anerica there woukd be no free world. Period.
Funny too that the loudest critics of America choose to live there and enjoy the benefits.
Unfortunately, given the current circumstances, there may no longer be a free world, even with America (Yes I’m an American, no I don’t live in Georgia).
No need for antimatter. It looks like a simple flip. No need to move votes from one to the other.
Just identify Trump ballots as Biden ballots and the numbers flip. 29,391 Trump votes become Biden votes. 17,218 Biden votes become Trump votes.
It’s almost too simple. Surely votes going backwards should have set off alarms? How can votes go backwards, even by one vote? But the exact correspondence of the numbers is absolute proof of skulduggery.
Votes could go backwards if an error had taken them forward.
But the process should be error free.
Georgia Ballot Inspector’s Team Taking Literal Fire As Evidence Of The Election Rig Being Found
This is way bigger than the Presidential race.</strong>
#BREAKING Can confirm my team has been provided evidence of mail in ballots with the votes already filled in BY MACHINE. More than one instance of has occurred and it shows the voting machines can read and do accept MACHINE FILLED IN MECHANICAL BALLOTS more soon #ScanTheBallots
— JovanHuttonPulitzer ™ #JovanHuttonPulitzer (@JovanHPulitzer) January 4, 2021
Yesterday Pulitzer announced that someone shot at a member of his team:
Please see attached showing, on CNN votes going backwards for Trump and up exactly the same for Biden.
This is not the only video of this. I saw another on LinkedIn showing another instance where the vote tally dropped 500 for Trump and went up 500 for Biden.
Votes cannot be subtracted.
I was sickened by the Australian and others talking about an embittered Trump today, and simply incapable of actually investigating and reporting on the election fraud. Sky News also sent me an appallingly bad video showing Trump phone call about the Georgia votes and saying how bad it was. If one read the comments ALL were attacking Sky for completely brainless and deluded reporting – talk about how to ruin a business! Just put out woke fake news and watch the subscribers leave…. Go woke go broke.
I only read the headline in the Oz (because I have cancelled my online subscription) and that was bad enough!
Only read the Epoch Times these days
Sky News is nothing more than controlled opposition
“I was sickened by the Australian and others talking about an embittered Trump today, and simply incapable of actually investigating and reporting on the election fraud.”.
Exactly. The bias in the media, even here in Australia, even in the most even-handed (The Australian) of all the mainstream media, is nauseating. Any report which touches election fr*ud, talks only of baseless accusations, unsubstantiated claims, and so on, without giving any information on what the accusations and claims are. Surely some editor somewhere can consider telling people what the actual issues are? They don’t have to support Donald Trump or agree with him, just report what is actually said.
This is the holiday season in Australia. Many businesses shut down for three or even four weeks. Media outlets go into holiday mode. Which ends about Jan 20.
The ABC don’t come back until late March. Media Watch have to produce a 10 minute show every week with only 15 staff. Give them some recovery time please!
Once Trump starting criticising fox, murdoch instructed all his outlets to hit back at him it would seem. The oz comments sections are now littered with anti Trump, pro sniffer biden nonsense now. It was opposite prior to the crooked election.
Fox has been owned by Disney for several years now.
To be fair, the taped phone call with Brad Raffensperger was the news story of the day, and Donald Trump sounded pretty rattled, whereas allegations and claims about election fraud have been bubbling along for months.
And not to much effect – no court and no state governor has so far been moved by the claims of election fraud or state malpractice, and Joe Biden’s 306 electoral votes remain secure.
Not sure what this tells us … perhaps there are two universes!
Raffensperger taped the phone call unbeknownst to Trump. He then gave it to a press eager for any dirt on Trump while overlooking, indeed promoting, a swamp dweller who has made his fortune from selling influence. Raffensperger should enjoy his last years as a politician. He will surely be voted out at the first opportunity.
Do we know for a fact that Brad Raffensperger did the recording – if so is there a source for that?
There are some people saying that Donald Trump did the recording and the releasing – for reasons that I don’t understand.
I can understand that people would be annoyed if Brad Raffensperger recorded the conversation without the knowledge or consent of Donald Trump – if that is indeed what happened. But I don’t think that should be allowed to too easily over-shadow the substance and the content of the call.
His failure to deny when asked. Trump is crazy…like a fox.
That conversation needed to be recorded,
And needed to be released to the public.
It showed two things:
1. Trump has no proof of any of the wild conspiracies.
2. He was simply pushing hard, with mob-boss language, for an ‘adjustment’ of the numbers.
The media’s presentation of this story is bizarre. I can almost believe they’re cryptically trying to get the message out that they’re being forced to lie.
In the Georgia phone call story (the bits they play), Trump is asking nothing more than that the votes be counted accurately and pointing out that election fraud is a criminal offense (jail sentences). The MSM plays this audio yet describes it as if Trump is urging the Georgia Secretary of State to create fake votes and threatening to jail him if he doesn’t. It’s like a scene from a movie where a hostage phones their family to assure them everything is fine but says something completely out of character to secretly alert them something is wrong.
See green, hit the wrong button.
When is this going to break through the networks wall of silence?
I get the impression this sort of thing has been going on for years.
Because no one has ever been held to account (minor random fraud, not enough to worry about) It’s become more and more brazen.
Only this time
A: Trump has called it out
B: It’s got too big to ignore.
“When is this going to break through the networks wall of silence?”
I think it’s pretty obvious. We need a new network.
Yeah bits of Trumps call to Georgia make international headlines (without any checks) in minutes.
Testimony (under oath?) at a senate hearing … nothing.
There is more than enough evidence to prove the election was very likely if not most definitely stolen from Trump. The only thing we are waiting for is some sort of action by Congress to conduct a thorough investigation to get to the truth, and if they fail to do so, for Trump to use the Insurrection Act and his recent EOs to conduct new elections under military supervision. That is if he truly believes the election was stolen on a massive scale and he truly believes in the Constitution that was designed to uphold the power of the people over and above the power of the elites and politicians. Let’s see if he has the courage of his convictions. Time will tell.
I think that now all court and political action has failed because of moral and/or fiscal corruption in both cases, the US is moving into uncharted territory about where to go next. The use of the Insurrection Act, using the military to supervise new elections and even Biden refusing to accept certain state votes has not been well tested before, if at all under these circumstances.
I meant Pence, not Biden.
Peter, you said it all.
In a few choice words you summed it up.
And then there’s this. An excerpt:
“Multiple rumors are swirling concerning the concession of the Biden-Harris team before January 6. One rumor suggests that the fake president-elect and fake vice-president-elect are angling for pardons in return for conceding. One rumor that appears to be solid is that the planned Biden inaugural parade has been canceled.”
Go to the link to get the whole enchilada.
And then there’s this regarding this “leaked” phone call between Trump and the Georgia Guv that the MSM is going ape-youknowwhat over:
Vox ends with this:
“There are those who simply don’t understand that many reasonable men are very reluctant to resort to force if they don’t believe it should be necessary. They mistake this reluctance for weakness. And Trump has tried to reason with these people. He’s tried to point out to them that they aren’t going to get away with it. He’s probably tried to negotiate with them.
“But some people only understand force. And that is something that the reasonable man has to learn to accept, however begrudgingly.”
“Multiple rumors are swirling concerning the concession of the Biden-Harris team before January 6. One rumor suggests that the fake president-elect and fake vice-president-elect are angling for pardons in return for conceding. One rumor that appears to be solid is that the planned Biden inaugural parade has been canceled.”
Fevered dreams I suspect. Why would Biden-Harris concede? According to the system they have won, and won well, and they will be confirmed by Congress on Wednesday, with Pence presiding.
Cancelling the coronation (inauguration) is being done for two quite reasonable factors:
(1) the pandemic is still raging, so travel should be minimised
(2) to avoid the risk of it becoming a MAGA demonstration
But nevertheless I think you’ll see President Biden inaugurated on 20 January … and there is a rumour Donald Trump will be at his Scottish golf resort that day.
If so America is headed for four turbulent years.
They have just lived through four lawless years with the democrats and their MSM wing making life near impossible for a lawfully elected President. Do you think the Trump army will go to sleep for four years giving a fake President a free ride? Hell NO! Cancelling his inauguration parade lest it become a MAGA rally is just the start.
Be careful what you wish for.
Trump haters would have you believe Trump and a few fellow travellers are universally hated in the US and around the world. I put it to them that he is the most popular President in living memory. I was alive for Reagan but I have no idea if he had the grassroots adoration Trump gets. [I didn’t have ADSL at the time]
When I hear a crowd chanting “We love you” at a Biden rally I’ll believe he won the election.
The evidence that something is wrong is overwhelming now.
At this stage I’m now pretty much 100% convinced there has been a massive fraud.
But then I read the mainstream media and NOTHING. Zitch. Zero. Its like none of this this evidence ever existed. You’d think journalists would want to discuss this stuff, weigh it up, and get some analysis going. But all we get is censorship, silence and the occasional article about how trump is a megalomaniac for not having left the whitehouse already.
I’ve been a long term subscriber to the Australian because I believe in supporting good journalism but I’m seriously fed up and am thinking of binning my subscription over this. I despise paying for propaganda.
Journalism is one of the lowest of the professions, along with most politicians or lawyers.
The Australian has been one of my biggest disappointments in this. I’m not even checking their site at the moment…
Jo – sometimes they nail it on things important to Australians
It’s easy as ABC to push for harsher coronavirus lockdowns
Janet Albrechtsen
ABC broadcaster Norman Swan has become a nifty symbol of much that is wrong with the public bureaucracy. Swan has been castigating the NSW government for not locking down the Greater Sydney area earlier and harder.
And why not? Sinecure Swan, who has been on the public payroll since 1982, can continue to work as before, dialling in his views to the public broadcaster, his taxpayer-funded salary intact. He is comfortably insulated from the costs of rolling lockdowns.
Not so most Australians whose lives and livelihoods have been, and will continue to be, hit hard by lockdowns. That reality means it is incumbent on every government, federal and state, to balance the social, economic and other health costs of lockdown.
NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian has managed that balancing act better than every other state leader, and better than Scott Morrison, too. The Prime Minister made important early, and easy, decisions, closing borders and spending billions of dollars. More a manager than a leader, Morrison has fallen well short when it comes to the harder jobs of getting states and territories to agree to a national definition of a hotspot or asking the High Court to rule on the limits of state separatism.
This bureaucratic bias among policymakers who are immune from the consequences of their own policies is hard to fix. But an insulated bureaucracy can be better managed. The role of government ought to be to weigh up advice from the public service against the obvious insulation bias. And, instead of complaining privately to journalists that bureaucrats are blocking government plans, government ministers ought to do what we elect, and pay, them to do. Otherwise, why bother electing someone to represent us at all?
Old Ozzie.
Janet’s piece is an opinion article.
I think both Andrew and Jo were ostensibly talking about the Australians ‘news’ coverage.
Understand, the news coverage is biased, but at least The Australian does give opposing views
US democracy is being tested
Donald Trump’s bitter endgame offers an unedifying spectacle.
The Australian Editorial
And at least they allow counter comments
48 minutes ago
What damage? He is testing legal avenues that are built into the system, thereby proving that it works.
1 hour ago
more gaslighting. listen to the full tape and the context the president was talking about finding 11,000 illegal votes in the thousands of categories in question (out of state voters/signature audits/voters with no fixed place address registered etc etc.
2 hours ago
Contesting a result is part and parcel of the democratic process.
2 hours ago
The bedrock of American democracy, and why it has worked so well for so long, is a willingness to accept defeat in elections and ensure a smooth transfer of power to the winner
Wrong. The bedrock is the trust people have in the election process.
1 hour ago
Fully agree Ben. The editor should study ‘How to rig elections’ by Robert Mugabe.
Understand, the news coverage is biased, but at least The Australian does give opposing views
Cancel culture a medieval mob ‘looking for someone to burn’
Actor Rowan Atkinson has condemned social media’s willingness to silence public debate after a recent run-in with woke warriors and online trolls.
China’s military build-up outpaces US
Xi Jinping is shaping to make the People’s Liberation Army his primary vehicle for driving the party’s strategic aims this year.
In cosy Canberra, the consensus has been that such an attack is unthinkable. What that means is that people are not thinking about it, would prefer not to have to think about and hope others (like Joe Biden) won’t seek our views. If we do face a crisis over Taiwan this year, none of us will have the excuse of saying that Xi had not signalled his intentions.
Peter Jennings Contributor
Clock ticking on electricity
Coal, the bedrock of our electricity system, is being forced out by weather-dependent renewables that cannot be relied upon to deliver.
Graham Lloyd Environment Editor
Renewable policy sparks electricity free-for-all
The National Electricity Market is now a national market in name only.
Judith Sloan Contributing Economics Editor
Exposing a drawn-out power play
For a cartoonist, the COVID-19 pandemic was a rich vein of material when the surreal went mainstream.
This fix has been in for a long time. Why have our representatives sat idly by and watched the historical temperature records collected by dedicated scientists being adjusted?
All we can do is sit back and watch the American people fight for their right to vote. In the next few days they will have to fight the very institutions they treasured. Fight for the Constitution those institutions had sworn to protect.
Actually we may be able to help, we could help promote ‘the Great Reset’.
Reset the voting to Paper ballots with the candidates supplying scrutineers.
Reset Politicians wages to meeting fees. Paying monkees gets you monkeys plus an expensive organ grinder.
Reset term limits to two years. Get in and get it done.
Reset to no more than two consecutive terms.
they took the word ‘Gay’ of us. Why should we not steal ‘The Great Reset’ off them?
America has been under attack by both the domestic and foreign Left for a long time now but the attack intensfied and was encouraged by the previous Manchurian Candidate president, Obama, seemingly of unknown origins and citizenship status. America is a free, open and fair society, and while that is one of her great strengths, it is also seen as a weakness by the Left who have ruthlessly exploited that freedom. While conservatives remain silent and just want to get on with their lives, the Left, like The Terminator, absolutely will not stop, ever, in the pursuit of their evil. Furthermore, due to Leftist infiltration of the education system in the US and elsewhere, there is a vast slave army of useful idiots to assist the Elite Leftists in their evil and destructive agenda.
It is not woke to support Trump. Get over it and move on. The media were right all along; it just took 4 years but they were eventually proven right; by any means.
The only country that has serious concern for Trump’s loss is Taiwan. The sort of support that Trump has shown Taiwan is not woke. It is anti-UN; anti-globalism; anti-China:
Taiwan will be the first big domino in the emerging One World government. It is fair to say the Hong Kong is a lost cause – just a decade earlier than it should have been.
Biden will talk tough about China but the UN takeover will gather momentum as Biden takes US toward globalism.
Or will Trump be true to his name! A lot of cards in play right now.
Al-Jezeera? Really?
A muslim brotherhood operation?
Careful of that link: The very last thing anyone here should do is to give them ANY chance whatsoever to archive your IP address OR give them even one farthing of ad income.
Arizona is the first disputed State. That is the case that will set the scene. What will be the key facts? How will a house member present a compelling case that can sway more than half the representatives to object to Arizona.
I think Bobby Piton’s picture is too complex:
Kellie Ward’s inspection of ballots extrapolates to 195 more for Trump; a long way short.
Sharpiegate appears to have dissolved into a non-event.
Trump’s doing the suspense bigly. More power to him. Go The Donald.
Although I am not always moved to comment I have watched every single video Jo has courageously posted and then found my own sources of material via ordinary research which avoids the ususal suspects’ search algorithms. The evidence contained in much of the material suggests fraud took place on a pretty large scale, but the reactions almost across the board suggest this has been the way things are done for sufficient time for it to be ‘routine and widely accepted practise’. That sort of casual complacency, and the inability of MSM to recognise it, is frightening.
Don’t US people en masse understand that this is about the one single thing that delivers democracy to all of them – a meaningful vote – and without that there is no democracy.
Putnam County Georgia is relatively small and normally goes comfortably Republican.
That does not include anything from 2020, but it gives a good background. You would not expect a major swing towards the Democrats.
If approx 6000 votes really did flip over all in this small county it would absolutely swamp the real result. I’m skeptical that no one would have noticed in the county itself. However the official certified results can be found online and what I found was:
Trump/Pence : 11683
Biden/Harris : 7481
To me those certified numbers seem like a plausible result there … I don’t believe it’s possible that 6000 votes were flipped over in such a small place without leading to a very distinct outrider result. Of course it’s possible that a few were flipped here and there, but not of the magnitude that these guys are presenting.
Remember that the Edison data does contain roundoffs, it’s only precise to about 1 part in 1000 so if they see random jumps of that type of size then it could easily be roundoff. That said, a change of 6000 votes amongst 20,000 would be closer to 1 part in 3, which is massive.
I agree in that the first order fraud is in the mail in balloting. Simply matching up dead voters, out of state voters, multiple voters, and non citizen or otherwise non eligible voters in the mail-in tranche against the registrars book, and that against the ground truth of actual people , will provide more than enough votes to flip Georgia, as has apparantly happened in Nevada, and is asserted in Pennsylvania, and is very likely in Michigan.
When FLorida cleaned up after the hanging chad debacle, invalid registrations were in the 6 figures, and in GA the left has been suing to keep them on the books.
WHile the machines and statistics need to be resolved, and elections need to return to paper ballots, for the purpose of getting to a true result in this case one must pick
the low hanging fruit, and deal only with matters the average congress critter and citizen is capable of understanding, and average journalist can report on. This is a very very ow bar.
You make good points Tel
Data in 2016: https://uselectionatlas.org/RESULTS/statesub.php?off=0&year=2016&elect=0&evt=&f=0&fips=13237&submit=Retrieve
Party Popular Vote
Donald J. Trump Republican 6,544 68.68%
Hillary Clinton Democratic 2,758 28.95%
Gary Johnson Libertarian 170 1.78%
Write-ins – – 40 0.42%
Y Other (+) – – 16 0.17%
Trump got 68% in 2016 in Putnam.
What is amazing in 2020 is the large turnout. There were some 4,723 more votes for Biden in Putnam than there were for Hilary in 2016. There were also 5,139 more votes for Trump.
It all depends on the database?
The same site says in 2020
Party Popular Vote
Donald J. Trump Republican 8,291 69.94%
Joseph R. Biden, Democratic 3,448 29.08%
Dr. Jo Jorgensen Libertarian 116 0.98%
Those are very different numbers to yours. Perhaps measuring something different? I don’t know.
In Dougherty County
Clinton 23,311
Trump 10,232
Libertarian 475
Biden 24,568
Trump 10.441
Libertarian 278
I couldn’t find an official good source.
UPDATE: Politico confirms those with only slight differences.
I have often wondered why men follow a leader knowing he/she is wrong. History is replete with dead armies that knew they were led by an incompetent general. What is it about man that prevent them from saying “no”, you’re wrong, we will not follow you? Is it fear they will lose everything when they know they will lose everything anyway?
The question I must ask myself, “Regardless of who won the election, do I follow a President that has made it clear he hates the United States and will destroy it at the first opportunity?” A man that is monetarily tied to nations that are the enemies of my country. A man that surrounds himself with people that have open contempt for the people of the United States.
Can you imagine the quandary President Trump finds himself? To let this charade of an election stand and watch the United States die, knowing he and he alone could have prevented it. Or act, using the powers as President to save this nation and deal with what will surely follow.
I pray that President Trump is granted the mental strength, self-confidence and determination to stand alone and do what must be done. We support President Trump or follow an incompetent to our doom. If there was ever a man in the right place at the right time in history with the strength required, it is President Trump. And I never much liked the man before he became President.
Yes, it’s bizarre isn’t it? So many citizens plus judges and politicians supporting Biden, soon to be replaced by Harris if Trump isn’t appointed to his rightful position, both of whom hate the United States and surround themselves with people who think likewise. They are all enemies of the people and the Republic. Their objective is to destroy the United States and Western Civilisation along with it, completing the task that Obama advanced to such a great extent.
In light of Tel’s question about Putnam’s size, when all the other Counties turned out to be small I’ve added a warning at the top, took out all the funny jibes, and changed the tone. Dang.
I suggest these claims need a good cross examination and confirmation before they get repeated anywhere. There are many better claims to make.
Thanks to Tel.
Just checking. Did this group ever find any votes flipped from Biden to Trump? I have to consider their findings might be valid if there is no evidence of the opposite type of switch. How could some tabulation glitch only show up going one way?
When someone is trying to prevent you from examining their behavior, it’s a pretty good sign they aren’t behaving properly.
Meanwhile in Australia…
‘More than a whole seat’: 57,000 postal votes rejected amid pandemic-era surge
By Matt Dennien
January 4, 2021 — 7.54pm
More than 57,000 postal votes cast in Queensland’s latest state election were rejected by the poll watchdog amid record numbers of people resorting to them for the first time, a figure labelled “unacceptably high” by one political expert.
About 900,000 postal ballots were issued ahead of the October polling period, a roughly three-fold increase on 2017 election figure, with applications also opened before the writs were issued for the first time.
Electorate-specific data provided with the tabled answer shows Toowoomba South had the largest number of rejected postal votes, with 1075.
A total of 57,350 were later rejected by the Electoral Commission of Queensland, Attorney-General Shannon Fentiman has revealed in response to a Question on Notice.
Postal votes can be rejected for a number of reasons under the Electoral Act, including not being signed or witnessed. The number of those rejected equates to about one in every 16 issued, slightly less than the total informal vote in 2017.
(See link for rest.)
The Left worldwide have the same strategy although in Australia the Australian Electoral Commission and the various state bodies under them are not known to be corrupt, although Leftist political parties and their leaders certainly are.
The same data scientist have now done work on Pennsylvania
America has the greatest form of government ever know to man, with just one problem! It is implemented by man and man are fallible.
America has the greatest form of government ever known to man, with just one problem! It is implemented by man and man are fallible.
If there were voting irregularities that are easy to verify, there are voters who need to sue the state for allowing their vote to be erased.
Having called into question some of the data presented for sudden ‘dumps’ of data it might be wise to start considering the possibility that some of these new found ‘helpers’ may not be all they seem.
Could it be possible that some kind of Black Ops program is creating false evidence supposedly to help the Trump campaign only for it to be completely destroyed so as to discredit other evidence.
Reading the latest outpourings from Lin Wood about Jeff Epstein and the dark satanic controllers of the universe is one possible example.
Indeed. False flags. Black Ops. All known patterns of engagement.
Like the faked up “Times” magazine cover that could be debunked so easily…