- JoNova - -

Peaceful Trump supporters booed violent ANTIFA poseurs — tried to stop them breaking windows:

These twitter videos make it clear the crowd saw there were ANTIFA members, and, at least in this situation, it was imposters, not the Trump supporters who were trying to break the windows. The Trump supporters boo loudly, chant No Antifa, No Antifa, and some directly try to pull them off.

Trump — by the way — has been banned from Facebook until after the inauguration. Someone is very frightened of what he might say.

h/t Orson, Deplorable Lord Kek, James


A close up.

IF the videos don’t work, try them in a different browser. Or watch them at this link, or this one.

An eye witness reports overhearing a conversation from Antifa members.

A search on bitchute finds a lot of odd claims about Antifa at the rally. Keep your skeptical hat on, but let us know what you find.

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