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Rep Marjorie Greene to file Biden impeachment on Jan 21 for foreign influence

Biden to face impeachment charges on Day 1 of his presidency

Hours after the House voted to impeach Donald Trump, a Republican announced she would file for impeachment of Joe Biden:

“We have to make sure our leaders are accountable and … not easily bought off by foreign governments” — Marjorie Greene

“If the Democrats want to lower the bar on what impeachment is, let’s roll with that.”

Newsmax TV


The Hill:

In her Newsmax interview Wednesday, which aired hours after the House voted to impeach Trump for a second time, the Greene said she plans on filing the articles of impeachment to show Americans that “there are Republicans in Congress that are willing to stand up and fight for them.”

“I’m a big believer of having people in office who are actually willing to do the job, and I can’t imagine people in this country being so fearful of a future of a Biden presidency that they may be willing to commit violence like they did in the Capitol here in Washington, D.C. We cannot have that, I do not condone that violence,” the congresswoman said.

Note that in October last year, there were people pointing out that the Democrats would be happy to impeach Biden themselves if they won. All hail Kamala.

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