In 2020 China built three times more coal power than the rest of the world

Coal power is surging in the second largest economy even as China tells the rest of the world to “cut carbon”

If, hypothetically, China were to fund anti-coal groups in the countries it competes with — it would be a successful strategy to hurt them and advantage China. Which journalists would tell us if that were happening?

China’s new coal power plant capacity in 2020 more than three times rest of world’s: study

SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China put 38.4 gigawatts (GW) of new coal-fired power capacity into operation in 2020, according to new international research, more than three times the amount built elsewhere around the world and potentially undermining its short-term climate goals.

The country won praise last year after President Xi Jinping pledged to make the country “carbon neutral” by 2060. But regulators have since come under fire for failing to properly control the coal power sector, a major source of climate-warming greenhouse gas.

Including decommissions, China’s coal-fired fleet capacity rose by a net 29.8 GW in 2020, even as the rest of the world made cuts of 17.2 GW, according to research released on Wednesday by Global Energy Monitor (GEM), a U.S. think tank, and the Helsinki-based Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air (CREA).

Do the Greens care more about stopping CO2 rising or about helping co-dependent uncompetitive industry mates in their own nations. Judge them by their choices: do they protest more against China’s new coal, or for subsidies for mates?

The scale of disparity is astounding:

How China’s coal power glut is clouding its carbon zero ambitions

Echo Xie, SCMP

Even for Christine Shearer, a veteran researcher on China’s energy development, the data was surprising.

Last year, when China pledged to be carbon neutral by 2060, the country built the equivalent of one large coal-fired power plant per week, adding more than three times as much new coal power capacity  as all other countries in the world combined. In addition, over 73 gigawatts of new coal power projects was proposed in 2020, five times as much as the rest of the world combined.

“[China] was home to 85 per cent of new coal plant proposals and over 75 per cent of commissioned coal power in 2020,” she said. “Chinese provinces also permitted more coal-fired capacity for construction in 2020 than the past three years combined.”

If the Greens cared about CO2 they would care about the largest source of man-made CO2 on the planet. Instead their socialist roots predict their actions far better than fake environmental concerns. Companies that don’t need governments to profit are a threat to the collectivists. Companies that need Big Gov will always lobby for Big Gov, and donate to Big Gov, and join the cancel culture and the toxic messaging.

Ultimately independent energy companies serve the people. Dependent energy companies serve Big Government.

h/t Matt Canavan.

PS: Can anyone find a link to the original report?


10 out of 10 based on 50 ratings

69 comments to In 2020 China built three times more coal power than the rest of the world

  • #

    Aloha! As a bloody yank who has been following media reports from many sources for many years I find it curious that there seems to be a concerted effort to leave out a “comment section”. You used to be able comment on news stories. Did the Truth Czar cancel all comment sections for our own safety?


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      The Australian newspaper does not allow any comments on what it deems “controversial”, such as election fr@ud, Aboriginal crimes, reports on sexual abuse by the rich and famous. And so on. Many of my comments on the US election and all we discuss here never see the light of day in The OZ.


      • #

        Well , fix that by not buying it, subscribing, or even reading it.
        Its content is obviously biased and probaly fictional.


        • #

          Aloha! There are some 78mil voter age citizens in the USA that did not vote Biden if you include Independent and other party voters. If you take out the dead voters and fake ones that probably outnumbers true Biden voters by 50%! lol!

          I am an Independent. I vote for the person not the party! I voted for Ross Perot and Ron Paul when they ran. I understood back in the 1990s that Washington DC needed lots more pro-business outsiders in politics instead of born and bred “get paid to fail” lawyers who make up the majority of corrupt career politicians.

          As a tv producer out of Los Angeles who had shows on Netflix I know how super biased Hollywood is and the woke news media. I also have had a special connection with Silicon Valley going back to the 1990s when my company partnered with Cisco Systems to build the first prototype Netflix at Menlo College.

          When you have no voice you do what unions have done in the past when workers had no voice. You “unionize” and gather up a large block of voters who have similar ideas and convictions. A union of 78 mil consumers and voters that are organized is a super powerful force that big tech or big government can ill afford to ignore. Now take that union worldwide like trade unions do. The big question is … how to do it … if big tech refuses to allow any such organizations? Ham and CB radio? What’s your 20? lol!


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    David Maddison

    The West is destroying itself with the fraud of anthropogenic global warming, supported by the Billionaire Socialists and their army of useful idiots. Meanwhile China is exempt from restrictions on producing cheap energy and will use that position to the maximum possible competitive advantage, especially with a US President that they have actually bought and paid for.


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      Gary Simpson

      Dead set correct, David. I recently had the opportunity to give a lesson in physics to a couple of woke leftist captives of the worst kind – career government employees. In the confines of a perfect clinical environment, i.e., a public bar, I asked them to sacrifice a freshly poured pint of lager by leaving it to sit on the bar, unconsumed, for one hour. Observations showed that at the time of pouring, the beer was cold, with a full head and lots of delicious Co2 bubbles.
      When the said glass was next examined, it was observed that the beer was warm and the bubbles had miraculously disappeared. As will be obvious to all here, the laws of physics had been at work and the beer had reached equilibrium with the temperature of the room and the Co2 had been ‘outgassed’ (terrible term) thus proving once and for all time, rising levels of atmospheric Co2 result from, rather than drive, increased temperatures. ( I drank the beer anyway, being English, room temperature beer is quite palatable.) And the lefties were confused. Surprise, surprise.


    • #

      This also shows up the claims made on ‘their ABC’ about 2 years ago (and reported here I think) claiming an economic tipping point had occurred and that renewables were now cheaper to build, run and maintain than coal fired power generators. China couldn’t care less about anything other than profits and reliable sources of electricity for it’s massive industries and has chosen coal.

      I wonder how Dr Karl will explain this?


  • #

    Aloha! Let me do an informal survey here to see if similar circunstances exist in Oz!

    All tv ads in the USA seem to have all gone woke no matter what major corporation is advertising. Without having their “woke rule book” I can piece their rules together just based on their actions.

    1-Make old white guys and old white women appear stupid, crazy, unhealthy, weak and greedy.
    2-Even though statistics show a minority make it seem like mixed race couples are all that exist on the planet.
    3-Make it seem that all minorities, especially blacks, are rich and have happy families.
    4-Only animals can transcend all races and classes and animals are always smarter than humans.
    5-Make lesbians and gays and trans seem like the norm.
    6-Make women the superior gender who are smarter and more accomplished than the men in the ad.
    7-Make sure science is better than God.

    Anyone here notice these rules trending in Oz? Or is the USA alone in this sort of soft propaganda?

    Now not all those rules are consistent as it depends on the product being sold. Feminine hygiene products don’t show men using them. The mixed race rule #2 can be any combo. Also the gender thing is not limited to adults. The “Mikey likes it” ad for cereal is now a “Mikey” kid who looks like a boy but has pigtails!

    Before I get racist, sexist and bigot labels please make note that these are observations as a tv viewer. I am a tv producer based out of LA and have one of the most successful shows on Netflix many years ago that was lgbtq content and BET content. I do not believe the “wokeness” is a path to peace and prosperity for the world! You cannot resolve racism with more racism. MY main gripe is the absolute failure of the US government, Hollywood and BLM to even remotely address modern slavery. In fact now there are more slaves in the world than there were in 1865! One of the largest sectors using slave labor n the world today is the tech sector like companies like Apple and Microsoft and Samsung. Pretty much any company sourcing supply side components through China owns slaves. Fix that first then talk about 14 bad cops! #walkfree


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      Probably not quite to that extent, but anyone watching TV ads in Australia would think mixed race gay couples were equal in number to white heterosexual couples. Oh yes, and of course it is only white males who are cast as ‘the fool’ in any advertisement.


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        Oh and the fact that all categories of Australian of the Year were won by women attracted not a single article about gender bias…. go figure.🤔


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      In the Oz media, men are fair game for ridicule while women must be treated like royalty – which only ends up in making women seem like spoiled teachers pets. And I pretty sure many women resent this. But I wouldn’t know as I’ve never actually spoken to a real live, wriggling girl.

      You mention in the U.S. blacks are portrayed as rich with happy families. That’s maybe one big difference with us. The depiction of blacks here shows them as the mistreated victims of endless racism. Many blacks here are perfectly great citizens and get along fine with the rest of our varied population but the media pretends they don’t exist. There’s no money or votes in peaceful co-existence.


    • #
      Furiously curious

      I’ve been mulling over a fantasy category for the Emmys — worst, slimiest, incompetent, weak, stupid, vicious, white male in a supporting role. I’m off movies, but in tv series I think the BBC is very strong. Just watching Giri Haji, World on fire ( I got through 1 1/2 eps before canning it) and the very popular 2035(? I think it was called that?) There is 20+ hours of tv there, without a single straight, male character who doesn’t make me cringe. I’d like to recommend Person of Interest, 12 Monkeys (the series) or Nikita, all with well balanced casts of male and female heroes. Is there anything new worth watching?


    • #

      To remain healthy stop watching TV. We are losing the war on the AGW hoax. Most of the brain-dead are emotionally connected to the Chicken Little story. We need a bigger scare to frighten the shite out of them.


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    David Maddison

    PS: Can anyone find a link to the original report?

    This is the report.


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    Alice Thermopolis

    The UN Climate Controllers not only ignore China’s coal-power expansion but actually encourage it through the concept of “contraction and convergence” embedded in the 2015 Paris Summit.

    The trick here is to use emissions “per capita”, or per person. With 1,400 million people, China attempts to get away with such brazen hypocrisy.

    Contraction and Convergence (C&C) is a proposed global framework for reducing greenhouse gas emissions to combat climate change. Conceived by the Global Commons Institute [GCI] in the early 1990s, the Contraction and Convergence strategy consists of reducing overall emissions of greenhouse gases to a safe level (contraction), resulting from every country bringing its emissions per capita to a level which is equal for all countries (convergence). It is intended to form the basis of an international agreement which will reduce carbon dioxide emissions to avoid dangerous climate change

    China has just pushed out the date of Net Zero from 2030 to 2060, a mere 40 years away.


    • #

      There is no anthropogenic catastrophic climate change
      The U.N. is an unelected body where third world nations are overrepresented, many of which are dictatorships
      The concept of convergence is to bring down western societies to third world status
      What on earth is wrong with our media and politicians??


  • #
    Alice Thermopolis

    An interesting exchange between historian Niall Ferguson and former rock-star central banker, Dr Mark Carney, OC, the UN Secretary General’s new Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance in the fourth Reith Lecture 2020 (page 8 of transcript):

    Mr Ferguson: Well, Mark congratulations on these lectures. As a Glaswegian I was very happy to hear Glasgow and Adam Smith feature throughout. I have a couple of questions….

    My second question has to do with China, of which seems to me the key problem here since the Paris Climate Agreement was signed, 48 percent of the increase in C02 emissions is due to China and China’s building more coal burning power stations this year than existing the entire United States right now, all the existing coal burning capacity is going to be built in a single year in China. If China’s not constrained promises to get to net zero by 2060 doesn’t really mean terribly much if in the interim China is actually leading the pollution charge..? Dr

    Carney: On China, there’s a global solution and China is needed incredibly important, you could have also said that China is the biggest producer of zero emission cars, they’re the biggest renewable energy producer, leader on that. They have to get off coal, without question. It is significant that in the past few weeks that they have an explicit net zero commitment now, which they didn’t have before and one of both the responsibilities and the opportunities for countries like the UK is to be a little ahead in driving down the costs of some of the solutions here. But China will have to be part of it and as much a part of the solution as the UK.

    Mr Ferguson: The China problem for me is the big one and until we have an answer to how can China be held to its commitments, then I don’t know that we really have anything meaningful in the Paris Accord


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      Harry Passfield

      Carney: On China, […], you could have also said that China is the biggest producer of zero emission cars, they’re the biggest renewable energy producer, leader on that

      Sheer (bought and paid for – IMHO) deflection.
      When you’re batting about relative statistics based on the largest country in the world they are bound to be biggest in something. But Carney misses the fact that China is also the biggest polluter; the largest user of slave labour; the largest user of Third-world slave/child labour….etc
      As I say, it looks like the man is bought and paid for.


      • #
        dinn, rob

        “George Bush, the first U.S. diplomatic representative to the People’s Republic of China back in 1973, was a member of Skull and Bones. So was his father, brother, son, uncle, nephew, and several cousins. Winston Lord, the Reagan-Bush administration Ambassador to China was a member; so was his father and several other relatives. James Lilley, the current Ambassador to China, is a member of Skull and Bones, as was his brother. With the exception during the Carter administration, every U.S. Ambassador to Beijing ,since Kissinger’s deal with Mao Zedong was a member of the Skulls and Bones.

        In 1903, Yale Divinity School established a number of schools and hospitals throughout China that were collectively known as ‘Yale in China.’ It has since been shown that ‘Yale in China’ was an intelligence network whose purpose was to destroy the republican movement of Sun Yat-sen on behalf of the Anglo-American Establishment. The Anglo-American “Establishment” hated Sun, because he wanted to develop China. On the other hand, they loved the Chinese communists because they intended to keep China backward, and were committed to the production of drugs. . One of ‘Yale in China’s’ most important students was Mao Zedong.

        “During World War II, ‘Yale in China’ was a primary instrument used by the U.S. Establishment and its Office of Strategic Services (OSS) to install the Maoists into power….
        ‘Yale in China’ was run by OSS operative Reuben Holden, the husband of Bush’s cousin, and also a member of Skull and Bones. “The Maoists made China into the world’s largest opium producer.


    • #

      Carney: On China, , you could have also said that China is the biggest producer of zero emission cars,

      ..No you cannot !…
      …not if they are powering them with electricity from a mostly Fossil fueled generator network !
      But facts and reality are not something that the UN are interested in.


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      The Chinese are able to produce so much, because they have access to cheap electricity, which is the cornerstone of any modern economy … especially manufacturing and hi tech.

      They also have access to a cheap workforce, some of them (such as the Uighur) are prisoners with jobs. China has no meaningful trade unions either.


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    Kalm Keith

    Many of us can remember the times before carbon dioxide became a household name to fear, a time when science was real and dishonesty was frowned-upon.

    We now look upon a world which is riddled with gamesmanship corruption, backbiting, public theft and dishonesty.

    In looking back we might ask how such situation has come to be when the science is so clear and incontrovertible.

    Atmospheric carbon dioxide let alone the tiny fraction of human Origin carbon dioxide, cannot cause global warming.

    To properly trained scientists the situation is clear and unambiguous: the Man Made Global Warming and death by incineration due to CO2 levels in the atmosphere meme is a false unscientific concept with only two purposes behind it; to develop a human control mechanism and to accumulate money.

    When will this end: it’s been decades now.



    • #

      Carbon’s a dashed difficult orthodoxy to learn old bean; let’s redouble our efforts and master this science.


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      Harry Passfield

      Hah! Some of us can remember when carbon dioxide was only used in dance-halls to provide dry ice for the fog-machines. 🙂
      Little did we know we were destroying the planet…


  • #

    Just a thought on CHINA!
    Let’s buy a port just north of Australia called Daru!
    We’ll build a port and a town worth $39 BILLION.
    And what say we throw in a few GAS & OIL applications just north of Daru!
    And let’s build a few resorts for Tourists too.
    Maybe the Gas, Oil Mineral and Fishery guys from China could stay there too.
    And Australian Pollies will get upset a little bit, but guess what?
    We’ll build COVID19 hospitals, and monitor GLOBAL WARMING and give the info to
    BOM and CSIRO for free.
    Invite all the ALP & GREEN pollies up for a study tour!
    Even the UN IPCC will love it!
    Plus we’ll keep an eye on pollution from AUSSIE BAD COAL POWER pollution!


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      Kalm Keith

      We need that!

      But what about the port at Darwin.


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        Not a wise decision in my opinion.

        But please consider that the Port of Darwin is a couple of areas within Darwin Harbour, and a joint RAN-USN Base is in construction planning, also rebuilding the Manus Island PNG WW2 Base and new Base on East Timor.

        Also, there are numerous environmental reasons why China’s probably cheeky announcement would not be tolerated.


        • #

          Also, there are numerous environmental reasons why China’s probably cheeky announcement would not be tolerated

          ??..not tolerated ?…by who ?
          Australia may stomp its feet and throw a tantrum,….but China will do as it pleases !


  • #

    The hypocrisy is unreal. The BBC is practically, possibly actually, running a frantic campaign to stop one coking coal mine in the UK.

    China and coal – not just in China but funding coal power all over the world; scarcely a passing mention from the BBC, a free pass.


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    Brenda Spence

    The Chinese must be having a good laugh behind closed doors. The west is tying itself in knots to implement renewables while the “developing nation” is having a wonderful time using coal energy in manufacturing including solar panels!
    Wake up Scott Morrison.


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    Serge Wright

    After reading the article I thought I would check out the huge climate alarmist protest on the lawn of the Chinese embassy in Canberra.
    embassy picture


  • #

    Now would you believe it? UK under the Irish Sea: Starting a NEW DEEP COAL MINE – not going to produce CO2 ! used to make quality steel…….


  • #

    So what?

    I am being sarcastic.

    Having emailed many politicians sending them links to articles and explaining my concerns in detail I have reached the conclusion that the political class attitude to our concerns is – “so what”.

    And tonight Cory Bernardi spoke about Fabian socialism and how Fabians have now achieved a considerable amount of success in infiltrating governments and public services, Fabian Society of socialists founded in England late 1800s, The Australian Fabian Society with most Labor MPs on the membership, and their success in taking control of the United Nations from the late 1940s.

    Globalism is just another arm or management tool.

    We are being ignored and at the same time manipulated and what we think about it does not matter to the leftists.

    Democracy? Consider US Elections 2020.


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    There is a big divergence in claimed global CO2 output, and the actual measured rate in PPM of CO2.

    CO2 output has been flat since 2014, yet the change in PPM has continued to increase year on year.

    Nations like China, who are building hundreds of coal stations, and have colossally increased their coal burning in just the last couple of years, are simply not reporting it. Like everything they put out, the left just eat it up and assume its true.

    Any one remember when Modi claimed India would be zero coal imports in 3 years, and zero goal in 10 years? Well those 10 years are up, and India seem to also be faking their CO2 output numbers. Even with the fantasy capped numbers, they have had to admit coal imports and consumption are massively up.

    Any ‘per capita’ agreement is going to end very badly for the western world. It will allow China and India momentum, which once they have, nothing will stop, and USA will fall, and so will western civilisation.


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      New world order globalism objective?

      It looks like it, remember the 1975 UN Lima Agreement to hand over manufacturing industry, over time, to developing nations: eg; China


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    Have they managed to build a single solar panel or wind turbine without using fossil fuel? Surely until they do this it’s all just a big fairy tale?


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      It still would be a fairy tale if they did manage to build them without using fossil fuel. To be blunt it’s actually an act of terrorism from within.


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    Apparently in the near future Tesla EV will be made in China.

    How will POTUS Biden explain the demise of the US motor industry to be replaced with EV that his “new green deal” plans to shut down to US citizens, taxpayers and internal combustion engine fans?


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      AFAIK tesla has hitched their wagon to China already. To be fair, China is a smog-bound cess pit. If shifting their pollution from the city where the millionaires and party officials live to the backyards of the peons where they can put power stations “without objection”, what’s not to like?

      As an aside: Is there going to be a new age: BB [before Biden]?


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    Hang on a minute! Wasn’t a report released recently that shows the yearly CO2 emissions went down in 2020? Yet China has built so many coal fired power stations with many more to come? Sort of proves this whole emissions reduction push by the West is a hoax, a scam and more importantly an act of terrorism from within. PM Morrison ought to be ashamed of himself for supporting all this nonsense.


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    When I started doing all this back in 2008, I got myself into trouble (well, umm, according to other people anyway) when I (frivolously they said) mentioned that China was opening up new large scale coal fired plants at the rate of one every seven to ten days, and that they would be doing this for the next twenty plus years, and that these new coal fired plants were new technology plants, three levels of technology higher than current existing plants in the U.S. and virtually all of the known developed World, and without even knowing they said I even made the name up, UltraSuperCritical, (USC) now referred to as HELE, although I still prefer to use USC.

    No matter how many references I gave, very few people believed a word about it.

    Now, here we are, 13 years later, and China is still going hard at it, with no end in sight of construction, no matter what anyone says.

    I always wanted hard data, actual figures showing actual power generation.

    It took me ages to find a source, inside China that gave me this data, and that entailed Months of search engine searches for around an hour a day, on different engines, and following many links.

    I finally fluked it, and really, that’s the only way I did find it. I had to use an obscure wording in the search engine, and then press the translate button, because it was all in Chinese, but when I saw the numbers, then I knew that I was in the right place, and thank heavens I had been working with electrical power data long enough to actually know what I was looking at. Then it took me time to navigate around, because, again, most of the info regarding the taking of further links was in Chinese as well.

    And all the data was there, pages of it, sometimes requiring a little ingenuity to find out what I was looking at, because the Chinese to English translation was sometimes sketchy when it came to electrical terminology.

    A couple of years back now, after ten years of looking at that data, the site sort of stagnated for some reason I could not figure, and after following many links I found out why.

    They were constructing a new site.

    So every so often I checked back in, and watched as it grew, because unlike most Western sites that don’t ‘go live’ till they are finished, this one just kept evolving and growing and growing and growing, into what is now one of the largest sites I have ever visited.

    However, and this took a while before it actually sank in.

    The site was already in English. I assumed there was a Chinese ‘master’, but this was already being constructed side by side in English as well, so no need for a Google translation like the earlier one.

    Nothing to hide here, and in fact, I think that they are proud of the fact, nothing to hide here. It’s actually aimed at the English speaking World, thumbing their nose at us so to speak, look at me, look at me.

    And while the site is humungous, it looks like there is still more to come in fact.

    And what is important here is that they don’t care if we look at it. After all, it’s only people like me who know about it, who know what they have written there, and who know what it means.

    Go and look for yourself, and even a cursory look will only show you the size of it all.

    You can never ever find out everything that is there, just look at the odd thing here and there and not even guess what it is about, and frankly, I think they know that. You know, hide the information in plain sight, because no one knows what it’s about.

    When it comes to coal fired power, there’s even a story on the front page of extending the life of these new coal fired plants. No matter what everyone thinks China might do about you know carbon lowering, by well, whenever really, these coal fired plants have a 50 year life span, without being extended, so anything constructed this year will last till 2070 at least, and there’s ten years plus still to go.

    When I started back in 2008, barely 8% of generated power went to the Residential sector. Right now, 2021, it’s finally got above 20%, increasing a little each year. Here in the Developed World, 35% plus goes to the residential sector. (Australia 35%, USA 38% Europe around 35%) In China, there are still tens of millions of people, probably hundreds of millions even even who have no access at all to electrical power whatsoever, and China will not stop until they get to be like us, and that means REAL electrical power, not just pretend power from wind and solar, but constant and reliable power, coal fired power, and an awful lot of it.

    There is more generated coal fired power alone in China than ALL the electrical power in the US from EVERY source. (In Fact USA plus two Australias) EACH MONTH, China consumes more than three times Australia’s yearly total power generation.

    China wind power is currently operating at 22% Capacity Factor. China solar plant power is currently operating at 11% Capacity Factor. Only 5.2% of all generated power in China comes from wind power, and China has around 200GW Nameplate for wind power. (compared to 8GW wind power here in Australia)

    There’s an article at the site about how China is leading the World in CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) The article is bland and aimed at the West, saying hey, we can do this and it quotes the bland figures, and like I said, hiding the truth in plain sight. The reality is yes, maybe they have got this running. It saves a massively humungous 150,000 tonnes of CO2 in a year. That’s only 0.8% of the total CO2 emissions from that one power plant each year. Less than one percent, and it’s only capture, because they are not storing it yet, having not got that far with this chimera, but hey they can brag about it, because no one knows what it all means, and the West will suck it up, saying hey, look what China can do!

    Blah blah blah on and on and on and on Tony goes.

    That’s why I can get away with what I say about all of this, because it’s the ….. FACTS. It’s not modelling. It’s not Fake News. It’s the truth.

    Here’s the link to the site – China Electricity Council



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    Old Goat

    I cannot fathom how all the politicians heads don’t explode from the massive cognitive dissonance . At what point is reality no longer able to be ignored ? If current policies are carried out in the US and UK (and elsewhere) and people are oppressed and starving the politicians will be in big trouble and they know it . Not a good survival strategy…..


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    David Wojick

    Here is my take on China and coal:

    They generate more juice from cheap coal than the US does from all sources. Cheap energy is a serious competitive advantage.

    Given that China generates almost twice as much juice as the US, that might indicate they are the world’s biggest economy, not second biggest.


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      Given that China generates almost twice as much juice as the US, that might indicate they are the world’s biggest economy, not second biggest.

      That could be one metric to define the biggest economy,….but,..
      If we are going to be consistent with the current CO2 reporting , these thing should be compared on a PER CAPITA basis.
      ..Where would that put China ?


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      Furiously curious

      I did see somewhere that China is not building new sites for wind, they are just replacing existing turbines after 15 years.


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    I have an engineering background.
    I was a Union delegate for 14 years.

    Ok, I have been told and lectured by friends, politicians and media that climate change will mean that we will all be toast if we don’t act now as a country to stop it.

    Fair enough. That’s their right to say.

    I will counter argue….

    We are just one of 176 countries.

    Imagine if we are all in a boat with 176 holes in it.

    Each hole represents each countries CO2 emissions.

    If to stop the boat sinking, a member from each country needs to plug one hole.

    Yet despite our peril, we will make international rules so some countries can lay back and do nothing and we will pay them… For the next 10-20 years at least while the boat is apparently “sinking”.

    Those countries now shame Australia by media and global opinion and so it capitulates, does the right woke thing and dutifully tries to plug their leak.

    The boat should sink because other countries failed to plug their leak. Yet it doesn’t, hasn’t.

    I ask.

    If climate change is the greatest threat to humanity today…. You would think that 176 fingers would be frantically trying
    to keep everyone alive in the boat we call earth, combating climate change.

    But no they don’t… Why is that? Because it has nothing to do with saving the planet.

    To the left, it is all about control, lies, bullying, subjugation, power, money and ideology.

    I know how it all works.
    Why is that you may ask?… Maybe Its because I was a former activist, union socialist.
    Again, I say, I know how the agenda works.
    and it stinks.

    To all.. Never lose your right to free speech… Fight for it. If that is lost, we have nothing.


    • #

      To all.. Never lose your right to free speech… Fight for it. If that is lost, we have nothing.

      Someone should remind ScoMo about this …ref Craig Kelly !
      As Rowan Dean quoted Robert Menzies last night…….

      Today’s truth is frequently tomorrow’s error. There is nothing absolute about the truth … If truth is to emerge and in the long run be triumphant, the process of free debate – the untrammelled clash of opinion – must go on.’


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    The Chinese Communist Party has known full well that CO2 does not cause global warming. They check my web site regularly for my analysis of climate data.

    However our senior Federal Ministers, including those for Science and Environment, take no notice of my findings whatsoever. They basically say to get lost because they have advice from an Higher Authority, that is, on the rare occasion that one of them bothers to respond.

    It has been known for some time that the CCP has used the Internet to steal knowledge for their own development. Ex-President Trump did something about it but then he never achieved anything of consequence, did he?


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    We have almost all of the world’s journalists ie the subversive Left Wing journalists …working 24/7/365 in the interests of making China the dominant power in the world in the next few years.

    Both Corey Bernardi’s and Catherine McGregor’s shows tonight detailed the threat the democracies face …from the Fabian Socialists [ whose membership includes Shorten…Plibersek and many other Labor MPs], whose Long March Through the institutions and the permanent self-perpetuating destruction it wreaks on democracies …around the world….is almost complete…and from China…. that’s expected to be powerful enough within the next decade…perhaps within three or four years…to call the shots in the Pacific….to be able to knock out the US nuclear submarines in the South Pacific….knock out Guam and the US base in Japan…and the whole US fleet …in order to be able to take Taiwan.

    China is increasing its fleet by the equivalent of the whole French Naval Fleet every year.

    Our children face dangers that we’ve never had to face.

    This has all been escalated enabled and facilitated by the Left’s insane CAGW hoax that’s weakening the democracies by the day…in nobody’s interests but China’s.

    All of it happens because we have politicians and media who don’t give a damn about truth…who are wretched little moral pygmies IMO…empty vessels posing and strutting and preaching……besotted with their own unearned ill-gotten power over the rest of us…hurtling Australia towards total vulnerability to an expansionary rapacious ..probably unstoppable China.

    And every one of the five-eyes allied countries has a huge fifth column within…not just a fifth column planted by China but venal money-grubbing locals including …especially in the UK and Europe…former leaders …some of the biggest names in British Labor politics…and Left Wing families who’ve established huge powerful China-centred organisations that have been working in China’s interests and in the interests of their own family wealth…like the Bidens…against their own countries for decades.

    And now Morrison…Australia’s smug deceiver … will do what Biden asks of him and whale in boots and all …into the Great Reset…that has a massively dominant China and a weakened America as its core aim.

    Australian and American leaders and their Left Wing backers demonstrate that on every issue they don’t give a damn about the truth…facts…even when confirmed by events…it’s only about their own personal power …and yet brain-scrambled voters blindly give them power.

    I want a new conservative party in Australia …led by Tony Abbott …the only trustworthy person in the country capable of leading.


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      Kalm Keith

      An extraordinary truthful summary.
      Australia has been on the decline in Leadership, community discipline and honesty since the late sixties:

      that’s fifty years of deceit from an increasing number of politicians and those who control them.



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    Matthew Bruha

    It’s funny that the world’s largest producer of solar panels finds it more lucrative to build coal power stations to energise their country


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      But Selling solar panels to the west is very lucrative.
      It is like selling your enemy fake guns , whilst you use the income to arm yourself with Nuclear weapons !!


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    Aloha! I own a substantial amount of Exxon(XOM) shares that I first started collecting in the 1970s. Recently Exxon announced a possible appointment for Jeff Ubben of “Inclusive Capital” hedge fund, a climate fundie activist, to sit on the board.

    I sent an email to Exxon and also the CEO objecting strongly to allowing “climate” into Exxon’s board room. I simply asked one question.


    In other words if Exxon spends $10mil on climate then what is the ROI? Do we get one less hurricane in 2021? Do we get three less forest fires in California in 2022? Does the seal level rise 0.000001mm less in 2025?

    I asked for a link to their research on “climate roi”. I would ask this of any entity planning on spending large sums of funds on climate, especially the US government.

    If the US government has no answer to climate roi then spend the funds designated for climate on something that will get an immediate proven roi, like sba loans and covid research and homelessness and hunger.

    So what is the answer to climate roi (return on investment)? If there are any climate activists here please reply because I am open to a good answer backed by facts that anyone can follow.


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      Great question Kaimu


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      The RoI of money on ‘climate’ can be quite high.
      It can save the company on plant shutdowns by rioters, get easier applications for mining permits, lack of attention on tax audits (US only so far on this), fewer inclusion and diversity investigations, relaxed rulings when firing saboteurs in the workforce, and such like.

      A strict definition would not call such business decisions but the more left/green the government the more the corruption and protection ‘funding’ is needed.


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      Nadia bin Du Natan

      Well sure Kaimu. But every good scam needs a certain reversalist aspect to it. The CO2 rort is all about maintaining “economic rent” on hydro-carbon properties so that this value can be transferred to the people who are on the other side of their debt.


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    Furiously curious

    Looking at graphs of Australia’s and China’s coal production. China produces about 12x what Australia does, and in the last 4 years has increased production by more than Australia’s total production. 300 million tons v 3.8 billion tons totals.


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    How China’s coal power glut is clouding its carbon zero ambitions

    Don’t worry about it … they will fudge the figures where necessary and end up with “zero carbon” any time it suits them.

    You have to remember how they were so clear about their completely peaceful ambitions for the South China Sea, and sincerely promised not to militarize.


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    While China ignores the UN (specifically that non-intellectual IPCC), then it is a waste of time to even consider what may happen for the rest of this century (the same applies to India). As it stands, CO2 emissions are totally irrelevant to any sort of “climate change”. Unfortunately, the ignorance of so-called “scientists” is leading world into stupidity. I just wish I could live long enough to see this CAGW nonsense thrown into the rubbish bin. Earth will survive for billions of years (until the Sun goes Nova)….fortunately, humans will not


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    […] In 2020 China built three times more coal power than the rest of the world […]


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    […] In 2020 China built three times more coal power than the rest of the world […]
