The purpose of the hot air balloon adding two whole kilograms of chalk to the atmosphere is a glorious multipurpose marketing exercise. It might as well be a skywriting advert.
Building a sunshade for the whole planet radiates cinematic desperation — it’s advertising the terror of climate change — Really, we need to do that? It’ll get everyone talking about climate change for another five minutes, as if it mattered. But make no mistake, it’s such an ambitious Manhattan-scale idea, it’s advertising Bill Gates the billionaire, too. This is meant to raise his global cachet too. Super-Bill to the rescue. Is he God?
But it’s also advertising other things, like how stupid the climate models are, how fake the pious planetary-care is, and how daft the whole UN-herd is.
Bill Gates plans to launch a bag of chalk into the stratosphere and somehow get useful data out of it about whether we could build an Earthly sunshade to cool ourselves on the same scale as a super volcano. ( To that end, if it looked like he might succeed, watch the Paris agreement dissolve a nanosecond after someone starts to get serious about shading one nation and not some other one.)
So straight off some of the Ecoworriers panic that this is a terrifying experiment — not because Bill Gates is recklessly endangering the climate — but because, if this works, it ” will be used by politicians as a justification to postpone reducing greenhouse gas emissions.”
Lordy! Imagine the disaster if the planet cooled, and the Green movement got what it wanted without the hair shirts? What really matters to them, reducing CO2 or getting people to stop driving and clogging up their roads?
Indeed, not having to bankrupt all the fossil fuel corporations? I mean really!?
It’s worse than that– the Deplorables would get hooked on pumping up the white skies, addicted to chalk to cover up for all their sins!
‘It would cool the planet by reflecting solar radiation but once you’re on to that, it’s like taking heroin — you’ve got to carry on doing the drug to keep on having the effect,’ he said.
He explained that without tackling pollution first we would have to keep lifting more and more dust into the stratosphere, which would change the daytime sky to white and if it ever stopped there would be a rise in global temperatures again.
Recklessly fiddling with the climate to save us from reckless fiddling.
Apparently the same models that have all the answers now, are pretty useless at predicting what happens when one aerosol changes.
Climatologists are also concerned that such tinkering could unintentionally disrupt the circulation of ocean currents that regulate our weather.
This itself could unleash a global outbreak of extreme climatic events that might devastate farmland, wipe out entire species and foster disease epidemics.
Which begs the question — some models are happy to say exactly what will happen if we reduce CO2, but those same models apparently don’t work at all on aerosols.
Scientists may be able to set the perfect climatic conditions for farmers in America’s vast Midwest, but at the same time this setting might wreak drought havoc across Africa.
For it is not possible to change the temperature in one part of the world and not disturb the rest. Everything in the world’s climate is interconnected.
Furthermore, any change in global average temperature would in turn change the way in which heat is distributed around the globe, with some places warming more than others.
This, in turn, would affect rain levels. Heat drives the water cycle — in which water evaporates, forms clouds and drops as rain. Any heat alteration would cause an accompanying shift in rainfall patterns. But how and where exactly?
There is no way of predicting how the world’s long-term weather may respond to having a gigantic chemical sunshade plonked on top of it.
No way of predicting long term weather indeed. Someone tell the modelers.
Imagine if the world was going to cool in the next 50 years but all the models said it was warming so geniuses put up a sunscreen and made the cooling worse?
What if a Krakatoa goes off the week after the dust is released?
Someone will have to design a nuclear-powered flying vacuum-cleaner before the next ice age hits.
h/t Colin, and Kathleen.
The ultimate potential terrorist. He ought to be stopped. Too bad there isn’t a law to have him arrested and charged with some type of international crime against humanity.
[Talking about an experiment is just free speech. Obviously you mean if “he did surround the world in chalk dust” and not just him doing a 2kg stunt experiment. If you mention arresting someone, best make it clear what crime you are referring too. – Jo]
No, what I said was correct in spite of your myopic view of such issues. If anyone even dares to speak of causing much harm to the world, say by detonating a nuclear weapon in each major city, they ought to be arrested.
It’s a slippery slope. We could go back and paint some early 20thC physicists as terrorists.
Probably going to happen anyway.
Everytime these “scientists and experts” fiddle with science, the rest of us pay the consequences.
And pay for the experiment. And pay for the clean up afterward.
Climate ‘science’ still hasn’t dealt with what should be the very first question they should be required to answer: What is the ideal temperature, for humanity, of the earth?
I, and others, have asked that question over and over of some of the world’s most prominent climate scientists and there is a flat refusal to answer.
Forgetting all of the obvious issues with Gates’ latest idiotic scheme, we don’t know whether it would be an improvement to cool the earth or not (I strongly suspect “not”). After all,
— We have the highest per capita and absolute agricultural production in history.
— Meteorological famine is nearly a thing of the past, whereas they were frequent in the 60’s and 70’s when world temperatures dropped
— No increase or even (in the case of tornadoes) decreases in storms
— Prior to COVID, the lowest rate of extreme poverty in world history
Why would we want to go back to the bad old days?
“What is the ideal temperature, for humanity, of the earth?”
Man kind thrives across a wide range of average temperatures, an even wider range of absolute temperatures and by applying some Joules, any possible Earthly temperature.
“Prior to COVID, the lowest rate of extreme poverty in world history”
The Biden administration seems to think that opening up the borders to import the worlds poverty problems is going to fix this. Unfortunately, it will turn us into the
same kind of s-hole countries the now legalized illegal immigrants are coming from.
I might point out that this experiment involves only a couple of kg of chalk dust, and appears to be mainly a sciency sort of stunt; however, one can never be too far wrong to oppose every Bill Gates scheme.
Bill Gates scheme? Knocking off most of the worlds population.
Harvard had proposed doing something like this a couple of years ago. I guess they didn’t have the resources to pull it off.
Time to sharpen the pitch forks and prepare the burning brands for when this all goes wrong and the ice age starts. But then the fool is only following the Club of Rome in world population reduction.
That the richest man in the world writes a book on how to save the world from global warming, and then charges $44.00 for it, tells you all you need to know about the scam … follow the money …
“In this urgent, authoritative book, Bill Gates sets out a wide-ranging, practical – and accessible – plan for how the world can get to zero greenhouse gas emissions in time to avoid a climate catastrophe.”
If really was an urgent catastrophe, wouldn’t you just give a copy to everyone for free?
Remember the model for a lot of “How To” books is that not so well known volume
“How to do it and not get it”
Written by
“One who did it, got it and can’t get rid of it”
“PLANETCIDE: How to make a fortune while destroying the world FOR DUMMIES”!!
By Billy goat Gates and the GAY DUSKATEERS.
The “Gay Dustateers”?
Are these the servants he hires to dust the chalk off his stuff? In the steady state, there would be a continuous rain of chalk.
Chalk is calcium carbonate which is a base, so it will cancel the ocean acidification that isn’t happening either.
This has been going on clandestinely for some time. It’s been denied for decades.
Geoengineering programs of aluminium, barium and strontium bring sprayed into the atmosphere with intention of preventing “global climate disaster”. But other nefarious reasons are not ruled out. These people are lunatics.
Spraying any particle into the atmosphere is polluting, CO2 is not a pollutant.
Spraying nano particles of heavy metals into the atmosphere is polluting. These particles are being absorbed by all organisms, soil, water, everything. This has long lasting damaging effects. It’s a crime.
The doco I posted the link to above is long but pretty comprehensive. There is some details on atmospheric testing
and identifying particles.
It all needs to be exposed and halted.
Looking back at the flyer for this stunt I now see the balloon is to lift 1,300 lbs of equipment. Good gravy, that isn’t equipment, that’s a whole laboratory. And is this Helium or Hydrogen acting as the lifting gas? I’ll bet given a bit of time and Bill Gates’s money I could do as much with 5% of that mass.
“The purpose of the hot air balloon adding two whole kilograms of chalk to the atmosphere is a glorious multipurpose marketing exercise.”
Hey, Bill, why not just envelop the world in a giant french letter made of tin foil? Another stupid brain fart from a too rich oligarch. Get back into your dork-box.
Very appropriate, at all levels.
Good imagery, plenty of detail and high levels of sarc detected.
It’s been long known that leftists DNA is minus the logic gene. Now we know that it was replaced with the stupid gene. Unfortunately all the alarmists and supporting politicians are also of the left so probably think this brain explosion has legs and are willing to use your money to fund it.
“So straight off some of the Ecoworriers panic that this is a terrifying experiment — not because Bill Gates is recklessly endangering the climate — but because, if this works, it ” will be used by politicians as a justification to postpone reducing greenhouse gas emissions.” ”
I bet the real reason is that it would make carbon taxes a harder sell.
The idea of fixing a problem like global warming with a technological fix, has a long history, and it is mostly bad. The Australian experience with cane toads is just one example
Surely you aren’t suggesting that all the Cane toads be eradicated; that’s inhuman.
Wouldn’t cane toads be an early example of a “refugee from climate something”?
I’m sure if this was a U.S. problem Prezident OBiden would set up a camp for them on the border.
Such a caring man.
Unless you;re risking being labelled a racist shouldn’t that be “in-cane-toad”?
Do Cane toads block the Sun well?
I suppose if you could sew enough of their skins together you could make large umbrellas to protect the Earth, and dangle them from sky hooks.
Only if you are under them.
Very effectively at night when they’re most active
A green thumb from me, though your analogy is as apples are to oranges.
There is no “problem like global warming”.
As an example of my claim of no problem, I offer this link:
Australian Farmers Harvest Largest Wheat Crop Ever
IGC raises forecasts for 2020/21 global wheat crop
“The IGC raised its forecast for Australia’s wheat crop to 33.3 million tonnes from a previous forecast of 31.2 million and more than double the prior season’s 15.2 million.
Last week, Australia’s chief commodity forecaster said the 2020/21 season would bring a record wheat harvest, after heavy rains boosted yields in key producing regions in the east.
The IGC raised its outlook on Kazakhstan’s crop to 14.3 million tonnes, a three-year high, from 12.4 million.
It put Russia’s crop at 85.3 million, up from 84.5 million seen previously.”
India set to witness record crop size for 2020-2021 marketing season
Feel free to show/link what you identify as a ‘problem from global warming’.
Travis. Could you send this to the Climate Council because they are still saying crops will fail because of climate change. You could copy it to the ABC as well; I’m sure they would be overjoyed to receive such positive news. It could tell it’s diminishing audience to stop worrying.
More importantly, apparently the SA shiraz vintage this year is going to be well worth investing in
Sad old Billy Gates, he’s losing his marbles as he gets older. Megalomania has set in, just like Klaus Schwab.
“Chalk was one of the earliest rocks made up of microscopic particles to be studied under the microscope, when it was found to be composed almost entirely of coccoliths. Their shells were made of calcite extracted from the rich seawater. As they died, a substantial layer gradually built up over millions of years.”
The movers and shakers do realise chalk is made of fossils? Anyway, being white, isn’t it raci*t? to think it might save the world
For a moment there I thought you were going to branch off into the formation of chalk and possibly link to sequestration.
Dont they understand that it would be putting more carbon into the atmosphere. Good heavens a combination of calcium CARBON and oxygen! Its easy to knock this down – just let the world know that it is more Carbon pollution of the atmosphere – that should kill the idea straight off!
Good point. But I guess spraying the Arctic ice with soot, as we approach the next ice age scare, would be anti-racist.
Black Ice Matters!
Digging up and spraying fossils into the atmosphere,
if the environmentalist is rich enough any suggestion is ok.
How nut’s is this?
wuwt- With drop in LA’s vehicular aerosol pollution, vegetation emerges as major source
Plants that emit lots of isoprenes may be causing unhealthful aerosol levels during heat waves
IIRC back in the 1970’s when there was a cartoon that said
“I’m from Orange County. I breathe for taste”
There were voices raising the contribution of the eucs in LA to that smog problem
I guess we should be grateful that he’s discovered that the sun has some role in warming the world. I wonder if he’ll ever discover sunspots, or the variation in solar radiation?
Seems to be a thing about the US elites. They see to think they have the self anointed right to fiddle with global systems. Most of the hair brained climate “engineering” proposals seem to emanate from there, like bad B grade sci fi movie plots.
There are also the UK elites attached to the Royal Society, they are as keen as mustard on geoengineering to stop climate change.
Here is a review of Mr. Gates book by Mr. Andy May.
and another in Forbes magazine by Tilak Doshi.
It strikes me that the Davos crowd are worried about their wealth and are most anxious to be seen as part of the climate crusade while not giving up their energy intensive lifestyles, the only “gulfstreams” these guys really care about are G650s and not ocean currents. What is apparent is that Gates book is just public relations fluff to paint him in a good light and enhance his legacy, the book just repeats the old tropes torn apart previously and all his alternative energy schemes seem to involve the consumption of more electricity.
It was Bjorn Lomborg wrote in the Australian recently.
John, that first review by, Andy May shows that Gates’ book is not only based on fake science but it also seems to lack coherence.
I thought the Sun doesn’t matter ?
Only matters when there is something inconvenient to explain
I want to see the results of his sea water sprayer that he announced back in 2010.
This one:
An advert it was quite a success. Can’t buy that kind of media coverage…
Get ready to laugh …
19 May 2008: Flannery says sky may need to change colour to fight climate change
“Professor Flannery, who has written extensively on environmental issues, spoke at a business and sustainability conference in Parliament House today and suggested a plan to pump sulphur into the atmosphere in order to repel the sun’s rays.
He says the process is called “solar dimming”.
“It’s the last resort that we have, it’s the last barrier to a climate collapse.”
“We need to be ready to start doing it in perhaps five years time if we fail to achieve what we’re trying to achieve.”
He’s just a scammer. I once believed he was just deluded but he’s another dangerous nutcase because he’s taken seriously by the malevolent media.
Don’t forget his land purchase soon after becoming the Climate Czar.
Anyone with a coastal view from their bedroom window, or their kitchen window, or whereever, is likely to lose their house as a result of that change, so anywhere, any coastal cities, coastal areas, are in grave danger.
According to property searches, in 1997 Professor Flannery bought one house on the Hawkesbury with his wife, Alexandra Leigh Szalay, for $274,000. Five years later — even as climate scientists, including Professor Flannery, claimed evidence of global warming and rising sea levels was even more solid — the couple bought the property next door, for $505,000.
Indeed, Greg.
These oligarchs all have the hallmark of hypocrisy. It’s just a crude confidence trick on those they think are stupid.
The air is clear, skies are postcard blue on the GC today.
Temperature is 22.5C on BoM app, a predicted high of 30C.
Thank goodness Flannery is not in charge.
It is clear, the ruling elite suffer from cultural and intellectual inbreeding.
Which maybe worse than the old style feudal aristocratic familial inbreeding.
Ideas are faster than genes.
This surely demonstrates the futility of the quest to develop AI. The infinite spectrum of wisdom in one direction and stupidity in the other, each being aided and abetted by a the common catalyst of money. Attempts at reconciliation will inevitably result in the end of meaningful life as we know it.
This Gate should have been bolted when he closed Windows
Bill is truly a mad megalomaniac.
Just how many balloons would he need to send aloft to spread this chalk. Where is the helium going to come from to loft this fleet of balloons.
How much energy will be expended in extracting the Helium, won’t that energy be withdrawn from circulation, or require a vast new industry (Coal/gas fired electricity generation plant) producing the balloons and finding the chalk then transporting the finished balloon to the distant place from which it needs to be launched to spread the chalk evenly around the world.
Won’t wars of words be fought to get enough of the atmospheric cooling over your country?
An industry in the making!
Everything goes better with Rockets.
I think the balloon thing is a cheep way to do a publicity stunt on the subject. It’s not the end product.
As we all know I’m sure, chalk is Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 ; isnt that the dreaded ‘C’ word in there (Carbon) again. I wonder what our greeny friends will make of that . .
And the recent rains, washing all of the calcium rich rock grounds, a.k.a. mud, into the oceans, will increase the take down of CO2 from the oceans.
Gee, I wonder how they’ll replace that “lost CO2” so much needed by fish to build their bones with?
Universities will go ape over this and be designing applications to fund a million new studies on the problem.
And to think that The Rain did this.
Strange how adding carbon to the atmosphere negates the effect of adding ‘carbon’ to the atmosphere.
You watch, the CSIRO will love this. They’re all over Hydrogen production for energy, authors of dud climate models and also lately terrifying all the ag people with the methane boogeyman. I’m sure there’s some funding in it somewhere for the next 10 years.
Howard Gates and his Spruce Goose! Someone get him back to fixing Windows, for the planets sake!
This plan of Billy Gates just goes to show how deluded and desperate the Klimate Klowns have become, chalk dust for gods sake.
Oh and don’t forget this Saturday is ‘Earth Day’, so turn on every light you have, just to celebrate Mans ingenuity.
Gosh! Already? Seems only 5 minutes since the last one; better get all the Christmas lights back up. Silly me, finally got them down yesterday after leaving them up as a cheer-up; thought perhaps I should do something different for Easter!
Here we go – fear of Bill Gates because something something.
Whatever the merits, this is a Harvard lead international experiment that is still raising the $20 million it needs. Bill Gates has offered his support.
By the comments above you’d think that no one has looked into it beyond what is written by Jo at the top. I’m sure that is wrong though you all must have done some background checking before commenting.
Just to recap… BG is not inflating or directing these balloons in any way. He’s chucked in some money. Is there any point telling you this? Who will be the first to imply that the money comes with strings and George Soros something something.
My most sincere and humble apologies for not having done the essential research as you so ably and authoritatively imply.
I feel shame and deep regret at my emission.
BG is not inflating or directing these balloons in any way. He’s chucked in some money.
Exactly. It’s cheap advertising for both his causes: ClimateChange and Bill Gates.
Just part of the PR budget.
Sorry, that was years ago, I meant “omission”.
We know what you meant. My writing is always stimulating.
But not in that sense.
It is only an experiment after all, and as such it stands a fair chance of failure, they might as well chuck a few sacrifices in the nearest volcano and pray for a rather large emission of sulphur and dust.
Surely the $20M could have been used more fruitfully elsewhere.
Have you ever heard the expression, “Whoever pays the piper calls the tune”?
You probably also believe that government research grants have no influence on the researchers themselves.
I’m guessing you have no difficulty simultaneously believing that when tobacco companies are paying for research that would be tainted in some way … and you feel no discomfort with this inconsistency.
yeah… scary BG will come after you
I read it as omission KK!
Isn’t this the premise of the 2013 Bong Joon Ho film ‘Snowpiercer’?
Life really is stranger than fiction.
Well, Australian Labor Opposition front bencher Richard Marles explained to the National Press Club yesterday in Canberra that one of Labor’s top priority policies for the next Federal Election will be funding a search for ET.
That’s right, Labor wants to make contact with aliens out in space somewhere at taxpayer’s expense.
The look on audience journalist’s faces was priceless.
So if I become obsessively deranged about global cooling and claim that man is to blame..
I can build huge spaceborne mirrors to reflect extra sunlight onto Hudson Bay Canada?
Or claim the Sun God must be appeased by firing extra fuel,Gang Green and their enablers,into the sun?
Or better still,as this planet was so lush and prolific when atmospheric CO2 levels were much higher,how about a runaway nuclear reaction in the White Cliffs of Dover,or any other such chalk bed..?
Bill Gates became a philanthropist because he knows how many people curse him and his substandard software every day.
May his ill gotten gains and antitrust behaviour increase his creeping paranoia..
We need to save civilization by adding attacks on do-gooders…oh sorry I misspelt tax…honest.a tax on all do-gooder of at least double their income..
When the cooling starts to deepen in five or so years time, we can all point the finger at BG and blame him …
Fossil Sunshades to cool Fossil Fuel’s Warming.
Could only happen on Planet Earth.
Has anyone looked into how expensive an abrasive atmosphere will be? Look at all the JNs which will bring Helicopters down and the sanding out the bearings of jet engines. Someone should point this out to the airlines … so they can hold BG liable.
(JNs = Jesus Nuts. Those fastners which hold helicopter blades on the helicopters …)
Mind you, it could be good to stop wind machines/generators from breeding too fast.
So Bill Gates is virtue signalling again . As per usual nothing will come of it and no-one will notice that either . Sooner or later his credibility along with the climate change glitterati will dissolve….you can only fool all of the people SOME of the time.
I can’t imagine that a bit chalk will do anything that random cloud albedo doesn’t do already.
cloud albedo doesn’t make news headlines
Oops! Another random bold there
Be careful what you wish for. How do you “undo” if it turns out to be a bad idea?
Cane toads was a great idea to control pests until they themselves became the pest & could not undo the introduction.
Is that you Peter?
I’m not Peter. I must have skipped over Peter’s earlier comment. Just similar thinking in this case.
Bill Gates, the self-styled god of climate. Want climate change? Bow down and pray to Bill, offering him sacrifices.
anyone tell Bill that chalk is “white” and therefore must be bad!!
Are there any real-life John Galts out there?
Bill Gates isn’t one.
Michigan newspaper, reporting on the Anti-trust trial.
The more you learn about the “titans” of the business world, the less likeable they seem.
• Steve Jobs would scream in employees faces, from 2 inches away.
• Zuckerbook tried to cheat a co-founder out of his share of Facebook.
• Jack Dorsey is purging people from Twitter for saying what they believe to be true, but Jack personally disagrees with.
Can anyone point me to an actual John Galt?
So with all our clean air legislation and shutting down of power stations we now have clear skies and this fool wants to dirty it up again, the unspeakable in the pursuit of the unattainable!
With solar minimum happening now co2 generators will be required soon.
Bill Gates is living proof of how dangerous it can be to give an autistic computer programmer who failed to complete university a lot of money
Bill Gates should spend some time studying history.
The “Greenhouse Gas Effect” was a THEORY proposed by a Swedish chemist Arrhenius in 1986.
Yet this THEORY was debunked by the physicist Angstrom in 1900.
Arrhenius was dug out of his grave by the corrupt United Nations to promote “Climate Change” – which has nothing to do with controlling the climate but is all about controlling YOU.
Yes but sh sh.. 1896.
This stuff is the real danger. Scientists could genuinely screw things up with their idiotic tinkering. Unintended consequences are not hard to imagine.
James Lovelock once would have placed some particulate matter in the skies via jet travel and dimmed the sky to a shade of grey if he had his way in the 90s. He would already have done it if some authority said right-y-o.
He later realised what an over reaction climate change is. But this is the point. These self righteously titled “scientists” make bad decisions.
It is my great environmental fear this geo engineering and why my motto is, ask a scientists what is it, but never ask them what you should do about it.
I have just seen the post and was about to write exactly the same point.
We have a Grand Solar Minimum underway – and enhanced cooling will plunge us into a real Ice Age if we are not careful.
The chalk, as you know, does nothing at all to counter the nil effects of CO2 – but will cause massive problems.
Vaccine Bill has killed or maimed massive numbers with his dangerous vaccine ideas. (see below) And the current will cause many issues as well by the way. But the Left, as usual, will never ever turn on their own. He needs to go back to the mansion on Lake Washington and read books and stop interfering in nature.
It’s not only that intellectually challenged Gates…but others like that moron Elon Musk that are just as dangerous. Unfortunately, while these and other non-entities such as St Greta of Thunberg, Al Gore, John Kerry etc etc etc are listened to, is the CAGW nonsense kept alive.
Aside from some weird extremophiles like tube worms living off hydrogen sulfide at the bottom of the ocean – virtually every living thing on the planet depends on sunlight for their food for survival!
Someone needs to calculate the potential loss of global GPP from this experiment and then arrest Gates and his elves for a crime against GLOBAL LIFE if they do it anyway.
Bill Gates is .. A MONSTER!
A scary spider avoided my attempts to capture/kill it.
Guess I’ll have to burn the house down, that always works, right ?
Apparently our bushfires from last year had a cooling effect on the Southern Hemisphere.
Hey ! Where do you go with this one ?
The smoke made it to NZ. Perhaps I should have laid a complaint with the Auckland City Council for New South Wales breaking Auckland’s clean air regulations.
It’s only a NZ$20,000 fine for such egregious breaches …
My first thought here was, who’s going to pay for washing down my car every day this stuff came back to earth.
My second thought was, isn’t this sort of reinforcing the mechanism used to make the global warming
theory ie all that talk of UV penetration and infra red reflection etc, so am a bit surprised not to have seen some form of scientific comedy and scratching of wiser heads than mine over Gates’ brainstorm.
Tony Heller once mentioned in his blog that he’d been working for a supercomputer company, and evaluated a grant proposal by a grad student who wanted to model cloud formation. The student got the grant, and the supercomputer time, but apparently failed to model all of the variables involved in ONE cloud. I doubt that Gates and his Micro$oft in toto would be able to work out the effects of his proposed weather modification!