Expert criminal profilers who work for insurance companies looked at the 2020 election and saw a “sovereign level crime”. A crime so big that parts of the government must have been “a participant, active or passive, enabling vote fraud.” These were part of the team that didn’t investigate Hunter Bidens lap top for nearly a year….
The criminal profilers estimate that the crime was so well developed that small runs of fraud must have been already at work, in test runs in past elections, and they want to hunt for that evidence now…
And they warn that unless they are caught, the fraudsters will only grow. The good news is that there is already insurance software that can check and catch dead, moved, and out of state voters on-the-spot as they try to vote. But the legislatures and FBI aren’t going to do that unless The People speak loudly and speak now…
If these experts can predict where and when the worst future election fraud is most likely to occur, we just hope that somehow someway there predictions can be used to stop it.
The Sovereign Crime of Industrial Scale Vote Fraud
It’s what the government agencies didn’t do that reveals the sovereign involvement.
The national government refusing to investigate the most egregious examples of voter fraud like hundreds of thousands of more ballots than voters in several states, that is a pretty good indicator that they are passive participants in industrial level vote fraud.
The refusal of the FBI to fully investigate Jesse Morgan’s truck with the hundreds of thousands of ballots going from New York to Pennsylvania – yet dispatching agents to a NASCAR location to investigate a garage pull-down they hoped was a noose – well, that’s a good indicator, too.
Pretty clearly, the evidence is piling up that the FBI had zero interest in trucks with ballots crossing state lines, ballots being shredded in Maricopa County, tens of thousands of ballots received before being mailed and all sorts of other clues any competent law enforcement agency would at least investigate.
The experts were not interested in the 2020 election though — it was “too obvious”:
There was no interest on our profilers’ part in doing investigation of massive voter fraud. They felt it was so obvious and the current work being done by citizens and published on hard-to-find blogs was state-of-the-art and no further investigations would find much more. Their comments were striking because they said the data easily available showed the election fraud patterns had two very alarming characteristics: It was not the first time this was tried, and it will be performed again, at scale, in the next election.
Fraud behaviour evolves — which means it doesn’t just come out of nowhere, and future directions can be predicted.
The sociology of fraud has a start, test runs, and techniques and teams that grow. Successful sub-branches take over:
Fraud rings, when organized, grow. They continue to expand with new entrants, slightly different profiles, corrupting more people with money that dwarfs what one might make honestly. Fraud techniques are like an organic species: what works, thrives; and what fails, dies out. Patterns emerge. Patterns equal prediction and prediction enables eradication.
The profiling team were not interested in the 2020 election where the fraud was so obvious. They’d rather hunt through past elections to find the early runs they are now sure must be there:
The team, educated in some of the most sophisticated organized fraud tactics, posited that this was not a dry run. Their thesis is that if one were to seriously evaluate the balloting in many states for 2014, 2016 and 2018, one will find traces of what happened in 2020. That project is under discussion.
The US Supreme Court inaction invites more fraud
Without any punishment or consequences there is no way this fraud will not be used in 2022 and so on.
Fraud perps are greedy and when left to commit fraud, for which there was likely millions of dollars in remuneration either presently or in the future, they are not going to stop. As fraudsters recognize that national law enforcement refuses to investigate and the courts will not look at evidence, they are emboldened. Who wouldn’t be?
Our courts and law enforcement are saying “come, commit all the fraud you want, we won’t investigate, and if there is litigation, we will toss it out on procedural grounds.”
If anyone protests, the FBI may raid their home with an assault vehicle. Don’t believe me, well, meet Christopher Worrell.
A lot of the standard level fraud could be stopped live if only there was the will to do it
It’s almost like election officials are going out of their way to avoid catching cheats:
We have technologies that can identify dead voters the moment they cast a ballot. We can identify people who are out-of-state, voted twice, are underage, live in a vacant lot or a UPS or FedEx postal box. We can even show a photo of that vacant lot so you can see where your fake neighbor claims to live.
Literally, the second their ballot is counted, they can be flagged as a likely fraud.
Yes, we can deploy that technology today. We have done it in the insurance industry for decades.
We can predict where election fraud is going to happen. We can predict how it is going to be done. We can deploy technologies to identify likely fraud within seconds of when it happens.
The question is, if the government is pretty much in on the election fraud, does it really matter?
As with all other forms of fraud, it’s all about the money.
No, it’s about power too.
Yes, it is all about the power and the control, don’t be surprised the tech ogliarchs were right in the middle of it?
Facebook’s drive to register 4.5 million voters swayed the November election to President Joe Biden.
Jo, Pauly, John, ColA and all others on this post. This is one of the most significant posts to the USA and also to all other nations who wish to maintain or reestablish free elections. Thank you so much!
At present, I do not see any organized and signfi8cant efforts in the USA to detect and eliminate voter fraud except for President Trump and his close, and loyal supporters.
As you pointed our Supreme Court and lower federal courts are either paralyzed by the Democrats or crooked. Big Tech was, and is, committed to preventing anyone that is not a Democrat, Socialist, or Communist from being elected to national (and often local) positions. The Leftists succeeded with such a big runaway election fraud that they are now getting bolder, more brazen, better prepared to even commit worse voter fraud and election fixing in the future.
Frankly, I do not see how to prevent them from succeeding. No conservative person, group, or organization has Big Tech, big federal government agencies and departments, or federal courts at all levels in their back pockets as the leftist and far leftist did in 2020 and are improving and preparing for all future elections.
The Constitution of the United States is hanging by a thread.
The voting machines have a “weighted race” feature and votes are stored as a decimal. Voting machines are certified by the Secretaries of State in each state. Unless this can be exposed and changed it’s all academic.
This was never challenged by anyone except, Shiva Ayyadurai.
Even if your vote is marginalized by fraud, you can still have a voice by contacting politicians. Your messages will get read by someone and if enough people start complaining about the same things, it will get more visibility up stream. Don’t say everything at once and send many messages over weeks or months complaining about specific topics. There’s just so much to choose from …
Send messages to Biden here:
Send them to Pelosi here:
In many cases, you don’t even need to live in the US to send a message. Others in leadership have contact pages anyone can send a message on while most Representatives, Senators and local officials only accept messages from constituents. A few higher profile politicians accept messages from anyone, but for some reason, these tend to be mostly Republicans.
Don’t be threatening, but don’t hold back on telling them what and why what they’re doing is so wrong.
Unless we all stand up, take notice now and begin to fight back in whatever nation we live, the global elite plans for an anti-democratic world future will come to fruition.
That is a future which sees people returned to serfdom with liberty and freedom curtailed allowing the global elites to execise any freedom or liberty they choose whilst growing ever more powerful and wealthy.
I would rather perish defending liberty and democracy than be a serf on bended knee.
Are they not synonymous?
Jo, mods:
“there predictions”.
Auto correct
Can this be deleted?
Not looking good.
You’d think that that their would be someone to at least move it to the end of the thred.
I have no idea why so many people claim, with absolute confidence, that such fraud did not occur. It occurs routinely in local election run by political machines — there are indictments after every such election. It used to occur on industrial scale in big urban areas, such as in Chicago during the 1982 Illinois gubernatorial contest. Election laws were tightened to prevent that from happening again, but the laws preventing such were relaxed last year, and a reasonable person would have to conclude the old behavior resurfaced.
The best indicator that there was enormous fraud is in the behavior of election officials, and political hacks. They worked feverishly to prevent observers from attaining reasonable access to ballots and processing. In foreign elections we would see that as evidence of election fraud. And then there is the near hysteria produced when one asks for election documents or asks for investigations, plus the stonewalling.
And HR1 hasn’t simply relaxed them it’s going to legitimize fraud.
They are confident because of all the systems in place to prevent and detect it. There is no mystery.
Also, the elections are closely monitored and you can see from recent media reports who was actually involved in trying to change the vote. It wasn’t the krakens of the feverish minded.
Please explain how you know anything about those systems. All you are doing is repeating what someone has told you. Some weeks back I provided people with link to a news item from an extremely left-leaning site about the history of fraudulent vote harvesting in Chicago — 100,000 ballots in one election. It led to convictions in 1982, and safeguards were put in place, but those were removed last year. Made it probably easy to use the old time honored tactics. It can be done in any city run by a political machine.
back at you.
I sometimes wonder Gee, do you ever read your own posts, reflect upon them, and STILL believe what you wrote?
David, you could be forgiven for thinking Gee Aye is cointelpro.
Oh, I see, very clever. You are refering to the edited conversation between Trump and Sec. Raffensperger that made it sound like like Trump was trying to change the vote. Well I got to listen to the full conversation and it was completely different when left unedited and in context. It is an old story in the media, edit conversations, edit photographs, edit the video, and provide forged documents. Journalism at its best. It is such a common story in the nexus between politics and the press that it is an element of many old movies — The Farmer’s Daughter, for instance.
No. I was not referring to that.
Fixed it for ya.
The same corruption is here also, to wit, ‘ whatever it takes’, and the old favourite, ‘ vote early , vote often’.
You mean systems like the ones in Michigan?
Great Maker, that idiot on the video needs to take a breath every once and awhile and just slow the heck down. That just constant high speed babbling is enough to give anyone a headache in no time at all.
Got through perhaps 2 minutes and then closed the tab as I simply couldn’t take listening any longer than that.
Just saying.
The crazy thing is that it shouldn’t matter if fraud occurred or not. Everybody with any interest in democracy should look at what happened and demand that any perceived shortcoming be addressed. It is vital that the electorate have absolute faith that the result is correct. The losers need to move on and the winners need the legitimacy.
It’s hard to understand how any honest person could be against measures to make the electoral process more secure and transparent – yet the opposite seems true.
As Time magazine put it “The election results were fortified”.
They aren’t in it for the honesty. And they don’t want to have to explain that to you. Nor do they, you already know.
Regardless of whether or not there was sufficient fraud on election day to have flipped the results, big data, the MSM and Democratic politicians applied as many dirty tactics as they could prior to the election in order to affect a coup and avoid having their freedom destroying policy ideas summarily dismissed by a President with a working brain.
This was real collusion and not the fake Russian collusion pushed by the same factions, where the only purpose of both was to harm Trump and deprecate the Bill of Rights. The collusion was clear among the MSM which repeated the same lies, word for word, across many outlets. Someone was clearly directing them about what words to use which was more than just collusion, but was a directed conspiracy designed to defraud the American public and unfortunately, it worked far too well.
For evidence of the fraud, look at how they acted AFTER they won the election. They’ve been completely paranoid of every Republican voter, they’re even afraid of the Senators. They’ve put up an armored fence with 30 thousand soldiers guarding the White House. Not exactly the actions of an honest heart!
The fraud behaviour can perhaps be traced to recent Democrat Primaries and Democrat pre-selection voting processes.
This is one of the theories why Seth Rich was killed i.e. he was the leak to wikileaks because he had a front row seat watching Hillary cheat Bernie.
President Trump did not lose when Joe Biden entered the White House, The American people, and the world, lost.
Klaus Schwab won.
“But the legislatures and FBI aren’t going to do that unless The People speak loudly and speak now…”
Thus we see why the people have been silenced and all avenues of voicing dissent publicly blocked.
A bigger crime was the media, especially Fox News, looking the other way. We had weasel words and phrases spoken such as “statistical anomaly” or “irregularity” which deceived people into thinking it was only on a small scale when it was massive indeed.
“The US Supreme Court inaction invites more fraud.”
This was the kill shot. The death of the republic. Absolutely disgraceful. I wonder if John Roberts can sleep at night?
You are so right, the Media IS complicit
We have been lied to for we don’t know how long, probably about everything.
Small pleasure to be had in watching ratings crash and people learning how to find stuff out for ourselves.
My latest find:
231 is brilliant to source reliable conservative news
Yes Susan. We have been forced to seek our own news sources and they are not the MSM. This election and the Biden “presidency” will spell the end of the legacy media because no one believes them anymore. Every time they lie they are exposed within hours. I would encourage people to not give up hope in good winning over evil. As explained the fraud was so obvious that it exposed ALL the players, ALL the enablers and most of the beneficiaries. The next few years will see massive retribution particularly on the Republican side but many Democrats do not want what is being done in their name.
This is truer than most think. It takes courage to face the possibility that the world isn’t what we thought it was. The image of reality has been subtly and incrementally skewed by all our institutions. But media & academia have been the worst.
Thing is, it’s a long process to undo the illusions. Form my experience, the longer I live, think and search, the more I’m aghast at how many lies surround almost everything. In most cases lots of subtle lies, in some specific cases, lies of enormous proportions that fly precisely because they are too big to believe them to be lies.
Give us an example or two, Sirob, of these “lies of enormous proportions that fly precisely because they are too big to believe them to be lies,” if you’d be so kind.
My original is in moderation never to be released.
Here’s a Copy and paste edited version.
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
March 18, 2021 at 8:20 pm · Reply
AGW is enormous, but it’s surrounded by a plethora of smaller subtle lies.
[edited out] is another example.
The time it takes to painstakingly reveal the truth and dismantle the subtler lies makes no difference. The influence and the consequences of the lies still to this day affect dire political decisions on humanity.
These decisions are defended by enough “true believers” that it’ll likely be a long time or never be discarded.
The infection of lies are too deeply embedded.
[edit] Other examples will never be able to be released here.
Sam,you had to ask..
1 “We are from the government and we are here to help you”.
2 “Free healthcare”.
3 “Temporary tax,to pay for the First World War”.
4 “Good government”
5 “Civil Service”..
Do any mild search within the health care, pharmaceutical industry and you’ll discover icebergs.
Do any mild search within the energy sector, particularly wind power and solar power and you’ll discover icebergs.
There are many good lies within the Catastrophic Anthropomorphic Global Warming industry too.
And if you want the piece de resistance, look through the actions and people of the UN.
Reported that Biden is going to come down hard on Putin for interference in the 2020 ballot.Tough guy.
John Roberts made a pertinent observation some ten years ago. We cannot expect the Supreme Court to fix what is an electoral problem. I.e. you voters have got to step up to the plate. Voters have to become better informed. They are intellectually lazy, and give the old media and social media too much benefit of doubt.
I tend to agree. Our problems can be rectified down at the local level, and percolate upward.
“Voters have to become better informed. They are intellectually lazy, and give the old media and social media too much benefit of doubt.”
Agreed but American voters are not the only group that fall into that category,
Victoria is a case in point. So was South Australia for many years.
Kevin, I respectfully disagree. There were many attempts to stop the election fraud and fixing. John Roberts was not just trying to let politicians solve their on problems. His denial of lawsuit after lawsuit kept the fraud going. He is as guilty and anyone else involved in the 2020 election fraud.
Leonard I toally agree that Robert’s comments have any relevance in the 2020 fraud.
It was a criminal matter and the courts should have interfered. More voters than people, improper rule changes, printing votes, dead votes, vote harvesting and ballots from vacant lots.
Roberts did not show any respect to even his oath. If he respected the Nation he would have found ways to formally consider the evidence. Roberts and other cowards did exactly the opposite.
I also agree. Complete abrogation of his duty. But it leads me to conclude that he was compromised or made an offer he couldn’t refuse.
I would believe that his family was threatened before I believe he sold out for money. And we know that several threats to family were indeed carried out just prior to the elections.
I don’t disagree with you at all, but the point is a healthy functioning democratic republic as we are designed to be in the U.S. takes a lot of effort on the part of the citizenry.
I think about the court’s refusals lately and I wish they had taken up one or two, but I like to compare this to my refusal, often, to adjudicate the fights between children in my house. If I get involved in them all it exhausts me and they don’t learn anything.
I am an Australian.
You are from the USA.
I ask.
Do you trust your democratic process as it stands?
This is not a catch 22 question…
I am interested in what your thoughts are, as a US Citizen.
I feel it is important for voices to be heard.
In places with history of violent resolution of important problems improvement can be made by cautious selection of officials, in particular senior judges. No appointment at that level should be made to any one under 60 years of age, otherwise career and social prospects can dominate. Likewise, no appointee should have school age children, “hostages to fortune”.
John Roberts, and yes that comment “cannot expect the Supreme Court to fix what is an electoral problem” is a threat of abnegation of duty.
The job of the courts is trial, judgement and ruling according to law. The SCOTUS specifically has the job to protect the constitution and to rule on disputes between States.
The judges have not done their job.
Election fraud is a legal problem. John Roberts denial of responsibility merely indicates whic side HE is on.
The Amazon Post’s side, ie, Jeff Bezos.
These were federal elections for the highest National Post. Federal law is very pertinent. Lower state courts had already passed the buck.
Congress passed the buck. When the Supreme Court passed, our Republic fell.
The First and Second Amendments were put in place to protect the US Constitution. The First has been violated with the cooperation of the Socialist Billionaires, the Second is under severe attack.
I wonder how much destruction of The Republic normal Americans are going to tolerate before the reason for the Second is invoked? If the 2024 election is similarly fraudulent to the 2020, it may well be.
But even without fraud, Biden’s handlers are going to give “citizenship” to tens of millions of illegals who will vote for the Marxists (Democrats). And there will be other rule changes to favour non-eligible people to vote. Even without fraud, the structural changes the Dems are making to The Republic, may well make it impossible to ever again elect a conservative, pro-American government. In that case, tragically, The United States of America is finished.
It’s a multi-front war.
It appeared to me that Trump’s legal team really didn’t want to win it. Rudy Giuliani is compromised in some way and his role in the circumstances that surrounded some of the aftermath of 9/11 points to that. Trumps team never went for the voting machine weighted race feature or demand the ballot images.
Shiva Ayyadurai claims he contacted Trump’s legal team and they promised to get the data for his team to analyse but Trump’s team never came forth with the data, never happened. They didn’t want to pursue the weight race feature or the ballot images.
Reading Patrick Byrnes analysis I think Rudy and other lawyers were not “numbers guys” and sadly RG may have drunk a bit more than was useful.
Yes, it was very sad that the legal team did not go with the new math based analysis and put all their eggs in the old style legal battles…
In the end we have to wonder if perhaps Trump did not 100% want to win in the end days — in the sense that there may even have been threats to life involved for loved ones. It is all so toxic.
It could have occurred to Trump also that even if he’d won through Pence or the military there would be essentially another U.S. civil war and considering the lasting damage the first one inflicted on the Republic a second (although Democrat incited again) would be far damaging than letting the usurpers have their hollow victory.
Also consider that Trump, regardless of all the terrible treatment he endured from the courts, left, politicians, media, big tech and fringe groups, actually loves his country and the people that exist in it, imagine that after all the false flags of Trump being everything from a Russian shill to crazed dictator he still had the maturity to put the people first over his own ego exactly as the constitution dictates.
Yonnie, I can’t believe some form of civil war isn’t inevitable down the track, Trump or no Trump.
Agree Sirob.
One of two things seem to be inevitable, and possibly both. Communism will come to the US or Civil War will break out, probably lasting decades.
The UK and IRA attacks, are a good demonstration of how a low but protracted war can keep lasting for many years.
The other possibility is that they did look at the voting machines via their own people but didn’t like what they saw.
They then took the route they took, because the voting machine route was barren. Rudi melted under the heat.
Not a bad strategy either. Keep the outrage going with accusations and hints of proof of election theft until 2022 and then on to 2024.
Are you implying they might have thought it was “too big” to reveal?
Or that it wasn’t able to be successfully exposed or winnable in court?
Thirdly, that it wasn’t an issue in other states excepting Massachusetts?
Shiva Ayyadurai has court case pending which surrounds the weighted race feature and deletion of ballot images. I’m looking forward to seeing how it plays out.
It may have come down to “proof”.
RG is an oldy, so he might not have had the confidence to present this stuff in court to a convincing level. The slightest mess up and the defense team would have been all over it.
“The Deep Rig: How Election Fraud Cost Donald J. Trump the White House, By a Man Who did not Vote for Him”
by M Byrne, Patrick (Author)
This post gives hope that the U.S. Presidential Election of 2020 is Not over yet.
When so much of the upper layers of government is off the rails there seemed to be little hope that complete collapse could be avoided; but this gives hope.
One of the greatest difficulties in fixing a problem is to define it, now that’s done and when everybody who turned up at a Trump election rally reads this, the effect will be interesting.
Understated brilliance. KISS
“corrupting more people with money’s that dwarfs what one might make honestly”.
A vital bit of the puzzle of how to fix this mess.
Now, can someone shine a similar light on the dreaded Kovid Krisis so that we can throw off Bill G and get back to our lives and work.
Will they read it? If they don’t know by now I guess they never will.
The point was that they know, but this gives them a stick to get the authorities attention with.
Someone needs to investigate the funding – follow the money.
There is real hope for Justice over the 2020 Election fraud
Sidney Powell gave her interview on this to Doug Billings a few days ago.
Maybe the Bitchute link is no good?
This one is from Doug Billings site
I went to his site first up. I can’t get into bitchute.
Great link Susan
Sidney Powell is one super gutsy lady to be greatly admired.
Why am I not surprised to find that American Thinker is a far right Conservative publication with a history of having to retract claims the 2020 election was of fraudulent? This is the retraction from American Thinker
As is apparent, claims of electoral fraud by American Thinker need to be very carefully examined. See below.
“American Thinker and contributors Andrea Widburg, R.D. Wedge, Brian Tomlinson, and Peggy Ryan have published pieces on that falsely accuse US Dominion Inc., Dominion Voting Systems, Inc., and Dominion Voting Systems Corporation (collectively “Dominion”) of conspiring to steal the November 2020 election from Donald Trump. These pieces rely on discredited sources who have peddled debunked theories about Dominion’s supposed ties to Venezuela, fraud on Dominion’s machines that resulted in massive vote switching or weighted votes, and other claims falsely stating that there is credible evidence that Dominion acted fraudulently.
These statements are completely false and have no basis in fact. Industry experts and public officials alike have confirmed that Dominion conducted itself appropriately and that there is simply no evidence to support these claims.
It was wrong for us to publish these false statements. We apologize to Dominion for all of the harm this caused them and their employees. We also apologize to our readers for abandoning 9 journalistic principles and misrepresenting Dominion’s track record and its limited role in tabulating votes for the November 2020 election. We regret this grave error. ”
More significantly however Jay Valentine who wrote this piece has previously claimed:”
“The voter fraud actually happened. The voting machines were connected to the internet and it was industrial level fraud that was committed”
This does not gel with the subsequent retraction by American Thinker.
And KK you also write
“Now, can someone shine a similar light on the dreaded Kovid Krisis so that we can throw off Bill G and get back to our lives and work.”
This allegation which is claimed to be baseless is said to be part of a wide-spread disinformation campaign from the far right.
Immediately my comment was posted the statement “Your comment is awaiting moderation” appeared.
Are my posts now subject to automatic moderation? If so, is it possible that I could be told why?
I get the same Ian, despite being highly respected here unlike you, cheers.
And the misprinted Georgia ballot papers didn’t exist. The shredded ballots were never shredded. The odd patterns of voting were not odd. And Trump did not win 18 of 19 key indicators either. The postal workers did not sign affadivits claiming they were ordered to backdate stamps, the truck driver did not sign an affadivit saying he delivered a truckload of votes across state borders. Dead voters were reincarnated, and out of state voters moved back…
Jo although it is apparent you believe all of these things did happen the judiciary did not. It seems highly improbable that over 86 judges dismissed Trump’s lawsuits because they lacked unsubstantiated evidence. Yes some lawsuits, notably those submitted to SCOTUS, were dismissed on legal factors but there are many reports from Judges condemning the paucity of concrete evidence for the claims made by Trump’s legal team.
It does get boring repeating things Ian. You surely know full well that many of the courts did not even consider the evidence. Lack of Standing. Laches. ? Do you read the posts here?
Legal technicalities rule the day.
So you just ignore the dismissals where the judges ruled that the case wouldn’t have made a substantial difference to the result or that it was too late to repeal the law changed by the officials rather than legislature because the election has already taken place?
I’ve found that if I put in more than two links per post I end up in Moderation. it’s eventually released when the Mod has seen what’s happened.
In the same way that fraud has corrupted and disenfranchised sporting codes, players and fans so too are every walk of life where money is involved. Even though it’s not my country I am totally confused at the reluctance of SCOTUS to listen to, at least, the mountain of evidence that had been accumulated. The only reason for their reluctance must be money. Trump said that fraudsters had disrupted other elections and specified Venezuela. I guess Russian and Zimbabwe recent elections must be suspect too! Even the Labor Party will be worried about their last attempt to take the Treasury Benches!
In Russia election itself can be quite OK, because the opposition is already eliminated before voting.
There are some honest Courts left. And people are being charged with Election Fraud. Tough to find news of this tho. But not impossible
George Soros ran a Secretary of States project to get the Secretaries in on a Voter fraud operation all over America.
Now that’s a doozy.
Got any evidence?
Yet the perpetrator of the fraudulent and unlawful directive has not been charged!
As the article suggest “But the legislatures and FBI aren’t going to do that unless The People speak loudly and speak now”
And then, of course, the consensus masses will simply ignore them as they have been doing for a very long time … the answer lies in the recovery of total freedom of speech and the absolute responsibility that goes with that. It worked before Wokedom and it’ll work long after Wokedom is filed away where it belongs under ‘Evil’.
Funny, isn’t it, that mandatory voting is never brought up in the US?
Oh, then you would have to identify all sentient and qualified voters, and put in minimum controls
to make sure they cast their own ballots; in auditable or recountable form.
Why might that be a problem for a party that nonetheless is making a big deal about supposed “voter supression”.
Compulsory voting is the only way to fix the mess, but whenever its suggested there is only a deafening silence.
More important would be to get rid of preferential voting and introduce first past the post, the candidate with the most votes wins.
El tonto
How does compulsory voting fix it?
Forcing a large majority of people who do not care, have no idea who they are voting for or the policies of the parties.
How does that fix anything.
Compulsory voting should audit rolls. That is a great start. Only allowed on one county roll. An official address.
Informal votes are fine if that is your choice.
Auditted rolls with 1 vote per person would have solved much of the fraud.
I can’t believe I have to explain this!
I was referring to compulsory Vs voluntary not audited?
You are referring to enrolment and proof, (ID) They are enrolled/registered in the US, its just voluntary, (but no ID check at the polls) the ones who don’t give a toss stay home and don’t dilute the value of the ballot cast by those who are interested.
Here we get what is a substantial dilution due to compulsory voting.
Do you actually have an argument for compulsory voting or you want to stick with the straw man.
Try and stay on the subject
Compulsory creates auditting. Voting is voluntary with either system. (Vote informal).
All I like about compulsory voting is it has to be auditted.
Our system would be better if how to vote cards were illegal.
The advantage of compulsory voting is that there are not 40% of potential votes who won’t turn up who’s unvoted votes can be “theoretically” turned into imaginary voters.
We always get a 90% – 95% turnout — so in this situation its harder to invent a whole of votes without creeping into the impossible situation of having more votes than registered voters.
Though I hear that happened in the US anyhow so maybe the impossible no longer matters.
The other advantage (theoretically) is that it might get a few more uninvolved people to take an interest in politics who might not have. But I’m not selling that …
The disadvantage is that people with no interest still have to vote. At least our parties spend more time talking policy than they spend begging people just to turn up.
But compulsory Voter ID would work in the US. Proper signature checks. ( we don’t use ID here, but we probably should).
There are plenty of ways to prevent voter fraud. It really is not that complicated or costly.
I am firmly against compulsory voting. If one is uninterested, they are likely uninformed as well, and their vote lowers the voter pool IQ.
I would not mind an automatic voter entry labeled “None of the above” and if “none of the above” wins, the position is unfilled.
If this happened often enough, then my primary issue would win, “The Right to be left alone”
The Australian model of compulsory voting works best in avoiding fraudulent behaviour and our cousins across the great lake have a lot to learn.
Its true that a large swathe of the population in the US and Oz have no particular interest in politics, but over time with compulsory voting the people educate themselves, enlightened self interest.
El chapo.
How does compulsory voting do that.
“but over time with compulsory voting the people educate themselves, enlightened self interest.”
Pure speculation and BS, can we make stuff up to suit our narrative now?
Why would you think “now” is any different to “then”?
…there is little doubt that the vast majority of women have no desire for the vote.
From the Debate on the ‘Conciliation’ Bill, 28 March 1912.
Some people have no interest in democracy and only vote to avoid being fined. We have three tiers of government and voting is compulsory, there is a donkey vote but not sure of the percentage.
The US exceptional democracy is badly flawed, whereas Australia is free of tampering at the ballot box.
Might I suggest you ponder that the U.S. is 15 times the population of Australia, has a long history of corrupt machine politics in its urban areas, has a very heterogeneous population with varying estimates of how many are in the country without permission.
Putting together clean voter rolls is difficult in the first place, and no matter how it is done the Democrats and minions will fight everything in the courts for decades. It is already nearly impossible to build credible voter rolls. I don’t see how you could make mandatory voting that wouldn’t end up being a new tool to intimidate people.
Voting is managed locally, in precincts of a few hundred to a few thousand people. We would enforce it the same way we enforce mandatory elementary education; with a few gaps, but generally not for citizens. If the precinct managers are incentivized to manage ID’s, to observe, with opposing party observers, the casting and collection of votes, and the votes are cast first upon a paper ballot which is secured and retained, the system would likely be very accurate. There is very little fraud (alleged or observed) in those precincts in America where ID’s are used and partisan observation is robust. The aggregate population seems not an issue to me.
Easy to bury indefinitely under fragmented jurisdictions, overlapping agencies and appointments of political operatives instead of competent ethical people. The old USA is over, what will emerge next will be interesting.
I have read your blog for years and never commented before. This is too important not to comment on. I am Canadian, 85% of our exports go to the United States. The President in Washington is more important to Canada than the Prime Minister in Ottawa. The US ceased to exist on January 6th. They inaugurated a president that was not chosen by the people. If the US lets them get away with it they will do it again. There will never be another Republican President. There will never be a Republican that wins an election that matters to the democrats. Every 4 years they may as well just ask the Democrat party who’s turn it is. Both sides would love to cheat but only one side has the ability to cheat. All government bureaucracies over time go left for one simple reason. Right wing people do not aspire to Careers in Government; they simply do not apply for those jobs. It is not who votes it is who counts the votes. The votes are always counted by the democrats. This fraudulent election is not good for the world. The most powerful country the earth has ever seen is now a one party state.
How has this affected your export market exactly?
Work it out.
you hit a nerve Richard.
The only thing I disagree on is that RINO’s will still be elected every now and again. Whoever the Uniparty permits.
It’s important to maintain the illusion…
I would think this is self evident. Canada is tied at the hip to the US. When their economy is good our economy is good. Even Ottawa can not screw it up. Joe Biden was chosen by the Democrat senior leadership, not by the people. His fate was decided by the party. When the party decides your fate and not the people you owe your allegiance to the party. Party concerns will always trump the concerns of the citizens. The economy will always be a secondary consideration. As other commenters have pointed out the cancellation of keystone is a great example of this. On his first day in office Joe Biden cancelled this pipeline. This does not just hurt Canada. With a stroke of a pen Biden eliminated 11,000 American jobs. That is 11,000 families suddenly without income. Joe Biden does not care because he does not need votes from those 11,000 workers. Joe Biden’s votes can literally be manufactured out of the ether.
The article is not very persuasive in my opinion. I read it yesterday when it was published, and was disappointed by generic statements, and unproven speculation.
We already know President Trump won 18 of 19 bellwether counties, which is unprecedented in American presidential election history.
The next steps are much tougher — prove enough illegal ballots were counted in several states, that would have changed the result of the election. It’s too late to actually change the election results, but not too late to change voting procedures for 2022. Or else fraud will increase.
Once a ballot is removed from its envelope,it becomes a vote, ready to be tabulated, and almost impossible to refute.
But … there were witnesses who claimed they saw lots of ballots that appeared to be filled out by a printing machine … and a truck driver said he delivered lots of ballots from New York to Pennsylvania … which sounds like ‘pre-printed’ ballots!
The ballot envelopes have signatures that can be verified, as a legal voter, and as the actual signature of that legal voter, long after Election Day … and addresses that can be checked to see if they are real.
Now is the time for physical evidence of fraud (or confessions) — it’s way too late for more statistical analyses, and that’s why the article is nothing more than another interesting opinion.
Many millions are duped and naive,
In the U.S. and just won’t believe,
Their election was flawed,
Through a well planned fraud,
By people intent to deceive.
I think the Democrats discovered two things during this election – Firstly, that fraud works , and secondly, the media and the courts will turn a blind eye. This means, as these investigators say, that this will become the embedded norm within the system. It is difficult to see how a Republican could ever win the Presidency again.
I also think the next most important thing for these guys to discover is the extent in which fraud affected the Democrat Primaries. I suspect that Biden only got the Democrat nomination by the same style of fraud. This means that the Presidency is being now settled in some sort of private back room ballot.
I also suspect that now that this style of fraud has been perfected, it will become the new norm for all elections in America right down to PTA level, whenever there is a political element involved.
I think the oligarchs have taken over.
Never again will I criticise the Australian voting system when there is a delay in the manual counting of votes after elections. When tight contests need multiple recounts and you have to wait days for a result. I once thought compulsory voting was bad because it forces people to vote who have no idea about politics. So, you get people voting for politicians because they like their hair etc. Not anymore. I am now proud of compulsory voting, manual counting of votes and properly maintained electoral rolls. I had never taken much interest in US elections before but after the 2020 US Presidential election I can truly say the US electoral system is a complete disaster. Clearly it’s a system that CANT be fixed, mostly because so many states have their differing processes and there are too many entrenched people who benefit from such chaos. For the 2024 (and maybe the Mid term) election it’s clearly going to be carte blanche on political parties outdoing each other in their “voting irregularities” systems.
Another question that should be asked: why are those that cheated insistent that they be protected with a wall and troops? Is it because they are afraid ‘we the people’ will come and throw them out of the government buildings and maybe string them up?
I’m mad. If I were American I’d be as mad as hell and willing to make my voice heard.
Both the left and the right agree Joe Biden had a slip of the tongue when he said ““We have put together I think the most extensive and inclusive voter fraud organization in the history of American politics.”
It’s just that the right know this was a Freudian slip.
Judge authorises recount in Fulton County Georgia. Listen from the 29 minute mark.
Kim YounG Noon apparently is not impressed by the 81 million Biden-votecount .He does not return any call from Joeh Bai Den who left urgent messages to be called back with his secretaries . From his point of view the 81 million-count is an utter disgrace as any election below 98,5 % counted in favour of his family is considered bad showmanship in Korea. Joeh Bai Den has not passed the korean truth detector test and is therefor considered unequal to the high morrel standard of this free and true socialistic nation . Two years ago Donald Trump promised him a skyscraper and a golf course and guess whats going to happen now with Joeh Bai Den at the helm of the poorest nation of the world ? The guy is only talk and any gifts up front he has never heard of . Kim and his sister want to go ballistic , but will Joeh Bai Den crack a good korean joke ? In Korea truth alwas suks !
Further to Ross’s post at #15, I have been concerned that possibility of the “vote early, vote often” scam could affect our election results here in Australia.
When I mentioned this in a discussion with friends the other day, one of them advised that this can’t happen. He said the Electoral Commission recounts any close votes and will analyse if there are duplicate votes that could be affecting the result. If there are then a re-vote will be called. He said this has never happened so far because of an excess of duplicate votes.
Does anyone have another opinion?
I’m not saying the Australian system with its AEC oversight is perfect. Indeed anyone could go to more than 1 voting centre on election day to get their name crossed off the electoral roll and vote multiple times. Obviously if detected there are huge fines for this. There never appears to be any significant reports of this occurring, but I’m sure it does. I know the opposite occurs. I am familiar with a few people (because of their disdain for politics in general) who attend a voting centre on election day, get their name crossed off the electoral roll and then don’t vote! Voting pre-poll day is certainly more popular every year, mostly because its convenient and suits in particular the oldies. I’m not sure I’ve heard “vote often” though – they would clearly be illegal. In the US there appears to be questions about thousands, if not millions. of votes. That’s crazy stuff.
Thousands vote often in Australia.
Because your name is crossed off twice does not prove anything. Who used your name? Dead people vote in Australia.
It was mentioned briefly in 1993. Did not get to the MSM. which is a good thing as it would have incresed frequency.
We need ID in our polling booths.
Campbell Newman introduced voter ID in Qld but it was done properly: Each voter received a barcoded slip in the mail, it was all you needed and it was fast, a swipe of the barcode and you were done. If you neglected to take it with you a number of other forms of ID were accepted.
A woman in front of me tried to vote for her mother who, she said, had dementia. Correctly, she was not allowed to vote.
If we can afford this in Oz, why can’t the Greatest Nation On Earth (sic) afford it?
I want a voter database that records ID with a photo, and a photo taken and stored at the instant of voting, showing the touch-screen and the vote cast, checkable by each voter with a password they choose to ensure their vote is unchanged, said DB table of votes to be publically readable to check tallies as voting progresses.
I think the potential harm of a possible loss of secrecy of your vote is far less than the gains from elimination of fraud.
Very Basic Technology. Open source code. Transparent.
I’ve been told that people do vote more than once and it’s possible to turn up at different places, give a false name (who would know?). With no ID or camera’s there is almost no chance that someone doing this would get caught. But the potential for fraud is still limited. I’ve heard they don’t even bother investigating if it is less than ten repeats. (How could they charge someone who did vote ten times anyway? They have no proof it was them and not someone else impersonating them?).
So it is hardly water tight, but compared with what happened in the US, it’s practically gold plated. As Gee Aye noted, hopefully, as long as the number of duplicates is less than the “gap” and couldn’t have changed the result I guess it gets ignored.
You would have to be very very keen to vote ten times – that would be a lot of driving in most electorates in Australia. And whose name would you use … would you be confident enough to use your own name in all ten booths?
If the result were that tight – presumably they would discount nine of the ten duplicates.
We all know religious world-savers could easily convince themselves that life on Earth depended on them voting ten times. We all know that with a phone book they could pick booths and pick a different name.
I would rather we had voter ID. But I’m glad we don’t have the US system.
The 2010 National government ended up being decided by only 400 votes in Corangamite… it’s not impossible that fraud could matter even here in Oz.
I have worked for the AEC. If you get your named marked off more than once (at more than one booth), then your name will be double-scanned and a red flag would appear. I don’t know how many Australians believe it is their partisan duty to vote more than once – but it would be miniscule – vanishingly small in number.
There is absolutely no need for voter ID in Australia – you are asked your name, and then must provide your address and sometimes DOB. More than sufficient to ensure voting integrity. Having an ID at voting is what third-world banana republics believe they need … Australia definitely does not … I trust we are above all that.
Gosh TT
You sweet trusting thing, you
Two reasons your “red flag” does nothing.
You can’t prove who voted.
Fear of loss of trust in the system.
This sort of pathetic trolling does nothing to add to the forum.
Of course not – but it tells the system that someone named Chris Citizen had their name marked off twice, and they can do any appropriate investigation.
The only people who “fear a loss of trust” are the far-right lunar fruit-loops, who would love politics to be like the chaos of the US. But – sorry – it ain’t like that here … we are a civilised country and our elections are at 99.999% kosher – sorry to interrupt your fever dreams, and your desire to stir the possum.
correct. If say 100 people were found to have voted in 2 booths and the margin was 1000 after recounts then the duplicate votes would not affect the election. If the margin was 50 then the election is nullified.
Thanks Gee Aye. I do hope this is the safeguard we have over duplicate voting, even though it would be quite easy to vote several times as Ross and Richard suggest (above). And, quite easy to get away with it by saying “It wasn’t me.”
I for one couldn’t be bothered traipsing from one booth to another.
Even so, I agree with Richard that we should have ID as an extra safeguard.
You’re not being logical. If someone is stupid enough to vote twice (at different booths) using their own name, how does having voter ID stop such stupidity?
Australia simply does not require ID … fraud is essentially non-existent … nobody cares that much.
So, if the margin was 1,000 and 120% of eligible electors voters in a county with 20,000 eligible voters the election should be nullified.
None of this should be taken lightly, we had an election decided by 13 votes recently.
Can you cite any case where 100 people have voted twice in any electorate?
The case has been made of massive fraud, but if you refuse to read the thread open with a curious mind, don’t ask us to prove our case.
Huh? There has never ever been a case of “massive fraud” in any Australian electorate ever. What are you talking about?
There were 36,000 duplicate votes acknowledged by AEC in a 3AW interview in 1993.
It did not get mentioned anywhere on the MSM. I suspect there was discipline for the public honesty.
If those votes were oneway in tight seats Hewson won!
It is on record in Australia. I have no reason to think it has stopped. What has been done?
The AEC know later which names got used more than once. In time deaths get removed from our rolls.
The estate doesn’t pay the fine or the person voted and the death certificate shows a date prior to election??
I have never shown or seen anyone show ID in Australia.
We scrutineer every vote well. The official seeks approval on every ballot from all scrutineers.
Each counter has at least one member from each party. When there is doubt the official seeks consensus. Informal are agreed and written comments entertaining.
The Americans need to learn. They have 1 scrutineer watch 10 counters. That is ridiculous.
My guess would be that’s somewhere between 0 and 0.5% of total voters. Certainly less than 1%. Is that about correct? If so, is that significant? Lots of marginal seats needs swings of less than 5% to change. Seems somewhat concerning or am I being paranoid?
are you asking me to provide evidence for the actual occurrence of my hypothetical example?
It seems to me that the overriding priority for the US Republican Party now is to work out how they can stop the election fraud in the 2022 mid-terms and the 2024 presidential election. They know how a lot of the fraud was carried out in 2020, and they will need to work out what new tactics will be tried next time. Then they need to work out how to combat them.
Easier said than done, I know, but their survival depends on it. The impression I got of the 2020 election is that the Republican Party was a shambles. They knew the fraud would occur and then still seemed to be surprised by it. They need to get some military minds onto it all right now, so that they will be properly ready for it next time.
I think it’s the reverse of that. Based on unproven claims of 2020 “fraud” all the crazier Republican states are working overtime to bend and distort the rules to oppress the popular vote of the people – at least where those people are POC, other minorities, and generally anyone who is likely to vote Democrat.
They are so blatant these thugs, they’re going right back to Jim Crow laws … these GOP people have no shame whatsoever.
Keep reciting those talking points Tilba. you know it’s a waste of time here on a site where people have seen the photos, the data, the affadavits and the odds.
but I admire your tenacity to stick with the permitted “thoughts”. Those registration marks on Georgia Ballots that were printed in China were not misaligned, only your eyes are…
The Thugs of course are those that oppress real voters by promoting easily defrauded elections.
When you campaign for Voter ID and clean roles, we’ll know you care about oppressed voters.
The USA is now a Fraudocracy.
~ Mike Vanderboegh
Fixing the mess may now be impossible. I don’t think that the military will intervene now to protect the Republic or the Constitution.
Congress, The Senate, The Department of Justice, The Courts, the FBI, the CIA etc have all sworn to protect the Contitution and all of them have failed to do so.
However there are 2 small rays of hope:
I just love “sovereign-scale” conspiracy theories like this … the fraud was so hugely bigly organised that everyone was in on it … from the lowliest volunteer in a counting centre, right through to the Chief Justice John Roberts.
A fraud so bigly enormously HUGE that it could not be detected – because there was no-one left to do the detection!
Reminds me of Hillary Clinton explaining “a vast right-wing conspiracy”!
What you are saying is that if you tell a lie big enough it WILL be believed.
And you call Trump a n@zi.
Well he didn’t actually say that Hanrahan, although the reference to Joseph Goebbels was obvious enough ( I think the opposite was intended).
Perhaps Goebbels’ full quote should be considered here:
— Joseph Goebbels
In Particular note this: “It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State”
That seems to be where we are now.
How can it be reversed?
Mike Vanderboegh
Of course not … I don’t know how you got to that conclusion … nothing I said. I am stating the obvious – if you construct a “sovereign-scale conspiracy” with so many agencies and so many players, then you effectively make it impossible to disprove.
It’s so “big” it has no reality boundaries. Sounds clever, but it’s laughably, pathetically stupid on its own criteria. I wonder who pays these people?
It’s easy to disprove Tilba. If the Dems won an honest election they would have been delighted to let people analyze the signatures, open the machines in court, check the ballots. They fought tooth and nail to stop anyone looking at the ballots.
Or maybe you believe the FBI care about elections when they waited ten months til after the election to investigate Hunter Bidens’ laptop ?
I have raised this point before – but it was not up to the Democrats to prove the election was fair and honest.
Those who claim there were dodgy extra ballots printed in China or whatever needed to take it from beyond the realm of a conspiracy meme into a tribunal or a court of competent jurisdiction, and prove their case. They did not.
In most cases the Democrats were not even in the court – they were not on trial, they were not the defendant, nor a witness for the prosecution. In many cases the action was brought against a
And further – it was not in the control of Democrats to check signatures, haul machines into court, or check the ballots. State Republican officials had jurisdiction.
Look another disinformation bot. Adios buddy
>I just love “sovereign-scale” conspiracy theories like this … the fraud was so hugely bigly organised that everyone was in on it … from the lowliest volunteer in a counting centre, right through to the Chief Justice John Roberts”
In short, fortification.
The topic of odd videos of Biden being likely filmed in front of green screen plus CGI came up today. People are noticing things don’t look right.
Monkey werx video 3 16 2021, about minute 10 dives in to show odd things.
This guy is so interesting. It’s an eye opener to know what is going on in the skies. Wow.
Tough to find sometimes I use
monkey werx overwatch sitrep plus month day year
He usually posts USA Tuesday and Friday
I’ve checked out that video several times – there is no green screen, no CGI … it’s all an anti-Dem fever dream. Some people never give up!
Some say that video is a compression artifact and that sounds convincing to me. His hair disappears when it is the same color as the wall behind it. (Not that I paid that much attention, so I could be wrong, but I wouldn’t share that video myself unless I was sure it wasn’t just a video compression at work.)
Be wary of that claim.
You looked at it and couldn’t see a green screen. DOH! But isn’t that the whole point of the exercise? You film someone in a green room, use a narrow band filter to remove the green, stripped video is then superimposed onto any background you choose. Technically, a piece of pi$$.
They knew about filters in the ’60s.
Mate … I worked in TV and video production for twenty years – from the very early days of “green screen” (it was almost-cyan blue for many years, until it was realised that some people had that eye colour, or close).
So I know how it all works … and there has been nothing posted by the lunar right ever that has convinced me that Joe Biden is a CGI implant.
Fever dreams rule … I understand that … people are really teed off that he won the election … but some of us are not so easily duped. Try again.
I think stories of odd videos of Biden are asking the question: Is this really the guy who’s in charge?
All we can ever do is keep asking questions, we’re not trying to be right, we’re trying to ask a better question next time
Great post. Thanks Jo.
cross posted at
We have to understand that’s it’s already over. We’re just telling them who to come after.
This is serious tinfoil.
The courts actually said, “Come, show us some credible evidence Mr Giuliani and Ms Kraken – proper evidence, not wild arm-waving couldabeen stuff”. In some 60 cases with 85 judges no-one could show election fraud.
Yet these people are trying to convince you it was “industrial scale” election stealing? Pffft – it’s all pixie-dust … they’re in it just for the $$$.
sometimes I wonder if you are a robot TT. It’s like all our past conversations and replies never happened….
He/she/it is just a disinformationist
Political conspiracies are hard to prove, so I’m with Tilba on all this and you can leave out the sexist language.
Enlighten me, please. Which part of offering the correct pronoun is sexist. That’s just moronic and puerile.
As for the election. Only Stevie Wonder in a sound proof booth would miss the fraud in the election. I have no time for the wilfully ignorant. I’d prefer you just went on your way believing in unicorns and fairies. Adios.
No … I’m a happily self-funded flesh-and-blood retiree living here in a fairly leafy Melbourne inner burb. Snacking pretty high on the food chain – for which I am grateful.
I have no skin this game – but people are constantly saying the US election was stolen – as if it is proven done deal – but no-one has done anything with this claim or belief to prove their case.
I guess that is what I react to … the notion that it is a proven reality, when it is patently nothing of the sort. I am more than willing to be corrected, but nobody has been able to alter the fact that there is not a single court ruling against the election.
What other conclusion can one draw? I am very happy to hear arguments.
I agree.
Someone should correct you.
Trouble is, no-one can.
The fact that no board, official, tribunal, or court agreed with those claiming fraud – and often those personnel would have wanted a Trump victory – is fairly compelling.
So until there is some movement on this front, I don’t know why people keep claiming “election” fraud”.
It’s easy to see that Tilba would be right at home in Nazi Germany. He would believe anything that Hitler would have said. Gullible and brainwashed.
“It’s almost like election officials are going out of their way to avoid catching cheats”.
For sure they are. It’s like reporting a drug house to corrupt cops when they’re actually in on the deal. They tell you “There’s nothing to see here” and refuse to investigate.
I heard ex Australian ambassador to USA, Kim Beazley being interviewed about the change of Government in USA and he couldn’t help but start by pointing out it was the most secure election ever. How the hell would he even know? Constant affirmation of something supposed to be accepted by all rational people raises suspicions.
I think it is pretty well established that the 1960 election was a fraud perpetrated through the old Democratic party machines in Texas (yes it was a Democratic stronghold from after “Reconstruction” until recently) and Illinois (think “Chicago”). It may take a long time, but we may learn most of the truth of the 2020 election eventually.
First and foremost, election fraud goes on in every election, most at the local level and people are indicted and found guilty and elections are overturned in practically every election cycle. I don’t see much way to correct this short term. Mandatory voting will just lead to rolls of phantom voters and endless wrangling in courts — this is America.
The 2020 cycle was odd in that it was preceded by five years of infantile tantrums that unhinged a lot of people — I had to work with some of those people and some are my in-laws, so I know this first hand.
Rudi did drink way too much, and he was not impressed much with statistical arguments. The courts are odd. They will entertain statistical arguments if the topic is disparate impact, but not if it involves certain other topics. The political left are fans of statistical approaches to rooting out election fraud (see the election fraud toolkit from a group at U. of Michigan), but are silent here because they got the result they hoped for.
H.L. Mencken says the idea of Democracy is that the people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard. Well, the Biden Administration is likely to fulfill Mencken’s quip. Already I have had a dedicated Democrat explain to me that “we aren’t all kooks”.
Good post, as always. Your reference to Chicago illustrates that the impact of corruption in US elections only becomes manifest when there is a large localized corrupt political machine in a city or county that can comfortably manufacture sufficient votes to offset the net vote elsewhere in the state. In deep-blues states, like NY and California, large-scale corruption is probably unnecessary, while in deep-red states, corruption is limited because the high volume of false votes needed to carry the election would be too obvious. The real fraud, then, mainly occurs in nearly balanced swing states, where an entrenched and highly motivated political machine, e.g., Philadelphia, Detroit, Atlanta, etc. can pull off the fraud.
The tragedy of 2020 is that state politicians, ironically too often playing for team red, failed to prevent unconstitutional changes to election laws that greatly enabled the corrupt political machines in the swing states to pull off the fraud. In my opinion, there was no need for RG et. al. to prove anything except that state election laws had been compromised. Texas alone tried this approach, but was rebuffed by SCOTUS.
There are two issues ( and this is one of those areas where the law is an ass).
First, prove that fraud exists. ie “This vote was cast by a person we cannot find from an address that did not exist
at the time if the election.” If you submit this to the election commission, they can say “whoops, unfortunate error….”
throw it out or not. So you take them to court, slow, difficult, and expensive. The Court agrees with you, but says “OK
no vote here, we attest to that, but no remedy we can apply”. Now you have to pin the rap on a person; who wilfully cast that
fraudulent ballot? But the chain of custody was broken (another violation) so there you are. SO you charge with officials with malfeasance, and now we are in angels dancing on a pinhead territory….does the scope rise to the level where the court can apply
Mr. Tilba et al, they did it, they got away with it, and its not surprising that the courts, which they mostly run anyhow, haven’t (yet)provided redress. But the wheels are grinding at the mill; the flour for loaves to be baked for next election time. There are some deep wounds and grievances to be redressed; there will be some paybacks and most will not nor should not see the light of day.
If one steals the stash of a robber to whom is the complaint made?
There is something of the duck to partisan politics; serenity at the surface and furious activity below. There is scuttlebut that the left need to recruit a whole new set of operatives for the next election as all their prior punks are tagged. As the costs to the right increase; the recruiting goes well for their side.
And one more Rubicon to cross….Pelosi may unseat an Iowa congresswoman who won a narrow race, by house vote, claiming election irregularity. There are vestiges of cooperation in Washington; this would push the parties into a blood feud.
I think articles like are very important and need to get to all center voters in the USA.
I read so many comments by Republican voters, Republican Congressmen and Senators saying how they need to win back the House and Senate in 2022. Even “Blind Freddy” can see it will never happen unless the fraudulent activities are exposed and systems changed. They have gotten away, so far, with a massive fraud and if something does not change they will at least do the same again or take it up a few notches. HR1 spells the future all out.
A 5 year old could work this consequence out.
RE: off topic.
Jo, that’s OK. I could have picked other examples but I erred since they were also huge subjects and also off topic.
I can understand the reluctance of some–this means you, Tilba–to attribute to fraud that which can be explained otherwise. Problem is, we’ve all seen the explanations, and they don’t add up. It’s not as though there were one or two oddities, either. There are hundreds of them, maybe thousands, each one a red flag. Add it all up and it seems utterly inconceivable that some kind of manipulation did not occur.
Consider that you had Democrats basically bragging, very publicly, about “controlling the flow” of information, and “fortifying” the system to ensure the “proper outcome” in order to “save democracy.” This is the language of True Believers, people who think they can do no wrong. Literally. Such people don’t care about the rules, truth, fair play, all that boy-scout crap. They will do whatever it takes to win, because God is on their side. It’s not fraud when the good guys do it. It’s justice.
It wasn’t supposed to go this way. They did the work, put in the time. They unleashed hordes of lawyers and eager,insistent volunteers upon the battleground states. They bent the voting apparatus to their will. They fired up the base to a fever pitch, energized the “occasional” voters, raided the barrios, the inner cities, the homeless camps, and the nursing homes for easy votes. They prepared thoroughly and well, so they thought it was all sewed up. But it wasn’t enough, as they realized to their horror in the early hours of November 4. So they activated Plan B. Problem was, Plan B had never been perfected because they didn’t think they were going to need it. It wasn’t a well-oiled machine, and there were some very obvious hiccups, which were noticed. So to cover they they activated Plan C, forcefully shouting down anyone who suggested, no matter how mildly, that maybe we ought to, you know, take a closer look at this thing.
Speculation aside, the bottom line is this: If world-class experts in statistics, polling, political trends, and fraud detection are concerned, then we probably should be too.
From 9000 miles away you get a filtered view of what’s really happening here. As someone in the middle of it, I can tell you that the tension is real and fast approaching the breaking point. With Biden fading by the minute, things are likely to get a mite bumpy real soon.
I can only repeat ad nauseam – it has nothing to do with my views whatsoever … my view is incidental at best.
to agree with
Those who believe there was election fraud on an industrial scale – or even on a micro local level – have not had the intelligence or strategies to get anyone with any say, power, or authority to agree with them. Do you not see this as a problem?
Or do you believe that the entire US legal system, plus state-level Republicans everywhere, were in cahoots with dark anti-Trump forces, and it was one gigantic cover-up?
The bigger question is of course, why do you care? Why all this months-long energy expenditure on a fat bloated dude who was not fit for the job, and didn’t really want it in the first place.?
And I think Joe Biden is a terribly sub-standard leader … but an awful lot of people were prepared to tolerate him to get rid of The Big Orange. What does this tell us?
your quote:
“I think Joe Biden is a terribly sub-standard leader”
Don’t worry Tilba, I believe Biden has already called Kamala Harris, President.
You have an old, now senile career politician in biden who couldn’t muster more than a handful of people in car park during his pathetic campaign. Has all sorts of dodgy dealings in eastern europe and china that has made him and his debased son multi millionaires, his 2IC harris accused him of being a racist, believed sexual assault allegations against him and they want us to believe he got the most votes in US history? Its laughable.
This ‘most popular president in history’ has taken over the capitol with the military erecting a perimeter fence around it for gods sake – unheard of in the land of the free.
Common sense tells you this whole thing stinks to high heaven. They flipped the votes in 6 key cities and under the electoral college system, that is all you need to flip the entire country. The vote for Trump was so large they had to stop counting on election night, rig the result and of course no audits of machines allowed or ballots destroyed. The lack of transparency tells you everything.
Sydney Powells telegram page is well worth a look at.
Thank you! Best site ever. The entire story in one place.
Sidney Powell is truly great.
Yep – Ms Kraken was essentially laughed out of court every time she tried to present a case. But she was sometimes entertaining – I particularly liked the tale of two agencies: the CIA and DoD having that firefight on the streets of Frankfurt over possession of a Dominion server.
LOL this all occurred without a single independent or verified report. It must have been The Deep State v The Really Really Deep State. Is it not obvious why even Republican judges everywhere just rejected all this fluff?
Please explain then why virtually all the polls across the board, including poll averages, had shown for months that Joe Biden had a decent winning lead in the 6-7 states where it would matter most?
And as it happened, the results were pretty close to those poll predictions (and please, I have heard all the tinfoil arguments that the polls were all rigged and part of the giant plot).
Election fraud types will not accept three things, it seems to me:
1. The polls showed a Biden victory in the 6-7 states he needed
2. Trump could never get above 45% support – and not enough to win
3. Trump discouraged mail-in voting, costing himself dearly
The counting of ballots the way they were counted resulted from Republican Party shenanigans … saying mail-ballots could not be counted prior to election day.
It was all part of a Trump plan to make it look like only in-person votes on the day were legitimate, and all other types were corrupt, and that even counting after election day was corrupt.
Despite its obvious absurdity, this ruse has even duped a number of people on this forum.
Tilba is posing some wild conspiracy theories here. Somehow Trump printed misaligned ballots in China and flew them to Georgia, paid off postal workers to lie on affadavits, and even paid BLM guys to lead the Capitol riots yelling “burn it down” (but why why, did he do that?). He probably paid judge McCulloch who said Trump would likely win the case “on merits” too. Also Justice Thomas & Alito. Why else would they speak out?
Given that Tilba doesn’t read any of the posts on the topic here, I think just view this as noise and try not to trigger him directly (or her)… They need to believe…
Incredibly, above and beyond all this, Trump paid the FBI to ignore all the fake ballots from China, and the shredding in Georgia, the Hunter Biden lap top… all to feed a sense of being cheated among his followers. Talk about 5D chess. The man is a God.
I do read almost all the posts on here indeed (I do have a shorter attention-span for some of the loopier links, I must concede).
I can only repeat my basic tenet – it’s not a question of my believing something (or indeed anyone else believing something) – it is up to the appropriate authorities to check the election in their patch, listen to complaints, investigate if necessary, and then certify if they’re satisfied they were fair. This is what happened.
That is what they did. I have ABSOLUTELY no idea whether nefarious Democrat operatives had 300,000 dodgy ballots (mis)-printed in China to flip Pennsylvania or Georgia, or wherever.
All I am asking is that those who DO believe that huge numbers of result-changing fake ballots got into the mix prove it in some competent jurisdiction, rather than just repeat it on various forums.
I may be a bit old-fashioned, but what is unreasonable about my request that someone prove something somewhere? I am allergic to conspiracy theories, that’s why I want to see the lab equipment before I accept any experimental results.
Thanks for that FN, a great outline.
One of the great incongruitys of the past year has been the response to the BLM labeled “activity” and the more recent “Capitol Intrusion”.
As mentioned above, I was heartened by the intervention of a powerful, qualified group who were prepared to speak out on the voting fraud.
Admittedly there may be some significant self interest there in wanting to avoid further insurance payouts on the results of BLM style riots, but they are a significant group bringing the focus back on the flawed election.
The BLM meetings, assemblies, riots, demolitions, threats and confrontations was one of the weirdest things I’ve experienced.
Rampaging through what is nominally their own backyard and trashing it just didn’t make sense.
Likewise the police being either held back or under resourced seemed off the planet, considering that this was occurring in the USA.
By comparison, the capital riot, while also being weird in the authorities actions, was subdued but with a different tail out. That capitol wire fence etc is crazy.
Currently we hear of those involved in the Capitol thing being hunted down and taken into custody with extreme prejudice.
Had this level of attention been given to the early BLM riots they would probably have ceased.
The question Who Profits? It’s all too weird.
But my hopes remain that this Presidential election is still not over.
Good fortune USA, the ball is rolling down the hill and it will eventually stop somewhere.
I hope the Sun is shining on you all when it stops.
Too bad Trump failed to drain the swamp.
I think it’s too big to drain in one go. [snip]
We need an asteroid.
The fight back may have got a Good start,
If push comes to shove, the Biden administration will leave Australia high and dry.