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Has Israel found the cure for Covid?

Just another  anti-viral

There was a good but small  (tiny) study that came out of Israel three weeks ago about a drug called EXO-CD24. The professor in charge claims to have treated 30 out of 30 people who had moderate to severe cases and had near universal success. All, bar one, were able to leave hospital very quickly. CD24 is normally stuck on the outside of immune system cells. By getting EXO-CD in, apparently they can stop the cytokine storm.

Any day now, the mainstream media will let us know. The media may also mention that unlike vaccines the drug EXO-CD24 and according to Professor Nadir Arber, could be scaled up and mass produced within a few months and they could provide enough doses for the World.

Has Israel found the cure for Covid?

“To date, the preparation has been tried with great success on 30 severe patients, in 29 of whom the medical condition improved within two to three days and most of them were discharged home within three to five days. The 30th patient also recovered but after a longer time,” the hospital reports.

“The drug is based on exosomes, [vesicles] that are released from the cell membrane and used for intercellular communication. We enrich the exosomes with 24CD protein. This protein is expressed on the surface of the cell and has a known and important role in regulating the immune system,” explained Dr. Shiran Shapira, director of the laboratory of Prof. Nadir Arber, who has been researching the CD24 protein for over two decades.

“The preparation is given by inhalation, once a day, for only a few minutes, for five days,” Shapira said.

The media may also mention that unlike vaccines the drug EXO-CD24, can work in hours, not weeks. This is only a phase one trial (just proving it does not hurt the people it is given to). It may not survive Phase II and III. But if it does, will we see prime time daily reports of the  latest results. Or how about free advertising  to get people to enroll for trials,  with breathless excitement when a planeload arrives with another delivery?

Or is that just what happens with vaccines?

Welcome to the Age of Antivirals. If CD24 isn’t The One, there will be something else. If CD24 doesn’t work against Covid, it may help against many other viruses (or immune disorders). The researchers have a mechanism in mind. So this is not just a random drug from a test tube array, though now is not the time to talk about 95% cure rates.

Netanyahu is calling it a miracle drug.  Jair Bolsonaro is already seeking emergency use for this.  The Greek President is interested.

But Big Pharma don’t seem to be. Imagine a cheap reliable treatment was available that helped most people. Getting vaccines might not seem quite so important.

If some respectable countries start to achieve something very meaningful on national scales, will that be the day the Western Media and medical swamp have to admit we have all kinds of tools at our disposal. Not just vaccines.

h/t Charles.


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