A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Eu threatens to withhold vaccine to uk once again
very interesting reading
India’s ‘Miraculous’ Ivermectin COVID Treatment Is Only $3 Per Person
I can buy 5,000 IU D3 for 5c/day, retail. No wonder no one wants this news to get out.
You are implying some kind of Big Pharma conspiracy. If that were the case, how did this manage to get out?
HCQ and ivermectin possible cures started out as such publications.
Its things like the Lancet’s retracted paper that demonised HCQ that makes people suspicious. A week after the editors published a rant against President Trump, they let a paper through that was based on fake data. Not only that, it was published on a Friday, England time, and a SMH article on it written Friday night, our time, and a recommendation to read the SMH article published as a comment in “Tips” by 6am Saturday on A Bolt’s blog. Clearly a coordinated hit on a drug whose efficacy might be questionable but it’s safety was not.
And before you start on heart arrhythmia, there is a 2018 paper touting HCQ as a cure for heart arrhythmia.
The greatest lurk in business is to persuade a government to either:
1. Mandate the use of your product, or
2. Prohibit the use of your competitor’s product, or
3. Prohibit the use of your less profitable product, thereby mandating the use of your more profitable product.
When this current argument started, nearly a year ago, I read that a course of treatment with HCQ or Ivermectin cost less than $10, while a course of Remdesevir cost $5,000. No doubt Gilead Sciences lobbied governments to use Remdesevir. The lobbying should be closely scrutinised for propriety.
In farming we have seen cases before where governments have applied questionable regulations which favoured patent holding suppliers .
e.g. 1. Why is the Hole in the Ozone Layer in the Southern Hemisphere when 90% of the humans supposedly causing it live in the northern hemisphere? The prohibition on century old chemicals surely reaped a fortune for holders of patents on replacement chemicals. And the chemical structure of the new chemicals didn’t look a lot different to the old.
e.g. 2. 2,4,5-T was a cheap and effective herbicide. We paid about $9 a litre for it. The Greens campaigned against it because we used it to kill tree growth. When it was banned we had to pay $140 a litre for its replacement chemical.
e.g. 3. From the 1950s on we had a group of very effective insecticides, the chlorinated hydrocarbons. DDT, Aldrin, Dieldren, Chlordane &c. The Greens got them banned, too. Last to be banned nearly 30 years ago was Chlordane, at the insistence of the United Nations. It was very effective against termites, which are a major problem in Australia. A few weeks ago we got some pest men in to get rid of our cockroaches which we had failed to eradicate ourselves. When I later looked up the chemical they had used its chemical structure looked remarkably like Chlordane to me. Probably, I guess, carrying an evergreened patent.
How did the aspirin news get out?
Easy: Big Pharma (BP} can’t be everywhere with its cheque book to stop things like that getting out.
You could while away the hours/days/weeks/months watching for the anti-aspirin campaign, if BP can be bothered, but that’s been pretty well taken care of with the paracetamol (and other) advertising. With Trump no longer the official POTUS in the US, no anti-aspirin campaign will get any traction.
Paracetamol doesn’t work for me, nor for nearly 35% of the males of the species. Sexist drug … Fortunately, aspirin does me very well indeed, so now I have another reason to keep aspirin in stock.
The problem with these old but common drugs, is they are well outside patent and there’s no money to be made from them, at least not in the quantities BP is so fond of.
Paracetamol isn’t totally sexist! It gives me chest pains. Three times in one particular year a GP recommended I use it for various problems that occurred; after the third time I realised I’d had these pains each time, so now I won’t touch it. Aspirin works very well; thank goodness for aspirin! A good and underated drug (yes, I do know some people can’t take it; we are all different).
Did Fauchi tell you that? Bet he didn’t.
He takes high dose Vit D. If he thinks it works why hasn’t he recommended it to everyone?
That is an interesting link.
There are cheap proven safe covid treatments that prevent death and reduce damage by stopping the virus from replicating. Logically as the treatment is cheap and safe, it is given early before people need to go to the hospital, in poor countries that have limited hospitals beds.
In the Western countries we wait until the person is sick and then use expensive medicines and ventilators. Same explanation as to why the 4000 UI/day Vitamin D prevention of covid and most common cancers is not known. Why it is sort of nazi hiden.
Biden is now president. Nothing changed concerning the covid message. No cheap cures.
It appears the US Medical industry has almost worldwide control of the smiley left and conservative light governments and most news outlets and the support of the masters of the universe, to hide the cheap covid cures.
“Dr. Makarand Paranjpe and his wife, both 77 year-old Indian physicians, fully recovered from the COVID-19 virus using early treatment last November, TrialSiteNews (TSN) reports. She used hydroxychloroquine, and he took ivermectin.
“Without any treatment, we know that the virus enters the cells and replicates there,” Paranjpe said. “They can create disease that gets much more severe.” Stopping such replication as early as possible is the simple function of these inexpensive and safe treatments.
Last March, as debates raged in the U.S. over the merits of HCQ, following President Trump’s endorsement of the drug, India had already recommended it in its national guidelines affirming it “should be used as early in the disease course as possible…and should be avoided in patients with severe disease.”
Following the June discovery of ivermectin’s efficacy in treating the virus, along with significant subsequent testing, the largest state in their nation, Uttar Pradesh (UP) (pop. 230 million), announced in August that it was replacing their HCQ protocol with ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19.
“By the end of 2020, Uttar Pradesh — which distributed free ivermectin for home care — had the second-lowest fatality rate in India at 0.26 per 100,000 residents in December. Only the state of Bihar, with 128 million residents, was lower, and it, too, recommends ivermectin,” writes Mary Beth Pfeiffer of TSN.
By further comparison, utilizing early treatment with HCQ and ivermectin, the densely populated India, which has four times the population of the U.S., has less than half of the coronavirus related deaths. “And India isn’t just beating the poorly performing U.S. In all, 98 nations have higher death rates than India,” Pfeiffer writes.
Dr. Anil K. Chaurasia, a physician in UP, affirmed that starting in mid-September, “a clear decline in COVID cases and fatalities in India was noticeable … [and the] “steep decline in cases and fatalities is still continuing.”
The same results hold for neighboring Bangladesh, one of the most densely populated nations in the world, where doctors also utilize an ivermectin home care therapy, and they have an even lower fatality rate, ranking 128thin the world.
I’d suggest the UK take them up on the offer….
Its probably one of the few sensible things the european Soviet has done recently.
Uk turns away from Europe and pivots to the info pacific region and seeks to develop military and trade relations with democracies such as India and Australia
Sorry Tonyb I accidentally gave you a red thumb whilst trying to give you a green one.
Yep, you casn’t undo it.
Oh dear, Brussels! Just 0.04% of Britons sought EU citizenship in year before Brexit
REJOINERS have been dealt a crushing blow after it was revealed that just four out of every 10,000 Britons – in other words, a statistically insignificant 0.04 percent – applied to become EU citizenships in the year before Brexit.
They were motivated to investigate claims in the run-up to the 2016 referendum that huge numbers of British citizens would reject the UK if the majority voted for Brexit.
In the event, it turns out that out of a total UK population of 66,647,112, a mere 29,842 decided to opt for EU citizenship.
In fact, more than twice as many Moroccans as Britons applied for and received EU27 citizenship in the same year – and Morocco’s population is less than half that of the UK.
Old Ozzie
Fake news! You are obviously wrong. Judging by the huge fuss made by the left wing press and the BBC about people flocking to become EU citizens I believe the correct figure is that over 66 million Brits demanded they should become EU citizens.
You might be amused by this
Some 5 million EU citizens already in the UK have asked to become UK citizens which is 2 million more than the UK govt believed were resident here!
Even the Swiss!
But latest government data reveal that, by the end of last month, 5.18 million EU, EEA and Swiss nationals had applied to register under the scheme. More than 4.6 million applicants had been approved and about 45,000 rejected.
An investigation by The Times has shown that in many parts of the country there were many more EU citizens than official estimates suggested. The most extreme example was in Arun, West Sussex, where the estimate was 2,000 but where applications under the scheme have turned out to be almost six times greater.
By coincidence that’s the same percentage of liberal loonys that left the US after threatening to do so if Trump were elected.
It sounds as though the UK has realised it has the old Commonwealth of Nations as potential — and actual — trading partners at long last. Long may it flourish!
A desperate plea to Share a video from Dr Coleman.
Well worth watching!
Especially if you have not been vaccinated!
More especially if you have!
I watched it – another tinfoil nutter. Sigh.
The irony of Tilba Tilba referring to someone as a tinfoil nutter is hilarious. Nice work Tilba, you made my day.
Tin foil hat! Ha! You are clueless.
I love the smell of ad homs in the morning … it smells like victory (mine).
self proclaimed victory, self proclaimed high moral ground, self proclaimed superiority. Tis the liberal/prog way.
Thanks Slithers.
Here’s a counterpoint you might consider, Slithers.
Rosemary Frei says,
“thousands of MDs, PhDs, and other people with graduate degrees or equivalent qualifications who have thoroughly debunked the official Covid narrative”
“Not to mention that the concept of herd immunity is contrive. After all, if your immune system is protecting you against a pathogen, it doesn’t matter whether someone else’s is or not.”
“I do agree that we should stop the use of the current vaccines. But we also we need to stop production and use of antivirals and antibodies and all other parts of the Covid-industrial complex.”
I gather that,
she agrees with Geert Vanden Bossche, but there is a vague accusation he has a conflict-of-interest. She rejects the concept of herd immunity, and the use of antivirals and antibodies.. Presumably that means illness and death are ok and should not be prevented by unnatural methods. (After a quick reading).
Herd Immunity.
It’s a stalking horse for conflict used by both sides of this push and shove.
Dumb politicians want to be seen as “striving” to achieve herd immunity and so demonstrate their inability to seek advice from the medical community.
Politicians say “we must achieve herd immunity” without any comprehension of what HI represents.
Maybe, in one sense, herd immunity comes when everyone is vaccinated against transmissible diseases like Polio, so that the remaining unvaccinated group are protected by the fact that there will be very little disease floating around to infect them.
The point is more generally that herd immunity doesn’t confer any security on unvaccinated persons who may be exposed to the disease. They get it, they suffer.
Herd Immunity is basically what nature leaves us after it’s all over, but next time when the same disease hits, there will be fewer problems.
From what I understand CV19 Jabs/Injections don’t do much of anything for us let alone confer Herd Immunity.
Do any of your purported “MDs and PhDs” have the slightest clue what herd immunity means in an epidemiological sense? I suspect not.
Herd immunity is simple science … the percentage of a population who need to be immune to a particular infection for that infection to not survive in that population.
Herd immunity (or for Donald Trump, “herd mentality”) is not a political issue, it’s a medical one.
From an email
At the start of the day our Health Bureaucrats were telling, ‘’she’ll be right mate – no worries’’.
And the media were demonising anyone that suggested Australia should not rush, and take advantage of lessons and mistakes from overseas countries.
By day’s end, they are now urging people with a history anaphylaxis to avoid AstraZenca’s Covid product offerings.
Isn’t AstraZenca’s product the one kept on dry ice? To prevent the active agent freezing they add glycol [anti-freeze]. 60% of people are allergic to it.
Sorry no link, just part of a video I watched.
Thought I’d better check, just as well, AZ is kept in conventional refrigeration:
Store at 2°-8°C (36°-46°F) in original carton to protect from light.
Here is an ingredient list
Polyethylene glycol, = antifreeze.
I think it is Pfizer (sp?) that has to be kept super cool but that is IIRC
That for moderation?? Why??
My post # 4.1.3 was kept in moderation for some time too.
What is polyethylene glycol and why is it in some COVID-19 vaccines?
Both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain polyethylene glycol.
TAMPA, Fla. — You may have heard that some of the COVID-19 vaccines have Polyethylene glycol.
10 Tampa Bay spoke with Dr. Jill Roberts at USF Health to get you a sharper insight.
Roberts says it’s used for “stabilizing”, and the reason it’s used in the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines is that the little piece of genetics that’s creating the response we want is very unstable.
So the concern lies around whether polyethylene glycol, known as “P-E-G,” is causing allergic responses. The reason is that it’s the only component that’s in the vaccine that’s similar to anything that’s caused an allergic response in the past.
“That’s not necessarily bad news. What that means is if you know someone already has an allergic response, we know exactly which vaccines to avoid,” says Dr. Roberts.
Polyethylene glycol is also found in several things you use every day: toothpaste, skin creams, and laxatives.
And remember, the FDA approval of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines included a warning that people with allergic reactions should talk to their doctor about getting the vaccine.
H, if you scroll down to the AZ panel at the link you’ve got links to the various clinical trial reports well as other details.
The issue of covid-19 & these so called ‘vaccines’ has precipitated in collective Western madness.
“whom the gods would destroy they first make mad”
FSU researchers discover how ‘cryptic species’ respond differently to coral bleaching
American Airlines Announces Investigation into John Kerry’s Violation of Federal Mask Mandate
Ah yes, the rules do not apply to the rulers, only to us serfs.
national intell estimate on manipulation of US 2020 election
check out this John Kerry look-alike, the monk in this excellent episode of RH from the 1950s:
Thank you for the link, Slithers. I will pass it on.
Tilba Tilba: Didn’t you check Dr Coleman’s qualifications, … No?
His DSc (Doctor of Science) is the equivalent of a Ph.D. Have you a Ph.D, Tilba Tilba?
Did you follow up his references? … No/Yes/Maybe — delete inapplicable.
Did you find and read the critiques from other experts (and check their expertise) too?
No? If you haven’t, you can’t you make such an authoritative statement because you lack the authority. That’s one of Peter Fitzroy’s mistakes. Some of us do check.
To cut to the chase, you need to be much more specific than you have been. Factcheckers are not Sciencetists and it shows. Ignore them unless they have been peer reviewed. You haven’t been peer reviewed, either, so I will ignore your opinion.
…and.. depending on the university, the requirements for the D.Sc are more formal than for a PhD.
Tucker Carlson Says Show Is Being Targeted for Cancelation
He is obviously saying something right!
You only know you are over the target when the flak gets really heavy!!
Either over the target or people of all persuasions realise he is talking nonsense.
What EXACTLY does say that is nonsense? Anyone to the right of Bernie and Kamala would see a lot of sense in what he says, I certainly do.
Nope. He’s very popular because he’s saying what most of his audience recognizes as truth, which, of course, annoys those censorious few who don’t want the truth known.
More of the same, Tucker, you can do it.
But not necessarily what he is being quoted as saying – Willis E has a look
Cucker Tarlson is the heir to a frozen food fortune – a trust-fund kid who has never had to work a day in his life.
What would he know about anyone or anything American??
Well, I don’t know. I watch his broadcasts from time to time. I think he presents well, seems to be well researched and everything he says is based on what is happening in the US. I find that, based on what I read elsewhere on the US blogs, he seems to speak a lot of truth. However – chacun à son goût.
Well – if Trumpy devotion, white supremacy, and virulent xenophobia are your thing – then TC is your go-to guy.
Do you get paid to lie ?
You are totally wrong on all three assertions !
Sounds like rampant jealousy. Tucker Carlson has an Audience, and Tilba Tilba hasn’t.
TT, i find that an incredibly inaccurate remark. Carlson is anything but a racist, or a white supremacist, whatever that is. However he may be a « Trumpy devotionist » although I have heard him be critical of President Trump from time to time – in a caring, thoughtful way, of course!! – perhaps you have only been listening to the CNN diatribes against him instead of listening to the man himself?
Screaming “racist” from behind a keyboard. The last resort of those that have nothing worthwhile to contribute.
I had thought that Tilba was better than that … but obviously not.
If he gets kicked out of the MSM he could run for POTUS in four years as an independent.
What on earth could give you that idea? Better than herpes maybe.
Thanks Peter Petrum,
Tilba Tilba is impervious to such remarks but a lot of the rest of us are glad to read them, which should be the main focus.
Accidental green there TT, I meant to hit the red. What nonsense you come up with at times! 🙁
silliest thing I have read in quite a while
I keep asking myself ….. why has no one even bothered to look and find out just what is needed if we are to replace coal fired power. They must have some secret that no one else knows.
Look closely at the image at this link.
This is an image of the year round average of ALL power consumption and generation across the vast AEMO coverage area for Australia. It is the closest that all indicators can be shown as closest to the average for the year.
The black line across the top is overall power consumption, and that exactly equals the total power generation as well, as they can only generate what is actually being consumed at any time.
The four colours along the bottom are the four renewables, Hydro, wind, solar plants, and rooftop solar power.
That’s it. All that gap in the middle is supplied by coal fired power 67%, and natural gas fired power 7%, so 74% from fossil fuelled sources.
So, here what they need to find at the bullet points for time across the day are the following.
At 4AM, when 90%+ of every person in Australia is sound asleep – 14,300MW
At the morning peak at the same early time every morning – 17,300MW
At Midday – 17,300MW
At the large evening peak between 6PM and 7PM – 20,800MW
The total power consumed across the day is 556GWH (that’s 556,000MWH or, for some perspective, considering your average home consumes around 18KWH, then that 556GWH is …… 556,000,000KWH)
The total delivered from those four renewables rolling along the bottom of that daily Load Curve is 146GWH.
Total needed is 556, and the amount from the four renewables is 146.
Am I missing something here! (/sarc if I really needed to do that)
Thank you for your posts about the power grid, they are always interesting and informative.
I think the answer to your riddle, in the U.S.A. at least, is that if you were to ask a dozen people how many wind turbines are needed to power Portland, they wouldn’t be able to choose between 5 and 5,000. No one, including our politicians knows that the blank region is there. Oh, the engineers know, but who listens to them?
A better question would be-
How many wind turbines would be needed to supply power as needed to all Portland electricity consumers, to the same level of reliability as currently achieved, no other energy source being available, ie, no diesel back-up, and what spread of location and extra length of power line would be needed?
The answer would be many multiples of the existing capacity, the geographic spread would be larger than Oregon and adjacent states, the cost would be up there with Biden’s Recovery Package.
Tony, I hate to say it, but it appears that the powers that be fully know this, but are happy to drive Australian nose first under full power, into the airfield…..
What other explanation is there?
No one is that dumnb or completely ignorant of the gap.
Don Aitkin has an interesting essay
I am basically a light greeny sort who believes that FF emissions need to be reduced over a period – however this question is one that I also would like to know the answer to as well.
Coal is energy stored from the sun all those years ago.
I call coal “SOLID SUNSHINE”.
There must have been lots of carbon dioxide in the air
all those years ago and is now being returned.
“Matter cannot be created or destroyed, but changed from one
form to another.” I think this still stands.
Admit it, you’re a watermelon.
Not necessarily a watermelon, but definitely a lukewarmer.
Another extremely useful post Tony. Thank you.
Its a Bit more Complicated
Guest post by Rud Istvan
Willis Eschenbach’s most recent post on clouds and cloud feedbacks and my comments on it got me thinking again about other possible examples of ‘logical omission’ climate fallacies.
As chance would have it, today’s (3/15/2021) Google News Science featured a CNET article example. The Google News headline: ‘Scientists stunned by fossils found deep beneath Greenland’s ice sheet.’ Google editor comment: ‘Discovery could have HUGE implications for climate change studies’. Google supporting sublead story from Gizmodo: ‘Million year old plants show Greenland was once ice free!’ Google News reporting paraphrased from Gizmodo: ‘We are all going to die from 8 meters of sea level rise as Greenland melts again’.
The backstory shows ‘science’ reporting at its worst. The CNET lead, and Gizmodo sub, both discuss a new PNAS paper concerning a new analysis of ‘dirt’ found at the bottom of an old ice core drilled down to the grounding of Greenland ice in the mid-1960’s (the Camp Century core)
Greenland melted before! So we are all going to die from Sea Level Rise of about 8 meters! Or so the above cited media reported based on the new PNAS.
The plant matter stuff reported in PNAS is obviously true. So Greenland did mostly melt about 1 mya; otherwise those plants could not have existed there then, however briefly. But this ‘climate fact’ ignores two big ‘other things.’
First, Greenland used to) sit over a very active tectonic zone, still forming Iceland. 1 mya Greenland was further south, not north oriented, and considered a separate tectonic plate.
Second, about 1 mya in the mid Pleistocene (which itself started maybe about 2.7 mya, arguably with the tectonic closure of the Panama Isthmus), the glaciation/deglaciation (two chaotic strange attractors?) system provably shifted from about a symmetric 40 kya ice age/40kya non-ice interval to an asymmetric about 100 kya ice age/about 20 kya non-ice interval. Nobody knows why, but it geologically provably did.
So, the MSM grabbed a new ‘true’ PNAS result, ignored its context, and proclaimed climate doom. That is just more warmunist belief amplification, not the contextual science reporting done here now.
The planet is still in the Quaternary Ice Age. Nothing exciting is going to happen until that’s ended.
It could have about another 28MY to go …
These things are cyclic …
I these days of climate virtue-signalling over a non-problem, where the said ‘virtue-signalers’ insist on ‘zero carbon [sic] emissions’ electricity, perhaps they might consider ‘saving the planet’ with the technology that’s featured in this little show that I’ve compiled?
Anti-propaganda material is needed – especially for our climate-terrified Youth!
BUT WAIT! This is politically incorrect to the ‘woke’! We can’t have that!
I wanted to keep these two images separate to show you the difference.
Now look at the image at this link.
Same day for the average power indicators across the day, only this one shows just the coal fired power alone, with the brown colour for the brown coal fired power in Victoria, and the darker grey colour the black coal fired power for NSW and Queensland.
That’s what the 67% of coal fired power looks like.
As you can see, it ramps up from a low of around 13,000MW at around 4AM. It has always done this since time out of mind, following exactly the Load for actual power consumption.
The high for the day is (here, keep in mind that this is the average) at the usual time of around 6PM, and here that is 17,000MW, and as I mentioned the other day, it gets up to 18000MW + in Winter and Summer, as needed.
The ONLY difference now is that the dip in the middle of the day is now around 2000MW to 3000MW lower, and all of that is rooftop solar power, so a loss of around 8% in actual GWH of delivered power
This is what coal fired power does every day, ramps up and down exactly following the major load across the day, that huge real load not covered by residential power rooftop panels.
Oh, and hey, who would have guessed this eh!
Going back to 2014, as far back as I can get with accuracy to show you, because it has always been like this ….. coal fired power ramped up and down on a daily basis from, wait for this 13,000MW to 18,000MW, and the only difference is that dip in the middle of the day.
So, contrary to what you are being told, coal fired power is not being replaced at all, by anything.
The only difference now is that they are getting more power from the still existing plants, power that was covered by the now closed coal fired plants.
So, someone is (patently obvious) not even bothering to check the actual DATA for power consumption across the years.
Ho hum.
REAL power does what real power has always done ….. DELIVER POWER.
As you well know, many people will look at that graph and conclude “thank goodness we had wind and solar to fill in that swale left by coal.”
every year coal contributes less to the grid, like the dinosaurs, it is passing, but it will leave a legacy of toxic waterways, giant scars on the land, and a few very which people.
From the 👍 👎 scorecard data for this commentator neither the “yeas” nor the “no” appear to be interested.
The truth is like that 🙂
Renewable farms are an ugly blight on the landscape.
I disagree – I think hillside windfarms and remote-area solar farms are not a blot on the landscape at all … to me they are the future, and they look pretty good. Those who dislike them are looking through ideological binoculars.
The fact that they do not work anywhere even close to what we are told is neither here nor there then, I suppose.
If anything else worked as poorly as wind plants and solar plants, anything at all, it would be vilified mercilessly, and then laughed out of existence.
No one dares tell the truth about them.
‘Beautiful plumage isn’t it.’
No Tilba, I am looking at them through a biologist’s eyes and I see nothing but the destruction and desecration of life.
‘ … to me they are the future, and they look pretty good.’
You have been brainwashed young Tilba, wind farms and solar farms are a blight all over the world. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and these monstrosities, built to stop the world warming, are a waste of human resources and completely useless.
I agree, they have an innate beauty.
Hear hear! El Gordo.
We drove down the Fume Fwy in Vic today (somewhere around the Glenrowan area), past an astonishingly large solar-panelled area, ugly as sin, especially knowing how problematical the panels will be when they reach the end of their much-shorter than coal-fired station lives. What a huge area they occupied! What a waste of agricultural land! What an eyesore! Having driven past the Hazelwood power-station site the previous week and seen Yallourn also, it was pretty upsetting.
Went past our place should have called in for a cuppa Annie , that Solar farm caught fire and melted a few panels a while back .
There is also a proposal now to extend it over the western side of the freeway but it’s drawing a lot of complaints, unfortunately not a lot of houses so there hadn’t been a lot of objections last I heard although someone did start up a Facebook page to try and stop it .
Sorry RR! Just heading home by then. We came over Mt Hotham the day before; never having done that before despite all our years here. Amazing sights before we drove between Hotham abd Harrietville. It was very smokey from burning off (glad that was happening though) and I was driving that section and concentrating very hard. All very different from walking along the Ocean Beach at Lakes Entrance, etc.
It’s a magnificent drive from Mt Hotham to Bright this time of year .
It is RR. We must go back asap. I’d forgotten how attractive the area is! The Ovens Valley is amazing and I’d love to go back to Mt Hotham in clearer conditions.
The fuel reduction burning is in full swing they are trying to get as much done as possible before the rain hits , which is a shame for you but much needed for us .
Bright Art gallery is a must if going through again .
Yes, I’m very glad the fuel-reduction burns are being done. It’s taking place around here too. I did end up wearing a mask to reduce the amount of smoke breathed in for a while. All in a good cause. It’s perfect weather for the burn-offs ( though useless for wind power! 😉 ).
Coincidence ?
Recently had a long weekend in Bright. & Ovens valley.
Magical spot, superb weather, , rode the trails and MTB tracks stopping at Wineries etc.
I recommend the RailTrail up to Beechworth,
View from top of Mt Buffalo was spectacular on a cloudless still day.
Peter Fitzroy says “ every year coal contributes less to the grid” , I keep challenging you to turn your grid power off and see how you like your renewable future but no you keep refusing and I know you keep refusing because your device needs that coal fired power to keep charged !
Maybe they leave scars on the landscape in Australia, but there are many lovely cow/wapiti/pronghorn/deer pastures in the Western U.S. that were once coal mines. The cost of reclamation can be built right into the price of the coal — that’s right, people want to use it that much.
Dinosaurs became extinct as a result of an outside influence. And, like the dinosaurs, it is an outside influence that is causing less coal to be used. Economics alone would not be sufficient to cause coal to be replaced. You can be sure that when politicians and lobbyists start interfering in the market, you will end up paying more.
I certainly hope you are putting your
money where your mouth is and are not
connected to the grid.
And, I don’t care if you do have panels
on your roof. That is just making other
poorer people pay for YOUR electricity.
If you are not FULLY disconnected from the grid (coal
fired power) then you are just “virtue signalling”.
Pure and simple.
Where in the world is an example of this, other than in China?
Latrobe, and Hunter Valleys to start, Lake Macquarie and surrounds as well
New Zealand has put its hand up for the most ‘polluted’ rivers in the Southern Hemisphere. The very lucrative dairy industry sees the writing on the wall.
Rocky gets a drenching and breaks a record.
And a week or so ago the ABC was saying how much rain they had missed in Rocky with an La Nina underway – The tide certainly turns. I hope they say the same about Northern Victoria – we could do with a good drop. The forecasts are hinting it might finally happen.
… and we can all agree that it has nothing to do with global warming.
Sorry, misdirected thumb!
Is this another gratuitous ABC bash? It never ends.
Not really bashing when the ABC have gone from reporting to “opinion” and that opinion is always one sided and always green propaganda .
There are some things I can’t cure … perhaps see a doctor at you earliest convenience.
You mean you haven’t noticed the shift in reporting that have the “Opinion” tags ? No need for a Doctor just defund the ABC .
Sky news does not have the same charter as the ABC but I will find factual opinion on Sky but good luck on the ABC .
The ABC have one ideological dogma , two if you count socialism.
Tilba you’re the sort of fellow who believes Aunty’s left of centre bias is perfectly normal, even though its unacceptable for half the population.
Everyone I know thinks like you, which illustrates the power of propaganda, but I’m confident that in the fullness of time the national taxpayer funded broadcaster will be dragged kicking and screaming back to the centre.
It won’t happen over night, but the Murdocracy will eventually force the Trots in the ABC newsroom to be frog marched out the front door.
How was that a bash?
It was not a bash. I was just saying what they said, that there is a deficit of rainfall in Rocky despite the La Nina! TRUTH, not a bash. Now it’s rained a lot and broke the record – TRUTH not a bash! I guess you red thumbed me!
How is that bashing?
Their ALPBC ask for it.
It MUST be climate change. Never had rain in Rocky like that before. Unprecedented!
I’m curious about the impression I was given as a youngster, many years before ever even thinking of moving to Australia, that there was something called ‘The Big Wet’ in Northern Australia? Was I dreaming or was that based on reality as observed years ago?!
There’s some great shots of the waterfalls created by this years big wet season on the Kimberly Facebook page .
Joe Bidens dementia is starting to make its presence, in a soft ball interview he claimed he looked Putin in the eye and called him a “killer with no soul”. Russia has now recalled its ambassador to the USA.
Cold War 2.0 here we come, just in time to resurrect the broken fiat banking model for a few more years
How ironic that for so many years when Trump was in office we kept hearing of claims that we were at risk of him triggering a nuclear war. The reality is that Biden is the one to be worried about for such an event occurring. Yet this fact alone escapes the MSM. Oh well, back to sleep everyone, according to the MSM there is nothing to worry about now that Biden has replaced Trump. Stupid is as stupid does, and Americans will one day regret the day they didn’t do a damn thing to protect the Constitutional Republic, which is now dead but not yet buried.
‘The reality is that Biden is the one to be worried about’ Biden is but a figure head.
Putin challenges Biden to debate after president calls him a ‘killer’
Love to see that happen. Biden won’t do it for obvious reasons.
I posted a video a week or two ago, went into moderation and was then deleted by the host.
It is on the January 6th US peaceful protest, I thought it covered the thing well and joined a lot of dots.
The Vid is on this site if you care to watch it, called psyop the steal
My Democrat Friends are Getting Very Embarrassed”
Via Tip of the Spear
It is really weird how those blogger types are obsessed – there is no other word for it – obsessed by transgender and wokey stuff.
It’s very peculiar. So is the obsession over Dr Suess and Speedy Gonzales. It seems the Right is looking for anything they can find to have a go at the Democrats – who are in fact doing very well in the mainstream with solid policies and programs.
Must be hard swimming so far outside the mainstream, I guess.
Will the carnage of the worldwide lockdowns ever be calculated?
Certainly not by governments or the likes of the CDC and WHO.
Because these actions WERE calculated.
These events will one day be known as the most destructive in human history.
But only if truth, science, human sovereignty, and history itself survive.
Sounds hyperbolic only because the destruction isn’t visible yet and the feckless media and political leadership have their heads in their posterior orifices.
Just to be clear …
it is my belief (a belief being an opinion based on insufficient information) that the lockdowns were never warranted. Not allowing the virus to run it’s course, with precautions that allowed some normalcy, will be found to be a grave mistake, resulting mass population immunity damage.
If I weren’t cynical I could chalk it up to hysteria.
This is a political crime.
You would be right john,
Much has been discovered, since that WHO-covid imposition.
Is it dangerous, but not as dangerous as was made out to be? Statistically it has the propensity to target the older age group, and those with various commodities.
In the more lethal category, the dominant virulent flue.
To not allow (WHO) other forms of medication to be used, as directed by a physicians, was a crime.
Now as far as our neighbor PNG, we can put that knowledge into practice.
Australia has made mistakes, that we are now paying, don’t repeat them.
What did the WHO impose?
Anyway, I have not seen a single example of normalcy co-existing with “letting the virus run its course”. It is normalcy or the virus. Not both.
Signatory governments are legally bound to follow WHO guidelines during a time that the WHO by their own definition deems to be a pandemic!
The WHO lady explains it amongst other things.
I’ve identified your confusion
makes no sense.
Lowest death rate in 17 years
Gee aye really , the WHO said no reason to panic it wasn’t a pandemic and also said it wasn’t airborne so correct me if I’m wrong but those little itty bitty miniscule directions haven’t worked out well for their credibility.
Gee Eye, You must have missed Kristi Noam – Governor of South Dakota. No mandated lockdowns, no mandated mask wearing, no closures , no cancelations of sporting or social events. She left everything to the citizens to do what they were comfortable with. What happened – there were no job losses , no contraction of the economy . Sturgess went ahead – a 200,000 gathering of motorbike riders from across the country. No pandemic. Yes they had cases and deaths however the graphs show the curves following the ebb and flow of the virus were identical to North Dakota where being masked up and locked up were the law. South Dakota was the crash test dummy who survived and thrived. It is the reason why scientists can say masking and lock down does not slow down the transmission of the virus.
Chris you are delusional
You mean the state where local govt took action instead.
As for ND. Since when is wearing a mask solely the difference between normalcy and letting the virus run free.
What nonsense – you were never in a Covid ward in New York or London or Italy where there were so many patients and no way to deal with them, and so many died.
Your “run its course” ideology would have led to the death of many thousands more. Thank goodness you’re not in power. [Snip]AD
“you were never in a Covid ward in New York or London or Italy where there were so many patients and no way to deal with them, and so many died.”
Were you?
Funny, because the ICU wards shown on American TV looked exactly like the Italian ones.
The Hospital ship in NY harbor was barely used.
I do have personal direct knowledge that a large hospital chain in my US East coast major tri-state area
has been at 30% capacity the entire year.
I understand that Canada (Chinada) will not release suicide rates for 2020.
Again, will the those “in power” study and publicize the negative ‘side effects’ of their policies?
(there only effects, ‘side effect’ is a marketing term)
Someone will, and the press and the political class will label them “nutters”
Good company.
Are we not facing a pharmacological conundrum?
The more we attempt to eradicate viruses and bacteria, the faster they evolve.
Is this the GOF controversy?
We’ve already created new super bacteria.
The more we try to kill flu, flu gets stronger.
I fear natural selection is way smarter than Big Pharma.
Is it not possible that repeated mass anti-viral vaccines could lead to a super V?
Repeated and mass being operative.
And a unilateral disarmament of natural immunity.
In support of your argument / a REBEL news, Au report
Top government official RESIGNS in protest of Victoria’s police state
Had seen this.
Thank you.
Ready to pay more at Amazon, unionisation is prgressing
That’s your market prerogative.
I personally will minimise my purchases with them because they’ve become too woke and censorious.
How anybody can attack workers organisation in free association – is totally beyond me. Got nothing to do with being “woke” whatsoever. It’s totally about gaining increased bargaining power to fight for rights.
It would be interesting to know where and how the parents, grandparents, and even great-grandparents of all today’s soft comfortably pampered posters got on … and whether any of them benefitted from unionism. Almost every benefit enjoyed by today’s spoilt posters was achieved by workers organising, and labour/social democratic parties. Workers died for these rights.
The parties of capital fought them every inch of the way.
I won’t be paying more, I don’t buy from them. Bought something recently on eBay and it was packed and sent by Amazon. Bummer, vender got no kudos.
But aren’t you socialists in favour of unionisation?
Another but: All ballots will be far more carefully checked than presidential votes.
A third but: The 2 mill signatures collected to oust Gavin Newsom will also be carefully checked , no way is it “all votes must count”, suddenly it is “all VALID votes will count, reluctantly”. There is more than a subtle difference. 😀
The Kiwis have retained the America’s Cup, defeating a very worthy opponent, Italy, 7-3. I know nothing about sailing but watched every race on the “virtual eye” and enjoyed them immensely. The speeds those boats can do is amazing. Well done New Zealand.
Cin cin! Bonjourno!
Koywoys out-manoeuvred the unholy Roman Empire AND the Aussie, again 🙂
So much for Cindy & her Greens’ Zero Carbon Act – ptew!
Call me old fashioned – I still like boats that have their hull in the water.
These things look like skateboards with sails.
I must admit that I agree with you there TT! A good seaworthy hull is a thing of beauty. The Uffa Fox racing dinghies were beautiful in their form.
None the less, kudos to the winning team in the America’s Cup.
First, they called it ‘global warming’, then when this started to become embarrassing due to ‘the pause’ they changed it to ‘climate change’.
The change was a devious manoeuvre to try to divert attention from the pause and to allow any change at all in weather or climate to be blamed on climate change. To some extent it was a smart move as most commenters and blogs adopted the new term – but that was a mistake. In a way we have all fallen for the warming activist’s strategy which helps their cause, and we need to reverse that.
We should all keep referring to the subject as ‘global warming’ at every opportunity. After all, what the warming activists keep warning us about is an increase in temperature – that is warming isn’t it?
Let’s make this a dedicated campaign to constantly insist at all times in conversation, in blogs and in articles to keep insisting on calling it what it is: ‘global warming’.
Whether or not warming will occur or will be dangerous is another issue entirely. In the meantime let’s stick to the right terminology.
Please Jo, don’t keep referring to global warming as climate change.
There are reasons both ways. And it’s worth using both in different situations. And for search results climate and carbon have their uses. But yes, bringing up global warming scores points too. :- )
Absolutely correct Ken.
We are enjoined by our woke superiors to decarbonize to avert raising the earth’s temperature an arbitrary number of degrees by some arbitrary date.
End of argument.
I support Ken, global warming should be constantly used and only occasionally use climate change within brackets to emphasise the irony.
Fossilized plants discovered a mile beneath Greenland ice sheet
Scientists have made the surprising discovery of fossilized plants 1.4 km beneath the Greenland Ice Sheet. That indicates the island has been ice-free within the last million years – meaning it’s more vulnerable to climate change than we thought. Read more
Ubelievable !
Instead of saying, “Wow, the climate has always been changing (even without humans around) ”
they try to use it as evidence for their crazy climate theory.
I’m not sure why it’s surprising? Climate changes constantly. There is a reason that Eric the Red called that place GREENland after all.
Yep, it’s the greentards who are the true climate change deniers
Oh dear, and this final sentence.
“>Worse still, a recent report found that the ice sheet has lost 3.8 trillion tonnes of ice since 1992, and the rate is accelerating.
Funny how they did not mention that the 3.8 trillion tons of ice that has been calved off the face of Greenland has been more than matched by the trillions of tons of snow and ice that has been building up on top of all the rest over the last unmty years.
Yes, what goes around comes around.
Yes, just like glaciers, the more ice and snow at the top, the more is pushed off the bottom.
(simplified for extinction nutjobs)
More on daylight saving time
“This one says it’s a done deal and this is the last year / time change:
Via Chiefio
Each country will determine (by October 2021) whether they keep DST all year, or revert to standard time all year. I expect it will be contentious in more than one country. Will each country run a referendum on it?
Northern countries keeping DST will have very dark mornings for half the year.
Seems I’m on auto mod again…
I hope you don’t get full membership of the club,
I had 2 disappear this morning,
The second one asked how the hell did that get into moderation?
[Nothing in the bin from you now so I’m hoping they returned ok another ian, the auto filter is a mystery and sometimes a little overly sensitive.
On average I think I rescue 3 to 4 comments a day from the mod bin that have excessive exclamation marks or characters but that should be no mystery for anyone who has read “Jo’s guide to commenting”.]AD
It would help if the mods let us know what triggers the algorithm. It would be less frustrating for us and less work for them if we knew, and could avoid “naughty words”.
Seems some of it is inflicted from WordPress. And unless you raise the flag like this might go un-noticed.
Every so often you see comments from mods that they don’t know why either
This is my second profile and email address.
The first, ‘Boris’, is well and truly a fully fledged member of the club.
I suspect it was because I used that profile and email address at other sites where I may have been frank in my opinion and moderation seems to follow me across sites.
That is an interesting thought..
……and very worrying !
Yes, freedom of speech is hard to come by these days. No matter – there are alternatives where “protection” against freedom of speech is not so harsh for us to vent our anger, not yet anyway. HotCopper is a very popular one.
I’m not sure whether to be surprised or not that the Enemedia has nothing to say about Biden’s obvious dementia. He couldn’t even remember the name of the person he appointed as Secretary of Defense or the name of the government department office building he heads, The Pentagon.
‘Enemedia’ – thank you, David, I’ll use that.
A burning, cutting, some may say ‘flushing’, blend of ‘enemy’ and ‘enema’ – be aware of, yet avoid at all costs.
There is no blatant censorship on HC but there is a heavy bias. Hanrahan was banned by a mod who thought it easier to ban than to win an argument.
Watso uses the most abusive terms for Trump in the headers but if I were to spell Hillary with a “K” moderation would be inevitable and swift.
I have accepted voluntary banishment and my mental health has improved. Always better to avoid toxic environments. Twitter is another that should be avoided on health grounds.
Just received one of these “Ten best countries to live in” in my mail and Oz ranks 2nd with the notation “The majority of students go to school for over 20 years”.
Is that good? Is it saying trade opportunities for apprentices stink, or that our students are allowed to waste time way beyond their competency? Uni life ain’t tough.
We most certainly are NOT the best educated in the world, not even close.
I agree.
Now, which are the 10 best countries to live in?
Imho, I’d say…follow the migrants.
Plunging migration leads to first population decline in 40 years
Plunging overseas migration due to international travel restrictions has pushed Australia’s population lower for the first time since records began 40 years ago.
The nation’s population fell by 4200 people in the September quarter to 25,693,059, the first time there has been a decrease since the Australian Bureau of Statistics started collecting this quarterly data in 1981.
The annual population growth to September 2020 was 220,500, a rate of just 0.87 per cent, also the lowest since 1981.
Almost 35,000 more people left Australia than moved here in the September quarter. Over the year, net overseas migration fell by 156,900 people, or 64.8 per cent.
“Natural increase accounted for 61.4 per cent of annual population growth, while net overseas migration accounted for the remaining 38.6 per cent,” ABS demography director Phil Browning said.
“Over this 12-month period, there were 299,500 births and 164,100 deaths registered in Australia. Natural increase during this period was 135,400 people, a decrease of 3.8 per cent from the previous year.”
While the national population hasn’t yet seen a year-on-year decrease, international travel restrictions have continued.
“The last time we saw population decline was the year to December 1916 during World War I when the population declined by 51,500, or 1 per cent,” Mr Browning said.
Overall, the natural increase in Australia’s population in the year to September was 135,400 people, down by 5400 (3.8 per cent) from the year before.
Australia is certainly not for the truly intelligent ones. We never moved away from the mentality that we are such a lucky country thanks to sheep and minerals. We can’t even build our own cars any more, refine very little fuel and if it weren’t for our massive coal reserves we would be importing it without even discussing the nuclear option given we have a good supply of Uranium. Yes, we are still the “luck” country, at least in our dreams.
I wanted to known who watches their ABC so I looked at the 2019 Annual Report and the word “demographics” only appears once in the 276 page report, in the glossary, in a definition of how they assess their audience, which they don’t do!
The ABC, CBC and BBC are all the same in that they have no need to assess their target demographic. The money pours in every year from the government, they could care less about the public. The government is their demographic.
Ivermectin studies are being knobbled and pulled from publication at the last minute by sponsors.
The main medical journals, the WHO, they’re all at it.
Dr. Tess Lawrie trying to get her meta-studies published. Journals are pulling out.
People watch the ABC at their peril. Australia is nowhere near one of the 10 best countries to live in, especially if it relates to education. The students who “go to school for 20 years” would obviously include overseas students. Actually, the only Australian students that might go to school for 20 years finish up in the Canberra Bubble; they have no life skills, which is why the Federal politicians are so useless.
Yes Chris, or end up as ‘wackademics’ in ‘looniversities’, eh?
Texas Freeze Leads to Plastics Crisis
Nothing will charge until hell freezes over, so to speak. The US like the rest of the West is going down, down, down. All the proof one needs is to witness who is now the POTUS.
Report: China Had Total Control over W.H.O. ‘Investigation’ of Wuhan
A total whitewash by the Beijing fascists, this can only end very badly unless they come up with a more realistic face saving yarn.
It depends if the WHO keeps hiding how much they were restricted in their “investigations”
The WHO team was blindsided.
Biden still hidin’ ?????
Watch the first 30 seconds of this very recent video of Joe Biden allegedly answering questions from the press and tell me there isn’t something suspicious going on with White House press releases
Hint: watch his hands
Joe Biden Mistakenly Refers to VP Kamala as ‘President Harris’
My first thought when seeing this headlines was that it was not a mistake, Mr. Biden knows who is running the show and it isn’t him.
I get the impression that whoever is closest to Joe and speaking loudest is the President at the time. His Chief Of Staff carries a lot of weight.
Old Joe can’t even be relied to read off the teleprompter any more.
Yes, at one point his hand seems to go THROUGH the grey microphone, as if it is not there! Reminds me of the interview between Obama and Opra where both appeared to be in the same room but Obama was “teleported” in from a distant location. Very convincing, but not sure if something similar happened here with the “reporters”. Watch this.
Also look at the edges of his suit and his head vs the grass. It seriously looks like a crappy green screened segment
Even clearer on this Youtube upload without the caption in the way
And someone has slowed it down in a Rumble upload and it is VERY clear
Is Vladimir Putin evil? (2/3)
Here I offer a different perspective: what if Putin isn’t an arch-villain? What if he does in fact have redeeming qualities? Should we not try to get to know the man a bit better before we shrug off another regime change or war to rid the world of a tyrant?
According to his chief of security, Alexander Korzhakov, Boris Yeltsin worked about two hours per day. The rest he spent eating, drinking, playing tennis, hunting or enjoying some other pastime. Vladimir Putin reportedly works exceptionally long hours and several of his advisers and ministers have testified to working with him until very late into the night and then receiving a call from him early in the morning the next day. Exiled banker and former oligarch Sergei Pugachev described his experience: “…we hardly parted company, we met on a daily basis — from early morning to late evening until 3, until 4 AM, every day, every day. We naturally discussed matters of state business development, the state of the economy and so on. Putin needed someone who understood and knew those matters well.”
Some of his advisors and ministers reported meeting with him to discuss some matter within their own domain of specialty only to be startled in realizing that Putin commanded a more detailed understanding of that very matter than they themselves did. Being that immersed in and devoted to his occupation enables Vladimir Putin to hold his famous marathon press conferences when he speaks for three or four hours answering journalists’ questions with accurate and detailed information and without teleprompters. His 14th annual call-in marathon in 2016 lasted 3 and a half hours during which he took and answered 80 questions! Most western politicians no longer dare to face any public forums without pre-packaged and rehearsed speeches, which they read off teleprompters, taking only a handful of questions from friendly reporters before their handlers usher them away from any potential embarrassment.
In Russia with my wife in 2018, on a Volga Dream Cruise Moscow to Saint Petersburg 13 days – 12 nights, (we chose this cruise as you stayed in 5 star hotels in Moscow and St Petersburg rather than on the River Cruise ship and being bussed in each day.)
We were pleasantly surprised by the youth and vitality of both Moscow & St Petersburg and in speaknig to young people in Bars and Restaurants, they were supportive of Putin.
As a Comment on the above referenced article on Putin says:-
Is Putin evil? I don’t know. I have my doubts now… But let’s ask a different question. Is (was) George Bush evil?
I say that because most people consider Putin evil because of his affiliation with the KGB. But wait… George Bush RAN the CIA. And as we know, the that group has done some really bad stuff. So is this the pot calling the kettle black? I think so.
And as for evil… Putin converted to Christianity. Putin supports the family (real family with mothers and fathers). Putin want families to have children. Putin asked the churches to come back in.
On the other hand, American leaders want abortions (kill the children) and turn the other way when children are sold into sexual slavery.
“Soul-less” Putin Challenges “Killer” Biden To A Live Debate
Update (1730ET): In addition to the tit-for-tat slur-trading, Russian President Putin told a Russian state television reporter:
“I’ve just thought of this now… I want to propose to President Biden to continue our discussion, but on the condition that we do it basically live, as it’s called. Without any delays and directly in an open, direct discussion. It seems to me that would be interesting for the people of Russia and for the people of the United States.”
A live TV debate?
“I don’t want to put this off for long. I want to go the taiga this weekend to relax a little,” Putin said.
“So we could do it tomorrow or Monday. We are ready at any time convenient for the American side.”
The Russian leader also said he wished Biden “good health.”
“I would say to him: ‘Be well.’ I wish him good health. I say that without any irony, without jokes,” Putin said.
Given that it has been over 60 days since President Biden has taken questions in a formal press conference, we suspect The White House will not be jumping at the chance; though we are sure Biden will suggest “taking him behind the gym and beat the hell out of him.”
Putin just challenged Joe Biden to an unscripted live debate.
The whole world knows that we have no leadership at the top just an empty suit with a teleprompter (and he can’t even get that right).
They look at America’s weakness right now and are salivating.
— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) March 18, 2021
If Zharkova is correct, warming won’t be the issue: Ice will be.
Grand Solar Minimum from 2020 – 2053.
Time to get the woolies out.
Looking at the weather report on sky news seems Port Macquarie has received nearly 100mm of globull warming drought .
“Finally, Something Appropriate to Do with the Climate Section of the NY Times!”
This La Nina is dumping a lot of water onto Australia, so we can expect a drop in sea level by 5 millimetres this year.
And the lower salinity from the runoff will improve the efficiency of the desal plants that Tim Flannelly had us build.
“Claim: “None of the fifty-five Murdoch publications studied … were ‘good’ on climate change” ”
“The results show for more than the past two decades, 45 per cent of Murdoch media climate coverage and references have been at least sceptical or at worst outright denial of the phenomenon happening all around us.”
The Byron Echo, how we laughed and laughed. Good scoop by Worrall.
Please don’t besmirch the Echo el gordo. Every few days when the urge is building to pound my head against a wall, the Echo arrives, and feverishly flipping to the letters pages, I indulge myself very satisfactorily.
Canadian Man Jailed After ‘Misgendering’ His Daughter
This is very disturbing. I hope this girl appreciates what a wonderful, brave and loving dad she has when she is older.
CNN is having trouble sustaining their audience now that they don’t have someone to hate:
Report: CNN Losing Viewers Since Former President Donald Trump Left Office
I’ve been wondering for the past 6 months about the possibility of resonant frequencies to tackle the plandemic Covid virus.
Interestingly, this article popped up today on a parallel plane.
Heaven forbid a worthwhile treatment – what will Gates & Scwab do then?
For Tony in Oz and other followers of the grid
“David Bidstrup guest post. The vexed question of energy storage.”
There was a post on the Euan Mearn web site by Roger Andrews (RIP) that went into great depth on this, especially if you read through the comments.
It seems the comments are no longer available 🙁
The import of the Porter Vs ABC and Louise Milligan case is enormous, as writes Chris Merrit in the Australian.
The core argument is that the reporting was motivated by malice and all Milligan’s emails on the subject will be examined and all other relevant evidence frozen. It will cost the Attorney General Porter at least a million dollars of his own money but it could cost the ABC their privilege if they can be shown to be using their privilege to bring down a Liberal government. Otherwise it is all someone else’s money for the millions defend this case, like Dr. Ridd and JCU.
It is one thing for Ida Buttrose to complain of political interference and quite another for the ABC to be the one using the privileged independence to disrupt a government and cause real personal damage for malicious motives, as was so obviously the case for Cardinal Pell. Pell spent a year in jail, often in solitary. The ABC staff all went home, job done, an innocent old man in jail possibly for the rest of his life. And Milligan was given an award for journalism. And they are not the least bit sorry.
Does anyone believe the ABC would be chasing this case of alleged rape if the man accused was not the Attorney General in a coalition government? Where was their pursuit of the same allegation against then Labor Leader Bill Shorten? And in America of the press against Bill Clinton and Joe Biden for far more credible claims? But in America the very left press is not funded with taxpayer cash.
This should be the beginning of the end for unaccountable public servants in the ABC and elsewhere with spare millions of taxpayers money to do as they please and to use their positions not only for self enrichment but for blatantly partisan political aims. And that includes University Vice Chancellors on their insane million dollar plus salaries chasing hundreds of Climate Change millions, like Malcolm and Lucy’s gift of $440 Million of taxpayer money to ‘save’ the Reef without tender or request or a plan of action. Our cash. Their personal agenda. No responsibility.
200 mm to 300 mm or rain spread out over 5 days is now called a “Rain Bomb”.
We traditionally called it, “a bit of a wet-week ahead“.
That is all
It’s all about sexing up the weather, marketing. They have people in the BOM who are tasked with this. It is really why one cyclone was upgraded and caused mass evacuations.
The BOM are trying to justify their existence and wage growth and population growth, even though most traditional tasks are automated and far fewer people are needed.
Australia is stuffed with these useless organizations which made sense in 1909. The ABC for example, a small government radio station now consuming $1.2Billion a year and the SBS, an ethnic broadcaster now unnecessary and consuming $300Million a year. I cannot believe we have a Clean Energy Finance Corporation and more, based entirely on the idea the carbon dioxide is dirty and carbon dioxide levels need to stabilize and go down. It’s made up science and embeds the idea of dirty carbon dioxide in our government administration.
When was Carbon Dioxide dirty? You cannot even see the stuff!
We need this to be understood and spread by as many as possible.
“Australia is stuffed with these useless organizations ”
Modern governments have only point of focus; the creation of more and more jobs to employ friends, relatives and influencers who will boost the parti vote.
This is a couple of years old but as we have this blocking in the Tasman, also keep in mind that correlation does not necessarily mean causation. The 95% confidence should be a hammer blow to AGW theory.
‘The effect of the solar cycle is seriously misunderstood. There is no correlation with the number of sunspots, though we know that sunspots are a proxy for the sun’s electromagnetic behavior.
‘Astrophysicists in Denmark, however, have teased out the relationship between sunspots and climate (Friis-Christensen and Lassen, 1991). It’s the frequency of the wave. A very tight correlation to climate is coupled to the frequency of the solar cycle. When solar cycles are shorter than 11 years over several cycles the planet warms; when cycles are longer than 11 year for a few cycles, the planet cools. There has been a strong (95%) correlation between the solar cycle and cooling and warming of the northern hemisphere over the past 150 years.’
F.T.Manns / WUWT
I prefer the blind analysis of Prof Weiss who used classic Fourier analysis to fit the temperature curve for the last 250 years with sinusoidal cycles. He found a near perfect fit to a complex curve with just two frequences. They were 200 years and 11 years and they just happen to be the strongest cycles in our world, the De Vries solar cycle and the PDO, the induced ocean osciallation. QED.
It’s self confirming research as he did not put in the expected answer, as with most Climate models. And the answer has nothing to do with Carbon Dioxide.
I would point out that he predicts a rapid drop in temperature of up to 2 degrees in the 2020s. I think we can say that’s happening.
And when did any prediction of the Global Warming climatebaggers ever come true. They have had 33 years to get one prediction right and Weiss has it all. CO2 is going up steadily and global temperature, whatever that is, is going down. I can safely predict that ‘hide the decline’ will soon be a major industry.
I can make a very safe prediction about models.
so can I
Again models? What does that mean?
This is not an explanation of temperature. It is not a model of anything. The analysis shows that there are two regular cycles and these happen to match the two cycles you might have expected, but that was a conclusion, not a presumption.
So no models were harmed in the making of an extremely good correlation. You can see the fit at 15:20. This is not an opinion but factual.
There is no proposition, no physical model being tested except that existing cycles might explain temperature without explaining themselves. We do not care about why the cycles exist and we are not trying to predict these cycles. The fact is that we can explain the past accurately and therefore we can predict the future with confidence. Using mathematics alone. Try that with Climate Models.
So by blind analysis and Occam’s razor, you have it.
And CO2 does not explain the solar cycle, nor the Pacific ocean oscillation. Considering that most of the surface heat is stored in the oceans, ocean cycles control air temperature, not the other way around. And oceans are huge, 1400x the heat capacity of the thin air above. So comparing the atmosphere to the oceans, is exactly like comparing the power of a single AAA battery to fourteen car batteries. Ocean cycles dominate our atmopheric temperatures in the short term, superimposed on a 200 year solar cycle. You can see the little ice age when the Thames froze over. That only ended in the 1880s.
All predictions on the future are models, on this site all models are considered to be inadequate, therefore any reference to a model, by the logic of this site, is invalid on first principles.
Do you see now?
Its quite clear that models have been tweaked to get the right outcome, in line with the established paradigm. All we have to do is take CO2 out of the equation and the models should work perfectly.
‘Do you see now?’
Yes sir, 97% of climate models are flawed.
I can see from paleo climate history there is a 60 year cycle, but if the models are only geared to a linear AGW perspective they might miss something.
Turning the clock back we enter the cool 1960s and then the Gleissberg at 1900. Coincidently, there were two extraordinary periods of cold weather in South East Australia in 1835-36 and 1848-49.
I think its attached to the 60 year cycle, what do you think?
While I have the floor, back in the mother country in 1837.
‘The coldest spring (March / April / May) in the entire CET record. March, with a value of 2.3degC (anom. ~-3C) was one of the ‘top-10’ such-named months, whilst April (4.7degC/anom. ~-3.2C) was the coldest April in the entire series.
‘May was also cold (anom. ~-1.3). The overall seasonal mean CET value was 5.6degC, or around -2.5C on the all-series value (and about 3C below the ‘modern-day’ average). (See also 1770 & 1695)’
But then
“I’m pondering a new Razor: “In politics, never attribute to stupidity that which is adequately explained by evil and self interest.” ”
I can get a razor to last 2 years
G’day PF,
There are no models in the link TdeF provided.
Why don’t you have a look at it?
Dave B
Some models are useful tools.
‘NOAA “ENSO Diagnostic Discussion” on 11 Mar 2021 stated “There is a ~60% chance of a transition from La Niña to ENSO-Neutral during the Northern Hemisphere spring 2021 (April-June).”
‘La Nina condition persisted with NINO3.4 = -1.03oC in Feb 2021.
‘The negative phase of PDO has persisted since Jan 2020 with PDOI = -0.68 in Feb 2021.’
No – el gordo, that is not logical. If some models are useful, why not all.
Even I will admit some models may be useful but modeling climate is nothing more than a WAG at best and totally useless in a chaotic system that has variables that few are either known or understood .
Prove me wrong please ?
If we focus on short term predictions, six months ahead, we can get a better grip on the mechanisms involved. Beyond six months its difficult for models because there are too many variables and the system is chaotic.
Nevertheless, I can safely say global cooling has commenced and the next few years will be cool and wet in Oz. All thanks to a negative PDO.
Passed off as a SWAG though
The models should have predicted longer winters in Europe because of a quiet sun.
‘This morning Germany, for example, saw severe ground frost to below -15°C and large large parts of Europe continue to be supercooled. Central Germany’s Winterberg will see an unusual second weekend in a row of skiing in March in sunny weather with frost and plenty of snow.
‘Even many of the Mediterranean countries, Spain, France, Italy, Greece and the Balkans will be frozen tomorrow.’ (Notrickszone)
We have renewable energy for ever and no storage problems. Fossil Fuel is nuclear waste. Hydrocarbons are produced it appears by nuclear fission at the Earths core. No need to destroy our environment with wind and solar factories – we have energy laid on .
‘Although neutral ENSO is ahead for quarter 2 of 2021 forecast confidence for ENSO phase the second half of 2021 remains below average as a returning La Nina cannot be ruled out.’ (Climate Impact Company)
‘These changes in indicators are consistent with climate model outlooks, which for several weeks have indicated a return to ENSO neutral during the southern hemisphere autumn. While around 40% of past La Niña events have re-strengthened for a second year, there are currently no models suggesting that La Niña will return during winter.’ (BoM)
Do you get a look at the Nutrien forecasts?
No, what do they have to say on a return of the hiatus?
Geert Vanden Bossche
Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.
In this open letter I am appealing to the @WHO and all stakeholders involved, no matter their conviction, to immediately declare such action as THE SINGLE MOST IMPORTANT PUBLIC HEALTH EMERGENCY OF INTERNATIONAL CONCERN. Please read and share:
Mass Vaccination in a Pandemic Benefits versus Risks Interview with Geert Vanden Bossche
WHO’s COVID-19 probe ‘designed to bolster China’s narrative’, conclusion reached via ‘show of hands’
Shocking details about China’s control over the WHO COVID-19 investigation have blown apart the credibility of the team’s findings.
“48 Great Amish Sayings and Quotes
Living on a farm may seem like something of the past, but for the Amish, this is a staple of everyday life. Maintaining traditional culture over a series of centuries, the Amish have not wavered much distance from their originating days. Here is a look at some of the most memorable Amish quotes ever documented.
“A great deal of what we see depends on what we are looking for.”
“A man is never old until his regrets outnumber his dreams.”
“A mistake is evidence that you have tried.”
“A narrow mind and a wide mouth usually go together.”
“A round wife and a full barn are the signs of good success.”
“An ounce of work is worth a ton of wishing.”
“Be what you wish others to become.”
“Being human is a privilege, not an excuse.”
“Bend the branch while it is young.”
“Better to let them wonder why you didn’t speak than to wonder why you did.”
“Big ships can only be launched where the water is deep.”
“Death isn’t the greatest loss in life. It’s what dies inside of us while we live.”
“Difficulty is a miracle in its first stage.”
“Don’t pull up your garden to see if it’s growing.”
“Every man must live with the man he makes of himself.”
“Give some people an inch and they want to be rulers.”
“He who strikes the first blow confesses that he has run out of ideas.”
“If a dollar doesn’t do what it used to, remember that hardly anyone else does either.”
“If we growl all day we’re likely to feel dog tired at night.”
“If you aim at nothing, you’re bound to hit it.”
“If you must doubt, doubt your doubts, not your beliefs.”
“If you think you have influence, try ordering some else’s dog around.”
“If you want a place in the sun, you will have to expect some blisters.”
“If you want to keep a secret, don’t whisper in your wife’s ear.”
“It takes both rain and sunshine to make the garden grow.”
“It’s not the revolutions that destroy the machinery, it’s the friction.”
“Judge a man by his questions, not by his answers.”
“Little and often make much.”
“Lying in bed dreaming never got the work done.”
“Making no choice when we have to choose is itself a choice.”
“No man is so wise that he knows everything, nor is any man so stupid he knows nothing.”
Thanks another Ian.
From G I Gurdjieffs Beelzebub’s tales to His Grandson” With regards to ‘automatic perception’.
“In general, any new understanding is crystallized in the presence of these strange beings only if Smith speaks of somebody or something in a certain way; and then if Brown says the same, the hearer is quite convinced it is just so and couldn’t possibly be otherwise. Thanks merely to this particularity of their psyche and to the fact that the said writer was much spoken about in the said manner, most of the beings there at the present time are quite convinced that he is indeed a very great psychologist and has an incomparable knowledge of the psyche of the beings of his planet.”
I believe “A pox on both your houses” scrawled across your ballot is a legitimate and meaningful response to being forced to choose between herpes and cancer, or something similar.
“Craig Brooking & Michael Bowden guest post. Firming RE power with batteries”
“Conclusion of the analysis of the comparative cost of RE and coal power
The capital cost to build and firm wind generation in the New England REZ with batteries is nearly $132 billion.
Four High Efficiency Low Emission (HELE) coal stations will cost $11 billion.
With HELE coal power there is no requirement for FCAS and a correctly maintained plant can be expected to operate with a minimum of 95% operational availability.
The technical life of a HELE USC coal fired power station is 50 years, while the technical life of a wind farm is about 25 years.
The technical life of a large battery is about 15 years, based on the warranty period for the SA Hornsdale battery.
Hence the life cycle capital cost of wind farms firmed with batteries is significantly amplified by their constrained technical lives.”
Steve Case
“Speaking of funny stuff, here’s Dr. Stephen Schneider in Leonard Nimoy’s “In Search of the Coming Ice Age” in 1978:
And here he is [0:48 & 5:16] three years later in 1981, in The Thames Television documentary “Warming Warning”
The 1981 “Warming Warning” documentary is thought to be the earliest “Global Warming” alarm bell sounded by the media. So it’s been forty years. Isn’t forty a common number for bad things? Jesus spent forty days in the wilderness, Lizzy Borden’s forty whacks with an axe, Ali Babba and the forty thieves etc. Well anyway, Climate Change is having a fortieth birthday August 12th. And don’t forget it will be 33 years since Dr. James Hansen testified before congress this coming June 23rd.”
“Getting Industry To Go Green Will Not Come Cheaply–Telegraph Wakes Up At Last!”
Warragamba threatens to spill.
‘The bureau predicts temperatures will be exceptionally cold and wet in Central Australia early this weekend as the cloudband passes through.
“At this time of year it’s typical to get 35, 40 degrees C there, and we’re talking temperatures on the order of a maximum of 20 degrees,” Mr Browne said. (ABC)
FWIW – maybe more to curdle your breakfast cornflakes
The Murdocracy has its wings clipped.
Biden likes the Australian universal health care system.
‘In late 2020, Biden proposed his own version of health care reform, called Bidencare, which aims to improve on the Affordable Care Act. Unlike Medicare for All, Bidencare aims to provide universal health care through a mix of public and private options rather than one centralized government entity.’ (Forbes)
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!
“The Mammalogy credential that got Tim Flannery a $180K PA part time gig as Gillard’s climate guru”
We already knew he was reading Kangaroo entrails to predict the climate .
Once Tom Foolery got the Australian of the Year gong, I knew that our society was doomed. Such a shame that people actually take this idiot for granted.
Safe as houses
Alice Workman Strewth Editor
There’s no housing affordability crisis in the Canberra Bubble™. Our 227 federal politicians have a stake in 480 properties, according to back of the coaster calculations by Strewth. This includes residential homes, second homes, holiday homes, investments, farms and commercial buildings, but doesn’t include anything owned by their partners/spouses. If we modestly assume each has a value of $700,000 — well below the national house price average of $852k — that’s $336m tied up in the market. Nearly 61 per cent of MPs own more than one property, with many opting to have a house in their electorate and another apartment in the ACT. Eighteen pollies own nothing. Thirty three have a portfolio of four or more. Top of the list is Northern Territory Country Liberal senator Sam McMahon, who has a whopping 11 properties — a residential home in Katherine, plus investments in Palmerston, Noosa, Gillen, Alice Springs, Douglas, Arizona in America and Gili Gede island in Lombok, Indonesia. Liberal assistant minister Nola Marino comes in second with seven properties in Harvey and Myalup, WA, mainly dairy farms. Industry Minister Karen Andrews (QLD), Labor backbencher Tony Zappia (SA) and Liberal backbencher Ian Goodenough (WA) have an interest in six properties. Goodenough did own seven but recently sold his Yarralumla, ACT, house. His West Australian holdings include a commercial storage unit in Currambine, a Belmont warehouse leased to an engineer in the oil and gas industry, and a Red Gully rural property that’s “essentially a hobby farm with an olive grove and a few bee hives”. Mehreen Faruqi owns the most among the Greens, with four pieces of real estate including a 500sq m land parcel in Lahore, Pakistan. Opposition Leader AnthonyAlbanese also has four, three houses in his Sydney inner-west seat and a unit in Canberra; while Prime Minister Scott Morrison just has the single Sutherland Shire family home. Several jet-setting pollies also have holdings overseas. On-leave Defence Minister Linda Reynolds has a holiday home in Bali; Labor frontbencher Tanya Plibersek has an investment in Ljubljana, Solvenia; Liberal senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells in Umbria, Italy; and Labor backbencher Steve Georganas has a piece of land in Greece.
Keep your gin up
There was a high spirited stand-off at popular watering hole Aussies in the corridors of power last week. Former Senate president now owner of Section 44 gin Stephen Parry, and Angus McPherson, managing director of Diageo which owns Bundaberg Rum, were seated at one table. Nearby was a delegation from Japanese-owned beer behemoth Lion, including managing director James Brindley and his external relations director Dan Holland. Strewth has heard whispers that Lion and other brewers have been trawling parliament crying poor and seeking to torpedo the distillers’ shot at reforming the spirits tax, which increases every six months and is the third highest in the world. It’s cheaper for some Aussie craft distillers to buy a bottle of their gin in the US than their own cellar door. Why are beer bothered? Because they might lose consumers looking for something stronger than a Froth Whitlam. It’s all a bit Marie Antoinette in a stubby holder, given that even with the reforms, the spirits/brandy tax would remain 124 per cent higher than a full strength Kirin on tap at your local pub.