- JoNova - -

Churning out a million little political activists

Indoctrination starts right in school

One Damon Gameau has a created a kind of fairy fantasyland movie of a cheesy-chirping renewable world called 2040 and it’s being played in our schools.

It taps into the primal longing for a simple pure fantasy world where all recycling is good, there is never any rubbish, nothing is wasted, and everyone wants to help. Sing Ye O Lordy for a Binary world of Good and Evil, (and maths that never uses bigger numbers than 0 and 1). A land of plenty, where children know all the answers, and no one ever has to do a cost-benefit analysis because there are no tradeoffs.

If you can say Carbon sequestration it can happen. Wave your glorious wand!

Our children are being taught to “save the world” by writing letters to politicians and creating their own advertising campaigns to convert even younger children to grow up to be little activists. Not for them the drudgery of earning a living, balancing books, or estimating risks. As Tony Thomas says “The lesson templates would do credit to Soviet-era indoctrination.”

Tony Thomas has watched the whole 90 minute brainwash spin, so you don’t have too. This has been out for two years, quietly winding it’s way through Australian schools. It comes with prepacked lesson plans fit to match a curriculum designed by Ms Julia Gillard (former PM). Perfect for harried teachers who can’t think of ways to weave sustainability into every second lesson.

I knew things were bad at schools, but not this bad…

It seems to work on a certain kind of adult too. Comments under the trailer are adoring. People want what this is selling.

I guess the suggestible minds trained to see disaster coming finally get some relief from the angst.

I see kids using landfill waste to generate more landfill waste. All it needs is tape, board and styrene…!

Get all the details at Quadrant:

Making Kids Shrill, Scared and Stupid

Tony Thomas, Quadrant

The premise of his film fantasy is that he time travels to 2040 and discovers that all his green solutions have been a brilliant success. He helps his real-life four-year-old daughter, Velvet, to navigate through climate perils to 2040’s nirvana. The movie closes with rapturous music and vision of youngsters of all colors and creeds dancing through a forest to celebrate low CO2 levels. One 20-something gal in a white frock grows from her shoulder-blades giant butterfly wings that actually flap. This must be the cheesiest movie clip ever made or even imaginable.[6] He doesn’t actually tell kids, “Vote Green”, but calls for strong new political leadership. “Wouldn’t it be terrific if new leaders emerge who could navigate us to a better 2040,” he says. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge.

By time travelling into the future, the film can pretend that every green policy works. Make way for rainbows and unicorn stampedes! Its climate solutions include swapping steaks for seaweed and pulling down levels of evil CO2 to return the atmosphere to 350ppm CO2 (now 412ppm). That’s some feat.

Grow up to be a planet saviour!

Kids obviously will parrot that “the environment” is their future concern (notwithstanding that our air has never been purer and we’re putting out up to five colored bins weekly). Kids must then scrawl on their workpads answers to “What is one possible solution” and “Who is responsible for this solution and why?” Thus kids who have trouble solving 9×13=?, are coached to guide our planetary destinies. The 2040 “Factsheet”, by the way, finishes by telling kids to send letters to politicians and join the school-strike manipulators Youth Climate Coalition. They are also to run around ordering adults to cut their emissions. It’s the strangest “Factsheet” ever compiled by homo sapiens.

Teach the kiddies to hate big oil, big coal and big bankers

Newsreader Angela Pippos is wheeled on to read this fake script: “Big banks continue to take a hit as the public shifts its money away from organisations that support fossil fuels.”

Why don’t banks protest that they are being besmirched in school? Probably because they are so powerful, and this is so ignorant, they don’t care. Indeed, this is probably just part of the profit plan. They can “arbitrage” more power when the future pointless Baby-Occupy-protesters put more pressure on governments to defund coal and force more renewables into the system. A mature energy system with efficient independent players is harder to push around and “buy the dips” so to speak.

Tony Thomas’s new book, Come To Think Of It – essays to tickle the brain, is available here as a book ($34.95) or an e-book ($14.95)

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