A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Here’s a video by Naomi Wolf giving frightening warning about the vaccine passport. First video is an excerpt of the second 30 min. video. ToM
We all had vaccine passports in the 1970s. The sky didn’t fall then, and it won’t fall after they re-introduce them to filter out some of the diseases that try to cross borders.
Exactly when, where and why did we allegedly all have vaccine passports in the 1970s Craig? I’m nearly 88 and cannot recall ever having one. As I had volunteered for overseas service call-up if required and was to become an RAAF reservist following National Service in 1951, I was required to have a smallpox vaccination. Is this, or something similar, what you’re referring to?
We received several other jabs during that first six months but I have no memory of being told why or what for. We just joked that it was “target practice” for those working on the medical side!
Hillbilly. We had our yellow health book.
Yellow fever and small pox vaccinaions were essential for admission into many countries. We always kept our health book with our passports.
Different countries had different concerns and we were and are asked where we have been. I choose to have a Japanese encephalitis shot going to Asia. It is not essential but a wise precaution. I would like it in my health book.
As small pox was wiped out I still had our children vaccinated and still would.
Hussein had germ warfare stocks in Iraq. Scientists were made to take it home and hide it in their domestic refrigerators before the war. After the two week war the peace keeping soldiers enabled the inspectors to find them. Personnally I consider them WMD. The inspectors also found sarin. The newspapers at the time state that the USA and allies wanted to prevent the making of nuclear weapons. MSM change the WMD definition of WMD to suit their motivation.
I can forward an artical that clearly states we went to Iraq to make Iraq comply with the first war agreement. Russia and France should have supported England and USA.
In 2005 it was exposed that France and Russia were profitting from Iraq trade breaches.
I think the yellow book concept is a great idea. It could also serve other important matters like diabetics having a hypo being dismissed as drunk.
Information is power. With a passport or health passport, the holder has more power than those without.
Yes but who holds the information GA, the Gov. holds the information so surely the power lies with the Gov.
A Covid Health Passport is not information. It is a document.
Those with a Covid Vaccination card may have travel priveldges denied to the others.
Not new. Yellow fever vaccination was required for travellers to a number of African Countries in the past.
Actually its worse – as flagged in other countries it will likely be used to lock people out of society if they ( smartly ) refuse the vaccine and the passport.
Heres the thing – the “dangerous” cov19 virus isnt the game – its the thing that scares people into the vaccine and the vaccine passport to crush peoples freedoms, period.
Refuse the dangerous vaccine and be a naughty lad – get booted from society.
This whole situation is 100% messed up.
Which is worse – taking something that in all likely hood may result in people becoming slowly disabled by autoimmune issues, or refuse the vaccine and be rounded up into concentration camps to be “dealt with” later?
This appears to be medical nazism…..
Nazism didnt die in 1945, it was just a test run.
Push back now, or be willing to explain to your kids how you willingly handed over thier freedoms to Billy Goat G*tes and his globalist mates to stomp on their freedoms forever….
Your correct on the yellow passport, I still have mine and got it 6 years ago, the company doctor gave it to me and it has never left its cover, never been asked for in the dozen countries I have travelled through.
This is so much different, you will need it to buy food, enter any venue, do anything, without leaving your country, its about control. Apples and oranges analogy.
You want to take an experimental vaccine, that is your right, good get it in ya. But your choice should not lead to me suffering any consequences as is my choice to you.
You will be virtually saved from your imagination and those who do not get it will pose no risk to you, but you will be a risk to them and I for one am fine with that.
“In 2005 it was exposed that France and Russia were profitting from Iraq trade breaches.”
So was the UN and it was a UN embargo, (food for oil) Director General Kofi Annan’s son and UN adviser, Club of Rome participant Maurice Strong (may he rot in hell) made millions from this UN deal and do not forget Australia was up to their kernels in it as well. Russia is not a part of the UN and were also under sanctions, they can trade with whom ever they choose.
No WMD were found it was a con and a million people died, Iraq was left a sh!t hole as is every country the US creates a none existent problem then enacts their solution. Russia, Russia, Russia, do you ever get sick of that line?
You have overactive imagination.
We still have our health books.
We do not want a vaccine that has not had time to prove itself.
If time proves it safe I will thank the alarmed and have the shots.
You are correct about UN also being invloved in the Iraq fraud.
However the peace keeping was beneficial. We were told many lies. Our media did confirm the germ warfare in private fridges and the sarin. Later they said that those are not WMD. Why not? The claims about nuclear were always about potential not there yet.
I totally disagree with you about after the very short war. We met an Iraqi in Paris in 2005. He heard our accent, introduced himself and thanked us.
We spent hours together. He had graduated in science in Iraq in 1975. He fled to France and did several doctrates. He said the war had made it possible for him to go home regularly. He explained that the MSM WAS totally dishonest in the West. The fighting was religious sects and the USA were peacekeeping and protecting cntractors. He witnessed progressively from regular visits how canals were cleared roads were repaired and constructed schools, universities and hspiitals built and staffed with qualified people. Our ABC had only shown and blamed America for the fighting and explosions that were religious.
When the ABC must have become aware that the amazing progress was too obvious they acknowledged it by running stories that the contractors were corrupt. That ABC story was years after we returned.
I regret not exchanging contact detais. His first degree was petroleum prospecting and when asked about peak oil he found it amazing alarmists got away wih that nonsense.
Short war, it was 2 wars, one lead to the other, based on lies the both of them.
MSM were pushing the same view you have as was Killery Clinton, 1 million deaths was worth it by her book and now that one person you spoke to in France also thinks many others demise was worth it, so he could fly back occasionally without the hassle, poor dear!
Virtually every country that went into the coalition of the willing also had WMD, where is your outrage here. Mutually assured destruction is know by everyone.
Just took the Anthrax home and hid it behind the milk did they, (right) and the inspectors went and looked behind the Milk, (OK) nowhere else in an entire country to plug the beer fridge into. (bet it had a made in the USA sticker on it)
The contractors are corrupt, the government is corrupt, everything is bloody corrupt. The US is fixing what it broke at 100 times the price of anywhere else, due to the corruption. What I have read about Iraq prior to Bush 1, was it was a bit of a tourist destination due to its ancient cities. I think the tourist trade is down a bit now, but hey old Mr one can support the nation, from France.
I have read many books by the people who fought there on both sides, contractors working for the corrupt Halliburton, Blackwater and the dozens of corrupt Bob the Builders run by the Globalists firms, because they care about the little folk, well most, except those Million necessary deaths. But hey hassle free transit through immigration has got to be a plus.
You are pushing the exact same argument the ABC, MSM, pushed, though they did a complete 180 after the war. (but you held in there, good for you)
I do not care if you get the poison, I do not care who gets it or does not get it, that’s their choice, it will not effect me in any way shape or form unless they try to enforce their views upon me.
I have travelled a lot, the ones that “recognise the accent” are usually the conmen, did he have a cousin in Melbourne.
One man justifies the slaughter of millions, I used to think that was Bush, appears we now have another runner.
This is not derogatory towards the Persons who fought any war, you went by the same Government BS the rest of us were fed but you put your skin into the game, that is true bravery.
And one more thing.
We are living in the times of “if a tree falls in the forest and no one is their to hear it, does it make a sound”.
If news happens and the media do not report it, did it even happen?
We know what we are told we know.
It was you whom mentioned the war, I refuted your BS.
You make many absurd statements and are fanatical about the Iraq war.
I am distressed by the killing in Iraq. It was not done by the Allies.
Religion was the cause.
You assume that one man’s opinion was untrustworthy. If biased I would agree.
He was a professor in France. He apologised for his English that was better than many of our year 12 graduates.
He explained he was fluent in all Middle Eastern laguages.
There was no point in lying to us. He was an eye witness constantly in contact with many people in Iraq. He also mentioned how aerials and parabolic discs were increasing.
My comments about sarin and germs in domestic fridges did not come from him. MSM covered the inspector’s reports. The claim they are not WMD was included. I don’t agree and would not store themin my home given the choice.
I was confused when John Howard said he was embarassed there were no WMD found. We knew they were only preparing to make nukes.
Weapons of Mass Destruction will always be weapons that kill lots of people. There were WMD in Iraq but no nukes.
So the MSM are lying to us, except when they are not based on your bias for what is truth.
What is the absurd statements I made, “peacekeeping was beneficial” they did not need peace keeping before the war, wonder what happened in between.
“We knew they were only preparing to make nukes” really how did we know that, MSM and the governments of the willing, because no evidence of this was found, ever. They lied to cover their lies because the enemy of the lie is the truth. But hey the Lying MSM told the truth when you wanted it to be the truth.
The inspectors were made up from members of the coalition of the willing they found what they were always going to find, to justify your short sweet war. Your definition of WMD spins me out, a million deaths by an invading force, no biological releases, no chemical releases, no nukes, but not a mass destruction event, not even a weapon by your slanted view.
The coalition of the willing are not rebuilding Iraq on their coin, they are taking 100% of the oil revenue and pushing a fraction back into Iraq, but quick access through immigration.
Absurd statements from me like, “the killing in Iraq. It was not done by the Allies. Religion was the cause.” What do you watch, read and listen to, everything you state in your words comes from the MSM, whom you stated at the start were lying, but then quickly stated they are telling the truth. The willing dropped hundreds of thousands of tonnes of ordinance and missed, yep got it, but a couple of thousand villagers then slaughtered a million with spray and pray AK’s from the backs of Hilux’s.
It was done by war started by the allies based on a lie.
2 hours with the self professed professor, with a hand full of degrees, speaking every language of the Arab world, hearsay, no evidence presented, you were conned.
Absurd statements from me like, “He was an eye witness”, from France, good eyes. Opinion, there is every point in lying to you, as you now blurt his truth as gospel.
You have nothing except hearsay and MSM BS. Hid it in their fridges, wonder if it went off, as the first thing missed by the coalition of the willing was the power generation for the country, or was that done by your Hilux Cowboys as well.
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice.
Iraq before the war, what a desolate sh!t hole, thank god the just ones sorted that out.
AsI remembr it the yellow book was or immigration on return to Australia.
The official would askus where we had been and check the pssport. The yllow book would be requested if we had been in a hot spot.
I think quarantine was applied if you had been to a hot spot without a vaccine.
I have been traveling overseas every other month for 35 years, never had one up until 6 years ago and never been asked to present one.
The point is what this covid passport is for?
Did you watch that video at the top. Here is another of Russell Brand, worlds worst comedian and a twat, or so I thought.
Even he gets it!
UN and fraud? Maurice strong?
Remember the Oil for Food program?
The Australian Wheat Board was a QANGO which by law held a monopoly on wheat trading in Australia. It was the sole trader ffor exporting wheat. It worked very well both for producers and consumers, and the monopoly gave it an equal standing with otherr traders in the international market.
It also maintained far and away the highest standards for quality control in the international trade. The Iraqis were discerning consumers, and the AWB was their preferred supplier of wheat as a result.
After the first Gulf War trade sanctions were applied on Iraq, stopping this trade. When it was recognised that these sanctions were depriving the Iraqi people of basic foodstuffs, the Oil for Food program was established. Iraq could sell oil to buy food.
Australia, as the historical supplier of wheat to Iraq, gained the right to this trade.
Iraq successfully claimed it did not have the resources to transport the wheat from the seaports to the inland cities. So that cost was added to the price paid ffor the wheat and reimbursed to the AWB by the UN, to be credited to the Iraqis.
There was no secrecy involved. i, with no special source of information, knew at the time that inland trucking fees were being paid, how much was being paid, why they were being paid and how they were funded.
I knew that this had the approval of the Australian government, with Alexander Downer the chief negotiator, and the UN, who paid the money.
Yet when American traders demanded a slice of the trade the Australian government, who blindly subscribed to their Free Market Theory, did a hatchet job on AWB Ltd.
In 1999 the Australian government abolished the Australian Wheat Board. But much as they would have liked to, they couldn’t just abolish it, because it was the owner of $3.75 billion worth of wheat, held on behalf of the growers who had delivered it. So they established a new corporation, AWB Ltd, allocating shares to growers in proportion to their holding in that wheat pool.
It seemed that this did not rest easily with the Free Marketeers in the Australian government. Not born of their Free Market AWB Ltd was a bastard child, and at the first opportunity they trashed it.
The $300 million Inland trucking fees which they claimed to be bribes for Saddam Hussein were never secret, and not improper.
Of course his preferred trading partners would be the countries that just bombed the joint, makes perfect sense, Russia grow wheat and did not drop 1 bomb.
He could not organise freight in his own country, which he had been doing since getting to power, but he forgot how, but the AWB got it done from Australia.
$300 million in trucking fees in Iraq, through a Jordanian trucking firm that did not transport a single grain of wheat in their trucks.
Australia investigated itself and found there was nothing to see here, even though the AWB directors quit in droves.
Alexander Downer, now there is a quality individual, got the whole Russia, Russia, Russia ball rolling with his honesty.
Those quotes with question marks, is there a point, question in that?
Look em up, even Wiki has a large list of the corruption in the food for oil scams.
UN and fraud, this is what they do.
True I don’t trust the MSM.
I did not have an opinion on the Iraq war.
The findings of the inspections is a matter of record. Why would the MSM change that as they were anti the war?
I think their statement that there were no WMD was perhaps their spin but perhaps it was in the report.
My point is simply that germ weapons are small and I consider them WMD. I don’t think sarin should be glossed over. Sadam had and used it.
It is true that Sadam, to our knowledge, kept the sects from fighting. He also controlled media.
Freedom enabled this and sects remain an international problem.
I think you meant the Kuwait war when you said there were 2 wars. The second would ever have happened if the inspections were nott stopped.
Why were they stopped?
Why weren’t all UN countries leaving it to the USA, Britain, Australia and people who respect lawand order.
I record it as respecting the law and the WMD was and still ls used to mislead.
There were two wars in Iraq, Bush 1 and Bush 2. Number 2 was to finish what daddy started.
The first was a kick off due to the invasion of Kuwait (fair call, except Iraq discovered Kuwait had drilled into its reserve) and the nurse saying they were throwing new born babies out of the cribs, she ended up being the daughter of the US ambassador to Kuwait, I will call that a lie.
You may want to look into the gold dinar and the countries that were trying to break away from the monopoly of the US petro dollar, Iraq was one though the currency was not declared, Libya and Syria among others, they also resisted the world central bank monopoly. Its always about the money.
I have worked in some of these countries, some people need to be slapped into line and slapped back into line, other wise ciaos reigns.
Sects are a local problem, made international through international interference in local issues.
Thank you for that info Richard. Though I have no memory of a yellow book, I used to get the recommended shots before travelling to any overseas destination. I totally agree with you on the fact that Hussein’s poison gas was a WMD. When Bush snr stopped the “Desert Storm” short of Baghdad, it allowed ‘Chemical Ali’ to wipe out many swamp Arabs who had supported the overthrow of Hussein, including 5,000 in one village. A Weapon of Mass Destruction by any measure IMHO!
I am not anti-vax but due to a multitude of health problems and associated medications, will likely be giving the Covid one a miss. My current location also makes it extremely unlikely I will be a risk to others.
You are not an anti-vaxxer, no one who avoids this Frankenstein vaccine is an anti-vaxxer, common sense is anti-stupid.
This is an experimental drug, Health minister Greg Hunt has stated this continuously (go to 12:50)
Its an experiment a trial, you are not a Ferret, I am not a Ferret.
I have a vaccine passport, that was not handed to me as a participation trophy!
I don’t accept the Bush finishing Daddy’s war as it is emotional nonsense.
Daddy lead a UN force. Many wanted the USA to lead the UN into Iraq and finish off Sadam.
Daddy would not do it because he respected that the role was to correct the invasion of Kuwait and he with the UN had done that.
Australian Richard Butler was head of the inspections ordered after the first war. He said there were weapons of mass destruction WMD in Iraq as that chairman.
The restoration of inspections ‘war’ was from 21st March until May 1st 2003. If you want to be emotional and include the peacekeeping soldiers then WW2 is still continuing.
Later, when the ALP ceased being bipartisan about our troop commitment Butler said there were no WMD in Iraq. What??:?:
I quote the Melbourne Sun 10th March 2003.
“…...this is about restoring the authority of the United Nations…” “…Saddam has killed millions of his own people..”
“…The day will likely come when a Western City will be devastated by a nuclear bomb or virus attack…”
I point out Iraq did not have nukes. Richard Butler seems to see phials of virus as a WMD and then changed his mind.
Small pox had become a serious threat as having it under control stopped vaccinations and made it a weapon.
I don’t think a virus has a victor as the aggressor would not be able to enter the territory. Sarin gas is different as it would leave infrastructure in place.
To visit Iraq 2004 and now shows that my professor was right. Hospitals got doctors, university got qualified lecturers, canals are cleared, roads and infrastructure help the people and they have international communication. Religion causes problems.
I raised this as I think the yellow book system is good for international quarantine. I don’t think it should have more general use.
I do think people have the right to choose to have proof they have been vaccinated if they wish and people and business are entitled to choose to only mix with vaccinated people. I insist it is by choice not government. I see lawyers loving this if a business is sued because a patron was infected whilst under their care.
I believe modern warfare is cyber, media and all the 45 goals of the communists listed in 1958. The chinese build traditional weapons and have huge parades that they will never use. They are a trojan horse hiding the cunning use of the 45 communist goals. They won stole the American election without firing a shot.
So where is your evidence of WMD, MSM?
“If you want to be emotional and include the peacekeeping soldiers then WW2 is still continuing.” Really where?
“To visit Iraq 2004 and now shows that my professor was right. Hospitals got doctors, university got qualified lecturers, canals are cleared, roads and infrastructure help the people and they have international communication. Religion causes problems.”
Hospital got doctors under Saddam all the same people who lived went back to work, your Professor got his degree from them.
So now your saying you where there in 2004 and just recently. (am I reading that right) You went there after the war and concluded that those buildings and bridges were there in piles before the war, brilliant deduction Watson.
This is from wiki, because I could not be bothered.
In 1998 Iraq accused Butler and other UNSCOM officials of acting as spies for the United States, but the UNSCOM weapons inspectors were not expelled from the country by Iraq as has often been reported (and as George W. Bush alleged in his infamous “axis of evil” speech). Rather, according to Butler himself in his book Saddam Defiant (2000), it was U.S. Ambassador Peter Burleigh, acting on instructions from Washington, who suggested Butler pull his team from Iraq in order to protect them from the forthcoming U.S. and British airstrikes. A number of media reports in the United States suggested that there was some substance to the spying allegations and to the charge that he was tailoring UNSCOM’s findings to suit the United States. Eric Fournier, a French diplomat who served as Butler’s deputy at UNSCOM in 1998, told an Australian journalist, Christopher Kremmer, that the US bombing of Iraq in 1998—which made the UNSCOM mission untenable—occurred “because Richard Butler reported that the Iraqis had not cooperated with inspections, even though more than three hundred had taken place in a few weeks and only a handful had been a problem. Three out of three hundred did not go perfectly smoothly…the report, drafted like that, was a good excuse for some members of the Security Council to take action”.
The inspectors were there up until 2 days before, probably looking at all the wonderful architecture before the Hilux’s came through, with their fridges full of germs and flattened the buildings.
The Canals had to be cleared because they had bridges in them instead of over them!
Starting to love all these ties to the ANU, Nothing on Butlers qualifications, appears he was a career politician.
I raised this as I think the yellow book system is good for international quarantine. I don’t think it should have more general use.
I do think people have the right to choose to have proof they have been vaccinated if they wish and people and business are entitled to choose to only mix with vaccinated people. I insist it is by choice not government. I see lawyers loving this if a business is sued because a patron was infected whilst under their care.
Take your vaccine, how does someone become infected if they are vaccinated and how would they know they got it, they can catch it and spread it but virtually 100% protected from them. There will only be you vaccine junkies and sane people left, the sane don’t care, you junkies are safe while you wait for your 3 month booster. The rest of that is waffle, fabricated by your warped mind to justify forcing your beliefs on me, exactly how this conversation started, but you ended back at the top upside down!
Straight away your colours come out
You do not have the right to discriminate in case you missed the last 4 years of MSM, which I doubt. The government fully expect the private corporations to do the lifting, they wash their hands of it, that was always going to be the plan, same result.
Finding phials in residences was never contraversial. Nor was finding sarin. It is in the report.
My point is the status as WMD. I believe they are WMD and in my mind it is political to say they did not find WMD.
This seems to make Nukes the only WMD. Clearly before March 10th 2003 we knew Saddam did not have nukes. He did have the potential to develop them. There was media hype about him having had time to hide them in other countries. The logistics made that hype ridiculous.
The UN messed around the inspections for far too long. America needed support and we know why it wasn’t there as you pointed out the UN corruption.
The war ended on 1st May 2003. Media and politicians made out that peacekeeping and rebuilding was the war. So was VJ day the end of WW2?
Americans are still in Japan and Germany. It is a friendly cooperation.
Iraq has sects that kill each other. That makes it more complex. When did WW2 end if the same criteria are used?
I am not having a covid jab until I see more proof.
My point is always pro choice. Government have the responsibilty of ensuring availibility and providing informed advice.
Choosing to have proof of vaccination could be available. BY CHOICE!
Choosing to only service people with vaccination is a right also?
My point was that somebody could become infected somewhere and blame you. There are many absurd payouts by courts to zealots.
Some businesses may CHOOSE to protect themselves. I employ individuals,some I consider over cautious and others too relaxed.
Perhaps those who want to only service vaccinated people have rights!
The pofessor only did his BSc in Iraq.
All his PhD qualifications were done in France.
Time reveals ALL he told us was true.
I have never been to Iraq. My point was that he went home regularly and was constantly updated.
He saw the MSM and was able to check the facts versus the MSM. The locals apprecated the new hospitals but seeing qualified doctors was more important.
I think there may have been corruption with some American contractors. My point was that the ABC reference corruption building a better Iraq that they had never mentioned. The ABC and MSM had Iraq fights and explosions that were not American. Religious sects were responsible.
In the only region Middle East ( israel excepted) that was democratic. The potential of killings and bombs were a major concern at elections.
Actions speak louder than words. I worry about conferences.
Seriously, Germany and Japan, they do not patrol the streets with guns, both countries have rearmed and restocked. They are bases as the US has on every continent on the planet including Antarctica.
I know how you like MSM articles/opinion so I put myself out, what I have read it was defectors claiming what you say, no evidence was found.
I even did Wiki for the truth, The extent of Iraq’s BW program between 1998 when UNSCOM left Iraq and the U.S. Coalition invasion in March 2003 remains unknown. Current information indicates the discovery of a clandestine network of biological laboratories operated by the Iraqi Intelligence Service (Mukhabarat), a prison laboratory complex possibly used for human experimentation, an Iraqi scientist’s private culture collection with a strain of possible BW interest, and new research activities involving Brucella and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.[23] Despite diligent investigations since 2003, evidence for the existence of additional BW stockpiles in Iraq has not been documented.
After the war was declared over the US troops fought and died for another 10 years, Troops not peace keepers.
The weapons inspectors were not expelled by any one, they were there up until 2 days prior to the war starting, I pasted the exact statement above.
By your logic how can someone get sick from it if their vaccinated, how will they know they are sick in the first place, because they are not sick if they don’t have symptoms, how will they know they did not catch it off a vaccinated person, as you know you can still catch it and spread it. (what does it fix again) It makes no sense, its not logical its hypothetical.
The services that will serve the unvaccinated will be shutdown, by as simple as the transport will refuse to deliver and another 1000 ways they control. That’s assuming that the majority want the vaccine, because I do not mind helping a business that refuses to serve me go broke.
The UN are corrupt they are thieves, all thieves are liars. What really gets me is the UNFCCC, IPCC, UN Climate fund, UN-everything, we all know that they are liars, yet the UNWHO are telling the truth. In the climate debate they silenced all those with an opposing view, fired them, ostracised them. Its exactly the same with the covid, same script even got the villains dressed the same sprouting the same fear. Why do people who doubt every other UN run show now believe the exact same people. The liars are now the tellers of truth?
Every person I speak to that say they will get it know absolutely nothing about this vaccine, “the doctor knows” the doctor knows only what the vaccine manufacturers tell them, no independent studies have been done. The 4 vaccine manufacturers have paid out $32 billion in the last 10 years in fines, due to their corrupt practices and you trust them. They cannot be held accountable for any effect there snake oil causes.
Does my head in wondering how we got this stupid.
Referring to 5:03
After the war the rebuilt hospitals were stocked with qualified doctors, just pulled them out of cold storage did they, behind the milk next to the Anthrax.
It is all hear say, nothing you state is backed up by evidence, as a matter of fact I can only find evidence that is opposite to what you and the self declared professor claim. “Your” I’m a professor I do professing, did not go and help rebuild his country, teach in the newly erected uni’s, judge him by his character not his words and as he did not assist in the rebuilding of his own country, his character is lacking.
You have not backed up a single one of your claims with evidence, only the hearsay of a self declared professor over a couple of hours.
Do you understand how conmen can con people, its exactly as you have spoken, he fed you unverifiable statements. It is easier to con a man then convince him his been conned.
I posted images of the state of Iraq before the second war, I’ve posted links that refute your claims of WMD yet you keep polishing the same T#*d, show no links to back your claims, just hear say of a man who speaks good English.
Here is hospital beds per 1000 persons, showing no improvement in bed numbers from 2000 to 2017, (1.3) but showing a continual drop from the first war, (1.66) this would be due to the sanctions. (though it was dropping from 1.95 in 1980) and there was a million less then before the war. Sanctions never effect the governments but always and only the people.
What report are you talking about with the evidence of Germ warfare, the people who started the war found evidence that it was just, (they investigated themselves) mobile labs as claimed were never found, hearsay and government lies.
The first night of shock and awe took out the countries power grid, but the fridges kept running.
MSM is full of self proclaimed experts, spinning their propaganda.
Do you have anything besides hearsay, because you have shown none.
The Sunni Vs Shia has been happening in every Islamic country since the death of Christ, Saddam kept it in control as did Gadhafi, it erupted into mayhem after the controlling governments were removed by force by the willing, backed by the corrupt UN and generally because the puppets installed by the war mongers were not wanted by the people.
Whats wrong with that one AD.
I forgot the link
[Auto filter MP but was approved as soon as it was seen, if you see “awaiting moderation” as soon as you post a comment it’s the filter and normally it shouldn’t take long to be cleared depending on how long the funny cat video I was watching goes for.]AD
I forgot this bit.
Why did Iraq invade Kuwait, there was nothing to gain in doing this, but everything to lose. They did it because Kuwait horizontally drilled across the border into Iraq’s oil reserves. Then after the war they did it again!
Also, there is evidence that Kuwait was engaged in slant-drilling of Iraqi oil, under the border. As one oil executive put it, slant-drilling is enough to get you shot in Texas or Oklahoma.
Who is we? I was travelling a lot on the 70s and didnt have one and had never heard of one.
I had mine for my first overseas trip in 1968. I think it was only for smallpox and cholera, heading for Singapore. It became unnecessary when it was decided that those had been eradicated in the 1970s.
A small yellow booklet, no online record, separate from my passport, not shown on taxis, entry to pubs or restaurants here or in Singapore. No QR code. No internet. Disk storage measured in single digits of megabytes and database was an unknown term.
Somewhat different from the “vaccine passport” Naomi describes.
Be scared.
Be very scared.
Don’t know if you will see this as it will go into moderation,
Yeah, like most overseas travellers I had a yellow booklet with a record of vaccinations needed for entry into countries with diseases like Yellow Fever, Cholera and Typhoid. I also took a course of Chloroquine before, during and after my overseas stint.
But those were sensible, necessary and mandatory precautions for overseas travel. The vaccine passport idea peing pushed today has wider implications than allowing overseas travel. Today’s vaccine passport is being touted, in a truly totalitarian way, as a general pass to freedom. To live as we used to, pre-Covid. The sky is falling. It’s falling on freedom – that freedom from totalitarian diktat and the current Dark Ages, unscientific health dogma.
Yep total control, there is no old normal, they never say that, its the new normal and that will be anything they say it is.
How do people not see this coming, actually its been here for 14 months.
14 days to flatten the curve and 14 months latter and no one sees. Flatten the curve to elimination without dropping a stroke.
Hospitalisations/deaths to cases which are just positive tests, all world wide at exactly the same time in every media form including this Blog and nobody questions it?
only member of our household that has had a vax passport is the cat. When we moved to Europe she needed documentation of her status, we on the other hand needed nothing (apart from a criminal record check)
Thanks ToM,
A rather terrifying message in that video, but I can’t disagree with it. I think the passport concept she’s describing should be “vaccine passport” to emphasise it’s something different from the two words used. Alleee same like “climate change” is different from climate change. And probably from the same propaganda machine.
For those who haven’t watched it yet, I strongly recommend it.
To Craig Thomas, above, I suggest you do a detailed comparison of the yellow health book (yes I did have one) v the “vaccine passport” Naomi describes. For one, no centralised data base then…
Dave B
Getting closer to the mark of the beast. I sincerely hope it doesn’t happen in my time but if it does I will gladly go to prison or be executed to avoid getting it.
What on earth is this oogoo boogoo about “The mark of the beast” – what mediaeval nonsense are you invoking? Please deal with our quite important, serious, and urgent realities in 2021.
written a millennium before medieval times. It gets interpreted as a desire of a totatalitarian government to keep a population under control. Not a prediction of something like a communist party membership card, which made a huge difference to the way you were treated regardless of anything else that you did, but acknowledgement that such a mark being enforced is the desire of a bad government.
He actually is dealing with it from his perspective, whereas you think all the world has to do is hold hands and sing kumbaya.
Tilba its a state of mind.
‘In recent decades, conspiracy-minded individuals who combine idiosyncratic interpretations of the Bible with fears that evil governmental or religious forces are overtaking society have variously interpreted 666 as a reference to the United Nations, some presidents of the United States, the Washington Monument, and the European Union.
‘Given the commercial associations with 666 in Revelation, such interpreters also commonly identify the flexible symbol with the modern barcode system, the “www” of the Internet’s prefix for the World Wide Web, RFID seals used for tracking and identification, and smart cards used for cashless swiping.
‘Such conspiratorial speculation unhelpfully feeds the phobias of some, whose fear of the number 666 has yielded a new term: “hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia.” (Bible Odyssey)
Good grief … thank god for atheists!
Yeah enjoy that short lived smug thought – until you come face to face with whats coming…
Then those who mocked Christians will have to make a hellish decison – take the Mark and be marked for death by God with no chance of reprieve whatsoever, or refuse and wind up being kicked around the floor by the Devil for refusing to worship him.
The Mark is test of faith – it instantally forces you to choose – God or the Devil.
God has told you its coming for the last 2000 years, so there are no excuses.
Goodness gracious Steve, speaking on behalf of the utopian socialists we are unconvinced by this yarn and don’t feel the necessity to choose between god or the devil.
In a few months Joe Biden will tell the world that we are not alone in the universe, something of a revelation don’t you think.
Many years of experience has taught me that their ain’t no point in arguing rationally with happy-clappers, el gordo.
Their minds are gone … captured by some weird force, and it is so overpowering that they don’t even know that they are consumed.
Pod People … reasoning is useless.
El [Snip]AD your communist beliefs have had a name change, try and live in the present.
According to many, including Israeli-American sociologist Amitai Etzioni who is considered the
founder of the modern communitarian movement, the term “communitarian” was coined in
1841 by John Goodwyn Barmby [1], who used it to refer to ‘utopian socialists.’ These are
socialist extremists (communists) who oppose industrial capitalism, an economic system in
which trade, industry and capital are privately controlled and operated on a for-profit basis.
In this perspective, communitarians believe that trade, industry and capital, in societies, must
be controlled and operated by governments and their institutions. Including supranational
entities such as the European Union and the United Nations.
According to Etzioni, “the most advanced experiment in building a supranational community is
the European Union (EU).”
What Etzioni doesn’t mention, though, is the fact that the EU was established without the
explicit consent of the people whose countries are now EU member states. The governments
of these states have also given up their national currencies without the explicit consent of the
people. Clearly, communitarianism is a completely undemocratic socio-political system and
form of government.
Since at least the 1980s, “communitarian“ is used to describe authoritarian regimes and
societies, such as those in China and in North Korea
Marx rejected the utopian socialists because he couldn’t fit them into his hypothesis, nothing much has changed, but the USP can work with fascists if we have to.
‘Their minds are gone … captured by some weird force …’
AGW theory is a myth, yet it has taken on the dimensions of a religion and its happening in real time.
Tilba, the weird thing is that as Im an Engineer and also a Christian, there is no issue with “happy clappy” thing.
Worship style is just a style, however the core message is unchanged.
Interesting thing is that God meets you where you are. We got to know each other when He used stats and probability to talk to me not flapping about in some emotional hype.
Bet you did not even realise you did that, 3 degrees.
I have been travelling in remote parts, so i missed your drivel last week..
I may be late , but i wont let that LIE go unchallenged
Either show this. “ scientific proof” ..or retract that comment.
In the past, we had yellow fever vaccinations to stop us getting yellow fever.
We had vaccinations to stop us getting some illness.
Things have improved, now the vaccination does not prevent catching it, does not prevent you spreading it, but it may reduce the chance of your death from the illness.
When combined with other measures promoted by government experts, such as wearing masks and unsocial distancing, it probably continues to reduce the chance of your death from the illness.
There are other major advantages such as certainty of big cash inflows for big-pharma, and more work for the public sector in designing regulations and enforcement mechanisms.
Just for a passport, you may ask? Oh no.
The “vaccine passport” is not just an additional overseas travel requirement, it is a permission from government to go to sporting events, concerts, pubs, clinics, restaurants, any air travel, then bus and train travel, and anything else you may want to do outside your home.
It is for your own good.
There are many rare earths, many of which are not rare, but difficult to process. However some of the minerals and metals used in ‘green’ technology will not last long if the demand for them ramps up exponentially for electric cars, solar panels, smart phones etc
Anyone know when ‘peak’ rare earths will occur, which will bring an early halt to the green revolution?
There is always more than one way to skin a cat. Most electric cars use rare earth magnets but they are not essential. Induction motors and generators are just as efficient although they do not have the ideal characteristics for motive applications but not bad.
Copper will likely be a pinch point but it can be substituted with aluminium to some degree.
Wind generators are incredibly resource hungry. They require an order of magnitude more materials than thermal generators. That technology as a source of grid power will consume all human endeavour before it supplies all human energy needs. BHP regularly remind us that each wind turbine uses 4 tonne of coper.
Households will be forced to become more energy efficient. The need for personal transport will diminish. A high proportion of work can be done from home these days.
And 300kg of Neodymium
I read not long ago that the number of solar panels may ultimately be limited by the availability of silver if a suitable alternative can not be found. Among many of its leading attributed properties, silver reflects light better than any other metal. Silver is also the most thermally and electrically conductive of all known minerals. This may explain recent interest in silver mines and investments!
‘Despite their name, rare-earth elements are relatively plentiful in Earth’s crust, with cerium being the 25th most abundant element at 68 parts per million, more abundant than copper.’ (wiki)
You might have touched on something that most people are unaware of the group of element oxides called rare earths. Wiki defines them well and makes this qualifier “Consequently, economically exploitable ore deposits are sparse (i.e. “rare”)”. So the rare refers to their accessibility to exploitation. They are an interesting group for many reasons.
I think the term “rare earth” often gets used/confused for other (mostly) metals that are indeed rare in terms of abundance.
“Even the rarest rare earth, thulium, with atomic number 69, is 125 times more common than gold.” (pasted from a random google quote)
I did not know that ,thanks Gee Aye .
In other words in order to satisfy a green future we have to dig a lot of holes .
Yeah thanks professor, learn something new every day.
If you are speaking of average abundance, then yes rare earths are not as rare as copper and gold, etc. But no one mines average abundance of anything except for certain atmospheric gases. We mine deposits that are economically viable, and rare earths rarely make such deposits. They occur principally in odd volcanics and in placers derved from such.
I expect rare applies to commercially viable concentrations. Gold is not evenly distributed but other elements are. And gold is so valuable what constitutes a commercially viable concentration is very low, a few ounces per ton is viable and being uncombined, unoxidized makes gold easier to extract.
Until the Greens forced the closure of most mines outside China, the price has rocketed from $8 a kg to $250 a kg. You have to wonder who is paying the Greens, because it has been a huge windfall for China and environmental oversight is missing. This is typical NIMBY behaviour from the Greens, as with Carbon Dioxide. The CCP is never held accountable for anything.
The same is true of refrigerants and the story that they are responsible for the Ozone hole, where no one lives and not the hemisphere which contains 60% of people. The taxes are so high it is cheaper to buy a new Chinese airconditioner than to regas an old one. Why?
All the ‘Green’ action seems to direct all business to China. Windmills, solar panels, rare earths. Luckily environmentalists are purists who would not accept cash for an agenda.
You two have literally repeated my comment using a bunch of different words. Somehow TdeF managed to drift off into “greens” – do you know how boring that can be?
It’s only boring to a greenie. There’s not many of them. And even fewer here at Jo’s site.
For the rest of us, well, it’s great to hear the truth so eloquently written. Keep it up TdeF.
Yes, although I’d never heard of Thulium before, the position in the periodic table does have a certain symmetry about it.
Yes, but they are not like digging up coal. Metals such as neodymium are currently highly toxic to process and would not pass any environmental laws in western countries. Neodymium is processed in Mongolia , cancer rates have sky rocketed , water ways and lakes polluted ,irrigated farm land and animals have died and babies have been born with crumbling bones.
Children are digging up cobalt Africa and suffering serious health affects.
China’s Greenland Ambitions Run Into Local Politics, U.S. Influence
Pro-environment party finished first in Greenland election, leaving in limbo a China-backed mining project central to Beijing’s drive to control rare earths
China’s ambitions to develop a massive rare-earth mine have run into a maelstrom of local politics in a part of the world the U.S. considers vital to its national security interests.
The U.S., China and the European Union have been circling Greenland in recent years as they jockey for influence in a region undergoing transformation as a result of climate change. Warming temperatures and melting ice have opened up the possibility of new shipping routes in the Arctic Sea as well as resource extraction.
China’s rare-earths giant Shenghe Resources Holding Co. and an Australian firm were on the cusp of developing a mine along the icebound island’s southern coast when Greenland’s government called a snap election amid mounting controversy over the project’s impact on the environment.
The election leaves in limbo a project that is part of Beijing’s quest to increase its grip on the world’s rare earths—the raw materials necessary to make the batteries and magnets that power everything from cellphones and electric cars to wind turbines. Global demand for rare earths is forecast to soar, as countries push to meet their commitments under the Paris Climate Accord, which President Biden has decided to rejoin.
China mines over 70% of the world’s rare earths and is responsible for 90% of the complex process to turn them into magnets, according to Adamas Intelligence, which provides research on minerals and metals. The mining project in Kvanefjeld, a mountainous area in Greenland known in Inuit as Kuannersuit, was expected to produce 10% of the world’s rare earths, according to Greenland Minerals, an Australia-based firm that holds the project’s exploratory license.
Shenghe, one of the world’s biggest producers of rare-earths materials, acquired a 12.5% stake in Greenland Minerals in 2016, making it the company’s largest shareholder. Since then, Shenghe’s stake has been diluted to 9%, but Greenland Minerals is relying on the Chinese firm to process any materials it extracts from Greenland, a technically challenging step that is key to the project’s viability.
The concession includes uranium deposits, which locals fear could be released into the area’s pristine natural landscape and farms. The project is also forecast to increase Greenland’s carbon-dioxide emissions by 45%.
Miles Guy, Greenland Minerals’ chief financial officer, said the firm had been on the verge of clearing the final hurdles in a yearslong regulatory marathon when the snap election was called. The firm has invested 130 million Australian dollars ($99 million) in the project.
“In our view it would be an extreme display of bad faith to suddenly reverse all that,” Mr. Guy said.
Thanks for the many excellent replies to my original comment
“There are many rare earths, many of which are not rare, but difficult to process. However some of the minerals and metals used in ‘green’ technology will not last long if the demand for them ramps up exponentially for electric cars, solar panels, smart phones etc
Anyone know when ‘peak’ rare earths will occur, which will bring an early halt to the green revolution?”
I understand that electricity production will need to increase by at least 50% by 2050-likely much more. Servers will become one of the largest consumers of power. That billions of EV’s , batteries, smart phones solar panels, etc etc will need huge amounts of raw materials. Demand for which will rise exponentially as the green revolutions continues apace with its low density energy supply and a finite amount of materials, much of this in the control of unfriendly powers.
None of this is sustainable once the whole world clambers on the bandwagon, even if the Chinese driver of the bandwagon has a different agenda-supplying the green technology rather than using them.
The ‘fact’ that oil is not sustainable and we need 3 planets to meet the growing demand can equally be applied to rare earths and other green materials.
Pointing out to people they are not sustainable, cause huge environmental damage and are often dug and processed by slaves and owned by an unfriendly nation ought to concern govts and people being fed a constant diet of greenwash.
Hence my desire to find out ‘peak rare earths’. This is surely a powerful tool
Hi “tonyb”,
An excellent comment.
What has been clear to me for a long time now is that those who formulate our energy policies, in claiming that renewables such as wind and solar reduce CO2 emissions, are seemingly negligent when it comes to doing a proper audit of the energy required to produce and deploy these technologies, and the sources of that energy.
As had been pointed out by other contributors here, “rare” earth elements are so called because they are scattered sparsely throughout the earth’s geology. As a result, an awful lot of fossil fuel has to be consumed to crush and process vast amounts of rock, and to chemically extract these elements. Then there is the energy required to further refine these elements and to manufacture the required products. (David Maddison provided a link recently which gives some idea of the energy required in just the manufacture and assembly steps in the production of a single wind turbine, the bulk of which has to be supplied by dispatchable, hence fossil-fuelled, generation.)
Because the energy sources, wind and solar, are of such low density, many millions of each of these units, whether wind turbines or solar panels, have to be produced to even begin to make inroads into any replacement of fossil fuels in electricity generation. What must be becoming clear is that any emissions reductions resulting from this substitution are completely overwhelmed by that resulting from the creation of these technologies.
The actual emissions figures worsen the more closely one examines the steps to deployment and performance of these technologies. Let’s take as an example the construction of a wind farm that would be expected to operate at a 33 percent Capacity Factor to supply a nominal 200 MW of electricity power output. (“TonyfromOz” will tell us that 33 % is too generous in the Australian context, but it simplifies the calculations.)
To generate 200 MW requires an installed capacity of 600 MW of wind turbines. Presuming that 3 MW wind turbines are chosen, then, 200 wind turbines are required. To properly deploy them, to avoid the effects of downwake turbulence, the turbines have to be sited a minimum of 500 metres apart. That requires a minimum of 99.5 km, or in round figures 100 km, of on-site access roads. That’s a very large civil works project, requiring the consumption of vast quantities of diesel fuel in road construction.
Oh, and these roads have to be quite substantial. They have to support the traffic of not only many hundreds of trips of cement trucks, (required to supply the material for the large concrete foundations for the turbines), but also to support the weight of the 1000-plus tonne mobile crane required to place each turbine nacelle on top of its tower.
We musn’t forget the extra concrete pad, of about the same size or smaller than each of these others, and the access road, required for the 200 MW open-cycle gas turbine required to provide the essential back-up generation for this intermittent, highly variable source of generation. We musn’t forget to add the emissions of the latter to the total CO2 emissions budget required to create, build and deploy these 200 wind turbines.
But, as I said above, it seems that our policy makers simply ignore these very real emissions in their quest to be seen as “clean and green”.
I thought to do the engineering thing and provide a few numbers to show the harsh reality of the futile pursuit of “renewable” wind and solar generation.
No doubt others who are far more experienced in mining and minerals processing than myself can better quantify the CO2 emissions data for those upstream steps.
Best regards,
Paul Miskelly
G’day Tonyb,
Sounds like computer chips are getting to be a bit rare too:
” Global shortage in computer chips ‘reaches crisis point …
Search domain
21 Mar 2021Global shortage in computer chips ‘reaches crisis point’ Consumer price rises loom while dearth of semiconductors slow production from Samsung to Ford Ford recently cancelled shifts at two car. ”
Some of the earliest stories in the results list were from January this hear.
Dave B
Renewables require a tremendous amount of stupidium. Unfortunately it is not consumed.
Nor is it rare; I suspect however, it can be smoked.
Retrograde action in Germany.
‘The German government loves to talk about the importance of green energies, but when it comes to their expansion, it is in fact doing the opposite: Old wind turbines are being removed without being replaced by new generation turbines.
‘Perhaps it’s beginning to dawn on the German government that especially wind and solar energy just aren’t working out, and so they have massively scaled back subsidies with the aim of scaling them back.’ (Notrickszone)
Oops, you should have been more sceptical! Turns out “Notrickszone” have tricked you again!
Surely you should have learned to not trust that blog by now?
German renewable share of power consumption
Clean Energy Wire. Journalism for the Energy Transition!
Sounds like an activist site. Not to be taken seriously without checking other sources. As they say themselves; the devil is in the detail.
yeah you are right, German is now at 55% renewables,previous%20year%3A%20125.6%20TWh).&text=The%20share%20of%20renewables%20in,percent%20for%20the%20first%20time.
(nottrickzone, wattsupwiththat, can be counted on to get it wrong every single time
From your link
The solar power systems benefited from the favorable weather conditions, which allowed more than 6 TWh of electricity to be produced per month from April to June. (3 months)
Wind power produced about 75 TWh in the first half of 2020 and was thus about 11.7 per cent above the production in the first half of 2019 (67.2 TWh). Due to the numerous winter storms, its share even rose to 45 percent of net electricity generation in February. (in February, one month)
The extrapolated values are subject to greater tolerances.
‘In 2019, Germany generated electricity from the following sources: 29% coal, 25% wind, 14% nuclear, 10% natural gas, 9.1% solar, 8.7% biomass, 3.7% hydroelectricity.’ (wiki)
Tell that to the Germans that froze during the blackouts in Winter. Russia is building a second gas pipeline to Europe , under the Baltic Sea to Germany -‘Nord Stream 2’. Germany is going to be at Russia’s mercy just as the Ukraine was when Russia turned off the gas in the middle of winter because the Ukrainians did not do as they were told.
Not exactly. Only in your distorted reality.
Actually they get it right almost (or maybe every) time.
Germany is a Zombie country that now for political reasons, buys high energy products now from other countries, like China and the US.
Your silly chart does not include the energy to build and install the green stuff. The wind turbines at 15 years must be reduced in load by 30% to avoid blade failure. Turbines and turbine base must be replaced at 25 years. Renewal energy must be renewed.
So there will be two complete systems. The green scams which will cover vast regions of Germany and the magic zero source that will back the green stuff up when there is no sun or wind. The magic source is using green scam electricity to produce hydrogen and then liquify the hydrogen (40% energy loss) and then burn the hydrogen to again produce electricity (60% energy loss). Hydrogen is very, very dangerous and expensive to handle. This is a dead on arrival green scam.
If Germany changes to EV vehicles the German electric grid will need to expand by 40%. What is going to happen in Germany when they shutdown the nuclear plants? World CO2 emissions are not dropping. Does not make any difference what Germany does or does not do as China consumes the most amount of hydrocarbons and they are not going to peak until 2030.
Germany will be broke by 2030. Zero emissions is not possible due to basic engineering reasons.
Germany has installed sufficient sun and wind gathering to meet German’s total electric grid needs (not the total energy needs is roughly three times larger than a country’s current electric grid needs, pathetic is it) if the German engineers had or could buy magic batteries, that store energy for months and are free.
Obviously as there are no magic batteries, Germany cheats by exporting half of their wind based electricity to other countries who then return hydrocarbon or nuclear energy.
In 2017 about half of Germany’s wind-based electricity production was exported. Neighboring countries typically do not want this often unexpected power, and the German power companies must therefore pay them to get rid of the excess. German customers have to pick up the bill.
Germany has installed solar and wind power to such an extent that it should theoretically be able to satisfy the power requirement on any day that provides sufficient sunshine and wind. However, since sun and wind are often lacking – in Germany even more so than in other countries like Italy or Greece – the country only manages to produce around 27% of its annual electric power needs from these sources.
Germany has been able to hide the battery problem as they export surplus ‘green’ energy to neighboring countries and then buy back hydrocarbon generated.
The other issue is power lines. New power lines and upgrades to power lines are required to bring power from remote wind locations to cities where the power is required.
There is also an issue with power system upgrades to handle massive rooftop solar. It is inefficient to build roof top solar rather than a solar panel ‘farm’ due to angle and the fact that dust reduces the solar panel output by roughly 20% so commercial solar farms use demineralized water to clean the panels. The solar farm I am familiar with cleans their solar panels with demineralized water ever day based on cost benefit analysis.
El Gordo is talking about generation you are talking about consumption. I know you can do better than this CT keep this up and you will not have signaled enough virtue by weeks end.
A rising percentage of renewables (if true) is nothing to be celebrated. It is the road to grid chaos.
These numbers are true but false. They are the ratio of wind generation to total consumption. But a lot of that wind power is exported when there is lots, while lots of fossil and nuclear is imported when there is little wind. Thus the fraction of wind actually used to meet domestic needs is much smaller, maybe 25% or so, if that. Scotland and West Texas are similar.
None of this is relevant to the very interesting original claim that Germany has slowed or stopped expanding its wind capacity.
Starting a plan that absolutely cannot work…. And forcing spending the scheme that can never work for basic engineering reasons, basic logical reason. Is madness.
Zero CO2 emissions would require replacing all hydrocarbon powered transportation, construction, and mining equipment with electric powered equipment.
To power the new EV vehicles and to heat homes and so on… The electric grid of a typical country (see Cambridge study for UK linked to below) must expand, by a factor of three, and the expansion and the original system must provide three times as much electricity (new transmission lines) with zero emissions to reach “zero” emissions.
A country that tries using the green scams to get to carbon zero, will be bankrupt and will have lost all manufacturing jobs…. because that scheme does not work.
Where is the carbon free energy going to come to construct the batteries, to mine the metals, to produce hydrocarbon products, to heat homes, to make steel, to make cement, to power airplanes, to power ships, to power our civilization?
A Cambridge University has written a report which at least, quantifies some of the obvious, impossible to solve problems, to get to Zero Emissions using the green scams. Why bankrupt our countries? What is gained? China does nothing until 2030? CAGW is a not so sneaky plot to force our countries to spend ourselves to death.
“The UK electrical grid power supply output would be required to INCREASE by a factor of THREE (with zero emissions) as all heating, manufacturing, and transportation, is going to be powered from electricity”
Cement cannot be made and there is no solution.
There is no solution to how to power ships or airplanes. There is no solution as to how to construct buildings or what is going to replace plastics. There is no solution for how to mine with zero emissions or how to smelt steel. The solution is more recycling. Green energy is a fable, an urban legend.
And all of the wind and sun equipment wears out… The sun and wind continues to blow… the turbine blades crack and the bearings fail, and the supports wearout due to the massive fluctuating load. And the sun gathering panels and DC to AC converters need to be replace.
Germany’s Windexit…Old Wind Turbines Dismantled Without Replacement…Looming “Massive Power Outage”?
This is exactly what is happening. They are realising that intermittent power generators are not renewable. Germany produced 3.3% of its power from hydro and 7.8% from biomass in 2020. Both can reasonably be regarded as renewable.
Wind produced 23.6% and solar 8.9%. That level of intermittent input is unsustainable. Germany is relying on other countries to sink its excess intermittent generation and source on-demand generation. It is the same situation that occurs in Australia with SA leaching off Victoria. Germany will be increasingly exposed to the inherent instability of all the intermittent generation.
Overall electricity generation in Germany has been in rapid decline since 2017 as businesses move elsewhere:
Industry in Germany will be cactus unless the rest of the world play ball with protective trade practices. Whatever happens, Germany’s industrial power is losing ground to China.
You may have seen this Albertan Pastor, Artur Pavlovski, expelling intruders from his Church on Good Friday but I just found the full story. 😅😅😅 Amazing authority & restraint. Not to be missed.
I wonder how many deaths he will be responsible for, due to his failure to follow the advice of infection control experts?
Mon dieu, c’est incroyable.
Guess he could rely on the data from Texas.
Less tham Anrew Cuomo or Daniel Andrews
Australian Floods
APRIL 6, 2021
By Paul Homewood
Should people who build their homes on floodplains be surprised when their home floods?
Should people who build on the slopes be surprised when their home is destroyed by a land slide? Should people who have a tree change be surprised when a bush fire destroys their home? Should people who do a sea change be surprised if a cyclone or storm blows them away or erodes the sand they built on?
We all have to live somewhere including on the San Andreas Fault and the foothills of Mt Vesuvius.
Says the guy who built his house on a floodplain.
According to gEarth the Pacific Ocean would need to raise 27M to wet my floorboards.
Not really a matter of having to live somewhere, its more about making choices and then not sooking about the consequences
Good stuff RicDre and I just made this comment on Don Aitkin’s site.
Remember when the Steffen Donkey told us we are seeing the emergence of climate change during the recent NSW floods? And other LW loonies told us that we’re seeing once in 100 year floods?
Well here’s a quick analysis from Paul Homewood and he uses BOM data and old videos of the 1956 floods to support his claims.
And the 1870 floods were higher than 1956 and this has been recorded at Mildura showing the two flood levels. And co2 levels were 288 ppm in 1870 and 314 ppm in 1956 and WAY below Dr Hansen’s so called safe level of 350 ppm.
One gets sick of repeated disinformation from the Climate council and BoM that it is becoming predictable whenever an event occurs. Just more manipulation of the ignorant masses that live their vicarious existences similar to academics and the media. Hoping for a negative IOD and a resurgence of the girl child.
They are now all life threating weather events, we no longer get rain.
4 people died in the resent life treating weather event, head on on the Hiway at Easter, this is an unheard of event prior to life threatening weather.
In SE Qld we’ve were ‘threatened’ by the BOM with a life threatening deluge on Easter Sunday. Some isolated heavy falls eventuated. No one died. No one was surprised.
Now you can get a Tattoo, “Life Threatening weather event SURVIVOR” hear that’s the rage nowa days.
A follow-up to a post I made on a previous thread about Telsa double-charging a few customers for their new cars:
Tesla refunds customers for duplicate charges after outcry
The World Health Organisation has been inconsistent with the truth about the certain effect of Ivermectin on preventing death in its latest guidance update restricting use last week.
Here is Dr. John Campbell the popular medical trainer and video blogger reviewing the WHO’s study with the dedicated researcher Dr. Tess Lawrie.
Cut straight to the 29th minute for the bottom line, where Tess lays out the inconsistency in the WHO’s statement with their own evidence.
This must be a huge dissapointment to both these Doctors, seeing their profession being brought into disrepute in this way by the very authorities appointed to uphold it’s highest standards in the world.
Is all global governance structures doomed to such failure?
A summary of Dr Lawrie’s examination of WHO’s review and statement.
“Dr Tess Lawrie explains why WHO’s decision on Ivermectin does not tie in with WHO’s own recent review outcomes.
Dr Lawrie is a medical doctor and research expert. Director of the Evidence Based Medicine Consultancy Ltd. she regularly conducts meta-analyses of studies for the WHO and NHS.
WHO’s own meta-analysis findings show a 72% reduction in deaths. Their summary findings actually show 81% reduction in deaths (between 64%-91%). Yet they claim it is innefectve.
They misinterpret the severe adverse events and evidence certainty data.
They have excluded some trials all together without giving their reasons and have not made it known which of the studies they did include.
They have not made their workings out available to the public domain. They haven’t followed all standard protocols for analysing the data. They gave a high risk of bias study a low risk of bias grading. They claim there are serious imprecision for most data (this is false for death data).”
Professor Hans Küng has died. He was an amazing theologian, writing many books that displeased the Vatican hierarchy. One of them, On Being a Christian, was formative for me.
RIP Hans Küng.
Thanks Annie..
We’re told this morning that the Vic govt’s advisory panel has recommended that only EVs should be sold after 2030.
The cheapest EV is about 45 K and don’t expect to go very far if you want to tow a trailer, caravan or boat. And the toxic EV battery lasts about 7 years and the cost of new charging stns and availability will also be a heavy drain on govts and taxpayers + burying the toxic mess as well, FOREVER.
Here Andrew Bolt talks to Alan Moran about this crazy push for more toxic ruinables and how China is riding a wave of cheap coal fired energy while crazy western countries wreck their economies with more toxic S&W idiocy that will change nothing and of course ZERO change to climate or temp.
IOW going woke and going broke and don’t the lefty loonies just love it? And why don’t the L W donkeys ever show us their data and a proper cost benefit analysis? We all know why.
EV small car $45K plus depending on brand, and the “cheaper” they are the lower the range capability is because of battery capacity.
For half that price we can buy an ICEV equivalent, the price difference would pay for a lot of petrol and maintenance services.
And what about the recharging cost? It is not right to compare present electricity cost and liquid fuel with over 50 per cent tax included, obviously IF fuel excise revenue declined there would be a road tax on EV to replace it. When comparison is made of petrol and electricity tax-free and replacement of battery as a “fuel cost” the saving is much less.
What about the financial loss for ICEV owners wanting to trade-in on an EV? Scrap value no doubt, “cash for clunkers”, significant financial loss.
Government should follow the tried and proven free market capitalism, let the market choose winners and losers, if and when EV is competitive and superior people will buy.
“and the “cheaper” they are the” the cheaper they are
Vying for the title of “Trabant of the ev world”?
For 45k you get the functionality of a 25k ICE car. Apart from price the comparo is apples and oranges.
From Friends Of Science “Extracts”
The trial police officer accused in the death of George Floyd is in full swing.
It appears the once again politicians and the press have manipulated the public into overaction.
The prosecution is inept.
Then again, it’s hard to be ept win the facts aren’t there.
I’ve seen much of the trial and the press are lying by omission in their coverage.
Prepping an uniformed public.
The usual suspects are promising to burn.
Some ask “why have a trial?”
This may get serious.
The woke Left are without souls.
A couple of British guys have done numerous podcasts on the trial. They can be be found here:
It appears that the Defense attorney is becoming something of a social media legend in the way he disassembles the Prosecuting attorneys (all 12!!) case.
Analysis worth reading at
This guy provides a great summary. Looks like loads of reasonable doubt. And seeing the charge is
Reading this and then watching mainstream media is like living in a parallel universe. 10 news reported that a witness thought Floyd said “I didn’t take drugs.” Neglected to say that the same witness first testified that he thought Floyd said “I ate too many drugs.” Amazing what a quick talking to from the prosecutor will do to someone’s hearing.
“mainstream media is like living in a parallel universe”
This is the great issue of our age.
The true battle front.
We here, interested in the climate issue, have been seeing this unfold for years.
And have been too intellectually open minded and detached to offer sufficient resistance.
‘Climate Change’ is the tank armada that the Left used to lay waste to an unsuspecting public mind.
The mother of the scam that brought us wokeness, the EU, and the Faux POTUS.
I think the the George Floyd incident has direct relevance to the climate issue.
Cannot find an answer to the cause of above average SST in the North Pacific?,32.25,530/loc=109.013,-29.732
What are you talking about el gordo? there are several answers, hint, look at the causes for those 2 (two, duo) cyclones off WA
A cyclone and low pressure cell, nothing to see here. It has nothing to do with AGW.
You cannot hint that its a buildup of energy in the system causing a cyclone?
It’s a La Niña year, which for Western Australia usually means more cyclones than usual.
And if cyclone Seroja hits the coast further south as its now forecast to do, closer to the main population centres, then it may rival Alby in the mid-70s.
I love the colours! May cause confusion in some minds.
I’m thinking geothermal flux, unless Rick Will can convince me otherwise.
You first, Dick!
Couldn’t Dick and his colleagues just stop using anything made from coal?
Now, that’s a “moratorium” I’d listen to.
Do it for a year, then get back to us on how you went, Dick.
Richard Denniss, Chief Economist of The Australia Institute.
He was a senior strategic advisor to Australian Greens Leader Senator Bob Brown and Chief of Staff to Senator Natasha Stott-Despoja, former Leader of the Australian Democrats …
“That’s why my colleagues and I recently called for a moratorium on new coal mines in the Hunter until such plans were made explicit.”
Is Malcolm Turnbull the only Liberal who understands economics and climate science – or the only one who’ll talk about it?
Get off your knees, Dick, the miserable ghost has left the room.
Pathetic isn’t it. Smug human trash like Turnbull run to the ABC for confirmation and now a deconsructionist economic adviser crawls out of the detritus for a piece in the Conversation. These chaps wouldn’t stand a chance in my local pub.
Calculated Millennial Oscillations of Solar Irradiance and Magnetic Field in years 600–2600 based on Barycenter (Mass Center) of the Solar system.
”Hence, in 1600–2600 the Earth will be turning closer to the Sun for up to 25 additional days after the summer solstice, while turned towards the Sun with its Northern hemisphere, before it approaches the local aphelion.”
”The difference in the irradiance is 1411–1366 = 45W/m^2, that is 3.3%…”
Earth-Sun distance varies due to the Fact that Sun is not exactly in the Center of the Solar system. The Center is called barycenter and Sun ”orbit” around barycenter varies 4.3U, where U is radius of Sun (700 000km).
Is there a cycle time? e.g. From the 2600 A.D. turning point through the whole cycle and back to the next equivalent 2600 phase; is there a period time?
Does your hypothesis incorporate the 60 year cycle?
Does anyone get colds and flu anymore, or is it just ‘rona?
Colds and Flu eliminated by mask wearing, social distancing and the lockdowns.
And more people taking Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin C supplements?
I’ve added iron, which is a cofactor of vitamin D, and quercetin, which is an ionophore for zinc.
(The fact that I’ve not contacted COVID is probably 100% because I’m still living 25 kms outside a town which has not experienced any local cases. The nearest I’ve approached Sydney is about 100 kms, which successfully exceeds the 2 metre exclusion zone they advocate.)
Dave B
Yeah funny that, Flu and Rona traveling along together the lock down, masks, unsocial distancing sent the flu to zero but the Rona went up.
Per 100,000 population, the flu notifications were:
Jan 2019 : 27.3
Jan 2020 : 27.9
Feb 2019 : 28.7
Feb 2020 : 28.7
Mar 2019 : 44.9
Mar 2020 : 23.6
Apr 2019 : 74.8
Apr 2020 : 1.2
May 2019 : 122.3
May 2020 : 0.9
June 2019 : 231.9
June 2020 : 0.4
The peer-reviewed research has never found that wearing masks produces any significant reduction in flu or colds. There are half-dozen randomized trials — a surprising small number, but even so when half-dozen trials show no significant effect you ought to begin to believe there is no significant effect.
I live in a university town, full of Ph.Ds. which means filled with people who just believe what experts tell them and who do not notice anything around them or who do not research anything independently. Mask wearing nearly universal. Yet, the flu ward in the hospital was full of flu victims and the covid ward was empty just six weeks ago. There is plenty of flu about where I live. You might consider there are different reporting guidelines for different diseases.
Plenty of flu and pneumonia(non covid) in the UK. See fig.2 second graph.
Weird though that most people with covid died of it, but most people with flu died of something else! It’s almost as if…… no they wouldn’t would they?
United wants to recruit 50% black and woman pilots.
Lufthansa has been training ab initio pilots for years, with some success. They do
their primary training in Phoenix. A couple showed up at our local strip back a couple years
ago and described an operation that might have been military.
Per Lufthansa [ my translation may not be perfect]
The Lufthansa program begins in Germany, where pilots apply to join. Lufthansa takes only one in 10 applicants. Before acceptance, they’ll go through a battery of tests and interviews, both individual and in a group setting. The individual skills test gauges English ability, math and logical thinking, multitasking ability and even motor skills. The group testing phase considers behavior, teamwork and personality. Some 10% of the student pilots and instructors in Arizona are female, mirroring industry rates; Lufthansa is making efforts to recruit more female pilots.
The record has been good.
The FAA during the Obama Administration forced diversity onto the flight controller community. The usual civil service extra points were used to qualify otherwise non-qualifying applicants. The results, were, according to the government, an outstanding success.
Bet you can’t find three pilots working the system who agree.
I am absolutely sure that there are some candidates that United can find who will be great pilots.
But our history of compromising standards rather than washing out certain students makes me think I’ll fly someone else.
No different that some airlines around the world that travelers avoid (and many people always fly Quantas if available on a route).
At the margin, while the 737 Max had real issues, many trim runaway issues were caught by good, sharp, professional pilots.
It’s not the management of the ordinary flight….its the wind shear, the mechanical failure, the runway incursion and how the front
left seat responds for those few second of career time when he or she need to save an aluminum tube full of lives.
I’d [refer the best odds possible.
Your comment reminded me of the earlier Boeing 737 aircraft crashes that were not explained until a Qantas crew flying a 737 preparing to land experienced the problem, the aircraft suddenly veering out of control into a sharp turn and dive, the crew were able to recover the aircraft and therefore explain their experience.
It became obvious that training was the key to their survival and that Qantas was one of a very few carriers that included the recovery manoeuvre in pilot training.
The cause was a larger aircraft, 747 from memory, passing overhead and some distance ahead crossing the flight path of the much smaller 737, and the turbulence created caused the loss of control experienced by the 737 crew.
Years ago one of my trips to US included a United flight from Phoenix to San Fran and the plane went on to Alaska. (IIRC) it was a 727 which was best described as “tired”. For a start my seat didn’t lock upright so I had to fake it. And the landing at San Fran added to my experience of things better described as “arrivals”.
After I got home I was talking to our resident ground engineer who had started with QANTAS in 1937 and contrasted that to the gentle tiptoe landings that QANTAS pilots seemed to consistently manage with 747s.
He laughed and said “QANTAS check captains have been notorious for years – Sir, that manoeuvre calls for 150 knots – 149 is inadequate”.
And on one of those trips I was standing looking out over the 747 at Hawaii waiting to re-board when I saw a bloke in uniform walking round the aircraft and run a torch around the first intake and then the second. And thought (from gliding) “He’s doing a walk around that bloody great thing”! After some detailed scrutiny of the second intake he vanished and came back with another bloke in overalls with a ladder.
At that stage we boarded and eventually took off. Somewhat later the cockpit dj came on, apologised for a somewhat late take off due to a potential problem which he thought we would appreciate being checked.
Recruitment of people solely on the basis of them fitting a certain demographic will never end well, either for the person involved, or the recipient of their services.
Then the question on everyone’s mind is always, are they there because of their skills, or to fulfill a quota? Both parties know this and it inspires no confidence.
Maybe Hanna Reitsch at the helm.
Did anyone notice not one Max crashed in non 3rd world airlines, the simple truth is had they followed normal ‘trim runaway’ procedures, they would have landed safely.
Modern aircraft can practically fly themselves. They can even flare before touchdown on their own. When problems with the 737Max occured, out of curiosity I researched the previous ten years of crashes and found that over half were classified as pilot error. Generally this meant the aircrew trying to take control of the aircraft when they should not have. For example, pilot and copilot on a Japanese flight into San Francisco tried to land manually and over-ran the runway. Malaysian air flight the aircrew took the plane off autopilot to avoid thunderstorms and ran into the coffin corner at too high an altitude. And so forth.
Because of the sophistication of modern aircraft a mediocre or inattentive crew can take the plane around the globe safely until they can’t.
Modern aircraft are extremely complex, and, regrettably, not always perfectly maintained. The statistics on the number of times an attentive flight crew responds properly to an anomaly thus avoiding further issues are not available; but based on the number of squawks I’ve posted over many years of flying suggests a couple of orders of magnitude advantage for the pilots. Its hard to imagine anything more terrifying than a pilotless airliner with a sealed cockpit and a malfunction spending several minutes flying to its doom….
My issues would be compromising standards as you point out and discrimination against boys who have gazed into the skies with stories of heroic pilots [who may have been their own family] in their mind. There are pilots of the B 52 who are following their grandfather/father in the same plane.
If these young men have what it takes they should not be denied.
I get tired of the doom and gloom.
Just went for a drive and ended up on the other side of town and took the dog for a walk on a beach that I haven’t been to for years and the beach much have expanded nearly 100 mtrs. [OK that’s over decades] This CAN’T happen if storms were becoming more severe and more frequent. It actually indicates a calming of the storms.
Why can’t people open their eyes to the real world and ignore the doomsayers?
They can’t see it for the tv set?
True. You close the curtains behind the TV.
Well spotted H
If you turn off the MSM, the current manufactured covid “crisis” disappears.
Interestingly, on the Indian web site run by a well known media company, it took me ages to find an actual covid story. Cricket had a much higher billing.
The AUS site was overrun with “come get your jabs!!!” I mean – its just weird off the scale.
It seems some countries are being clearly set up by the globalists for population reduction ( like AUS, UK & USA ) , and some arent ( like India ).
I’d seen other comments to this effect in other web sites.
On one web site they were tipping a 40% population reduction in Australia – how?
Whereas in India, they are using HCQ to keep a lid on things.
Its all media driven.
Turn off the media and the whole nightmare correctly disappears up its own rear orrifice…..
Interesting official numbers about deaths in Australia during 2020.
140,363 doctor certified deaths occurred between 1 January 2020 and 29 December 2020 and were registered by 28 February 2021. This compares to a baseline average of 140,471 over the past 5 years.
Deaths in 2020 have not followed the typical seasonal pattern with above average numbers of deaths in the warmer months and below average deaths in the colder months. Overall, the number of deaths for the year is very close to the historical average.
The Minerva Nike and the Humford have both run aground in the Suez canal and refloated with zero fanfare from state controlled media
Their names must not be ironic enough?
Try number two
No need for superfluous pillow talk just follow the link
There is a glitch with the system, disappearing comments (not moderation) and then they reappear.
Bring on more lifesaving pandemics.
So surprising that this statistic is not newsworthy for the modern Australian journalist.
Time to acknowledge your whine privilege
The Mocker
Just two months ago, Bill Michael, the UK chair of KPMG, was forced to resign following public revelations he had ridiculed the concept of unconscious bias, saying it was “complete and utter crap for years”.
“After every single unconscious bias training that has ever been done, nothing’s ever improved,” he told staff during a Zoom meeting. “So unless you care, you actually won’t change.”
Last week Michael was vindicated in part, with the release of a report by the UK Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities. While not denying the concept of unconscious bias, it recommended organisations not fund this training, saying much of it was not independently standardised or certified, and that there was little evidence of its efficacy. No doubt many in this lucrative industry will furiously disagree with this finding. In the US alone, around $8bn was spent on diversity training in 2017.
As for detailing those real causes, the commission was unapologetically forthright. Instead of racism, the factors holding minorities back were more likely to be geography, family influence, socio-economic background, culture, and religion. For example, minority failings in education and the criminal justice system are linked with family breakdown. On the positive side, the authors highlighted the outstanding educational achievements and “immigrant optimism” of new African communities. Why is it, asked the authors rhetorically, that they outperform black Caribbean students – 63 per cent of whom grow up in single parent families – who sit in the same classrooms?
Without expressly saying so, the commission had a message for immigrants who chose not to integrate: It is your right not to do so, but do not cry racism when you find yourself at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder. A case in point: the employment rate in 2019 for the combined Pakistani and Bangladeshi ethnic group was only 56 per cent.
Yet the rate for ethnic Indians was far higher at 77 per cent, only one per cent lower than that of white British. The authors attributed this disparity in part not only to poor English proficiency among Pakistani and Bangladeshi immigrants, but also the tendency among members of that demographic to marry a partner from their ethnic homeland – the “first generation in every generation” issue.
Those who argue in response this report is a whitewash must deal with an awkward fact. Of the ten commissioners, only one is white.
Contrary to what the detractors says, neither Sewell nor his fellow commissioners dispute that racism is still a serious problem. “We do not deny that it is a real force in the UK,” he writes. But as the commission has found, the label “institutional racism” should be reserved only for the most entrenched kind, “and not be used as a general catch-all phrase for any microaggression, witting or unwitting”.
Their message for race opportunists and cosseted complainers is obvious. Time you acknowledge your whine privilege.
From the Comments
1 hour ago
So is Bill Michael of KPMG being reinstated?
The Answer is NO – and he is an Australian
A fair bit of argy-bargy and humour up-thread about Boeing and other stuff. All full of chuckles.
The reality is that 346 people died the most disgustingly violent death on 737-MAX because of the really slimy and corrupt relationship between Boeing and the FAA and other authorities. All of you on here that mock those deaths should be really ashamed.
It happens every time an industry owns the regulators. SHame.
What like the pharmaceutical companies, Noooo.
Like how the European Medicines Agency, set up with funding from the pharmaceutical industry, receive 86% of their funding from their main stakeholder, the pharmaceutical industry. No wonder they are so reluctant to acknowledge blood clotting caused by the Astrazeneca vaccine.
You people are absolute masters of “what aboutism” – so you never ever address the real issues. Because you cannot.
“It happens every time an industry owns the regulators. SHame.”
It happens every time the regulators we select to protect us allow themselves to be corrupted by industry. Shame.
‘You people’, a bit of them and us there.
What about this …
Jeez what a tut tut finger wag. Looking at the posts ghe max was discussed but not made light off. Curb the self righteousness, nobody is impressed.
That third degree again?
I guess there is a degree for wokeness now.
I read all the threads/posts here with an aviation theme, there aren’t many and none I have read have made light of Boeing’s errors/problems.
Please post a link.
You can complain about “whataboutism” as below, but your assertions could stand a bit less righteous anger and more facts. Most fatalities in commercial flying are the result of pilot error — the result of decisions made by the flight crew often not under crisis conditions. Quite a few more result from maintenance and weather. Rarely are mechanical/design issues to blame. The Max737 is an anomaly in this regard, but evenso we are talking about few accidents per large number of flights.
It is likely not possible to lower commercial accidents below some rate, just as we cannot reduce “cases” of COVID-19 below some level if we continue mass PCR testing of people with no symptoms. The media and activists, and trial lawyers to some degree, make their bread promoting magical thinking. And please do not reply that I am promoting “deaths” for the sake of profits. That is a tired trope.
“Comparative Analytical Study of Two Different Drug Regimens in Treatment of Covid 19 Positive Patients in Index Medical College Hospital and Research Center, Indore, India”
Maine counties chafe at lower-than-expected payments from wind farms
counties and towns are finding out they are getting less revenue out of the wind projects than they had expected when they were wooed in the 2000s and 2010s by developers looking to erect turbines several hundred feet tall along local remote, elevated ridgelines. In some cases, the developers are arguing that recent advancements in wind turbine technology have made newer models so efficient that older, less efficient turbines erected nearly a decade or more ago have lost much of their taxable value.
In Franklin County, Maine Revenue Services granted a tax abatement on the Kibby Wind Power project that last month forced county officials to return $187,844 in tax-increment financing, or TIF, payments to Helix Maine Wind, which owns the 44-turbine wind farm.
In Hancock County, state officials granted an abatement to another wind farm, TerraForm-owned Bull Hill Wind, that is forcing the county to return $17,342 it had received in TIF payments last year for the 19 turbines erected in that county’s unorganized territory in 2012.
Good to know that Earth’s thermostat is working well in the tropical Indian and Pacific regulating the maximum temperature to 30C:
Also nice to see that the Atlantic is unlikely to go cold this year. It has at least one warm pool nudging 30C:,-0.96,376/loc=-16.985,5.946
So 30C maximum and -2C minimum gives average 14C or 287K. Who needs a “greenhouse effect”. One day, hopefully soon, the world will wake up to the utter nonsense of the mythical “greenhouse effect”. Such a laughably silly concept. So contrived and ridiculous. Given the knowledge we have of the Earth and understanding of physical processes it is mind boggling that such a silly concept as the “greenhouse effect” has gained such traction. Basically anyone with a web browser can confirm the ocean warm pools regulate to 30C. The have been doing it for millions of years and will continue to do it in at least the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean for millions more.
‘Also nice to see that the Atlantic is unlikely to go cold this year.’
Agreed, but next year the AMO should go negative.
In 2015 Judith Curry made a forecast on the AMO flip.
‘Here is the way that I have been looking at this, which is encapsulated by the stadium wave wheel. According to the stadium wave wheel, we passed peak AMO circa ~2010, so we are arguably in a declining phase, heading to a time in the ~mid 2020’s when the index switches to the cool phase.’
TC vs Ocean Temps. 26C minimum required. Study TCs for last 50 years globally. Nothing revealing, particularly in relation to CAGW. TCs cannot form within + or – 5 deg of equator, due to Coriolis. Greenhouse effect has nothing to do with CAGW, and never will.
This from TC head honcho at BoM.
“It’s very rare to see two of them interacting as closely as we have Seroja and another tropical low interacting at the moment,” he said.
However this particular atmospheric quirk can’t be attributed to climate change, according to Mr Burton.
“We couldn’t say that climate change was involved in creating this scenario,” he said. (Weatherzone)
Been waiting for the “Unprecedented “ word but haven’t seen it yet , the system even has a name which escapes me but this will be the third cyclone to hit below shark bay since records started being kept.
For the Yellen supporters
Janet Yellin receives quite substantial payments, mainly for giving speeches, from the big finance/banking firms. Yet, she now has regulatory responsibilities for that area.
This is widespread, it is called capitalism and payment for service, a better description is cronyism.
Dr Doug Corrigan is featured in the above article. He thinks mRNA Covid19 Vaccines may alter our DNA. He describes his shift in thought following investigations by other Researchers into why Vaccinated people are testing positive for Covid19.
Still more questions on these Vaccines.
Yesterday a RadioNZ article announced that NZ and Australia are the first 2 Countries to Approve these Vaccines (remember they are NOT Approved by FDA). We couldn’t believe this and checked the NZ Medsafe Gazette. There are 58 Conditions to their Approval.
So now what? We need Consent forms with all 58 Conditions listed? And we can’t categorically say our DNA can’t be altered.
This is a study done on Peg use in vaccines. “ Testing the reactogenicity of the same liposomes by i.v. injection during the period of seroconversion led to fatal anaphylaxis within 2–3 min only in immunized animals, while the reaction was minor in naïve control pigs (Fig. 4B) [78].”
Here is the TGA document that got it approved,
I loved the reality-based put-down line from scientists when this was first raised.
“No, mRNA Covid-19 Vaccines will not alter our DNA, but those believe it does should welcome the opportunity!”. LOL. Pitch perfect.
Did you read what has written? I do not like researchers who make statements which have zero evidence. Covid is may alter human DNA. That is no reason a design, state of the art test mRNA would cause any human DNA changes.
The concern is Wild Covid may alter our DNA.
Covid is known to be very dangerous because covid invokes a human immune response, that produces in a few percent of the population people who have a specific genetic difference…. Long term serious health issues. This is the old hurt people by getting their body to produce an antibody which in turn acts the body and causes damage. This is exactly what weaponized virus do. The strategy of virus attacks is to create fear and to force isolation.
There is no logical connection between a mRNA ….. that has been designed to produce only good antibodies and specifically designed and tested to not change any cell DNA. That is what the mRNA vaccines were designed, with sophisticated and tested software and tests to ensure that bad stuff does not happen.
The advantage of the mRNA system is it produces very specific and adjustable bioactive chemicals to invoke the human immune response. The covid virus attack on the body is not the same as mRNA vaccine. Does that make sense?
Medical researchers have found evidence the Wild Covid produces RNAs which in turn can be transcribed in human cells. SARS-CoV-2 RNAs “can be reverse transcribed in human cells,”
This is a quote from the link above article.
“A December preprint about SARS-CoV-2, by scientists at Harvard and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), produced findings about wild coronavirus that raise questions about how viral RNA operates.
The scientists conducted the analysis because they were “puzzled by the fact that there is a respectable number of people who are testing positive for COVID-19 by PCR long after the infection was gone.”
Their key findings were as follows: SARS-CoV-2 RNAs “can be reverse transcribed in human cells,” “these DNA sequences can be integrated into the cell genome and subsequently be transcribed” (a phenomenon called “retro-integration”) — and there are viable cellular pathways to explain how this happens.
According to Ph.D. biochemist and molecular biologist Dr. Doug Corrigan, these important findings (which run contrary to “current biological dogma”) belong to the category of “Things We Were Absolutely and Unequivocally Certain Couldn’t Happen Which Actually Happened.”
The findings of the Harvard and MIT researchers also put the CDC’s assumptions about mRNA vaccines on shakier ground, according to Corrigan. In fact, a month before the Harvard-MIT preprint appeared, Corrigan had already written a blog outlining possible mechanisms and pathways whereby mRNA vaccines could produce the identical phenomenon.”
Ok, this is huge, the Former VP of Pfizer: Michael Yeadon, an expert on Vaccines warns us about Covid19 Vaccines.
Oh please … these ridiculous “de-population” conspiracies are just so embarrassing and infantile.
There are very tiny medical risks with the various vaccines – but the statistical risks are far less than from contracting Covid-19 itself.
I agree that the roll-out of the vaccines has been incredibly fast, and there might be a case for more thorough testing and more tweaking, and yes, some of the health official calls have been a bit heavy-handed.
But this is NOT a case for all the lunatic-soup doomer-porn stuff about a programmed de-population to remove the useless eaters … it really is just far too silly Susan.
Her belief, I am guessing she has looked into this stuff. You not so much.
Hey weren’t you saying you got your first degree in Biology at high school, was that the Tilba Tilba high school or did you travel to Tilba or Canberra.
Your ad homs are woefully and embarrassingly pathetic – as are your logic and your brain.
When you get three science degrees, do let me know.
What are your three and was the Biology the one you got in high school?
I passed Biology at high school, I will also call it a degree, so I have two to go.
Here is your opportunity to brag, I know how you enjoy that, all narcissists do.
The only evidence you have presented is, well nothing. Just your continuous attacking of the messenger, while never providing evidence of your claims.
golly yes Tilb , how dare the less credentialed (than an anonymous claim at least) have a voice. How very Sheldon of you.
“Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
“COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease
“Classen Immunotherapies, Inc., 3637 Rockdale Road, Manchester,
MD 21102, E-mail:
J. Bart Classen, MD*
“Citation: Classen JB. COVID-19 RNA Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Microbiol Infect Dis. 2021; 5(1): 1-3.
“The results indicate that the vaccine RNA has specific sequences that may induce TDP-43 and FUS to fold into their pathologic prion confirmations. In the current analysis a total of sixteen UG tandem repeats (ΨGΨG) were identified and additional UG (ΨG) rich sequences were identified. Two GGΨA sequences were found. Potential G Quadruplex sequences are possibly present but a more sophisticated computer program is needed to verify these. Furthermore, the spike protein, created by the translation of the vaccine RNA, binds angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), a zinc containing enzyme. This interaction has the potential to increase intracellular zinc. Zinc ions have been shown to cause the transformation of TDP-43 to its pathologic prion configuration.
“The folding of TDP-43 and FUS into their pathologic prion confirmations is known to cause ALS, front temporal lobar degeneration, Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological degenerative diseases.
The enclosed finding as well as additional potential risks leads the author to believe that regulatory approval of the RNA based vaccines for SARS-CoV-2 was premature and that the vaccine may cause much more harm than benefit.”
That is really a really frightening potential outcome of being experimented on (I won’t say Vaccinated)
Have you sent that to your local News Media etc? I’ll pass it to RadioNZ etc over here.
Thank you Susan Fraser for yet another link showing that ivermectin works.
It works even on late stage, it works even on ‘the long haul’.
Multiple science degree holders could consider the ‘depopulation’ question as, Who is doing the killing?
Let’s indeed think about what would alarm a former VP of Pfizer enough to “go there” and risk his reputation to warn us that mRNA ‘vaccine’ is very dangerous. What if he’s right? Eugenics is still real.
That above article has real data on adverse effects including deaths from the various covid19 vaccines.
Don’t worry Susan. It has been fact checked out of existence long ago. The whole paper is based on a speculatio.
makes me wonder if the cv19 vaccines may produce a form of “zombies” through neurological damage.
Perhaps others are aware of Ireland’s Joint Committee on Health recent recommendations on Vit D. If not here is the link:
My first thought was that the dosage recommended would be too low. The 20 – 25 mG is indeed only 20% of what is needed to get “deficient” into the “good” range. The kindest thing to say about that dose is that no one would be seriously deficient so even that would mean a general health improvement.
5,000 IU/day for years puts my slim wife over 100 nmol/l. I measure 150 nmol/l without supplementation. I refuse to believe that my body would overdose itself just because I spend time in the garden. High dose supplementation is both safe and desirable.
Retail, tax paid, 5,000IU/day costs 5c here on line.
Regulars will have read my posts saying this before. Forgive me, it is a drum worth beating.
Great confirmation that Ivermectin is good for all stages of Covid19 infection including long haulers and as a prophylaxis
I don’t get it. The chances of a SERIOUS reaction to the jab are variously quoted between 1:100,000 and 1:1,000,000. Epidemiologists say this is an acceptable risk. They would say that wouldn’t they. 😀
What are the risks of using HCQ, ivermectin, colchicine, etc? They even warn us not to OD on Vit D. They’ve got to be kidding!
Just out, the UK adverse reactions data. The writers tell us that most recent data is 1 in 166 people experience serious adverse reactions to Covid19 Vaccines.
All the links to the Official sites are there
And if you wondered at the spirit behind the Peking Pox masks and lockdowns
Prince Philip has died .
Sad for HM The Queen.
Yes not a great fan of the Monarchy but the queen would have been lost without him over the years, he has been crook for a fair while.
“Delingpole: RIP Prince Philip – the Last Royal Climate Sceptic”
Some of his “clangers”
I used to think highly of him and loved his ‘gaffes’ but I found his attitude re. the human race being like a cancer unpleasant. I rather lost my respect for him after that. However, it’s still the end of a long and important era. I dread the Queen’s death when it finally arrives; not for quite some years yet, I hope.
There’s some interesting reading on Prince Phillip over on Catallaxy Files Annie, and yes I agree about the cancer comment his personality was complex and humour very dry so it could be out of context, either way it was a life lived of unwavering service and almost the end of a great Royal era.
True, Yonnie.
Plenty in the UK Telegraph that reminded me of so much good that he did. Must remember that. RIP HRH.
Snow in Tasmania, Victoria, and New South Wales from Monday.
Keep us updated. I’m going to the south coast on Monday anything I need to know?
Take a candle.
Watch your purse.
If the answer to that is not “plenty” you’re confirming various suspicions
It will remain cool on the south coast until Wednesday, that is the weather forecast and the meandering jetstream is climate change.
It so is.
The meandering jetstream is a global cooling signal. Willis is in fine form, talks about the great climate shift of 1976 and the major oceanic oscillations, do take a scintilla of interest or you won’t graduate.
What is the Palacechook up to, jobs, jobs, jobs. The link on this released Gov doc is dead. In conjunction with the WHO and Bill and Malinda Gates foundation.
Of course no information can be released on this as it was commercial in-confidence. Same with the Australian Gov deal with CEPI for the vaccines, you are not entitled to know what deals your government is doing with private corporations, how much it is costing you.
This is the new cover up method, stake holder capitalism.
Unusual warm and cool spots isn’t in the script.
“EXCLUSIVE – Former Pfizer VP: ‘Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death.’
“April 7, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) — Dr. Michael Yeadon, Pfizer’s former Vice President and Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory who spent 32 years in the industry leading new medicines research and retired from the pharmaceutical giant with “the most senior research position” in his field, spoke with LifeSiteNews.
“He addressed the “demonstrably false” propaganda from governments in response to COVID-19, including the “lie” of dangerous variants, the totalitarian potential for “vaccine passports,” and the strong possibility we are dealing with a “conspiracy” which could lead to something far beyond the carnage experienced in the wars and massacres of the 20th century.
“His main points included:
“1. There is “no possibility” current variants of COVID-19 will escape immunity. It is “just a lie.”
“2. Yet, governments around the world are repeating this lie, indicating that we are witnessing not just “convergent opportunism,” but a “conspiracy.” Meanwhile media outlets and Big Tech platforms are committed to the same propaganda and the censorship of the truth.
“3. Pharmaceutical companies have already begun to develop unneeded “top-up” (“booster”) vaccines for the “variants.” The companies are planning to manufacture billions of vials, in addition to the current experimental COVID-19 “vaccine” campaign.
“4. Regulatory agencies like the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the European Medicines Agency, have announced that since these “top-up” vaccines will be so similar to the prior injections which were approved for emergency use authorization, drug companies will not be required to “perform any clinical safety studies.”
“5. Thus, this virtually means that design and implementation of repeated and coerced mRNA vaccines “go from the computer screen of a pharmaceutical company into the arms of hundreds of millions of people, [injecting] some superfluous genetic sequence for which there is absolutely no need or justification.”
“6. Why are they doing this? Since no benign reason is apparent, the use of vaccine passports along with a “banking reset” could issue in a totalitarianism unlike the world has ever seen. Recalling the evil of Stalin, Mao, and Hitler, “mass depopulation” remains a logical outcome.
“7. The fact that this at least could be true means everyone must “fight like crazy to make sure that system never forms.”