- JoNova - -

Thread for the Broken Web: Many big sites down?

This may be nothing, but Reddit and The Guardian are out and intermittently there are reports also of Amazon, CNN, The New York Times, and BBC down.  Reddit says “Fastly Error” so it may be nothing more than one cloud computing service crashing.

The BBC Minutes ago (was not down for me)

A number of leading websites are currently not working, including Amazon, Reddit and Twitch.

A number of leading websites are currently not working, including Amazon, Reddit and Twitch.

The UK government website – gov.uk – is also down as is parts of the BBC and a host of other media outlets.

Affected websites displayed the message: “Error 503 Service Unavailable”.

Early reports suggested it could be related to Fastly, a cloud computing provider, which underpins a lot of major websites.

UPDATE: It appears to be solved according to The Australian. Just another odd cyber thing. There seem to be a lot of them lately. Almost like someone was rattling the cage.

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