A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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A couple of simple things:
Isn’t it time to accept that having had COVID & having a positive antibody test frees one from vaccination?
Isn’t it time to routinely suspect a false positive with a positive quick test of an asymptomatic patient?
Isn’t it time to remember “14 days to flatten the curve”, check our hospitals and see the curve is flat?
In short, it is no longer appropriate for any dispensation of executive authority by any of the tiny tyrants COVID has revealed.
It is time, as we are supposed to do in the left’s beloved “democracies”, appraise their performance, and reward or remove
them. Most, it seems to me, focused on leveraging their agendas than dealing with the actual issue, and are still avoiding
the notion that a nasty foreign adversary may have pulled off a successful bio-attack in favor of continuing the crisis to their own benefit.
The whole world’s organizations are all in need of a serious housecleaning.
You ask “isn’t it time” questions. It’s time to declare that very few have become infected amd of those, extremely few have sufferred dire effects or have died. Drop your fear. Don’t be fooled by the fearmongers.
I’m not sure how we can have a pandemic if practically no one is dying!
Its truly wonderful
Now get everyone vaxxed to ensure the pandemic wil not happen.
Aus bought *time* wisely. Spend time well by building immunity
It’s time guys to fight for cheap antivirals.
That’s the big scandal — why are there no cheap solutions to Covid except those used in the third world? ‘
Why do we pay for public medical research if the only drugs offered to people are $3000 a dose ones which profit private companies.
Why do we have universities if they work for private companies?
Why are none of our public hospital doctors free to say what they think?
Always good to have Plan “B”
Against what????????The Flu????????????From what I’ve seen and heard that is what this wuhan virus is.And all the crooks and politicians jumped on it.Just like the”Global warming-Climate change”BS.Trillions of dolars has been spent on that and for what???????
Looks like your question marks have gone viral.
btw it is not the flu so what you have seen and heard is wrong. How did you miss all the facts?
Yes Jo, saw a report that Alphabet, parent company of Google and YouTube is a 12% stakeholder in the AztraZeneca Vaccine and therefore has a vested interest in smothering the cheap anti-virals such a HCQ and Ivermectin.
Have you seen evidence of this interest in AztraZenica?
Thanks Murray, I’m interested in more of that sort of analysis. Why are the Big Tech Giants so Pro-Big-Pharma. It’s both money and politics, but we need to expose that corruption.
Its closing the circle of control , Jo.
If we assume globalists want to ensure everyone gets thier dodgy vaccine, then to ensure there are lots of cross pollination of companies, all following the same agenda, then stifling dissent while controlling information is the perfect setup….
In Aunty Pravda, I notice they are priming the public for the real agenda, namely ” disease x”.
This is possibly the planned and engineered event that could deploy the final…vaccine that does the 48 hour knockdown work the globalists crave.
So when WW3 kicks off, they may get this thing going as well.
Wars are wonderful things for doing all sorts of evil stuff to your population….
I did warn people they are being trained for “proper” behaviour for the next final evebt.
Remember the planned 60% population reduction prediction for Oz at
“AstraZeneca has signed a deal to distribute the Oxford vaccine on a not-for-profit basis during the pandemic. When the commercial deal ends, Oxford University will collect 6% of the revenue, and Vaccitech an undisclosed share.”
AZ was financed by the UK govt and with expensive research by Oxford University. They were tasked with producing an easy to use vaccine that was cheap and could be rolled out to all countries, especially those with rudimentary health care services.
So no one is making money from this. Indeed with the Eu threatening to fine AZ 10Euros a dose (on a not for profit vaccine!!) if they fall below a certain delivery schedule then this has cost all concerned a lot of money.
In due course hopefully the Researchers, The UK govt, AZ and OU will make a profit and get their money back
What money did they put in TB, it was tax dollars that funded the whole charade, got billions maybe spent millions and pocketed the change.
Trust the most corrupt industry in the world, I think the not a vaccination has inoculated you from common sense and nothing else.
The call to arms goes out.
And Crickets. Maybe that should be sheep
How does your not a vaccine build immunity exactly, more ranting’s from the raving lunatic.
What does your not a vaccine actually do, you can still catch, transmit and die from the Kungflu.
In an aged care home on your snap frozen side of America an outbreak caused 14 deaths, 50% where inoculated. Heads or Tails!
You have as much chance of catching the worlds most deadly, most lethal virus from your fellow sheep.
Shame logic is not contagious.
Watch the UK experiment. Keep an eye on the growing infections but also on hospitalization and deaths with a one week and a three week lag.
Does anyone know where to get good hospitalization data in the UK?
But even if the UK vaccines protect against hospitalization and death, that doesn’t solve the problem of immune escape and the worsening mutant situation. (Or the side effects of the vaccine).
EG Mareks disease in chickens.
Day 464 of 14 days to flatten the curve.
Wales, seems up to date. Population 3.1 million.
The kungflu.
Only goes to May. I highlighted May for the past 3 years, yep. Monthly update.
According to a Mortician, the last two years have been average for deaths, up until the vaccination.
Believe it or not!
Deaths below average April, May
Back to 2050 you can see what appears to be cooling the past, to make the present scary.
Our community has 130,000 people plus numerous coffee shops, active social media a local newspaper and a large hospital.
I think we would have noticed deaths due to the vaccine with a practically 100% double vaccination rate amongst the over 50’s. It would be the talk of the coffee shops, all over social media and the newspapers and the hospital would be overwhelmed.
It is currently encouraging patients to contact them if they have illnesses that need treating.
You know my scepticism as to the seriousness of Covid 19 from the start-I think it was greatly exaggerated condition for the majority of people. Much more deadly for the elderly and already ill. Not helped by the method of counting cases and deaths.
As I noted elsewhere Every year prior to 2008 had more excess deaths than 2020 (our records start in 1856) Covid is currently only number 24 in causes of death and we are well below the five year average for excess deaths.
At last we seem to be making a distinction between those who die OF covid and those who die WITH covid.
The govt made some dreadful mistakes at the start which greatly exacerbated the seriousness of this condition including decanting elderly people with covid into care homes, not protecting hospitals, not closing borders earlier and telling people to stay indoors when outdoors was MUCH safer as the govt has belatedly admitted
Lots of data here, no idea if it’s what you want or same/better than MP’s links.
I have that one, its all government sanctioned fear porn everywhere you look.
Does anyone actually believe that they are conducting a million PCR tests a day, every two months the entire population is tested, BS.
Many people will be undergoing repeated testing.
Its still a million a day a virtually impossible number.
MSM said its true?
where is it a million a day?
In the UK?
Don’t worry I will save you the trouble of opening a link.
Cut from the link
Virus tests conducted
Latest data provided on 17 June 2021
1,034,415Daily number of virus tests conducted reported on 17 June 2021
Last 7 days
What’s going on you starting to clot.
those are not all pcr tests
and I will provide a (indeed THE) link
Testing is where we do a test to see who has coronavirus. Some people are tested more than once.
There were 1,034,415 tests reported on 17 June 2021. This shows an increase of 1.3% compared to the previous 7 days.
Between 11 June 2021 and 17 June 2021, there have been 6,166,241 tests.
They are corona virus tests, fair enough only 600,000 where PCR the others rapid flow?
Its still a million tests a day
they are doing a good job aye
If your job is stoking the fear porn industry fire for big pharma dollars, I would say they are doing an excellent job.
Agreed in principle, Richard. I’m over 60 and diabetic, and not the least bit interested in getting a COVID 19 vaccine of ANY kind. Sure, I’ll succumb eventually…but with all the new variants that have appeared, and more to come, and the current vaccines are proving less and less reliable for these new variants, WHAT IS THE POINT? The whole COVID scenario has been a big fat joke from the start.
Over 60? My next celebratory day will be my eightieth. My son is booked in for his jab tomorrow. Me? not so soon.
I have no comorbidities and a V high Vit D count. My ailing wife is almost totally dependent on me and she has priority. No way will I willingly take a risky jab until I need others to care for her. Then I will have no option.
God bless you Hanrahan.
There is a twitter thread claiming the the vaccinated in the UK are dying at a higher rate from the Delta variant than the unvaccinated. Anyone seen this from a reputable source?
Since hospitalizations are of concern, fully vaccinated people are being hospitalized in the UK at a higher rate than unvaccinated people. According to most recent technical briefing report, public health data show that 2.0 percent of vaccinated individuals (84 of 4,087) who tested positive for the Delta variant were admitted to hospital (including those tested upon entering the hospital for any other reason) compared with 1.48 percent of unvaccinated individuals (527 of 35,521).
The socialists have a different view, however:
Of the 383 people in England admitted to hospital with the Delta variant between February and June 7, 251 were unvaccinated, 86 had received one dose of the jab and 42 both doses. Of the 42 who went on to die, 23 were unvaccinated, 7 had received one dose and 12 had received both.
Wouldn’t it be nice to get some official data.
“The figure of 60 percent was confirmed by Professor Neil Ferguson “
“But this week, as the country grapples with a post-Eid surge in cases, Dr Redjeki herself died of COVID, despite being fully vaccinated.
“”Compared to a few months before Eid, the number of patients of all ages has been increasing … not just the elderly,” Dr Dwipa said.
“”We have had cases of young people, in their 30s, who are [fully vaccinated] but still had COVID-19 symptoms and needed to be treated.”
“A survey of residents of greater Jakarta conducted in late 2020 found that about one in five people believed that COVID-19 was a “conspiracy formulated by global elites”.
That was what I have been saying.I’m now 72 and won’t be rushing to have the jab and strangely enough my doctor hasn’t insisted that I have the jab.Things that make you go,Hmmm.
No. But with deaths hovering at 15 per day when 1500 per day die anyway and covid currently being the 24th biggest cause of death the numbers dying from covid -vaccinated or not- are small anyway
The best three Presidents of my lifetime have been Ike, Reagan and Trump. All republicans.
I’ve experienced Trump and wept for him, I sorta remember Reagan but I was working hard raising a family at the time but the conservative press rate he and Nancy highly and he signed Glasnost with Gorby, and I like peace.
What about Ike? His warnings about the industrial/military complex were prescient. Was he still a wise President? I’m interpreting the lack of critical comment on his administration as a good thing.
Apart from his lack of morals Clinton was not a disaster. Is there any other dem you could, in conscience, shake hands with? They are all despicable characters.
John Kennedy, who also had a number of moral failings, was a good president. Although he was a Democrat, modern Democrats would likely label many of his policies as right-wing policies.
Hanrahan, I like to decide the overall quality of any president by asking: would you have them over for dinner if your teenage daughter was going to be present?
T Roosevelt-yes
Regan-yes and more than once
Bush 1 -yes
Clinton – Hell NO!
Bush 2 – yes
Obama – no
Trump – yes and many more times
Feeble Creepy Joe – what for?
I’m not sure if this list says more about me or them either……..
Nobody talks about poor old Jimmy Carter
Carter ranks along side Clinton as a do nothing President.The rest in between Reagan and Trump were all useless and Obunghole should have been [SNIP] along with all his handlers.With-out a doubt THE worst President EVER….
Fair point Yarpos.
Jimmy Carter would be a yes for dinner. He’s a person that is too decent to be a good president.
Last week’s Aus magazine had the article about how great renewables were for farmers in New England NSW, giving them a better return per hectare than anything else. They are on the grid distribution lines too, so they are in the right place. I’m pretty sure the projected numbers were 11.5 billion for 8000Mw, which would be nameplate? So is that 11.5 billion for 2000Mw? So a similar sized coal plant could be ? Say 3-4 billion? It lasts 4x as long as the renewables. That leaves a fair bit of change, to cover the coal. I guess if you can tax the c..p out of coal, then they are competitive.
It would be $11.5 billion for 1360MW at 17%. That is a typical figure for solar PV (crystalline silicon). Amorphous silicon and thin film types are closer to 10%.
Trial Site News article – deep look at WHO’s funding – 80% private ‘donations’! Gates tie ins, and push for vaccines. Gates also very closely tied to WHO Ivermectin reviewers.
COP26 heading for the rocks?
From The GWPF
Date: 18/06/21
GWPF & Financial Times
It will be the same “success” as the previous 25 Climate summits – lots of scary stories (especially on the BBC), lots of waffle and some stupid decisions (which won’t even recover the emissions involved in all that air travel).
Also ten of thousands of delegates get to be bored stiff while pretending to “save the world”. They will seek consolation from expenses.
And speaking of expense, ten thousand “green” protesters will mill around shouting and being interviewed by the BBC, just to make sure that their stupidity is obvious.
Wonder what kid they’ll grab off the short bus to give a “how dare you!” speech this time?
Ooops . . pardon fat fingers above.
It’s a total junket.
26,706 participants registered for COP25.
This breaks down into: 13,643 people representing specific parties, 9,987 from observer organisations – such as scientists, business groups and various non-governmental organisations – and 3,076 journalists.
Top 5 COP delegate teams.
Côte d’Ivoire (348 delegates)
Congo (293)
Spain (172)
Brazil (168)
Congo (165)
Fortunately I understand those living in Europe will walk to Cop25 whilst the others will row or take a yacht so you don’t need to worry about the carbon footprint
There organisations (these people never pay their own way) will pay for some mickey mouse “offsets” and consciounses will be salved.
Their not there
‘A Group Of Parents Sent Their Kids’ Face Masks to A Lab for Analysis. Here’s What They Found’
‘Half of the masks were contaminated with one or more strains of pneumonia-causing bacteria. One-third were contaminated with one or more strains of meningitis-causing bacteria. One-third were contaminated with dangerous, antibiotic-resistant bacterial pathogens. In addition, less dangerous pathogens were identified, including pathogens that can cause fever, ulcers, acne, yeast infections, strep throat, periodontal disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and more.’
I have been calling them facial mounted bacterial culture pads for over a year now!
Guys, speaking as someone who did microbiology lab work. You can sample any damn thing in the house and find thousands of pathogens.
Under their fingernails will be worse.
That is a big nothing.
Meningitis bacteria are common, but only a few people get meningitis, and we still can’t predict why some are vulnerable.
PS: It’s evidence that people aren’t washing their masks, thats all.
But they don’t breathe through their fingernails do they?
It would be interesting to see a proper analysis as to what wearing (very badly) these filthy face masks day in day out, actually achieves. Is it overall negative or overall positive?
Simple. Don’t wear filthy ones.
My consultants cheque is in the mail.
Repeated as it fits IMO
But there was no coronavirus found on the masks! Wow! They must really work in stopping the spread of COVID19.
Any reason for posting this again. I debunked it last time and thankfully Jo has done so again.
Just a hint GA. When you and a few others claim to debunk a story it actually increases the credibility of the story.
It’s called negative credibility and you’ve got it big time.
yeah… noted. Greggg posted this verbatim twice then nicked off. Why was that?
Europe just opened to US citizens with out vaccination. Lack of vaccine passports in USA makes it harder to implement world wide.
DJT is holding a rally next Saturday in Ohio.
I’m hoping for a massive turnout.
What will they do?
Pretend it didn’t happen?
The MSM exploding heads could be serious fun.
(Just kidding, I’m sure the reporting will calm, reasoned and accurate.)
Looks like a job for the FBI.
Thats exactly what will happen, they will pretend it didnt happen and probably even throw in some “look squirrel!”
25% of Toronto adults are fully vaccinated against COVID-19; 75% received first dose
It’s still a race to supress a 3rd wave. R remains below 1
UK R is between 1.2 and 1.4. That is why they are delaying opening up more as they race to vaccinate further
Covid is currently the 24th largest cause of death in the UK
We are currently at a record low of excess deaths averaged over the last five Years
We have a large number of cases because we are testing more people than anywhere else in the world. People are encouraged to take two a week. Those testing positive tend to be the young who dont even know they have it and for whom the repercussions of having the virus are very limited.
Vaccination rates are very high.
Sounds very pandemicy.
Look out your window and check for the 24th most dangerous thing …
before going out.
You’ll be safe.
Stop for a Big Mac, French fries and a chocolate milk shake on the way home.
And don’t forget to pickup cigarettes and vodka.
(Poor NHS.)
Good to see that the UK is still maintaining positive control over the situation. No doubt the government will increase restrictions in a few weeks hence, if necessary to do so
By contrast it is hard to see the American governments clamping down again unless things get bad!
I am uncertain tha the U.S. can escape a considerable 3rd wave. Their vaccination rate has falllen off and they are throwing off restrictions in a stampede to open wide
The UK government all-cause mortality for 12 months to January 2021 shows it is an average year. This is deaths per 100,000 of population. Where are the deaths from the world’s worst most contagious most lethal virus, the Pandemic?
The UK Govs declared this,
From the link.
Status of COVID-19
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.
The 4 nations public health HCID group made an interim recommendation in January 2020 to classify COVID-19 as an HCID. This was based on consideration of the UK HCID criteria about the virus and the disease with information available during the early stages of the outbreak. Now that more is known about COVID-19, the public health bodies in the UK have reviewed the most up to date information about COVID-19 against the UK HCID criteria. They have determined that several features have now changed; in particular, more information is available about mortality rates (low overall), and there is now greater clinical awareness and a specific and sensitive laboratory test, the availability of which continues to increase.
The Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens (ACDP) is also of the opinion that COVID-19 should no longer be classified as an HCID
Guys, deaths are a lagging indicator.
The potential damage from something that grows exponentially can’t be judged by “deaths this week”. The only reason deaths are low in the UK is thanks to lockdowns and vaccines (not that I want either of those things), not because the bioweapon is “nice”.
Single factor lagging analysis in medicine is not useful.
They are 2020 stats, how long is your lag?
If you think our politicians are lacking in forethought try those in the UK.
There they are shutting down their coal-fired stations (but having to start them up again when renewables fail to deliver) and much of their nuclear is going to shut down in the next few years.
They are subsidising wood burning (which increases CO2 emissions) but rejecting coal mining, gas-fired generation and looking for more gas. And their policies are aimed at a vast increase in electricity usage (EVs, air conditioners replacing gas heating etc).
Now to really add to the madness they are exposing ourselves to European Grid problems with increasing interconnectors.
Currently they have
France IFA1 (2GW) & IFA2 (1GW)
Netherlands BritNed (1GW)
Belgium NemoLink (1GW)
Ireland East/West (0.5GW)
Total 5.5 GW
Here is the list of those about to come on line, under construction and proposed new connections. Bear in mind that Germany, France and Belgium all plan to shut down their nuclear plants, and rely on wind turbines, and that Norway has recently had to import nuclear from Sweden.
Norway, North Connect (1.4GW) and North Sea Link (1.4GW)
Denmark Viking Link (1.4GW)
Germany, NeuConnect (1.4GW)
Netherlands (1.4GW)
Belgium Nautilus (1.4GW)
France GridLink (1.4GW), ElecLink (1GW), Aquind (2GW), FABLink (1.4GW) and Eurolink (1.4GW) (total 7.2)
Ireland Greenlink (0.5GW),
and even Icelink 1.2GW to Iceland (unlikely).
What could go wrong? Would the EU try to cause problems? France recently talked of shutting down supply if they didn’t get what they wanted with regard to fishing. And with everyone shutting generation down, but planning to increase electricity demand considerably, WHERE will that extra come from?
You misunderstand the willingness of the British population to make deep sacrifices for the sake of the planet.
I for one am happy to have one hour of power a day, whenever it is convenient for the govt to give it to me. I will gladly pay three times what I currently pay . Obviously I will get rid of my fossil fuel car and the thought of taking planet destroying planes nauseates me.
Every night I pray for a zero carbon future and that the sinners who gobble up all the fossil fuel they can with their wasteful unreconstructed lifestyle will be struck down by a plague of locusts.
I don’t need to put ‘sarc’ on an Aussie blog do I?
Well done.
Although sarcasm is probably lost on those that require notification.
Thanks Tonyb: but I fear that you will find out the answers to my questions are pretty similar to what you describe.
There will be problems starting late next year, and getting worse as long as current policies are continued. I mst admit that I cannot see any solution because too many have financial interests dependent on gouging the public.
If you live in the country you may avoid the worst by having a stock of diesel oil and wood (for heating) as well as diesel generator. A spare room or two for relatives and friends trying to escape the city might also be on your list.
Europe may soon have one of the most interconnected and undersupplied grids in the world. They will spend a lot of time throttling those to protect themselved. Progress.
Amazon deletes America’s Front Line Doctors website.
additional link / information
It’s still available it seems:
So Amazon now corrects medical professionals and berates them for spreading ‘misinformation’?
I guess their ‘Health and household’ will be my go to medical advice, can’t wait for my ‘Operation’ game and Magic 8 ball to arrive.
Brave new face of science. Daring to look at more than just carbon emissions
It’s already a zero sum game or worse, even while the carbon cutting has scant begun. Real dilemmas!
(As usual it is necessary to read between the lines of this upbeat science based message of inclusivity)
Tackling Biodiversity & Climate Crises Together and
Their Combined Social Impacts
“Daring to look at more than just carbon emissions”
Anyone who says “carbon emissions” when they mean “carbon dioxide emissions” obviously doesn’t know what they are talking about and should be ignored.
The same sort of way that vegetation keeps carbon in play near the surface, both above and below in micro environments?
Amazing how much carbon is close to the ground both above and below the surface. Especially given that CO2 is a trace element, probably because it’s movent is relentlessly downwards into the earth’s crust
Be careful of the coal gas from smouldering underground fossil fuel beds. Not to mention the cow belching.
Burning fossil fuels also emits dihydrogen oxide which is a far more potent green house gas than carbon dioxide and contains twice as much hydrogen than the carbon in carbon dioxide so they should really be obsessing about hydrogen emissions.
Wood is especially poor for producing dihydrogen oxide, both during its combustion and even in its drying.
Dihydrogen Monoxide is a colorless and odorless chemical compound, also referred to by some as Dihydrogen Oxide, Hydrogen Hydroxide, Hydronium Hydroxide, or simply Hydric acid. Its basis is the highly reactive hydroxyl radical, a species shown to mutate DNA, denature proteins, disrupt cell membranes, and chemically alter critical neurotransmitters. The atomic components of DHMO are found in a number of caustic, explosive and poisonous compounds such as Sulfuric Acid, Nitroglycerine and Ethyl Alcohol. Dihydrogen Monoxide is a known causative component in many thousands of deaths and is a major contributor to millions upon millions of dollars in damage to property and the environment. Studies have shown that even after careful washing, food and produce that has been contaminated by DHMO remains tainted by DHMO.
even burning hydrogen produces DHO. If you inhale it, it can be fatal.
“Especially given that CO2 is a trace element”
Actually, CO2 is a molecule, not an element.
CO2 is a compound.
All compounds are molecules, but not all molecules are compounds.
A compound is a molecule comprised of different atoms. CO2 is both a compound and molecule.
As I wrote and as is the actual definition.
A compound is comprised of a combination of different elements, a molecule is formed from atoms, atoms from electrons.
Fe is an element and a molecule not a compound, O is an element and a molecule not a compound. FeO is a compound and a molecule (S) but not an element.
Try understanding what is written.
Vegetation keeps hydrogen from dihydrogen oxide in play in a very similar way.
It is also amazing how much hydrogen from dihydrogen oxide is close to the ground both above and below the surface.
Also, coal gas from smoldering underground fossil fuel beds emit dihydorgen oxide. Not to mention the cow belching which oxidizes into dihydorgen oxide (and a little CO2) fairly quickly in the atmosphere.
Urinating cows also release a lot of dihydrogen monoxide and even milk contains some of it.
ICCC-14 Preview, Ep. 4: Roy Spencer on “What Recent Ocean Warming Suggests About Future Warming”
Bloomberg Celebrates an International Banker Effort to Dictate Climate Policy
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
Just found an email in my inbox announcing this . . . .
Good stuff!
Ever heard about the UK government “Nudge Unit”?
An introduction starts here
And keep reading the comments that follow.
You’ll find that “the nudge unit” has an office in Sydney
This sounds like it may be part of the process of slowly sliding the Overton Window to the political left.
“Ivermectin cures Covid according to The American Journal of Therapeutics”
“Hey! Also a favourable study in the latest edition of The Lancet:
The Lancet E Clinical Medicine Vol 37, 100959, July 1, 2021 “Antiviral effect of high dose ivermectin in adults with COVID -19: a proof-of-concept randomised ”
Via Cat Files
And also
“John A says:
June 20, 2021 at 3:34 pm
Ivermectin Hesitancy will be the death of the West and of many of its citizens.
Correction: Ivermectin/HCQ Refusal
The TGA Act lists Ivermectin as a Schedule 7 “Dangerous Poison” and Hydroxochloroquine as a Schedule 4 & 5 item, restricted to prescription for currently approved purposes only.
I can no longer trace the enabling legislation which was gazetted on April 2nd, 2020 which made them so. Grr!”
Sheep must get a better grade of ivermectin then as there are no such warnings on that container.
Looking deeper looks like that puts it on the level of strychnine!!!!!!
How to run a Tesla on gasoline…
Guest “Now that’s funny right there” by David Middleton
‘Asians fight back against white supremacists in Dallas’: Asian business owners defend their store pretty aggressively
As Twitchy recently reported, NBC News highlighted an analysis showing that despite viral images of Asian Americans being assaulted by people of color, it’s really whites who are guilty of the most hate incidents against Asians (such as calling COVID-19 the “Wuhan virus”).
On the other side of the spectrum, we got flashbacks to the L.A. riots when we saw this video of Asian American shopowners fighting back against a black woman who apparently thought she’d been disrespected or something.
When the Rooftop Korean is on street level.
Years ago I was talking to a US helicopter pilot from Vietnam days. He reckoned that thge toughest lot he ever flew was a unit of South Korean marines –
“They were so tough that when they moved in even the animals moved out”
Don’t start something, won’t be nothing.
meet Dong Jingwei
big pharma war, update
More on alleged defection here.
The Corbett Report on the World Economic Forum. The Great Reset!
Blocking high pressure is a global cooling signal.
Food shortages in the UK?
There is a shortage of delivery drivers. The govt is being asked to remove restrictions on times of deliveries.
Our shelves are groaning with fresh fruit and veg. The only way there is likely to be a food shortage is if silly articles like this panic people.
Looks like your going Vegan eh.
WE have plenty of beef, although we have notified the EU that we will be reducing their quota in preparation for taking more beef from Oz.
Bluddyell, beef costs far more than port and chicken here now, we don’t need Brits pushing up demand further.
So you won’t have plenty of beef or you will buy ours, which means you won’t have plenty of money. The days of plenty are numbered. So you don’t have enough beef home grown to feed your own population, you are surviving on other peoples.
With that video and in the fog of your shoot the messenger, you do (you don’t) realise he is just reading what your media publishes.
Those trees blocking your view of the forest.
Phase out? = Ban Wood Heaters
I spent a night in NW Tas, maybe Stanley, and there was a temp. inversion. The smoke from wood fires hung low over the town. No idea how an asthmatic could live there.
Global Hurricane Hours
Thanks Zoe,
It is good to have your resource to contradict the claims that Hurricanes are increasing.
“Time For Linux Phone. State Installed Ghost Software…”
We now have an Existence Proof of State Installed Tracking Software, against your will, that re-installs upon removal.
Note that what this app does is essentially “contact tracing”, one of the basics of spy craft used to identify all your “associates”, known or otherwise.”
More at
and comments. Both Iphone and Android
Yeah this is all about a virus.
A compelling speech by Craig Kelly in Parliament from 4th June. ToM
Thanks T,
Great speech. He did a lot in the 12 minutes. Covered the idiocy of the Qld Govt’s threatening gaol for any doctor prescribing HCQ, as well as the number of countries in which cases went up following vaccination.
And I liked the way in which he ever so politely squelched the attempt to gag him.
Pity I can’t give him a vote, as I’m not in his electorate.
Dave B
For the record
“Nice Summary Of Election Fraud To Date”
Amerika is worse than North Korea?
“These days, the “bad guys” are still the “bad guys”, but we want to be “bad guys” too. This is something that doesn’t make any sense at all to Park…
“”You guys have lost common sense to degree that I as a North Korean cannot even comprehend,” she said.
““Where are we going from here?” she wondered. “There’s no rule of law, no morality, nothing is good or bad anymore, it’s complete chaos.”
“”I guess that’s what they want, to destroy every single thing and rebuild into a Communist paradise.”
My thoughts exactly.
We are currently overruled by a parasitic overload with Severe Delusions of Adequacy..
They have utter faith in their own virtue and abilities,while they have never produced evidence of either ,their entire time breathing Earths air.
Their performance in this, Dread Covid Theatre,destroying any such illusions,that they have spent entire careers creating.
Fools and Bandits bringing us a Glorious Shit Show of incompetence,Malice and Mass Hysteria.
Given,at least here in North America,the politicians and their “professional minions” chose to cancel civil society to save it and in many parts continue to keep all semblance of civilization under curfew due to “Medical Emergency”..
I have no individual rights nor freedoms..
No rule of Law ,no due process.
So no civilization.
I am not worthy in the eyes of those who rule.
Me a savage?
That is what I am defined as,by these freeloading nitwits.
I believe my only logical response is this:
“Me Savage? You prey!”
What nobody’s telling you about the G7 and Putin meetings.
“The real question is how on Earth could the G7 featherweights and the far from lightweight Vladimir Putin feel so free to treat an American president with such open and utter contempt?”
Read more at –
Very telling Pointman.
The covid origin question is starting to get traction. This is a hot issue.
We need to get the point where the US officially states that covid is a deadly manmade virus. There is zero physical evidence that covid was natural. It appears in fact that based on the physical evidence it is not possible for covid to have been natural. Covid has features …. … Which are impossible to physically happen naturally.
If covid was natural… There would be have been decades of it infecting people and gradually ‘learning’ how to defeat (viruses learn how to defeat our immune system by changing/evolving) the general human immune system. And in addition covid has four novel features (these novel features are required and were designed … …. to enable covid to kill people and to make covid super infectious) which have never been seen before in any natural virus.
What are the odds that all of the bad features in all of the viruses would suddenly appear in covid? Zero. Because there is zero evidence to support the natural theory. Odds makes sense for games of chance. This is not a game of chance.
For example.
Can COVID-19 kill pain? That is the possibility raised by University of Arizona researchers who found SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, might function as a pain killer.
Three reasons why COVID can cause silent hypoxia
In coronavirus patients, it’s thought that the infection first damages the lungs, rendering parts of them incapable of functioning properly. Those tissues lose oxygen and stop working, no longer infusing the blood stream with oxygen, causing silent hypoxia. But exactly how that domino effect occurs has not been clear until now.
“We didn’t know [how this] was physiologically possible,” says Bela Suki, a BU College of Engineering professor of biomedical engineering and of materials science and engineering and one of the authors of the study. Some coronavirus patients have experienced what some experts have described as levels of blood oxygen that are “incompatible with life.” Disturbingly, Suki says, many of these patients showed little to no signs of abnormalities when they underwent lung scans.
Natural viruses required time to evolve. And there is no logical reason why all of the sneaky dangerous, novel biological features should suddenly appear in a new novel virus. For example the covid trigger that does not occur in nature also has the biochemical apparatus to breach the human blood brain barrier. This enable covid to cause brain damage.
The covid spike also has a novel feature where it stops the human cell generated pain signal which is evolution’s way of getting sick people to isolate and stay in bed when they are attacked by virus. This covid feature makes people unaware that they have been infected with covid.
There will be more and more, releases, of strange novel viruses and new novel versions of the covid biological package… If the world does not stop China. Covid was manmade. The world needs to find out that fact. We need to start talking to China… To ensure there are no more release of biological packages.
China destroyed all of Wuhan lab evidence and destroyed all of the Wuhan wet market evidence. China planned and set up the wet market false origins story to confusion investigators of covid’s origins. And China killed Chinese doctors who attempted to warn people about the new ‘novel’ covid virus. China with the help of the WHO spread the lie that covid was not transmittable from person to person and allowed travel to other countries to spread the manmade virus.
The five undisputed facts are:
• COVID-19 wasn’t smoldering in the community before the epidemic broke out, as was observed with previous coronavirus epidemics.
• Despite an intense search, neither the COVID virus, nor any close relative, has yet been found in nature, unlike prior natural zoonoses. The closest viral relative is from the laboratories of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, near the epicenter of the first cases.
• The COVID virus had little genetic diversity at the outset, unlike prior natural zoonoses. It was genetically pure, like the man-made vaccines being rolled out.
• The COVID virus’s powerful infectious trigger isn’t found anywhere in its related viral group in nature but has been repeatedly inserted into viruses by laboratory scientists, including at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
• The virus was highly adapted for infection of people from the start, unlike prior natural zoonoses. Growing viruses in humanized mice is a common technique to hone their lethal abilities.
In the game of thrones… What country benefited the most from Covid? China. The US and the world has been attacked.
The Democratic party are trying to hide the covid origins answer by making it appear that they are doing the best that they can. Spending the US to death on greens scams and starting internal conflict. And sending Biden on out on pointless meet and greets.
China will face international ‘isolation’ if no cooperation on coronavirus origin probe: Jake Sullivan
Biden was pressed on the issue earlier this week.
“China’s trying very hard to project itself as a responsible and very, very forthcoming nation,” Biden said at a presser on Wednesday. “They are trying very, very hard to talk about how they’re helping the world in terms of COVID-19 and vaccines and they’re trying very hard. Look, certain things you don’t have to explain to the people of the world. They see the results. Is China really, actually trying to get to the bottom of this?”
I’ve noticed Covid deaths in Brazil seems to be the latest source of disaster stories in the MSM, out of control etc. 1/2 a million deaths sounds bad – but is it?
Well firstly this is a cumulative total over several years – the favourite tactic of covid alarmism, and the population is probably more than 215M.
Deaths have been steadily increasing in Brazil for many years, 2020 does not represent a significant departure from that increasing rate.
Just as the press went mad reporting India at their peak, they are doing the same in Brazil, I bet when all said and done, 2021 will not be a standout year for deaths in Brazil either?
The Great March continues.
A brief look at this morning’s news headlines tells us our fate.
The State of NSW is to spend $171 million of taxpayers money on creating a trail of battery recharging stations.
Whether our Premiere is aware of the reality of the EV situation or not she’s up there as the nominal “endorser” , no doubt intending to draw votes away from the Zali side of politics.
So, the nsw libl parti is spending $23 for every man woman and child in the state to create another plank in the green dream. Wow, that’s gotta be worth a lot of votes.
Perhaps “dream” is inappropriate; nightmare is more the truth.
You would think that these politicians had nothing else to do, but if they spent a moment reading the next headline they would find that Sydney has a CC, a Cocaine Crisis.
When will the madness end.
The whole country is in a drug crisis, but hey you aren’t wearing a mask “bash him”.
Day 465 of 14 days to flatten the curve!
And so it begins, QLD are making the surveillance app compulsory, you can’t by groceries as was stated on the news last night, but not in this article.
Since the 25% take up of the Gov’s surveillance app last year, zero tracing has occurred via this app.
Most readers of this blog will be cheering the removal of more of their rights.
See #28 above and it might be time for some research to see if that is actually a double dose of aps
Yep read that, Thanks. What to do, what to do.
I posted this on a thread a few days ago, page 158 to 106.$FILE/Public%20Health%20Act%202016%20-%20%5B00-k0-00%5D.pdf?OpenElement
Maybe watch comments at that Chiefio thread. Discussion getting deeper there.
“Chinese Academy of Science Nominates Wuhan Virology Lab For Prestigious 2021 Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize
June 20, 2021 | Sundance | 103 Comments”
“Chinese Academy of Science Nominates Wuhan Virology Lab For Prestigious 2021 Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize
June 20, 2021 | Sundance | 103 Comments”
Testing more
“Chinese Academy of Science Nominates Wuhan Virology Lab For Prestigious 2021 Outstanding Science and Technology Achievement Prize
June 20, 2021 | Sundance | 103 Comments”
Looks like “Conservative Tree House” pulls the moderation switch
If the moderated posts before this don’t show up you’ll have to put in front of /blog in that string after the first //
Web page not available!
Did you add the bit to the address that I took out for testing to get the full address? Moderated posts not yet up.
Item is at the top of Conservative Tree House today
A comment is made, then minutes later it has disappeared. So I make another comment and the first one pops up.
Its confirmed the virus came from the Wuhan lab
What we need is a higher level conceptual summary of the covid origin ‘issue’. Written for a general audience.
The basic concept is pieces of viruses, from different species, do not suddenly in nature join together to form a new highly infections virus, covid. Covid had the biological knowledge from day one to enable it to highly effectively infect the entire human population.
The second concept is gain of function research. Logically there is no evolutionary reason why viruses, covid (the manmade virus, WMD) should (not possible to happen naturally) suddenly have sneaky deadly features that have never been seen in nature.
Mother nature/evolution is not evil. Humans can however do evil things like design and release covid.
Covid the evil deed … Was the reason for the sudden appearance of worldwide coordinated censorship and lying. The covid plan included getting control of the mass media and the ‘ideas’/thoughts in our universities. The internet is a step away from official control.
This is a great hour presentation that explains how viruses are designed and ‘evolved’ in a lab to defeat the human immune system… Vs how Viruses evolve naturally.
Barnaby Joyce…….=. Acting Australian Priminister ! !
The Prime Minister has not handed him that power. He is in the country and is even attending parliament remotely
Actually looks like he will but possibly not until after Q time today
I’m sure I speak for Gee Aye in applauding the return of Barnaby to the Deputy leader ranks !
A little look into the Canadian medical system, for you Raving!
New paper using algorithms predicts solar activity up to 2050.
“We found that the variability in the ~11-year Sunspot Cycle is closely connected with 120-year oscillatory magnetic activity variations,” the authors summarized. “In addition, our ML model forecasts a new phase of extended solar minima that began prior to Sunspot Cycle 24 (ca. 2008–2019) and will persist until Sunspot Cycle 27 (ca. 2050 or so).” (Notrickszone)
The latest study predicts the sun is about to go nuts due to the “termination event” which basically means the NTH and STH magnetic fields will meet at the equator creating a very active solar cycle up against our weakening mag field.
Geomagnetic Excursion?
“Why Has “Ivermectin” Become a Dirty Word?”
“I was gonna tell a Covid-19 joke, but 99.87% of you wouldn’t get it.”
(Borrowed from SDA)
Same goes for the Earth’s magnetic poles. The polarity reversal could happen at any time, given the current data WRT true magnetic pole VS actual geographic magnetic pole. If the Sun’s and the Earth’s magnetic poles were to swap within a short time frame, could be most interesting for the consequences.